VOL. TV. The Oregon Scout. An independent weekly Journal, issued ev ery Friday luornint; lv JONES & ClIANCEY, Publishers ami Proprietors. A. K. .lONKS, I t T. CHAXCKY, Kditor. ' 1 Foreman. Il.VTUS !' SUMSCUirTIOX: One cpv, one vear " ' Six nioiitlis $i.r.o 1.00 . .7.'i Three montos Inv.irlulily Cash In Ailvauce. Jf i chance suli.criit!on are wt paid till end of year, two dollar will be charged. Kates of advertising made known on ap plication. J2f Correspondence from all parts of the country solicited. Adrc?s all communications to the Ortnaox Scout, Union Oregon. I'KOl'KhSlONAJ. K. Kakin, J. A. Kakin, Notary l'ubllc. J E AKIN , & BROTHER, Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. JSTl'rompt Attention I'aid to Collect.ons. JOHN It. CRITES, Attorney at Law. Collecting and probate practice spee'nl ticH. Ofliee, two doors south of post-oMCe. Union, Oregon. J N. CROMWELL, M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Otlicc, one door Fontli of J. 15. Eaton's store, Union, Ongon. Q F. 15KLL, Attorney at .aw, Notarv Public, and Abstv.ietor of Titles. Office State band C'flbe bullduii:, corner Main and A Streets, Union, Oregon. p II. DAY, M. 1)., 1I0MKPATIIT0 Physician and Surgeon. .U,L CALLS l'WIMl'TI.Y ATTK.NDnit TO. Ofliee adjoining Jones ISro's store. Can be found nights at the Centennial hotel, room No. 23. M. Uakhh. J. W. Situi.ToN. .1. F. Uakeu. jgAKKK, SHHLTON& UAKEU, Attorneys at Lav. OFFICES Union and I.a Grande, Ore gon. Special Attention given allj business entrusted to us . rjl II. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Union, Oregon. Ollice, one door couth of Centennial ho- tel J. M. CAIIKOLL, Notary I'ublie. 15. F. WILSON. Ex-Co. Clerk. tABROLL & WILSON, Conveyancers and Abstracters. Abstracts to Ucal and Mining property furnished on short notice, at reasonable rates. Sales of Ileal and Mining property nego tiated. Collection business promptly at tended to. , , x , TT Ollice next door south of Post-office. Un ion, Oregon. J. E. TUTTLE, Real Estate Apt, t Union, Oregon, Has for sale on easv term. 18,000 acres of good land in Union and 15aker counties, al to some choice town propeaty. Money to Loan. Collections Made. Agent for the 0. R. & N. Com pany's Land. Office, one door south of Centennial hotel. FASHIONABLE DRESS -MAKING! Miss Linda Mathieus, (Lato-of Pari, France.) HaH opened a dress-making establishment in the building one door north of John.on'b blacksmith aliup. Ail Work Warranted to Give Satisfaction. 0 1 1 A Rfi KS R1S ASONA U L15. A. Ar. (A llDXKll A CO. Watchmakers & Jewelers, And dealers m Spectacles, Eve Glasses. Gold Tens, Watches Clocks, I 1 rtntnl - I J UN LIU, Lit.. Main Street, Union, Oregon, j On farm lands in T'mati'ln. Baker, Union, Oilliatn ati'l Wallow a counties at S. , 10 and II percent, on fne year's lime. CaM on.l. II. lMNEIIAUT, ntthe Farm ers" Mortgage and Savings ltank, Summer ville. Oregon, if you want money on farm lo:u". . , , , , The S per cent i on unproved farm land near the railroad in Grande Pomle Valley. 10-'Jt-lil(l, J. If. U1NK1IAUT. Gity-Meat-Market Main Street. Union. Oregon, BENSON BHOS. - PROPRIETORS. Keep constantly on hand REEF, PORK- VEAL, MUTTON, .SAUSAGE, HAMS, LARD. Etc. Geo. WmoiiT, ) President. W. T. WitioiiT, Cashier, -OF- UNION, OREGON. Does n General Hanking Business. P.uys ami sells exchange, and discounts comnier cial paper. Co'leetlons carefully attended to, and promptly reported. II mm A. J. (.JOODRROD, Prop. OPENED ANEW. The Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon. Everything Xew and First (jliiss Throughout. The table always supplied With the best ahe market affords. Excellent Accomoda tions for Commer cial Men. Charges Reasonable. 3E3ZIEJ ORTGAGE HANK, BXasaBggEBEiKtXmjHIt UNION, OREGON. $500,000.00 to Loan on First Class Security, From One to Five Years Time, at a Low Hate of Interest, Also Huys, Sells and Itents Property for Xson-residenis. I O I ONRY IIUCRIVRU ON DEPOSI I To be Invested on Gutiranteed Security. O All Collections Promptly Attended to WithoutDelay. m Line to Cove. Leaves Union d dly at 2 p. ni, arriven at Cove at 3:30 p. m. Ltwvea Cove in 8 a. m , arrives at Union utU:80u. m. Connection made with Hlllott's ooaclion running to tho depot, carrying passengera for eistand wuit hound trainn. It A TBS for TASHKNOKIUS. hVC.CAttK and KltHHIHT, 1 1 H Ah N A III. KOKIKSOK X LAYK1?. I'ojWolajr. i Mi UNION, OREGON, FRIDAY, -SUNK I, IHSH. OUR P0BTS. This spare is iriven for the u-e and benelit of our local writers of vere. .,.1,1 mi, l, (Hi,, tn iiinlci It :v iili'.'isincr fenture Kim- ,i!eV lK!,!' ' Id tnai eimeonirinuiions an' mut poses uiidoiiotiHl ibtain place and reconi- Written for the Sror r.l A I.!.. There hangs a snbre anil there a rein. With a rusty buckle and green curb-chain, A pair of p'urs on the old gray wall, And a mouldy saddle well that is all. Come out to the stable! It is not far, The mo-rowu(loor is hanging "jar; Look within 1 Theie's an empty stall. Where once .stood a charger well, that is all. The good, black hoi kc came riderless home, Flecked with hi ood-drops as well as foam; Seo vonder hillock where dead leaves fall. The good black hore pined to death that's all. All? Oh (iod ! It is all I can speak; Questrbn me not! I am old and weak! His sabre mid saddle hang on the wall. And his horse pitied to death ! 1 hae told you all. 3 -S. V. W. JI. Portland. Or. May ."0, Answer to Homo. Editor Scout : "Homo" in your issue of tho 18th inst, vainly sittempted to answer mo on protection but falls short of tho mark in uiitking up his brief. The "toot of that ruin's horn" 1ms evidently "tloored" him. IIo says ".smugglers only verify tho statement that farmers have no protection." One would in fer that the duty was proper enough but tho government olliuials were diieliet in their duties in not enforcing the law. Again "protection dues not J keep up the price of farm products and labor." Why is it that mechanics and laborers receive from one-half to two thirds more wages for the same work in this country than in the Old eoun tiics? So also of farm products. "Taritl'doeu not regulate the price of labor" but supply and demand. lie should include farm products and manufacturing industries as well. Labor as veil as the products of labor tire regulated by the. law of supply and demand and should the tarill' bo abol ished, which would cause a depression in industries of till kinds, would not labor come down also, therefore his argument "wont wash." lie strains at a gnat in trying to swallow a camel when he alludes to the importation of wheat in a wheat country. Wo are not selling coal in Newcastle my friond, nor is there any probability of any such occurrence and protectionists theory would obviate it as they are favoring high tarill on that which can not be pioduced here and vice versa in im portations we am in need of. .Self preservation is tho first law of nature. Tho wild beast from natural instinct protects her young. The colonies in the infancy of our republic piotected themselves against the cruel and op pressive enactments of an imbcoilo king. Protection by restriction is re straining the unwelcome classes of pauper and Chinese immigration from our shores. In Illinois Legislature enactments were necessary to put a quietus upon a foreign gentleman whose tyranny over his tenants stimu lates that over Ireland to-day. Land syndicates and foreign capital are making deep inroads upon the public domain. A Scottish Mortgage Having Rank in Portland to-day is grinding tho life out of numerous farmers of the Willamette valley by exorbitant rates of interest. Nay, verily wo have need of protection by tarifl' or other wise. We can not have too much and maintain ourselves against a class who would trample us under foot. Foreign powers am eovcteous of our republic and only cceking an opportunity to stab us in the back. England remem bers .$9000,000 award and millions mom in her futile efforts in assisting to destroy us and would gladly aid in free trade or anything , else of like nature Lot each investigate for himself and take political speeches for what they arc worth, (votes just now) weigh facts and figures carefully, then decido which party shall have our suffrage. Misrepresentation of facts is a hobby of political tricksters upon the eve of an election, to gain favor by which they expect to ride into power. "Seeing is belioving," honco wo alluded to the fact of farmers being swindled and tho need of protection in that case and where it applies in one cafe it will apply equally well in othora. Occular demonstrations of facta is the argu ment that convinces, not mem asor itons tinmibfctaiitiutcd. i Wo admire the iiidopondant course of run Kcotrrantl believe every farmer, businobM and professional man (in tho county at least) should sustain it, tin it is now .ind Imund to be tho people's paper. Mmif'O. Cornucopia. Cropping. May 27th, 1SSS. Times are improving in camp and ft I number of ttrangers are noticed on our sheets. Miss Ximenia Sanborn, of the Cove, j has been engaged to teach our school. Miss S. is well and favorably known in ; Union county and will no doubt give satisfaction as a teacher. There is a rumor that Messrs. Webb A Co. will put in a Huntington mil with a roaster of sufficient capacity for ehlorodizing their sulphurates. This is what wo need, and wo wish the gen tlemen success. The outlook for our camp was n.'ver so favorable as now. it h every day s development the diffcicnt ledges aie showing ui) better and better. The only wonder is that with nil these llat tering showings capital still stands aloof and but little is being done so far as producing bullion. The O. G. M. (!o. will incie.iso their foico after the 1st of June and theipill is expect ed to be running in full blast by the 1st of July. A leap year party given by tho la dies of our town was the principal social event of the week. Dill's hall was filled to its utmost capacity with the youth and beauty of Cornucopia, and a most enjoyable time was had throughout. A sumptuous repast was served in the hall and all departed in the morning fe. ling that many social ties had been the result of this our first and last leap year party, and that the adage is true, "It is will for sis ters to dwell in unity together." We arc going to celebrate ti.erourth of July and don't you forgot it. We know "it is reported that our camp is dead, but you will find that we are not dead to patriotism and m wo am go ing to have a grand old time the "1111; and its Union has stood in witli us in the past we expect it to stand in this time. We tiro going to have a brass band, fire works and till the modern improvements. The O. (J. M. Co's. mill will bo worth tho coming to see, and wo want the wholo county and part of adjoining counties to come and see us. Kanaka Jo. North Powder Notes. May 20th, 1SSS. Topics of tho day Goodall and Hamilton. Mr. E. L. Eckloy, of La. Grande, is in town on business. Mr. Spencer, of the firm of Spencer, Itauisay it Co., returned homo from a businesH trip east. The farmers do not expect moro than half ciops this season on acconnt of drouth. It seems slrange yet how true how nunc of our political office seek ers advertise themselves villifying thtir opponents through the press. J. II. Haley, of Pendleton, eandr date on tho Democratic ticket for joint senator of Umatilla and Union counties, made us a friendly call last week. Mr. Italoy is well qualified to fill the position and every true demo crat should cast bin vole for him. Tho question is often asked by both Democrats and Itcpuhlicaiw, why is it that just before election candidates on either ticket who tho people have known for years, and by their honesty, integrity and fidelity have gained for themsclvos the conlnlonco of the peo ple, nevcrui word disrespectful of their character until their naino are biotiglit before tho people as a ca'ndidute for ofiico, and then mountains are made out of mole hills. More anon. FUNKKI!. A WARNING. The modes of death's approach am various, and statistics show conehiMve ly that more people die from diteases of the throat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone without exception, reciives vast numbers of tubercle germs into tho system and where theso germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at firet slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue thtir ravageH they extend lo tho lungs producing con sumption and to the head, cauniujf ca tarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cuuho death. At the onxet you must act with promptness; allowing u cold to go without attention is dangeioui and may lose you yohr life. As soon u you feel that something is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of HoHchoeV Gtrinan Syrup. It will givo you immediate reliif. Sifrlscrilie fdr Tin: OitKUdN Scot T. La tJ ramie Notes. Heavy winds, A storm seems brewing. Haxotv Hying in the political horizon. John 1?. (""rites eunio over, Tuesday, and retHirned Wednesday morning. Hon J. W. Nerval is out from Wal lowa and feels jubilant over his pros pects of sueecs. Hon. J. P. Wager is announqrd to to discuss the i olitieal issues of the day on Saturday evening. Our public school will close on Fri day of this wcilc. Prof. Uafter has given good sal isfaction. Hon. Jas llendeihott. the leading prohi'iitionist of lCastirn Oregon, paid La Grande a visit, during the week-. From the way the opposing elements J are at tt now, mere is every reason m beMeve a few practical lies are being told. The ladies of the Episcopal church gave an ice cream and strawberry fes tival at Glover's hall on Tuesday even ing of this week. Chas. McCluro and wife, of this place, took the train Wednesday morning, intending. to made their old Missouri home a visit. The. Wallowa stage now makes dai ly run, including Sundays, and the lime will hi! cut down to one day from hem to Joseph. Tho G. A. 1L nost at, this place is cither dead or sleeping, as Memorial day. was not observed here in any man ner whatever. A defective nck-yoko and a broken trace was the cause of a runaway in town, Wednesday, that might have terminated seriously, but fortunately did not. Mrs. Malloy ts at Summurvillo holding a protracted meeting and is announced to return so as to be pres ent a1, a reception given her at tho University Satuiday evening of this week. Miss Uattio Proebstel, who is teach ing the school at Oro Dell, and .Miss Mattie Strange, who is teaching the school at llilgard, went to Union, Wed nesday, lo attend the public examina tion. Dr. L. II. Mason, late of Illinois, who located bore, has pulled up stakes and gone to North Powder. Ho is a good physician and deserves the confi dence and patronage of the people of that section. The sad death of II. 1). Merwin was regretted by his friends here. It is claimed by those who woro with him daily, and who saw much of him dur- inu the last lew weeks, that his mind had been atlected lor some time pasi. At the last meeting of the La Grande Lodge, No. 1(5, 1. O. O. 1, the following officers for the ensuing term were elected : W. .1. Snodgrass, N. G ; A. F. Sheets, V. G; Henry Wildey, Itec. Sec, and Jas. Palmer, Treasurer. A. H. Mattoon challenged J. A. Ha ley to dweuss political questions at an equal number of points in this and Umatilla county, but, owing to previ ous engagements, Kaley declined so far as this county wiib concerned, 'so Mattcpn declinos lo go to Umatilla. Tho luteut rumor is ono affecting the interest of La Grande. Mr. Steel, of the M. A M. (Jo., of Island city, is to arrive at La Grande in a few days, and will forthwith proceed to view out tho route for tho proposed railroad from hero to Wallowa, and it is rumored that tho section from hero to Elgin will be built in the near future. Eagle Valley rtems. May 2.r)th, 1888. Hoalth of tho tho community good. No dancss or horse races, so wo can beat Pino valley after all in that ro spect. Tim Scout is a great favorite and is considered by all to bo the best paper in the county. Dry and cool, the prospect being moro favorable for rain which would be very acceptable Sttawberries lipo and selling rapidly at $1.00 per gallon, tho most of them going to Cornucopia. Messrs. J. T. Williamson and A. N. Hamilton paid our valley a Hying visit Uih week. Eagle valloy folks aro in for build ing corrals up in tho mountains, as there is no range on tho foot-hills for stock. Pooplu think thorn will be no peaches in this part, but other units aro sum j to bo more plentiful than they have i hewn for a long time. I Fishing boems to bo tho recreation of the day, Sunday not excepted. Somu of tho young won appear to pmfer that sport to going to our good Sunday fMtool . .... NO. 49. North Powder Notes. May 29, 1S88. 'fame strawberries at wild prices for sale in town. Horn. May 20, to the wife of Jack Sliatl'er, a son. Mr. A. Oooden, of Clover creek, is on the sick list, but improving at pres ent. Mr. John Gates, residing at'fclocasct, paid our town a visit, recently, on bus iness. K. I). Cooper, of Island City, and Mr. Eckloy, editor La Grande Gazette, wero in town lately. Mr. Spencer, of the Mill Co., re turned from a business trip to Ogdcn iin,i yftu. Lake, on Thursday last .Mrs. Hubert Lloyd is teaching in strumental music to quite a class of young girls music hath charms. Our local fur merchants decline to purchase any further "mice furs" on account of the unsettled state of tho market. A gentleman living on Clovor creek has unearthed a petrified pine tree. Every lineament of nature is repro duced in solid stone. "K" company is kicking in conse quence of delay in fitting up their ar mory and drill room. When com pleted it will comparo with any hall in tho county. Mr. Jack Richardson having served his time in tho telegraph ollice here, under Mr. Geo. Venable, tho agent here, will soon bo placed in charge of an office on the line. 4 Symptoms of ruin are fast disappear ing, and at present slight hopes of that life-giving beverage returning soon, aro vague, and growing crops arc suf fering thereby. II . Wioksand J. L. Brady, of Wolf creek, left on tho train, Monday. Tho former gentleman goes on a visit to tho Willamette Valley, while tho latter will visit in California. A diminutivo cyclono struck this town Saturday afternoon in tho shapo of a dust storm. For a whilo tho dust was so abundant ono could not seo across the street. Come again no more. A "wild freight" passed through this place- early Sunday morning atthorato of nearly forty miles an hour. No wonder tho damage account of tho railroad companies foot up at tho closo of the month. A young sister of Will Sticc, of this place, residing with her grand parents, near Baker city, was fatally poisoned by tasting strychnine, on Saturday last. Sho was well acquainted with tho naturo of tho drug, but foolishly persisted in tasting-it after having been warned of its dire effects, and thereby lost her life. Ajax. KI.KOTItIC KITTE1W. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion, All who liavu used Klcctriu Hitters sing the fiiunu song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it Is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Elcctriu Hit ters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimple, IJolls, Sslt Hboum and other ntrections caused by im pure blood. Will drive Malaria from tho system and provent as well as euro all Ma larial fevers. For euro of Headttcho, Con stipation and Indhjeotion try Electric Hit ters Kntire satisfaction guiiRnntccd, or money refunded, Price &0etn, and $1.00 per bottlo at Wright's drug store, Union, Or. FOR SALE. Ono shingle machine, ono boiling machine, ono moulding machine, ono drag saw, also shafting, pulleys, belt ing, etc., nearly new, will bo sold very cheap for cash, or approved noto. Also for sale, some now. and second hand furniture. Inquire- of Samuel G. Whito, Gove, Union county, Ore gon. ATTENTION TEAC1 IEltS . Applications will bo received up to Juno 5th 1888, for tho positions ot Principal, Second, Intermediate and Primary departments of tho Union public school. Dated this first day of May 1888. By older of tho directors, school dlstrlct'No. f. G. Bkiuleman, Clerk. IUICKLH.N'S AK.NICA HALVE. The IIest Halve In tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Korea, Ulcers, Kalt lUictnn, Fever b'ores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive, ly cures Piles, or no pay required, It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or MiinAy. reJUildCd. Price SiA.!erit.s 'flcritox. For Hale at Witt's. lrt)g t6T6,