OREGON SCOUT.i .telegraphic. JONES A CHAHCEY, Pnbliikers. vsiojt. eRRoei. Silver, generally a very desirable metal, isa Bourco of great annoyance in tho manufacture of white lead, for if present in an appreciable quantity it spoils tho'color of the finished pro duct, owing to the well-known black ening effect of light upon tho salts of jilver. Sunflowers are now used in Wyo ming Territory for uel. Tho stalks when dry aro as hard as maplewood and mako a hot fire, and the seed heads with tho seeds in aro snid to burn better than tho best, hard conl. An acre of sunflowers will furnish fuehfor one stove for a year. While George Newby, aged twonty one, Mary Wilson, aged seven, and Emily Wilson, aged five, and a man named PerkinB wero attempting to cross a small stream in tho Ogden Canon, near Salt Lake, in a boat, they were swept over Wilson's dam and all except Perkins drowned. The three Ewing brothers, of Iiw renccburg, Ind., wcro born at tho same timo fifty-four years ago. They are Baid to bo tho oldest, largest and best looking triplets in the United States. Abel weighs 225 pounds, Joshua 213 and Putnam 2-18 pounds; total, 710 pounds. A lady toachor of music in Ontario County, New York, inserted her pro fessional card in ono of tho county nowspapers. It was seen by an old lover in Chicago, who at onco hunted her up, explained his absence of a quarter of a century and married her. It pays to advertise. The latest "cattlo queon" of tho "West is Miss Kitty Wilkins, of Idaho, a tall blonde, twenty-threo years of ago, a lino horsowoman, and a dead shot. Though called tho cattlo queen, sb a matter of fact horses aro her apccialty, and sho owns no less than eight hundred, besides thousands of cattlo. John Coi.aiN,of Hartford City, Ind., is tho possessor of four young foxes that havo been adopted by a cat on tho premises, that seems to manifest as much maternal solicitude and motherly fondness for them as though they were her own Tho foxes h ive accopted tho situation in a spirit of meekness, and aro seemingly satisfied. A can of naphtha or benzino, ar ranged with a closely fitting cover, is a convenience for cleaning screws bolls or other small work in a machine shop. A wiro basket makeB a good ladle. Work in this way is kopt bright and handle. clean, and agreeable to A fa km hand, popularly known as "Tony, the Dutchman," had a desper- ato encounter near Scianton, Penn with a wild cat, which he finally clubbed into insensibility after tho ani mal hud torn his clothes and badly scratched his faeo. "Tony" Biibso qucntly procured a gun and shot tho beast, and tho lattor has since been Btuflod as a memento of tho struggle Mkb. I)AKKU,of Emhry, Kan., awoko lior husband tho other night ami to'.i: him to go for tho doctor, for sho had a tremendous attack of cholera morbus, Mr. Baker wont, tho doctor came, am an hour or two afterward a nieo bo was born into tho world, much to tho surprise of both mother and father, -who insisted thoy had no idea that any such thing was to happen. A novel school commencement was held at tho New York Trade Schools on Friday last. Ono hundred and twenty brick-layers wore given diplo mas, ono hundred and eighty-four plumbers, each armed with a sheep' bkin, wero sot loose on tho community, together with fifteen stone-cutters, thirty-eight painters and twenty-eight carpenters. Hon Moody and his son-in-law Billy M !.. - 1 . l . aurnu woiu out miming recoiim in Maine, and each killed an old buck. Moody's deer wouldn't Ho still, so tho young niau camo over and emptied tho other barrel of his gun into it, and went hack to his own. Mr. Moody started to out tho deer's throat, and atuck tho knife through, when tho doer kicked out twice, jumped up and ran, swam tho river anil got away. Tlio richest gunlus, like the most fertile soil, whon uncultivated, slioots up Into tlio rankest weeds; and. histoid of vinus and olives for the pleasure and nso of man, produces to IU slothful owner lltji most abundant crop of pul tons. Jiumc roe oi ine rrincipai twenti .1 it n Now Attracting Public Inltrwl Tho colored Methodist church and Odd Fellows hall was blown to piecis by a cyclone at Corsicana, Texas. Charles Hayes was blown to pieces by an explosion of giant powder, which ho was carrying at tho Daly mine, Park City.'Utah. An Italian boarding-houso burned at Pittstown, Pa. Thrco children of tho proprietor, Christopher Sargali,' perished, and several men were hurt. Ilobert Taylor shot and killed It. Tenner, at Norfolk, Va., a married man, who had betrayed Taylor's sifter. The girl was driven insane by shame, and is in a mad-house. . A riot among tho negroes at Longn loo College, La., cccurred on com mencement day. In the shooting which followed several negroes were killed. Jocob Iliggins, a prominent farmer, who lives near Ilixan Station, Tenn., committed filicide by bunging himself to a clothes line. He lost his wifo a few months ago and has been despond ent over since. A destructive hail storm destroyed cotton plants and greatly damaging other crops at Sulphur Springs, Texa. Brookstone, in Lamar county, is re-1 ported to havo been almostdemohshed, but no loss of life is reported. Michael Flynn tried to induce his wife, who had left him, to return to return to his cabin at "White Bend, Texas, and, at her refusal, shot her three time?, killing her. Ho then shot himself through the heart. Nicholas Bonnar, a half crazy farmer, living south west of Ada, Minn., shot his son John, aged twenty-threo. Tho young man found his father and mother quarreliug. Ho interfered in his mother's behalf, and tho father took down a shotgun and shot him in the side, killing him instantly. Arch Stotts, swallowed a doso of rough on rats at Richmond, Ky., and died from its effects. His brother, William Stotts, learning of tho fact of his brother's death, desired to follow him in tho samo manner. He found tho bottlo whero his brothor had hid den it, and swallowed tho contents, thus following his brother into eternity. A cyclone struck tho town of Ari zona, Kansas, cutting its way through tho thickest settled portion of the place. Among tho buildingsdestroyed aro tho Methodist church, Palace hotel and a number of stores and dwellings. Several people were severely injured by Hying timbers. While tho Mississippi river steamer Inverness, of La Ciosso, Wis., was tow-1 ing a raft to Hannibal, tho two lower Hues collapsed, and ten men were blown overboaid or jumped into tho water to escape a delugo of steam. John Green, Chas. Conroy, William Tiomey, Joseph Halifin and George Crait wore drowned. Tho residence of Mrs. Leo Jeromo was entered by burglars at Wichita, Kan., and $1U,UIX) worth of diamonds stolen. Tho inmates of tho house wore chloroformed. Mis. Jerome caused a Bonsation boiuo weeks ago by marrying tho head waiter of a hotel. Sho is worth half a million. Whitely, tho notorious outlaw and train robbor, was captured after a hard fight at Liberty villo, Texas. Two deputy Bherifl's met Whitely on the road. 'Dropping himsolf on tho side of his horse, ho fired at tho officers from under his neck. Tho tiro was returned, Whitely's horso being killed, and Whitely badly wounded. A terriblo accident occurred to Burt Reeves, and old and well known citi zen of Bloomington, Ind. Ho was out on his farm burning brush, when he accidentally fell, face downward, iu tho lire. Being a very heavy man, ho was unable to move himself before, ho was Biifibcated to death. Whon found, his body was in Haines, tho head and a portion of tho trunk having burned to aslies. Blancho Connors, a woman of mu latto and Cherokeo descent, was con victed of murthir in tho first degreo at Kansas City, Mo. She enticed a man named Joseph Peters into her room on Christinas night for the purpose of nibbing him. Failing to secure his money, sho pushed him out on tho sidewalk, whero sho and two male ac complices killed him. Harry Burrow, a little four-year-old orphan hoy, was shot and fatally wounded at Chattanooga. Tumi., bv an 1 eight-year-old boy named Harry John son. Young Johnson was playing with a Folbert target rillo, which "was loadad. Ho pulled tho hammer back, and, in trying to let it down, it slipped t I .! . . I I ' i . mmi jiih Kruau, mm nine mri;ou ino i gun. Tlio hall struck Hairy Burrow in tho mouth, and lodged in his neck. Tho familv cf J. C. Waltmyor. rr- ! siding in West llemptield, Pa., has , been terribly atllicted. About ton ! days ago his son William was taken i ill with a m.ilignant typo of diphtho- ria, and died within a few davs : then three other children, aged five, oiiiht ami eleven, wero taken ill and died within a day of each other. Now tho four remaining children three well jrown sons and daughter-are dead, j Geo. Haminorsmith.nyoniii' jeweler, and his friend, Guo. W. Moonoy. wero 1 examining a thirty-eight callihre ham- merless pistol that ho had in tho slum for some tune. They unlireaehed tho ! weapon, and, thoy thought, took all 1 ino cartridges oiu, out realty lull one in, and they shut the cylinder down. whon this was fired. Tho ball ontored laiiinioisniith'rt right toiniilo and pu&od through his luad, and ho diod n about two liotiiy. An Epitoi Devoted Principally to Washington Territory and California. An Indian horse-thief was shot and killed near Helena, Montana. James B. Hays, Chief Justice of Idaho, is dead. His age was -18 years. Elwood's shinglo mill near Blaine, W. T., was burned accidentally. Lots $5,000. John Kronkile, treasurer of Alpine county, Nov., was thrown from ahorse into tho Carson river, and drowned. Tho sentence of death has been passed upon Mrs. Pylo and John Hum, at Walla Walla, W.T., by Judge La vy ford. W,T. Tompkins,living near Helena, Montana, was shot in the neck by Mrs. Gordon, while trying to get his wife to go home and live with him. Nelson Silsby attacked John Daly, while drunk, at Jtocklin, Cal., and kicked him to death. Silsby alleges that D.tly insulted his wife. , Max Hoppe, a tramp, shot and killed a man named Adams, near Fort Conrad, Mont., who had been giving him a free ride. John Roo.les son of Rev. J. L. Roodes, 19 years of age, was accident ally drowned while bathing in the Palouse river, W. T. A shooting affray occurred at Flor ence, Arizona, between J. P. Gabriel and Joseph Phy. Phy received three shots. Gabriel was shot near tho heart. Both aro dead. Dr. Gray, a physician of S.in Diego, Cal., has been arrested for manslaugh ter. Ho is cliarged with giving Jno. Parker an overdose of medicine which caused his death. Firo broko out in the job office of tho San Diego Printing Company and rapidly spread, burning several one story buildings and damaging the post oiliee building to tho extent of $1,000. Geo. T. McGinnis, aged 37, died from injuries received at Seattle, W. T., by being kicked in tho head by a horse. Ho leaves a wifo and two chil dren. At San ' Luis Obispo, Cal., C. It. Bromley was leading a horse, which became frightened and bolted. Brom ley could not free himself and was dragged to death. Tho body was ter ribly bruised. Cornelius Grady, a prominent stock man and rancher on Snake rivor, W. T., whilo crossing tho Pennawawa ferry, on route to Walla Walla with a band of beef cattle, was crowded oir tho ferry by the cattlo and and lost his life. Firo started in some old boxes in the rear of Foreman it Stone's furniture sioro at oan uiego uai. nio names i soon spread to the store, which was totally destroyed. Tho loss reaches $115,000; insuranco about $15,000. The firo is supposed to be of incendiary origin. Nino fishing seines, with their com plement of men, havo been busy night and day lor months taking hsh from tho noted Tulare lake. Hundreds of tons have been caught and shipped to all points in California. Much indig nation is folt, and tho legislature will bo asked to pass a law prohibiting seine fishing in the lake. Miss Florenco, a daughter of 11. M. Bones, a well-to-do rancher near Vic tor, Montana, gave birth 10 a child a few days ago. It was believed that tho little waif was niurdorod, and all the parties suspected navo been ar rested. Tho child was found buried in a small box, near a stream, wrapped in rags, and having its skull fractured. Arthur D. January, of Sacramento, Cal., who, whilo deputy iu the office of state treasurer stole over $50, 000, and was convicted and sentenced to ton years' imprisonmont. was brought back to San Jose, and will I have to serve tho term. Ho hid been out on hail for seveial months, pend ing appeal to the supremo court. Fred Hoagland, an old resident of Stockton, Cal., and John Giaunini, a farmer, wore run into by a train, and Hoagland was instantly killed. The buggy was smashed and the horse's leg broken, necessitating killing him. Hoagland's body was carried some dis tance and all the bones apparently smashed. Giaunini was thrown about fifty feet, and a piece of flesh was torn out of his back, his head being severely bruised. A collision occurred near Walnut station, Arizona, between engine WIS, : Engineer Stevens, and an east-bound freight, Conductor Mahonoy. Head Brakoinan llowull, of the freight, was instantly killed, and tho engineer, fire man and two brakeme on tho extra wero seriously injured. Tho track was torn up for some distil noo. Twelve cars wero ditched and badlv smashed t 0 , , , , . . ....... ... .... y'l" W'wK'l ? Dn'SO, Onl., by a Pimm tt'caei niueu juauui-u Mini Minn the Goronado islands, whero ho had been for two weeks, tho boat in which ho had been fishinir havimr been wrecked. Though tho island? aro hut twenty miles from tho city vessels sol- doiu go near them, and ho was unable to attract attention. Ho was noarly starved, being obliged to subsist on raw fish, which ho caught with a lino ho luckily saved, A bUwU lw 4. Dllllill VAUUiMWII lit lilU VMWIiWlllIU firo works manufactory at San Fran- cisco. set firo to tho clothing of two ompkwes, Frank Barry, a boy of 10, and Michael Curtis, a vomit: man. Bairv was stunned bv the shock of the explosion, and bofoio assistance could arrive ho was burned to death. Curtis contrived to escape before the litmus gained much headway. Ho was taken to his homo, where ho lies iu a very precarious condition, teirlbly burud about tho logs. Heliablo Quotations Carefully Revised Every Week. WHEAT Valley, $1 251 2GJ ; Walla Walla, $1 17$l 18. BARLEY W hole. $1 101 12; ground, per ton, 20 0025 00. OATS Milling, -1547c. ; feed, 44 45c. HAY Baled, $14 00 15 00. SEED Blue Gras, 14AlGc : Tim othy, 9.J10c; Red Clover, 1415c. FLOUR Patent Roller, $4 00; Country Brand, $3 75. EGGS Per doz, 18c. BUTTEH Fanov mil, per pound. 40c; pickled, 27-J30c; inferior grade, 2025j. CHEESE Eastern, 1620c; Ore gon, 14lGo.; California, 14$e. VEGETABLES Beets, per sack, fl oU; cabb.tge, per lb., 2jc. ; carrots, per sk., $1 25; lettuce, per doz. 25.?.; onions, $1 75; potatoes, per 100 lbs., 5075c. ; radishes, per doz., 1520c. ; rhubarb, per lb., Ce. HONEY In comb, per lb., 18c; strained. 5 gal. tins, per lb, 8Jc POULTRY Chickens, per doz.. $2 50)3 00; ducks, per doz., $5 00 8 00; geese, $G 008 00; turkeys, per lb., lb18c. PROVISION-: Oregon hams, 13.c per li. ; avastem, J.ll.J$c. ; Eaetern breakfast bacon, 12 . per lb.; Oregon 12(S)13c; E.iFi.-ru lard, 10llc. per lb.; Oregon, 10c. GREEN FRUITS Apples. $2 00 2 50; Sicily lemons $5 00(S5 50 California, $3 50 5 00 ; Naval oranges to ou; Kiversuie, $3 50; Medilerra nean, $3 75. uiuiiiD i'ltuiifa sun anea ap ples, 74o. per lb. ; machine dried, 10 11c; pit'ess plums, 13c,; Italian prunes, 1014c. ; peaches, 1214c raisins, $2 252 50. MEAT Beef, wholesale, 44Ac ; dressed, oc; slieen, dfsc ; dre(-ed, 7c, hogs, dressed, 77c", veal, 78c. WOOL Valley, 1819c; Eastern Oregon. 16 18c HIDES Dry beef hides, 810i.; culls, b7i; km and calf, S10j Murrain, 10 12c. ; tallow, 33Ac. LUMBEH Rough, per M, $10 00; edged, per M, $12 UO; T. and G sheathing, per M,$13 00: No. 2 floor ing, per m, -tics uu; ino. coiling, per M,$18 UU; JNo. II rustic, per M, $18 00 clear rough, per M, $20 00 ; clear P. 4 o, per m, ou; ino. i lioormg, por M. $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M, $22 50; No. 1 rustic, per M, $22 50; stepping, per M, $25 00; over 12 inches wide, extra., $1 00; lengths 40 to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to GO, extra, $4 00; 1 lah, per M, $2 50; U lath, per M, $2 75. BEANS Quote small whites,$4 50; pinks, $3; bayos, $3; butter, $4; Limas, $4 50 per cental. COFFEE Quote Salvador, lGc; Costa Rica, 1820c ; Ri , lS20c. ; Java, 274c; ArbuokleVs misted, 20jk SALT Liverpool grades of lino quoted $18, $19 and $20 for tho three sizes; stock salt, $10. PICKLES Kegs quoted steady at $1 35. SUGAR Prices for barrels; Golden O.Oc; extra C, b ; dry granulated 7 .J J. ; cruyhed, line crushed, cube an powdered, 74c ; extra C, Ggc; halves and boxes, c higher. OF GENERAL INTEREST. -A man bearing tho rcmarkablo naino of Bloomer Blizzard died recent ly in Nowburg, N. Y. A Racino man said "white horso" whon ho mot a red-headed girl the I othor day. Sho fell on to him lustily, I knocking linn into a muddy ditch with tior umbrella. A citizon of Blakoly, Ga., has i novel method of hunting wild turkovs lie takes a tamo gobblor alonsr, tothors it to a troe, then hides and waits for tho wild birds to conio up and mako Its acquaintance. A young man in a railway carriago was making fun of a lady's hat to an oldorlygentloiiian in tho seat with him. "Yes," said the elderly gentleman, "that's my wife, and 1 told her if sho woro that bonnet some fool would mako fun of it." It is stated by an English dealer In East India cereal that tlioijo aro moro than ton thousand d inure tit vari tics of rice, and yet that thoro is only ono species. Tho different varieties aro of all colors, from black to palo yel low and snow white Tho heirs of a merchant of Mon foii, Mass., recoived tho othor day thirty cents, sent by a man in Penn sylvania, who wrote that thoy woro to pay for four apples that ho took from tho merchant's storo whon ho lived thore forty years ago. A Richmond, Mich., woman lost her watch a few days ago. Sho could not find it, but wherovor she wont sho heard that watch tick. This nerved her on to greater efforts, and sho turned the house upside down in her search and then found tho watch iu hor bustle. Tho Adrian, Mich., Press discov ered an old account book of tho crop of 1830, ami learns from it that wood was worth if I a conl that year, a ynrd of calico 37J cunts, a pen six oontsj tea was worth CO conts and cofl'oo 2'2 conts; shirting 12 cents and a spool of thread nine cunts. Buttor was worth 30 on u, whisky 6C cents a gal lon, and liM pounds of Hour $8. in a The Weston lender is urging the citizens of that place to build water works. The construction of a new steam boat on Upper Kl.mieth lake is talked of. A company has incorporated at Lostine for tho purpose of building a flouring mill. John Pomeroy, of Huutington, has been adjudged insane and sent to the asylum. The new Catholic church to be built at Salem will cost $6,000 and will seat GOO people. A Chinaman jumped into the Wil lamette river at Portland, but was res- cii4d in a liall-drowned condition. John Barker, of Buttea creek, Mor row county, was fined $100 for allow ing his saabby sheep to scatter on the range. The Dalles Lumbering Company's flume is within six miles of that city, and the work is being pushed as rap idly as possible. The chief engineer and assistants of the Portland Paid Firo Department were prr-sented with gold badges by the members, for attention to duty. Percival Nash, fell from a wairon at Nashville, tho wheels pahsing over his breast. It is thought the boy, who is iu years old, will recover. A postolhce has been established at Mill City, Marion county, and Joseph A. Shaw has been appointed post master. George Williams has been appointed postmaster at Wamte. Wasco county, in place of M. A. Chamberlain, who has resigned. There is talk at Harrisburg of con- BLiuung u Winer uncn ior tne pur pose of furnishing water power for a paper mill, which Portland capitalists propose to build there. Robert Brown, the brakeman who was charged with having robbed the body of Georgo Kalmback, had his trial at Huutington and was fully ex on era ted. Grant county's school fund has been quite materially argumented since the commencement of circuit court Several large fincB and a lot of smaller ones is the caiuo thereof. Miss Wmiberly, a student at the Ongon State Normal School from Roseburg, is lying very low witl symptoms of brain fever, and her re covery is doubtful. A short time ago in Jordan valley, Al Corpc, an old-time stage driver, struck Dick Munger over the head with a spade. It is said that Munger will die. The barge Mirgey collided with the draw of the Morrison street bridge, Portland, bending the kingpost back several feet, lif'ing tho pilot house from over tho head of the captain and tearing away tho smokestack. Billy Roberts, who was arrested up on a charge of an assault with intent to kill was examined in LiukviUe last week and acquitted, the evidence showing that he was tho assaulted party. H. Hosford's store at Canby burned down at an estimated loss of $4,500, building inclusive. It is rumored to have been the work of an incendiary, by boring holes through tho wall and pouring coal oil through to start the lite. Whilo A. D. Hadley, of Burnt river, Baker county, was endeavoring to break a coll, ho was severely kicked by tho animal on the right cheek bone just below tho eye, breaking the cheek bone and cutting him just above tho eye and down the right side of the nose, making a seveio and painful wound. Tho locomotive for tho Southern Oregon Company's logging railroad at Sumner, is on the way from the East to San Francisco, and" on its arrival there will bo shipped immediately to Coos bay. The track is now being laid, and everything will be in readi-no-s for hauling logs when tho loco motive arrives. Jo Ben Line, agent at the Siletz In dian Reservation, is again in peaceful possession of allairs attho reservation. A special agent accompanied him on his return, aftr being driven off by the Indians, and a peace has been patched up, and things aro again mov ing along quietly without danger of any further disturbance on the part o tho Indians. Jacob Bashor, who lives about three miles east of Salem, built a barbed wiro fnce on his place. He hardly finished putting up the fence until a mare belonging to him, valued at $150, ran against it at full speed. Sho tore down the fence and cut her windpipe ami ngui jugniar vein, and died in twenty minutes. Another horse with hor was pretty badly used up, but will recovor. Air. Bashor savs that ho won't put up any more barbed wire fenco on Ins place. The Ailvt'iiturt'. u ore. AmoiiK tho incidents of tlm cinrm i Boston, Thu Ultvtrio Kuvlow ruhitns hnw Mm entanglement of n liorx, nttaeluxl to ouo of uiocoiit uon very teams was i-aiiM-d by tho wires. It was in tho evonimr. Tho Imrs.. got entangled and tho wn-os throw hiin down. Some, of tho Miarl of wirw nruveti to l thmk of electric lights Thu kioking and tho strug gles of tho hurt brought tie) wirus in oontaet anil in tho words of tho tomiirnr r.-....! imo ho kicked it would lighten, ami every ono it liglimtied ho would kick! 1 tlu.nri.f to iiiyxtlf, 'Ho U bewitched with lightning. ' 1 ti-Mkl to unhuttoo linn, aud ovary Hutu I unlmikHiwI oiMt itUo ho was umu-b uiti, blnnig in aiiottHM-." Tbo noar luiru wuij raMtti rroni uU ikjtiI by NtfMimdy UVUb.O. rtli.' iui.1l i-sIixk! tho CUU0 of tho ul.uV Aiuerwun. Everything of General Interest Condensed Form. Devoted to the Interests of Farmers and Stockmen. The Corillncr Moth. The remedy, or rather tin preventive for the codling moth, is to spray the trees with a solution of some poison that will deter tho motli from laying its eges in the calvx or blossom end of apples and pears, early in tho spring. I he ft tut then is very small, and as it grows it sheds off the poison and the mature fruit shows no trace of it. Paris green and London purple aro the remedies, but Paris green with diffi culty forms a Folution, while London purple mixes with ease in water, and very thoroughly. It only costs 25 cents per pound, and a pound will b enough for sixty gallons of water. Tho praying is done by an apparatus easily fixed up and capable of lasting many years. It needs some sort or a tank or tub, closed tight, to hold sav twenty galloiiB of water. Tho fori e pump is rigged up to tlm and it is mounted on a sled or a cart and drawn thiough tho orchard. From the force pump there can go two lengths of hose and a pipe with a spraying rose. A man drives and works tho pump and two other men use the hoso and pipes, spraying two trees at a time. With this apparatus in good working order, three men can spray 500 trees in a day, and likely more than that. The solution, if sprayed in a warm day, will almost instantly dry oil', and will not show on the fruit, or even taste on it, but it s enough to disgust the codling moth an 1 sive the fruit. This moth flies at night, in the early days of May. The trees should be well sprayed as soon as the fruit is set and the bloom falls, and a second time in twelve days or a fortnight after wards. The cost of spraying trees is not even a penny a tree and if tho trees bring a bushel of fruit that is a small price to pay for insuring it against harm. Old trees, of large size, of courso will require more time and more of the solution, but if the codling moth can be kept ofT and the fruit saved at a cost of a cent a bushel for the fruit, no one should complain. Now is the time to do the spraying, and tho knowkdge that several or chardists having boon fixing up spray ing apparatus, and that it has been found to work well in every respect, induces a further notice of an import ant subject. The chief thing that most farmers need to nmko more money is to get out of the old ruts. The extra care and labor which market gardening implies are too many an objection. If the farmer begins gradually and moderately in market gardening he will probably make a succets of i hat also, besides being a better farmer in every respect. Whenever grain is largely grown, most farmers havo more straw than thoy can profitably use. Why notr then, save barn room by cutting the grain high and leaving a long stubble?' The straw, as a manure, is certainly more evenly distributed than it coulil be by any other means. Stubble is al so no insignificant protection to young clover in winter. It holds the snow over it, when without the stubble the field would be wind-swept, and tho ground much more deeply frozen. The contact of tho clover leaves with snow in winter keeps the plant fiom injury, no matter how cold tho weather may be. The stubs of straw are by spring time mostly flattened to the ground, where they rot under tho glowing clover in spring. By tho time tho clover is out tho straw will be thoroughly rotted, so as to give litt'e trouble in haying if the clover be as stiong and rank as it should be. Most farmers have noticed that hay rapidly wastes when handled two or uiree nines in winter. n tney are obliged to buy a load toward spring, it does not go so far as that pitched di rectly from their own bays or stacks into the feed manners or boxes. There is doubtless considerable waste of the finer portions of the hay, which aro broken oil' and fall on the ground dur ing repeated handling. But the newly mown hay is not packed closely, anil cannot be it is so dry. It looks to be more than it is. If tho farmer in sprint; is obliged to buy hay he should usually feed moro grain to mako it go farther. Tho ono aihantaue of hay on most farms is that it is on the premises, and it costs moro to market it than it does crain. Tho latter in most places furnishes tho cheaper nut riment, and when both havo to be bought, the cheaper handling of grain' is an argument in its favor tia against hay or coarser feed. Crushed corn or fine-ground meal is more economical to feed to cattlo than com in tho ear, for they cannot well masticate the latter, and more or less passes whole through the intestines, undigested. Hoises and mules with sound, smooth teeth can grind it pretty well ; still it is not so fully digested as fine meal. But this last should not be fed alono; it ought always to bo mixed with bran or shorts, at the rate of one-fourth to three-fourths, accord ing to circumstances. If for working or storo animals, one-fourth of Indian meal would bo a good proportion, hut if fatting cattlo. one-half to three- fourths might bo best. If a half to a whole pint of linseed or cotton-seed moal woro added to evt rv four (marts of tho abovo meal ration, it would bo so much tho bettor, as this lubricates tho intestines', assist, diirestion and is also quito nutritions. There is very little woik for a mill to grind it with tho grain, atul wo doubt whether the extra ox pen to of doing this is paid. in chief valuo is to lighton up or sep- irute the liner prtrtip'rs r f Uimo4l, or in thinning or di'iuii.g it. r