The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 29, 1888, Image 1

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    VOL. V.
The Oregon scout,
An independent weekly journal, issued ev
ery Friday inornlni; bv
Publishers and Proprietors.
A. K. .Tonus,
Editor. )
t It. Chaxct.y,
One copy, one year
' Six months .
. 1.00
. .75
Throe moiitos
Invariably Cash in Ailvnnco,
If In chttncf inbrcript!nu arc lint paid till
end of yatr, tuv ilollms will be rhnrgul.
Kates of advertising niadu known on, ap
plication. 53J-Correspondtnce from all parts ofjtho
country solicited. i
Adros nil communications to theOnr.fcoN
Scout, Union Oregon. j
J. A. KakinJ
Notary i'uf.le.
It. Eakin,
Attorneys at Law!
Union, Oregon
,jEfrrompt Attention Paid to Collect
Attorney at Law.
CollectinK and probate practice .peal
tics. Oflice, two doors south of pust-ojkjo,
.Union, Oregon.
Physician andSurgeoi.
Office, one door south of .1. 11. Eatti's
store, Union, Oregon. J
o. F-15KLU
Attorney at Law,
1 Ahetrnrtnr of Ti
Office State Land Office biiilduit:, ooroi
Main ami A Streets, I nion, uregon.
1 II. DAY, M. I).,
Physician ami Surged).
j-wrtn.. o.lw.if.tii.r Inline Urn's Ktnre
be found nights at tho Centennial hJl,
room iso, 'J..K
M. Bakkr. J. W.Siu:i.ton. .1. F. PAlfct
Attorneys at Law.
OFFICES Union and La Grande, Cj
gon. Special Attention given allj busings
entrusted to us.
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
OHlce, one door south of Centcnnialfc-
Notarv Public. Ex-Co. Cle.
Conveyancers and Abstractei
Abstracts to Heal and Mining proper
furnished on short notice, at reasonat
rates. I
Sales of Real and Mining property neg
tiaU'd. Collection business promptly a
tended to. .
Ottice next door south of Post-oflice. U
ion, Oregon. f
Eeal Estate km
Union, Oregon,
Has for sale on ea-v tennt. 1800 ac re:
,. ......f..
joou lanu in i nion aim isiiKeriiiiimci,
to some ciioicu iowu propi aiy.
Monev to Toiin.
Collections araifl
Agent for tlie 0. R. & N. Co
panv's Land.
Office, one door south of (Vntomiinl hot
LE f
17" T ATrl
Miss Linda Mathieus, i
(Late of Paris, Fram e.)
lag 'opened a dnMw-niaking itablishnie
llu the Dunning inn iioor norm 01
Joui)oit 6 black.niitu shop.
All Work Warranted
Give Satisfaction.
j A X. GAJIDXE11& CO.,
Watchmakers & Jewelers,
And dealers in
Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Gold
Pens, Watches Clocks,
Jewelry, etc.
Main Street, - - - - LTnion, Oregon.
On farmlands in Umatilla, Baker, Union,
Gilliam ami Wallowa counties, at 8. 0, 10
mid It percent, on live year's time.
Call on.J. II. 1UNKIIAI1T, at tho Farm
ers' Mortgage and Savinprv Hank, Summer
ville, Oregon, if you ,want money on farm
The 8 percent is on improved farm land
near the railroad in Grande Honde Valley.
lO-lH-niO, .1..II. EINEIIAliT.
City Meat - Market.
Main Street. Union, Ortgon,
Keep constantly on hand
Oi:o. Wai'.UT, ) W. T. WitinitT,
Pri-ident. Cashier.
mi l 89 j i
Docs a General Banking Business. Puys
and sells exchange, and discounts commer
cial paper.
Collections carefully attended - to, and
promptly leportcd.
All Kinds of Work Done at
Reasonable Prices.
Shop, Cor. Main and A Streets, Union, Or.
GPEEN, Propr.
1 L 4
Will hercaftcrlbo conducted at iho old
vBrj FEED.
"V- n. ir.
lienson stable ntjfe' 'court houseatul'Ljacea lmmt,(j bc.ow.
DUUllli; 1IULC1, till iUUIll DlirUk, .... ...
Excellent Facilities for Handle
ing Loose Stock.
An Abundance of Running Water in Yard,
Plenty of Hay and Grain.
Terms to
Suit the Times.
$500,000.00 to Loan on
First Class Security,
From One to Five Years Time, nt a Low
Rate of Interest, Also Itu Sells
ami Pent Property for
Non-rtsldeiits. TP
To be Invested on Guaranteed Security.
O -
A1I Collections Promptly
Vtteiuled to Without Delay.
m to Cove.
Leaves Union daily at 2 p. m, arrives at
Cove at i .SO p. m.
Leaver t'ovo at 8 a. in , arrives at Union
atU.SO a. in.
Conner tions made with Elliott's coaches
running to tho depot, carrying passengers
for cast and west bound trains.
P.OIMNSON & LAYNE, Proprietors.
This space is jnven for the use and
benefit ot our local writers of verse,
and we hope to make it a pleasing feature
of the paper. To that end contributions are
elicited, but they mu.-t poM. undoubted
literary merit to' obtain place and recogni
tion here. En.
Written for the Srolir.l
As time goes calmly on, Delia,
And passions ebb and How,
I can see in Memory's drama,
Old scenes of long ago.
They are not changed greatly, Delia,
They seem as gay and fair
As they did wficn we were actors,
And our voices echoed there.
The stage is about the same, Delia,.
Those old, old curtains swing
And I hear in my (laming fancy
The songs you used to sing.
And it holds nie still in awe, Delia,
I hear it just as plain
As if 'twere here, instead of there
That swells the iilver strain.
Yes, the old. old face is there, Delia;
The stern old face of right,
1 can sci! him vainly watching now,
For a. shadow in the night.
lint alas! no more will come, Delia,
When tho long day's work is o'er
Young forms from lields of labor;
Their voices ring no more.
And down the shadowy halls, Delia,
Fond eyes are gazing yet
That gazed when we'were playing
Such times I'll ne'er forget!
But then how childish it is, Delia,
To think of those old hours;
To walk again those pathways
Through tho bonding grass and (lowers.
And still, to recall those scenes, Delia,
AVith the voice that lent a strain
To ours, in the silent moonlight,
Is youth itself again !
Ah! fairer are thoso old scenes, Delia,
Than the finest work of art,
When the manic wand of memory
Leaves the likeness in the heart!
And sweeter is that old song, Delia,
Than the lute's most tender strain;
It shifts through all my nature
Till my heart beats free again.
And I feel my pulses throb, Delia,
With a sense ot cold regret
Though years have passed, so swiftly,
1 can't, I can't forget!
And on, down the ages, Delia,
As we drift on the foaniinn tide,
Dear Fancy will ever picture
Those scuies'on every side.
She will paint them o'er and o'er, Delia,
Her tasto is ever tine:
I will, keep them fondly in my heart
For their likeness is divine.
-li. W. II.
i 1888.)
Tho Dalles, Or, June
((iK.N'KItAl, OttDKUS, NO.
I. This regiment will assemble uni
formed and equipped for quarterly in
spection and muster, sit the time and
-ri , , . . i .
"Stall sum iion-commiHsioned sstafl.
drt'm corps, and V Co., at tho regimen
taln.-jnory at 8:0 p. m, Wednesday,
June 17, where they will be inspected
by the Colonel.
It Co., sit thuir armory sit a v. M, Wed'
ncsday, Juno 5:7, and (1 Co. at their
armory at 8 p. m Saturday, June 30,
where they will be inspected by Lieut.
Col. A. B. RoUloy.
I Co. at their armory at 8 i. m., Ksit
urday, June 'M, where they will bo in
spected bv Major F. S. Ivnnhoe,
D, E. H iiikI K Cos. at their respec
tive ariiiorieH sitS p.m., Saturday, Juno
UO, where they will bo inspected by
their company cpmmnndorn.
II. Tho attention of above inspec
tors is csillcsljo't 'ec. 47, Article 11, of
tho Militia LjavfthU State, and they
aro hereby onlprct lp,. re port to these
headquarters any Yjolaiion of this sec
tion when thoy report on tho inspec
tion; and tlioy will- camo tho eompa-1
nies they aro'i'nspoctf to go through
enough of tho 'hiiirTuil and of tho j
msirchings nnd fsicjngb. to .dcttrmino
whether this section is yeing,' violated !
or not. i4 . .4
III. Company commanders will i
make roport to these headquarters not
later than June SO, 1888, pn the enlis
ted man in theirompany who by his
attendance, proficiency 'inj; drill, num
ber of recruits, and general good con
duct, they msiy -4hink enlitled to the
Medal ollirod ini.G..O-N6. S, C. S.,
mentioning sill points in'hiV favor.
Uy order ' f '
ClU,.E, lilOHOAN,
Frank Uro's Tmplomit-Co., of 1
and City, carrjrtho largcoi stock of
standard impleinnU found in
Eastern Oregon',' TlieirWins and pri-1
cch defy competition. Mxltey always i
have on hasid extrai repairs for
goods they sU, whMt wa matter of
grat itnportanco to tiio piiuhuficr. .0
North Powder Notes.
Suno 20, R88.
Charley Hull' has rotuined.
"Nr. Ed. CharniM cut his foot badly
at the t-snv mill, Inst week.
Mr. T. F. Gmich.with sill tho friends
hoean find, are.wotkmt the loads.
Mrs. Shell lus recently rpturned
from a visit to Walk Walla, W. T.
Mrs. Dean lias boon hero canvassing
for books and met with quito good suc
cess. A valuable horse belonging- lo Mr.
Win. Reoiuud, tell dead in tho harness
at the sawmill last week.
Mr, Biowtt, of Brown cfc Fell, agri
cultural .dealers ot Baker Qity, was
horo on Friday, in tho intetcats of his
A very pleasant surprise party took
place on Saturday evening at tho res-i-donce
of Mr. Powow on tho Xorth
Powder river.
Several miners with a four horse
team pusscd hero for tho source of
Powder river, last week. They hail
from La Grande.
Mr. Harrison Wicks, of Wolf creek,
was teriously kicked by one of his
hoi-es recently, which lists laid him
up for repairs for several days.
One thousand head of cattle, the
property of Mr. McCstrfy, of Baker,
passed here, on Thursday on their way
to the ICoutnai country in Idaho.
Csiptniu White's company havelx en
invited to attend the parade in Port
land on July -It I i , with sill expenses
paid, but declines osi account of no
sirms or uniform.
Citizens met at tho North Powder
hotel last week to determine the pro
priety of holding si luiskct picnic on
July 4th. Committees were appoin
ted, but havo not yet reported.
Our base ball nine is composed of
the folloAviug gentlemen; Captain
sind pitcher, Byron Vandeear; csitcher,
Ohas. Hull1; shoit siop, G. Hohcrg! 1st
base, W. Maliery ; 2nd base, F. Shaw;
.'3d base, Soo White; left iield, R.Shsiw;
center field, W. Bowman ; right iield,
Howard Campbell. Look out for them,
they are si "crack nine" and hard to
Mr. Ramsoy the railroad tie contrac
tor, has erected a S0-horto power saw
mill, four miles above Hilirard in tho
Blue mountains. Mr. Smith of tho
Roclc creek mills, will opeiaio the
Siinie. and has si contract of suwiug
into ties and lumber 1400 acres of tim
ber. Mr. Gates, clerk at tho Rodgers
house, has accoptcd a position as time
keeper and tcaler ami will go down in
si fow days.
On Monday afternoon Mr. Jesse
Lloyd, head sawyer at Stoddard's mill
on Anthony creek, attempts d to cool
a ho.iteil o'lctilar saw while in motion,
by throwing water on it, when by care
lessness his left hand was brought in
contact with tho rapidly revolving saw,
causing a frightful hiceiution of tho
fingers and necessitating tho (imputa
tion of one s.f them-by Dr. Say lor, who
attended him.
J. W. Childers, while making rails
in tno mountains alone, sieeisicntly
caught his axe in an overhanging
limb, defecting it fiom its eouifo unci
causing the blade to peuetrato his an
kle, culling si gash some four indie
in length and severing tho anterior
tibial sirtcry stud exterior tendons of
his left foot. Ho managed to roach
Mr. Gsjoden's house sifter heveral hours,
very faint from lots of blood, when Dr.
Savior was summoned and dressed his
Sunday was a gala day in this quiet
village. Tho isieo sis iinnouneod, came
ofrbotween horses owutd by M. Levy
and D. Tomlinson, resulting in tho de
feat of the hitler's. An impromptu
race then was made and run between
Mr. Gentry's iiorto ami tint winner, in
which Mr. G's animal came in ahead.
A foot race next look place, in which
Ed. .McVeigh and "Doc" Rigg compo
tes) for tho championship. McNcigh
was toonwift for his opponent anil won
tho moo. The base ball nine prac
ticed while "K" company drilled; tin
small boys and tome men hud u pull
ing match, when night inUTfeml and
put an end to the sport. Ajax.
I'rolwibly no one thing bus cnuml such a
gcnaral revival of trade at Wright,! drug
utoro us thtir giving a way to Jjieir swU
mors of o iiimiiv free trial Lottie ( Dr.
King's Nw dUcovery for CoiiMu.pittii.
Their trade U simply enormoiui in tin. vry
valuable articltt from the fact thi it .i! vruy
euros and never dLuppulut-. H,jghj,
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cruiip and a'l
throat and lung disease (im Ulv eurid
You c an test it before binnn; bv : ltin u
trial bottle I ec large m, i $) J '. rv b ittlo
" v .
t'ove ('ailing
Juno 2S, ISSS.
A platform is being built mur Kns-.
4tl w.ll be a feature of the day.
i ne v inc esuo conu'mpiaie
entt ring
a nine in
in tlie grsuul base bah tourim-.
moot to
o Ikj Isehl in Laker city next,
Mrs. Anna Salisbury and daughter,
of New Yoik state, aio visiliiiL' Covo
nciniaintances. She will be joined by
her husband in the fall and they will
locate either in Osegon or Caliiornist.
Prof. O. L. Waifol, late of Leighton
Afsideniy, has purchased a half inter
est in one of the oldest and best estab
lished schools i:i Oakland, Cal., and
has already taken up his icsidcnco in
that city. '
Tho secretary of the Cove Dairy Co.
extends an invitation to vi.-i'.ois froni
abroad, attending the cuobralion, to i
visit Hair factory in tho northern, part I
of town. They will take ph asuto in 1
showing callers through the instilu-;
j lion and tho various processes for)
i nianufaeturiiiL' cheese and butter. !
It seems i robable that, then- will be
many more people in Cove the Fourth
than ever he-lore, and it is hoped that
all visitors fro-u abroad, in pauicular,
will bo treated to a dinner becoming
tho occasion. Tho committee have
been unable to call in person on resi
dents in some of the neighboring lo
calities, but in the inteiests of a spiead
ample for the leqitiremeiits of every
one who may bo piesent, especially"
invito all to bring well filled baskets.
Tho following is an oulliuo of Iho
program for 'he Covo celebration:
The boys and girls selected to lepre
Kent tho states smd territories will meet
at the public school building sit 1, A.
M the piocissinu will stsirt i lomplly
at 10, under tho direction of O. Eek
cHy, Esq., marshal of the d;.y, and
inarching to Sam. Bli.oms lesidcnco
will meet tho Union Cornet band.
Thelino wf inaicli will then be through
town and to the Ascension M-hool
grove where will bo held the u--uid ex-
ereites, consisting ot addre.-.-is, read
ing of declaration, music, etc. .V b;ir
bictie dinner' will follow on tables pre
piued for the purpose in the giovo.
Immediately after, the black-l-ii'd wing
shooting match will take place, on tho'
base ball gioitnsls, (on
man, K yards rise for 12 bore, guns,
18 yards for 10 boles, hhitrailco fuo
ijii.00, birils exclusive, jitirsi to be di
viil.d into 40, HO, 20 and KJ her cent
prizes, clat-s bhooting. At tho s-on-elusiou
of the shooting the tccond
mutch game of bsiscball will laki- jilnej
hetweon the Cove and La Grande
clubs, the score in tho first contest
being 12 to 1 1 in favor of Iho latter
nine. The pis-sent gamo promises to
eipially cl so and exciting. -A purse
will be presented the winners. Fob
lowing will be some races lor purses,
eoiispicuous among which will ho tho
fat man's race. About 8:.'J0 a largo
fireworks balloon will bo sent up and
soon after a lligbt of fireworks lasting
ono hour. The slays festivities will end
with a gi'.tnd ball at the hall,
The modes of death's approach are
various, and statistics thowconchnive
ly that more people tlie from dboaseH
of the throat and lungs than any other.
It is piobablc that everyone without
exception, rs eiives vast numbers of
tubercle g-Tins into the system and
where these germs fall upon suitable
soil they taii into life ami develop, sit
Jirsl slowly anil is shown by si slight
tickling scmaljon in the thioal and if
allowed t continue theirVavugi s they
extend to (he lungs producing con
sumption and to the head, causing ca
tarrh. Now all this is dangerous and
Hallowed to j rs.ceod will in time cause
death. At the omtot you must act
with promptness; ullowing'u cold to go
without attention is dangerous and
may lose you your life. As toon as
you feel that something is wrong with
your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain si
bottle of Uoschee'b Gorman Syrup. It
will give you immediate relief,
isuaci: ui
You tiro feeling depressed, your nppetito
is poor, you are botlierud with Iliiiiiachii,
you are Hgt'tly, nervous, ami generally out
of sorts, and waist to nit.u-i: up. llraco up,
wit ,; yr Patronage? Frank
N, which have for their basU M-ry "' '"l'leinent V 0 , lslul1
ad whi.kev. and wide. i.Zil!1 consideration of their
but nut
or bittern
cheap, bud whltUcy, and which stimulate
you for sin hour, tiiisl then leave yqu In
worse condition than before. What you
want U an ultmiwtlvo that will purify your
blood, start healthy action of Liver nnd
Kidney, reMore your vitality, and give re-in-WBtl
himlth nnd strength. Such a inodl--hi.
u will llnd in Electric Bitters, ami
only Ui-eiit a boit. it Wright's 'ruuttorii,
I a. n, onto. ,
Copp'.s Land lie view.
w..,.,,,.'i!!l. ' '
lr.,..l, ;....,... i
June 22,'SS.
foro . wh;h ;g
i most interested, sve those
relating to
contemplated forfeitures of- railrosid
i grants and tho proiiosed c
grants anil tho proposed chauges in
tho ino-omption, homestead smd tim
ber culture laws.
With respect to the former, both
houses-doifiro to fake sp:rte kind of ac
tioi(.but'n wide diilerence of opinion
sm (d tho.e.xtent of t)ie forfeitures lo bo
'deehued is ontertaimnl by tho mem
bers of tho jiotiso of Representatives
and Senate, anil in fact by tho several
members of tho respective bodies.
Tho. Senate proposes to only
stteli lands as lio opposite the lines of
raihoiids not Jyet completed, permit
ting the grantees to take all hinds op-
i posito and coterminous with complet
ed portions of tht road, whether tho
lines were constructed prior to or after
the expiration of thoporiods prescribed
by thy granting acts, for tho 'complet
ion of the same. " ,
, In 'the House the proposition to for
feit entirely, all railroad- giants whoro
the whole lines wen) not constructed
within tho statutory period, is very
I his is: an extreme measure to winch
IllO uss'otlt of tho Ssiimte. ns now con-
lituted, will not be given, and ono
fwhich, in tho opinion of eminent law-
! yt;rs, Would not . ho plained by tho
courts, oven if enacted at si huv, Tiio
restspii for this belief, is- that it' would
ljo,iui attempt to disturh TCSted rights,
and that tho go'vernmont having failed
to doclaio it forfeiture of grants at tho
cxpiraltoh of tho'iieriosl fixed by law,
witliitt whicli the' lines should be eom
ple'tceVcnnuQt tako advantage of tho
laehdf.tho grantees after having se
cured tho, lionelUs which it was expec-tcd-woUld'
by derived from tho grants.
In'shprt, that the grants and thoir ac
'e'eptance, cous,t)lMo contracts, binding
alike uorj both parties tho grantee
rph(ractorXsin'd tjie governmonl (pro
pfiiitqr) by whiclt the former under-
i took U) perforin certain things within
its s'p'cciliod tune for a consideration
! - . ., .in. . ii . . . . .
nauieii, j pin. mo grantee, naving
failed to i(;rfortu his part within tho
.t!(nQ. risked "si .forfeittuo of his grant
and' tho Jiovcrninont miirht. at tho
n - -
cich-iinit'i l"vo declared a forfeiture and
i-ejuscd 'to psiy.the consideration.
'Vritatth'o government having failed
tsVtivlio, advimtag'J of the forfeituro
clsUe'in the grant at tho time tho
la$u: centred and having permitted
Uio g'r.iptoo to e'Qnstrnct the lino out
m'jtiiri'o, mid having ace'ejfted tlie same.' '
lliiB-cmidoned tho faultor laches of tho
grantee ivnd is estopped from claim
ihjii reversion of the hinds by virtuo
of'tllo forfeiture clause in tho erant.
j linp'rtant changes in tho pre-emp-i
tisi'tiC' homestead and tinibor-culturo
"laws dro contemplated by what m
1 Knowii as tho llohunti hill, now pond-
Jhg bolero tho house, Jn fact, it con
tains provisions which, if enacted into
law, viil change, more or less, all ox
istiyg hiwa relating to tho difc)otal of
pitbluS hijids. ' It repeals tho pro-omp-tioii,
and timber-culture laws and por
initg tho disposal pf agricultural lands ,
onljj. under the homestcid law, inj
wliich law numerous .chaiik't's aro nra
posed. 1 It provides for the. cliissilicfti
tion of the public lands into els
to bo'dcEignutod as agricultural, tii
bor. mineral, desert and reserved lail
ami prescribes methods of pr6ccedil
to procure title to each of tiio class
Tho diseussion of tiio Mills' tariff
ami the consideration oi tno tippil
pnutions, lor ttio euhtieiug (iscal ycil
will occupwtho renistindcr sif tho prn
out Session of congrcf?, and I R-aril
nous ino prouiniciii, uiciuiiers oi oouii
homes that si railroad- forfeituro liill
ami (lie Holman hill cannot passJioth
hou&6 before next winter. Peoplo
nitorosted in tho pre-emption nnd tim-ber-o
ul tnro lawn may lOly on this in
formiitiou, HENRY. IT. COPP.
Why buy from imigrating agents oi
whom ypu know nothing, eithorof their
responsibility or the eharectcr of thoir
goodswhen there uro responsihlo deal
ers located near you, who curry full
I and complete lines of all farm and mill
ninciiineiy ami nnpicnionts, and whoso
biiecess it is for your best Interests to
claim, nud refer you to your neighbors
who havo hud dealings with them. U
H, II. Aylcs, proprietor. Manufac
turer of butter barrels uhd kegs. A.
goexj supply Hlwuys on hatul, fthop
south of school home, Union, Qreppt