THE 0S?QO53 SCOUT. AMOS K. J ON ICS. KltTOIJ. The Oregon Scout has as large a circu lation as any three paprrs in this sec tion of the State, combined, and is cor respondingly valuable as an advertising medium. riilay, Hay S3lli, 1SSS. Union and Vicinity. Haiti is needed. Several letteis crowded out of this issue. Examine the Standard mower and rake. W. T. Carroll has purchased a bran new Newton wagon. "Peter the Poet" has sold his inter est in the Long Creek Eagle. A splendid assortment of carpets just received at Jaycox it Posters'. Read the ad. of Unas. Shuman, hoot and shoe maker, in another column. Mrs. Esther Lawrence, wife of lion. A. J. Lawrence, died in Raker City on the 20th hist. I). B. Bees and Boo Rogers are en gaged in the wholesale butcher busi ness in Tacotna. La Grande needs some kind of a building to hold public meetings in, and needs it bad. The fifteenth annual reunion of the Oregon pioneers will take place in Portland, June loth. Remember Jesse Alherton, the mer chant of Cornucopia, is constantly re ceiving new goods. Read W. D. Adams' ad. of auction sale, which will commence in his store on Saturday June 2nd, A Levy, this week, bought a largo amount of choice bacon of Mr. Sain'l Btirnough, of Indian valley. Smith's walking gang plow, some thing new and just the thing. For Salo by Frank Bros. Implement Co., Island City. 4 Rev. G, M. Irwin will address the citizens of Union precinct on political issues, Saturday June 2nd at S o'clock v. M. at the court house. Every man should take pride in his own town. It is home and the better his town is the better home he has. Building up one's town is building up his home. Some new backgrounds just re ceived at Jones Bro's photo, gallery. Get your picture taken. We guaran tee you as good work as can be got anywhere. Don't try to grin and bear that fear ful corn, but go at once to the Cove drug store and get a box of sure cure, only liic. It takes the corn out speed ily and painlessly. The Oiskgon Scout is one of our best exchanges. It has the largest amount of local contributors of any journal in that section. Good. ' Cen tcrville Home Press. A ballad concert will be given in the near future, for the benefit of the three churches in this city. All the local talent of the town will take a part Further particulars will bo giv en later on. Malarial poisons contain the germs of dangerous diseases. If these poih ons accumulate in the system, Ty phoid, Bilious, Intermittent or Chill Fever is sure to follow. Ayor's Ague Cure is a warranted specific for mala ria. Wilcox it Wilcox, managers of the C. & N. W. photo, tent, will positively stop taking negatives Monday morn ing the 28th inst. Any one wishing first class photo's., we ask to give us a call. All work iinished and delivered before we leave town. A correspondent writing from Cald well, says: The Caldwell merchants havo this spring handled seven car loads of alfalfa seed. All this, to say nothing of what was raised in the val ley, has been sown in this immediate vicinity. Much of it will bo lost un less we soon have rain. Mr. Harlan Stewart has bought Dr. Drake's inteicst in the Union flouring mills, and will hereafter give the busi ness his particular attention. Mr. M. S. Warren and Mr. Frank Bidwell havo also secured shares in the institution. Mr. Warren was elected secretary and treasurer. Dan Beidleman, our energetic sad dler and harness maker, received a large invoico of new goods and mater ial this week. Farmers and others should inspect this stock. He has some elegant single buggy harness at from $10 to $lf) a set. Tho pticos of other goods are in about tho same proportion. Roscburg is to havo a woolen mill. Tho citizens of tho place havo sub scribed ifSooo towards repairing and improving tho dam across tho South Umpqua river just south of tho town, and tho mill will bo built by a com pany from Scotland. There is no reason why Union cannot have a woolen mill, also. Carrio Bradley, tho murderess, par doned from the Oregon penitentiary a year ago, was killed at Tuscon, Arizo na, on tho 9th inst., by John Wad leigh, hor macque. Ho wont to her ho. .se drunk, and bing refused admit tance kicked in the door, and as she ran out ho caught hor and cut her throat. It amtisoa Ub to hear somo of our sister newspapers boast because they are all-at-homo prints, whun thoy t thosamo timo uu bti-rotypi plates that aro half a contury old. Better uto a "patont" than U:o the plates aftor they havo boon need on these pUtonte. Gentorville Home Prets. Tho above romarks are very much to thu jmint, and will apply to ono or two of tho progressive?) newspaper of , Union county. Personal and Social. Mr. J. L. Carter visited Union this week. lion. C. M. Jamison was in town, Wednesday. Mr. F. Ftvvre, of Telocaset, called on us Wednesday. Mr. S. T Uurnough, of Elgin, called on us yesterday. Prof. Owen, of Ln Grande, was in Union this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Eaton will start cast in a few days. Mr. Louie Latnere, of High Valley, was in town Monday. Mr. Mox Sommer, of Woiser city, visited Union recently. Mrs. O. B. Bees took her departure to-day for Tacotna, W. T. Mr. 1. W. Mahnrry, of North Pow der, called on us this week. Dr. Savior, of North Powder, passed through the city Wednesday. Prof. Alguire, the phrenologist, is holding forth in Umatilla county. Miss Ida Davis is visitintj relatives in Dayton. Site Will be gone several weeks. Rev. Irwin is stumping this part of the state in behalf of the republican patty. Dr. Day had his horse and cart sent over from Dayton last week, and now rides in style. Jacob P. Bloch, of La Grande, was over last Sunday, visiting among his many friends. Wo acknowledge a pleasant call this week from Mr. E. L. Eckley, of the La Grande Gazette. Rev. Tlios. MacGttire will preach at the Presbyterian church every Sunday at .1 o'clock, f. M. Miss Lizzie Miller, who has been visiting friends in Siuninerville, re turned a few days ago. The Union Silver Cornet Baud en livens all political meetings here with most excellent music. Col. Raley was over from Pendleton a few days ago, and called on us. He thinks his prospects are flattering. Mrs. Dr. Cromwell is visiting rela tives and friends in the Willamette. She will not return for several weeks. We acknowledge receipt of an invi tation to attend dedicatory services of tho Rosoburg public school building, on the 2t)th inst. Mr. A. E. Eaton, who was attending the Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F. at Port land last week, returned Monday. Ho thinks of taking a trip east, soon. The Republican County Central Committee of Wallowa county has ap pointed Dr. Lang its candidate for Coroner, vice Dr. Gailey resigned. Mr. E. 11. Lewis, of North Union, has enclosed his yard with a very neat wire fence, lie is also making orna mental improvements about tho place. Mr. C. E. Oliver, democratic nomi nee for School Superintendent, accom panied by .Mr. llmdman, tho present incumbent of that oflice, made us a pleasant visit this week. Mr. Jos. Yowcll, alias "honest Joe. of Pyle canyon, made us a substantial visit, Monday. Mr. Yowcll has not been very well for some time, but thinks he is imptoving now. Mr. Chas. 0. Coflinbcrry returned tho fore part of tho week from an ex tended trip throughout the country, lie visited Baker City, La Grande, Pendleton, Milton and Walla Walla, and concludes that Union is the best place after all. Mr. Wilbur Davis came down from Cornucopia, Tuesday, over tho new road. Ho informed us that t lie men now working on the road will soon havo it in good condition. Times are rather dull on Pine cieek at present, but lie thinks tho outlook is very good. Mrs. Parscll, of Alpine, Morrow county, has been appointed a notary public. This is believed to bo the first instance in which a woman has been appointed notary public in Oregon. The statute makes no distinction as to sex. Rev. 0. R. Shields, of Wallowa county, is in tho East attending a ses sion of tho general assembly of tho Presbyterian church, as a representa tive of the Presbytery of Eastern Ore gon. Ho will be gone about sixty days. Ed. Gagnon, who went to Oregon several months ago, is back again and this timo to remain, having accepted a position as prescription clerk in the "east end" drug store. Ed is a lively good natural young man and his ma ny friends will bo pleased to know ho is again with us. Concordia (Kansas) Blade. Attorney T. II. Crawford, who has been making speeches throughout Baker, Malheur and Grant counties, returned Tuesday. Mr. Crawford lays no claims to being a Demosthenes, but wo know ho can make a better speech than nino-tenths of tho "orators" that aro sent through this country to ha rangue tho people. ,1N HX IM. AN ATI O J. What is this "nervous trouble" with which so many suom now to bo afflicted? If you will remember a few years ago tho J word MnJttriu wan comparatively unknown, j to-day it is at common i any word in tho English language, yet tbU word cover on- j ly the meaning of another word used by our forofathu n In time ut. Bo it it with uervoag itlneiuoti. a tliey and Mtltiria aro inteuiled to coyer wiiat our grainh'athors , calfo I IHIiouMK-vv ami all ur cuused by trouLha that arise from a dive'il oumli tlon of tlie r w! J h in performing Its fuuetion fin.liiig it fuiinot db-poM of tho i bile through the ul ry channel is com- j IUdt. i as it oil hrough the system, j causing nervnu" treuiic, Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc. Ynii wlm arc nufff ring ran well hi r. . I it.- :i t mo. Wi' iv onini i.d Orr-r-n's A'iKUt Jiowcr It cures are marvelous. SlXE-i HIM I P. A man living in this county, who owes over two years subscription, put his )hper back in the po?toffice last week marked "refused." We liavt heard of many mean men there is a man who ucd the wnrt on his neck for a collar button ; and who imstured a goat on his grandmother's grave, and one who stole copers fiom a dead nigger's eye, and one who got inch by giving his children a nicklo each to j,o to bed without their supper, and then stealing the niekles after the children were asleep but for pure downright ctissedness the man who will tako a paper two years, mark it "refused" and stick it back into the post office is en titled to rir.-t premium. Itemizcr IRISH AND SWIFT. Since our last issue the above named gentlemen, from California, have ad dressed our citizens on the political is sues of tho time. Mr. Irish appeared brainy evening. I he people expected to hear something fine and were not disappointed. Hcis thcouly man that has vet visited Eastern (hvgen who can lav just claims to being an orator Mr. Swift spoke Monday evening and was well received. It was apparent from the hrst that lie is no match tor Irish, when it comes to oratory, al though lie presented his arguments in a clear and lucid manner. FARM IMPLEMENTS KTC. Parties contemplating tho purchaso of anvthing in the line of buggies, wag ons, mowers, rakes, or, in fact, any kind of farm implements or machinery, should interview Mr. F. M. Slocum, manager of tho Union machinery de pot, of this citv. He handles a first class line of goods and everything is warranted as represented. PUBLIC SPEAKING. Mr. Turner Oliver and Mr. J. L. Hoe candidates for the legislature, will speak as follows: At the Cove, Friday, June 1st, at 2 o'clock v. m. and at the High vallev school house m the even ing. At Elgin, Saturday, June 2nd, at 2 o'clock i'. m. and at- Siiinmerville in tho evening. TURKEY DINNER. A turkey dinner willbe-given at the Centennial hotel Sunday. Oranges, strawberries, cherries, bananas and all the delicacies of tho season will bo served in abundance. While the guests are eating, a picture will bo ta ken of the dining hall. Don't fail to bo there. Buy a "Yu'tok" safe. Gooditll Speaks Again. Editoii Scout: It seems necessary that 1 should again ask space in your valuable jour nal this week, to correct the false state ment of Mr. Hamilton, or those writ ing for him. In the first place I wish to say, not withstanding their insinuations to the contrary, that 1 have written and dic tated every word I havo published over my signature, whether to my credit or uot. How is it with Hamilton? It is well known that he could no moro writo the letter published over his sig nature in Tin-: Scout than ho can per form the duties of sheriff. That letter was written by his little deputy who fiisks arouUd a great deal like a small canine among his larger brethren ; stands with his nose and tail up, scratching the ground with his hind feet, ready to do the barking for his master, or the dirty work without ask ing, As bitter parlizans as the editors of (lie Gazette are, I think when they learn how grossly this man Hamilton has deceived them, they will lose what ever icspeet they havo for him. I do not think they would publish absolute falsehoods knowingly, even in tho heat of n political canvass. I am not in canvass as a candidate, and these at tacks on mo aro made for tho purpose of drawing tho attention of tho voters from Hamilton's failure as n sheriff until after election is over. They have published a string of false hoods, thinking they would reach tho voters too late for contradiction bofore election, and unfortunately I fear their end will be accomplished in many instances. I should not again ask your indul gence, Mr. Editor, wero it not to show to the people how unworthy of belief his statements are. First: With re gard to tho grand jury report. If ho had heard as I have, the expressions of some of tho last grand jurors, concern ing the manner in which ho deceived them by false representations, as ho tries to deceive tho voters now, by his figures, ho would not feel so compli mentcd. He says lovies havo been mado for taxes. Tho Gazetto says dozens of them havo been mado by Hamilton and his deputies. Well, that "takes tho cake." I havo watched this tax matter very closely. I have looked it over and over.with ho and his depu ties almost daily I might say; disclosed it in every light, and if over tin y at tempted to mako but ono levy, I havo hot hoard of it before. Tho little dep uty abovo referred to so ho says potted a notico on some land in Elkj Flat, belonging to Mr. J. W. Cullt n, of Wallowa county, for sotuo taxoa duo fjom N. J, Bartlett, of Michigan, on a mortgage on said laud, and col lected on attachment aftor Bartlott's local agent had told him (this deputy) that he would pay it in a short' timo, which was domj'biit it would certainly strain the EnglUli language wrioiuly to call thin un attachment. A well might ho attach Brown's land for a fix i r fMm tl th ' . - 'U Br- un s i ..-! u ' . I h . 1 ii ,i to kl, tin Wilv the onh ,i!t("n t l.e lias made to levy upon property for ; taxtv, but grunt it to be true fhat he I and his deputies have made dosens of ' levies, as Ijy him :tatd, which 1 sivy i Ih1(I1v is false, whv does he not ti : all alike? He sjH'aks of my pc'. Ao !! r ' drhn stents 1 is pots? He r I i V; a ' ties nun t th m daily. He t tin n i . g- awav from the court hon e thtr- without seeing ome , h n. ' and 1 lvh'r vimr n-nih r now to th it. linqucnt list. If you have maiU d ens of levies and always got the tave without selling ptoperty, why mv c. ii tinue the Rood work? Now 1 v.i-h ; understood toward the- delin quent 1 bear tin malice. They ;u nearly all good citizens, and many of them are personal friends, but th v should pay their taxes. Tlvy know it to be tlv ir duty, and if tln v do not pay it without fonts, costs fhotiM be I added, and blame can rest nowhere only upon tbeniselvos. but this delin quent tax question has been pretty thoroughly diseussul already and will not. occupy your space farther now. Will only say that the gioater portion of the oul list front '78 to '81 inclusive, for which he claims the collection of, was stricken off by the county court and not collected at all. He says: "1 did not get that delinquent tax list for 1887 from the cleik the 13th .nst." Now why did be not get it until then? Does he tell you? No, but 1 will, and 1 take the lei-ord for it. but 1 wish to go buck a H tie. Tho statute, among oilier things, requires the sln-rilf to make settlement with the court and turn over tho delinquent list on the first Monday of April of each year, ami that the clerk shall within ten days tliereaftei return a certified copy there of with warrant, etc., etc. Now, in the issue of tho Gazette of April Oth, I think, is a statement to the effect that, as both county com missioners wero in attendance upon the democratic convention, the sheriff could not. make settlement 6n the first Monday as required by law. 1 suppose this information came from tho sher iff's oflice. The facts in the matter are these: Several days before Apr.l 1st. and before the Democratic county con vention ami before, of course, I could know, and in fact had no idea that either of the commissioners would be delegates to the State convention, I said to Mr. Hamilton and his deputies that I hoped that they would be ready to make their settlement and turn over on the first or second day of tho term at least, as wo would have very little business before the board at that term, to which they replied that ey would try. but did not know whether they would lie able to do so or not. After both of tho commissioners were elected delegates to tho State con vention, 1 asked them about it again, and was anxious to have them settle on Monday so that tho commissioners could go off on tho evening train, when the court could have adjourned on Tuesday for the term, but they said they could not possibly get ivady so soon, so the coniniisioners returned and were in session all day Thursday, waiting upon him. having no other, business before them other Mian his settlement; adjourned until Friday and waited until tho afternoon of day when they presented to the court a statement of his collections, but did not turn over his delinquent tax list until the 23rd day of Apiil, thus keep ing the court in session three days longer than necessary, collecting his fee of .$2. (i(i from the county eaeli day, and now comes sneaking into print endeavoring to cast the blame upon (lie county court and clerk, end further more, on the 1st of Aptil, 1887, ho and his deputies tho whole force goWho list in a muddle and failed entirely to straighten it out, and the court paid Mr. A. T. Neill to mako up that list. It is a well known fact that Mr. Ham ilton is entirely incompetent to per form the duties of sheriff. Tho Gazette asks why Hamilton's predecessor was not required to tako the oath tm scribed by the statute. Mr. Hamilton was asked by the court to tako the oath, but he said, liko an honest, candid man, that ho hud not complied with the provisions of tho tax law and could not, without perjury, do to, and as ho was just going out of of fice when this board was coming in, and ho having not had notice that any new rule would bo mado or that the oath as directed by statute would bo insisted upon by tho new board, it would have been an injustico to him to havo insisted upon the same, but. Mr. Iltunilton'was notified at that time by tho court that they should insist upon Ins taking tho oath as directed by law, upon tho return of his tax lists, which ho promued its faithfully ho would do, but has failed. The Gazette asks why Hamilton was not required to take this oath lust vear, and that this mutter was dohtyod until just be fore the- election to defeat him, and that the delinquent list was published just to defeat him. 1 do uot think any sheriff ought to return ti delin quent that would injure. Hamilton has been eulogized for collecting up so close. If true, why ho tuhamod to exhibit to establish the truth of such assortion. Notice was published at the March term of emit t, that the list of delin quent taxo would bo published afior the April settlement, and at the April term, 18S7, an order wus made and entered and I invito every one to n ad it to the oll'iet that the ahetilf in luxkiiU h's July solUmm tit, of tuxe-, 18b7, would be required to tike the oath pr-rcribed by the statute, July I came and hi list not ready, and he plead to l.o allowed until January fol lowing when he would make u cle.m up and take tho oath. January came, but with it no oath nor cle ,n up eith er. The court did n -t feel jti -title I in CWriXVHJJ OK KHiHTU "A OH. liiit IiiwiiIiIb 1 will sell ni) entire stock of HE, B1IIIL IlifM ml fff III And articles too numerous to meutinn"sueh as is carried in tiGonentl Morehan-dii-e slock, together with s'fOUE MXTIMIKS, at the former stand of 15. E. Drake, lUiion, commencing 2IMM1 JUNE U i 1 And continuoing from day to day until mtire stock is sold. Terms of Sals: Casli for all aiits lin er $10; over $10, sixty flays, nolo Willi aipyefl security. READ 11 IS! Mm Latest Announcement to the Public: Having just received a large and finely selected stock of General Merchandise from Eastern Markets, bought for cash, wo can urd will givo our customers STTER PRrOES THAN EVER, The Public is llespcotfully Invited O LO'T H 1 M G Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats and caps, Fine Boots and SI iocs, etc. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. A Mttguilicent lino of all shades and qualities. Latest styles of t CHA LIA DELAINES, LUSTRE SUITING, EMliROIDEItlES. L1NKN GUAM II RAY, PLUSHES it VELVETS, I'AKASOLS, WIIITB GOOHS, GLOVES it HOSIERY, UATISTE, LACK CURTAINS, GINGHAM PRINTS, MUSLINS- And an Endless Variety of BEADED TRIMMINGS, Also n Complete Stock of eeGAlPETS AKD WAM, PAKEH9- TRUNKS, VALISES, TRAVELING ILVOS, BASKETS, etc., and a full lino of $ i li S UllU Groceries, Cutlery and Notions. jgerWE WANT IT UNDERSTOOD that no other store in Union county can undersell us, ami a visit to our establishment will convmco any ono'of the fact. All aro invited to como and seo us and wo promtso to do you good. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. JAYCOX & FOSTER, mm im o su. (OPPOSITE CENTENNIAL HOTEL.) J. S. ELLSOTT, - Proprietor. Everything Wnrt ('hiss. Terms Very 'HeasnnnWo. but hj awd Vum the Dijut MaWttg'GaBBOCthm villi all Trains. I dlSltnl tlL ill mi m BEFLE ifef til- to Inspect our Splendid Line of Main St., Union, Or.