The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 11, 1888, Image 1

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The Oregon Scou
An independent weekly journal, issued ev
ery Friday nun nliitf liv
Publishers and Proprietors.
.A. K. .Tonus, I
F.ditor. "
3 1$. Cll.VNCKY,
KA't'KS or SlIUSCltll'TIONi
One eopv, one year ?l.S0
" " Six months. l.tJO
" ' montos 75
linnrlalily Cash in Ailvancn.
If bit chuvtT gHhtcriiithn tire not paul Ml
cmi of year, two ilnllnr will hr ehanjnl.
" Kates of advertising niado known on op--pliea'tion.
HSfC'orrcspomlcnrc from all parts of the
country solicited.
Adress nil communications to the Obi:i;on
Scour, Union Oregon.
It. Kakin, .1. A. Kakis,
Notary 1'ublie.
Attorneys at Law,
Union, OnK'ii).
flSTl'mmpt Attention l'aid to Collect.ons.
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate praetiee special
ties. Olliee, two doors smith of post-otllcc,
' Union, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon.
Oflice, one door south of .). II. Katon's
store, Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public, and Abstractor of Titlos.
Olliee State Land Olliee building, corner
Main and A Streets, Union, Oregon.
0 II. DAY, M. 1).,
Physician and Surgeon. !
Office adjoining .Tones Pro's store. Can
be found night-, at the Centennial hotel,
room No. t!.'l.
M. IIakkh. J. W. J. V. 15aki:u.
Attorneys at Law.
OFFICKS Union .and La Grande, Ore
gon. Special Attention given all; busiiioss
entrusted to us.
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
Oflice, one door south of Centennial ho
tel. J. M. CAUUOLL, I It. F. WILSOX.
Xotarv Public. Ex-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Iieal and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
Salos of Ileal and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection biihines.s promptly at
tended to.
Olliee next door south of Pot-offlce, Un
ion, Oregon.
Real Estate Apt
Un'on, Oregon,
Has for sale on ea-y terms. 1S,'00 acres of
gooddand Jn Union and linker . untitle, al
bo some oljoiee town propeaty.
Money to Loan.
Collect ions Made.
Agent for the 0. R. & N. Com
pany's Land.
Ofllee, one door outh of Centennial hotel.
Miss Linda Mathieus,
(Late ot Yuri. France,)
Ian opuued dre.--makii'g PMtnbliKhment
in thw building one 'o"r noitk of
ilnlinHou'N blackmuiih -hop.
All Work Warranted to
Give Satisfaction.
y. GAUDXKR it: CO. ,
"Watchmakers & Jewelers,
And dealers in
Spectacles, Hve Glasses, Gold
Fens, Watches Clocks,
Jewelry, etc.
Main Street, .... I'nion, Oregon.
On farm tands in T'mntilla. P.akcr, Cnion,
Gilliam ami Wallowa counties, at S, 'J, 10
and 11 per ct nt. on live vtur's time. '
CVI on.l. II. lUXEIIAKT, at the Farm
ers' Mo-tftaije and Saving Hank, 'Mimtncr
viile, Oregon, if you want money on farm
The 8pereent K on improved farm land
nod" the railroad in f! ramie Ponde Va'iev.
10-l!l-m;, J. II. JUNK1I AltT.'
Uity - mi
Main Street. Union, Or iron,
Keep constautly on liand
CJko. Witioirr,
W. T.,
'W..J IL.
UlsTON, - -
Pocb a General Banking I'usiues. liuys
and sells exchange, and discounts commur
eial apcr.
Collections carefully attended to, and
promptly reported.
A. J. GOODMLOJ), Prop.
The Leading Hotel of
. Eastern Oregon.
EvorykMnj? Now and First
Class Thrmijvhoul.
The table always supplied With
the best ahe market affords.
Excel lent Accomoda
tions for. Commer
cial Men.
Charges Reasonable.
$500,000.00to Loan on
First Class Security,
From One to Five Yours Time, at a Low
Kute of Interest, A No Iluys, Sells
unit Keiits I'roperty for
To be Invi.ted on (iuurantced Security.
All Collections Jronijtly
Attended to WithoiitDelay.
leaves I'nion d dly ut 2 . in, arrive at
J'ovot3:80p. in.
leaves Cove ut s a. iu , urrivex at Union
tit:a0u. ui.
Connection male witli Elliott' coach tt
mnuiiiK to the dixt, arryinf inunur
Uk .' ' 1 trabw.
ItATJui for IMKonSOKitS.MiOftAm:
nil. I I'KKIfiltT, Iti:.Vvi(N AJJI.I'..
ItOHINvOX ,V I.AYVF - - Proprittor.
line'lo Cove.
t'l'ldi space is kIvch for the use and
benefit of our loeal writeis of vere.
and we hope to make it a pleaMiit: feature
of the paper. To that end contributions are
solicited, but they must po-es undoubted
literary merit to obtain place and lecogni
tion here. - Fl.l
Written for the Krot'r.l i
thi: assessor in thu saw mia.
'Twas very warm and gettinjr late;
We were running alonj at a lively rate;
All hands were willini;. and spirits jay,
'I he lovely morn drove care- away
On every tongue was a lively son,
Time was gliding fast alonj;;
Hut all too true is the maxim old.
"Xo rest for the wicked," as agc told,
And, curse the luck, e'er a quarter past,
The devil into our midst was east.
On a spotted pony, huucaml thin,
The county assessor trotted in.
In a moment's time each head wa- tiiuur,
Ami no more Joyous song.s were -ung,
Ihlteach one thoughtof a tax to pay
And set his mind to eouhive a way,
Put then, if each one's thoiiehls were read,
'Twas a different cause that huiiKeaeh head;
Some for the want of wealth to tax,
Propped their heads at lheylemn facts;
And .some with narrow-contracted minus,
Were shocked at the wealth the assessor
But others, with conscientious hearts,
Were lereed with fortune's withcrhijjdarts
For they, to whom no wealth was given,
Thought of their store (porha; s in Heaven)
That is wholly exempt, save a little strife,
A noble heart, and virtuous life.
Well, now he walked with a royal air,
Down with the mill 'twas hardly fair,
And the he struck was sawyer John,
And on a lor he tat him down.
"Any taxaljle properly? All was o'er,
For the crowd in an initant was all in a roar,
.lolin blushed like fa ing a gattlin gun,
Put collecting his thoughts, said solemnly,
"Xo pos-es.-,or am I, of gold or laud,
And all I own is a willing hand,
lint in after years'' as the poet sings,
"You may take what this to my threshold
"Hut in alter years I'll be dead and gone
I'll take a dollar for poll tax, .lohn.''
lie sauntered around, as asM-ors will
To another quarter of the mill,
and there he spied poof hone-it Joe,
Who is very sure, but dreadful slow.
"Any taxable propeity? (Joe with a laugh,)
"Oh, I've only time to give you half."
"(fot any land? "Yes, a garden spot.
With peas anil onions and (iod knows what"
"Hot any .stock?" Yes, very few,
l!ut w hut is all of this tovoti?"
"My business, sir is to assess a tax
On everything, from your hoisc to your
"(iotany sheep?'' "Yes, one old ewe,
That sixteen w inters have whistled through'
"Uot any hogs?" Yes, a lierkdiiro sow,
jviio u.uozen pigs or ntt i irow, '
' (iotany money?" Joe dropped his head,
It seemed each high ambition lied,
And each one felt for humble Joe,
As he said with a vacant longing ''Xo.''
Well, the rest with downcast heads re
plied Thiit lortuno with them would not divide,
And so ut last, with a longing eye,
Our friend to other fields did My,
And left the wounded hearts to heal,
As through tho tree the sun raws steal.
-IJ. W. II.
ANJN u i an letter.
Tins following luttoris one written by
a l'itilo Jndiiin, hays tho Dallas Item
her, who has attoudi'tl pchool at tho
Warm Spiings Indian Agency, and
was sent by Dave Holmes, teacher nt
the reservation, tw his lumber, Dr. W.
. Holmes, as a Kpccimcn of the profic
iency of the "noble led" in conquering
the difficulties of the Englifih idiom.
Tho letter, which is given verbatim, et
literatim, et spellatim, is an follows:
iMr. Dougherty Dear Sir; iih you
was give it to me s-ometlung to eatand
now I am all Eat out. I was very well.
I eat in the morning: and noon and
evening. Hut I would Jike have eonio
more it I want Meat it Sugar it Flour
it Reims it Sou p. I want that Bacon
to Boil Beans with and I want ?oap to
wiu-h clean my Pillow it my dirty tdiirt
it nocks. I was eat jtifct Rite, apples,
tea, it sugar Units all, Rut now is out.
You will please give me all that I want,
and I am foci iu my stomach pist the
niino all over my body just hurt mo a
little. But am very tony to say that
my brother Geo. I'iuto is very Sick at
agency I with I see. J'loiuo lot mo
know how is and what is feel and
write down. Komi it by Henry. I
ncvor fco my Brother Oto. for a long
time. Yours truly,
' Charley Johnson.
"Another wonderful discovery ha- been
made and that too by a lady In thi. county.
DNotifco fastened 1th clutches upon her and
for seven years the withstood Its sovoroat
touts, but lior vital organs were undermined
and death eemed Imminent. For three
months alio eouxhod IneuiWHiitly and could
not lop, Hhe bought of us a bottlv of Dr.
KiiK' New Discovery for Consumption
nod was o much relieved on taking first
doo that she xlept all nl(hl and with one I
boale 1m ix u miraculously curwl, Iitr !
naino i. Mr- Lun.ur Liiu-" Thu write j
W. C. 11 nri- kj f" Hliulby, X. C
Oet a ir. . t. 1 b. fl. .. Wlnhts drug
.tiro, I nioii, Ortii. I
Sub)-i j jU- for Tun OitKtio.v Hcovt. '
Cove Cul line's.
May 10th, ISSS.
Anna Ellsworth left last Sunduv on
I a visit to her parents in Montana.
Hugeno Holmes and wife will occupy,
in a thort time, Sam. White's lesidence.
"Bubble", of the La (Jrande Journal,
has been doing the place this week in
the interests of that publication.
Oeo. Thomas sold about sixteen tons
of baled hay to .Ittdge Craig for ship
ping. Pi ice paid, ten dollars per ton
delivered at the depot.
Born. To the wife of Ben. F. May,
Sunday May 7tb., a ten and one-half
pound daughter. All interested arc
convalescing and happy. '
John and Allan Ellsworth came up
from Portland, Saturday. Allan re
turned, Sunday, to resume his position
on tho faculty of the Scott Military
The Cove nine sent the La (Irande
players a challenge to play a match
game of base ball but they were un
able to accept on account of their nine
being busy this week.
Ascension day was observed Thurs
day by services in the morning at tho
Episcopal church by Rev. Mr. Powell,
and a t-iuall social gathering at Ascen
sion Hall in the evening.
The picnic in Lower Cove to have
been held latt Saturday was postponed
till Satuiday of this week on account
of threatening weather- 'Iheipol se
lected is tho grove above .Mrs. If oyer's.
If the weather eleik is agreeable,
tho Cove and Union nines will again
contest for Mipreniacy on the Union
grounds, Friday. A' large delegation
will attend from Cove and it is expect
ed a tine exhibition of ball playing will
be witnessed.
Bear are said to bo plentiful in tho
vicinity of the Indian creek saw mill,
fine specimens of the bruin family
being seen almost daily. Some of our
old "liar" hunters are rubbing up their
flint locks and mixing war paint and
will pioceed against the cinnamons.
Messrs. Rob. Cochran, Chas. Coch
ran and Win. Russell have loturned
from their trip thiough Malheur.
They captured some game and in thoir
search for the Blue Bucket diggings,
claimed they found thu bucket, but
tho contents were gone.
A party, consisting of eight persons,
from Cove, left Thursdy morning for
tho east. A. It. Robinson intends vis
iting lelatives in Michigan, Mrs. For
rester and child, destination Idaho,
and Mrs. T. L. Warren and two daugh
ters, Mrs. A. J. Harris and her tister,
Miss Gillie, will go to fowa.
Leigbton Acaduny doted, Tburfc
day, examination Inning been held
during the wet 1:. Tburday afternoon,
public exereites wine given by the
students. The pations of tho s'cliool
are much pleated with the management
and pronounce it one of the best insti
tutions of learning in I ho state. A
large attendance is promised for next
Tho match game of base ball, Friday,
on tho Leighlou ground, between the
Union and Cove nine was very excit
ing, being well contested from begin
ning to end. The batteries on both
sides did good work and comparatively
few base hits were made oil' either
Smith's or Deacon's delivery. Tho
score blood at the end of the ninth in
ning U lo in favor of Cove, which
showed ti good game for amateurs.
Tho same afternoon in tho ICastern
Lentigo tho score of tho Chicngo-Indi-unopolis
gamo was 1 1 to 7 iu favor of
I wonder if tho Union Basoballists
couldn't play a game of marbles on
the alkali Hat. A. The Unity is not
a misnomer; they loto their games by
a unit. C. I never realized fV2J0 to
easily iu my life. Dave. I'll givu you
a few practical demonstrations on prac
tical curves. H. D. Yes, and you
had bettor pick up sonio information
on batting them. V, S. The one
mikUko of my life giving Levy a
straight dji very. D. Oh, oh, there's
my J furry. I couldn't make her jeal
ous if I should try. N. I don't think
it nice of tho Cove girhj lo bu-to dcui
onstrativo over u game of ball. Mus
Tub ISx 8ai,y in the world or CuU, j
UruiitoK. Sore. U1um, Halt libitum. Fever j
Sore,, Totter, Chapped Hand, Chilblain ;
Corn, mid all Hkln KruptLm, Midpoidtlvo- 1
lycuro PIliu, or no pay required. It Is'
guaranteed to give perfect balb.fac tlon or '
moiiH)' rufuuded. Prleu ' nnu pi r box, 1
For Sale at Wright' drug store
Try tho new bukitiK p1 '! r .it J t,i s ,
Bio's. Only 8f ceutM ii i.iu. Wa.i.m-1
tod ns good us any powder iu tho mar
ket, or money u-fuiuh d.
i Tine Valley Piekinjs.
May fith, ISSS.
Measles and mumps,
j Several nice showers recently, and
i glad to get them.
j Fcbool closed in Dist. No. IU).
Teacher and several pupils down with
Mrs. Curtis, ftom camp, visited tho
family of Dr. O.Counor, and other
fiieiuls iu the valley last week.
Tbos. Irwin and Geo. Denney have
the mumps. Mr. Irwin is under tho
care of Dr. O'Connor and is quite ill.
Candidates Williamson and Xorville,
McAllister and Neil, paid our valley
and Cornucopia a flying visit recently.
Bruce Pancake and Mr. Allen look
their departure on the lid inst. for the
Big Bend country, W. T. No doubt
they will be much missed by their cir
cle of friends, especially Bruce, who
has grown from boyhood to manhood
here and is generally liked. Good
luck attend them.
A Lodge of 1.0. O. F. was instituted
in Pine valley on the SUid. ult., under
.the auspices of Deputy Grand Master
Bentley, of Maker City. He was ac
companied by Messrs. lson, Craft and
Vernal, of linker or vicinity. Mr. S.
If. Senor from camp, 'ami Messrs. Xor
ville and .1. T. Williamson, from
Grande Uonde, were in attendance.
The ollicers elected are T.N. Promt,
N. G ; .1. A. Denney, V. 15., and J. I I.
Chandler, Sec.
Fred Dawson, Jr., got his left hand
badly torn up by a dog recently. Ho
and Mr. Ifing were passing tho China
district (his side of Sparta when ti dog
belonging to the Oliinnnien sprang at
Kml and began chewing his hand.
Mr, King beat him oil' with a small
.'.tick which he chanced to carry, but
not. before lie had lorn a large gash
which will no doubt cause Fred a very
tore hand fur a time. The dog still
lives and is probably looking out for
some other passer-by.
Dr. O'Connor and littlo family met
willi an accident recently, from which
they very luckily escaped without in
jury. Tho doctor was driving a horse
which, though apparently gentle, had
not been driven but once or twice, and
while crossing tho bridge near Mr. Of
ficers, (ho new horse suddenly sprang
against "Old Pcto" knocking him oil'
the bridge, Probably owing to the fact
that "Old Pete's" bind feet caught on
the bridge a few moments and tho
presence of mind of tho occupants in
making the best of those few moments
enabled them to escape without injury,
thu Dr. pulling buck with might ami
main until Mrs. O'Connor got out
with tho baby, when ho throw himself
out on the bridge as thu buggy went
overboard. Happily no injury was
done beyond somewhat daniagiug
buggy and harness.
Homo sayings and wonders of young
folks, old folks, reporter, etc. "How
do you like it in town? W. B, Where
do you mean? Over at Dawsoii's. K.
W. .1. M. is hunting all up and down
tho creek for a mill site. J. S. What
do you suppose W. is going to do with
those oats? G. L. Guess ho is going
to have them ground to feed 8 e. L.
A. I). Wonder if L. A. D. gels his
oats every day now. S. L. Wonder
if W. M. has found a mill site yet. P.
M. Jtiet teasing you G. We wont
over "Breatho again that sweet word."
R. If B, B. comes on the rancho I
go olT. Anon Saw T. B. out Sunday,
and ho had more than his share of
girls. -C. D. Oh, ho has left B e,
and I'm a maiden all forlorn. O. E.
Wonder wheie V. L. was last Sunday
night until 2 p. in., H. J think B,
J'. is an honest young fellow all tho
same, and the wagon business was no
fault of his. A. D. And so do I. 1'.
M. Oaimiik R.
What; i thii "nervoiw trouble" with
which no many seem now to be alllicted'
If you will remember u few years ago the
won) Malaria wan comparatively unknown,
to-day it is as common as any word In tho
KnglUh language, yet till word cover. on
ly tho meaning of uuotlicr word used by
our forefathers in times past. Ho it H with
nervous diseases, a they and Malaria are
iutendod to cover what our grandfathers
called lliliounes(. and all are caused by
trouble that arise from a diseased condi
tion of tho Liver which in performing Its
function (hiding It cannot dispose of the
bile through tho ordinary channel Is com
pel led to pas it ell' through the wy-tein,
causing nervous tretibles, Miliaria, lllllou
Fevor, uto. You who are (suffering can well I
appruL'Iatu u cure. e recommend Oreou'
Augtut Flower. It cures are iiiarvolou.
.Smith's walking gang plow, tonic
tiling new and just the thing. For
Hale by Frank Bros. Implement Co,,
Ifclaud City, 1
NO. 4G.I
April IIOlli,
Enrroi: Oiir.uo.N' Scout:
Turin" talk is what the visitors to tho
galleries of the House of Representa
tives hear the.e days, and what they
will continue to hear for the next two
months. Debate on the taritl' bill was
resumed on Tuesday last, and the gal
leries were almost as much crowded
on that day, as on the day Chairman
Mills opened the contest.
Surprise has been expressed that tho
, ladies, who frequent the galleries in
large numbers, should take to much
interest in a subject that naturally
' must be dull to them, but they like
I everybody else seem to realize that tho
i work of the session has begun, and
j that the gioundwork of the next Presi
I dential campaign is being laid.
After much disagreement in regard
(o (be length of time the ! nri If debute
j shall be allowed to continue, the IIouso
j Ways anil Means committee agreed to
j limit the general dis.-ussMin to twenty
: days, iu all, exclusive of night sessions,
j of which there will bo about three a
j week. Four of the twenty days havo
i already been consumed, leaving about
j two weeks more for t nri IV eloquence.
' This gives sutlieient opportunity for a
I full and free discussion of tho subject,
! and both parties are satisfied with tho
time allotted. There is to be an equal
division of time too, between the dem
ocratic and rcnublican speakers.
Among these who havo niado speoch
es on tho taiilfbill this week aio Rep
rctenUitivcs; Jh'l'Jlrp, of Tennessee,
Burrows, of Michigan, BynuM and
Browne, of Indiana, Hemphill, of
South Carolina, and Doekery, of Mis
souri. Messis. McMillan and Burrows
spoke for over two hours each, the for
mer presenting thu democratic side of
the ante, and the 1 titer championing
tho eau.'O of protu Mi n.
The To.ino.'SOO Congressman's man
ner of delivery is not tin most pleasing
hut he is logical, and his manner is
forcible. He opened his speech with
the declination that next in import-
j !ini;o to thu question of personal libcr-
ty was the question of how and how
j much tho people thai! bo taxed. As it
' pertains to taxation it way no new
1 question but was with us in the' begin
ning of our Government, and would bo
j with in to its close. Ho who advo-
eateil the present tarifi'favored a tarill"
j not for revenue, not for protection
inertly, but a larill'for surplus and a
' tarill' for trusls.
! Said he: 'The internal revenuo
yields, in round numbers, one hundred
and twenty millions of rovenuo to tho
Government. Tk annual surplus is
only about sixty millions; so that if all
i tho internal revenuo laws were re
I petted, it would luavo a deficiency in
! cur taxes of sixty millions a year.
What is this deficiency to bo raised
from? Shall wo reimposo a tax on tea
lind coll'ee? Xo. There is not a intm
hero who won If I rouix VVfl'oo (g
Whiskey. Shall wu iucrCfteO llio duties
on woolen go-ds, rice anil sugar? No,
for the people would uot and should
not lolei'ate such legislalion. Then
we have to select thu subjects from
which wo will remove taxes; aui( in
view of tho fact that wo cannot repdal
tho internal luvonuo system, wo havo
to determine whether wo will reduco
tho tax on whiskey or the tax on
clothing; the tax on whiskey. or tho
tax on bugar. J is other words reduco
the tax on that without which men
can live anil prosper, or upon that
which is essential to their very com
fort and existence, and it narrows
itself down to a contest between the
drunkard's belly and tho poor man's
Iu that light I do uot hesitate to say
that I cspOuso the cause of the back,
and dofv tho world, tlio llesh and tho
After analyzing tho bill Mr. McMil
li ti stated that it would reduce tho
rovenuo more than $1.25 to every indi
vidual or 'j'd to every family iu tho
United ki tales, and ho declared that tho
plain, simple question presented to tho
House was: "Will we continue to
hoard up u corrupting surplus or will
wo leave it iu Hut pockets of tlio peo
ple, wliein it justly belongs?"
Piotccliun waa the key note of Rep
resentative Burrown speech which
gave great fatisfuclioii lo hU republi
can friends. Ho said our tarilVto-ilay
wan confofscdly protective iu, ia
levied, not fur revenue only, but to en
couragu Aim rk'i.ii industry, and to
protect American ' l.ibor. Ho closed
witli an appeal to thu new South, bom
of thu throes of war, but now full of
courage and Imp.', hm- loins girt for a
now race. Iter heavens nglow with the
break of a now day, warning tier tlmt
tw Mjlls tniitf bill i ii Ud only dUwster
to liev. , J. JI. U.