THE LESSONS OF "UNSER FRITZ" CASE. The groatest doctors in Europe don't seem to know whtit ails "Uiuor Fritz." Thus nre the Garfield and Grant episodes repeated, and public confi dence in "expert" medical knowledge is again shaken. The efl'ect is a revulsion. Since the fatal days of 18S3, many of the doctrines of the schoolmen concerning extensive medication have been abandoned, and all schools of practice nre more and more relying upon cld-fashioned simple root and herb preparations and careful nursing, the only reliances known to our an cestors. , These methods iind relinnccs are il- luetniied to-day in a series of old- j fashioned roots and herbs propara- ( tions recently givon to the world by i the well-known proprietors of arner s ; safe cure preparations made from ,0 WOrld by ! -nrenarations made from I . I f formuliu possessed by many of our oldest families, and rescued for pop- ular use, and issued under the happy happy designation of Warner's Log Unuin i Eemedies. "My son," exclaimed a venerable woman to the writer when he was a boy, "my son, you'r yeller and pale and weak like looJcin , you r necdin a, good shaking up with some sas'paril . j A jug of spring sarsaparilhv was just . as necessary in the "winter sunphes' of fifty years ago as was a barrel of pork, and a famous medical authority says that the very general prevalence I of the use of such a preparation as! Log Cabin Sarsapanlhi explains ie; rugged health of our ancestors. While Wamei s Log Cabin Stirsn-i panlla is an excellent remedy for all seasons of the year, it is particularly valuable in the spring, when tho ay tern is full of sluggish blood and re- quires a natural constitutional tonic and mvigorator to resist colds and ( pneumonia, and the effects of a long winter PhiloM 1 arsons, clerk of j the City Hotel of Hart ford .Conn., was prostrated with a cold which, ho, says, "seemed to settle through my body. I neglected it, and tho result was my blood became impoverished j and poieoned, indicated by mllamed ; nvr. I Wilh t.rfi!il(i hut. mv vcs lrrmv J o worse. I was obliged to wear a shade over them. I feared that I would bu obliged to give up work." "Under the operation of Warner's Log Cabin Sariparilla and Liver Pills.," he says, "The sore and inllamed eyes disappeared. My blood, I know, is in a healthier condition than it has been for years. I have a much better appetite. I shall take several more bottles for safety's sake. Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla is a great blood purifier and I most heartily recom mend it." A few bottles of Warner's Log Cabin Sr.rsapjrilla used in tho family now will save many a week of sickness and many a dollar of bills. Use no other. This is tho oldest, most thor oughly tested, and the best, is put up in the largest sarsaparilla bottle on the market, containing 120 doses. There is no other preparation of pimi lar name that can t qual it. The name of its manufacturers is a guarantee of its superior worth. While the great doctors wrangle over the technicalities of an advanced med ical science that cannot cure disease, such simple preparations yearly snatch millions from untimely graves. Artificial Rubies. At the Paris Academy of S;-neo's meeting M. Fremy read a memoir on the researches which lie has nuulo with M. .Verneuil to artificially produce ruby. An alumina erueitjlo was used, so as to avoid the proseneo of silica, which has the efleet of imparting a lamellar structure to tho product. Under such conditions, with alumina separated from calcium lluorido by a perforated platinum septum, they have obtained perfect crystals of alumina, which, being colored with traces of chromic acid, were an exact counter part of tho natural stone. Scientific American. As long as we have reasonable wants we get ou comfortable; but it is tho struggle after luxuries that fills society with distress, and populates prisons, and sends hundreds of people stark mad. Dissatisfied with a plain house, and ordinary apparel, and re spectable surroundings, they pluugo their head into enterpr so and specula tions from which they have to sneak out in disgrace. Indianapolis Journal. A bull recently walked upon the railroad Hack near Madison, Conn., and wouldn't got oil' when tho express tra'n camo along, ltathor than try conclusions tho beast tho engineer stopped his train and sent ono ot tho brnkemen forward to drive tho animal from the track. Tho brakomau was eminently successful, but ho says h s coat ta Is" never before camo so near be ing punctured by a bull's horns as thoy did on that occasion. Hartford Cour- A WOMAN'S WAV. A Startllnir Iliilrii Proposition. A. little over six weeki ago Mr. Fowler of 327 Illlt street, Baa FraucUco, topped In t a leading city drngRltt's to ask what effect Joy'a Vegetable Baraararllla, about wlitch ho bad beard ao much recently, would lafelncai-esof dy.pepnta and sick headache. Bbo was assured that In mo.t cases It would rellev both. Bbo was. however, so Incrodu. loua that finally the drunslst Kave herabottle, not tobeiiaidforunleaaiteirecleaacure. a propon-, . . . . i 1 1 1 . 1 A I f aim. tut.. Hon so siariiiDgiy iracnci c4".. fore, been made. The follnwlnujtist received Is the conrUclnK conclusion, and tells Its own story: Ban Francisco, February 8. 1888. ,n?Ty&v, did ill that you promtied. I had tried . ao many prescriptions, to no pun bat I naa come io , llleve nothing would relieve iny uvspepsia auu ilek headaches; but I have not had a return of V..? " . t.vina it. I titlleva I tin renuanently cnied. but will, out of an abundance cf caution. cenUnue to take it regularly f or a wil l, yet. Ton have my permission to make thla public, for it Is my belief that a remedy that will cure dys. pepsl nd prevent sick headache ahould be gen- rally mown, jmpvtu"" AGRICULTURAL. Devoted to the Interests of Farmers and Stockmen. The l'ciicli Itoror. In many cases peach trees show gum at the b ise, and in nearly there is gum close to the bate if in sitrht. A channel is found in all not the miner bark which the worm, whe u hatched, digs to the ground, not mc than an inch or su lone, showine th re at the egg was laid near the ground. For four or live inches below ground there is a mass of gum and the worm dug small holes and short cliannels in the bark of the main root, causing ..... tn iiviwln lirtTi)l "Vin will nftim mul tlmtl,11,ttu roots, 'putting out near . ., ,.,.ilir. -111V. been n .,,, ,,,l nauil nnlllnir nu'll' If 0 lten Bm, need cutting iUViiy watch B(J Ul0 um is clc.ir0ll a , nl h n fonmi bl. 11WI1V f, , MM 11 Kit n.iuitit fA11llil lilt if 11113 Hill lVi UilOilJ lUUilVt) UIIV HOl Cftreu ,he wonn ,nuv be lor!t in , o T, f WJ is to ,. ,, um ou, ...ith nmll wootieu shoel made of a shingle and thiow H oil" out of the way, so the worm will die. Wood is better than an iron knife, and it does not hurt the roots. Diir fresh earth and pack it well - o - , t,w roQt tuu, vt d b Mor Umu jf the , . c,ean UIU, u U)(, .,. ,1(1(ir ,,,,,,,. C.. .it our tieo will m is left near roots so no I'lim will adheru to them o . .. . . . When the worm is small ami lounci ,,,.. thu ...... ...... thu tret, a dasl q hot wuter wouh, vtohMy kin ilud ld ,)0t il)jur0 tho but lf lho woriu is iIlslJtio the bark, hot water W0U1 do no good. The surt and b t w 5s tobdi . thu dirt cleur tfw km thu Wl)nn nud tcruio invuv tho dir ty mess of gum and ca8l This leaven tho tree clean , ? cuUivuled arouud the roots d lhe work is not lhrown ilVvay. W1 ., th(J boror U8UH works in u B0melinu,8 kina older bnnd B tW0Ilty fcllows , ' rter8 of ttI1 inch long have b f , ;n tl t which lheir lmmiel undor tho bark hiul ti10r . , irdIed Thoy ar0 often found -Lal nrunes enifteJ on i.eaeh, n -j a sinall Hprout hll8 grown . 1 . J i - 10 from it roots. A crove of limes comprising only i four acres and a half, nerr Sandford, Flu., netted its owner VJL,VW last sea son. The cultuie of the apple and pear is on tho decline in Illinois. The trees of the old orchards are dead or dying. Few new orchards are being tot. Every trace of the Colorado beetle has been destroyed in Germany by the timely use of disinfectants and tilling of the fields in which thoy first ap peared. A full third of the territory of the Unittd States is a sheep pasture of the most favorable character. Texas represents the highest money value in sheep, and tho most extensive ranches are there. Look over tho peas and beans for weevils. Placing tho seed in a vessel of water for a few hours, adding a tea spoonful of blue vitriol to each gallon of water, would be an advantage. The seed should be carefully picked over. At the Iowa college farm, the eighty two acres of corn which weie jnit into , a silo, gavo the equivalent oi sixiy fivo tons of prime clover and timothy hay, according to Pitsident Chaniber I luin. But tho drought operated to j prevent a good grewth of h.iy, so that 1 the com was really a very profitable j food. A hoed cron should be a part of the regular rotation on all farms, for the reason that such a crop requires close cultivation, and when removed leaves the ground clean. Unless this be done the weeds will at some time take pos !Hshm of the fields, though much i benefit will result from tho use of tho cultivator if a corn crop is grown. One of tho best things to break a colt is a common sulky rako. The machine is strong, with wide shafts, and there is no danger of kicking out, and it cannot bo turned over; back ing does not hurt, and by putting the toelh down you can get some draft. If you have freshly plowed ground it is all the better. A good cow should yield 3G5 pounds of butter a year, ullowing for the time she is dried off. This yield is seldom secured from each animal in a dairy herd, but it is not impossible, as such yield has been greatly exceeded. By using the butter-producing breeds, and feeding for the highest possible pro duction, the profits from a herd may be doubled. Tho disease of scaly leg, caused- by an insect which is identical with tho insect causing itch in the human fam ily, may bo cured by rubbing the parts with an ointment made by mixing equal parts of Bulphur, lard and kero sene. An application about once a week will bo sufficient, when the sub stance will begin to peel off. Wheat fed whole to laying fowls, and wheat screenings or cracked wheat fed to young chicks hae al ways produced the most desirable re sults, though it must bo remembered that they must not bo fed in the same quantities as corn, or preparations of corn. The tendency of wheat is to nrnilnefi a healthv irrowth, feed tho muscular tissues, and aid materially niUBcmar urBii.-o, mm .-. i i & .-. 1 1 . I in caUSlHC 1110 liens W my uiicu uuu 'V .ib rich OggB. , A good plan for butter packinp ! bri "mt f" bear up an egg ; add a quarter of a . f noli wnW0 flUcar and Olie i o --- - ,, .. tablespOOnf ul of BaltpetrO. Bull the brine, lot it get cold and strain it. Wrap up rolls of butter nicely in clean muslin and tie with a string. Then pack the rolls in earthen jars and put a weight on them. Lastly fill up th jara with brin till thu butter u all ooverod. An KiiKllshiiinn litis llcoveml tho ancient porpliyrj qiinrrics, where the Houinhftobt due 1 tlio s tones found in their famous bil idinif. The quarries are niiiety-sU miles from the Nile and 3.CX) feet ubove the level of tho seu. THAT HIGHWAY OT NATIONS. Tlio broad .'.tlnntlc. is ever u stormy thor oiiKlifiire. Ytt blow tlio winds ever no llen-ely, and rlite the waves ever so loftily, seamen must man the kom! ships, tourists will br.ive thopns shrb, mul commercial travelers biuI bikers must visit the centres of foreign tnulu ami manufacture. That atrocious inutility, i-ea-slek-ness. together with colicky pains anil much in ward uneasiness I9 often endured when Ho tetter's Stomach Hitters would have fortitled tlio voynKcrs apiinst them. Sen captain", and Ln fact all old salts and veteran travelers nro acquainted w ith the protective value of tli s es timable preventive and remedy, anil are rarely unprovided with It. KmiKrntits to the far West should use it a a safeguard against malaria. Seek the aid of the lilt era for dyspepsia, con stipation, liver complaint, kidney troubles and all ailments that Impair tho harmonious and igorous action of the vital paw era. It is said that blncksmit s select a s'ormr day in which to perform work that requires ex tra 1 1 eat . Tin: n.YiNG oyi: ok im:aci:. A richly frosted quivering Hying Dove. A Dream of Life screen calendar. An im ported Ideal head. An imported f osted now scene and a full set of lunguitlcent lloral cards. Fourteen artistic nieces. Sent to anyone who w ill buy from a drug Elst a box of the genuine Dn C. M'Lanu's Ci:i.i:mtATi:i) I.ivku l'n.i.s 0rice ct-s.) and mail us the outside wrapper f'om the box with 4 cents in htaiups. Write your address plainly. Flkmino 13nos Pitts uuituu. Pa. The aurora, when very bright, indicates stormy weuther. Tin: i:ri:itu:Nci: or mi:j. ri:Ti:its. Sirs. Peters hud ill-. Jlrs. Peters had eliills. Sirs. Peters was sure she was Koinor'to die; Tliey dosed her wun mils, w ith uoudeis and miiiIIIs. With remedies wet, and with remedies dry. Many medicines lured uer. Hut none of tliem cured her. Their names ami their number nobody could tell; Anil she soon might have died, Hut some "Pellets" were tried. Tht acted like magic, and then sho 0t well. The magic "Pellets" were Dr. Pierce's Pleas unt Purratlvo Pellets (the original l.ittlo Liver Pills). Ther cured .Mrs. Peters, ami now she wouldn't bo without them. There nro thousands of bu-dicls of pecans go ing to wusto in iHilinu Territory. MANY I'KOl'I.i: ltlllTSi: TO TA K12 COD I.ivur'OlI on account of Its umilcasunt taste. This (lilllculiy hns bi-cn overcomu in Ni'oM'm i.iuiilniuu u Lou i.ivor un uun iiypopmH liliites. It bciiiK s palatable as milk, mul lho most vuluublo remedy known for the treatment of Consumption. Scrofula and lironchltK lien erul llebillty, WastiiiK Discuses of Chllciroti, Chronic Couirhs and Colds, has caused nhrvl- ciiins in all. parts of tho world to uso It. I'liysl ciaus report our little patients take it with pleasure. Try scon s I'.muiaion una ne con vinced. The Hrst cotton factory In America was es tablished ul Kust lirldguwater, Mass.. in ITS". DON'T HAWIv, SPIT, COPGII, Suirer dizziness, indigestion, Inllammalion of the eyos, lieadiiulie, lassitude, in -bilit) to per form mental work and Indisposition for bodily labor, and annoy and dlsguat our friends and acquaintances w ith your nasal tu ant' and oll'en she breath and constant etlbrls to clean your noso Hiul tliroat, wneu l)r. pages l acirrn ltemedy" will promptly relieve you of discom fort and sullerhnr. und vour friends of tho dis gusting and needless inlllctlona of your loatho somu dlscusel A solid cut-ulass bedstead, richly worked. was lately made at Hirmiiigliuin, Knghiud, for a Calcutta millionaire. pi.iantisY cuitui). Kisuston, Ontaiuo, December 7, 1885. Six years aizo I e.iUKht a severe cola while standing in an ice house with my coat oil". 1 felt myself getting chilly and went to the house, where I shook for half an hour and then had high fever and ter rible pain in my hide and through my lungs. I put un Ai.i.cock's I nitons Pi.astkk on my back undone on the trout of my chest, and in u short time the piin decreased and I fell asleep, and did not wake till the next, morning, when I was again quite as well as ever. In telling my doctor about it, he said I had been at tacked willi pleurisy and, possibly pneu 1 ,1.1 , noma. iv. i,. uudi.i.i, ;ccorilimr to statistics tliero aroin India 20.- 'JSO.ti'.'U widows, of whom nearly nineteen mil lion were under nliiu years 01 age. H'Yoeit MVKit is out of order, then your whole sihteiii Is deranged, and you need Hobb's Little Vegetable Pills to euro ) oil. TIionc coiiipliilnln-; of .Sore Throat or Hoarseness should usd "Ilrawn't Jlroiichittl Truclic?." Tho ellVct Is oxtruoriliiiury, pafticu larlv when used by singers and Hiwikcrtf when cleuiing thu oice. Sold only In boxen. 1 lsu s iure lor uuimiiuiuiuii is 1110 uesi v.uun Sledieiiie. lf you don't bellove It, tuko a dose. Hy diuggists, 'Joe. 11 bottle. in-... . ...i 1.. .1... i.... . .1. ITCHINCf PILE8. HV'HI'Tosis Moiaturc; Intense itching and Btlninfr, niOHt at tilslit; worne by scratctilnif. It ulloueil to 0011 tluue tuiaora form, which often blcod uud ulceiatc, IwcoiuIuk ;ry soro. SrtAVMi's Oistmk.nt topn the Itching and blrcdltig, bunla ulceration, and in msiiy cases removes thu tumois. Itlseiuallv ltlcaclou In curiug ull Kkia Illstiues. l)It. HWAYNK li HON, Proprietore. 1'hl'ailelpUU. hWAVNK's OINT5IKNT can be obtained of druggiaU. Sunt by mall for SO Ceuta. Sco Anthell I'lano advertisement. TltY Gkhmka for breukfast. Oamelllne Improvea and preKervf-s the compliton. MoW o UrP ;Kn8;?)calp Diseases --Vif r ire UTICURA Remedies. fflllK MOST I)ISTRK9SINa KORS1S OF SKIN 1 and scalp dueases. with loss of hair, from Infancy to old ago, are speedily, economically and permanently cured by the Cuticuua Rkm i:diks, when ull other remedies and methods fall. , Cuticuha, tho great Skin Cure, and Cuticu ItA .Soap, an exquisite. Hkln Deautlfler, prepared from It, externaliy, aud Cuticuha Rkioi,vknt, the new Hlood Purillor, Internally, euro every form of skin and blood dUcose, from pimples to scrofula. Sold uvery where. Price, Cuticuiu.SOo.; Soap, 25o.; RiwoLVitNT. fl. Prepared hy tho Porriat IJUUa AND ClIKMICAf. CO., IIO8TO.V, SI ASH Hend for "How to Cure Hkln OhjeaHes.' iT Pimples, blackheads, chapped and oily 'ttt tir skin prevented by Ci 'iiei iiA Hoai'. "ftl sv Relief in 0110 minute, fur ull pains and If weukneastH, In CLTipeiiA Anti-Pain y PLAMrait, tlio only pulii-kllllng plsster. 'i&o Tho Oregon National Bank, OF l-OItTI.AIVII. (HuooosBorsto iloUoooliUui WartngiSUnk.l CAI'ITAL, 1'AIU IN. . lUIOOO. TruuuacU a ueoend I Unking llmlixw. AOOOUN1W l.ijptib3atoctli, HKXtX IIXCIIANOU unfiau 1-YutoUco knd Nuw York. MAKt ailXKOTIONrl fsturable Uinm. VAN IJ. DtXAHUMUTT "KU. U. MAUKLK. JtL Prtaideut. VIoe-l-nMkkut. I). V, BITKHMAM CWAur. CI CIMUAY KHANIUII. l'KAHK bl tlNWAT. UACII. Osbler. Rocnlsb llano: Ilurdett Orsacs. band uutxuuesU. Ifaisil .vtk it Hbeet Uuile and Hooks. ltu'U surpUed at Kttn VL JiATTHIAH (lit AY CO., & 1'osl p. n, u, Mo. tx-o. r. n. u. No. aor. To pri-sene the elasticity of 1ml a rubbe wash it live or sit times a year w Ith slightly id kaliuu water. A SUlMKi: STATUS! r.NT IIY A CAIt PKNTKU. "For years I hao bad a thetl trouble nmount ing to nothing short of coiiMiinption. I ir hiiw others Id like condition had lieen eui-isl by tho use of Dr. Pier.-e's Golden Sledical Discov ery, and resolved to lest Its merits in my own ciiw. The result are so panr as hardly to re quire a bilaUn k or any auyrr meat in favor of this ijralr remedy.' It does 'in I It claims! Ii bnihu up the syHctii. tupports and strengthen when others fall. lie (:. "My recovery, which Is now 011 a sure nHmMnm. hinurt en tirely on the rwmjMifs of this wonderful Itestor Hthe, haMiig tried other reinedies without a bit at relief." Keep tho furrows both lu the orchnrd and garden open, so that tho surface water can drain readily. .1. II. I'lHK, An.ii.vit mul Aimlyt leal CIiciiiIhi. Uiboratory, UHi Ht st Portland. Or. Analyse made of all substances. Hates for assaying gold and silver ores J1.J0. Pack ages sunt by mall or express promptly attended to, and returns made CONSUMPTION bUKELY CORED. To tho Kdltor: Please Inform your renders that I have a pos itive remedy for tho above named disease. Hy Its Unci) use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall bo glad to send two bottles of my remedy vhkk to any of your readers w ho have consumption if they w 111 send me their Kxpress and P. O. uddiuss. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUS1. SI. C. 181 Pearl St.. Now York Kriiptlon 011 tlic CI1I11 anil Comfort after Hint, lug. Sill. SinrilULI. After Hearing a loinr lcrd for fi'tine tltuu I hui it taken otl A verytroulileao'iii' Klit TTIi'S ai'peuml 011 Injr chin It w nultti dm iwrtt-ablo to oilier as wU iw mytU Sana ealltnl It HntUrii' Itch My HttenlUm lttig oil isl to uur Mum L111 ion, 1 kiho It 11 trial It e"tlrely cured the vmptloii An spiitlc.illou of the I otloa jut befure shniliij- imuri'S couifori and ene tn that o -nillon an I pretf nts orfiiess anil tenilcrtus alter .,ard. I haic hxhI it tor limiij ailMH'Uts in my family, aud uUhj. wltli the must (kitUfactory lesiiltn TlinSItuK Lotion call If hiul at any dnitf or conn try htore. price SO until per botlte Ieot 10CS3 llj ard strict, 8.111 r'uiiula o Wakeleo's Squirrel and Ooplier Kvtermlnator. Try it. and prove the best Is tho cheapist. WakelCM & Co.. San I'raneisco. Us superior excellence prorcn In lullllona of hemes for more than u quarter of a cenlnrj. It is uaod hy the United States Hoi eminent Kndomed by Ilia lieaila of the (ireat Uutrersiliea aa the Mrongot, I'uieat and moat Healthful Ilr l'ricu'a Oiam Baking Powder does not contain Aliiiiionli, l.linii or Alum Sold only lu cutis. PUUJl' 1IAK1NU I'DWDUll CO. KElV VOItK Cllll'AUO ST. LIII'IS. PULMONARY BALSAM A HUI'KIIIIIK 11KMKDV KOK COUGHS, COLDi, INCIPIENT tONSUMX'TlON And all Throat ami I.ung Troiibloa. Hold by ull iM-iiKKlxlN lor r( CentM. J. R. CATES & CO., l'ltoi-Klinoiis, 417 HiiiiHonii-Kt.. HAX FltAA''IHM Catarrh Y011 will Hiive llniii')', Tlini. Iuin, Ti'Uiiltlc, AND WILL CLItE CATARRH lty L'Nlnir ELY'S uKbAM MLM, HAY-FEVER A particle la applloil into each noatril and Is agreeable. I'rlco 60 cents at druggitts; by mall, reglaU-red, 00 cents. K!(Y HHHTHKIIH ittf (IrwnwicJi Htrwt. New York. OTho DUYEHS' GUIDE is issued March and Hopt., oacb yoar. It is an oncy. clopodia of useful infor. mation for all who pur chauo tho luxuries or tho nooossitios of llfo. Wo can olotho you and furnish you with all tho nocossary and unnecessary appllancos to rldo, walk, dance, sloop, eat, flsh, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at homo, and in various sizes, stylos and quantities, Just figure out what is roquired to do all those things COMFORTABLY, and you can mako a fair estimate of tho voluo of tho BUYEBB GUIDE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 conts to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avonuo, Chicago, ILL lMA DC Tho bout PIANO on cnrthl lluinen lira, 's PIANO' l 1 1 11 U L i PATH'S ptoferencB. Musical Department A. L. Ilanoroft i Co., Ilo woved to 132 Post Ht.. Ban yranolsco. Oil. $5 To K 11 Day, Bamplcs worth ?1.K0, KltKK. T.ltioB rinr mi iter tliH hones feet. Write llHKW. HTrK'K HAKtSTT ll'IN IIOLUKK Co.,IIll V.3I IpJu The Van Monciscar DISPENSARY. t-Oa-'LAND. OB. Tojoc, mlcldla-cced and Id. slug w or uiarrbd men ana slswho sutler with LOST MANHOOD I Nenous Debility, ilpecma torrfaea, Bozslruu bostes BfliualDecay.Kal ling Mom on. Weak Kyea, Lick of 1 Knerr, also lilood land Hkla inscasea. Hrpbiuu KruiAiuns. lialr Vallhil liooe l'alns, H mtiiiop I ecu of Msroury, aUdnciri jui Huuiaaf rrouuii CasklUac liara 1 Urine, Opaonla. OUel WrW n -prumLA rllot tpi curs tot Ills. Bo tit ISxjt)S) DobissiU CMMfmUaUy OKOK-lcMl b 184 TOI&O HT. --l'licri- arc 3)0.ik)), 000 of wonn. i'iw on tills planet who havo only th luiMliist liopo of boing born nr;tin i ni'ti Instoml of tomls or snul-cs. Tlu ii no N).OOO,O00 of women in Moslt n art'in. TIiito nro unconntoil nuliio'i f nit'ti anil womon ami chHdron grow ng ti 'n most ik-grailt'd suporstitio i ml siill'cring In tninil, body anil ostati idiii iiilieritiul cntom-. In tlio tiatm f lni'io iiliilantliroiy nnd socula iiiili'iU'c. Christian mis-'ions ongltl ti i'iTivi a support immediate, abuu .int. nerinanent, itnllineliing. Mrs. Henry Jones, of Bridgeport, Conn., is the only surviving child of Noah Webster. fe'lns is eighty-two years old, bright nnd interesting, and her mind is perfectly clear. Hartford Couranl. A reeont funeral i:: Louisiana was nnnouneed by handbilh reading a-J fol lows: "ThtTe will bo a lame funeral at Kiogniotv. the grandinnther ot 's wife. All are invited to attend, let water in abundance, free to all. Come one, coine till." Tlio paper contained the date of the funeral services, tho names of six "managers." liiiuo of whom were clergymen, and the time of arrival and departure of trains from neighboring stations, witii a lfst of rail road fares. PMDtc wtaut A I II Cfc UUIILJ llilk.ll. hkw kkUL imkU. Dcst fotitfh Syrup. Tnttcsnoil. Ufo ! L' .l 1 I... .l.l....I..i iNT-jaVTie I beliovo Piso's Curo for t'oiisuinption saved my lifo. A. II. Diiwi.i.t., lCi'lilor Kuqiiiiei- Kiien ton, N. C, April "'-1, 1SS7. Tlio hi:st Counh Medl cino is Piso's Cum: i-oit Consumi'Tion. Children tuko it without objection. Jly all druggistH. 126c. mi ii i i ii i un -vs3 tfvwj r.'s-HS Lnl n Inre eiurDr ,ti rice tino r-fra UUHLS V'HtRE All LlSt I A IS. BcetConh Syrnii. Tastes kooiI. Uso lxj iu tiniti. ho in nvuriiL'L'inta. r-ni iu time, noni iy uriiL'i-iAia. st I'reinluins. sn.OOO In uo, on ....... p N,.u' . t.nt,.,ltti1 Sltj.l.l TllllIlM- till- lee, in use in in, umer i iuii.'i n.,., ..u. . Htanil ill tune 'JO jears, gm tor 100 ; not altecteil by cllnmte. No wooil to split, break, suell, shrink, crack, iloray, or ear out; wo nuaranteo It. Klo irant HosewooJ ('ates, 3 strluns, ilnublo ropralhii; action; flnest Ivory keys; tlio 1'ainmin ANTISKI.U Callnrwrlto lor Catalnsfue, tree. T. SI. ANTlSIII.l, 1'IANOCO., ManiifactururH, OiUI Fcllona' Hall, Mar ket anil Sutenth Streets, San FrancUio. U', In use lu nn utli I hib ri has el vcri unlter- sal Biitlstactlon In tlio cure of (lonorrbiea anil fOnrnti D w" r, ft k nita. I Clleet. I prescribe tlnuil feel sate In recommend Inc It to all sulfcrera. csuaa oiriomi.. llTitaCberltilCa. A.J.ST0XKU, JI.I)., . Cincinnati,!; Decatur, III. i'IUCK, 91.(10. Ohio. Trftile Brk Bold by Drutclsts- SiC u I - r Zi. T. WKIGHT FOOT OF MORRISON ST., Denier I" "ihtIiiIIIon L ADVANCE . THRESHERS, ENGINES, ii'i:i: vooiHtmtv l'owniiH, Tho Advance is not guaranteed to be equal to others, but guaran teed to bo far superior and bettor in every particular. If not it costs you nothing to try it. KricliGl Engines, Stationary and Marine. Lannflry Machinery, ACME ENGINE, tho best Coal Oil Engine in the world. No Engineer Needed I't-oxojiu'.vi,. Tho WestliiKhouHe KukIiics anil Uollcrn, Karin Kimlne Tank PumpH, aoveral vailotles of KiintncHof nil hIzch mul for all jiurpoHen. Farm, Church and School Dellu, AlariiiK Work of all IcIihIh. CruaniBrv Aliichlnury, lliincock Inspirators, Park Iujcctore, all lho latcHt Putent Vrcncho, WackMiitth, Automatic anil Farm DHIIh, Holler Feed nnd Duplex Puiimm, Steam Fitting Ooodtt. l.uhric.itlnnOllrj, lieltliiK and Hobo, Self-Heating ltath TuIik. THE RAWSON MOWERS AND REAPERS, THE LINDGREN CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, For Villages, Storcn, Public JIulldliiKH and HcaideiiccD. FIItK !KI'AItTMKKT MUI'l'IilKH OV Alii ItlNDH. And many otlicr desirable goods. Ah I represent tho manufacturers direct, I can and will give you good goods at a bargain. Send for descriptive circular of what you want. To IlouneUrrpert awl Tarmrrt. It la lmiior Unt tbat tbe Hoda or Baleratus you use should be White aud I'ure sams as all similar substance nsedforfood. Tolnsura obtaining only tbe "Arm & Hammer" brsud Hoda orHaleratJS, bjy It in "pound or bi'f round" cartoons. wblch bearour name aud trade-mark, aa Inferior goods are ssmo tlmesiuUtltutcd fihtbe "Arm ti Hammer'' brand when bought lu bulk. Iartlea uslua Uaklng Powder sboudl remem ber tbat lta sola rlslnil property consists of bi carbonate of soda. One teaspooufulof tbe "Arm k Hammer" brand of Boda or Baleratus mixed with sour milk equal Pocked in Card ON JiVERTf 11 R li" Ma' f7P uui rv PD M PTLYah oTERMAiENTLY ATDlllGCI5TS AllDjrAlErsHErYWriE(. TheGhaS'A-Vdgeler (Jd-Baitd-Md' :9 a innrvc irncTini err 11 LITTLE V PILLS . 1'on Tin: i,ivi:it. IVrfcct illgcstlou npcom. " t.liKl.eil by tnkitiL llobb'n M 1 iltlo ViKrlnt.Fi- 1'llla. This AVoiiili i fill ltrmi-ily l ruioaSlcli ll'iiilnrli',II a- . 1 ('lislii, Iinllf; slluii. mill nil tiUonMiiN of lho I. Ivor mul StiiiuiM'li. Tho fdllowint symptoms remit from iliK.ans of tho Dlt-wtlvo Or-ii' i,s : Ciinatl lmllnn, Iliiiil.'K'lie, 1 llri, lleni tliiirn, Itnil Tnsto In .Mi.ulli, NniiMt'n, Smir Sti inneli, Con ti'il TotiRiM', elli m ik"h if S kin, I nln In tln'. etr. llotib'a 1 11. Vi k. t tiilile PIUhuIU fieo lho tivi-teiii of nil tluco mul liiiiny oilier iliforilers. Tlieyiirt 1 uri-ly vrcrtnlilc, NiiKiir mt il, vi' i, v Niiuill, viiiy to tnko, only ,i I ill n ilo.i., but tisoll with Mi nilerful ri cults. Try them mm iiM'i1, mul lorevir nfter you will rcrninnie it tliem. 1. i'o ". ( Is. it vi .l, or the to- $1.00. Pent by iniill or nil Hoou's MEnir-NE Co., Crop's, i AN r-HANClBro, UAL, ALLEN'S IRON TONIC BITTERS. " 1 lis -jreat Toim. Jlluo.1 1'iirilier. A.vtlter n.l 1.1? er ln?lr r tLi,. imir m..l l.v .1 V Allli. St. l'ftill. Minn. ily return matl. Kull nrNrrfplloer Mooilj'i .Now 'l'ii!lar )ntein or llreM? Cuttlue. MOODY & CO., Cincinnati. Ov EUROPEAN TICKET OFFICE. First CUias, Second-Chiss, mul Kmltfrnnt Tickets AT l.ow itATKH, vlu tlio leiulltiK Btenm ship mul ltullrmul Lines to nnd from llnmhurvr. llrt'iuen, Liverpool, liouthiiiiipton, Havre, Cop enluiL'eii, Stockholm, etc., etc. A. IV. SI Y Kit, 401 California St.. Sun Kninclsoo. X.fTCoUmleH mul families at reiiuceil nites. CTho OLDEST MEDICINE ln theW0RLDT Is Frobably Dr. Isaac Thompson's 1 ELEBRATED EYE WATER This artMo In a carefully prepared pliynlclan's pre-M-rlptlnu, ami baa been lu onimluiit lino (or nenrly a. century, aittl notutllmtaiHlinit the many other prtiara tlmm that Inivo lieen InlriHluceil into the market, the rule of till article la e. imtantly InrreaalnK. lf thu ilk r ctlnna am felliiwul It will never fail. We pnrtlciw Urly invite the atteutinn uf pliiatctana to lta inertia John L. Thompson, Sons & Co., TltuY. N. Y. s KXI STAMPS I-'DIC Ilt'l!l..tU to M. OIIIK- I'lA, (.'MttoiiH-tHHi, Kliaatu founty, t'al , fruit belt nf ITniier Hucrai iiicraniento Valley; ir, tiiH. Ollll''I'INTolr Jackmm County, l)r center nf ItnKiie Ulver Valley, uiiiu ciunaie anil iirtwiiicrivHiieaa. REWARD! nnn Will lie paid for each anil t-?t'ry (train of polst vlUUU omnia snbatanrea luuiid In Wirtteui'slUiIieritntv acknowledged the inot dellKlitful and unly realljr iiaruileM toilet article erer prtiduciil fur tautUVht: aud ineaervlni; tlut cniniileiiiiii, rtrno?lii2 tan, aiiubnru. freckles and all Meinlalita and ruuKhneiw of the skin. Uaed and Indented by the elite nf society and .tho time, riul.l by all nnipidot" at W oenta per botlle White and l"leau. Maiiiifacturetl by W M. WIHUOJCT k (M).. Iltieuilata I'nrlUnil Oreirun nHjrUM.jilj'l'L'H'ISU'lil PORTLAND, OR. itnil in'i'al Aifi'iil loi INI uni ' i ii s OUK TKADIS MAIIK fourteaspoonfulaof ho- bestllaklni-rowder.saT- lntf twenty times It cost. besldoa being much heal tbler, becauso It does not contain any injurious substances, such as alum, terra alba eto., of wblch many Bak ing Powders are made. Dairymen and Farmer sbouldusoonlytbe-Aria Jt Hammer" brand for cleaning and keeping Milk Pan atroet and Clean, Cionow, See) tbat erery pound package of Arm and llammer Brand" contain fall 10 ounces net, and tho ir pound packageyUU 13 eunai net, Hoda or Haleratus same a ipeeU fiod on each pMkag. , PAOKAQK. Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft.1