The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 15, 1888, Image 8

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    BP !J$i Ep3
Agency for
Norwegian Plows, Feed Mills, Disc Ilarrows, Cultivators, Seeders and Drills, Hacks, Buggies and carriages of all descriptions.
as iron wheels. The teetli tire made of
Is the latest achievement of mechanical
genius. Enclosed gear, front cut, sim
ple and durable. Absolutely no
side draft nor lost motion. .
Call id Exainme it Before Mmi
F. M. SLOGUM, Agent,
iii nil 1 1 ii ! i ii r m rn hi run i mw iiiii irnniriTriwrwm
Itcv. .Jom-s' Correction.
Emtou Scout
Jn the Gazette of May Jlth, the edi
tor, Mr. Eel-ley, undertook to net forth
a littlo talk that took placo oulwccn
Mrs. Malloy and myself, in which he
did not represent the faetH in the ease.
From what wan said both in t ho Ga.
ctto and Journal tho rcadorB of those
paperB would naturally come to the
conclusion that I introduced points of
doctrine, without cause, that were of u
disturbing nature. Tho cause of my
Haying anything at all way. that Mrs.
Malloy had Mr. Watson to call on me
to lead in prayer. Not believing the
proceeding!' to be in harmony with the
teachingH of Christ and his ApostleH
I asked to bo excused, when Mrs. Mal
loy approached mo and insisted that I
Bhould proceed, but I still declined.
She then began to tanlalizo and nbuso
me in u very unkind and unchristian
manner for pretending to bo a Christ
ian, and not being willing to pray, and
"continued her talk until after Mr.
Watson had concluded his prayer, for
ho led himself. Afterward I asked to
speak u word, which was granted. J
then ptoceeded to explain my reasons
for declining. 1 gave some reasons,
then read Acts 2: '7-118 to show what
tho Apostles taught. Just at this
point iibong was started, evidently to
bring me to my pent, at tho conclusion
of which Mrs. Malloy proceeded to
givo mo and my brethren another
going over, and said we "wore like tish,
could not. livo six months outof water,"
to which I made no reply. So 1 wish
it to bo understood that I did not nay
or do anything for tho purpose of dis
turbing tho meeting, but only m ilo
fenso of myself and what I believed to
be tho truth. I will now givo you the
article just as 1 gave it to Mr. Kckley.
lie waid at tho timo ho had no object
ion, to it.
Last week tho Gazette undertook to
set forth a-little talk (not controversy)
that took place between Mrs. Malloy
and myself. It says: "Mrs. Malloy
called on one of tho good brothers of
tho Christian church to pray and the
aforesaid good brother took occasion to
(ilo his objections to tho way things
were being run and picsent what ho
considered tho latest appioved method
of going to Heaven."
The Gazette was a little mistaken.
I did not present any "Into method of
going to Heaven," either approved or
disapproved, but simply read Acts 2:
!l7-!lb. Now I do not regard that as a
'late appioved method," hut then it
wns under the last and final commis
sion of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus
Christ, which commission was carried
out by his Apostles under the direct
influence of the Holy Spirit. Other
method may lead people into a. stato
of delusive happiness but will never
take them to Heaven If tho people
want to know what to do to be saved
lot them go to tho word of tho Lord,
for tho Father said "hear yo lliin."
Then J would request all who read
this article to read tho following Scrip
tures: Mark 1(5: 15-1(1; Luko 21: dfi
f.O; John : (".; Acts 2: :i7-:t8-U ; Acts
8:12; also lift to 10th vomi; please
road all of tho tenth chapter of Acts;
Acts 1(5: 0-a-l j Acts 5): 0-18; 1st Peter
: 21 and Bov. 22: 11. This is tho
Scripturo quotations just as 1 gavo
them to Mr. Kekley, and tho following
is tho perverted way that he gave them
to tho readers of tho Gazette:
Mark It! lit : : : Luko "2 l". l7-f)0
John!t:2 Acts 2x117. .118. :: U. ? S S
12 aUo2f)-l0. please read all tho tenth
ohaptorYf Acts. Acts Acts it 1st Peter
10 29 !M- -IMS I1-21 and HUJ Bov. 22.
:11 ote. etc.
When I went to Mr. Eckley about
it ho Hiiri ho did it on purpose, and
for the purpose of rendering mo ridic
ulous in the eyes of the people. After
his treating me in this way, ho then
refused to lot mo make a statement,
which to mo teems both cowardly and
ungujitlemuuly. 1 dislike to bo oom
pcilUhl to spaak Tp plainly but then 1
think thu vhcmiittiuu'ivt demand it.
J. A. Jonks.
Tin: Ukst S.u.viMn tho world for Cuts,
llruUw, Son-, IMuor, Bait Hlicutn. Fever
Borei, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain
Co ran. ami all Skin Kruptlons, ami positive
ly curo I'lUw, or no pay required. Ills
Kuaraiucwl to givo perfect satisfaction, or
jnouoy refunded. Price Do rents per box. i
Eorroit Scoot
The hattlo is over, tho smoke cleared
away, and I am now content to hum
bly Mibmit to the result, and say with
Longfellow, that:
"The mills of Clod grind slowly,
Yet thev grind exceeding small:
Though with patience he stands waiting
With exactness grinds he all."
I find tho political mills grind very
slowly, and that they grind out some
very small principles, and a great
many disappointments.
1 find now that a man's owns esti
mation of himself is not 'Universally
accepted by the public mind as cor
rect, and in most cases it is overrated.
Still tho people begin to ilock around
and shake hands, express their regret,
and ofl'or their sympathy, but sympa
thy is not ii very satisfactory consola
tion under tho circumstances it re
quires something more substantial.
Many a fancy and anticipation have
been playfully harassing my mind,
and 1 have stretched my old rheumatic
limbs in involuntary surprise at the
brilliant speech I would make on tho
lloor of the Mouse, and of tho wiso
legislation of the old farmer represent
ative from Union county, and bow my
fame and name should "spin forever
down the ringing grooves of change,"
like that of Caesar, Napoleon or Cleve
land, but the people do not seem to
have sudieient confidenco in my legis
lative ability to materialize those deli
cate fancies tho natural ofl'spiing of
llatteied pride, and so, honest demo
crat that 1 am, I will quietly take a
back seat, and resort to tho quietude of
"my mountain homo" for consolation,
and feast on tho delicious odors of yel
low roses and buttermilk, whilo the
wide wwrld goes on with its grand po
litical transfigurations and progress!
Hefore closing, however, 1 wish to
say to the unsuspecting few, who have
been st uired by maliciously inclined
persons, that 1 have duo respect for all
religious denominations, whether it be
Methodist, Catholic, Presbyterian or
ICpiseopalian, and that tho reports cir
culated by the shallow headed, ivory
toothed, imported Catholic priest, and
some of his adherents, are utterly false,
and have no foundation, whatever, in
regard to my infidelity to religions.
Any man that pretends to boa mor
al guide and instructor to man, and
who endeavors to set an example for
people to goby, that will resort to po
litical calumny and falsehood, is no
man, and is not worthy the respect of an
American citizen, and only a tool actu
ated by the lowest inlluenee in the
world. Why my reverend friend, priest,
how can you leave that exalted posi
tion of yours, as a guiding star and
benefactor to mankind, and put your
littlo fingers, with tho Bible at their
ends, into the vile pot of political
slander and falsehood? Can old Pius
N III wash that spot out of existence
when that crumped, selfish, biased, ig
noble soul of yours is brought to him
for inspection? Or will it have to re
main another slur on the blood-stained
history of Catholicism! Great Scott!
If 1 couldn't hold tho reins of the po
litical procession, 1 would not stoop so
miserably low us to carry grease for
tho political chariot wheels and bear
tho detestable title of tar-buckot. And
moreover, if 1 could hold the position
of a Catholic priest, the next highest
position to the devil. I would order
genuine manna from headquarters to
feast on, and not be dependent on lo
publieun twenties for subsistence; 1
would havo water from tho bosom of
Galileo to wash in, and not bathe my
cramped rheumatic limbs in Republi
can praise; 1 would chant the Psalms
of David and tho teachings of Jesus in
the old, old Syriatyuul not corrupt my
tonguo with tho intricate technioali
itics of Ivopublieanism!
You certainly don't hold your posi
tion in very great reverence t And
neither do I, for u man that will de
ceive people, morally, and follow it for
tv business; take the last hard-earned
dollar front a tottering old man, and
laugh to his back, at his ignorant zeal,
for what he takes us true from your
mouth, and what really is the grossest
deceit, holds tho lowest, detestable,
corrupt, ignoble, infamous position
that a thing bearing the title of "hu
man" can posibly hold. V
Now, ui friend, if you intend to livo
on the chicken and chanty of the pco-
Thimble and Steel Skein, Tubular. Channel bar and Iron Axles.
, Guaranteed tp be tho Lightest Running and Most Durable wagon manu
factured. A Warranty Accompanies Each Wagon Sold.
For Printed Matter, Descriptive of tho above Machinery, etc, Address:
plo, and continuo your profession, 1
would advise you to study the Ten
Commandments, and commit to mem
ory the !Hh, which says, "Thou shalt
not lie," and if it don't cover sulli
ciont grounds to keep you in the
bounds of right, 1 suggest an addition
all 1th to the effect that "thou shalt
not indulge in political calumny," and
if that won't do, you should deliver up
your "honorable" Priesthood to the
Pope, and from the delicate whiteness
of your teeth, 1 would advise you to
choose the profession of a dancing
master. You would certainly succeed
in that, for you would not have to use
your weary brains any ; just use your
feet and show your exquisite teeth;
perhaps they bear tho delicious odor of
spice and the fragrant perfumes of tho
groves of India yet, whilo tho poor old
elephant sleeps calmly beside the llow
eiy banks of tho Ganges.
Truly vours,
notici: to sT)CKiior,ii:i:s.
To stockholders of the Union billing Co:
You are hereby notified that the annual
meeting of tho stockholders of tho Union
Milling Company will bo hold at thoolllcoof
It. Eakin it Itro., in Union, Oregon, for tho
purpose of electing a board of directors for
tho ensuing year, and for tho transaction of
such other business us shall properly come
before tho meeting, on Monday, tho 2nd
(lav of Julv, 1888.
Bated this 2nd day of June, 18S8.
(Ho- Secretary. '
The Newton farm and spring wag
ons, Standard mowers and rakes and
all kinds of farm implements con
stantly arriving, and on hand, at tho
above named depot. Farmers and in
tending purchasers should call and ex
amine the same beforo purchasing elso
where. Prices low, and all goods war
ranted. For circulars address F. M.
Slocuni, manager, liox 113, Union, Or.
Thomson & Pursel are agents for
tho celebrated Cyclone WindMill, and
us the prices on them have been great
ly reduced they mo now within the
reach of all. Sample mill to bo seen
at their planer in North Union. Call
mid examine it.
'tTt&t.. par;
Cornucopia, Union county, Or.
K. C WAIUNNKU, Prop'r.
The only first class liouho In tho camp.
No pains spared to niako guests comforta
ble. Charges Reasonable.
Obtained, and all Patent Uusiness attended
to Promptly ami for Moderate Fees.
Ourotllce is opposite the U. S. Patent
Olllce, and wo can obtain Patents in less
time tlmn those remote from Wasoingtou.
Send MOUKLor DKAWINO. We advise
as to pantentabilily free of charge; and we
We refer, here, to tho Postmaster, the
Sunt, of Money Ordor Div., and to olticials
of tho U. S. Patent Olllce. For circular,
advice, terms and rell'orcncos to actual cli
ents hi your own State or County, writo to
C. A. SXOW & Co..
Opposite, Patent Olllce, Washington, 1). C
$50 TO $100
On the purohvto of an Instrument, by
buying through W. T. WKKUIT,
. Agiut, Union. Oregon.
Trains arrive and depart from Union
daily, as IoIIoas:
Passenger. No. 0, L'vc
at 1 :f,2 a. m.
vi:st iuiunii.
Passenger,, L'vc
at 3:2!) p. m.
Freight. No. 15, L'vc
at :!:(() p. in.
Freight. No. L've
at 2:4.) a. in.
TlfK'KT's to and from principal points
1 iivl, i o tll(J Suited .States, Canada
and Kuropo.
Elegant PS1I1a" Cars.
Emigrant Sleeping Cars I!un Through
on Kxpros Trains to
and ST. PAUL
Free of Charge and Without Change.
Close connections at Portland for San Fran
cisco and I'ugct Sound points.
For turthcr particulars impure of any
Agent of tho Compiinv or of A. L. -Maxwell,
(!. P. AT. A., Portland. Oregon.
Leaving at 12 Midn't.jL'v'ng Sp.ear st. wh'
as follows: at 10 a.m. as follows:
Oregon. Mmi May 2SK
ol'a. Sun., Mav 27
Columbia Fri. June 1
State. Tuesday ,, .r
State, Tuesday ,. ."II
Oregon, Mou. Juno t
Oregon. S,.t. ,, !l
lumbia, Fri.
Columbia. Wed ,, l.'i
State, Sunday 17
Oregon. Thurs. ,, 21
State. Tue
Oregon, Sat.
Columbia. Wed. ,. 20
Columbia, Mou. ,,
State, Friday ,,
Uaio, Sunday ,, 24
C'on Tbur. ., 2S
Oregon. Tucs. July ak
ohunbia Mon Julv 2
. -
The company reserves the riu'h. to change
s I II If I 'l .-Ml ll I i I , lilt
W. H. HOLCOMll, ! A. L. MAX W I'LL,
(ici.M Manager. I . P. it T. A,
II L. DKAC'IN AL-ont I'nion.
Tlio Wcit Shore la tho only Illustrated maga
zlno published on tho l'aclilc coast, nnil nsido
from its excellent literary feature, its object Is
to convey Information, by both (icn and jiencil,
of tho great resources of this regtoii, and tho
progress of their development.
Sjecial Illustrated articlen nppear In each
Issue. ; also, several pages of notes of th? pro
gress being tnado in every section. Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, Utah,
California, llrlllsh Columbia, and tho Pacific
Northnct In general, are being Illustrated.
The subscription price is only $2.S0. It is not
only tho cheapest illustrated magazine in tho
United States, but contains articles and en.
cravings of great Interest to every resident of
this region, which can not bo found In any
other publication.
Subscribers for 18S3 rccclvo a largo supple
ment every month. Tho first one is a beauti
ful oleograph of tho " Kntranco to the Colum.
bia Hiver," printed In r.Ino colors, and cacti
of tho others represents some feature of onr
sublime scenery. Tho supplements are alone
vrorth more than tho price of the magazine.
Try it for tSSS, and after reading, send It to
your friends elsewhere. You will find it both
entertaining and Instructive
L. SAMUEL, Publisher,
171-173 Second St., Portland, Oregon.
notjci: or ror.FHiTi
Countv of Union, State of Oregon,
To W. 11. (''reed. Thomas Kitch, L. Phi
mauor, J. Hurley and T. N. Snow :
You and each of you arc here
by notified that wo havo expended
oho hundred dollars in labor and
Improvements upon the "Laura Johnson''
quartz milling claim. This claim Is situa
ted in Gran-to mining distr'et in Union
countv , Oregon, about int half mile ubovo
tlieani-tr.i ot Win. Ilorper, on the right
tmuL iif l!k i-riM.l: iinii i rl,'.
it. it V claim, as will am car by ccrtill
. cate f l.i.-.ition and anii uded locution tiled
I Angus: 2lst and SeplemlHV 1st. lftiutho
, elllic ot the distriit rci Midcr of ui(t dis
trict, in ord.M' to hold saul pieinisos under
the prol.tonsof Section 2t2t, re vised Mat
utcs of the Uuitcil States, being the amount
required tiChold the same for the year en
dlug Dee. itlst, 1S87, and if within niiiety
days .sftir this notice yt.u fail or refuse to
contribute your proportion of the expendi
ture us a co-owner, jvnr intcrcxt in mtid
claim will Uvouie the proHrty of the ub-
scriliurs. under SId srrti.iu.
DmUhI till lJih dav o .1. ls
Mi:. l l ! P wr.
W T WltlGHT.
fig THE
1 West Shore
the finest quality of steel, tempered in
oil, and each one thoroughly tested
before leaving the shop.
Easy to Operate. To See it is to Buy it.
Union, Oregon.
Lanu Oitick at La Ghaniii:, Oki:oon )
.hum 2, 18Ss. J
Notice is hereby given that tho following
nnmed settler has tiled notice ot his Inten
tion to make tinal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La (iriilide,
Q.cgon.on Julv 13. 1W. viz: FRANCIS
FA V It 10, Hd. No. 22211. for the K1. SffM,
and WW NK'. See ,'!2 Tp. 5 S I! -10 K, VM.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
this continuous residence upon, and culti
' vation of, said land, viz: Jasper Mitchell,
W. II. Ilutrman. T. Ii. Juhion and Wal
lace C. llinkloy. all of Telocaset, Oregon.
(i-8-w(! ltegister.
Land Omen at L (iiiAM)i:, Onroox,)
Mav !, l.s-8. i
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has liled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will he made be
fore tho register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on June 2.", 1838. viz: SAMUKL
VANOHDHlt. 1). S. No 7.!:!'), for the F.$
'of SKJ4 and SW'4 SF,i Sec. 3. Tp. C S, It.
11 H, lie names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: John Van
order. William Iloiles, Wallace I.oiles, and
Joseph Vanorder, all of Union, Oregon.
llK.NltV KlNl'llAUT,
o-ll-wG. Register.
'otick ov iou.ri:iTimi:.
Cornucopia. Oregon, March 2S. 1SSS.
To George Benson and John Ilallct:
You are hereby notilicd that we. yow c(
owners in the claim or mine known as the
"lilue IIom'" claim, situated in the I!aioii,
extentiou of tho "Queen of the West.'' and
have expended one hundred dollars in as
sessment work for the jour IS.S7, on said
claim, as required by law, and if von fail to
contribute your po'rtiun of said amount
within ninety days irom date of service by
publication of th'is notice, your interest in
said claim will become iho property of the
undersigned co-owntr- as provided in wc
tion 2."2 1 revised statutes U.S.
1-0. O. S. ALI.LN,
Land Okiici: at L Guandk Okkuox,)
.May 10, ISS.s. f
Notice i.s'hereby given tlia't the following
named settlers have filed notice of their in
tention to make final proof in support of
their claims, and that said proof will be
mado before the register and La
Grande. Oregon, on June 20, iSSS, vi; J.
V. LKKP, lid. No. 211!. for the W hlf.
NH qr.. NV qr. SKqr. and N I qr. NW qr.
Sec. .), Tp. S S, It. Hi K. JOHN S. CUIHIY.
lid.. No. 21.11. for the K hlf. SW qr. and V
till. M'. qr. Ml. .Hi, Tp. i S, Ii. 4.) 1. ami
KDWAUI) STKKl.MAN, lid. No. 21STi, for
the K hlf. N V. ir. Sec (1, Tp. S S. and U hlf.
sic qr, Sec 31. Tp. 7 S, K. 4(i K. They name
tho lollowing witnesses to prove their con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said.laud, viz: Charley Stewart, John S.
Curry, S. V. Lcep, Thndeus I.cep and 10.
Stccliaan, all of Pine Valley, Oregon.
5-lS-wtl. Itejrister.
Laki Ok kick at La Ouanhk, Orkook,)
April .HO, 18SS. f
Notice is hereby given that tho following
named settler has filed notice of his
Intention to commute ami make final
proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before
the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on June It, IfcSS, viz: JAMKS H.
K1GGS, lid. No. 'WS for tho XU of SKW,'
and SK4' of SK'4" See HO, and NK qr. of NIC
qr Sec. 32, Tp. 1 N. of It. .Til K. W. M. lie
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resilience upon, and cultivation
of said land, yiz: Rudolph Hug Sr., Ru
dolph A. Hug Jr., Prank Harney and Jacob
Hug ,Ir all of Suminerville, Oregon,
JIknky Binkiiaut,
5-l-wt Kegister.
La.nh Okkick at 1a flHxir.. Oiikoo.v. )
May 10, 1SSS. f
Notice is hereby given that tho following
iiaineil settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make linal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will bo mado bo-
ore the rogister and receiver at Ut tininde,
Oregon, on June 211, lSs.s, vjz. WILLIAM
MILUS. Hd. No. 40a. for tlis S hlf. N K qr.,
NKqr NKqr. Sec. Ill nnil SW qr. NWqr.
Sei. Tp. 7S, It. II H. He dmes tin
following wittHMMM to prove his continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, vu: William M, Favorite and
George W. Mathis, of Baker City. Oregon;
Mathew Denn. of Keating, Oregon, and
Patrick 11. Miliu, of Medical Springs, Or.
1 1 ICS. it Y,
ft-lS-wa Pegintcr.
ISstray Horses."
Two brown vaddle hore, about 12 or 13
baud hijh,braiidel on the shtiulder with
aprinjr eat hook ; ,tL... unc u ,u hnne bran
ded with ,IH ihig'i .unit ivl ui shoul
der ; has ent (n Irv loot, owner cm rind
whertaMits bv rabmg at this i fHic and
p.ixleg f..r id s notue.
Lanii Office at La Guaniik, OhehonJ
May 0. 1888.
Notice is hereby given that' the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made he
fore the register and receiver at La, Grande,
Oregon, on June 27, 1888, viz: HOItACB
A, KATON, I). S, No. 7011, for the NK
N WH. SK'f NW!4 and NK qr. SW qr. Sets.
7, Tp. 7 S, U. 4'5 P. ILi names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of, said land,
viz: Newton Jones and Samuel llutton, of
Keating, Or., and John Oliver and Joseph
Squires, of Union, Oregon.
B-ll-wO Register.
Land Orni i: at La Giundh, Oacuox, 1
May 10, 1S88. f
Notice is hereby given tha't the following
named sutler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore tho register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on June 2Sth . 1S8S, viz. JOHN
VAUGIIAN, I), S. No. SIS1, for tne E hlf.
NWqr.jind N hlf, NKqr. Sec 32, Tp. 3S,
1!, 40 K, lie names tho following witness
es to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of, said land, viz: K. Tay
lor, Frank Uos'j, of Union. Or. .1.1'. Phy,
of Cove, Or. and John Poyd, of Union, Or,
Hknky Kinuiaht,
6-18-wf! ItcgiMor.
Land Omen at La Guanoe, Okeoox.)
May 21, 1838. f
Notice is hereby given that the Pillowing
named;scttlcr has liled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on Julv Kith, 1SS8. viz: JOHN
OLA11K, 1). S. No. 8120, for tho NK qr. Sec.
1, Tp. 8 is, It. 4.") K. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi- 3
deuce upon, and cultivation of. said land, '11
viz: .1. W. Chandler. II. W. Fowler. A.
W. Mot.ev and J.S. Currv, all of Pine Val
ley, Or,
fl-2o w; ltcgistcr.
Tlnilicr Lniut, Act .Mum R, 1878 Notice
for l'tililivatioii.
U. S. Laxd Oki'icu, La Gicxdh, Oiukion-,)
AprilO, 1888. ;
Notico is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of .luuo ii, 1S78, entitled "An act for the salo
of timber lands in tho States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo
ry," WILLIAM KCCLHS. of Telocaset,
County of Union, State ol Oregon, has this
day liled m this ofllce his sworn statement
No", 10, for the purchase of the SK'qr. of
NWqr. and K hlf. SW qr. and SW qr.
SK qr. of Section No. 7, in Township No.
OS, llange No. 38 K. W. M, and will ofTcr
proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for ag
ricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the register and
receiver of this olllce at La Grande, Ore
gon, on Monday the 0th day of Julv, 1888.
He names ns witnesses: Adam Nelson,
Jacob Stanbaugh, Win. L. Purrows and
John Stodard, all of Telocaset, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abo've-dcscribed lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or hefore said
9th day of July, 18S8,
4-13-wlO .Register.
Lash Office atLaGiundk, Ouf.oon,)
June 12, 1883. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore tlie register and receiver at La Grande.
Oregon, on Julv 27th. 1838, viz: JOHN
HANSON, 1). S. No.MlO.fortho N'4 KWJ
SK' SWJ4' and SW'4 SK'4 Spc. 31. Tp. 5
S, It. 41 K, W. M. Ho names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residenco
upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz:
Isaac Haller, Cyrus H. Prescott, W. II.
Hullnian and George W.- Frasicr, all of .
Telocaset, Oregon, w,
HK.vitY RixKiiAitT, yp
C-15-wC Register.
In the County court of Union county,
State of Oregon
In themattcrof tho partnership cstato
of A. L. Saunders, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
siuned. administrator of the tiartnorshin es
tate of A. L. Saunders, deceased, did, on
the 23rd day of Mav. 18SS. Ille hi the ibovo
entitled court, his tinal account of his ad
ministration of said estate, and that Tues
day the 3rd day of July. 18.-8, at tho hour
of one o'clock i. t. of said day has been ap-
nointed as tin- timo nnil tho court r OO III at
the court house in the city of Union, Union
county, State of Oregon, has been duly JP H
pointed as itic place, ov me county j"""
of Union countv. State" of Oregon, to hear
objections, If any, to said account, and to
.!..-.,..., if...... ...1,.,, I ffnnl nifOUtlt
should not be settled, the administrator po I
uiscimrguil iroio ins irusi, hum uis r..-.-
on his undertaking be exonerated from l
further liabllitiy thereon. . iv
Dated at Union, Oregon, on this 2Mb day
of May. 1S8S. DaVMD T. ALLKN.
J . It. Outus. Adminhtrator.
Attv for A.lio'r. lrl I