The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 08, 1888, Image 1

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    VOL. IV.
The Oregon Scout..
An Independent weekly Journal, iiucd ev
ery Friday niornlnir bv
Publishers and Proprietors.
A. K. .Tonus, I
Editor, f
( 15. Chascky,
1 V
One copy, one year
" " Six months. ..
" ' Three inontos . . . .
Cash In AUvmieo
If b chance subscription are not )ail till
end of year, two dollars will be charged.
Kates of adverting made known on ap
plication. USSr-Correspondencc from all parts of the
country solicited.
Adrcss all communications to the OitiuJO.N
Scout, Union Oregon.
11. Kakin,
J. A. Kakin,
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Lav,
Union, Oregon.
.SSTl'roinpt Attention Paid to Collect. ons.
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice special
ties. Oilice, two doors south of post-ollice,
Union, Oregon.
Physician ;md Surgeon.
Office, one door south of J.
store, Union, Oregon.
15. Eaton's
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public, nnd Abstractor of Titles.
Office State Land Office building, corner
Main and A Streets, Union, Oregon.
Q II. DAY, M. D,,
Physician and Surgeon.
Ofllcc adjoining Jones Uro's store. Can
be found nights at tbo Centennial hotel,
.room No.
M. IJakei:. J. W. Siillton. J. F. Bakep..
Attorneys at Law.
OFFICES Union and La Grande, Ore
gon, Special Attention given all business
entrusted to m.
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
Olllee, ono door south of ho
Notary Public. Ex-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Ileal and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
Sales of Beal and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Otllce next door south of Poat-otlice. Un
ion, Oregon.
Real Estate lint,
Union, Oregon,
Has for sale on easy terms, 18,000 acres of
good land in Union and Maker counties, al
so some choice town propeaty.
Money to Loan.
Collections Made.
Agent for the 0. K. & N. Com
pany's Land.
Office, one door south of Centennial hotel.
Miss Linda Mathieus,
(Lato of Paris, France,)
Has opened a dros-making establishment
'in tho building; one door north of
Johnson's blacksmith (-hop.
Work Warranted
Give Satisfaction.
"Watchmakers & Jewelers,
And dealers in
Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Gold
Pens, Watches Clocks,
Jewelry, etc.
Main Street, .... Pnion, Oregon.
On farmlands in Umatilla, liakcr, Union,
Gilliam and Wallowa counties, at 8, U, 10
and 11 per cent, on five year's time.
Call on.I. H. IMXKH'AKT, at the Farm
ers' Mortgage and Savings Hank, Summer
ville, Oregon, if you want money on farm
The S per cent is on improved farm land
near the railroad in Grande Hondo Vallev.
10-21-mO, J. II. KINEHAUT."
City - Meat - Market.
Main Street, Union, Oregon,
Keep constantly on band
Gi:o. VitioiiT,
Docs a General Banking Business. Buys
and sells exchange, and discounts commer
cial paper.
Collections' carefully
promptly reported.
attended to, and
A. J.
The Leading Hotel of
Eastern Oregon.
Everything New and First
Class Throughout.
The table always supplied With
the best ane market altords.
tions for Commer
cial Men.
Charges Reasonable.
$500,000.00to Loan on
First Class Security,
From One to Fivo Years Time, at a Low
naie 01 interest, Also uuys, Hells
aim items rroperiy lor
To be Invented on Guaranteed Security.
All Collections Promptly
Attended to WithoutDclay.
:age Line to Ik
Leaves Union daily at 2 p. in, arrives at
Cove at 3:30 p. in.
Leaves Cove at 8 a. in , arrives at Union
at 0:30 a. m.
Connections made with Elliott's coaches
ru lining to the depot, carrying passengers
for cant and west bound train.
mill r'CKIdllT, ItHASO.VAllI.i:.
UOUINSON ifc LAYNK, - - - Proprietors,
W. T.
I President.
FW Hill hi
This space is given for the uvc and
benefit of our local writers of vere.
and we hope to make it a pleasing feature
of the paper. To that end contributions are
solicited, but they must poe undoubted
literary merit to' obtain place and recogni
tion here. Ku.
Written for the Scorr. I
On Time'.-Jfast (lowing river,
Vc dropped a few more tears,
And May was lain with her beauties
In a casket sealed for years.
The grave was wreathed In flowers,
By the tender hands of June;
And a 'dirge was sung by the songsters
O'er her grave at the sunny noon.
And the echo lives forever;
It lends a solemn air
To the brighter hues of summer,
And keeps her image there.
I looked away in the di-tanee,
Through the avenues of pines,
To the trec-frinjred mountains, yonder,
Where the evening sun reclines';
And there, like a benediction,
1 could see In the glimmering sky,
The wavering streams of sunligh't,
Mount upwards, far and high.
And thev seemed like a billowy ocean.
With a boat in the bay;
Like a a fleecy sail in the heavens,
They glided faraway.
Then like a silken curtain,
The shades began to fall;
The stars came out in volumes,
Night hovers over all.
And on, and on, and upwards,
Shall the burnished sunrays go,
And bear away on their liosoni
The gems from here below,
La Grande Notes.
Election over.
Defeated candidates sore.
Warm spring showers give new im
petus to business.
Now that the election is over, busi
ness will resume its wonted course.
La Grande precinct was carried by
tne Jicpubiicans by bo maionty, vet
"Bud" McAlistcr obtained 12 majority.
W. S. Ford lias gone to Portland,
and, it is presumed, he is with his Re
publican friends celebrating his over
whelming victory.
The Gazette oilice has been removed
to the rooms on the first floor formerly
occupied by tho post-ollieo and next
door to the land oilice.
The family of Mr. IL R. Kemp left
for Stockton. Oal. Tuesday, where, wo
understand they are to reside hereafter.
Mr. Kemp remains a few days to settle
up his business.
Wm. Eriekson, who has bought the
store building formerly occupied by
II. R. Kemp, has gone to work iixing
it up preparatory to removing his stock
of hardware into it.
Mr, Doyle, father-in-law of Mr. E.
Coy, of this place, arrived in La Grande
last Saturday evening, and will make
his home here in the future. He is
from Michigan.
Quito a large number of tho Baptists
of this place attended the association
which was held at Elgin last week, las
ting over Sunday. They all returned
Monday, having had their spiritual
strength renewed.
Mrs. Win. Wcllman left this place
for Portland Wednesday afternoon,
where she goes on a short visit. While
in Portland sho will purchase a largo
new bell for tho Presbyterian church.
Jus. Hcndcrshott's letter denuncia
tory of Hon L. R. Riuehart, was truly
amusing. Tho idea of his refusing to
support Mr. Rinehart becuuso he be
lieved him (Rinehnrt) not a suitable
man, or that his record was not clean,
makes the old settlers in this part of
the county laugh.
0. Ralston, of this place, will leave
on Saturday morning for Chicago, via
tho Short Lino. Whilo in tho East
ho will attend the Republican National
Convention, and witness the nomina
tion of tho standard bearer or that
party in the next presidential contest.
and also visit his old homo and live
over tho scenes of yore, in tho Hoosier
Tho following aro tho inaioiities civ-
en by La Grande precinct at tho elec
tion last Monday: Hermann, fib;
Lord, 07; Pee, -15 : Rand 50 : Mattoon.
81 ; Nerval, 7-1 ; Williamson. 29; Mc-
Ahster. 12; Guild, f)3; Kimbrull, fi2;
llubors'lo. Uoodnough had 2 Li votes;
Roo, 235; Huffman, 181 ; Oliver. 102:
Uruinard, 100. For commissioners.
McDonald had 21-1 votes; JJoiiiiohoU'.
231 ; Harris, 180 and gciior, 170.
S. JJ. Ayles, proprietor. Manufac
turer of butter barrels and kegs. A
good supply always on hand. Shop
south of school hotue, Union, Oregon,
Cove Cull tugs.
June 7, 1888.
McDonald, M. I)., has opened
J. J.
an oilice in tin Wright building where
he will hoio.wttr meet patient.
John Martin has bought tho O. P.
Barnes place consisting of two hun
dred acres east of town. Consideration
A. J. Foster it Son havo thoroughly
cleaned and remodeled Wright.s hull
and are making preparations to give a
grand ball tho night of July 4th.
Mrs. Wurfel and Miss Douglass, of
Ascension, started for California, this
week. The former will join her hus
band in San Francisco.
Several citizens" invested in Indian
horse flesh, last week, in tho shape of
wild cayuses. A span of them belong
ing to Messrs. Holmes and Foster are
being already driven about the streets.
The copious rains of the past week
are worth thousands of dollars to the
farmers. An abundant yield of grain
is insured and grass is growing better
than was expected. "'Crops never fail
out in Oregon."
The instrumental rehearsal by tho
the music class of Atcension tehool
last Thursday eve was very iiiUrej-ting.
Tho twelve young ladies composing
the class, in duets, and solos, proved
themselves highly proficient.
Arrangements two about concluded
to secure tho Union brass band for the
Cove celebration. This will insuie
good music. Local vocalists aro prac
ticing : selection of suitable airs for the
occasion, and the comnijltco on print
ing will toon order a supply of posters,
containing the program, for distribu
tion throughout the county.
Ascension school closed the year
last Friday with public exercises in
the study room. The audience was
largo and composed of friends and
patrons of the school from all parts of
tho valley. Hcsides the essays of the
two graduates, Misses Edna Slater
and Mollie Lewis, tho program consist
ed of songs, instrumental music and a
closing address by Rev. W. R. Powell.
He promised that even farther im
provements in the school would bo
mado for tho coming fall term.
Prof. W. F. Blanehett has received
an oiler of tho chair of Physiology and
Anatomy in St. Matthew's Military
Academy, aii Episcopal institution at
San Mateo twenty miles touth of San
Francisco. Tho full term begins July
2(ith. Tho Pi of. will attend tho Na
tional teachers association in San
l-raneisco, July 17th. Mr. Blanchott
has made many friends during his
stay in Covo and all wish him bon
voyago and continued prosperity in
his cboson vocation.
Tho election, Monday, passed off
fptietl', but much interest was mani
fested and, with few exceptions, every
voter east a ballot. A number of resi
dents were out of tho county and tho
increase in number of votes cast over
two years ago was only five. Since
last election the republicans show a
gain of six. B. B. Sanborn was elect
ed Justico of the Peace and L. B.
Stearns, Constable. Both are republi
cans. J. L. Carter and J. V. Kim
brell received tho highest majorities,
being 03 and 38 respectively.
I object to my domicile being
changed into a refreshment parlor on
election days. Ed. If my friends had
voted as they promised, 1 would easily
have been J. P. K. For unlc, at a
bargain, my riding horse and saddle.
Prof. Blanehett. It's a mistake. I
havo not taken tho important stop.
T. I). You can depend on it: we'll not
fccratch next election. Tho denia.
I won a new hat on Cleveland's nomi
nation. G. T. Neither party can de
pend on my support, hereafter. From
this on lam a mugwump. W. K. 13.
and J. bettor drop in and look aflor
their Covo iutorosts.
What Is this "nervou trouble" with
which so many soem now to be nlllletodv
If you will remember a few years ago tho
word Malaria was eoiupaiatlvely unknown,
to-day it is an oommoii iu any word In tho
Kngllsh language, yet this word aoron on
ly the meaning of another word ukiI by
our forefather In time pat. tio It in with
nervou (IImuiiim, iim they ami Malaria are
intondod to cover what our grandfather I
called ltlllouiie, and all are canned by !
troubles that arUu from a dUmuod uomli
tlon of the Liver which in performing it i
functions finding it cannot dlxpone .f the'
bile through tho ordlnury channel i (im
pelled to it oil' ihioupl, the xv tem, '
canning nervou trcubi -. Ldurlu. i l l .u
l'over, otc You wliu jc -aiffymg cr. wJI
appwJuto a euro. We r,ccoiiuiieiid (invn'j
Augu-t Flower. Itstur. s ar innrv ou.
island" Cijy Items.
Jhho-I, ISS.
Two to one when making a lct
On the uOnitiiir, election,
Two to one when hunting work
He'd bo tho wrong direction ;
Plainly told bv ids inniive brow
The rfcing youth to rule;
Too lazy for anything on earth
1'ut teaching Sunday school.
Tine rmi.nREjc.
Away from the paths of the wicked,
From sinfulness and strife,
Trending the wtralht and narrow road,
With hopes of a belter life;
Sowing the seed on whleli
Their future course depends
Fourteen liitlo children
Tho Sabbath school attends.
"Now' John," says superintendent,
Addressing a handsome vouth,
"JVhat have you learned the paid si.vdavs
Itegardiug the word of truth?"
Says Johnny, with a knowing air,
And showing a smiling face,
"I've learned it is bad policy
To trump my partner's aee,"
Wes. While, of the Wallowa, was in
town last week.
Mr, Taylor has boon employed by
Kirkpatrick fe Wines. Kirk is in tho
Wallowa, looking after his interests at
The Methodists will hold thur camp-
meeting on the side hill, near John
McDonald's place.
Mr, litter, formerly of Clover creek,
is here buying a car load of horses for
the Seattle market.
I'rof. Bingaman, teacher in tin'
Russel district, dismissed his school
last week to attend tho examination at
Mr. Shorts, lately from Missouri, hut
now of this place, has just lutclv ie
turned from Long Valloy, to where ho
expects to move his family about the
first of July.
John Braiuon, who has been pack
ing Hour for the M, & M. Co. the last
night months, departed recently for
Seattle, wheio he oxpecte to reside in
the future.
Will. Caviness wont to Portland last
Monday to have :i surgical operation
performed on his breast, an abeoss
having been formed there, by riding
bucking horses.
Our public school closed last week
with a picnic at tho bridge, all having
a good time and good dinner. Several
persons from Union were in attendance.
Miss Mooro has given entire satisfac
tion us a teacher, and has been em
ployed to teach tho winter term.
Aie you tho man that ato my sup
per last night? H. 1 told that coun
try girl that ihho looked real sweet, and
she thanked me for the compliment,
F. A. I hope those ladies from Union
will come again soon. C. I never
again will go to the Hot Lake or any
other tiopical place with A. 13, It. II.
It has been (wo weeks since 1 engaged
my partner for the Jth of July. A. F.
At picnic times I take tho cake. L.
If you want to find good accomoda
tions and a genial landlord, go to tho
"Oregon." It is tho best hotel in Isl
and City. To epnvinco you that wo
know something of the business, wo
will inform you that wo engineered a
hotel once onrself, during a two year's
sojourn iu Idaho, in which wo wore
chief cool; and bottle washer. A dog
was tho only boarder wo had, except
when a trauscient customer in tho
shape of a cayoto would happen along
iu the night. Armed with soda and
sour dough wo would tackle tho bread,
oxamine our loaf, and tho miracle of
how a multitude could bo fed on n fow
loaves will bo clearly explained. After
partaking of a filling repast onrself, wo
proceed to feed the piincipal hoarder.
Bread is plentifully thrown out; the
dog comes up, smells tho bread, turns
aiound with his back to it, sits down
and gazes afar oil' over tho sago-btush
hills of A 1 turns county, with u sad
look hko ono visiting a graveyard,
where many dear ones hud been in
terred during years of absence and tho
bread looked a good bit tho saino way.
"Luna Tick."
t K. IUIn bridge Mitnday Hun. County Atty
Clay Co., Tc-.v., nay: Have used Klisetrlu
Hitters with most happy rosulU. .My broth
er alio wa very low with Malariai l'over
and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use
of tJiU inodlcine. Am vatUlled Klcotrio Hit
ter wived hi life."
Mr. 1). I. Wllenxwin, of Horse t'avo, Jty
add a little testimony, saying: lis nwi.
tively believes hw would havo dled.ihad it
lint been for Klcctrlr Bittors.
This groat remedy will ward off, us well
in nrc nil Me!rlal Disease, and for all
Kikuey, Live, and Htoinueh DUorder It
taiijs t ii' jii.ii.d. l'tloo 50e. and $1. at
Wi iglii s iru.' -wro. Union, Oregon.
Kubiibo for Tin? OiiKuoN Scout.
North PoAvdor Notes.
June fth, ISSS.
Mr. Harry Hughes, of Astoria, is
here on a visit.
Judge Dolnn has removed his law
ofllcc to the "l'oney" building on
Main street.
Mr. Hepburn, the piano man, wns
in town lately, and treated tho guests
of the Hodgera home with sonic lovely
airs during his stay.
The ''irrepressible" 13. R. Burke, of
tbo La Grande Journal, did up our
town, last week, in the interests of tho
aforesaid paper.
v The citizens of Dist. No. 7i), on "Jim
my" creel;, are building a new school
house for the aceoinmo.lution of that
rapidly gaining district.
Ilecent advices from the insane asy
lum at Salem' to Mrs. O'llryuut do not
give much encouragement in the re
covery of her husband who is confined
Josiuh Bradford's team becamo
frightened and ran away towards
homo on Friday, hut wore over hauled
boforo doing any damage.
Mr. T. F. Gooeh received per ex
press, this week, n lino Berkshire pig
at an expense of ifli charges. Ho
says it pays, however, to import lino
J as. York will start cast in a short
time with a baud of line horses to sell
in the eastern market. He will proba
bly go as far as Chicago.
Air. W. N. Scolt, an old resident, has
told liis furni and disposed of his
household goods' ut auction and is pre
paring to remove io (lulifornia whero
he expects to make his homo.
Captain AVhito of K company is ill
receipt of a note from Commander
Morgan, of tho Dalles, stating arms
would bo forwarded to his company in
a short time.
Soino of our farmers farm on a largo
scale, us Mr. L. S. Kelsey. II is farm
west of town has 200 acies of growing
grain, besides 100 acres more in pro
cess oi cultivation.
Gentlemen representing both politi
cal parties addressed the citizens hero
hist week. The tarill" question ap
pears now as clear as dish water and
wo are happy to be able to distinguish
tho dill'creueo between "twccdlo deo
and twccdlo dimi."
On behalf of Mrs. Short, who is sick,
and family almost destitute, contribu
tions were taken up on election day,
from charitably disposed citizens,
amounting to somo sixty dollars in
value1 Generosity is ono of tho char
acteristics of our American citizens.
Mr. Chun. Irvin and Gits Woisnor
will leave next week for the Spokano
country on tho lino of tho now rail
road. Charley has resided here for
the past four years and his friends aro
legion and wish him success wherover
ho may go. Our town will bo without
u shoemaker. "Who will bo tho next?"
Some individuals considor them
selves necessary to the welfare of a
community, under whoso dictation all
branches of business should bo con
ducted. Should those so deluded
punch a hole in u liquid and thou
watch that hole disappear, they could
readily realize their futile attempts at
North Powder precinct went Repub
lican from 11 to 78 majority. Tho
following are tho majorities received:
Herman, 11; Loid, 17; Fee, 10; Rand,
21; Mattoon, 38; Rinehnrt, 10; Good
notigh over Ilull'nian, -If). Roo ovor
Oliver, 12; Ncill, 2(5; Hamilton, 01;
Guild, 12; McDonald over Harris, 23;
Bonnoholf ovor Senor, 21; Brainard,
no opposition, 78; Carter, -1(1; Kim
broil, 78; llubers, 10. Judge G, W.
Dolan was re-elected Justice mid Capt.
J. A. White, Constable, for tho pro
cinot. Ajax.
This lltarr Bai.vij in the world for Cuts,
lirnlstM, boron, Ulcer, Halt Khcum, Fever
Sores, Totter, Chapped Jliuuls, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Krupthus, nndposttlvc
ly euros riles, or no pay required, It Is
guaranteed to ttlvu perfecttfatlsfactlon. or
monoy refunded. Piio M cents per box.
For Sale at Wright's drug store,
The Newton farm and spring wag
ons, Staudaid mowers and rakes and
all kinds of farm implement con
stantly arriving, and on hand, at tho
above jitunotl depot. Fartucw and in
tending piuchaisurs should cull uud ex
amine the fame before purchasing vise
where. Prioos low, und !l poods war
ranted. Tor oiroulirrt mltritfH F, M.
Bh.oiim, man.igu, 1 11 j, Union, Or.