The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 25, 1888, Image 8

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Affcnev for -
Norwegian Plows, Peed Mills, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Seeders and Drills, Hacks, Buggies and carriages of all descriptions.
ago. KJ
Is the latest achievement of mechanical
genius. Enclosed gear, front cut, sim
ple and durable. Absolutely no
side draft nor lost motion.
Gall anl Examine ii Before Piircimsmg.
F. M. SLOCUM, Agent,
CONTISt'KU 1'ltO.M niTJI I'A(ii:.
feeing any of its "pet law; ore" and did
not iciortto the courtw to compel him
to perforin hii legal dutieH, while I
have not the loat doubt but the aver
age tax-payer will ceiipure the court
for not doing to. Tho Gazette nays
that "'loino of thene parties have re
ceipts for their tnxoa from former fdier
ilPs, Knniu i if which are from Uoodall."
Yoh, two poll tax recoiptu have been
taken up by the tax collector and
shown to me, which have paid to the
county treasurer, though I did not got
that two dollar, for I alwayn tettled
, with the county court by Htubs of ic
ceiptR J had given. That in not a very
bad showing for four yoars iih assessor,
in fact I am not nnhntucd of tho record,
and 1 will ay that theic is not n nhor
ill' or aNHceHU' in tho State of Oicgon
that can idiowit bolter record.
Tho Oa.i tie eeniK to have found a
"mare's nest" in the asseinent of my
laud. Jt hays my 200 acres of land ia !?")()(); when land on
each wide of mine is as-sowed much
higher. I regret tot-ay that no land in
iiHscss'oel to me, tor tho Himplo reason
that 1 own none, but 1 am assessed on
improvement and limber culture
claim for $1,000. My wife is assessed
on 200 ncus of land, SfCOO, of which'
.100 acres in mountain land, with all
tho best timber cut oil", and which has
been contested by tho U. S., tho result
of which in yet uncertain. Tho other
'10 acres is nut very good land and has
but little improvement on it. Jlow is
it that all Iheso facts are known to Mr.
Hamilton? They aro shown on the
tax list in the sheriff's olliee. Hut as
much as be disregards the truth, I am
u littlo sniprised that he should touch
upon this tax matter, in view of his
own conduct concerning tho payment
of taxes. On the deliinitiont list U a
tax against Saho Choato for 18S(i, on
land soli to Choato by Hamilton as
agent that did belong to I'umphrey.
Choato claims to have paid his tax for
ISSli in sumo of the eastern states, and
says Hamilton agreed to pay, which
Hamilton admits, and claims that he
paid the taxeV on (ho money for which
tho place was gold, ilis assessment
fo'rlS8( shows that ho was assessed on
$1000 in Money, which is all that any
of the family paid that year, when the
deed rceiid shows that ho received
$1,800 for tho land sold to Choato, lie
will neither pay it himself nor collect
it from Choato, an 1 tho county has ro
coived no tax from this land for the
year 188(5. Tho Gazette also says that
Thomp Carroll and Ooodall went to
inspect niine county bridges, with Car
loll'a team, and that while Carroll re
ceived only $8.00 in count v warrants,
Goodall received $20.00 in coin. This,
like every other charge it has made
against me, is a faUehood. This dip
was to inspect the bridges of tho coun
ty, to bo used as testimony in tho suit
with Wallowa county, as J ml go Wal
ker hebl that the bridges of Union
county i-hould bo estimated in tho ad
justment of the division of indobUd
noss. Vo examined neavly all tho
bridges of tho county and woro three
days, and until lato in tho night of the
third in making tho trip, using nit
team and buckboard. Mr. Carroll re
ceived $D.00, 1 paying all tho exponses
of tho trip, which wero $0,00. Tho
county allowed mo my money back
and nothing more. In all my travel
ing, looking afbr the repair and build
ing of roads and bridges, of which 1
did considerable, and 1 believe the
county is larguly the gainer thereby, I
havo not roooiwnl one cent for my
timoortho u.o of my tom. I havo
only asVo I flic court to ny me back
my actual oxju'iihoti. I havo rccoived
nothing which wan not pasted on by
tho court ; nothing hut legal compen
sation. Come and two my bills, Mr.
Eukloy, and every onu else, and I will
tako pleasure in exhibiting thorn. Will
Mr. Hamilton say as much? By the
way, the printer left out enough of
Mr. Hamilton's fee bill in my last let
ter to hpod it. and 1 w'uh every voter
could nv thi bill before voting. Hut
thoro Inn 'orm a wonderful change
in tho th-rifl" oAloe lately. Mr. Ham
ilton's bill prt wilted to the court just
adjourned, la let down vary materi
ally from the on prosuutod to the
cnurt just preretxling it, and iljie will
stick to Hint bill iw a criterion" 1 Hlutll
think that this dicusMon bus roatiltod
in some good.
That tax of Shelton's. Oh yes I Mr.
Hamilton well knows that Sholton has
claimed to have paid it all the time,
but had mil-placed the receipt, and
Hamilton knew it all the time, and
has repeatedly asked me lo have it
cancelled, which J have refused lo do
without eid. nee of payment, by which
the county could recover oil' the sher
iff who colli ch d it. The publication
of thi-t tax with the rest of (he delin
quents, was omitted upon the promiie
of Mr. Shelton that he would havo the
tax receipt stubs searched, and if they
did not show the payment, ho would
pay it, and Hamilton knows that is
still on tho delinquent litl. In regard
to the Scout rublishing Company's
tax, Mr. Hamilton very well knows
that tho original na.-ostmiont sheet
showed that the asses.-or bad made a
mistake in his footings, which made
tho aei-essablo property of the company
some three timet) greater than it should
havo been. Ho knows well, tco, that
the assessment wheel was taken into
the Bhoriir'soflico some IS or 20 months
ago, whence it has mysteriously disap
peared. Wo did not all lemember tin.'
correct footings alike. Mr. Jones and
Hamilton thought it less than I did,
anil they finally settled it according to
their best recollections. Now Mr. lick
ley, tho publishing of that delinquent
list was let lo tho lowest sealed bidder.
Tho Gazette says I reduced tho assess
ment of tho Oregon Gold Mining Co,
without being asked. Tho board of
equalization reduced it upon the pre
sentation of fads by their agent, to
wit: that thev had made an expendi
ture of, I think, $100,000 or over, and
would havo to expend several thousand
dollars more before they could realize
anyth'ng on their investment, if then.
By so doing they had MVen employ
ment lo many men and teams; crea
ted a market for coutiderable produce,
and thereby put considerable money
in circulation in the county, as well as
adding much to tho wealth of the coun
ty, and that tho whole euterprisq was
at least somewhat in the nature of an
experiment, which might prove a fail
ure, in which case tho whole invest
ment would be a dead loss. In iow
of these facts the board believed the
county could well afford to b' liberal
with them tho lir&t year, thus giving
them encouragement, as (hey wero de
veloping our mines, and, wo venture
tho assertion that there Js not a hoard
in tlio State that would not, under tho
cirdunp-tanccs, have done the sumo
thing, and justly too.
Now. Mr. Kditor, 1 think I have giv
en sullieient facts and I will substan
tiate every one of them to satisfy
any reasonable person that A. N. Ham
ilton, shoiilf of Union county, has not
the least regard for truth whatever,
and is wholly unfit for the responsible
olllco which ho has so incompetently
tilled, and is tilling, and wants to t-o
incompetently till another two ye.irs.
1 do not ask, or expect, nor do I wish
anyone to bo intluenced by what 1
have written, in voting, without inves
tigating these facts for themselves.
Oh, ye! 1 came near forgetting
those county orders, which tho Gazette
says 1 ordered tho deputy clerk to
draw. In that onto, Mr. Noill, tho
clerk, was conlined to his bod and was
notable to nuiko out his bills. I knew
tho county wan owing him a cousidern
amount. lie sunt iuo a message to
authorize his deputy to draw a small
amount. 1 did so. I know not, nor
was it any of my hnsines to whom he
sold it, or what the deputy clerk wrote
on tho stub, but 1 do veuturo to wiy
that the Gaictie'e vert-ion of it u not
true, and that I can piovo (he tenth of
my assertion by tho deputy himself.
The law loquires tho heritf to write
tho date of receipt ujku tho buck of
each warrant paid on Uxess, thitt in
tercut may be stopped at that date, al
so to settle with thu treasurer by his
tax receipt stuhi), and to (lie with tho
county clerk his tax receipt stubs at
tho .Inly settlement, neither of wlrich
bus ho over done, though ho has fre
quently been asked so to do. How
will he excuse himself for hit wilful
nogloct to comply with th plain re
quirements of the law? Now, Mr. Ed
itor, have I not nmtieatel all 1 bit oil'
Who is the "bnll.headed ignoramus? '
Surely not I. Fearing my extr.iva
Xauca mighj terioiwly hock Mr Ham
ilton's already ovoivtnvm d mm. I
will not ask our pardon o uuui)
time. O. V. GOODALL
Tliimblc and Steel Skein, Tubular. Channel bar and Iron Axles.
(Jtinrantced to ho the Lightest I'unning and Most Durable wagou nianu
fnolured. A Warranty Accompanies Each Wagon Sold.
For Printed Matter, Descriptive of the above Machinery, etc, Address:
T. J). IT. GKISEN, Propr.
Will h'Tca'ter be eonducted at the old
1!piv.-oji jitiiblo. near life court luntsu and
Boiuhe's hotel, on .Main street.
Excellent Facilities for Handle
ing Loose Stock.
An Abunilancp of It unit tog Water in Yard,
I'lenty of II. ly ami Uruin.
Terms to Suit titc Times.
Kentucky Lipor Store
Cor. Main and II Sts. - - Union. Oregon,
SHJ'.ttrW.VN' & JIAI.KV, I'mps.
Manufacturer and dealers in Soda-Water,
Sarsaparilla. (linger Ale, Cronm Soda
and rh;miak'iie Cider, Syrups, etc. Or
ders promptly filled.
Thomson & Pursel are atrents for
tho celebrated Cyclone WindMill, and
as ihe price on them have been great
ly reduced they are 'now within the
reach of till. Sample mill to bo seen
at their planer in North Union. Call
:i ikI examine it.
$50 TO $100
On the puivhusti of an tntrmnrnt, by
l.uviiig ttirougti W T. WUIHIIT,
Ai;ent, Union. Oregon.
notici: or rouritiTi'tti:.
Coutitv of ITnion. State of Oregon,
To W. 11. Cio(l, Fitoh, L. Itlu
iiuiuer, J.llarU-y and T. N. Snow
You nd oaoh of you aro here
ly notiltod that we havo expended
oiie hundred dollais in labor and
iniproxoments upon the ,-IjurH Johnson''
qiiiinx iniaini; claim. Tliis eluiin is situa
ted in linn to mining district in I'nlon
county, Ortgon. nliout onu half mile above
tlioaratra of Win. Ilorper, on the right
bunk of Klkeiffk, and is a'so called tlu'"0.
It. V: N" claim, tut will appear by eertitl
cate ef liH-ation and amendod locution ti'od
August iitst and Sfplonibo- Ut. IS.V In tho
ollbe of the distriit iveordor of said di
tnct. in ordi'r to hold saltlV-remiHVS under
t lie prolioiisof S'cilon 'x&t revised statute-
of the 1'nlted States, being the amount
required io hold the aine for tho year en
ding liv. 8U, K"7, and if within ninety
duy alter UiN notice you fail or refuse to
contribute your proportion of the expendi
ture a a oo-ow tier, your interest in tuiiil
claim will be ome tnopiopu ty of the sub
nerila r. uu ler said stotloa.
Dated ihU 1J.U dav ot April, ls.-S.
last) mca at lu, Oregon,)
April tii. 1SJ. i
Notice, is hereby given, and Alexander
XeUuiiald. Wb made 1) S. entry XoSIAtStake
unet'ial notice that tl- followhiR-nauied sot
tier has tiled notl. e of his Internum to make
Until proof In pport of hi claim, and
j tbat .od i 1 . i lie inn le before tlie rg
ister mi. i i. e- at L i (iranile, Oregon, on
! uiiv mitx. is, vu: Aa. V, Cam..
1). No. 0 Ct, for tbe SK'. of Swl,, St- SI,
1 1. ilK of U t K ami K'of Ntvi ami
Sv4 of N ' . . n X T. 7 oi It 16 K. He
in th f !:' in.--w.i inn-is to prove hut
i-i' tiiiiiute r . .'. i ee uiei, l I eut.ivatill
o, i i.,n.i u x. r nu b-, jiri'.
it. , man A. 11 i I iiiuii ,ii John Itwl
iiioiui. .itlot i', run ei i ,0:'k' a
I ill Mit ia.VhllAKX,
4-90-(U Itvgister.
SVtn r.i3.n:w:v'r"t.,-.::J
and MAyriW
List) Oi'ncn at La (jKakdi:, Oukco.nJ
Mav 0. ls.-8. f
Notice in lioreby piven tbat the followiiif;
nanied settler has tiled notieo of hi inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, ai.d that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on June i'5, 1888. viz: SAMUKL
VANOKDKlt. I). S. No IXkt, for the V,4
of Sr,l and SAV'f SEK See. 3. Tp. (1 S, 11.
It K. He lianico the lollowiii; witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: John Van
order, William lioiles, Wallace lloiles, and
Joseph Vanorder, all of Union, Oregon.
Husky Kijouiakt,
f-ll-w!. Itcgistcr.
'tici: or rourniTUtti:.
Cornucopia, Oregon, March US. ISMS.
To Georpe IJenson and John Hallet:
You are hereby not lied tbat we. your co
owners in the claim or mine knou'n a the
"I'lue Rose" claim, situated in the liid-on,
PXtentiou of the "IJiieen of the West,'' and
have expended one hundred dollars in as
sismcnt work for the year 18S7, on said
claim, as i-tipiircd by law, ami if you fail to
contribute your portion of said amount
within ninety days from date of service by
publication of tliis notice, your interest in
.still. claim will become the'proporty of the
undersigned co-owners as provided in sec
tion UMlil revised statutes U.S.
!-(!. O. S. ALLKX.
Land Oi-tici: at La Gkvniu:, Okruox,)
April :;o, 188S. V
Notice is hereby eiven that the folIowhiK
naineil K-ttler lias filed notice of his
intention to commute and make final
proof in support of bis claim, and
that said proof will bo made before
the rojibtir and receiver at La Grande,
Oreaon, on June II,, viz: JAMES II.
UIGGS, lid. No. liSs, for the N V. of SEi ;
and SEK of SE' See '.'il, and NE ijr. of NE
ip-. Sec :t, Tp. 1 N. of It. :;!) E. W. M, He
nainis the following witne--ses to prove his
continuous resilience upon, and cultivation
of said land, viz: Rudolph Hut; Sr., Jtu
dolpb A. Hup Jr., Frank Earney and Jacob
Hug Jr., all of Stiiumerville, Oregon.
n-l-wrt ReKlster.
Lino Ori'ici: at La Git..i)n, Oi:ko.. )
May 10, 188. J
Notice is hereby fjiven that the followint;
iiauied settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make tlnal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will Ik.' made bo
ore the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on June LD. iSs, viz: WILLIAM
Ml I.ES. Hd. No. 4CK1), for tbs S hlf. NE r.,
NEir. NEqr, Se-. ill and SW qr. NWijr.
See. .Ifi, Tp. VS, It. 11 E. He dames tbe
following witnesses: to piove his continu
ous resilience upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz : William M, Favorite mid
George W. Mathis, of Maker City, Oregon ;
Mathew Dean, of Keating, Oregon, and
Patrick H. Miles, of Medical Springs, Or.
n-lS-wfl. Register.
Land Oitick at La Gisaxhu, Oiseuon,)
May 21. 1B8S.
Notice is lioreby riven that the lollowing
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make tlnal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will te made be
fore the regi-ler and receiver at Ijt Grande,
Oregon, on Julv 10th, tStW. viz: JOHN
CLARK, U. S. No Sl'.'O, for the NE qr. Sec.
l,Tp.8S, R. 15 E. lie names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon, mid cultivation of, said land,
viz: .1. W. Chandler. H. W. Fowler. A.
W. Motley and J.S. Curry, all of Pine Val
ley, Or.
fi-2a wfl Register.
Tlmlior I. niul, Aft .Iiino :t, tH7K Notieo
fur l'nlillentliin.
V. S. Land Omen, La Giunde. Okkuon,)
- AprilO, lSs. ;
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions eif the act of Congross
of.Iaue:!, 17S. entitled "An act for thesalo
of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, ami Washington Territo
ry, WILLIAM KCCI.KS, of Toleeaset,
County of I'liion, Slate ot Oregon, has this
duy tiled ui ihls otliiv his sworn statement
No, 10, fortlie pureba-e of the SEqr. of
NWqr. und E hlf. SW qr. and SV yr.
K or. of Section No. 7, in Township No.
OS. Range No. 3S E. W. M.and Uleitlbr
proof to show that the land sought is more
VMluable for its timber or stone than for ag
ricultural purposes, and lo establish his
claim to uid land before the register and
reecicr of this oillce at La Grande. Ore
lion, on Monday the 0th day of July, l&S.
He names us Adam NeUou,
Jacob Stanbaugh. Win. L. Rurrows and
John Suaianl, all of Ttlooaset, Orogou.
Any and all penon claiming adversely the
abovo-dcMcrihed lands aie requestwi to lil
their elulms in thi oAlee on or before wild
Will day of July, IKS S.
1-lS-wIO ftogiiter.
Estray llorsus.
Two brown wuldli horse, about V2 or 13
hands high, branded on the nhoulder with
prinir seat liook;alu, one roan horse hran
ded with JH bn thih a;.d nb on sliotil
der; Uu cut on fort- foot owner e m nail
Vkhert about by calling at this nilicc and
po ing for this notfre.
as iron wheels. The teeth are made of
the finest quality of steel, tempered in
oil, and each one thoroughly tested
before leaving the shop.
Easy to Oneraie. To See ii is to Buy itv
Union, Oregon.
22, 24, 26, 23, 30 & 32 Lako Street,
ODbUNy II iliSSSii
pel g!
mil If If 5
TIio Iiost Simple and Perfect W aslior in
World. Over 75,000 Now in Use.
I'nion, Oregon. Mav. 11, lss7.
This istoecrtiiy thai Mr Charlc C. Coff
inberry, on May 10, wa-ded v. i h an Acme
washing ma-lrne at my hotel, in one hour
and forty-live minutes, tin following named
articles: J'amily washing. I Hue shiits,'.'
pair drawers, 2 itnder-ihirt-, J waists, s pidr
socks, I apron, L' towel-, I'd handkorch efi,
(i collars and 1 pair culls. Hotel washing,
IS table cloths, IS sheets, ;;0 pillow eases,
and 70 towels 17( pieces in all. The above
washing gave perfect satisfaction.
Proprietor Centennial hotel.
Union, Oregon, Mav 12, 1'-S".
This is to certify tbat 1 have ned die Ac
me washing machine and wringer, an'
thoroughly teted It, and am now -aiMicd
that it is the bet washing machine now-in
use, and unh.'itatiii'.'ly riconi'iund it to
any person whing a washing in lehine. I
am sa:isiied that it w I1 elo a1' or more than
is claimed fur :t bv Mr. Coiliuberrv
Chas. C. Coffin-berry,
Land Orncs at La GiiAMir, Oiifoon,!
April 20. 1K8. i"
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice ofhia inten
tion Ui make final proof in support i f his
claim, and that s il proof win b - made be
fore the resistor and receiver at I.u Graiule
Oreaon, em June 6th. l8s,S, viz: JAMES
W. SILLS. Hd. No. sau.. iortN. NE'.
audN's NW'i See. 21, Ti. 3 S, C 40 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his eoniinuoiis residence upon, and culii
vation of, said land. vU: j. U Selder, II
j. Goer, John Murphy and George Thomas,
all of Cove, Oregou.
-''" Registt-r.
Uvxn OrricK at Ik Oreoos )
Notice is hereby given tb it the following
named tt r Ii i t.h.i n tl,-n of hi liitr
ttOll to mat e tinal ool in ipport c i ll t
claim, and ih,t-..-lpi ,,f i ' i, m
foroth.: rig s er d i- , r i -xll0.
O.egon. on May SUt. l8. via. lo,, m ii'
lUltTH V. Hd No -'K, fur il.e S'i of Nw '
SHVitif Nw , andSw1, of NT. i-:i i Yi.'
of iil-i E, w x. lK- n,,,,.-: 1 1, i, y, I'
iiHiiiirv'- io rov' rrs ,.
ebtlei- upon, n ,i c . i t V . !
VU C. H. Creg, ;, W - ,
Fewcll i d Vn. 1'.. ..I.. In,
llrulire. l)r,
I i 11)1
. It
f N !
c,- . -
I lt.v.. ...
1 20-wfl
WMJl Ik 1 9, r. aT.
Union, Oregon, May 11, 1SS7.
This is to certify that I have ued tbe Ac
me washing machine and wringer to do two
huge f iinily washings, :md U gave me per
fect sa'itai tiou, and I it will elo all
that it is recommended lo do,
Union City Hotel, May 11, 1SS7.
This is to ceriifv that the Acme washing
machine lias done two washings at my ho
tel, and it has given perfect satisfaction,
and 1 think it will do all that Mr. Cofllnbcr
ry represents it to do,
l j. J. ROOTHE.
Union, Oregsn, Mav 10, !Ss7.
This is to eertiiy that we have tested tho
Acme washing machine and wringer on
several occasion, and have no he-itaney in
saying that it is the best machine we havo
- Manufacturer,
Union, Union County, Oregon.
Lanii Orrie-K at La Giiandh, OurooN,
MavO. ls.SS. t
Notice is hereby given that'the followlng
nnniod settler lias tiled notieo of his intcn
t on te make linal proof in support of hi,
e l lim, and that saiei proof will bo made bc-
fore the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on June 27, lKss, viz: HORACE
A, EATON. D. S, No. 7011, for the NJ
N U'M. SEh NW.i,' and NE qr. SW qr. Sec.
, Fp. 7S. R. -I i E. Ha names the follow
ing witnessew to prove his continuous resi
lience upon and cultivation of, said land,
yig: Newton Jones and Samuel Button, of
Keating, Or., and John Oliver and Joseph
squire, of Union, Oregon.
Hsnkv RiNiuur.T,
8-ll-wW Register.
Imnd Orrio: at La Giianiu:. Oiicuos,!
May 10, lsss. 1
Nn(eo is hereby given that the follomng
natniMl W tiler has tiienl noiie-o of his inten
tion to 111 I to ll 1 1 lininf in Hiinnnrt of his
lehdm. and that said pr xf will bo made he
l fore ihe regUter und recciwir ut I-j liraiule,
I Oregon, on Juno sth . ls-'S. viz. JOHN
I V AFGHAN. I), s. No. sisi, for tne K hlf.
Wqr.aiul N hlf. NEnr. Sec 32. Tp. 3 S,
R, to E. t names the following witness-
o proi- his cimiiIiiuous residence upon
ii j uiiita ion ,.f. said land, viz: L". tay- fr.
', Fiank Ros,.. . Union. Or. J. I. l'hy, iVfr
-uve. Or. anil John Reivd. of Union, ur,
. IlKMtY RlNKlMltT,
& tH-wfi Regi-tt,r.