"." '1 TJ- 1 Aii Open Letter. Editoiis OlMKiON Scoir As the L:i Grande Gazette and some other parties uro clniiniiif? for Mr. Hamilton grout credit uh it tax collec tor, I would like ppneo in your valua ble journal to digou that matter a little. Mr. Hamilton, ns all other tdicriiFtf, assumed the ollice of tdicriir tinder the sanctity of an oath, with all the re sponsibilities that the law iinpoecH on that oliiccr, among them the duties of tax-collector, for which I refer you to See, 28 M. 1 1 ill'n code, which makes it his duty when the delinquent tax list turned over to him by the county clerk, with warrant attached, and wal of the county court, to proceed at once to make levy and sale if necessary, of personal property, of all delinquent tax payers, if Htillieiont personal property can ho found, if not, then by levy and sale of real property of said delinquent orsufHcient thereof to pay all taxes due, costs of levy and sale, and sher Jg'a fees, etc., and that said sheriil' bo required to pay over all monies so col lected, by the first Monday in Jul thereafter, and Sec. 2811 requires the sherill'to swear when he makes his re turn of the delinquent tax list to the county court, anions other things, that after due diligence he has been unable to discover any goods or chatties be longing to said delinquents out of which he could make this tax. Now 1 would like to invite the attention of the bona Jlde tax payers of this county to the delinquent tax list as published in Thk Scout, and let them decide whether Mr. Hamilton is entitled to the credit of being u good tax-collector. The present county court started in nearly two years since, with a deter mination to collect and close up this old delinquent list if possiblo, and the sheriff made fair promiscstat the start to second our cflorts, but ho utterly tailed long since. Wo have urged, en couraged, plead, begged, and even gen tly threatened him in fact did all we could, short of going to the courts, to induce him to perform his duty in this matter, for we consider he. as well as ourselves are pledged to those whopav their taxes to collect every dollar of taxes that can bo collected. Kvory one who pays tax lias a right to do mand that every one else pay, in fact it is their duty to demand it. The county has to pay the state her portion of the assessment whether it is collected or not, winch for las was C and 2-JO mills on the dollar, which has been paid to the State, making $l'l,-l(5f), Union county's portion of the State tax for 1887, although over lf,- 000 of that tax is yet uncollected, and this county has actually paid to the Stato nearly !f7,00() since 1870 on as sessments never collected, so that al though the law requires the assessor to assess all the properly in his county, it would be better for the citizens of the county who pay their tax, if the portion that is not collected were nev er assessed, but nearly all could be col lected, if the sheriil' performed his du ty as the law requires, and if thesev oral sheiifl's of this county had faith fully performed their duty as tax-collector, she need not owo one dollar now, and 1 venture to say that the loudest growlers at the county court for the county indebtedness comes from some of these same delinquents, though I am willing to believe that generally it is throiightless more than wanton neglect on their part, that they do not pay, and that they only need to bo properly reminded bv'tho sheriil' to pay their taxes. Ho that as it may, thoy should be forced to pay if they do not pay without force, and not bo nl lowed to exist as drones on the com munity in which they live. Every good cmon should perforin his duty in bearing his portion occording to his means ot the bunions of supporting county, school and State, and tho sher iil is dclrauding the honest tax-payers when he fails to require them to do so. Mr. Hamilton refuses to tako the oath prescribed by law fortlio sherifl' to tako in returning the delinquent tax list, for ihe reamn that some former sherill's hao not dono so. 1 will ask tho tax-payers if it is any excuse for his direlii lion that some former sher iff has fallen short of his duty. Sup pose some sheriil' had committed a fel ony, would that justify some other slioriU'in committing a felony? Tho people should require of every oflicer a strict i crfoiinanco of their duty under tho law. Mr. Hamilton accepted tho olllco of sheriil' with all the dutieN and responsibilities the law imposes on that oillcer, and he owes it to tho peo ple to perform them in full. Ho meets BOino of these delinquents daily, in and around the court houxe, on the streets of Union and wherever he goes through tho county, and yet he says ho cannot collect this tax, though lie has never tried, He hasleicd on no property for taxes yet. How does ho know he onnnottf'ollooL it? No property is ex empt from execution for taxes. It him try. His refusal to take tho oath prescribed by law proves of itself that no uas inn men. n no cannot per forin the duties of sheriff, why does ho want the olllco again? If ho will not perform them, why do tho people want him again. Hotter try it now oho, and keep on trying a new one until we get ono who will. The county court has stricken oil' of tho delinquent tax list turned over to Mr. Hamilton of tho assessment of 188(1 &m prior years, more thnn!f 1,600 lost to (ho county, besides ovor .$(1,000 transcribed to Wallowa county. A considerable portion of (his tax lost, could have been collected with proper effort by Mr. Hamilton in time. A considerable tax is lost to tho county on mortgages owned by non-residents. Mortgages arc assessable according to law, and tliu mortgages nro good secu rity for tho taxes until paid oil' and cancelled, thutt if tho owner bo a non resident tho tax is lost. Delinquent tux-payer (nminoiner) uro continually moving out of the county, whereby tho tax is lost to the county through tho neglect of tho sheriff. In the last is sue of Tin: SCotr, in flic correspon dence from Cove, I see tho names of several delinquents who are leaving flip Slnfn. nnd who the shoriM' tdiotild interview on the tax question, but it is safe, I think, to say he will do nothing of the kind ; he is loo busy securing his re-election. Now I submit the question of Mr. Hamilton's efficiency us a tax-collector to tho voters who pay their taxes, and abido their decision. Tho Gazette says by way of an excuse for Mr. Hamil ton's neglect of duty I suppose, that this old delinquent list is made up of small amounts. IJy reference to this list it will be seen that quite a number of the amounts are not so small. That old list aggregates if 1(!00, which should be collected and applied on tho county indebtedness; but suppose they wcro all very small, that would not remove the obligation to pay them, or collect them. The sherifl is allowed ample fees for collecting taxes. He is cer tainly entitled to JO cents per mile from, tho court house each way for cael! individual. He claims llty cents per mile, besides his per cent. But 1 beg a thousand pardons. O. 1 (SOODALL. Try the new baking powder at Jones Brti's. Only Hf cents u can. Warran ted as good as any powder in the mar ket, or money refunded. NOTIC'K OT I'OJCKKITIJni: Countv of Union, Htato of Oregon, Feb ruary ith, ISsS. To H. ! Howard, W. J. Coinynqt and Hugh Webb; Yon are lierebv notified that I have expended otic hundred mid seventy five dollars ($ 17r.09) in labor upon tbe "Poonnan" mine, as will appear bv certifi cate filed February 8th, 1W, in the ofliett of tho county clerk of said county, in order to hold said premises, under the provisions of section 1M2I. revised statutes, being the amount required to fluid the same for the year gilding December 31, 18S0 and tbe year endine; December .'11. 1887. And if within ninety days after notice by publication, you tail or refuse to contribute your pro portion tif such expenditure as co-owners, your interest In said claim will become tho property of the subscriber, under said sec tion lEW'l. mo-wi:; John cakky. Timlin- I.nncl, Act .luno :i, 1K7H Notice lor I'libllcntlnii, IT, a. Land Ojtici:, La tiuixm:, Oiir.c.o.v,) April!), 1888. ,' Notice Is hereby given that hi compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of .June.'), 1878, entitled '"An act for the sale of timber lands hi the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo ry, WILLIAM HCOLKS. of Telocaset, ( utility of Union, State of Oregon, has this day filed m tills ollice Ids sworn statement No, 10, for the purchase of the SK or. of NWtir. and K hlf. HW tp. and SV yr. SIC fir. of Section No. 7. in Township No. (IS, (hinge No. .'IS H. W. M.und will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valunble for its timber or stone than for ag ricultural purposes, and to establish ins claim to said laud before tbe register and receiver of this olllco at La (irande, Ore gon, on Monday the Mb day of .July, 1888. He names as witnesses: Adam Nelson, Jacob Stanhaugh, Win. L. Burrows and John Stodard, all of Tcloea.-et, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in tills ollice on or before said i)th day of July, 1888. IICNliY UlNClIAKT, l-l.'l-wlO Jtegister. Delinquent Tax List. Following is a list of the delinquent tax payers of Union county, Irom lfcSl to 1887: 1881. linker A J, Siiininervillo Illoom FK.CovtS llennett F A, lied Itook llojinett Jaii. Sumiuervillu. . . 1 Couch It, Island City , . . 1 Dcniiey John A, Pino Valley I (ircen'Jolm A, Union 1 Hall J V, North Powder I Kinscv V T. La (irande I 00 .McKinnisT T A: Uro. Suniniervillc. . . 15 o McKiunis T 1 , Siinimcrvillc 1 00 Nelson II. t'nion I ( Present t C II. t'nion Ill 78 Stiindley J. Union ! (Hi Wilkinson Joseph, Union 1 00 Ilaird I) 10, Union I 00 Kattm II A, Union I 00 (irav Wils, Lu (iraudo MM Hnti J F. North Powder 1 t!0 .lohnon Thomas, Union t 00 Kinney W T. LiKirnndo MX) Kitmi M, North Powder 1 00 Kebey L H. Ninth Powder MM Lawrence .1 W, Cove 1 s Lindsay H ( Island City (KM) Lambert John, Indian Valley 1 DO McKhinis'l'T.SuiuiiUTville -Hid Mnrley I. C, Starkey . . .1 (M Newman A C. La (iraiule . . 1 00 liandall A. Cove 11 8t Kolilis William, Stuniptown 1 00 Sturgill S T. lied Hock l!.r. !U w,. 1 Hack wood J F, Cove :i 8:1 llfssinger W II ,t Co, non-residents. . f 7tl liurford J K. Cove 1 00 Catcs W A. Antelope 100 Garrett John. Indian Valley J 00 iioiurooK u v. runs vaiiov. . . ;i -ii Jerman it Well J P F A, N. Powder II 7(1 Kolley James F, Cove 0 82 KollevJ A. Cove .'I -D KinseyWT. La (irande 100 Mitchell M H. Suiniiiorvillo 181 Morris Levi. Cove MM Perkins (icorire. La (irnndo ... MM Smith K W, North Powder I 00 Taylor Kphraln, Union I 00 twill...- i.t i ,-.....!.. i! c.i iiiiiiui i, . i, n uiiiim' .., .... ii. Weather II, La (irande ft Ml Watson Oriu. North Powder 1 00 1884. Anderson Thomas, North Powder .. 1(5 Allen J F, Stuniptown ft 7ft mucker LA. Union II 01 linker John, La (iraudo J3 l'J linker H .1, North Powder 'MM lloyco J ('.Suiuiuorville 1 1ft Ita rd T P. non-iioidont 100 liurford J as F.Cove 1 CM Catcs W A, Antelope t 00 Coulev J J, Cove it '54 S; of NKl4 N, of SKK Sec 3, Tp. il S, It if.) K. owner unknown. ... 10 87 Canada Kara, rlno Valley 1 00 Chirk Chancy, Union MX) Clark William. Union 1 00 Conner Aaron, Cove 1 (X) Dcniiey John A, Pino Valley MX) Duncan F It, Sparta MXi Duncan It M, Jlig creek 1 (X) Davidson Tracy, Mirth Powder 1 00 Farrow U S, non-resident US 00 Ficklln Thomas, Union 1 00 Flory L. I'ino Valley I (X) (irout 12 K, non-resident fi (Kl (irav J W, Stuniptown UU 03 (ireeu John A, Union 1 00 cloble W M. Dig Creek I 00 Humes J M .Union MX) Hull Mrs Addle, U (iraudo 4 U) HtiKlirs Hcnrv, non-rivsldaiit 1 00 Hanson W A, Island City I (X) Hanson Nelse. Itock Creek MM lllnkley S D, Pine Valley I 00 HuuloiihrookTuoniHsi, Island City.... 1 00 Jones N J, lied Itock 1 Oo JolniMin T U. Colon . . . 14 tig Jolitixon ( narler, Iiiiliiin Valley 1 (O iiwiii .K -c, inii'iiti uiioy . ... r oi Inhn-on William, t'nion 1 H Kinney .1 A, North Powder. Kin-; J-'rnnk, Pino Valley I II 1 Oil 4 Si) 1 00 I '.'J 21 18 i.'. 4 :$t .") ftO i.nwrence .1 w. rovo l Laird L J, Pine Vallcv ! Moody L K, Lower tingle Murrav P H. La (Irmifle Martin T K, Cove Mi Waters J) II, Ktumptown mvk litre l-riuiKit .lame Miller (Storcc W. Cove. ,laine., La (frantic. M111111 Hubert, .Stuniptown Northciitt D L, Stuniptown. . Neill William, Jiig t reek Nolan J F, Lower Iiagle. .... Parker .1 K, Indian Valley Qiiinn William, North l'owdcr hoberts Lindsay. Union Hich H W, noii-rc.'iilfiit Hundall M A, Cove Kobbs William, Stumptowii Uoberts K T, Pine Valley Stmidley Jlarri-on. Hock creek Simmons ( W, Union SimmoiH .1 w, Union Smith Frank, Island Citv St e Hen, Island I Ity Tnbin W 1(, Lower'Kaglo II 50, 1 IM 11! 1:1 so !l U0 1 00 1 (XI 1 00 1 00 14 4!) distill 1'' 1', uoii-reIdent Thomas A, Maud City Taylor Kphrain, Union Thavson Peter, Pine Vallcv. Upd'yke M, Pine Valley.... I ' 1 1 1 1 J.averiin, Union Walker Jos, Island Cltv. . . Whitlow J A, La (irande Westin Orin, North Powder Wilkinson Joe, Union 1 81 0 10 1 CO 1 00 llrown W II, Higcre-ek 2 Panics John P, Indian Valley. ... 1 00 Holey N D, Cornucopia . . 1102 Heck W C, Lower Uiigle (i 87 Hell Jane K, Union 7 7ft Heidier Austin, non-resident 0 12 Cradtiock Jnlni, North Powder 2 2ft Canada K. Pine Valley 1 lift Cates Kd K, Union . . 1 00 Sj of NHK it Sii of SFK sec 8, Tp. .'! S, llU'J K, owner unknown .... Curry (i H, non-resident Cla bum James (', La (irande Flliott John, North Powder. . . Fra.ierfi. W. Antelope (iray J W, Itock creek Ullmore .1 C, Cove (irande ItoudeMfg Co, non-residents (iorden Aiierd, North l'owtier ... HaskiiiH.lS. " ' Hamilton W S, Island city Holhrool; M F, Union Henderson Fred. Hed Itock Huliek W II, " " Irwin Marion, Cove Johiion 1-' I., Hock creek Johmou (ieorge, Union KelsayLS, North Powder ICinsey .1 A, " Risen I'll, " " Muriav P1I, LaOrandc Mc Waters I) II, Hock creek Maishnll U 1), La (irande Noblo William, North Powder Perkins dred, Lower nagle, 20 00 0 7ft 1 00 1 7ft 4 ftO ft 0: :i7 fto ft (it ft ii7 1 00 11 77 0 00 ii 00 11 iu 1 (XJ :i fto :i 7ft u 50 (i 7ft 8 i;i ftO Perkins J It. North Powder . . . Prcdinore John .Stuniptown. . Heed J J, Pine Valley ;. Hich William, noii-resideiit'i .' SpicerTJ, North Powder. . Suvder Lewis La (irande Stuiyill linu 1. C .fc Jo, Hedrock Turner S II, North Powder. Taylor H II, Indian Valley .. . Thomas K .1, Cove . Thompson 11 II, North Powder Vanonler Aieh, lied Hock. . . . Walloii (ieorge. .Stuniptown 1KMI. Anderson O P, Union Allen Fred, La (iraiitlc . . . Andro-s Mills, La (irande Anthony C II, North l'vwder Herkloy Wm (Scott) Lr rande lllaekwood John F, Cove Haldridge KS, La (irande Harnett William F, Starkey.. , Hlaeker L A, Union Hrewster Frank, non-resident llrown W C, Island city .. .. Haker John, La (irande ... . Hlaeker (ieorge W, Union . .., Ilramliacli Abe, llig creek, Illoom William, Pine Vallcv Hovles liichanl " Haker II J. ' " . Ittitler Thomas, Cove Hurford ,1 S, " llrant; John. I.-land city llabington K O, Dig creek . . llraekln LM, " " Hreckcr .1 A, Hed Itock linker Samuel, La (irande . .. . Culp P H, Mand city Cool; S V, La (irande . . Chandler Floriudn, Cove .. . Chapman .1 II, North Powder... Cunts K W, Cornucopia Collin berry C C, Pine Valley . Clieatliain" A M, ( 'ove . 11 12 ft!) 83 it ftO 1 00 (X) I (,0 0 (X) :t (i.i 1.8 (K) U II! 7 ftO :t (i:i 1 (X) 1 00 1 00 1 CO 4 10 8 2ft 1 :;o ft 8(1 I 03 ft 28 00 (X) 00 (X) CO (0 (,0 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 ft 811 l.'l 20 1 CO 1 00 1 (X) 1 0J 1 00 :i 07 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 CO Cronemiller UP, La (irande... Culver Thomas Union ( 'miner Aaron, cove Cook William, La (irande Coibett.l L, Houk creek Cox ,111, Hock creek Crauuier William Indian Valley I CO Clark William, Antelope 1 Cates Kd H, Union . 1 Coid.in Patrick, Union 1 Ca-scl K D, l.a (irande 1 Charlies I'd, Ninth Powder 1 Charnes James, North Powder . . .. 1 Clioale.Salio, Sunuuerville ,'ift 00 00 (X) 00 00 00 20 Davis J W, Miuiiuervillt' 2 (15 Dearborn (ieorge F, Union .'1.8.-, Douey .1 C.Covu 1 00 Kuloe C i, Island city 2 00 Koloo T R Knloc, Island city 100 F.vans hd " " 1 00 Katon C L, Union Mo Flick Joseph, Cove. 2 2!) Fountain J, i.a Grande M:o French Wynian, Staikcy ft 811 French J C, i.a (irande 4 li) Fox (.' L, La (irande 1 (XI Planner v John Cove 1 00 Fieneli Harry, La (irande loo Fai haar Jasper, Island city I 00 Fishci'fS P, La (iraudo 100 Fotvlmiv C S, I niou t 00 Farley James, Indian Valley 100 tiillispie Jasper, Union 1 00 (i lover II H, Ln (irande 1 00 (iibson J L, Cove 1 00 (iilmore J ( '. Cove 2 7fi (iray J W, Stuniptown 1 00 (iieen John F, La (irande -I (X) (lihson W 11, Island city 1 00 (irabain John. Indian Valley MX) (lardner Newtown, SuniinervHlo 1 00 Goodman William, IliK creek 2 21 Hurst Joe, La Grande ft 21) Hunter J HitCHuix, Camp carson 1 00 llollirook M F, Union ft ftO Havocs William F, North powder... 1 00 Heagnev P.it, Camp carson 7 00 Hull William it Mr Darr, Siiiumcr'lo Uft 8ft Day ward Charles R, North Powder.. 8 sO llintklev DwIaht.Pine Valley 1 1 lushes John. " ' Hail A H, Cornucopia Hereghey P. " HullJ, " Hansen Nelse, Hook ureuk llolbrook A S. Union 1 00 1 00 I 00 t 00 1 00 1 IX) 1 (X) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 S 80 (i ri 1 (X) 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 77 7 70 8 02 1 (X) t 00 1 (X) 4 OS 16 (X) 1 00 7 10 ! GO 7ft 2 S7 1 1 11 lies j 1,, 1 1 11 .. Hoopengarnur II, Higorcok Ilunnmu R. " " Harrison T J, North Powder lrwlng Robert. ii Grande Jones W H, Covo Johnson Goorao W.l.niou Jolitibou , lamus. Cornucopia Johnson Frank, " .icnsoii I' ml. ui Grande Johnson J itC, Union. Jewell Jesse, Indian Valloy Keoivherd Mao, La Gnimlo Ki nteher George. Hed Hook Kent R W. llig creek Klmoy W T, u (inintle Kint.iv ii w. iM lirnmio .... Ly luli John " Lawrence J W, Covo Lent R A, Camp canton Leugncy P, " " , Muitimiii J W, Pino Valloy MoAk-.Mtiulcr Andrew, noii-rivsldent. Munfiird I) W, un Orandu jiuw v is. rum vauoy .... Mr.l .,11 1 l r,.vnr.,it n Ol Mii kloon .li.hli Indinii Vullt v 1 Morris. I D, Mimincrville lm Moore M, Indian Valley MJ Moore James. Indian Vallor . .. . 100 Mills John, Sunimervillu 100 Morgan W T. Pine Valley 1 00 Mills Robert. Pine Valley. ... 1 00 Motlcv A W, Pine Valley . ... 100 Moody w. Pine Valley 1 00 MeGregor Jauies H, ui Grande . .100 McMahon RT,Cove . . ...100 Moore W A. . 1 CO Martin Rmll " 1 0(1 Morris i.evi, " .... 1 10 Miiiiii J H, Island city 1 00 McWhlrter Levi i.a Grande. . .100 McMasttrs Jesse i.a (Sraudc 1 00 Moore J, Island city 1 (XJ McRiiincy William, Island city t 1 (xi McNaughton Thos, Indian Valley . 1 (Ki Mapt t lleiiry, Union l w Mci ornuiek JO, Union . MX) McCann Ktl, Union .... 100 MeMullen John, Union .... MO Mvers Hees. l idon 100 Miller William, liig creek 1 Oj McKinnisT 'I , Stiniuiervillc .'!:( MePheturs 811 AC II, i.a Grande ii .') -Mcwnters D J 1. i.a (irande . . 08 Newton S F, Island city . . 1 83 1 Newman Jacob, l.a (irande. 1 (X) Ohio J R, Sanger, 1 (HI Oberst (ieorge, Pine Valley 1 00 Owsley Lee, Island cpy MX) Potwfne W R. Island city . 21 20 Pulton Geo, Cornucopia. . 1 00 Pclton Hiram, .... MM Parsons R C, l.a Grande. 1 0u Frescott L II, Antelope 8 2ft Powell.1 R, i.a (irande il Of Page (i II, Union . 2 Hi Pursell F P, i.a Grande 1 (XI Potter Charles, Union . . i Parker John,. Snminerville . ... 1 -Hobuison J, u orande ..1171 Hicliartlson J W, i.a orande . . I 08 Ryan J M. Stuniptown . 1(0 Hundall W II, Cove .... . . 1 87 House L.I. " 1MXJ Roberts Lindray, Union .. 1 Robinson J F, Pine Vallcv 1 Heaves w F, Cornucopia. ... 1 Heavis m, Iji orande 1 Roberts, I S ' 1 Remington b1 K, La orande 1 Kobbs williain Stuniptown ... 1 I tobbs Thomas J, Stuniptown. .. 1 Himesev S, i.n orande 1 Ranee Charles, Island city 1 Robinson L. llig creek t" 1 Heed o w, i.a orande 1 Stanley II, Starkey . ... 1 Smith Fletcher, i.a orande 1 Sliouglinesey J, Pino Valley . I Sturgill i, J it J m, Hed Hock ... 2 Stewart Fannie J, North Powder 1 (X! Smith William, liig creek . 1 Smith w H cornucopia . . 1 Snively Jos, Pine Valley 1 Mnitli I N, Indian Valley 1 Stahlev John, Indiah Valley. . .. 1 Sidul fl, Indian Valley I Stevenson J, i.a oramle 1 Smith II, i.a orande 1 Stafford w it, Union 1 South .1 M, Rig creek I Strickland.) w. Rig creek ... 1 Sailing John Rock creek I Smith It l. North l'owtier 1 Titus wesley, Antelope f ... ') ftS Thomas Frank, cove, . . '. iiO 01 Tuttle Mrs J 13, Union 2 7ft Turner 13d, coVe, ... t Thomas william, cove . . 1 Taylor 13, Union . . 1 Ttittlu J 13, Union .... 1 Temple George, Starkey 1 'farter Simon, Lower Ragle 1 : Thompson R II, non-resident. 10 81 Thompson G H, non-resident 10 l.'l Underwood w, i.a orande 1 Vincent. I It, Stuniptown . 1 WannJC, Indian Valley 2 20 Wilson i.ee A, cove . . lit .'SO Walker John, i.:i orande ... 1 Webb i R, Indian Valley. . 7 7(1 Williams J 13, camp carson . 4 81 Wise williain, Lower Ragle ." 20 While William m, ii orande. . 2 S'ft Westfelt John, Lower Ragle . .. 1 Ward Marcus, i.a orande 1 Wethers Hardin, i.a orande 1 Weaver II w, Cove, 1 Walton .1 C, La orande ... 1 Wright George i.a orande 1 Wilkinson m 13. Union ... 1 Wvatt R A, Union 1 Wiight A, llig creek 1 Wood williain, Indian Valley I Young William, Lower Ragle 1 Young J P, Stuniptown 1 Young Mace, Island City . . . . 1 Young F w, North Powder 1 Young Robert, Stuniptown. .1 Zotler J I), Itig Creek 1 Sa of NRK t N).j of SRJ.; See il, Tp. it S. R il!) R, owner unknown 20 00 NOTICK FOR rUHLlCATJOX. Lxi OrncKAT La (iitAxiu:, Onruo.v ) April Hi. 18SS. f Notice is hereby given that the following named sett er has hied notice ol Ins inten tiou to make final proof in support of ids claim, and that said proof will bo made he lorotlio register ami receiver at i.a iiranuo Oiegon. on iay ,'llst. 1S8S, vlss: Joskpii JI Haktlky, Hd. No. 21(i.S,forthe NUof NwK , ot .mv1, and sw or i Ki, .-ec ;m, Tp s. or K n w m. no names me ioiiow nig witnesses to prove his continuous resi deuce upon, ami cultivation of, said land viz: C. II. Craig. R. W. Makiiison. J. H Fewell and Wm. Hennehotl', all of New Bridge, Oregon IIlINllV RlNIUIAliT. f-20-v(i Register NOTICE KOIl PUBLICATION. L'.nii Ovkici: at La Gkamii:. Oisloon, ) March . 2(1, 18S8. J Notice is hereby given that the following mimed sutler has tiled notico of his inten titut to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the register and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on May 18th ,1SS8, viz. WILLIAM II. HUNDALL. Hd. No. illljO, for the SI3K xwy, K'i Mvj'i ami oWm .swvrscc. : Tp. it S, H. 10 13. W. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon, ami cultivation ol, snui land, viz: .Nun. .M. Hloom, L. ( orpe, .las. S. Hurford, and Chas, Doney, all of Cove Oregon, HUNltV Rl.NKllAltr, !t-S0-wl Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LaNII OlTICK AT I.A (illAMU!, OltKOO.V,! April 0, 16SS. Notico is hereby iriven that the following named settler hits filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, ana inatsaio prow win oemnoe no fore tho resistor and reeelvernt La Grande. Oregon, on May 2il, lSSs'.viz: CHARLRS V. HOWRLL, D. S. No. llUftS, for tlie M3 H of NR,,Sec. ill, and NWof NWVt See. ilft, To 0 S, R. 4ft. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ami cultivation of, said hind, v: H. P. Swisher, Charles L ralp. W. I). Niuli, and Thomas linsimw, all or New IlridKo, ()r. llKNKV RlNHIIAl!T, il-Hi w Hegiiiter. Notice of Pinal Settlement, V,,lt.i iw linrnliv LfivHM to U'llOln It ,11111V conoern, that the Uiulorsiued, having til il in tho County court of Union county, State of Oregon, his ilnal aot ouiit of tho adminis tration of the estate of Harvey Myern de- toaso.1; Tuesday the lftth day of May, Ifci&. at 10 o'tiiM-k a. m. of suid tiny, 1ms been appointed bv the said court, by order of tlato April Uth Ijsss. an the time for hear ing oldeolions to said account and for sol tleuiMit thereof. Mmio and dntcd this lilUi day of April. ISsS. Kl.IAS rtl'llN. t in Administrator, " SANGER, BARr O.i IMPORTHT U 0 U a E u msr TIN PLATE, METALS, WAILS, : HOUSE : FUBNISHTNffl 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 & 32 Lake NOTICIJ OT FiWlFKlTl UK Countv of Union, vStaic of Orcjon, Fob, ruary 10, l.s To M. H. Johnson: You are hereby no-1 tilietl that we have oxpeii.icd one hundred i tiollnrs (.flOO.) in labor and imnroveificnts upon tlie "Iiominion"' lode, (this claim is situatotl about () three quarter of a mile j trom the moutli of Lost Horse creek, and (') onelialf mile southwest of Allenfown. I ami is on the south side of Lo.-t Horse, creek, in the Granite Mining District, conn- ' ty of Union and State of Urrgos-,,) a will appear by eertilicato filed February Oili. 18.S8, in the ollice of tli" District Recorder r.f i said tllstritit, in order tu bold said prcmis- I es, under tlie provi.dons of 'Tction 'S.l. 't vised statutes of tin1 I'nited Mates, beintr tlic amount required to hold the same for the year ending December ,'SI, 18S7, and if within ninety days after this notice, you fail or refuse "to contribute your proportion of such exjenditiire a a "co-owner, your interest in said claim will become tiiepro( erly of the .subseriliers, under said s(eioit 2121, 13. F. MILLS, 2-17-W13. R. CAN A DAY. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Lanm) Orricn at La GiiA.vnn, Oni:ooN,i April 20. 1S.S.H. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler ha's tiled notice of his inten tion tt) make final proof In support of his claim, nnd that said proof will be made be fore the register and receiver at La (irande. Oregon, on June Sth. I8.-S, viz: JAM13S W. SILLS. Hd. No. 2.'!!)2, for the N'w NRK nmlN' NWJ4 Sec. 21, Tp. ii S, H. 10 13. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous rtwideuc" upon, anil culti vation of, said laud, viz : J. M. Solder, 11. .i. Geer, John Murphy and George Thomas, all of Cove, Oregon.' iln.xitY Ri.Ni:ii.utT. 4-27-wO Register. iJisrsonuTio.v or i.itTNi:itsim, ""OTICR IS III3HI3HY GIVRN THAT J.1 tlie co-p;irtuer-Idp heretofore existing between N. Ilowland "and P. H. Wilson, do ing business together under tlie tirm lrune of Ilowland it Wilson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Ilowland whh d'rawiug, and Mr. WiNon continuing the business. Thencoiiuts must lieseitled ini medintcly, and all tlne-e owini; the lirm are requested to come in and pay up at once, Dated at Union. March 21. 17S8. N, ROWLAND, P. H. WILSON. noticj: or i-"oi:ii:itji.i-;. County of Union, State of Ortgon, To V.. H. (''reed, Thomas Fitch, L. Hhl matier, .I.llailey and T. N.Snow: You and each of you arc here by notified that we hav! expended one nuiutred tlollais in labor ami improvements upon tlie ''Laura Johnson'' ipiartz mining claim. This claim is situa ted in (irainto mining tiistr.ct m I nion countv, Oregon, about one half mile above thearastra of Win. Ilorpei, on the right bank of 131k creek, and is a!so called the (). I!, it N" claim, as will appear by certili- oate of locution and amended location filed August 21st and September 1st. ts.sft in the ollice of the di.-triit recorder of said dis trict, in order to hold said premises under the pro i-ions of Section 2.121, revised stat utes oi tlie l lilted Mates, lieuig t lie alllnHiil required to bold tho same for tiie vear ca tling Dtc. illst, lsST, and if within niuity days after thi-i notice you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of the expendi tuio as a co-owner, your interest in said claim will become the property of tlie .sub scribers, under said section. Dated this 12ih day of April, lS'S. Mils. ALICR 13ASTON, J. R. MALONRY, W. T. WHICH r, J. W. S11RLTUN. notios: or rojcrzuruKi:. Cornucopia, Oregon. March 2.S. IfiSS. To George Ileiison and John liallct: You are hereby notiliid that we, yoio- co- owner.s in theeliiini or mine known as tin "Hlne Rose" claim, situated in tlie HaNon, (xtentiou of the "Queen of the West,'' and have expended ono hundred dollars in as scssiuent work for the year 1887, on said claim, as required by law, and if you fail to contribute your portion oi saiti amount within ninety days from date of service by publication ot this notice, your interest in said claim will become the property of the undersigned co-owners as provided in see tion 2.'I2I res ised statutes U.S. C. II. SCII1CRRAM, 1-0. O. S. ALLRN. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Htice at La Giianhc, Oacoox,) April 12. 18S.S. i Notice is hereby given, and Alexander McDonald, who made D S. entry NoMftCtakc special notice that the followlng-iianicd set tler has tiled notice of his Intention to mnke tmal proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof wil II ho made before the rog. istorantt receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on May 2i)th, l8s, viz: Asv r , Ciumiikus, D. S. No. SO St, for the S13'-, of SwVf, Sec 31, i'o. OS. of R 4ft R, ami I3l ; of Nw'4 and SwX of Nw';, Sec n. Tp. 7 S, of H Ift R. He names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, saiil land, vix: T. H.iriie. Jell' C. Redman, A. II. Glidewell and John Red mond, all of Cornucopia, Oregon. 11KNRY KINKIIA1U, l-20-wil. Register. notici: or riN'Ai. .sutti.ioii:xt. In tho county court of tliu State of Ore gon, for i nion county. in t no matter oi uieesiaieoi noorgo imck, leootuoil. Notico is lierebv civen thnt the under signed, ndiuinUtnurix of the estate of Geo. Hook, deceased, has tiled and presented for settlement In suid court, her thud account of her administration of sulci etute. ami that Monday, thti Uth duv of May. A.I). ISSS. bchiK a tluy of a regular term, to wit: tho Muv term. LSHS, ot said court, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that Jay. ut thecouit room of said court, in the eouit iiouse in tho city of Union, In aiJ county and State, has been unpointed by tho court as the time ami place for th- setf U-mei.t of -uul c oount and f r the bearing vf any objec tions to I lie sumo. Dated April 2nd, lvsx RLU.ANOR Hl'CK, Admii'lstratrix id the is! itc t U.-o. Hoi k ,oas.' Mi JOBBERS was m wrmt e 4' CUTLEHY, QUITS, FISHING TACKLE k SPOHTINO GOODS. Street, CHICAGO, ILLS. Tlionison & I'ur.tol are agents for t lie celebrated Cyclone WiniDIill, and as the prices on tlient have been great ly reduced they arc now within tho reach of all. Sample mill to be seen at their planer in North Tnion. Call and examine it. SSI Trains arrive and depart from Union daily, as follows: IHhT IlOCNIl. wi:st lioi'xn. Passenger, No. ft, L've atii:20p. m. Freight. No. 1ft, L've at S:00 p. in. Passenger. No. (i, L've at 1:.)2 ii. in. Freight, No. Hi, L've at 2:4'i a. in. 'Piriv" T(s to and from principal points i iuir i o jn th(, riliUM, 'wtates'( (.!lIia(l!l and Rurope. Elegant PS'r" Cars. CD Rinigrant looping Cars Run Through Rxpress Trams to COUNCIL BLOFFS and ST. PAUL Free of Charge and Without Change. Close connoctionsatl'iirthmd for San Fran ei.sioaud Paget Sound points. Fiy further particulars inquire of any Agent of the Owupanv or of A. L. Maxwell, G. P. itT. A., Portland, Oregon. SAXFItANCISCO LINE. 1 nMt rJm, yM-M .r"Tin,.rvTiarj--Jr.-.--T..wrr I'ltOM l'Oltl'I.AMI. I'BOM S. 1 KA.VClSCO. Leaving at 12 Midn't., L'v'ng Spear st. wh' as follows: at 10a. in. as follows : Columbia Men. Apr 2 State, Sun. April 1 State, Friday ,, cOrcgon, Tliurs. ,, ft Oregon. Tuesday ,. lb Columbia, Mon. ,, 0 Columbia, Sit. lltatc, Friday ,, lit State, Wed. Is Oregon, Tuesday,, 17 Oregon.TSunday ., 22 Columbia. Sat." ,. 21 Columbia, Tlnir. ., 2' state, WednestPv, 2ft State. Momllay ., iiC Oregon. Sunday,, 21) Oregon, Fri. May -I Col'a. Thur. May." Columbia. Tue.. ,, 8 The comiiany reserves the right to change .steamers or sailinir tlavs. W. II. IIOLCOMH, I A. L.MAXW13LL. Gcn'l Manager. I (i. P. ,tT. A II. L. D13A(X)N. Agent, Uinon. I The N'oct Shore is the only illustrated maca zino published oa the P.iclllc const, and asldo from ita excellent literary features, its object Is to convey information, by both pen nn(l pencil, of the great resources of this region, aud tho progress of their development. Special illustrated articles appear In each isuo ; also, several pages of notes of th? pro gress bcinj mude in every ccctlon. Oregon, Wnsliin 'ton, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, Utah, California, llrltleh Columbia, nnd tho Pacific Northwest In ccnrral, aro being Jlhistratcil. The fubserlptlou price is only $2.50. It is not only the cheapen Illustrated magazine in tho United States, bnt contains articles and en gravings of great Interest to every resident of this region, which can not ho found in any other publication. Subscribers for lsSS receive a large ropple rnent every month. Tho flrtt one la a beauti ful oleograph of tho " Entrance to the Colum bia lUver." printed In nine colors, and each of tho others represents porno feature of our mblime scenery, Tho enpplemcnu aro alone worth raoro than tho price of the magazine. Try it for lSfS, and after reading, send It to your friends elsewhere. You will And It botlx entertaining aud instructive. L. SAMUEL, Publisher, 171-173 Second St., Portland, Oregon. MA SOX it HAMLIN' aro Unoxoetleil FROM $50 TO $100 SAVUD On tho iiurchee of an Inxtruiuout, by buying through W T. WltKillT, AKL-ut, I'ltion. ungon. PATENTS Obtalnctl. ami all l'atent Hisines attended to Promptly and for Moderate Pecs. , uur ollice is opposite tho 1. n. l'atent Oillco. and we can obtain Piitenis in less time than those remote from Vu"oiii):tnu. .Send MODKLor DIt VWINO. We inlvlho as to paiiteiitahililv free of charjro; and wo mnko NO CHAKOK I'NLK.-.S PATKNTIrJ SKCl'UUD. We refer, hero, to the I'ostniafter, tha Supt. oroMouev Order Div., ami to oillciuU of the l". S. l'atent Olllco. Kor circular, advice, tonus nml roU'eronoos to actual cli onu In your own State or County, write to 0. A. SNOW & Co., Opposite l'tont Ollice. Washington, I. 0, m the g I ":j?CPaaTl AND ORElGOi-1?! Oi sans gMCjy?fa$M vum tela