1 7 VOL. IV The Oregon Scout. An Independent weekly journal, i cry Friday mornim; bv ued ev- JOXES & CHANCE Y, Publishers ami Proprietors. A. K. .Tonus, I Editor. )' 15. ClIAXCKY, Foreman. ItATKS OF SUUSCKIl'TIONi One eopv, one year l.0 " "" Six month ... 1.00 " ' Three linnitox 75 Invnrlnbly Cash in Advance. If hi chance nuhfcriptUm arc tint paid till cud of year, two dollars will be charged. Kates of advertising made known on ap- llieation. I23"Corro:inn(lonce from all parts of the country solicited. Adre-is all eomnumicationsto the Oiskoon Scoi'T, Cnion Oregon. vkofi:.ssiona!.. H. Eakin, J. A. Kakix, Notary Public. J EAK1N, & BROTHER, Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. 5Sf Prompt Attention Paid to Collect. ons. JOHN It. CHITES, Attorney at Law. Collecting and probate practice special ties. Otlice, two doors .south of post-olllce, Union, Oregon. J N. CROMWELL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Otlice, one door south of J. H. Eaton's store, Union, Oregon. 0. HELL, Attorney at Law, Notary Public, and Abstractor of Titles. Otlice State Laud Ollice lmildimr, corner Main anil A Streets, Union, Oregon. Q II. DAY, M. D HOMEPATIIIC Physician and Surgeon. ALL CALLS l'KOMVTI.Y ATTi:.Nl)i:i) TO. Oflice adjoinini be found nights room No. 2".. ; Jones Pro's store. Can at the Centennial hotel. M. 15aki:k. J. W. Shkltox. ,T. V. liAKint. JgAKEK, SIIELTON & UA1CEH, Attorneys at Law. OFFICES Union and La Grande. Ore gon. Special Attention given allj business entrusted to us. r 11. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Union, Oregon. Ollice, one door south of Centennial ho tel. J.M. CAKHOLL, Notary Public. 15. F. WILSON. Ex-Co. Clerk. QARROLL Sa WILSON, Conveyancers and Abstracters. Abstracts to Peal and Minincr nronortv furnished on short notice, at reasonable rates. Sales of Upland Mining property nego tiated. Collection business promptly at- icnueu 10. Otlice next door south of Post-otlicc, Un ion, Oregon, J. E. TUTTLE, Real Estate Apt, Union, Oregon, Has for sale on easy terms, 18,000 acres of good laud in Union and Jlaker counties, al to some choice town propeatj Money to Loan. Collections Made. Agent for the 0. K. & N. Com pany's Land. Ofllee, one door south of Centennial hotel. FASHIONABLE DRESS - MAKING-! Miss Linda Mathieus, (Late of Paris, France,) Has opened a dross-making establishment in the building one door north of .Johnson's blacksmith shop. All Work Warranted Give Satisfaction. to CHARGES R I5AS0NABLE Ar. GAItnXEllJb CO. Watchmakers & Jewelers, And dealers m Spectacles, liye Glasses, Gold Pens, Watches Clocks, Jewelry, etc. Main Street, .... Cnion, Oregon. EY to LOAN On farmlands in I'matiHa. llaker, Union, Gilliam anil Wallowa counties, at 8, !, 10 and 11 per cent, on five year's time. Call on J. H. lMXEHAHT, at the Farm ers' Mortgage and Savings liank, Summer villc, Oregon, if you want money on farm loans. The 8 per cent is on improved farm land near the railroad in Grande itonde Vallev. 10-L'l-mli, J. II. UlNEIlAKT. City - Meat -Market. Main Street. Union, Oregon, BENSON BROS. - PROPRIETORS. Keep constantly on hand BEEF, PORK- VEAL, MUTTON, SAUSAGE, HAMS, LARD. Etc. Geo. VitiiiiT, President. W. T. WniHitT, Cashier. -OF- IJNION, OREGON. Does a Cicncral Hanking Business. Iniys and sells exchange, and discounts commer cial paper. Collections carefully promptly reported. attended to, and mm A. J. GOODBROD, Prop OPENED ANEW. The Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon. Everything New and First Class Throughout. The table always supplied With the best ahe market altords. Excellent Accomoda tions for Commer cial Men. Charges Reasonable I T ORTGAGE UNION, OREGON. $500,000.00to Loan on First Class Security, From One to Five Years Time, at a Low Kate of Interest, Also Buys, Selln arm ncius rroporty lor Non-residents. r -O- ONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOS1 I To bo Invested on Guaranteed Security. All Collections Promptly Ittended to Without Dolay. Stage line to Cove. Leaves Union dailv at 2 n. m. arrives at Cove at 3:30 p. in. Leaven Cove at 8 a. in., arrives at Union atOUJOu. m. Connections made with Elliott'H coaches miminc to the denot. earrvinir uasseiu'ers for east and west bound trains. ItATHS for PASSiKKOKltS. I.UdOAOK im.l I ltKKillT, IWiANONA III.K. KQIHNSQN it LAYNE, - - - Proprietors. A. First N&W Bank, m m i IstSiiH "he 9m Bank, UNION, OREGON, FK1DAY, APRIL 20, The Chinese murderers. The Wallowa Signal of tho Pith says: "Three weeks ago we published an account of a massacro of China men on Snake river just above tho mouth of the Imnaha, and while in main the facts were true as wo pub lished them, we are now in possession of the entire matter as it actually oc curred. A party of men consisting of Bruce Evans, .1. T. Canfield, Homer La Hue, Hoburt McMillan, Carl Hughes, 11. Maynard and Frank Vaughn entered into an agreement last spring, now nearly a year ago, to murder these Chi nese miners for tho gold dust which they thought they possessed, and agreed that if any of the parties divul ged it the rest should kill him ; but Hughes did not like the idea of com mitting the deed at all and would have no hand in the matter, but at this time was stopping with thejparties, who com mitted the deed. As near as we can learn, about a year ago now, all the men named above except Hughes went down to the Chinese camp and opened lire on them, killing them all, ten in number, and then put the bodies of all except two into a boat which the Chinamen had and scuttled it. They then se cured all the money and gold dust they could iind, amounting to between $1,000 and .$0,000, which was given to Canfield to sell for coin, and after he got possession of it, he skipped the country, and tho rest of the parties got nothing. The Grand Jury took hold of the matter, but, of course, it is not known just what they found out, but Vaughn has made a confession in accord with the above and we arc satisfied the mat ter is about straight. All the parties have left the country except Vaughn and Hughes. Wednesday evening Hughes was ar rested and taken to jail. What will be done with Vaughn we do not know, but, as he has turned states evidence, we suppose he will be held as a wit ness against the others, but as they are all gone except Hughes there is little probability that they will ever be brought to justice." A WARNING. Tho modes of death's approach are various, and statistics show conclusive ly that more people die from diseases of the throat and lungs than anv other It is probable that everyone without exception, receives vast numbers of tubercle germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs producing con sumption and to tho head, causing ca tarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death. At the. onset you must act with promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you your inc. ah soon as you feci that something is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boscheo's German Syrup. It will give you immediate relief. NEW BOOKS. A largo assortment of new books have just been received by Jones Bros,, consisting of the Paxton and Lovoll series of novels, School Speakers, Bed Lino Poets, etc. Prices lower than ever known before. Frank Bro's. Implement Co., of Island City, arc now prepared to sell wagons, buggies, hacks, or any other articleof farm implements and machin ery at lower rates than ever before sold m Eastern Oregon. They guarantee all goods they boII. Try them. (5 FARMERS, ATTENTION ! If you would havo largo yield and plump grain, uso tho Gale Sulky Spring Tooth Harrow and Seeder. References given of some of our best farmers. For salo by II. B. Drake, Union, Or. Why buy from imigrating agents of whom you know nothing, citherof their responsibility or tho charecter of their goods, when thero are responsible deal ers located near you, who carry full and complete lines of all farm and mill machinery and implements, and whoso hucccsH it is for your best interests to support with yoar patronage? Frank uro's. Implement to, of Island City request your consideration of their claim, and refer you to your neighbors who have had dealings with them. .'1 Eaiie Valley Hems. New Bridge. April 11th. ISSS. Peddlers and agents are beginning to bo numerous. Weather is tine and farmers are at work like spring had opened for good. Considerable gardening has been done. Mr. W. Govcr has recently moved in, having purchased Eagle Moody's ranehe. We welcome all such among us. Wonder if Mr. S. G. found the Jus tice of Pence? Understood he was going down the road with the widow, inquiring for him a few days since. Our postoiliee changed hands to-day, from Mr. Joseph Beck to Mr. Joseph Bassett. We arc loth to give up our old P, M., for we consider wo can get no one who will give more general sat isfaction. We regret the loss of two of out most prominot bachelors who sold one of their ranches and are pieparing to go to the other one. Land is still on the boom. We understand another bachelor has just, sold out, but do not know what he anticipates doing. Mrs. Joseph Heck is lying very sick and her recovery is doubtful. Dr. Marrotte, of Baker City, is her physi-. cian. Several others are sick, among whom arc Mrs. Bennohofi', who was on the mend when last heard from, and Mr. W. W. Kirby, one of our new comers, who has had a tedious spell of illness, being confined to his room for some six or seven weeks, lie is conva lescing slowly. We had preaching in tho central district last f-'unday, the regular ap pointment of Rev. H. lioyles. o will continue to stay wun us. no is a good preacher and tho people, are ic luctant to give him tip, for wo would be left then, as no other minister visits us. Heard some talk of organizing a Sunday School last Sunday, hut who the leader was to be and why it was not spoken of is unknown to the writer. Miss Edith Young, who has been attending school at Island City and living with her aunt, made us a pleas ant visit, her aunt accompanying her. Her many friends, parents, brother and sisters regretted that her stay was so short, but as she left to attend school again we hope she will improve her time, and when the term expires will bo so far advanced that it will not be necessary to go back any more for the same purpose. Sum k i to i) v. Eljyin Echoes. Elgin is growing rapidly. Elgin Sunday School will concert the 122nd inst. give a Hev. Jones, of La Grande, preached hero last Sunday morning. Mrs. A. J. Shelton, who has been sick for several months, is improving slowly. Arnold MeWilliams and C. Lawton nave neen very low but are now tumu better. Tho result of tho Hopublicau con vention appears to give general satis faction here. 1 hero has been sevoral cases of typhoid fever at this place during tho last few weeks. D. Somnicr will romovo his cntiro stock of goods from Summorvillo to Elgin in a short time. Anyone wishing to invest capital to a good advantage would do well by erecting a grist mill here. Mr. Henry Broshears has business at La Grande which calls him often and dcta'us him homo time. Tho stage company will put on a four horso stock between La Grande and Joseph in about two weeks. Our school begins tho first week in May with Mr. Swinehart as teacher. There will bo about sixty pupils in attendance. Miss Sarah Clirisman began her school on Indian creek tho Dili of this month. Mr. Barton also began a school on tho "Flat" tho !Hh. "Tun Lost Cuiumii.v." IS C'OXNUMl'TIO.N IN'CUUA 111.1'.' Bead the following: Mr, 0 II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Ah- cchs of Lungs, and friends ami physician pronounced ino an Incurahlo Consumptive. JlcKan taking Dr, King1 Now Discovery for Consumption, uin now on my third bottle, and able to overtoo tho work of my farm, It Is the finest medicine over made." Jeeno MIddlowart, Decanter, Ohio, says; Had it not been for Dr. King's Now Dis covery for Consumption 1 would havo died of Lung Troublo. Wus given up by doc tors. Am now in boat of health.'. Try it. b'amplo bottlos freo at Wriglit' drug Store, ISSS. Cove Cull!llM. April l)th, ISSS. Mr. Conklin, lately from Iowa, has entered Leighton Academy as a stu dent. Aaron Thomas has gone to Douglass county where his wife is tives. visiting rehi I Mrs. Dr. McDonald has so far re- j covered as to be able to take daily rides during this beautiful weather. P. W. Burford has moved on the old Boyles farm, having rented it for a year. He is now busy putting in a crop. Miss Edna Payne is seriously ill this week. She has had an attack of the measles and is now tlueatened with pneumonia. School in the Chandler district com menced last Moiulav with an attend anee of twenty-nine. .Miss Stevens is the teacher. The echoes about our burg Nellie are set ringing morning, noon and nowadays, by the steam whistle new checH' factory. night, at the L. B. Stearns and T. L. Warren went to Baker City, Mondav. While absent they will investigate the town in search of profitable employment. The fleet of milk wagons arriving and depaitmg from the two cheese factories every morning, lends our lit tle burg an air of bustle and activity. 1). 1 McDaniel and Guv Stewart started for the Salmon river country in Idaho, Thursday. They go with I he intention, of locating if a desirable stock range can bo found. Mel. Campbell started for Rocky Bar, Idaho, Wednesday, llo expects lo close out his business at that point (luring his stay and then will be a permanent resident of Cove. I.I. House, Hepubliean nominee for clerk in Wallowa county, took a load of trees over from Geoi's nursery this week. Levi has many friends in Cove who hope to see his election next June. J. Ililderbraud is putting up a dwelling house for his own accommo dation, neifr Doney's nursery on Mill creek. He expects to ifliliy.e the water power for the purpose of sawing wood and for other work. Messrs. Hold. Cochran, Chas. Coch ran and Win. Hussell went this week to Malheur county on a prospecting trip. Should time permit, they pro pose to rediscover tho long sought for Blue Bucket diggings. The new cheese factory began oper ations last Monday, and has been re ceiving about lf()0 pounds of milk daily. Tho machinery works to per fection and nothing stands in the way to prevent a very successful season's run. Tho members of tho Cove huso hall club are strutting around and claiming themselves champions of the valley. Any club 'disputing tho claim will always find tho Covo boys at. home. A challenge has been sent to Union club to play at Covo Saturday of this week". The anatomy class, instructed by Prof. Blanchot at Leighton Academy, was out, Tuesday, searching for bonce, skeletons, skulls, etc. Their search was not rewarded by finding any hu man remnants, but they brought in a lovely collection of bovine and equino frames, not to mention tho jaw bono of an ass. For salo cheap, solo leather mado out of boiled swan. 0. Goodbye for a few days. Business calls mo lo Sum morvillo. J. O. I look liko G. Wash ington sinco 1 havo shaved. Jo. J have invested in a city hat since com mencing to drivo my milk wagon to town. 0. V. It pays to go east when ono can bring back so fair a helpmate. E. R, C, My girl lends mo a cold shoulder. Hostilt, completo loss of appetite. J. Wo are in tears over tho departuroof G. Lower Covo girls. IIIICKI.KN'S AKNICA SALVIS. Tin? Ihtsr .S.u.vain tho world for Cuts, limbos, Sores, Ulcers, f-'alt Itlieiun, Fever Sores, Teller, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, andpositlvc ly cures Piles, or no pay required. His guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price. 25 cents per box. For Bale at Wright's drugstore, FOR SALE. Ono shingle machine, ono boiling machine, ono moulding machiuo, one drag saw, also shafting, pulleys, belt ing, etc., nearly now, will bo sold vory cheap for cash, or approved note. Also for entu, somo now and second hand furniture. Inquiro of Samuel G. White, Gqvo, Ujuqh county, Ore gon, NO. 43. Cornucopia Cropping. April loth, ISSS. Miss Emma Cam) begins a sub scription school here on the 10th inst. Mrs. R. C. Warriner and children arrived in camp from Portland on Saturday's stage. Doe. Hamilton paid our camp a business visit last Thursday eve. Doc. is very popular hero and wo predict a large vote for him in June. Tho snow has about all disappeared from our streets and it going very fast from the mountains. Tho south side of Summit mountain is entirely baro of snow. Wo cannot tell what effect the change of superintendents of tho O. G. M. Co. will havo on tho future of our camp, but ono thing is almost certain and that is that a more expensive man cannot be found than Prof. Luce, and a much lean expensive one may bo found who will prosecute tho work fully as beneficially to the company. The prospect shafts in the Whitman have cost the company an average of $10.") per foot, while it has taken al most three years to sink !!00 feet on the ledge. High grade works on low grade ore is not the thing for speedy development, and while we are perfect ly willing to accord tho Prof, all tho praiso that is due him as a mining man, wo cannot suppress the opinion that his departure from our camp can not do us any harm and it may result in a great deal of good. Tho new su perintendent of tho O. G. M. Co. will be in about the 20th, when we look for tho maximum output at the minimum cost. There i no use for us to decoivo ourselves with high grade ideas. Wo havo plenty of good quart, in sight, but it is low grade and must be worked cheaply to pay. Wo will certainly have a good camp this summer as sev eral California capitalists are only awaiting tho disappearance of tho snow to make heavy investments here. A Word of Commendation. En. Scout: We have read with feelings of pleas ure the comments you made on the result of the Democratic and Republi can conventions. Viewing them, as wo do, from an independent stand point, they show that you aro not dis posed to act unfairly or partially to wards either party. Both the conven tions havo acted wisely in selecting candidates for legislative honors out side of La Grande. To have nomina ted a known La Grando man on either ticket would have brought the county seat question out as an issue, but by sitting down somewhat positively and squarely on tho would-be leaders of ii move to attempt tho removal of tho county seat, is a move in tho right direction. It may not bo amiss hero to stnto that the business men of La. Grando are almost a unit against a move towards tho agitation of tho ques tion. A few hot-headed, unwiso and injudicious would-be leaders would liko to create a popular wave of that kind to rido into oflice. But such cannot and will not b.i allowed. In your i-oiiiiiii'iits von commended the Demo crats for having refused to allow such a question to como up, ami in vmir lust, i'rmuo von commended equal ly, fairly and favorably the Republican convention. iJy bo uoing you navo iivimii iilmvn tho nlano of a shallow politician and havo taken tho true in dependent position. Wo hopo now to sco tho two narties lay asido such sonselesa bickerings and make tho canvass of tho county reiornng only to tho merits of their respective candi dates, fully aware that tho county is to remain as it is ami witu tuo county seat at Union. La Grande wants tho foimtv seat mid vour corresnoiulent iB ready and willing to help her to get it, at tho proper time; but that time Is not now. Xkuxks. La Grando, April lGth. ki.i'ctuio u itt Kits. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular us to need no special men tion, All who Imvu used Electric Bitters sing tho same song of praise. A" purer medicine does not exist ami it Is guaran teed to do all that Is claimed. Electric Hit ters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Klduoys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Bait ltheuui and other allectious caused by im- puro blood. Will drive Malaria from tho system and prevent as well as euro nil Ma larial fevers. For euro of Headache, Con stipation and Indirection try Elocfria Hit ters Entire satisfaction guugnnteed, or money refunded, rrlco fOctff. and ?1.G0 per bottlo at Wright's drug store, Union, Or. Subscribo for Tun OitKaoji Scout. o