The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 25, 1888, Image 1

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H-fl Jl-.l'! LlJL. ,mgBICT!imLJW! 1.1 LI IUM1
The Oregon Scout.
An independent weekly journal, issued ev
ery Friday mornini; l
Publishers und J'ropriotors.
A. K. .TONKS, 1
1 15. Ciiascuy,
( Foreman.
r. )
One copy, one year
" " Six months.
' Three lnolltos .
lnvnrlntily Cash 1" Advance.
If by chance subscription arc not paid till
end of year, (no dollars will he charged.
Kates of advertising made known on ap
plication. U3f Correspondence from nil parts of t he
country solicited.
Adrcss all communications to the Onr.oo.N
Scout, Union Oregon.
Mn mi i ii n i 1 1 i i ii " -- """"''
11. Eakik,
J. A. Eakik,
Notary rublic.
Attorneys at Law,
Union, Oregon.
B-rrompt Aitontion I'aid to Colloct.ons
AttoVney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice special
tics. Office, two doors south of post-olhee
Union, Oregon.
J N. CBOMWliLL, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon
Office, one door south of .7. 15. Eaton'
store, Union, Oregon.
o. p-15KLL'
. Attorney at .ow,
vi.,,. n.,l,li ,1,1,1 A Iwdvictor of Titles
Office State Land Office buildup, corner
Main and A Streets, union, urcou.
1 II. DAY, M. D.,
Physician snxi'Surgeon
Onico adjoining Jones Bro's store. Can
be ittunu mgiiis at mo mmunmm nuiti
room No. '.'.I.
M. UAKKlt. J. W. SlILLTO.V. J. F. Uakek
Attorneys at Lav.
OFFICES Union and La Grande, Ore
gon. Special Attention given all; business
entrusted to us.
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
ODlco, one door south of Centennial ho
Notary Public.
15. P. WILSON.
Ex-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Itcal and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
Sales of Ileal and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Oilico next door south of Post-office. Un
ion, Oregon.
Real Estate Agent,
Union, Oregon,
Has for saloon easy term. 18,000 acres of
good land in Union and Itukeriountiea, al
io some choice town propeaty.
Money to Loan. .
Collections Made.
Agent for the 0. R. & N. Com
pany's Land.
Oflice, one door south of Contonnial hotel.
Miss Linda Mathieus,
(Lato of Paris, Prance,)
Has opened u draw-making etablllinient
in the building out) dour north of
Johnson's blacksmith tdipp.
All Work Warranted to
Give Satisfaction.
jj Ar. GARDNER i0 CO. ,
"Watchmakeis & Jewelers,
And dealers m
Spectacles, Eve Glasses, Gold
Pens, Watches Clocks,
Jewelry, etc.
Main Street, - - - - Union, Oregon.
On farmlands in Umatilla, linker, Union,
Gilliam and Wallowineountics, at 8. 0, 10
and 11 percent, on five year's time.
CVI on J. II. lilNEHAUT, at the Farm
ers' Mortgage and Savings liank, Summer
villo, Oregon, if you want money on farm
1 The S per cent i on improved farm land
near the railroad in Grande Ponde Valley.
10-21-in(J, J. II. KINEHA11T.
Giiy - Meat - Market.
Main Street. Union. Oregon,
Keep constantly on hand
Geo. Wmoht, ) AV. T. Wkiout,
President. Cashier.
Does a General Banking Pusiness. Huys
and sells exchange, and discounts commer
cial paper.
Co'lections carefully attended to, and
promptly reported.
The Leading Hotel of
" Eastern Oregon.
Everything New and First
Glass Throughout.
Tlietable always supplied With
the best ahe market affords.
Excellent Accomoda
tions for Commer
cial Men.
Charges Reasonable.
S500,000.00to Loan on
First Class Security,
From One to Five Years Time, at a Low
Kate- oi inttre-it, Also Uuys, Sella
and Itcnts Property for
flj Non-residents. T
To bo Invented on Guaranteed Security.
All Collections Promptly
fVttended to Without Delay.
line lo (k
Lcavos Union diily ut 2 p.m. arrives at
Cove at 3:.") p. m.
Leaven Cove ut 8 a. in , arrives at Union
at 0:30 u. m.
Pminrrf Iiitw inuiln with T!lllntt'n rnnrlioy
ruiining to the depot, carrying passengers
for und west Iniund trains.
RORIKb'OK & LAVNE. - - - Proprietor.
M Mini m
fin jiliiisil is ill
La Grande Notes.
II. N. Webber and wife, spent most of last
week in town, visiting f.iends.
J.C. Henry and wife were in Portland,
last week, attending Grand Lodge, I. O.O. I-
Milo P Ward, the great temperance re
vivalist. N expected to be in this city ome
time this week.
E. A. Goodiioupli is still about town, and
his many friends hope he may soon be re
placed as agent for the O. It.'ifc N.Co.. at
this place.
J. L. Hindman, school superintendent,
accompanied by C. E. Oliver, a sjummerviile
boy, who would like to be county supr-rin-tciulent,
ate on a visit to the schools of the
Hon, Geo. II. Williams, who is conceded
the ablest speaker and clearest re.isouer in
the State, will address the citizens of Union
county at this place next Monday evening
at 8 o'clock.
Mr. II. It. Kemp, who lias been in busi
ness in this city for .onie time past, has
about sold out" ids stock of merchandise,
and will, in a short time, leave for Califor
nia, where lie will hereafter reside.
Fred Iioskowitz has found out that rid
ing a bucking horse is not what it is cracked
up to be. lie attempted to ride one last
Sunday, and failed. The icsult is that he
looks as if he had just been visited by a cy
clone. The members of the militia company have
their certificates of membership, so that
now it won't be healthy tor any assessor or
sheriir to come around wanting any of the
boys to serve on the jury or to pay road or
poll tax.
Mrs, Malloy is done and gone. She lias
got in good licks against ''his eminence''
the devil, but he (the devil) is the beat "stay
er." He continues business at the old
stand, and Mrs. Malloy necks newer and
greener litlds.
Arthur and C;rric Lindsay, son and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. ('. Lindsay of
Island City, arrived on the train Saturday
morning, having been summoned by a tele
gram announcing the deatli of their father,
the former from Spraguo and the latter
from the Sound.
Ilcv (L M. Irwin, of Union, delivered a
powerful address at this place Inst Saturday
evening. He convinced his hearers that he
is as good a talker on politics as be is elo
quent in the pulpit, lie reviewed the
speech of John P. Irish, and completely ex
plodcd bis trials of sophistries.
We understand that the department at
Washington lias ""anted the netition for a
daily mail from misplace to Joseph, and
that soon we may expect stages to run
Iroin nere through to Joscpn in one day,
and the service to be inei eased to seven
times a week instead of six aj now,
It is badenonghfor.ii hoodlum boy to im
a.- i. it i.r:: i
loupuoiic Kuiiiurinx aim mai.c a distur
bance, but when a so-called model young
lady goes and deports herself unbecomingly
and in anunlady like manner, simply be
.cause her best fellow disagrees with" the
speaker, it is time she wore taught a lesson.
Wo notice on our streets during the week
Mr. .). L. Carter, republican nominee for
county school superintendent, and are
pleased to know that he seems conlldent of
election, lie is a man of ripe years, a thor
ough scholar and one of our best teachers,
and possesses the ability, ago and experi
ence to make a good superintendent. It is
time we were looking above the Jioyhood
clement for a superintendent, and wu are
pleased to know that Mr. Carter has such
good chances.
The sad and untimely death of Ed. C.
Lindsay, on Thursday, May 17th, which
was so sudden and unexpected, cast a
gloom over our wnoio community. -Mr.
Lindsay was in town attending to his busi
ness, little thinking his day's were number
ed He hud loaded his wagon with freight
for Island City, and it being quite bulky lie
was lashing it on, when ids horses started
up, as if to run away, lie spoke to them to
Mop, but they did not, so lie run around
and caught the near one by the bridle to
btop them. This frightened the liorso mid
he mado u lunge forward and throw Mr.
Lindsay to the ground, and, it is supposed,
struck him. The horses continued run
ning, and the wagon being heavily loaded,
both wheels ran over his body jut below
tlni nipple, completely crushing ills bones
and bruising him badly. He never spoke,
mil moved his hands only a few times, hud
died in less than ten minutes. He was car
ried into the Kumela hotel and Drs. Hon
an and Callahan did everything possible,
but in vain. Life was extinct. Uelng u
member in good standing of the Summer
villo lodge, his remains were taken in
charge by the Odd Fellows. The funeral
oecuied, Sunday, under the auspices of tiio
Odd Fellows. Hev. O. M. Irwin preached
the funeral sermon, and the procession
was the largest ever known iivtho county.
There were about one hundred and to'rty
vehicles iu:d a large number on foot and on
horseback, so that it Is estimated there
were at least one thousand people in at
tendance. There weru sixty Odd Fellows
in Hue, with J. II. Kinchart us Noble Grand,
Ilev. O. M. Irwin, Cnaplain, C. II. Finn,
Marshal, J. W. Strange, Assistant Mursliul.
Every lodge In the county was represented.
Thus another good man is gone. When in
the midst of life, in cood health, of sound
body and mind, in the twinkling of an eye
the Mimtuonscume. Friends may sympa
thize, brothers may seek to aid, to comfort,
to pay the last sad rights of tribute to the
deceased, but only time can heal the wound
made in the hearts of the Jone widow and
fatherless children.
Mr. W, II, Morgan, merchant, Lake City,
Flu., was taken with a severe Cold, attend
ed with a distressing cough and running
Into Consumption in It first stages, He
tried many so-called popular cough reme
dies and steadily grew worse. Wui reduced
In flesh, had dilllculty In breathing and
was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr.
King'i New Discovery for Coiifumption
and found immediate relief, and af'er indue
about n half dozen bottles touud himself
well and bai hud no return of the dhcusc.
No other remedy cun how so gntiul u rec
ord of cures, as I)r, King's Now Dlrcuvcry
for Consumption. Guaranteed to do hut
what is claimed for it. Trial Hot ties tree (
at Wright' drug tro, UnJoij, Oregon. '
Cove Cull in j'k.
May '-MUi, KSvSS.
Born. Sunday last, to the wil'o of
Uniery llattezoro, of Cove, a ton
pound daughter.
J. M. l'hy is in linker countv this
week, disposing of large quantities of
baeon which, he 1ms on hand-.
.las. Payne is beautifying ids dwell
ing and sun-on nt linns with tresli coals
of paint. S. 0 . White is the artist in
E. P. MeDauiel Marled on a south
ern trip. Monday, in the interest of
the Cove dairy 'company. They are
prepared to place large quantities of
cheese on the market.
Ascension school will close Friday,
.liino 1st. Thursday, prei-ecding, tiio
music class will hold a rehearsal and
Friday evening will he" t'evoted to
commencement exercises and a closing
W. II. Wright and K. P. Church
hill went to Paradise valley this week.
The former went to look" after slock
iutcresU, the latter to take an outfit
lor maiiufacturiug butter to his broth
er, C. E. CliuichilJ.
The Fourth of .July committees are
wide awake and bound to make the
celebration a round of pleasure from
morning till night. A brass band,
also excellent vocal talent, will be en
gaged for the occasion.
Geo. Foster, of Wnllowa. county,
was in town this week and returned
Thursday, Mrs. S. Shoemaker ac
companying him. Mrs. S. has been
in poor healtti and it is hoped the
change will prove beneficial.
The separator lias benn phrcd in
position at the new cheese factory and
works like a charm. Its speed is l,
000 revolutions per minute and ovcry
particle of cream is separated from the
milk in less time than it takes to tell
it. Thus milk received at the factory
in (he morning will be made into but
ter and ready for the market before
The Cove base ball club go to La
Grande Saturday of this week and
play with the club at IhaL plate. Our
boys have been weakened by the loss
of "several players who have' returned
home from Eeigbton Academy, but
have filled the vacancies with now re
cruifa and arc still ready for games
during the season.
The celebration at this place prom
ises to bo a grand success. The
grounds will be in the grove near
Ascension school whore there is am
ple shade and a beautiful lawn. The
streets will be thoroughly dampened,
so tbcro will bo no dust to annoy.
After the regular exercises, of which
a programme will lie given hen-after,
there will be a match game of ball at
the Leighton grounds which will be
put in good orilcr for the occasion. A
clay pigeon match, the first ever seen
in the valley, and other amusements,
followed by some beautiful lireworks
and it (light of mammoth balloons.
The day will end with a grand ball at
the hall. A general invitation is ex
tended to all to come and see us.
They will bo assured it splendid time
with the usual dusty, tirefwiiio fea
tures lacking.
In chivnic diseases, medicines should
be lcstoring, and not debilitating, in
their aclion. The wonderful fctiengtli
cning nnd curativo ollictf, realized
from the uso of Aj'cr'n Snnmparillu,
sustain the reputation of this remedy as
the moat popular blood purilier.
B. 13. Ayles, proprietor. Manufac
turer of butter barrels and kegs. A
good supply alvvayu on hand. Shop
Boutli of school liotibp, Union, Oregon.
Applications will bo received up to
Juno 5th 1888, for tiio positions ot
Principal, Second, Intermediate and
Primary departments of the- Union
public school. Dated this llrst day of
.May 1888. Iiy order of the directors,
school district No. 6.
G. Hkhm.kman, Clerk.
One tliinglo inaehiiifj, one boiling
machine, one moulding machine, ono
drag taw, nlw) hhufting, ptilloyH, bult
ing, etc., nearly new, will bo told very
cheap for cash, or approved note.
Abo for tale, route mw and Kticond
hand furniture. Inquire of Samuel
G. White, Govo, Union county, Ore
An unlimited quantity of school ,
funds to loaiiHt 8fj!ictit.',X com
missions. r Improve tho opportunity ,'1
J. It. Uiiitkx,
Solo ngent for Tnion county.
North Powder Notes.
May 211, 1888.
Candidates ate plenty, ditto cigars,
hand shakes ami tall'y.
Horn. May 17th, to the Avifo of
Chits. Sci-idliumer, a son.
Mr. Van Plu miner has accepted a
position as tironian on the Oregon
Short Line.
The mill company have a lare
forcc.oi men on their log drive. They
expect lo bring down 2,000,000 feat of
log before the river falls,
K conipanv, O. N. G., held a ppeeial
election to Ii 1 1 vancancies last Satiif
day, evening. First Lieut. J. A. White
was advanced to Caplnin, and Jap.
II. Stevens to First Lieut.
II. Kotlicliild is agent, for an East
ern Fur company and wants 2,000
mico furs. lie purchased seven nice
ones hii-t week, paying 5 cents per hide.
.1. A. Huxhinu and family have
moved to Pendleton to reside, having
sold out the drug business in this place.
Miss Delia Wisdom, sister to Mrs.
Stout, died 11b her home on tho- Hca
poose, May iltli. Mrs. Stout has re
turned. 4
Measles nro quite prevalent on llttl
ger Flat and vicinity, sparing neither
old or young.
Dr. Saylor has accepted tho agency
of tho IluH'alo Mutual Accident Asso
ciation, of Butlido, N. Y., and will in
sure all against loss by death, accident
or sickness, at low rates.
Mr. Gooeh is taking subscriptionfl
for tho Uaptist church and reports lib
eral contributions by nil parties called
upon, with few exceptions.
Semblance of men "who steal tho
livery of Heaven to servo tho devil in"
arc found in all places. By their ear
marks and works ye can not fail to
know them.
Mr. Geo. Smith's child is improving
and hopes are entertained of its recov
ery, it having been seriously ill tho
past ten days.
Amos Field and family have skipped
tho country, leaving numerous credit
ors to mourn their untimely departure.
Amos, financially, is not n success and
our loss will bo no gain to others.
Our Base "Ilallers" contemplate ro
oigani.'uig agnia and will-Hike chances
on tho diamond Held with any com
petitors who may apply.
Mrs. E. Stout disnoscd of a band of
horses to Miles Leo on McTnday. We
did not learn tho purchase price, but
tho figure wan low. Honses are not in
demand here.
loo Carroll and Mrs Lloyd's parent?;
ot Union, have been hero on n visit
during tho week.
Some ngitation of tho propriety of
holding a celebration on July -1th, but
as yet nothing dctihito has been deter
mined upon.
Island City IteniH.
May 21st, 1888.
Mr, Uriggs, tho photographor, is
camped at tins place.
Kirpatriek and Wines nro making
soino improvements on Ahoir harness
Mrs. M. E, Tollingor, of Lancaster
county, I'enn., is visiting her siator,
Mrs. Goo. Aokles,
The M. it M. Co. are daily loading
loams with goods for their brunch
etoio in tiio Wallowa.
The bland mills arc running night,
and day with plenty of wheat on bund
to last till harvest.
J. L, Carter, nomineo for County
School Supt., is oxpected to carry this
precinct by a gootl majority
Miss Do Long bus been omploywl
to teach a three months tohool in tho
ilig Lako district and is giving general
Meat's. Preston, Bartholomew, Tap.
Thomas mid others expect to start for
tho Big Bond country about tho 10th
of Juno with the intention of locating.
E, 0. Lindsay, who whs killed last
Thursday in Lu Grande by being run
over by iv loaded wagon, was Initio!
yestorduy in tho Sterling grnvoynid.
The funeral was conducted under tho
auspice of tho Odd Follows.
i giiuao my girl is mad about toiue
tbing; s.lio bui-it't been around to ;eo
1110 lutoly. C. B. Oh, nay I I would
lil;o to got acquainted with Mint coun
try girl C. W. Well if you will
como outside tho city limits I'll intro
duce her to you. L. C. Thoy nay my
girl lm given- mo tho G. B. hut. bo-
caiuo alio wouldn't accompany 1110" Id '
tho Hot Lake. W. M. Everybody
tuoms ty Jiuvo ft gin this year.
Ljjna Tick.
Subjicribv for Tub OtaftON Scour.
MO. 48.
Telocaset, Tu tilings.
May 23, 1S8S.
Such beautiful weather.
Kango drying up already.
Health generally good.
'Lumber being shipped constantly.
John Hanson paid La Grande 11 Hy
ing visit 11 few days biiico.
Candidates are numerous as" black
birds in a com field.
'A large herd of sheep passed through
this week and took some of our surplus
with them.
Lewis McMaugb it-turned 11 few days
ago from iv trip into Idaho. ITc is well
pleased with the country.
Tho section house was robbed last
week by tome unknown person and
George Thompson is minus a suit of
Siinday-go-lo-nieUing clothes.
Wo learn by private letter that our
old chum, Thos. J.Lloyd, now a resi
dent of Idaho, is contemplating tho
bent lilB of matrimonial life. Go it, wo
don't, wbh yon niiy ill luck!
Pyle canyon Sunday School is run
ning full blast, und now the intricacies
of the "word" nro being patently cx-'
pounded lo the understanding of our
rising young. Social gatherings aro
certainly beneficial.
If wo have to conform to "session
laws" we don't want an 0. N. G. or
ganization, "Ajax," if you please.
Kobt. Burnt) was brought beforo a ses
sion once, and reading bis account of
that satisfies us.
Politics nro vary quiet in our section.
Some unseen "Biappa," as a Spiritual
ist would say, seems to have control of
our politically inclined inhabitants
and their minds aie not allowed to ex
ercise a very great degree of interest in
such minor ntfairs,
A resident of Telucnsot, who is quite
an acuto observer, has hit upon a, new
plan of discriminating between tho two
political parties. Tho gentleman, who
is quite a philosopher, says 11 democrat
is usually distinguished by possessing
a very binall neck, and a. republican is
alwnyB known by the size of his waist.
Small necks ate not very desirable,
Hut largo waists aro simply out of
There seems to bo quite an affinity
in l'ylo canyon for the city of North
Powder. Last Sundy thero wero no
less than threo or four hundred dudes
ami dudesses in l'ylo canyon from
their far famed home among tho
greaso-woods of North Powder. If a
phrenologist wants to puzzle his head
with natural studies-, let him bo pres
ent at one of these turn outs. Tho
next one will occur as soon as tho
eil'cct of tbid last has worn off.
B. W. H.
Eagle Valley Items.
May 18th, 1888.
No school in our valley at present.
Weather fine. A good rain ia need
ed to lay the t!u.-t and inako the range
better for stock,
Health of, tho valley pretty good.
Some that havo been on tho nick list
forsomo timo nro slowly improving.
Mr. John Bloom and daughter
passed through last week on their way
to tho Covo where they nnticipato
staying about u week, visiting relatives
and friends.
Mr. W. W. Kiibyhnd tho misfortune
to loso his oldest daughter, Miss Mag
gie, not long since. Mr.'W. Chandler
was fortunate enough to pectiro her for
11 companion for life. May happiness
over attend them.
Preaching last Sabbath and Sunday
School overy Sunday, which is in full
blast with iv good attendance. There
tvro llvo largo Mr. 1). Saun
ders, our Superintendent, is, wo con
sider, tho right man in tho right placo.
With Htit-h us liiiu and our good teach
ers to instruct us, we cannot oxpect a
failure. Wo must ul-o comiuoud tho
pupils for they 1110 very orderly.
Mrs. Phiebo ClieU-y, Pvtersqii, Clay coun
ty, Iowa, tells the folbnvln;; reimirkablo sto
ry, the truth of which I vouched farby the
resldeiiti) of the town; "1 11111 ";i yours old,
have t.t-i-u troubled with Kfthn-y complaint
and laiiioiiesx for many ycur; could not
tires iiiynulf without In-lp. Now I am free
from all pain and noreness, mui nm able to
do all my own houwvorlc. I owe iiy thanks
to i:ieetrje UltteiH for having renewed. iny
youth, und removed -oinpleuly nil (Jles
mid pulii." Try a holtl-, only W) ecnU at
Wright's dntfrsKui-, Puloii, Oregon.
Miss'Miitliiou V H bo in Covo Miitfl n
furtlmr u(Uice.vuA- Monday Hfturnooa.
anil will reiuiup tifijit tv days. All
those whhlug thV-iv-muUiug, t!tc.,win
pleas.- ;,i.vir ;k'.'1'Ivtb lU'eorduisly,