VOL. IV. The Oregon Scout. An Independent weekly journal, issued ev ery Friday liiorulmr lv JONES & CHANCE Y, Publishers and Proprietors. A. K. .Tonus, I I P. ClIAXCKY, '( Foreman. Kditor, or. ) II ATI'S OF SIMtCini'TlOS One copy, one. year . . . " Six months. . " ' Three montos . 1.00 Invariably Cash In Atlvaner. If In chit are subscriptions are not paid till end of year, two dollars h-111 lie clumitd. Hates of advortMng made known on ap plication. E2?-Correpondcncc from all parts of the country solicited. Adress all eoninmnieations to the Oar.uoN Scout, Union Oregon. iDnDStranin PIlOI''JSIONAL. It. Kakin, .1. A. Fakin, Notary Public J HAKIN , & IHIOT UKK , Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. JSjri'rompt Attention Paid to Collect. ons. JOHN iITciutes, Attorney at Law. Collecting and probate practice special ties. Ollice, two doors south of post-otliee. Union, Oregon. J N. OUOMWELL, M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Ollice, one door outh of .1. 15. Eaton's store, Union, Oregon. O. V. HULL Attorney at Law, " Kotarv Public, and Abstractor of Titles. Oflice State Land Oflice buildinu, corner Main and A Streets, Union, Oregon. ,p II. DAY, 3L O., IIOMEPAT1IIO Physician avci Surgeon. AM, CALLS l'KOMI'Tl.V ATTLNIILD TO. Oflice adjoining Jones Pro's store. Can be found nights at the Centennial hotel, -.room No. !K1. M. H.Ki:n. J. W. Sur.i.Tox. J. F. Hakm:. JgAKEU, S1IELTON & UAICElt, Attorneys at Lav. OFFICES Union and La Oramlo, Ore gon. Special Attention given allj business entrusted to us. rji II. CUAWFOI'l), Attorney at Law, Union, Oregon. Ollice, one door south of Centennial ho tel. J. M. CAIUIOLL, I!. F. WILSON. Notary Public. Ex-Co. Clerk. -lATiliOLL & AVlLSON, Conveyancers and Abstracters. Abstracts to Heal and Mining property furnished on short notice, at reasonable rates. Sales of Peal and Mining property nego tiated. Collection business promptly at tended to. Ollice next door south of Post-olllce. Un ion, Oregon. J. E. TUTTLIC, Reel Estate Apt, Union, Oregon, Has for sale on easy terms. 18,000 ar res of good land in Union and U.ikeriouutles, al to some choice town propeaty. Money to Loan. Collections Made. Agent for the 0. K. & N. Com pany's Land. Oflice, one door south of Centennial hotel. FASJIIONABLE DRESS - MAKING-! Miss Linda Mathieus, (Latoof Pari, Franco,) Has opouod a druM-making unudilbihniuut in the biiildhiK one door north of Jolinon's llHckiiiith hop. All Work AVarranteil to Give Satisfaction. CHARGES UKASONAHLK. 2T. Q A It Jill A CO. Watchmakers & Jewelers, - And dealers in nprrnrlfic lw Tliccoc frdd OpCLlill.lt., L,l LilclbbCb, UU1U I CIIS, atCllCS ClOCkS, ', , ' Jewelry, etc. i Main Streit, Union. Oregon. On farmlands in Umatilla, linker, Union, Gilliam and Wallowa counties, at 8. 0, 10 and 11 per cent, on live year's time. Call on.!. II. PINEIIAKT, at the Farmer-'' Mortgage and Saving-, liank, Summer ville, Oregon, if you want money on farm loan. The S per cent is on improved farm land near the railroad In Grande Ponde VaUev. 10-L'l-nni. .1. 11. KINKUAKT. City - -Meat -Market Main Street. Union. Oregon, BENSON imOS. - PROPRIETORS. Keep constantly on hand BEEF, PORK- VEAL, MUTTON, SAUSAGE, HAMS, LARD. Etc. Geo. WniniiT, 1 AY'. T. Wiuuiit, President. ) Cashier. -OF UNION, OREGON. Does a General Hanking Uusiucss. lluys and sells exchange, and discounts commer cial paper. Collections carefully attended to, and promptly reported. A. J. GOODUItOD, Prop. OPENED ANEW. The Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon. Everything Xow and First Class Throughout. The table always supplied With the best ahe market affords. Excellent Accomoda tions for Commer cial Men. Charges Reasonable. ORTGAGE UNION, OREGON. $500,000.00 to Loan on First Class Security, From One to Five Years Time, at a Low Hate of Interest, Also lluys, Sells and Ileuts Property for Non-re-idents.. T - O ONKY KKCF.IVKl) ON DEI'OSl I To be Invested on Guaranteed Security. O All Collections Promptly Attended to WithoutDelay. Ik to Cove. I.eavos Union dully at 2 p. in, arrives at Cove at .'(::) p. in. 1 .eaves Cove at s a. nt .arrives at Union at:aOa. in. Connections made with Elliott' coaches running to the depot, carrying passengers for east and west IkjiuuI trains. UATI'S for I'AKHl'.NGKKS. LUdOAOE Uliil FUUinilT. JtKAKONAHLK. HOHINHON fc LAYNK, - - - Proprietor. A. First Wioiii liiiH? Ik rami! Mi IJANK, UNION, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY is, 1SSS, OUR POETS. (This space is given for the uc and benefit of our local writers of vere. and we hope to make U a pleasing feature ' f tlie paper. To that end contributions are ; S0Hc-itt-', but thev mu-t po.i undoubted , I'.tcrarv merit to obtain place and recogui- turn here. En. I Written for the Scou r. 1 sch:noi: and uoi. We may fathom the depths of old ocean, Huild castles and pyramids grand. Note causes of Nature's commotion, Its manifold works uudcr-tand; Can calculate distance, and measure To sun, moon and star.-, far away. Cage lightning, and use it with pleasure, To change blackest durkne-s today. Willi steam, as a motor, po Hying On rail, with the -peed of tlie winds; With vessels, the ocean defying, Cross ove. to far distant lamU; With air-ships, mount skywars to Heaven, Go deep in the bowels of "etutfi. And learn from wha then- has bcengraven, That man is of but recent birth. We boabt much, to-day, of our science, And why sho'ild we not as 'tis good, lint life' after death bids defiance, To thif, as doth also a Hod What axioms has Science e'er give Us To demonstrate facts, fairly plain, That there is a lod to receive us lieyond.ln his lordly domain? Where is it ? Cans't tell us ye sages? This city, whose streets are of gold? l'ly Science, and write up the pages, In axioms, self-evident, hold. No history is wanted or needed We have 'it. of Islam, as well, A test, that's already conceded. Hut ne'er can our doublings dispel. Give proof by the tangent and mortar, The crucible, compass and wpiarc; Use fie aright, in its quarter, Tngild, gla.eand linish your ware; Hand down to us sometliing to smell of, To taste of. to feci of o- hear, To sec. with oiir eyes, and to tell of, As something discovered quite rare. In tills age we take not for granted, The dogmas wrote up in the past, True Science their place has supplanted, Philosophy holding it fast, While yearly and monthly each hour, Grows broader the liberal mind, Coming up from a priest-ridden power, To day-light and sun-light, refined. Wiu. II, Mi.nnick, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Pine Valley Pickings. .May 1-1 tli, 1888. Dry and warm. Teacher recovered from measles and scliool resumed in District No. ,'iO. Dr. Woods, of Cornucopia, has quite n number of patients in our valley. Mr. LnngrcH's saw mill will start up in n few days. Wo understand a new ledgo has been discovered in tho vicinity of Fish lake, and that quite n number of Cornuco pia and other people will move ovur and fctart a "Uoom." New moon in such si "posish" that yo Scout editor might hang on it his hat or powder horn cither. Does that signify drouth? Mrs. Jus. Leop, who has been ill long, was removed to the residence her father, Mr. F. M. Stewart, so of on Tuesday last. She was accompanied by several of her relatives and by Dr. Woods, who is attending her. It is hoped tho change will benefit her. A horso raco on Sunday afternoon tho 13th inst. resulted in ono young man loosing his boio and several dol lars changing hands. Pity that both young men did not loso horses as per haps it would not bo ku much en couragement to cither to follow horse racing. Died. On Sunday May (1th, of puerpal fever, wife of T. S. Itnbins, of this place, aged about 28. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Curry, of I'ine, and leaves u husband and four small children besides her parents, brothers and sister, and many iricnda to mourn her early death. Ex-County Supt. Frank Collins paid our valley a visit during tho past week. Wo learn that ho left several hundred in the valley on real estate security. Good for Mr. C, but whether good for tho citizens time will tell. Wo were pleased to see tho opinion of tho Scour expressed in favor of Prof. J. L. Carter, of Island City, for School Supt. Mr. Carter is a teacher of experience and would, in our hum-! bio opinion, be- tho right man in the ! right place. j Mr. Dick Langrell recently returned from a trip to linker City bringing with him a "bran uplinter new" hack and his wife s mother and tutor, Mrs. Schollworth and Mi Etta. Mi.- S. brought with her a small atook of millinery goods , which she will bo pleated to dispoho of to the ladies of I'ine at reasonable prices. A danco was annouued to take place in tho tohool house of DUt. No HQ, on the night of the 11 tli inst. We learn (hut tho olde.it Director, boing also jK I l'rc.-idont of the Hoard and opposed to dancing in the school house, and be ing posted by the i-chuo! law and by one who ought to understand it, on the subject, ami bavin poyM-ssion of the key, locked the seh iol house in the evening, that he was followed up by another Director who threatened to denioli;h him unh ss be yielded up the key, which, however, he declined to do, but another key was obtained mid (he dunce proceeded with the immcmc number of seven ladies and a few more gents present. Whether the "racket" ended with the dance is not written, but the oldest Director siyeth it is not. Wondir what so badly llu.-tratcd Hill 11. at D s recently as to cause him to sweeten his collee with gravy. I am just going down to mail this letter. F. K. Then 10. I'll go down and get it for volt this evening. F. E. D. " Wonder" where M. M. got his authority in rcganl to .1. A. D's. views on dancing in school houses. Rep. I'd sooner be a Clfiiinmuu than a Misscuiun. V. IC. Wonder if that "uncalled for attack" isn't bothering other people's brains more than it is Miss S. A. D. (lue.-s Mr. Langiell brought that new hack in expressly to loan to us fellows to take our best girls out riding. F. ( 1). We'd as soon work roads as to do the thousand and one other things we have to do. 1,. 10. and A. 1). We understand that we are accused of an attack on the teacher in an item in our last "batch." Such was not our intention, and although it might have been better to have 'h'ft the teacher's name uninentioned, still we defy any fair minded person to discov er any slur in that item against tho teacher, beyond saying "although it would seem that putting scholars who have not studied elementary geogra phy from fourth render into history is rather 'dropping a stitch.' " We said that 158 or 40 pupils of all grades and sizes was too many for any one to do real justice to and now we will say that since learning that Miss S. had 18 scholars we should not wonder she had to "drop several stitches," and any school law or set of individuals who expect that a teacher can bear that many in studies ranging from first reader to hnlory, with two or three arithmetic, grammar, geography and spelling classes in two or three differ ent hooks, with spelling and reading repeated twice, etc., and not now auil then misj, expects too .much. Our item was for tho benefit of the small boy and the revolver and we tiro not j in any way prejudiced against the teacher, she being an entire stranger to us. Wo hear she is going on nicely with her school now, and though for reasons best known to ourselves we send no pupil in Disr. No. lit), we say as before we wish her unbounded suc cess. School teaching, like reporting, is a hard thing to do to please every body. Therefore, friends A. O. and il, though we have reported faithfully for your paper for nearly three years, and have endeavored to give the little news going here to the best of our poor ability, our ellprts have been so mis construed that we feel like many an other wo have nfissed our calling. We therefore abandon the task to thoso who can do much bettor. Here after when we have occasion to write for the best paper in Union county wo will do so over our own signature. Wishing you continued prosperity wo will say "Vale" "Caiikih 11. Dovu." Of the Dell, Fold your pinion And bid farewell. A WAKNING. Tho modes of death's approach are various, and statistics show conclusive ly that more people dio from disuses of the throat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone without exception, nceives vast numbers of tubercle germs into the system and where theco grrjn fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at hut slowly and is shown by a slight tickling senmlion in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they cxhnd to (he lungs producing con sunvptiuii and to the head, causing ca tarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cuiuo destli. At tin onset you must act with promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may. loc you your life. As toon us you feel that noun-thing is wrong with your throat, lungs or mwtiils, obtain a bottle of UiMchuu't (lliriuaii Syrup. It will glvo you inuuedinU relief. Subscribe for Tm; ()iii:uon Scout. (.'ul lings. May 17th, 1SSS. Kobt. Cochran, Jr., is down from Coeur d' Alene on a visit to bis father and sisters. O. h. Wnrfel started for San Fran cisco, Wednesday. He will probably accept a professorship in that state. Sheep shearing has fairly com mented, 'flic clip is said to be some what, of an improvement over last year's crop. - ('. ( Forrester, formerly of Cow, was in town this week. He came di rect from Philadelphia, having been eight days en route. Jno.aud Thos. Huliek and IOd. Hos well started, Tuesday, for North Pow der where they will haul lumber and ties during the summer. George lOdgar has opened .a toiif-o-rial emporium one door north of the livery stable and will do work in his lino with neatness and dispatch. Judd Geer started for Willamette valley on a pleasure trip last Monday. He will be with relatives in Marion county the greater part of the time, . and will remain awav until after the j Fourth. I A subscription paper is being eircu- luted this week for the nurnoso of rain - mg a sum HUllicicnt to establish anil .... . . .. . . equip a brass hand. I Here is no rea son why we should not have a band and all should subscribe their mite. The clarry crop will be almost an entire failure in Cove this year, al though the trees were covered with bloom. The stiawberry patches will yield fairly well, bht not many of them are making a specialty of them this season. Hon. Jas. A. Fee, republienn nomi nee for Judge of tho sixth judicial dis trict, paid Cove a short visit, Satur day. Those who met the gentleman pronounced him a man of pleasing address and well posted on the politi cal questions of the day. The Cove club wero much pleased to win the return gamo of base ball at Union last Fridnv. Tho vie.loi-e wnn I gained, however, only by bard work and close, attention to business and their captain who is always watchful of his men. liy sharp practice the Cove nine g.iined a lead on the second innings and kept it throughout the game. The Union boys with their accustomed hospitality made the vh'it an agreeable one for the Covoiles. Tho trying portion of umpire was very creditably filled by Jus. Lowell, scarce ly a decision being disputed. ('ove, after attending neighboring celebrations for yens past, has decid ed to trot out the great American eagle the coming fourth and have the grandest occasion on record. It is proposed to invito the defeated Union Wallowa M-nalor to bo orator of the day and the vanquished would-be i-her-i(f to officiate as liiarshall. A meeting of citizens for the purpose of appoint ing the necessary committees will ho held at Morrison church, Saturday of this week at '.I p. m. Let there be a full attendance, A special invitation to ladies. I was ashamed to take tho Union hoys' money on tho last game it wiih so iiuiw jiku loooury. wave, w in jmiss i C. 11., of Union, please accept the con- i.i... ... i.i. .. n . iirrii - t gratulations of the "Arkansaw" plavci on her happy faculty of discovering similes. Our nino shall have gaudy uniforms, made by our own hands, for their last victory. Cove girls. 1 have retired fioni tho box. H. D. Did you see mo take the lly out of tho sky? ('. 0. And did you witness my thump for four bases? G. Jl. Thero's a glar ing mistake; my husband lias ii up on the game. Lady spectator. Did you perceive howl knocked tho drum mer out on the Urst round, Sunday? JO. A. K. Tho picnic in Frosty district, Satur day, was well t attended and a good time hud. The most excitiuir event of the day was the eating match be tween O. Kckersley, Esq., and Prof. W. Smith. After time keepers, refer ees, etc., were selected, tho contestants tot to, the generous spread giving both long wished for opport unities. For tho first hour not a word was spoken and so even were the gentlemen matched that as chicken after chicken and loaf after loaf disappeared it teemed a draw must result. Hut as tho chronometers marked the duration of the raw, ono tyour and forty-live minute, Mr. K. threw up the ipongu and the Prof, was declared, winner by ono yiiuughai fowl. Smith's wiill;ing gang plow, Komy thing now and just thu thing, For Sale by Frank Hum.. Xinplviuvut Co., Island City. -1 ('ove Another Open Letter. Knrroit Ottr.nox Scorr: j County Judge. Goodall has taken it ! upon himself in your issue of May the ! -1111 inst, to publish an open letter di j reeled to the tax-paveis of this county and calculated to injure my chances i for re election to the olhYc of shciiff ' woieh 1 have filled since last election ' in Union county HudVlho tax-payers i well know how eflioieiilly. 1 havodis ! charged the duties of my office not i withstanding the uncalled for not to j say malicious attack made upon mo at this particular lime by this at least I over zealous functionary, 1 may' ho ' allowed to lcmxrk that well might tho j zealous Judge beg more than a thous I and pardons for his self imposed task I lie dees not say whoye pardon ho i crave:, but judging from the etl'cct his i communication ban had upon moro I than one Vjter he thcr.ld beg tho in- dulg'-'ut p.adoti rf tho gentleman whr;e c.u.-e ho has volunteered to I defend, for he has di ne that gentle man more harm than good, uell may his protege excluni, "Save mo fioni my iriends'.'' I pivv.une thai while Judge Goodall may lip a pivtty good Judge in matters on which he is not strictlv iiaitisan. 1 y-'t 1 ln presume that the unbiased i i.. .1... i ... , p , Jl',"'1 mue m me nut granu jury oi I union eouiiiy, a majority 01 WJ10I11 j were democrats, will have more weight Willi tux v-y.cv, l":caus; it lias more I trtiih in it, th..n r.ny strictures passed I by this upright Judge on the eve of a county el' ction. oteis of Union county pleas.) red the last grand jury report. Hero it is as found in tho Scorr of February IMth, tilt: "We commend our sheriff, A. N. Hamilton, for the dilligenee he has cx erehed in the collection of our delin quent taxes and find that owing to his dilligenee in the. collection of said taxes our delinquent tax list is now less than it has ever, been since tho organization of this county." T his is the language of a grand jury, the majority of whom were democrats and under oath to discharge their duty to their fellow citizens and tax-pHyers. Tax-payeiH might do well to remember that this officious . I udgo is not under oath when he as.-nines the role of par tisan newsji.ipir correspondent. This meddlesome Judge rends me a lecture on tho "Minetity of an oath" and lakes hi.-, text fioni section 2Sl-t Hill's Code, and rings the changes theieon became I have not made "levy and sale." To put it mildly this Judge ceeniii to be angry hicausu tho poor and hard preis.d tux-payers of this county, who niv thott of money, have not be. 'ii told out of house and home and a little peitouul property without ceremony and at great uacri- i ticc. I cannot, hell w that an old timer like Goi.dall is mi unkind or harsh ih thai, but 1 do believe he is anxious to create u feeling of irritation nguinst me at this peculiar jiuipturo of nl lairs. I will add further that he at least is mistaken, if he does not maliciously misreprctent me, when ho intimates as he does that no levies have been made. Leiie have been mado, but with tome jmtieme and exercise of dijcret: oil tin tu.Mut on thiil uttiiched property nave neen paid and not in . one instance lias mere sale. J now submit been a forced the deliniiucnt tax hut as it was given to me and im it now stands. Gentlemen here it is as It was turned over to mo August the 20th, 188(5, a lUt that thottld have been collected by former aheritl's and asset'tors: Amt. turned to thurlll'. At present, . . Nothing ... ? M 32 il' 48 tii' at 402 38 L'ill 65 IHTrt 18'Jd 10 . 1SSI im 1C8JI.. 1SW) Total Hi' fit J.Ti Mi . 'J.'. I C i I'M IS . 1U.V1 ."57 . M'lL' 7.1 . .')0JI IV ?10 7J1 111 . f IX) 1 CO Also 1 give hero a statement of tho taxes of the yt-ar J8Sfi which properly belong to me and it is expected of mo to make a good bowing. Amount of which was charged on the oii'-rjual tax loll is W'l.OJg.LS. 1 mado flu-rill as setsinenlf. to tho amount of .U ,('32.00, making a total charged to me $(H,G7i, t5. There Is now dilinqiiiTt on taid tax roll us per lat settb niviit i;70l).30, showing that 1 have colli cted O.'JJOS. fio, or mom than was charged on tho original tax roll 1,-ss the amount trims fciTid o Walh.wa comity. Goodall refers to th.- amount of delinquent tax for the . vim r ltiiT. lie will knows hut het.anls to niisliw.d tho people that the tax of lbt7 j.ltu'uo delin quent and at ih - li.i.fjMmHlelter was published that I t'i I out huvt) the de linquent Hi4 of mid yc.tr, nor did I r- eeio it until tin IU.li ii.,y of the prtw roNjixi'Kt j o; liVtt '.. k.