The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 08, 1888, Image 8

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Agency for
Norwegian Plows,
Is the latest achievement of mechanical
genius. Enclosed gear, front cut, sim
ple and durable. Absolutely no
side draft nor lost motion.
Gall ill Examine it Before Pnrcliasiiii.
F. M. SLQCUM, Agent,
Washington Letter.
May 2ith, 1888.
Editor OitixiON Fcout:
Washington is overflowing with
tstrangora Ihvie days. Tho ficries of
BabtiHt eqnvontioiiH, held by the live
National Associations of that Church
brought over 1,000 neoplo with it.
The KnightH of the Golden Eagle, that
benevolent society which departs to
day, after having held their ninth an
nuul convention here, paraded the
streets, been reviewed bv the Presi
dent, viiited Mt. Vernon, etc., brought
4,000 representatives. Tho Lawyers'
convention now in session in this city
has attracted a brilliant array of legal
talent from the various states and ter
ritories. Tho ceremonies attending
tho laying of tho corner slono of the
Catholic University has brought to
gether a largo coneourso of Catholics,
among them bring many distinguished
clergymen. Then there has been a
Jewish gathering hero this week, a
conference of Hebrew rabbis at tho
synagogue on eighth street, two hun
dred line lire laddies from Hudson, N.
Y., and excursions are entirely too
plentiful to attract a notice.
Tho Baptist brethren, in sombre
citizens' attire, caiuo to tho Capitol
and mingled with tho city's throng
almost unobserved except for their
guide-books and their sightseeing pro
pensities. Not. to with tho Knights of
tho Goldon Eagle, who made their
presence felt conspicously. Gold
braided caps and uniforms, and hats
with long white and purple .plumes
were to bo neon everywhere.
It was on Tuesday especially that
tho sounds of trumpet, and drum
stirred the air -of l'onsylvania avenue
all day. In the morning it was the
visiting dromon; in tho afternoon it
was tho ICnights of the Golden Eagle.
Tho Baptist iriends were leaving and
tho lawyers were coming, and while
neither made such a popular stir in
their movements, they were nono the
less welcome. Tho great convention
city holds out hor bauds in welcome to
all, whether their advent is under
swaying banner and heralded by mar
tial music or whether they slip in un
observed, singly or in groups, fiom tho
station, gripsack in hand.
Tho Catholic demonstration was di
rected by General Kosecrans, who is
himself a zealous Catholic. The
Wellington Catholic organization led
tho visiting organizations in the pro
cession, tho next post of honor bring
given to the ciergy. Tho piocossion
of clergy was led by tho priests, fol
lowed by tho bishops, and then the
archbishops, with tho cardinal in the
rear. Tho blessing of tho corner stono
was the iirst detail of tho programme,
and then followed an address by
Jlishop Upaulding, with other exorcis
es. Tho General.s arrangements wore
very complete in every detail.
It would lotjuiro tho space of a largo
Bizcd volume to toll you what took
place in tho Baptist convention, since
it was tho largest of tho kind over hold
in America. Tho temperance ques
tion was discussed among other things,
howovor.and I will just mention that
tho National Capitol was loo attract
ive, and that some of tho ministers
who made speeches did not hesitate to
say that bight seeing among tho dele
gates interfered with tho convention.
A resolution was oflbral providing
that tho next annual session in Bo.s
ton bo opened with a threo hours
prnyor service. Several speakers inti
mated that, in their view, there had
not been prayer enough at this annu
al meeting. One member said:
"When wo go to Boston, I hope those
who voted for this tosolution will be
present ui. tho prayer meetings, and
not go rolling over Boston Commons
or vibiting tho Bunker Hill nionu
mont. There lias been time enough
to pray in Washington, but tho breth
ren, have been ponding their timo
going to Mount Vornon or listening to
tho tarill'Mpocohes in Congress."
Tho report of tho eominittoo on Eu
ropoan minions indicated groat and
matorinl piotfrom in every hranoh of
tho work. Auothor roiiort called at
tention tu tho lack of woikers in Chi
na. Tlu iv if only ono missionary to
every lA.OOO.OOO pf inhabitants in that
(uroiriand. Tho report of work done
iu Japan hovoil tho xistcnco ofkSOl
000 J'rotcstaiit Christians in Jjuwii,
17iCH) of Umt number having .U&'h
Feed Mills, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Seeders and Drills, Hacks,
converted since 1880. Four new mis
sionaries, who have consecrated them
selves to a life among tho heathen,
were presented to the meeting of the
missionary Union.
The Jewish convention was com
posed exclusively of rabbis. Tho He
brew congregation gets its law from
tho talmud, and is independent in its
government. An important topic of
discussion at thin annual session was
the possibility of uniting tho congrega
tions as a religious organization, with
the view of securing uniformity in
many matters whero there is now di
versity of practice. J. II. C.
This remedy is becoming so well known
mid so popular us to need no special men
tion, All who havu used Kleetrio Hitters
sing 'ho same song of praise. A purer
medicine does not exist and it li guaran
teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Hit
ters will euro all diseases of tholyor' and'
Kidneys, will remove l'implus) lioil.H, N'slt
Klicuni and other all'cctions eiiused by im
pure blood. Will drive Malaria from the
system and pro vent as well as cure all Ma
larial fevers. For cure of ll'eadaeho, Con
stipation and Indirection try' ; Klectric Hit
ters Kntiro satisfaction gUahuteed, or'
money refunded, Price M)ct 'and $1.00 per
bottle at Wright's drug store, Union, Or.
Lanh Oitici: at La (Ikaniu:, Okcoon )
.June 12. IPS'?, f
Notice is hereby given that the lollowing
named settler hits tiled notice of hi' inten
tion to make linal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will lie made be
fore the register anil receiver at ha (irande,
O.cgnn, on .lulv 13. l(-8s, viz: FRANCIS
FAVKH, Hd. No. 222!). for tho KVs NU'H.
and YVJ4 NKH, bee :!.'Tp. 5 S It 10 H, WM.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz : Jasper Mitchell,
W. II. Iliill'mau. T. II. Johnson and Wal
lace C HlnUley. all of Telucaset, Oregon.
Hl:.N'UY ItlNltllAUT,
(!-8-w(! Register.
Thomson fc I'ursel nro agents lor
tho celebrated Cyclone Wind-Mill, and
as the prices on them have been great
ly reduced they nro now within tho
reach of all. Sample mill to be scon
at their planer in North Union. Call
aud exaiulno it.
Cornucopia, Union county, Or.
15. C."WA1UNNEK, PropY.
Tho only first class house In the camp.
No pains spared to make guests comforta
ble. Charges Reasonable,
Obtained, and all Patent Hustrtcss nttcmlctl
to Promptly and for Moderate Fttvi.
Ourullleo is opposite the U. S. Patent
Otllce, and wo can obtain Patents in loss
time than those remote from Wasolngton,
Send MODKLor DRAWING. Wo advise
as to pantontatiililv free of charge: and we
Wo refer, here, to tho Postmaster, tho
Supt. of Money Order Dlv., and to otllcials
of tho U. S. Patent Olllce. For circular,
advice, terms aud rellerences to actual cli
ents In your own State or I'ountv, write to
O. A. SNOW & Co..
Opposite Patent Olllce, Washington, I). C
Organs MSM
M $50 TO $100 SAVHU
On the purchvijo of nn Instrument, by
buying through W. T. WRIGHT,
Thimble and Steel Skein, Tubular, Channel bar and Iron Axles.
Guaranteed to bo tho Lightest Running and Most Durable wagon manu
factured. A Warranty Accompanies Each Wagon .Sold.
For Printed flatter, Descriptive of the above Machinery, etc, Address:
Trains arrive and depart from Union
daily, as follov.s:
r.iMT niiiT!,.
Passenger,, L'vo
at.'J:0p. in.
Freight. No. 15, L'vo
at :!:C() p. in.
Passenger. No. (J, L'vc
... i . -t
Ill- t .. U. 111.
Freight. No. 10, L'vc
lit .'II' il. 111.
TirR' 1'TC to and from principal points
llvlvIjl 10 in the United States, Canada
and Furope.
Elegant PjfJi"" Cars.
4 Kinigrant Sleeping Cars ltun Through
on Ijxpress Trains to
'Pi? A 5-3 A,
and ST. PAUL
Free of Charge and Without Change.
Close connections at Portland for San Fran
cisco and Pugct Sound points.
For further particulars inquire of any
Agent of the Conipunv or of A. h. Maxwell,
(!. P. ir.T. A., Portland, Oregon.
ritoM fonri.NNO.
Leaviuv'at 12 Midn't.
as follows:
i niut kan n:AN( isi'o.
li'v'ng Spear st. vh'
atlOa.m, as follows:
uregon, .lou 4iay so i oca. nun., .uuy i
Cohtinbia Fri. June 1 State, Tuesday ,. U1
State. Tuesday f Oregon, Mon. June t
Oreuou. Sut
, ((Columbia, Fri.
Coluinbia. Wed
Stale, Sunday
Oregon, Thins.
Columbia, Mon.
State. Friday
State. Tues
Oregon, Sat. ,, lli
Columbia, Wed. ,, 20
State. Sunday ,, 2t
,. 2!tlrpgon Thur. ., 28
Oregon, Tues. July ."j
Columbia .Moiuuiy -
Tho company reserves the right to change
steamers or sailing days.
W. 11. 1IOI.COMH, I A. h.MANJWEhh,
(ien'l Manager. I (!. P. it T. A,
II. L. DEACON. Agent. Union.
Tho Went Stioro U tho only llhjbtrntotl nifiga
elno iHibllshcil on tlio l'ncttlc coaft. nml aslilo
from IU excellent literary features, its object is
to convey Information, bv both jien aud jicncil,
of tho resources of this region, and tho
progress of their development.
SH'cial Illustrated nrticlos appear In each
lssuo ; also, several pages of notes of th? pro
gress tielng mado in eery section. Oregon,
WAslilngton, Idaho, Montana, Aluska, Utah,
Callforma, llrltlsh Columbia, and tho Pacific
Nortlovcht In Efna', are being illustrated.
The subscription price Is only f8.S0. It Is not
onlv the cheapest illustrated magazine in the
Vnlted States, but contains articles and en
gravings of great Interest to every resident of
Ibis, nylon, which can not bo found In any
dther publication.
"Subscribers for 1SSS receive a large supple
ment every month. Tho first ono Is a beauti
ful oleograph of tho " Entrance to the Colum
bia Ulvcr," printed in nine colors, and each
Of.'.tho otiiers represents fomo feature of our
eubJlmo Bccnery. Tlio snpplements are alone
worth more than tbo price of tho tnanazlne.
.,TryV It for ISsS, and after reading, send It to
'your friends elsewhere. You will find It both
' eutcrtaJulns and lusuuctivo.
L. SAMUEL Publisher,
171-173 Second St, I'orUand, Oregon.
Tluilior l.nnd, Aet iliino .'I, 1U7K Niitleo
for l'ulillcallon.
V. S. Lanh Orncn, la (Huxhk, Onroos
Apriilt, 1S-W.
Notice N hereby given that in eoiuplianco
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of .luue !t, l.STri.oiititled ' An act for the sale
of timber lands in the States ot California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo
ry, WlbhlAM ECCLES. t,f Tolooasct,
County of I'nion, State ot Oregon, 1ms this
dav tiled m this otllce his sworn Matement
No". 10, for tlio purchase of tlio SE qr. of
NWqr. and E hlf. SW qr. and SW qr.
SEqr, of Section No. 7. hi Township No.
(IS, Itange No. : E. W. M.and will otl'or
proof to show that the laud sought is more
alunhle tor Its timber or tone than for ax
rhviltural purposes, and to establish hw
claim to sHid laud before the register and
receiu r of this olllco nt I.a Urumlo. Oro
gnn, on Mi'iuluy the Oth day uf July, 18SS.
Tie n.iiuos as wituexkos: Adam Nelson,
Jacob stanbaugh. Win. I.. Iturrows and
John Stodartl, all of Teluotikot, Oregon.
Any and all persons oUhnlnjc adversely the
abovodeerlbel lauds are rwUtstel to It Jo
their claims in this otlloe on or before said
ttth day of July, lsSS.
urNav himuut,
t-ia-wiO jtegister.
NOTICE FOB, PUBLICATION. Omen at La Oi!AM)r. Oukoon',1
May 10, 18SS. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settlers have tiled notice of their in
tuition to make final proof in support of
i their claims, aud that said proof will lie
made before the register and receiver at I.a
(Jrande. Oregon, on June jS8S, viz; J.
V. LKIiP, Hd. No. 211!). for the W hif.
NF(r.. NWqr. SFqr.and NH qr. NW qr.
Hd. No. 2m, for the E hif. SW qr. and W
hlf. SE qr. Sec. 30. Tp. 7 S, It. 45 E. and
KDWAUOSTEEhMAN, lid. No. mi, for
too l-j nil. ..n i'j qr. ec o, rp. h. and k nn.
SE or. See :il. To. 7 S. U. 1(1 E. Tiiev name
the lollowing witnesses to prove their con
tinuous reslilenee upon, and cultivation ot,
saidjand, viz: Charley Stewart, John S.
Curry. S. V. beep, Thadeus Lecp and E.
Steelman, all of Pine Valley, Oregon.
Henky Ki.vniiAiiT,
S-18-wO. 1'egister.
In the County court of Union county,
State of Oregon
In the matter of the partnership estate
of A. L. Saunders, deceased,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, administrator of the partnership es
tate nf A. L. Saunders, deceased, did, on
the 2:ird day of May, 1S.SS, tlio in the ibovc
entitled court, his linal account of his ad
ministration of said estate, ami that Tues
day the .'!rd day of July. 18S-8, at the hour
of one o'clock v. m. of said day hai been ap
pointed as the time, and the court room at
the court house in the eitv of Union, Union
county, State of Oregon, has been duly ap
pointed us tho place, by the county judge
of Union county, State of Oregonto hear
objections, if any, to said account, and to
show caase, if any, why said linal account
should not be settled, the administrator be
discharged from his trust, aud his sureties
on his undertaking be exonerated from
further liabilitiy thereon.
Dated at Union, Oregon, on this 2.1th dav
of May, 18S8. DAVID T. ALLEN,
J. It. Citrrns, Administrator.
Attv for Adm'r. (i-1
Land Omen at La (iitA.viu:, Oitnoox,)
April :!0, 18KS. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
nained settler has tiled notice of his
intention to commute aud make final
proof in support of his claim, aud
that said proof will be made before
the register and receiver at ha O ramie,
Oregon, on June M, 1SSS, viz: JAM ICS 11.
liKiOS, lid. No. BS2S, for tho NU of SEK
ami SEJ4 of SE', Sec 2'.), and NE qr. of NE
(jr. Sec. :i2, Tp. 1 N, of 1!. !i!l E, W. M. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resilience upon, and cultivation
of said land, yiz: Hudolph Hug Sr., Ru
dolph A. Hug Jr., Frank Earney and Jacob
ling .Ir,, all of Suniinerville, Oregon.
fi-l-wfl Uegister.
Land Oitick at h Ohanim:, Ouniox. )
May 10, 18S8. (
Notice is hereby given that the following
nained settler lias tiled notice of ids inten
tion to make linal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will no mado be
ore tlio register and receiver at ha (irande.
Oregon, on June 2i, 1SS8, viz: WILLIAM
MILES, lid. No. 4001), forths S hlf. NE qr.,
NEqr. NKqr. Sec. !lt and SW qr. NWqr.
Sec. ;.", Tp. 7S, R. II E. lie dames the
following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said laud, viz: William M, Favorite ami
Cieorge W. Mathis, of linker City, Oregon :
Matliew Dean, of Keating, Oregon, and
Patrick 11. Miles, of Medical Spring, Or.
Hr.MtY RlMUlAliT,
5-lS-wti. Register.
xotici: or roitriuxuKK.
t'ountv of Union, State of Oregon,
To W. II. Creed, Thomas Fitch, L. lUu
niauer, J.IIarley and T. X. Snow:
You and each of you are here
by untitled that wo liavo expended
oiie hundred dollars in labor and
improvements upon the ''Laura Johnson1'
quartz mining claim. This claim Is situa
ted in (iramte mining district iu I'nion
county, Oregon, about ono half mile above
thearastra of Win. Horper, on tlio right
bank of Elk creek, and is also called tho "O.
R. itS" claim, as will appear by certifi
cate of locution nutl amended location filed
August 21t and September 1st. 18s.ri in the
otlice of the' district recorder of said dis
trict, iu order to hold said premises under
tlio provisions of Section 2.121, revised stat
utes of the United States, being tlio amount
required to hold tho same for the year en
ding Dec. tllst, 18S7, and if within ninety
days after tills notico you fajl or rofuso to
contribute your proportion of the expendi
ture as a co-owner, your interest in said
claim will become the property of the sub
scribers, under said suction.
Dated this 1'Jih day of April. Ib58.
Estray Horses.
Two brown saddle horses, about 12 or 13
hands high. branded on die shoulder with
spring scut hook; also, one roan horse, bran
ded with ,111 on thigh and circle on houl-
tier; uus cut on lore iooi. wn nereau null
icrttiiiouts lv rolling al tins otttco and
ftying for this notico.
Buggies and carriages
Mas iron wheels. The teeth are made of
the finest quality of steel, tempered in
oil, and each one thoroughly tested
before leaving tlio shop.
Easy to Operate. To Sse it is to Buy it.
- - Union, Oregon.
Dealers In
8 8.Hil Imm
III! II 111! ill
BpOrders from all parts of the country
promptly attended to.
22, 24, 26, 28, 30 & 32 Lake Street,
irnirTi irtirmi-iiiii iii 'i i n X i r
All kinds ol' pliotograpliic work done in a su
perior manner, and warranted to
give satisfaction.
Lni Orrici: at Ouaniu:, Oukciok,)
Aiiril0. 1SSM. i"
Notice is hereby triveu that the following
uained settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to inako linal proof In support of his
claim, ami that said prouf will be made be
fore the rtirMer and receiver at I.a (irande.
Oregon, on .June 8th, 18.S3, vi.: JAMKS
V. SILLS. Hd. Xo. 2.",n.. for the NW XK
ondX'-i XW'i !?ec. L't.Tp. 3 S, It. 10 K.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous re-idone" upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz : J. M. Solder, If.
j. Oeer, John Murphy and Oenrge Tlnunus.
all of (.'ove, Orogon.
4-27-wG KegUter.
Lanh Oki ht. at La Ohamu;, Obraok.)
Mav . 18hS. f
Notice is hereby given Unit the following
nanied settler has tiled nntiee of UU inten
tion to make tiual proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof wilt bj made be
fore the register and retvierat La (inudo,
Oregon, on June IB, 18S8, v!: SAMl'HL
VAXOUDHlt. 1). S. Xo T,;n.i, fur tlie KU
of SKh and SW'H SK'. Sec. 3. Tp. (I .S li.
11 K, He ualllts the loilowinj; to
prove his continuous residence upon, uud
cultivation of, said land, vU: John Vnn
order. William Holies, WalUo o ltoile, and
Joseph Vanorder, all of 1'uioii, Oregon.
5-1 1-wO. Register.
notioi: oi' roui'r.iTum:.
Cornucopia. Oregon, March 2K. 1S.
To George hnon and .Kim Hullet:
You are hereby notilied that we, you eo
owncrs in the claim or mine known us the
"Hlue Itose" claim, ituated in Hie 1' iImhi,
extention of the "Queen of the Wiht.' and
have exK-ndel one hundred dollars in n.
sessnient work for the year l'S7, on s.d.l
claim, as rcquiretl by law, and If von f.ul to
contribute your portion of said aiomit
within ninety dHj-s from duti tif i-crvieo In
publication of this uoiieyMfitinMiitwcit in
said cluffn will Ik come tHQBJwfttJjr ho
mulorslghctl c'o-oviur,yriivtdlklTtec-tlon
of all descriptions.
OnFR Fsl
mm 11 m
Lanh Orrici: at La Okande, Oui:(!on,(
May!). 1H.HS.
Notice is hereby given that the following
namud ottler ban tiled notico of his inten
tion to make final proof iu support of his
cl.iim, and that said proof will be mado be
fore the register and receiver at La (irande,
Oregon, on June 27, l&W. viz: HOHACL
A, KATOX, D. S, Xo. 7011, for tho Xi
XW'4. SKii XW'K and NK jr. SW qr. Sec.
7, Tp. 7 S. U. 4 ! K. Ha names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
denee upon and cultivation of, t-aid land,
viz : Newton Jones anil Samuel liutton, of
Keating, Or., and John Oliver and Joseph
Squires, of Union, Oregon.
Vlt-wO Kcgister.
Land Okfick
at La Giiasiik
OunooN, 1
Mnv 10 1SKS.
. j - tt
ili'it. tint fiillowinir-
naincd uttler has tiled notico of his inten
tion to make tiual proof in support of hit,-?
elahn, and that said proof will be made be
fore the registor and receiver at La Urando,
Oregon, on June 2,nh . lSS, viz. JOHN
VAUGHAX, I), S. Xo. 8tst, for tne E hlf.
XWnr.and X hlf. NK nr. Sec 32, Tp. 3 fa,
1!, !0K, He names the following witness
es to prove his oontluuous residence upon
and cultivation of, said land, viz : K- ray
lor, Krank lto,s, of Union. Or. J. V. I'hy,
of Covo. Or. ami John Hoyd. of Union, Or,
11HKKY ItlNr.lIAltT,
.'-lS-wO Register.
Lami Omit at La Okaxuk, Ouei.on.i
May2l.lSs. i
Notko U hereby given that the following
named mstllor has tiled to'tloe of his Inten-.
tion to make final proof in support of his
t f. I II. A ...f tlill Int.lrtllll llA.
,1'iaiu.. aim iuuimiiii pri u
foro the register and receiver at La Uruime,
Oregon, on Julv lmh, 1S.-W. viz: JOHN
I ('LA UK, D. S. No. M20, for the NK qr. Sec.
1, Tp. S b, U. IB K. lie nameji the follow
ing wijjiuaacttlo prove his continuous rcM
dencoupon.iaiitlcailtivation of, said land,
vU. J. V. ajinntllcr. II. W. Fowler. A
W. Motley and J.&'Curry, all of Pino ValA
lev. (lr
I .V25 wo Register.