The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 13, 1888, Image 8

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Published by request.
A Lecture.
Delivered by Mr. Jacob Newman, lit North
Powder, Sunday, April 1st, 1833.
Lawks and Gkxti.kmkn: I nm to
Bl)ciik to yon to-day on the subject of
Christian" theology, but before I go
into my subject i want to read to you
the 1.10th l'salm and one verso of the
lO.ld Tealm verso 'J, and one verse of
tho :10th l'salm verso o.
My discourse to-day will bo on tho
Btibjeot of moral evil a subject that
lias agitated the Church for more than
lillcou hundred yean?
Ah early as tho middle of the fourth
century we find the church calling one
council after another to settle the
question, and it remains unsettled to
this duv. There were two theories
then in regard to moral evil, and there
arc two theories to-day. The question
of moral evil was admitted by both
parlies, but its origin and its conse
quences was tho question. One of
those theories was called Pessimism,
tho other OptiiniMii. About tho mid
die of the fourth century they were
about equal in number. Some times
one party in power and some times
the other, home times the J'ope or
the Emperor deciding the question
Then the party falling in the minority
woro considered heretics and had to
llee the country or miller persecution
It is not my object to follow the histo
ry of the church, but I want to exam
me those theories.
The Pessimistic theory teaches that
this world is ruined. It teaches that
man is a total wreck, and that CJod is
badly dunnmcd. It has for its founda
tion tho fall of man, u personal devil
an angry Deitv and an endless hell
Tho church of Homo is built on this
idea. She worships a finite (Jod and
and an iiifallablo l'ope. Now the prot
ectant churches have not bettered it
much. They worship a. finite (lod
and an infallible creed. The church
of Homo had three infallble Popes at
one time. Tho nrotestant churches
have not bettered it much. They
worship three infallible (lods. They
pay tho J'alher is (led, and tho bon is
Cod, mid the Holy Ghost is Cod
Now there can be but one infallible
Cod. Optimism has but one God, of
infinite nower. of infinite wisdom, of
infinite goodness. It says give us an
infinite God and we are sure of all the
rest. It says, with an infinite Cod at
the helm of the Universe no absolute
ovil can coiiie to tho world. Optimism
teaches that, man has not fallen, but is
rising, and is higher to-day than at any
ago of the world's history. It teaches
that wo aro progressing in tho Christ-
inn sciences as well as m material mat
ters. While we are building railroads
telegrapii-i and telephones we are
building up a Christianity that honors
Cod and comforts man. Optimism
denies every allegation of Pessimism
and says man has not fallen. H says
there is no nnurv Deity, there is no
nersonal devil, there is no endless hell
Now you sOo these two theories aro just
as opposite as day ami night, and if
ono is truu the other is false. There
must bo a rational theory somewhere
for moral evil. I want to refer to
few remarks made by Mr. Holmes, our
Sunday School superintendent, in the
schoofa. few weeks ago. Mr. Holmes
said it was a well established fact by
science that this body of ours grew up
and was nourished by tho vegetable
kingdom, such as cabbage and pota
toes; but, Mr. Holmes said, there was
something more referring to the
moral and spiritual part of mail that
was a uni t of God. Now in those re
marks Mr. Holmes preached the
biggest sermon over preached in North
Powder. He has laid tho foundation
for a rational theory of moral evil.
He has laid the foundation on
which the Optimistic theory is built.
Ho has found it in tho constitution of
man we let the potatoes and cabbage
overlay our moral anil spiritual natures
not a corrupt and fallen constitu
tion, but the constitution God gave us,
just as good as Adam's. In his ease it
was not so much cabbage and potatoes
as it was apples, but it teaches us the
same lesson.
If them was not a religious element
in man (lie ten commandments might
as well have been given to the brute
creation as man, but historians uni
versally agree that every tribe of man,
wherever found, has some kind of re
ligious worship. The savago of our
own native land believed in a good
spirit, thus proving the religious ele
ment in man. In the 3'J chapter and
8th voise of the book of Job wo read:
"There is a spirit in man and the in
spiration of the Almighty giveth them
understanding." We find in the con
stitution of man, as originally created,
llcsh anil spirit, anil all wo have to do
is to follow tho teachings of the Saviour
and seek lirst the kingdom of heaven
and its righteousness and all the rest
shall be added.
Now here is where wo niako our
blunder! and commit our errors. We
seek first to supply all our animal
wants and passions to tho neglect of
our spiritual wants. Wo have no
more right to enjoy tho fruit of tho
spirit without seeking it with all our
soul, iiiiiul, unit strength, than wo have
to o.pect all our temporal wants to bo
supplied without useing industry and
God hu made the same ample pro
vision for our spiritual wants that ho
lias made for our temporal wants. I
would not terrify you with an angry Dei
ty and endless hell, but 1 would exhort
you to cultivate your spiritual natures
ami stand up for God ami tho right.
Wo are taught that God is a spirit
and seek ueh lo worship him. Now
if it weiv not for tho divine nature in
man, I In might as well invito tho
brute creation to seek and worship
Him. '
Wo huvu found in tho constitution
of man nil tho causes of moral evil, as
it came from tho hand of tho Creator.
Wo read that the works of tho Hush
are thoso: adultery, fornication, mi-
dewiness-, strife, sedition, but the fruit
of tho spirit in love, joy, peace, gentle
ness and goodness. Now tho Saviour
lias said that whatsoever n man sows
that shall he reap. If he sows to tho
lleah, ho shall of the ileshreap corrupt
ion ; but if he fows to the spirit, he
shall of the spirit reap life everlasting.
It means the inflow of Cod's f-pirit
into our hearts, which we are promisee
on condition that we seek it with al
our soul, ininu, and strength, lor wt
are compelled to use tin? same earnest
cllbrt to cultivate our spiritual nature
that wo do in anS other pursuit. Wo
shall all reap in proportion to the effort
made. If we sow sparingly wo shal
reap sparingly. The same rule holds
good in spiritual matters as in tompor
al matters. Now wo have tried to
; fhow you that the idea of u ruined
world tin ns tho world tho wrong way
and bankrupts the Almighty and
makes all J lis wisdom consist in im
proving on his mistakes. IJut we do
not believe that tho Almighty was
ever frustrated in any of his designs
He knew the end from the beginning
and works everything after the council
of His own will, and He has created us
for u great and noble destiny. If he
has failed in any point, that makes
Him finite, and u finite Cod is no God
at all
know that the creeds of the
churches say Cod is very good as long
as you live, but the moment vott die, if
you do not die in a proper stale of
mind, He is your enemy and turns
you oil' to an endless hell. Tho Hook
does not read so. In Kcclesiastes
chanter 12, verse 7, we read : "Then
shall the dust return to the earth as it
was, and the spirit return unto God
who gave it." Nothing said about
spurning it oil' to hell.
We have already proved that the
spirit is a part of God, and we arc
called his offspring, and the Saviour
has taught us to call him "Our Father
who art in heaven." Now wo hob
that our destiny is in the hands of the
infinite Father of the world, and he
claims all tho responsibility of a parent
and says it is not the children's place
to lay nil for the parent, but it is the
parent's place to lay uy for tho chil
dren. Let us live up to the teachings
of Jesus our elder brother, and it will
be well with us in time and well with
us in eternity.
Friends, the reformation under
Luther is enlled a great reformation
and so it was for that age of the world
but there is a greater reformation tak
ing plaeo to-day than ever has been
since the foundation of tho world.
There is a reformation taking place
to-day that sees Cod in the grass and
lillies of the field, that sees God in tho
starry heavens and on tho earth be
neath our feet a reformation that
looks on death and tho decay of this
body as a blessing and not as a curse-
a reformation that sees beyond the
grave a blest immortality for the whole
race of man. I his hope I have for
you, this hope I have for myself, this
hopo I have for tho whole world.
Mr. W, JI. Morgan, merchant, Lake City
Klu., was taken with u severe Cold, attend
ed with a distressing cough and running
into Consuimitinn in its llrst stages, Ho
tried many so-called popular cough renie
dies and steadily grew worse. Was minced
hi flcli, had (lillleulty la breathing and
was unable to sleep. Kinally tried Dr.
King's- Mew Discovery for Consumption
ami found Immediate relief, and nPer using
about a half dozen bottles found himself
well and has bad no return of the (Urease.
No other remedy can show so grand a rec
ord of cures, as Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. Guaranteed to do just
what is claimed for It. Trial Pottles free
at Wright's drag store, Union, Oregon.
If you would have largo yield and
plump gram, use tho Gale Sulky Spring
Tooth Harrow and Seeder. References
given of some of our best farniors. Vox
sale by II. 11, Drake, Union, Or.
Why buy from imigrating agents of
whom you know nothing, eitherof their
responsibility or tho ehareeter of their
goods, when there tiro responsible deal
ers located near you, who carry full
and complete lines of all farm and mill
machinery and implements, and whoso
success it is for your best interests to
support with yoar patronage? Frank
Pros. Implement Co, of Island City
request your consideration of their
claim, and refer you to your neighbors
who have had dealings with them. It
One shingle machine, one boiling
machine, ono moulding machine, ono
drag saw, also shafting, pulleys, belt
ing, etc., nearly new, will be sold very
cheap for cash, or approved noto.
tlso for sale, some now and second
hand furniture. Impure of Samuel
G. White, Gove, Union county, Ore
What Is this "nervous trouble" with
which so itiniiy seem now to bo tdlllcted?
If you will remember a few years ago tho
word MaUria was comparatively unknown,
to-day It is as common us any word in tho
Kngllsh language, yet this word covers on-
tho meaning of another word used by
our forefathers hi times past. Ho It is with
nervous disease, as they and Malaria aro
Intended to cover what our grandfathers
called Ililiousnos., and all nro caused by
trouble, that tube from a diseased condi
tion of the Liver which In performing its
functions finding it cannot dispose of tho
bile through tho ordinary channel is com-
polled to pass It oil' through tho wystom,
causing nervous troubles, Malaria, lllllous
Fever, etc, i on who aro suffering etui well
appreciate a euro. Wo recommend (1 recti'
ugut Flower, lis euros are marvelous.
ItcMilthe following: Mr, (' IL Morris.
Newark, Ark., say: "Was down with Ab
acas of Lungs, and friends and physicians
pronounced mc an Incurable Consumptive.
Jlegnn taking Dr, King's New Discovery for
Consumption, tun now on my third bottle,
and able to oversee the work of my farm.
Itls the finest medicine ever made.''
Jesse Mlddlewart, Decanter, Ohio, says:
"Had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption I would have died
of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doc
tors. Am now in bent of health.', Try it
Sample bottles free at Wright's drug Store.
Timber, Act June.1, 1H78.
I'nr 1'iilillt-atliiii,
U. H, Land Omo:,
La OitAsiiK, Onr.oox.)
February U. 1S8H. 1
Notice is hereby giveil that incompliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June :i, 187H, entitled "An act tor the sale
of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territo
ry.'5 JIHNRY L. CJIANDLKK, of Union,
County of Ciiioti. State of Oi-"gon, has this
day filed in this olllce his sworn statement
No. LI), for the purchase of the S'yt of N KJ4
Section No. .'II, in Township No. (i South,
Ittuigc No. -in Kast, and will oifer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultu
ral purposes, .and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver
of this ofllcc at La (irande, Oregon, on
Monday the Kith day of April. 1888. He
naiues'ns witnesses: T. (!. Wilson, P. II.
Wilson, W. T. Carroll and T. If. Cooper,
all of I'nion, Oregon Any and all per
sons claiming adversely tho above-described
lands are requested to lite their
claims in this olllce on or before said Kith
dav of April, 1MS.
Hu.s-itY AUT.
2-10-wlO Register.
Land Ofi-ici: at L OitAMin, Oukoo.v,)
February '17, 1888.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make limd proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the registej and receiver at La Grande.
Oregon, on April 17th, 1888, viz: JOSKPII
P, WILSON. I). S. No. 8100, for the SKX
SWK Sec. L4. and N4 NK and NK or.
NW (p. Sec. L'.r, Tp. 5 S, It. -15 U. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
Ids continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: David Clark, Pres
ton Hover, It. W. Makinson, and C. T
Wise, all of New llrldgc, Union county, Or,
llllXllY ItlNllllAUT,
.'i-LMvO Register.
Land Oitici: at L (Shamir,,)
February '2.1, 1888.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has hied notice of his inten
tion to make tiaal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La (Srandc,
Oregon, on April Ki, 18S8. vis: CH ARLKS
T. WLSK, D. S. No. 7l0(i, for the Wlfi of
thcSW'4 See. LM, Tp. !) S, U. 15 li. W. M.
He names the- following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz: Joseph P. Wilson,
Preston lioyer, David Clark, and It. W.
Makinsor., all of New Pridge, Union coun
ty, Oregon.
Hn.NKY JttMlllAIlT,
U-L'-wG Register.
Lam Oi-Tier. at La (Suaxih:, Oiikhon )
February 27, 188S. (
Notice is hereby given that tho following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support, of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La (Sratulp,
Oiegon. on April Kith, 1888, viz: DAVID
CLAItK, D. S. No. (1781, for tho X'-j, KWK
Sec. 28, and KJa SIOJ, Sec 2!l, Tp. 8 S, It. 40
K, W. M. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of. said land, vi. :
Joseph P. Wilson, It. W. Makinson. C. T.
Wise, and Preston Hoyer, all of Xew Pridge,
Union county, Oregon.
Hi:xi:y Uinkuakt,
:i-2-y Register.
Land Oitici: at La Oiiandi:, Oiiec.on, )
March . 2(i, 18SS.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
mimed settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make limd proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La (irande,
Oregon, on May 1Mb , 18S8, viz. WI LLI AM
II. lll'NDALL. lid. No. ill!)!, for the SKl
NWl,, K., HWi4 and SW'U SW4 Sec. 27.
Tp. it S, U. 10 K. W. M. He names the
following witnesses to provo his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: Sam. M, Ploota, L, Corpo, Jas.
S. llurford.and ('has, Doney, all of Cove,
Huniiv I'iniiiiaut,
:S-:0-wli Kcgister.
Land Omen at La (Siianih:, Oitiuio.v,)
April 0, 1888. i
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make llnal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will bo made be
fore tho register and;receiverat La (irande,
Oregon, on May 2:t, 18S8. viz: CIIAULKS
V. liuwi'.lii, u. &. .o. uu.)S, lortlie ms
y of NKK, Sec. 34, and NWjfof NWjf,
See. !5. To 0 S, It. 45. Ho names tho fol-
lowing witnesses to provo his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: 11. 1'. Swisher, Charles Craig,
W. D. Nash, and
Thomas JSasliaw, all of
Now llridge, Or,
Cornucopia, Oregon, March 28. I8SS.
To (iconic Uenson and John llallot:
You are hereby notified that we. your co-
owners in the claim or mino known as the
"lllue Rose" claim, situated in tho liaison,
extention of tho "Queen of tho West," nnd
havo expended one hundred dollars in as
sessment work for tho year 1887, on said
claim, as required by law, and if you fail to
contribute your portion of said amount
within ninety days from date of service by
publication of this notice, your interest in
said claim will become tho nronertv of tho
undersigned co-owners as provided in sec
tion 2;t2l revised statutes U.S.
C. 11. SC11ICKRAM,
Ml, O. S. ALLKN.
In tho County court for Union county,
In the matter of tho estate of Frederick
Mitchell, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, administrator of the estate of Fred
erick Mitchell, deceased, to tho creditors
of anl all persons having claims against
me said uoccascu, to cxnimi tnem, proper
ly verilled with tho necessary vouchers,
within six months after thotirst publication
of this notice, to tho said administrator at
the ottlc of linker, tUi-llon a naker, al
Union. Oregon.
Dated at cmon, tins saw ouy oi .muiyii,
ISjsS. J A M ItS il . M ITCH I'.LL,
;UI0 Administrator.
noticj: of FoirriUTUici:.
Couutv of Union, State of Oregon, Feb
ruary (ith, 18S8.
To K. I. Howard, W. .1. Comyncs and
Hugh Webb: You arc hereby untitled that
I have expended one hundred and seventy
five dollars ($l",-.00) in labor upon tbc
"Poorman" mine, as will appear bv certill
catcllled February 8th, 18s,. u tho ofllcc
of the county clerk of said county, in order
to hold said premises, under the provisions
of seetion 2:121. revised statutes, being the
amount required to hold the same for the
vear ending December Ml. 1880 and the vcar
ending December ill. 1887. And if within
ninety days after notice by publication,
you fail or refuse to contribute your pro
portion of such expenditure a co-owners,
your interest In said claim will become the
jijopcrtv of the subscriber, under said sec
tion 2.'I24.
concerned, that the undersigned has re
ceived from the County court of Union
county, Oregon, letters tcstutlug upon tho
estate of Joshua Weaver, deceased. All
persons having claims against said estate,
arc hereby notified to present the same,
properly verified, to tho undersigned at his
residence near, 1-Jgin. Union county, Ore
gon, within six months from this da'te,
Dated this March !)th. 1888.
30-w,r) Executor.
Cornucopia, Union County Oregon, I
Jan. 21, 1888.
To Mr. Charles Tlywater: You are here
by notified that we, your co-owners in the
cmlm or mine known as the "Slate1' claim,
situated one and one-half miles north-cast
from Corniieopia, havo expended one hun
dred dollars 111 assessment work for the
year 1887, on said claim, as required bylaw,
and If you fail to contribute vour oortiou of
said amount within ninety (lays from date
of service by publication ot this notice, your
interest in said claim will become tho prop
erty of the undersigned co-owners, as pro
vided by section 2.'I2I, revised statute. U. S.
2-:i-wl3 J. T. UOLLF.S.
County of Union, State of Oregon, Feb,
ruary Ki. 1SS8.
fit Jl, R. Johnson: You are hereby no
tified that we have expended one hundred
dollars ($100.) in labor and improvements
upon the "Dominion" lode, (tills claim is
situated about (X) three quarters of a mile
from the mouth of Lost Ilorse creek, and
(Z) 011c half mile southwest of Allentown,
nnd is on tho south side of host Horse
creek, in theOrauite Mining District, coun
ty of Union and State of Oregon,) as will
appear by certificate Hied February (ith.
I8i8, in the otllce of the District Recorder of
said district, in order td hold said premis
es, under the provisions of section 'J.'iL'l, re
vised statutes of the United States, being
thcaniount required to hold the same fori
the year ending December 1887, and if,
within ninety days after this notice, you
fail orrefuse'to contribute your proporilon
of such expenditure as a co-owner, your
interest in said claim will become the prop
erty of the subscribers, under said section
y-17-wl.l. K. CANADA Y,
Notice of Final Settlement,
Xntien is hereby riven to whom it innv
concern, that the'Undersigncd, having tilul
in the County court of Union county, State
oi Oregon, Ins Iinal account ot the ailuunis
tration of the estate of Harvey Myers de
ceased; Tuesday the loth day of May, 1888.
at 10 o'clock a. 111. of said day, has been
appointed by the said court, by order
date April 11th 1888, as the tune for hear
ing (injections to said account and tor set
tlenient thereof.
Made and dated this 12th day of April,
INfl. 1'ililAS KLll.N,
4-1." Administrator.
County of Union, State of Oregon,
To W, II. Creed, Thomas Fitch, L. Illu
mauer and T. N. Snow: You and each of
you arc hereby untitled that we have ex
nendod one hundred dollars in labor and
improvements upon the "Laura Johnson"
quartz mining claim. This claim is situa
1.. 1:. :..
it'll ill .il.liliiu nulling 111.-1111:1 111 1 IIIIJU
county. Oregon, about one half mile above
thcarastra of Win. Horper, on the right
bank or i'.lKcreen, ana is also called the "(J.
R. itN" claim, as will appear by certifi
cate of location ami amended location tiled
August 'Jlst and September 1st. I880 in the
olllce of the district recorder of said dis
trict, in order to hold said premises under
the provisions of Section 2;!lM, revised stat
utes of the United Suites, being tho amount
required to hold the same for the year en
ding Dec. :ilst, 1887, and if within ninety
days after this notice you fail or refuse to
contribute your proportion of the expendi
ture as a eo-owner, your interest in said
claim will become the. property of the sub
scribers, under said section.
Dated this l'.'ih dav of April, 1888.
V. T. WltlOHT,
Timber I, ami, Act .Imwi :i, 1878 Notleo
for l'ublicatluli.
U. S. Land Ofhick, La Guamm:. Oiuhjo.v,)
April!), 18S8.
Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June it, 1878, entitled "An net for the sale
of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo
ry, WILLIAM KCCLKS, of Telocaset,
County of Union, State of Oregon, has this
day filed in this otllce his sworn statement
No", 10, for the purchase' of tho SK nr. of
NWqr. and K hlf. SW nr. and SYV qr.
SK or, of Section No. 7, in Township No.
OS, Range No. ;IS K. W. M.aud will oiler
proof to show that the laud sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for ag
ricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said laud before the register and
receiver of this oflico at La (irande, Ore
gon, on Monday the 0th day of July, 1888.
lie names as witnesses: Adam Nelson,
Jacob SUnbaugh, Win. L. Harrows and
.John Stodard, ail of Telocaset, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to tile
their claims in this otllce on or before said
Oth day of July, 1S8S.
4-13-wlO Register.
In Iho county court of the State of Ore
gon, for Union "county.
In the matter of the estate of tleorge Hock,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, administrator of tho estate of fScorge
Peek, deceased, has tiled and presented for
settlement In said court, her linid account
of her administration of said estate, and
that Monday, the Hth day of May, A. D.
188i, being a day of a regular term, to wit:
tho May term, 1888, of said court, at 10
o'clock A.M. of that day. at tho court room
of said court, in the court house In tho city
of Union, hi said county and State, has
been appointed by tho court as the time
and place for the settlement of said ac
count, and for the hearing of any objec
tion to the same.
Dated April 2nd, 18SS.
Adiuti'btriitor of tho estate of (leo. Heck,
deceaso'. 40
immfm em 'Mmu lamim m (em
Saspoors ana
Keeps Constantly on hand a Large Supply of
Bedding, Desks, Office Furniture, etc.
All kinds of Furniture Made, and Upholstering done to order.
WILSON AMI LLKR, Main St., Union, Or.
All kinds of photographic work done in a su
perior manner, and warranted to
give satisfaction.
West Shore
The West Shore Is tho only Uluttrntcd maga
zine published on the Pacific coast, anil neiile
from Its excellent literary features, Its object Is
to convey information, bv both pen and pencil,
of the great resources of this region, and the
progress of their development.
Special illustrated articles appear In each
Issue ; also, several pages of notes of th? pro
gress being made In every section. Oregon,
Wasliiiijiton, Idaho, Slontana, Alaska, Utah,
California, Ilritlsh Columbia, and the Pacific
Nortlmest in general, are being Illustrated.
The subscription price is only $2.50. It is not
onlv tho cheapest illustrated magazine In the
United States, but contains articles and en
gravings of great Interest to every resident of
this region, which can not be found in any
other publication.
Subscribers for 18S8 receive a large supple
ment every month. Tho llrst one Is a beauti
ful oleograph of the " Entrance to the Colum
bia lUver," printed In nine colors, and each
of the others represents some feature of our
sublime scenery. Tho supplements arc alone
worth more than the price of the magazine.
Try it for 1&S3, and after reading, fend It to
your friends elsewhere. You will find It both
entertaining and Instructive.
L. SAJIUEL, Publisher,
171-173 Second St., Portland, Oregon.
Trains arrive and depart from
daily, as follows:
i:aht lioi'.vn.
Passenger. No. (, L've
at 1 a. 111.
Freight, No. Ki, L've
at l!:4 I a. 111.
wi'.st noi'si).
Passenger, No. ), L've
at 3:2!p. m.
Freight. No. 15. L've
at !l :00 i. in.
Tirk7 l'T's 1" and from principal points
1 liIYl, 1 O jn t)l(1 i-iU.,i .states, Canada
and Europe.
Elegant PaJaco111 Cars.
' and ST. PAUL
Free of Charge and Without Change.
Cloe connections at Portland for San Fran
cisco and l'uget Spund points.
!.' furtlioi nnrtii'iihirs innllil'o of unv
Agent of tho Company or of A. L. Maxwell,
(i. r. iv t. A., j'oiiiami, uregou.
Leaving at 12 Midn't.,
as follows:
L'v'ng Spear st. wh
at 10 a.m. as follows:
Columbia Mon. Apr 'JjState, Sun. April 1
State, 1- rulay
Oregon. Tuesday ,.
Columbia, Sut, ,,
State, Wed .
Oregon, Sunday
Columbia, Tliur. ,,
State, Mondday ,,
Oregon, Fri. May
Columbia, Tucs. ,,
Oregon. Thurs.
lOColuinbia.Mon. ,
State, 1-riday ,
18 Oregon, Tuesday,
Coliiinliui. Sat.
tate, Wcdnesd'y. 25
iOOregon. Sunday,, 20
4 CoPa. Thar. May a
Tho company reserves tho right to change
bteanicrs or sailing (lavs.
(ien'l Manager. (J. P. JcT. A,
II. L. DEACON. Agent. Union.
I desiro to announce to tho people of Un
ion county that I have just arrived from
the East, with a shipment of
Bulls and JERSEY
They will bo sold at Reasonable Prices,
wtll remain in l utoii till about the nth of
2-17 E. 11. HILL.
Li the co-partnership heretofore existing
between N. Howhind and P. 11. Wilson, do
ing business together under the firm name
of I lowland it Wilson. Is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. Mr, llovland with
drawing, and Mr. Wilson continuing the
business. The accounts mum be settled im
mediately, and all those owing the firm
are requested to come in and pay up at
Dated at union. .March 21. 178S.
& Miller,
of and Dealers in-
Parlor and Bed
iw? A S
T. 11. H. (JJIEEN, J'ropr.
Will hereafter be conducted at the old
Ilenson stable, near the court house and
Hoothe's hotel, on Main street.
Excellent Facilities for Haiidle-ing-
Loose Stock.
An Abundance of Running Water in Yard,
Plenty of Hay and drain.
Tonus to Suit the Times.
4-(i-yl I
Thomson ifc Purscl aro agents for
the celebrated Cyclone WintlMill, and
us the prices on them haveheen great
ly reduced they arc now within the
reach of all. Sample mill to he seen
at their planer in North Union. Call
and examine it.
Cornucopia, Union county, Or.
K. C. WAKINNEIt, 3'rop'r.
Tho only llrst class house in tho camp.
No pains spared to make guests eoniforta
Chareres Reasonable.
Cor. Main and 11 Sts. - - Union. Oregon,
SHKK.1fAN&- KAI.1JY, I'mpH.
Manufacturers and dealers In Soda Wa
ter, Sarsaparilla. (Singer Ale, Cream Soda
and Champagne Cider, Syrups, etc. Or
derb promptly filled.
$50 TO $100
On tho purchase of an Instrument, by
buying through W. T. W RICH IT,
Agent, Union, Oregon.
Obtained, and all Patent llusincss attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
Ourollico is opposite the U. S. Patent
Ollice, and wo can obtain Patenis In less
time than those remote from Wasoington.
Send MODHLor DRAWINCi. We adviso
as to pantcntabillly free of charge; and wo
We refer, here, to tho Postmaster, thr
Supt. of Money Order Div., and to ollloiujs
of the I'. S. l'atent Ollice. For circular,
advice, terms and retl'crciiccs to actual cli
ents In vour own State or County, write to
C. A. SNOW & Co.,
Opposite Patent Olllce. Washington, I). C.
Horse Breaking!
I desire to inform the public that I havo
perfected a
New System of HorsebreaWng,
Which I believe to bo the best now nrac-
tlccd, and I will take horses or any other
Kiiui 01 animals to nreak, on .
Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance.
Will "visit the farms when desired, amlu
break the animals without taking them, I
nway, tuve me a truu. j
room Sets
Kentuclsy Liouor Store
Or "-mm JLML" dunlin i'jH
i.iao. ftelia