The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 15, 1888, Image 5

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    za jJiwuaa.'ja.'jnjJiArun.j : vtvr itaxl w: : jlx. i acjittj wt rows
Personnl and Social.
The Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation as any three papers in this sec
tion of the State, combined, and is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
Friday, Juno loth, 1SSS.
Union and Vicinity.
Buy the Newton wagon.
Barbed wire at Levy.s store.
Strawberries and ice cream to-night.
La Grande is enforcing the Sunday
Patronize your home shoemaker.
Union has a good one.
The past week of almost continuous
rain makes everybody smile.
Salmon in considerable numbers are
now running in all our streams.
A campmeeting began last Thurs
day at the old camp ground nearSum
merville. The Cove will celebrate the glorious
Fourth this year. A good time may
be expected.
Baker City has voted to put in water
works. There are plenty of entcrpiis
ing men up. there.
A Somerset, Ohio, dispatch states
that the mother of General Sheridan
died on the 7th inst.
James York, of Powder Kivcr valley,
has sold two of his farms, and will
soon start East with a band of horses.
Malheur county went democratic
and the town of Vale received the
highest number of votes for county
In Wallowa county the entire Uo
publican ticket was elected with the
exception of Shields for school super
John Dobbins has sheared his sheep
and the fleeces averaged 1) pounds
each in weight, and J. N. Mitchell's
large Hock yielded on an average of
10 A pounds to the fleece.
Juno election is over ; but the band
will proceed to play, canvassers will
"take in" the state and politics will
move right along till after November
A large assortment of fireworks, lire
crackers, pistol crackers, cannon crack
crs, pistols, cannons, torpedoes etc.
etc., etc., etc., at the Cove drug store
July -1th.
Kemember the strawberry and ice
cream festival to night, given by tl
young ladies to raise funds for the im
provement of the cemetery. All
should attend.
Examine the "Standard mower
and rake. They are simple and dura
ble and have numerous points of sup'
eriority over other machines. At the
Union Machinery Depot.
The president has siirned the bill
for the Harney Land District and Sec
retary Vilas promised Mr. Hermann
that he would establish the Land Office
in the most convenient, place in
district. "T"""
The long looked-for and always wel
come June showers came early in the
month this year. A full crop of cereals
vegetables and fruits is now assured
and as a consequence all arc happy.
The meed of merit for promoting
personal comeliness, is due to J. C.
Ayer & Co., whoso J lair Vigor is
universal bcautifier of the hair
Harmless, effective, and agreeable, it
ranks among the indispensable toilet
The attention of our readers is called
to the professional card of Dr. A. L
Savior, which appears in this issue.
The doctor is located at North Powder,
lie is a thorough and reliable physiv
cian and has builj. up a large prae
in that section which will soon ext
over a much larger area of country
For chronic catarrh, induced
scrofu ous taint. Aver s barsaparilla
the true remedy. Jt stops catar
discharges, removes the siekoifin
odor, and never fails to thorough
eradicate everv traco of 'he disease
from the blood. Sold by all dealers in
Last week an Indian doctor, in the
neighborhood of Bock Creek, Klickitat,
county. v. T had the misfortune to
lose a patient, and the patient's iela-tivc-s
killed the doctor. They were ar
rested and taken to Goldendale yester
day morning, and were examined
beforo Justice of the Peace Keats, and
were, wc understand, held to appear
beforo tha grand jury. The doctor had
called in an assistant to aid him in
diagnosing the caso and it was only by
a scratch tllo assistant escaped the fate
of the big medicine man.
One D. Stewart, of La Grande, was
arrested at that place on Wednesday
by Constable Cateson a warrant sworn
out beforo Justico Thompson by ono L.
Lynes, of La Grande, charging Stewart
with assault with a dangerous weapon.
The examination took place, Wednes
day, and it appearing to tho Justico
that it was a case of malicious prosecu
tion, the costs were taxed up to Mr.
Lynes, amounting to $28.15. This
practice should have been more close
ly followed in this county beforo and
wo hopo other magistrates will follow
tho examplo sot by Justico Thomson.
La Grande has a good Justice and why
not have theso little petty, malicious
differences sottled thero without put
ting the county to tho cost of sending an
officer over there and paying witnesses
to come from thero over here. It has
been that any irresponsible whelp
could, to satisfy his malice and spleon,
call any of our best citizens from one
portion of tho county to anothor to
answer some falso chargo simply be
cause it was cheap the county paid
it. Let tho ease above muntionod bo a
Mr. EuS'-nc Foster, of th Coo, was i
in town, Wedm sday. j
nr. Mrange, oi in uranue, made
Union a visit this week.
Dr. Mason, of Wallowa county, vis
ited Union this week.
Mr. S. 0. Swaekhamer returned from
the east a few days ago.
Mr. Tom Barton was over from a
Grande, Wednesday.
Mr. J. C. Oliver, of Summerville,
visited Union a few days ago.
Mr. B. Logsdon, of High Valley,
was on our streets, Saturday,
Mr. Matthew Mitchell, of the Cove,
made us a pleasant call, Wednesday.
Mr. A. Green, of Pine Valley,
made us a pleasant call last Saturday.
Mr. Chns. Conarty, of High Valley,
was in town tho fore part of tho week.
Mr. Joel Weaver, a prominent farm
er of Indian Valley, visited Union last
Messrs. Leep, Gaylord and Dawson,
of Pino Valley, were in Union tho foro
part ot the week.
Mr. Frank Hall, who has been on a
visit to his old home in California, re
turned last Wednesday.
Mr. Dan Sommers and wife, of Sum
merville, were visiting relatives and
friends in Union this week.
Mr. Al. Gardner, the jeweler, took
his departure, edncxlav, for a short
visit to Washington Territory.
The family of Rev. S. 13. Crow ar
rived from Idaho last week and are on
a visit among relatives in Wallowa
Hon. J. L. Hoe and wife, of Sum
merville, were in Union, Monday.
We acknowledge a pleasant call from
Mr. Boo.
Dr. J. Jr. Boyd and wife, who have
been sojourning at the depot hotel for
some time, returned home the fore
art of the week.
A. N. Gardner and J. II. Corbin left
Wednesday on a tour throuchout
Washington territory. Thev will be
6ne about a month.
Dr. nines, who has been fillinir tho
M. E. pulpit at Boise City, passed
through La Grande, Monday, on his
way home to Portland.
Mr. Jap. Stevens, of the Cove, was
up, Saturday, and served as one of tho
justices in making the official count of
the ballots cast in the recent election.
Messrs. Houghton and Kibblewhito
take their departure to day for the
"Golden State." These gentlemen
have been residents of Baker county
for many years, engaged in stockrais
ing on Lower Powder, but have decid
ed that California presents more
charms for the man who desires to take
life easy and they have disposed of
their property hero to friends recently
arrived from England. They will
leave behind them friends who will bo
solicitous of thur welfare and who will
lie pleased to know that success has
attended them wherever (hey may cast
their lot. Baker democrat Juno 10th.
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Local Lines.
i large assortment of crockery
nveived at Javcox it Fosters.
I ho "Mandard" mowers and rakes
r sale at tlie Union JMachinervDenot.
Hev. Thos. MacGuire will preach at
the rresbylenan cliurch every Sundav
at t o'clock, r. m.
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nmun s waiicing gang plow, some
thing new and just the thing. For
Sale by Frank Bros. Implement Co.,
Island City. -1
Miss Mathieu will bo in Covo until
further notice, every Mondav afternoon,
and will remain about two days. All
those wishing dress-making, etc., will
lease goveru themselves accordingly
K Harry Gillen, of Kansas, has
just arrived m this city, with a car-load
of imported Clydesdale and English
dealt stallions. Parties desiring to pur
chase anything of the kind will do well
to call at Elliott's stable and exainino
this lot of horses. "Wilh-sell-on -timo-
Why buy from imigrating agents of
whom you know nothing, eitherof their
responsibility or the character of their
goods, when there- are responsible deal
ers located near you, who carrv full
md complete lines of all farm and mill
machinery and implements, and whoso
oiiccess it is for your best interests to
support with yoar patronage? Frank
Bros. Implement Co, of Island City
request your consideration of their
claim, and rofer you to your neighbors
who have had dealings with them. 3
Ono shinglo machine, ono boiling
machine, onu moulding machine, one
drag saw, also shafting, milleys, belt-
ng, etc., nearly now, will bo sold vory
cheap for cash, or approved note.
Also for sale, tome now and second
hand furniture. JiKiuiro of Samuel
G. White, Govo,
Union county, Ore-
S. B. Ayles, proprietor. Manufac
turer of butter barrels and kegs. A
good supply always on hand. Shop
south of school hoiiso, Union, Oregon.
SHKIrON. At tho rtbidunco of J. W.
keimutly. in thin city, WodiiCMlny. June
13tli, after a liugerhuc illimxn. Mm, Mary
Phclton, wife of A. J. .Sliolton, of Indian
valley. Aged 33 yours.
Docoasod leaves a husband and throo
children. The remains were convoyed
to Summervillo and interred in the
comotery there. The funeral took
placo yesterday afternoon.
Thoitt will bo an adjourned term of
tho county court, Monday, Juno 18th.
Islaiul CiLy JUjihs.
Juno 12, 1S88.
J. K. P. Harris, defeated candidate
for commissioner, was in town, Satur
tiny. Methodistcamp meeting commenced
last Thursday, four preachers to do the
good work.
T. E. Jones and Oswald Vos Wink
ler have tho contract of erecting a resi
dence for J. R. Kellogg.
On Friday evening a social danco
was given at the Oregon hotel. Miss
Brooks and Miss Beidleman, of Union,
were in attendance.
Mrs. Ben Halley, who has been ail
ing for some time, is now in Portland
under the euro of physicians who seem
confident of her recovery.
On the evening of the Oth the friends
of Mrs. J. L. Carter met at Good-
nough's hall to celebrate Mrs. C's,
birthday. Ico cream plenty, and
everyone had a good time.
Somo of the young men of Island
City are perfecting themselves in tho
art of playing baseball previous to
challenging the Athletics of Philadel
phia. During the time of practice
they will bo open to challenge from
any club in the valley.
"You eultus Boston man cheat me
out of two bitee." Umatilla lady.
Beforo election: "They cawnt beat
me." After election: "I cawnt un
derstand it." T. "The only man I
saw in La Grando that looked like u
democrat was John Williamson", J.
P. "Politics are no good. I wish I
had my sheep back again. J. K. P. II.
Ho was a pleasant and accommo
dating gentleman who wouldn't bo
elected for a thousand dollars, but
wanted just enough votes to save his
manly pride from downfall, and as wo
noticed, ho walked a httlo lamo our
heart went out to him, and as tho dem
ocratic party was all right anyway,
our voto quickly followed, but great
Scott 1 'what a end blow! oven tho
great and glorious politician "Pap
Craig,' wasn't deemed suitable to hold
doliborations over a corpse, but was
beaten by a little Dutchman that used
to sling solder for John Bums. Tho
zephyrs still continuo to blow, the
good people of Union county still con
tinue to shoot tho rapids and riflles on
tho river of Time, but politically, tho
old original Missourian is dead as a
mackorel, and your humble servant
pursues bin journey toward tho head
waters of the briny stream.
"Lu.sw Tick."
Oregon National Guards
:Jd liouiiout Notes.
Subscribe for The Okeook Setter.
The next meeting of the Stale, Mili
tary Hoard will be held at Salem, on
the second Monday in July.
Lieut. Col. Clias. E. Morgan was
promoted to Col. of the JSd regimont,
A. It. IobIcy,ofCenterville, to Lieut,
colonel and Captain Ivanhoo, of .Jos
eph, to major, at the election of regi
mental officers held recently .
Second Lieut, uliarles Irvin, of
i4K" company, has resigned on ac
count of his removal to AV. T.
"K" company expect Io be in re
ceipt of arms and uniforms by the
middle of next mouth.
"K" company iR making good
progress in squad and company drill.
Regular meetings at their armory on
bunday afternoons at 5 o'clock sharp.
Fellow militia men, when in town,
iiru requested to ailCUU.
Efforts aro being made (o oramizo a
company of (. JV. G. at Sumniervillo
Wc welcome you to our ranks and
"rations. ' '
Wo now have three companies of
infantry on this side of the Hluo moun
tains, viz: ono at La Grande, one al
Joseph and ono at North Powder,
There is talk of another company be
ing formed at Suinmerville, shortly,
Now that "I" company loses its
captain, by promotion, wo l.-opo to
chronicle tho election of as efficient an
officer to fill the vacancy in that com
pany. Lieut. Col. J. II. Haley, aid-do-camj)
on the governors staff, has been
in Lnlon county recently. We hope
that the gentleman will honor us
again, but next time in tho interests
of the guard.
Wo presume, owing Io tho delay in
obtaining arms and uniforms, that no
demonstrations of anv kind will bo
made by the guard, in Union county,
the coming Fourth of July. Next
year we will be ' 'present and account
ed for."
Under tho reorganization of tho
state militia, by tho "Summers hill"
enacted by the last legislature, won
derful progress has been made. Tho
first and second rcgimonls aro full
ten companies each while tho third
only requires one more company to
complete tho quota; besides ono cav
alry company and one artillery.
Lieut. Harris, of WI" company,
has been granted a furlough for two
months and is putting in his time in
Captain White, of 'K" company,
has been doubly honored by being cl
euted conslable'of North Powder pro
duct. The captain will have to en
large his "guard house."
a t s S3 E El
Latest Announcement to the Public:
IUving just leeeived a large and finely selected stock of General Merchandise
from Eastern Markets, bought for cash, we can afd will give oup customers
The Public is Respectfully Invited to Inspect our Splendid lane of
Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats and caps.
Fine Boots and Shoes, etc.
A Magnificent lino of all shades and qualities. Latest styles of
-And an-
Endless Variety of BEADED TRIMMINGS,
Also a Complete Stock of
and a full line of
U- PI t PI a I
Groceries, Cutlery and Notions.
CfiTWE WANT IT UNDERSTOOD that no other store in Union county
can undersell us, and a visit to our establishment will convince any ono of tho
lact. All are invited to como and seo us and wo promise to do you good.
Main St., Union, Or.
To the Public of Union and Vicinity,
lor the
I have en route from the East, West,
North and South, the Largest, Best and
Cheapest line of Clothing, dry goods, ladies'
and gents' goods, all of the Latest Styles.
Summer Hats, Boots and Shoes, which will
be sold for the
I I1U I Lv I lllll i
of the general public, at the very lowest
Prices, lor Cash.
A. LEVY, - - - Union, Or.
All Kinds.
Latest Styles.
Just Received, Direct from tho East, a Largo Invoice of LADIES' and
if rrinnnl -111 Ufuriv CJirft?d T. I..w.. 1 1 . 1 1 .1.!., K r
iinanVjO juue mviii nuuivn, iiiu jiuni xjyui iiiuiiLiit iu una iuuiKui.
Also a Fino Assortment of
My Prices will suit tho times. Drop in and see mo.
C. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or,
3P PV-
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