The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 25, 1888, Image 6

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JONES & CHANCEY, Pabliibers. j
i I t n
une oi tne rriDopai ctcdu
Attracting I'sblie Interest
THtrt aiinrnmn nniirK nf Ttlinnia lioa
Thkhk were lynched in tho United nfnrmcd tl10 decision of the lower
States during the year 1887 no fewer court in tho county "boodlcr" eases
than 123 persons, and defendants tvill have to tcrvo their
term oi BOiuenco.
U. S. Marshal Franks has been al
Sir Moiikm,
tho throat of tho Crown
Matkhvzik examined
rrinco with ,owe(l $ MI J' or expenses incurred
i in riririirinir iwTiuriii. mi ui rvnv Tumi
uii uiuubiiu uiiiA inu io .. from Ueninark,
penaca anno onu oi wnauooKs iiko a Ewing Patterson, Bon of Henry
long, slonder pen-holder, and tlio pro- Watterson, editor of tho Louisville
portionately small battery which sup Courier-Journal, has boon arrested on
plies tho electricity is worn about th0 a cnargo oi assault wiui intent to khi
- I A 1 I fit I. I I .1 n
nvnniininit ulir.nnn'a l art L I
w w I I lllturi M ii 1 1 1 ti t . 1 1 1 oiiAt ,
Rnvnrul nlnpnu utid fnfulltr wniuifled
lias vvj,iie trying to arrest two members of
nan tho notorious Mollic Nolt irantr o
A 8MAM trout with two heads
been discovered recently in tho
hatchory at Iona, Mich. Tho heads housebreakers in Chicago.
are perfectly formed and tho bodies
unite at tho back fin. Tho little fol
low is described as looking like an an
imated boot-jack, and as lively a wrig
gler as any fish in tho pond.
"mental or cabinet work. A beautiful
result is reached by digesting 2.1
-ouncee of finely powdered turmonc
for Bovoral days in 17.5 ounces of 80
per cent, alcohol
through a cloth
plied to tho articles to bo stained.
A freight car loaded with powder,
whilo standing in tho yards at Mont
gomery, Ala., exploded from some un
known cause, destroying teveral cars
near it, and killing llobert Givan, a
colored man.
Amos II. Tyler, of B.ith N. Y
ki,ww or orange stain for wood is salesman, shot and fatally wounded
of tho most nought for in oma- Dr- )- .J311 ft dun,,i6t- Tjrflor
, . , . . ,.fi wont to Gilroy'a house, and upon tho
in i l.o ounces oi ou xno remains oi ucn. martin uc
)1, and then straining ' 01?n?' w,ni l! 'nto"Sd t AH
... . 111. Tho death of Gon. Beem by
. 1 ho solution is ap- ftt stimU)n Nebratikll( Wll9
latter's appearance began shooting at
him. Ihreo balls entered Gilroy b
Tho remains of Gen. Martin Beem,
unexpected blow to his friends and
relutives, to whom tho deed was inex
The apparent paradox that tho phcablo.
most transnarent water is at tho same Win. Spurgcon, who has been re
time perfectly opaque from a certain BU",n f.1 BpnnKiioiu( aio., sometime
point of view ib shown by a Bimplo ox- WIlH lirr. Ht., fnr .,. nl,1ill!..iBllinil. of
ponmont. Tartly fill a glass goblot over $150,000 while in tho employ of a
with clear water, and hold it a littlo privato banking firm of Baltimore as
above tho level of tho oyo and distant contmcntiai clerk.
n. 'nnt. nr mnrn. Nr. nbieof. nn.n lin senn A gang Of 111011 WCrO Working 111
' I. ... V 1. ,. at -v ..
-l,m, lw.1,1 5Uf r,vnr M,n anrfnPn nt M,n ?uw.oi " . ?
water, out tno waior suriaco appears j)0 uursti caU(5iK th0 Hides of tho
'like a burnished mirror. ditch to cavo in, and quickly filline
the trench with earth and water. Six
A bkuieb of experiments lalolymado f tho laborers arc known to havo
by a French metallurgist aro naid to
lmvn nrnvnl tlmt. Hdnnl lnsna woiVMit hv Tho boilor at tho sagh and blind
1 O J 1 . . , T 1r,i ... , i
Tust twice as rapidly as cast-iron when "i1 "'.:V,uUrl " A"
. . I'll "' UAl"n'-i'. J-iur iiiui
expoauu w moisi air. ivuKiiuiuou Harvoy Emory woro killed, and En
water was found fo di. solve cast-iron gineer Thompson was fatally injured,
much moro ranidlv than stool. From A pieco of tho boiler struck tho house
this it would seem that steel bridges "f Mrs. Jamos Mahonoy, 500 feot dis-
aro loss affected by tho acids contained
in tho smoko of tho locomotives than
aro iron ones.
Inbtuuction in tho use of tools is
A vacant franio building on Four
teenth street, in Chicago, collapsed
whilo a ntimbor of school girls woro
therein romping. Lillian Collins, 10
years old, was buried In tho ruins and
about to bo introduced in all tho hud to bo chopped out of tho wreck
nrimarv schools of Franco. It has al- Sbo was horribly crushed. Tho others
ready boon introduced in many, aud 1"ul 11 "rrw cape.
has been successfully tried at such A cyclone struck tho villago of IV
schools in Manchester, in England. It ii-"o. - wrecking several houses
mill i ii ti 1 1 ittnrti Kit t -iitliti1liiwTtj
IamuiI 111 ii I f 1 ui 11 crt F t nnla fiifinulinu I .... J
' ucw wi iwuid luuiiniiLO i vvmn,lM lltwl fl.nx iliililrti
' MU1MIMI 14 Hl V.U VllliVllUll
worn ln-
nn agreeable relaxation. Tho appron- jured, but. not fatally, by Hying tini-
uccBiup scliools, wincli aro tlio next uer. a no siorm camo an tno way
Devoted Principally to Washington
Territory and California.
higher grade, aro taking tho place of
tho old apprenticeship system in Gor-
many, Switzerland and Franco.
from I'reoport, acconip.invinj; tho
evening train part of the distance and
causing havoc rJong tho routo.
Firo was seon on tho farm of Widow
Ii nn'n iwtnt A iliiiir(ni "NTnl A uian
'Till? liftif Irnm 4 r ti-ou.i tie A haI!m I . . . '
...Dv ...... vuoa ,..u jvivifiui qf citizons went out. ancf wuro hnrr
Circle pr.Bscd tho lino on tho Luloa Hod at finding tho charred remains of
Jtuilway recently. This most north- seven human bodies, only identified
urlv rnilrn.irl in thn wr,rld n.ns m, frr,. l,y their btaturo as follows : Old lady
un .w,-i ,.r t ..i . .1 Freeze, Fred. Gratoluschon, his wife
tho Swedish port of Lulca, at tho L.,.,, ,,' nllillrn K'P
head of tho Gulf of Bothnia, into Louis, scattered in diflerout parts of
Swedish Lapland, within four miles of tho barn, among tho horaes and cows,
tho Gollivara Mountains, famous for Emma Althouso, a young woman of
their yiolu of iron oro. The works Attica, r. l ., who has been subject to
woro boL'im twniitv-Hiivfn vinr mm trances of long duration for some
and then woro given up until quite Jjmo, nwoko, aflor a sleep of thirty
. . f 1 1 threo days. Whon told of her pro-
tract ou sleep siio ovinceu niuoh
CorroK, according to a Bciontilio
prise. Jninng her sloop her grand
futhnr. rOMidinrr in ICimtiinlrv iliml
authority, is not a fiber, but a plant When Emma awoko, she informed tho
huir. It holds to bo spun into a family physician of tho fact, but she
thread because of ncouliar twists in C0l,u not tuU how Bho camo to know
i :
Boono, especially in polarized light. A number of explosions of natural
1.11111 flinillil Itl-llt tti U1XIIII Itnii.mA r . .
u.v u,u u ni.u.i, "un.ou ijii ,1 0. iN. Y.. canse( hv ovor nrf
al... ill 1. I .
uiu noors navo certain rougnnosseB on uro, ami created widespread excite
their surfaces which onablo them to ont, besides destroying St. Paul's
cling togothor. llonco it is impost-
Jjlo to nuu'o as lino linen as cotton
cloth, but it is much stronger.
As Handy Dklono and his son
Jteubon, who hvo on Black Lako,
about oight miles from Ogdensburg,
JJ. l ., woro driving along tho highway
Cathedral, tho prido and glory of tho
city. An explosion occurred in tho
furnaco in tho basement, blowing out
windows and doors. Flames at once
broke out, aud in half an hour the in
1 iff 1
lorior oi tno ueauiuui cnuren was m
1 ho climax m the caso of tho Wil
liniantio Savings Institute in Connect
iuih, was reacneu in ino arrest o
4lliur unit ii In unit ti.J.l ..ii.. . I r. i ...
"'"J " nujju uiim uugio suung on uasiuor Koyco, on twenty-nvo countB
tho fonco. Tho bird whb covored with which iudicato that lloyco's peoula-
mud and too weak to got away from t'0118 lmvo lccn ,noro ,iml
thorn. Ho was soon captured and nut l.0!!1:1"!..11!.'1" nl ihal M'octod. Tho
. .... j iiiujuniiuiiiB iiui'i" iiusiiso oi ueposns
aim tno making oi laUo entries for a
an inoir buggy. In tho Hold near by
Uioy found anothor bald oaglo lying
tlead. Tho scratched and torn con
dition of both birds Bhowed that there
iiau boon u lilo and death drugglo bo
'tween thorn. 9, it Booms, has gradually bo-
como tho heailquarters of tho carved
wood industry, Biipplanting Switzer
land. Six hundred artists in wood
carving, tho same number of turn
ore, and 700 carpontm aro engaged in
manufacturing such articles as oijur-
casea, nowspupor and picture framoa,
napkin rings, ota Tho valuo of tho
annual export of thoso articles is given
a 6,000,000 niarkB, and this is exclu
bIvo of tho costly carved wood furni
ture, tho manufacture and export of
which ro assuming largo proportiona. I
i i .
largo uumnor oi notes ami bills ro-
coivablo which were novor sent for col
lection. Ho is also charged with aj-
propriaung about ;o,uuu at dillerent
One of tho largest, if not tho largost,
ponsious on record has been granted
to C. B. Gillott, of Whatoheor, Iowa,
tno amount being 5-1,0 i.i. Gillott re
ceived a Biiustroko whilo in tho army,
........... I ... .1... 1 !..! f.
nno iivmvu hi iiiu iioBpuai ior disease
of tho oyes, and finally discharged
from Borvico on account of this disa
bility. In 1872 ho applied for a pen
sion, but his claim was rejected in
1878, on tho ground that his blindness
could not be directly traced to sun
stroke whilo in tho eorvico. A few
years slnco his iclativos and attorney
had tho caso ivopended, mid tho result
is an allowance of over 12.000 nn tlm
first payment, and $72 a month d ur
ns tho remainder of hi. UK
Clms. McStravick, of Grass Valley
Cal.. was riding in a buggy and lead
ing a colt by a lino. The colt stopped
suddenly, tearing off three fingerd of
his left hand.
Win. Keyos and Jolfn Peyton, had
a fow words at Boca, Cal. Keyes
struck Peyton with a pistol. The
men clinched and Keyes fired. The
bullet entered Poytou's breast and
passed through tho left lung. Ho
Alexander Duckworth, serving a
soven years Bontenco in tho state
prison at Folsom, Cal., for robbery at
San I'rancisco, attempted to escape,
and was shot by guard Fitzsimmonn
tho ball passing through tho prisoner's
thighs and inflicting a dangerous
Tho nitry-glycorino house of the
California Powder Works at Pinolo.
Cal., exploded. Tho employes had left
tho building about ton minutes before
tlio explosion occurred. About 3,000
pounds of glycorino exploded. The
building was totally destroyed. No
ono was hurt.
During a runaway at Sacramento.
Cal., a wagon oocumed by Isaac Lea
and Mrj. James Blundin collided witli
that of an old mun named Myers
not Ji of tho latter were thrown out.
tho lady receiving a severo cut in tho
face, and Myors striking on his head
it i ii . ii
aim Doing prooaoiy iataiiy injured
Francis G. Bornemann. cashier of
the sub-treasury at S.m Francisco in
188&-8b, was arrested by tho U. S.
marshal upon an indictment found
against him by tho fedoral grand iurv.
ilio cliarge against Bornemann
of embezzling .10,000 in currency
irom tno sub-treasury.
lno coroner lias been called on to
investigate tho death of a l-l vear-old
child of parents belonging to tho Band
of Holiness, and living in a hut in
Arroyo Seco, Cal. Tho child had been
sick two months, but tho parents re
fused to call in a physician, saying the
Lord would care for tho suflorer.
Lucy Sing, r Chinese babe, died at
tho Chineso mission in San Francisco.
Tho infant was taken by a charitable
society from an undertakers shop in
Chinatown, whither it had been taken
by its inhuman parents. Thov con-
sidero 1 it too puny to live, and they
wanted to save trouble by having it
near tno colhn at tho tnno of death.
At an executivo meoting of tho di
rectors oi tho Nevada bank Ex-Sona-tor
Fair was paid a balance of $2,000.-
000 which tho bank owed him. This
squared the account between tho old
Kinanza partners that has been un
settled, and Mnckay, Flood and Fair
have now arranged all their financial
affairs as relating to each other com-
letoly satisfactorily.
Fii-hermon on a tug which wont out
to Farallor.o islands near San Fr-in-
isco, caught a huge devil fish. Tho
animal had a number of tenucles. It
clung so closely to tho side of the
teamoi that two of tho arms had to
bo severed in order to get it on board.
It is tho largest spocinion of tho octo
pus caught here, tlio arms measuring
fully four feet in longth.
Charles Smith, a traveling man, out
his throat at tho What Cheer House
in San Francisco. Ho was out of
employment and without money, for
tho first tfmo in his life, he said, and
would rather bo dead than become a
beggar at his ago. Ho is about 50
years old. His wind pipe was cut and
t'ohco burgeon Martineau porformed
a timely operation whioh will savo his
William Nicholson, a shoemaker at
San 1' rancihco, camo homo shortly af
ter midnight, in an advanced condi
tion of inebriety. A lodger undoi took
to help tho man up stairs to his room.
and with much dilliculty had dragged
him to the top of tho front llight, whon
Aicbolson s almost inert body slipped
from his grasp, and wont rolling and
bounding to tlio floor below. Within
a fow minutes ho was tlead. Ho hail
broken his neck.
IOius 1 uror, a 10-year-old boy liv
ing just out of San Francisco, was
killed by a chargo of bird shot hrcd
at a cat by Joseph Miller, who works
on tho ranch. Tho cat that Miller
was after had crawled into a brush
heap, and ho was poking around after
it. lho littlo boy camo up to seo
what was going on, and got hotweon
Miller's shotgun aud tho cat, just as
Miller pulled tho trigger. Tho full
charge struck tho boy in tho abdomen
tearing a horrible opening.
A bold attempt was matlo in broad
day light by John Govoy, a contractor,
to sot fire to tho oxtonsivo lumber
yanis of tho West Coast Lumber Com
pany at San Diego, Cal. Ho was dis
covered running out of tho yard from
a spot whoro a pilo of rags, saturated
with korosono, had been fired under a
pilo of dry lumber. It is reported
that Govoy had a dispute with t'10
company regarding some lumber he
had bought, and threatened ven
ino romnuiB oi a woman were
found in tho brush in Sweitzer can
yon, about tliree nines cast of Sun
Diego, Cal., by Mr. Grubnow, a dairy-
Everything of General Interest in a
Condensed Form.
Devoted to the Interests of Fanners
and Stockmen.
4 . ; . i i ,
jt. uuiiuuiig BuiiiHjuur 13 oeing OUllt nrnftiiiff,
by Win, Squire at Tillamook. Thoee who wish to do grafting later
'J-bo Uongrfgationnhst8 of Hillsboro man is usual in tho spring may find
win. mn n -1 1. I Xt . . .1..
expect toon to build a church.
Mrs. Campbell Df Empire, Coos bay,
uieu at tno ago oi ou,
Phoenix, Jackson county, will build
a .l,'JUU school house.
Considerable excitement exists ovor
it niterestintr to trv the following
methods recommended in eastern
farm journals, as they seem reasonable
u noi in common use :
An exchange has a correspondent
who says he has practiced a stylo of
gniiung not laid down in tho books
tho coal discovery in tho Nehalom ftnd wi)ich can be (lone nt any M '
, v . during tno growing season. It should
A two story hall is to bo built at be done in the spring as soon us tho
Yaquina (Jity by the Masons and Odd bark will peel freelv from the stock,
Fellows jointly. Ho uses scions of last yeur's wood
Tho class tree of the graduating with two or threo buds. Thefe are
clast of tho State University this year cut u on0 8'de, with a sloping cut,
is a Lanx Europea, grown in tne Make an incision in the bark, exactly
nursery at Woodburn, Marion county. 1,8 budding, insert the scion with
Paris is the namo of the new town me tloping cut so arranged as to ox
laid out for tho county seat of Mai actly fit on tho wood under tho sap
heur county, and the county is with- bark, then wrap and tio well without
out a newspapor.
A call was issued bo prominent bus
iness mon ot Alb iny for a citizens
meeting, for tho nurnoio of organizing
a board of trade.
using wax. It would seem reasonable
to cover with paper for a week or bo
in case tho weather is warm to shield
tho work from tho hot sun, or it might
Biinnk tno wood of tho scion before it
COllld takft lin nnnrialimnnt fmm Mm
. r n . ... I "I" ..v....
in. m. oaie, son ot A. II. Bale, died stock. This is wnrili trvi'nc- nH ?n
at Astoria, of cerebro spinal meningi- manv instances. Itppb lmvo ton inV).
tis. Ho was 28 years old, and a native builds, and it. in in
. - i r " - - - - uvuiiuuiu vj vin ucu
ui marion county. them to have lower 1 nibs. It woult
At tho preliminary examination of seem reasonable that such eruftintr
W. L. C. Elliott, t Independence, ho should be possible, and if bo. now is
was held to answer in tho recent mur- the time to try it. He does not state
der of John B. White. the size of trees or limbs that can be
Ono bf Cook's fishermen, in his Brafled in this manner, and readors
boat, near Clifton, whilo about to who aro successful in making such
Josenl, Kinnisnn. of Bakr.r Citv. f"10 uar can.uo UM u"6 tlio
, near Clifton, whilo about to w" are &ccessiui m making such
t a sea lion, accidentally shot Stts will confer a public favor by
iclf in tho right thigh, tho ball lvinK the result of their experience,
ering tho bono. lf (,onc llltor wcl1 ripened wood of the
was thrown from the horse ho was rid
ing ana received injuries that .ire
thought to be quito serious. His con
dition indicates internal injuiies.
man. Tho remains had been shock
ingly mutilated by coyotes. In a
satchel noar by woro Bovoral lottors,
ono addressed to Miss Annio Cunning
ham, care ot bamuol John Krwm,
Fresno, California, postmarked Ireland.
V photograph of a woman about -In
years of ago was alsu found, believed
to bo that of deceased. An empty
box of Bough ou lUts wan found noar
tho lody, and ono theory is that boinu
uuahlo to obtain employment, she be
came diocutuolutu and swallowod the
leaves save a short stem
If one graft fails another can be put
in. xno buds remain dormant the
first year, usually. When done on
lrP(' to indllru, linllrn nlinnnr, l,n
A two-year-old child of John De- shonlfl tint. h li0!wlt ,ni- tn n'L
fill II t I ' '-'' "OVJIk IV bWU VIWl
"iiKor, ol .uoany, uraiiK a sniau quan- niant bud until tho next soring. Tins
tityot concentrated lyo, with which iH said to ho mnrn nnW.r,.i ii,, if,
l , i I 1 . I uMuvvi-ui VlMtll
.i luuiiiur was cleaning nouso. it is grafting in fcomo nurts of Illinois nn.l
i i,,.,.i.i ii i . i . '
ii.uuKiii uio uiiuu uiinuot recover. cnn bo done on wood tnn lnr.m fr
J. J. lio?ell, of Sweet Home, arrested budding.
for assaulting his son-in-law, Daniel Side grafting is described as cutting
Morris, with a knife, was discharged a notch, or slit, about an inch long, in
in Justice Humphrey's court for want me side of the stock aud inserting a
of evidence. scion cut to fit tho same. This is
Albert Gilliam, of Pilot Rock, suf- practical in caso of scions received
fered a broken leg by his horse falling, lllt0,m th, 8PrlnS- The dilliculty in
no was alone, and tried to attract ph. iu oo io miiKe
eomo one's attention by firing his re- L. , " 111 we" una to tie it on
volver. but failing, ho nlimhod nn firmly. In all such work it would
horso and rodo home, a distant of see,n Proper to use wood cut m au
' ........ i r.ii. i .
threo miles. tumu .uui uuiuiuuy Kopi in enrin an
n,n Wilt.,,,., T,i.: n winter. Ciuoli wood ought to grow
lho ulapa Packing ConiDanv ...,.n ;r u r..i .,
nml T. t i),.no . i, i.m u" ou,uu " " ami a quarter up
. t?Z 'J. V. ,al Btock 20r on each si.le, turn back tho bark, cut
lortland Investment Comnanv. wodcrn tn nnnnnv tlu rt. nf ii... ;,.ni.
i ho incorporators aro F. C. A. Peikes. and a Olliirt(r. 'PIhmi run llio L-ifn
HT , ni . . I ..... w.v
. ij. onerman ami ii. it. j,ewis: nionnd nm imnl tlm l.ivb- ,,,, .,.,,1
..!. d.rrnr,n , .. ' i .... , uuu
uiip mi siouk, .tou.uuu ; location, l'ort- a quarter on tho stock and cut a slit
"Hilt. for t.lm u-prlii nn tlm uo!,..
I - " " d w 1 ' . bl.VJ 1 1.11111 1.1
Leonard, IG-yenr-old eon of A. H. nt into. Fit the wedgo into the slit
Hooker, living at Eight Mile, in draw- and slip tho bark peeled back from the
ing a l l-callibre revolver from Ins scion over tho wedge, tie it on close
pocket, shot himself through tho loft and wax it. This graft is said scarce
band in the middle knuckle noint. ever to fail
The middle linger was amnutatcd.
Gov. Pennover has annointed tl i 10 eno is tno only reliable solution
following notaries public : C. C. Lewis, ot tlie ri,I1(l0W" farm problem
Kockwood, Multnomah county: Willis When setting out strawhprrv nlntH
Vidito, Alsea, Benton county : E. B. uee garden trowels and ho
Watson, Portland ; J. W. Congdon, roots aro well spread out in tho shane
inouaue: v. is. ur.u, UornucoDia. of a fan. and cut off thn fnil nf
union county. tho roots that aro too long
Mrs. Amanda Davidson, din,? n. should be set out when tho
contly at Tillamok. She was ti,0 grounu is ttamp, s dry weather
daughter of James .nd Anna OmV.k. ?umt 1 m"ua U1U C,,,1S0 01 11 wrge mini
and was born November 2(1. ISita. tlm uer '"' to root in the soil after
. . . . . . ' ' 1 1
first whito girl born in Tillamook K
county. &no loaves a husband and An orchard twenty-fivo vears ol;ii 1 ... - .
two sniau cniiuren. imd been seeded down and n .ms tlm
last ten years, and had become un
thrifty and unfruitful. L-ist vear one
nan 01 it was thoroughly nlowet:
1 ..!. . , ,
.miies woro ajipueu, and it was
caremlly pruned. Tho other half was
not cultivated. This treatment was
continued this year. Tho reuult was
that the cultivated portion resisted tho
drought perfectly and had dark green
ionage, and is heavily laden witl
Ualdwui8, Greenings and Golden Ku
sets, 111 remarkable contrast with tho
other portion. In cultivating an old
orchard which hits been long in grass
11 snoniii 00 remembered that
should bo dono whilo tho trees
dormant, when breaking tho roots will
do littlo harm. When in a growing
suae 11 may cause positivo injury.
Boiling growing wheat in tho spring
is practiced m tno middle Western
states with great success. Ono old
farmer in Indiana says ho has tried it
for twenty years and always has soon
decided benefits therefrom. Some
times ho has left strips in tho wheat
fields that were not rolled, and invar
Hiuiy luuiui mo roueu wneat was
thriftier and gave a better yield. He
thought rolling added Hvo bushels to
tho yield per aero. His plan was to
do tho rolling us soon us tho ground is
111 condition and tho soil dry enough
not to stick to tho roller. Farmers in
Oregon have practiced rolling grain
when it was growing well in the
spring, hut it lias not becomo gener
ally practiced. Thoro is quite a dif
ference m countries and climates. In
tho states where snow lies on all win
ter and frost is loaving the giound
continually, tho need of rolling to re
store the ground to a solid condition
is plainly to bo seen, but in tho Pacific
Northwest, and especially west of tlio
Cascades, tho action of continuous
rains is much more felt than of frost,
anil the earth is very littlo thrown up
h frt'Kzinir Tlwiiin nniwlitwu.o .....1...
During tho recent eclipso of tho
snn tho Itussian Nihilists scattored
their pamphlets all over Russia.
Tho fashlonablo Swiss hotels now
havo Anioiiean bars, presided over bv
handsome Swiss girls in nativo drcisT
15 (3
Fancy roll, & lb
Inferior in-aclo
California roll
do pickled...
Eastern, full cream.
Oregon, do
Koos Fresh
DlUKI) Fkuits
Apples, qi-H. 8kn and bxs..
do California ,
Apricotx, now crop
Peaches, unneoled. now
Pears, machine dried..,
Pitted cherries
Pitted nl u inn. Ori'Lron...
Figs, Cal., In ban and bxs..
14 &
Cal. Prunes, French
UreRon prunes
Portland Pat. Roller, tfbbl 8
Salem do do
White Lily t bbl
Country brand
Wheat, Valley, 100 lbs...
do Walla Va a
Barley, whole, fc ctl
no around. t ton
OaU, choice mlllliiK f bush
do leed.KOOd to choice. old
Hve, fc 100 Iba
Bran, f ton
Shorta. t ton , .
Hay, V ton. baled
Chop. V ton 3 00 2.5 00
Oil cake meal tfton 83 00 35 OC
Fuksii Fruito
Apples, Oregon, $ box 1 23 1 60
4 00
4 00
4 25
3 50 3 75
2 M) 2 75
& I 22K
1 15 & I m
1 10 CO 1 lsj
20 Ui C25 00
45 47
44 (s) 15
1 10 1 25
(315 00
17 00
10 00 (in 18 00
Cherries, Orecou, f drin
r n.iinii.i r1. I . If I
LiimeH, v leu.,.
Riverside orauxes, box...
Los Angeles, do do ...
Peackes, V box
Dry, over 10 Iba, V Tb
Wet salted, over 65 Iba
Murrain hides ,
Cabbage, V lb
Carrots, f sack
Cauliflower, dot
Onions ,
Potatoes, now, $ 1C0 lbs . .
Rant Oregon, Spring clip,.
Vallev Oregon, do ,,
3J25 3 50
1 0c
4 i4
7 (8
2 75
1 25
14 (H
10 ffl
by freezing. Theso conditions mukn
it loss necessary, jirobably, to roll or
harrow wheat in the spring, but it In
safo to bolievo that good results will
follow suoh cultivation horo in Ore
This is said to account for tho
drawal of English patronage.
Frenchwomen havo of lato begun
to manifest an extraordinary tastrfor
rai-o books, curious editions, and beau
tiful old bindings. Hitherto the typi
cal Parisionno road less than tho wom
en of any other civilized nation, and
the only wonder is thoy are so well in
formed as they aro in most matters.
A French journal prints tho num
ber of works of art exhibited nt tho
saloons since 1872. Of a total of 2 06!)
that year, 1.500 were pictures proper.
The total to dato is 7-1 103. iiieluiling
51 1-1G pictures proper. The otlior '20.
000 weio not pictures improper, a
might be supposed, but sculptures and
medals. Pkiladc. phiu Press.
The Eiig.ish co-operatives have a
bank whoso transactions amount to
$80 000 000 a year. Thoy havo 1.400
'ores and do a business nf $150 000,
000 a year. T ieir !) K) 000 moinhnrs
ruceive an annual profit of $15,000,
0J0. Their profits during tho past
twenty-four vears have been 150,000,-
000. PuLlio Opinion.
Tlio Prussian M nistcr of P.ihlio
Instriiction has vetoed a bill providing
for the lighting of tho It yal museums-
of Berlin by electricity for the reason
that, tho public has ample facilities for
vi-iting the reading-rooms in daytime.
O dy the Museum of Art Industry,
which already posses-ins th i necessary
ippliances. will b. ligh'cd by elec
tricity and b ' accessible to the public-
iu tlio evening hours.
-Tho J.-ipauo-io Prof. Nisliigava is
at present, studying the G rinan art of
Iner browing at its source in Munich.
where ho spout as much time as eight
days in ono browery. lie was sunt
thither by tho J in tii')so Govofumont.
which is desirous of checking tho-
growing consumption of brandy, and.
contemplates the introiluc ion of Ger
man and J-.nglish beer free of dut',
whilo putting a high tax 'on stronger
alcoholic liq-iors.
A French newspaper reports that
n S-.ibiaco, near Itoine, all tho inhabit-
mts are under the inlluence of oni-
h'psy or hypnotism. Tliu cui-iito spends
his time in exorcising the evil spirits,
mil Cardinal Blanehi has sent tho
Pope's special bunodiction all with
out avail. A troop of soldiers who.
wore sent to the villago have shown,
symptoms of giving way to the disease,
ind thoro is sii posed to bo something
n tlio air alluding the nerves.
Next to gold, statistics show that
Hawn gum is tliu most va nub e nm-
Itietof milling industry inXowZea-
md. 11m gum, which is largely used
in tliu niauiifacitiro of lino varnishes.
occurs in tho ground formerly occu-
lied by kawri fore-ts, and is also found
a deposit at the foot of tho growiii"-
kawri tree. In tho North Island abuiL
x thousand tons are obtained annual
ly, and tlio value of tliu aggregate
leld up to the pr.iseiit timu lias been
17,500.000. X. V. Ledncr. 4
Comforinably to tho laws of ad-:iiK-o
and retreat of glaciers, it is said
lioso in thu valley of Chamonniv.
" ' -
wilzcrland, aro now beginning to ad-
nmce. J In lower extromitv of the
aeier ties Bossons ii "no; more than
threo thousand feet above tho level of
Ii') sea," and is going still lower.
Daring the past three years this lower
.'.vtroinily "has ailvancd at the rato of
fifty yards a year." It is said that "a
iiotlo cut oit of tho ice in May, 18 Hi,
,i quarter of a mile from the extremity,
lias moved down moro than sixty
Tlin gold which is now being dug
Diit of the ancient eanictories (huacas)
U Ililaiidia. C ntral America, and
Dther places near P.iruira. has led moro
than ono thousand workmen to Hook to
... i . ,
.nai sjjoi, aim a lown nas spi u lg up
there within the last four years which
now contains moro than fifty thousand
inhabitants. Public attention is being
turned to those regions, as tho ancient
burial places and deposits of the
wealthy Cacique Caracal have not yet
b.ien di-covered. and it is believed that
liis treasures were immensely more
raluahlo than any which have yet beou
It sounis anomalous,' savs an En
glish panor. that corn should bo as
cheap in a part of Turkey as near to
the gr at European markets as Erzo
rouni is. as in tho nio.-.tromoto district
of tho far West of America or Mani
toba, whilo Hvo stock and d airv oro.
linen soil at low prices, Th t in cans of
comnniuieation aro so bad in Erze
rouin, however, that wheat was solliii"-
Micro hist autumn, according to Acting
Uinsul Djvoy. at 11 shillings a miar-
ter, barley at a littlo ovor 5 shillings,
sheep at 7 shillings and C nonco to &
Shillings oaeli. btittor at 51
pound and choose at 1 penny
oor, tno proposed railway from
Constantinople to Diarb -kir is com
pleted, tho farmers of the vilayet will
no doubt, get bolter prices.
Lack ot Punctuality.
Lack of punctuality in keeping all
one s engagements is immoral, bo
causo it is selfish. Wo aro too lazy
and intont on ploasing ourselves tcv
euro for tho c n venionco of others. It
immoral, because to ho tardy in
keeping a social or business appoint
ment is au insult to tlio nerson ulin.
hts aro thus ignored. It is mom
than immoral, it is ill-bred. It shows a
ontonipt for thos.i oourtosios that
make Booial Ufa possible. This U
especially tho oaso whon hick of
punctuality is shown in public gathor-
ponce per
1S. i. ii-iiHcr.