The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 13, 1888, Image 5

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The Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation as any three papers in this sec
tton of the State, combined, and is eor
respondinghj valuable as an advertising
medin m.
Friday, April l'Slh, 188S.
A telegraphic dispatch from Port
land, received just as we go to press,
snforma us that Herman has been
nominated for Congress; Lord, for
judge of Supreme Court; J. A. Fee, of
Pendleton, for Dist. Judge; J. L.Rand,
of Baker City, fort Dist. Attorney ; J
31. Mattoon, of La Grande, for Joint
Senaaor with Umatilla county, and J,
"W. Norval, of Summerville, for Joint
Senator with Wallowa county.
Union and Vicinity.
Weather warmer.
Oh, for Home rain !
Matrimonial market fair.
The mumps have somewhat sub
Keep your eye on our advertising
Milton, Umatilla county, is going to
nave water works.
Clean up the streets in front of vour
places of business.
Real estate rather dustv, but enough
io suppiy linineuiaio ucmanus.
a man named uoo. w. .'Strong sui
cided at Lowistoo. Wednesday.
i&Wo hope the marshal will see that
streets in front of the business places
are kept clean.
A large, second hand, heating stove,
suitable for wood or coal, for sale at
Jones Bro's. cheap.
Merchants in Union are doing a
rustling business. Business of all
kinds is reviving.
Our artist, lost his brush this week,
but he's abroad in the land don't for
get it, his optics are on you.
One of S. O. Swaekhamer's teams
took u little spin by themselves the
other day. No damage done.
We learn that Fred Nodine, our en
terprising townsman, will erect a line
residence this summer. Fred don't do
things by halves.
The board of trade will meet at the
council chamberw, Monday the 10th, at
7:!i0, p. m. All come out. Import
ant business on hands.
What is worrying Portland now is
"Thcjointlease." What is worrying
the commercial city of Union is wheth
er she can leasethejoint.
Hard to tell at the county conven
tions whether the delegates and people
came to attend the conventions or to
subscribe for Tick Scout.
A. N. Gardner has placed a very
line regulator in his jewelry store. It
stands over (5 feet and is the finest
clock that ever came to this town.
Paint, your buggy or hack a lino
glossy black for one dollar. Uncqualed
for beauty, durability and bright, hard
finish. For sale at the Cove drug
Catarrh, when chronic, becomes very
offensive It is impossible to be other
wise healthy, and, at the same time,
aillicted with catarrh. Thisdisagceivble
disease, in its most obstinate and dan
gerous forms, can bo cured by the uso
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Tom Myers was driving a couple of
Grande Rondo steeds attached to a
seeder, last Monday, in a field below
town when they got the bulge on him
somehow or other, broke the tongue
and doubletree, "climb" up on top of
the seeder, kicked it all to pieces and
dispersed themselves.
The water pipes for the cemetery
havo arrived ami the work of laying
them will soon be commenced. Our
"city of tho dead" will then be well
supplied with means of irrigation.
The committee deserve much praise
for their untiring and persistent efforts
in taking measures to beautify tour
Tho only way to determine beyond
a reasonable doubt whether a man is
a true Christian, is at this time of the
year. If he can quietly, and meekly,
and in a Christian-like manner, tako
down the stove pipe and put it up
again without so far forgetting himself
as to breatiie an auiumo prayer 10 ms
satanic majesty, wo conclude ho will
do, and we feel like hurrying him into
the better world while he's ripe.
Mr. Owenby, of Indian valley, while
coming to this city yesterday, in a
buggy, accompanied by another gen
tleman, met with an accident that may
result seriously. They had stopped
for dinner at a farm houso, and while
unhitching tho horses, one of them
kicked Mr. Owenby in tho side. It
was not thought that ho was much
hurt and they camo on to Union, but
ho grow worse and tho indications aro
that he is injured internally and the
injuries may bo serious.
Mr. A. B. Conley, who resides on tho
Sand Ridge and is ono of the foremost
farmers- and stockmen 'of tho county,
recently purchased of 0. L. Thisler of
tho Riverside farm, Kansas, a pair of
thoroughbred Short horn bulls, atlior- ,
"oughbred Clvdesdalo sjnllion, costing I
$1000, and a pair of thoroughbred Po-,
Ian china iL's. $50 each. Mr. Conley !
believes in having everything of tho
best, and ho is right. When tho farm
ers throughout tho country got of tho
same opinion, u vast change for the
bolter will at unco bo noticeable.
' kwi'blican county conven-
I The Republican County Convention
I met at -the court house in this city,
J last Saturday, at 11 o'clock a. .m.
I II. Wildey, of La Grande, was sc
! Iceted as chairman, and A. C. Me
! Holland, of Island City, secretary,
j The chair appointed II. T.Williams,
of La Grande, assistant secretary,
j On motion the chair appointed a
I committee of live on credentials, also
! a committee of live on permanent or
ganization and order of business. A
committee of seven was then appoin
ted on resolutions. The convention
then adjourned till one o'clock r. m.
Convention convened again at ono
o'clock, which, after inviting members
of the press within the bar, proceeded
with the regular business.
The committee on credentials repor
ted the following persons entitled to a
vote, in the convention : .
Union. R. Eakin, E. F. Springer,
Wm. Young, S. O. Swackhamer, E.
llaynes and W. T. Wright.
Lower Fagle. G. W. Moody and A.
W, Parker.
La Grande. J. Palmer, O. Ralston,
II. Wildey, J. J. Peeblcr, A. B. Bailcv,
G. M. Richey, S. B. Williamson, J. K.
Homig and W. S. Ford.
Eagle. W. J. Bcasley, J. Cook, O.
S. Burcharis proxv bv Cook.
Island City, A. C. McClelland, C.
Goodnough, Chas. Kuapp and It. 1).
Summcrville. J. Imbler, T. Wil
liams, N. McLcod, A Meaehen and J.
W. Norval.
North Powder. S. Turner, I. X San
ders and W. F. Haines.
S turkey. J. C. French and C. A.
L. II. llussell and R. U.
Big Creel;. C. II. Duncan and J.
W. Mathias proxv bv J. II. Corbin.
Cove. M. B. Reese, J, M. Seldor, II
J. Goer and .lames Payne.
Indian Valley. T. J. Chandler, J.
Elliott, M. A. Galloway and W.Griggs.
Pine Valley. J. B. Wood proxy by
S. S. Pindle; B. T. Potter and S. S
Sanger. Fred Duncan.
Cornucopia. W. T. Burdette, E
Estos, E. II. Clingan, J. A. Becker and
J. Clark, proxv bv Burdette.
Antelope. 0. II. Prescott and G. A
Thompson. '
Bod Bock. X. C. Love and A. T
Grande Rondo. J. C. French al
lowed to cast the vote.
The committee on order of business
reported as follows : First, the election
of eight delegates to the State conven
uon ; z, nomination ot two represen
tatives; .5, two commissioners; -1, one
snorm; ;, one clerk; 0. one school su
perintendent ; 7, one treasurer; 8, one
surveyor; !), pno assessor; 10, one coro
nor; 11, report of committee on resolu
tions; 12, election of central commit
R. Eakin, Chas. Goodnough, I. N
Sanders, W. Beck, W. S. Ford, M. B.
Recsso, J. K. Homig, A. Meaehen, R
1). Hamilton, J. W. Xorval, M.Baker,
W. Griggs, J. Imbler, S. O. Swack
hamer, C. II. Duncan, R. J. Rogers
and J. Palmer were placed m nomina
tion, A ballot was taken which resul
ted in the election of R. Eakin, Chas
Goodnough, I. N. Sanders, M. B. Recs,
Jesse Imbler and S. O. Swackhamer
On motion J. Palmer was declared tho
eighth delegate, he having received the
next highest vote.
J. L. Roe, of Summerville, Charles
Goodnough, of Island City, D. W. C.
Nelson, of North Powder, W. T. Bur
dette, of Cornucopia, A. Meaehen, of
Summerville and M. B. Reese, of the
Cove, were placed in nomination.
Burdette, Meaehen and Reese declined.
iV vote was taken which resulted as
fallows: Goodnough. 15; Roe, -10;
Nelson, 31. The two former were de
clared the nominees.
A. XT. Hamilton being the only per
son placed m nomination, tno ruies
wore suspended and he was nominated
by acclamation.
J. T. Williamson, nominated; secre
tary instructed to cast the ballot.
G. W. Bcimchoil', of Eagle, Jno. Mc
Donald, of Summervillo and J. M.
Solder, of tho Cove, wcro placed in
nomination. The vote. Bcnnchofl',
(51 ; McDonald, 48 ; Solder, 13. Bennc
holT and McDonald were declared tho
nominees of the convention.
J. L. Carter, of Island City was nom
inated by aclamation.
No nomination made, which was a
silent manner of endorsing E. C.
Brainard tho democratic nomineo and
present incumbent.
Moses Austin, of Summervillo and
J. W. Kimbroll, of Xorth Powder wcro
placed in nomination. Tho vote.
Kimbroll, -18; Austin, 11.
J. D. Guild, of Summervillo, Perry
Clark, of La Grande and O. I). Thorn
lineon, of North powder were placed in
nomination. Tho vote. Guild, 33;
Clark, 22;Thomlinson, 1.
B. D. llubers, of Summervillo nomi
nated bv aclamation.
Resolution offered by W. T. Wright,
that tho delegates to Slate convention
uso their inlluonce for Hon. Dinger
Herman for Congress, adopted.
Resolution offered by S. O. Swack
hamer, that tho delegates to tho Stuto
convention favor tho nomination of J.
F. Bakor, of La Grande, as a delegate
to tho national convention, adopted.
Tho committee on resolutions repor
ted tho following, which wore unani
mously adopted :
IJTothe Republican county conven
tion of Union county, State of Oregon,
We, your committee on resolutions,
beg leave to submit the following:
Jtesolved, That we are opposed to the
policy of tho President of the United
States as set out in hi? message to Con
gress, placing wool, lumber and salt
on the free list, thereby crippling three
of the most important industries of the
United States and virtually destroying
the wool and lumber trade on the Pa
cific coast.
Jtesolved, That the senators and
representatives from Union county
should use their best olforts to enact a
more practicable and less complicated
road law.
Jtesolved,, That precinct assessments
should be adopted as u proper mode
of assessment.
Jtesolvcd, That we do not approve
of the democratic measure now before
the Congress of the United States,
which makes wool free and retains the
tariff on woolens, and which places the
burdens on the laboring class and con
sumers and protects the manufactur
ers. Jtesolved, That we have full faith
and unaltered confidence in tho time
honored principles of the Republican
party and will do everything in our
power to intrust to it again tho ad
ministration of public affairs.
La Grande, Horace Williams; Un
ion, Robert Eakin; Hilgard, Ed Sta
ples; Eagle, O. F. Butler; Lower Eagle,
G. W. Moody; Big Creek, P. II. Miles;
Bed Rock, A. T. Merwin; Island City,
A. C. McClelland; Summerville, J. W.
Norval; Cornucopia, R. S. Gihnore;
Indian Valley, W. II. Galloway ;Cove,
M. B. Reese ; North Powder, W. F.
Haines; Antelope, C. H. Prescott ; Pine
Valley, A. W. Dawson ; Sturkcy, L. C.
Marloy; Sanger, W.J. Townlcy; Camp
Carson, W. M. Grasty.
jNothing further appearing, the con
vention adjourned.
The best of feeling was exhibited
throughout the convention and al!
seemed thoroughly satisfied with tho
The Union Bas'eball Club will meet
at George Baird's tonsorial parlors this
evening at 7:30 o'clock sharp.
Smith's walking gang plow, some
thing new and just the thing. For
Sale by Frank Bros. Implement Co.,
Island City. 4
The disproportionabloness of other
safes is not found in tho "Victor." Tncy
arc manufactured on scientific princi
ples. F. M. Si.ocr.M, Agt., Union, Or.
Miss Mathicu will be in Cove until
further notice, every Monday afternoon,
and will remain about two days. All
those wishing dress-making, etc., will
please govern themselves accordingly.
For sale or trade for good horses.
Half block, fair house, with good out
buildings; also buggy and harness,
nearly new, household and otlico fur
niture, all at a bargain, for a few days.
Inquire of D. B. Recs, Union, Or.
If you have a cold, cough, bronchit
is or any form of throat or lung dis
ease, do not neglect it. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, if promptly taken, will speed
ily relieve and cure all ailments of this
We particularly call the attention
of our readers to tho advertisement of
Jayeox it Foster which appears in this
issue. This enterprising linn, by fair
dealing and by oll'ering extraordinary
inducements to purchasers, have built
up an enormous trade, which they
richly deserve. By referring to their
ad. you will get an idea of the various
lines they carry, all of which have been
completely filled by recent shipments
from the east, bought under the per
sonal supervision of Mr. Juvcox. ft
will pay you to make their store a visit
whether fyou buy anything or not.
They are always accommodating and
pleased to show goods.
Tho last few days being quite warm,
set tho female portion of Union to
thinking soberly, and each ono and
not one for the other, joined the wo
man's rights move the right to com
mence the annual high tare-up of
everything about the house, without
political inlluonce, color, or previous
condition. The platform of civil ser
vice reform was knocked higher than
Gilroy's aerial dragon, and assessments
were freely made upon the "lords of
creation" and no retrenchments al
lowed. We'll bet one woman can make
herself felt over more ground on the
tare-up question in one minute than
all the statesmen of the land.
A largo assortment of now books
have just boon received by Jones Bros.,
consisting of tho Paxton and Lovcll
series of novels, School Speakers, Red
Line Poets, etc. Prices lower than
ever known before.
Frank Bro's. Implement Co., of
Island City, arc now prepared to sell
wagons, buggies, hacks, or any other
article of farm implements and machin
ery at lower rates than over before sold
in Eastehi Oregon. They guuranteo
nil goods they sell. Try thorn. 0
a sound m:c;ai, oi'inion
K, Hiilubrltlgo Muiuluy Eiq. County Ally
Clay Co., Tex., says: 'Havo used Klectric
Hitters with most happy results. My broth
er alto was very low with Malarial Kovor
and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use
of this medicine. Am fiallsficd Electric Hit
ters ?avcd his life." '
Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of HorsoCavc. Ky
adds a littlo testimony, saying: Ho poai-
tivcly believes ho would have died, had It
not been for Klectric Hitters.
'f hU great remedy will ward on, as well
a euro all Malarial DImcusck. and for ull
Kiknry, Liver ami Htoiuach Disorder it
stands uneqiialed. l'rlco Me. and II. at
Wright' drugstore. Union, Oregon.
Personal and Social.
Mr. Coffin's little boy is slowly im
proving. Mrs. A. N. Gardner is down with tho
Mr. L. R. Holmes, of the Covo, called
on us Tuesday.
Mr. J. C. Barnes, of the Cove, called
on us u few days ago.
Mr. O. P. Jayeox moved into tho
Benson house this week.
Mr. Oliver Shafer, of Island city, vis
ited Union Saturday.
Mr. N. Swagger, of High valley, wo
on our streets Tuesday.
Miss Mathieu, the dressmaker, is
quite, sick with tho measles.
Mr. J. R. Hardin, of North Powder,
called on us last Saturday.
Dr. Day returned from bis visit to
Washington Ty., last Tuesday,
Mr. J. M. Carroll has purchased tho
residence property of A. F. Benson.
Mr. llughey Lynch and family, of
Antelope, were in town, Wednesday.
Prof. Owen and Dr. Deering havo
our thanks for favors shown us this
Mr. John Wilkinson, of High valley,
made us a substantial visit last Wed
nesday. Miss Mcutchon, of the Cove, is now
employed in Mrs. Summers' store in
this city.
Mr. J. 1). Guild, of Elgin, visited us
this week. He will read the Scott,
Miss Annie Bouyer, of tho Centen
nial hotel, leturned from a visit to Big
river yesterday.
Mr. Chas. Connarty, of High valley,
was in town Monday Ho has our
thanks for favors.
Mr. 1. Vandervanter, of the Park,
placed bis autograph on our subscrip
tion book this week.
Mr. A. F. Benson and family took
their departure last Saturday for tho
Walla Walla country.
Mr. B. W. Bates, of High valley,
visited us this week and ordered Tick
Scout sent to friends in tho cast.
Mr. B T. Potter, of Pino valley, was
in the city a few days ago and added
his name to our list of readers.
Mr. T. Williams and Mr. Neil Mc
Leoid, of Summerville, made our sanc
tum a pleasant visit a few days ago.
Mr. Judson Cook, of Sparta, called
on us a few days ago. Mr. Cook's
name now graces our subscription
Mr. A. T. Merwin and family, who
were visiting in this city, took their
departure for homo tho fore part of the
Hon. Dunham Wright, Mr. David
Goble and J. A. Goble, of Medical
springs, made this omcc u pleasant
call, Wednesday.
Mr. J. W. Kimbroll, of North Pow
der' has been appointed deputy min
eral surveyor for tho fourth mineral
district of Oregon.
Mr. W. T. Wright, who was in at
tendance at tho Republican State con
vention this week, has our thanks for
favors shown us.
Hon. James H. Slater, of La Grande,
will address the Cleveland Club, on tho
tariff question, next Monday evening.
Being well posted on the subject, bis
arguemcnt will probably bo convincing.
We received a pleasant call, this
week, from Louis Brouiller. Ho is on
his way to Snake river with a band of
horses for Ed. Romillurd, and from
there ho will go to Cornucopia to work
in the mines.
Mrs. B. F. Wilson has been Buffer
ing, during tho puHt week, with a very
severe cold, rendering Iter unable to
teach. Her place, during her illness,
isj,bciug very acceptably filled by Miss
Christina Kennedy.
Mr. J. E. Doney called on us this
week whilo on his way from Lcightou
academy to Bakor city. Ho thinks
that a hotter school than tho Leighton
academy could not bo found on the
Mr. Chas. Toinblcson, tho wido
awake stockman, brought down a car
load of thoroughbred ranis fiom Mal
heur county, last Saturday, and placed
them in his pasture at Telocaset.
Charles ordered Tick Scout sent to his
old home in England.
Dr. A. L. Baylor, of North Powder,
made our office a pleasant visit a few
days ago. Tho doctor has established
a largo practice at that place. Ho is
Surgeon General of tho State Board of
Oregon Militia and takes considerable
interest in military affairs. As will bo
seen by report elsowhcrc in this paper,
ho has organized a company of militia
in North Powder, consisting of fifty
members?, Tho doctor gave orders for
Tick Scoi't to report at his headquar
ters each week hereafter.
JOHNSON. April 5th, 16AS,to tho wlfo of
Will. It.JolllliOll, U Mill
DKHOKD.-In High Valley, April Mb, 1SS8,
to tho wife of "Doc'' Dubord, a son.
CILNI)LHK.-ln this city Mureh 28, 1888.
to tho wife of Henry ( handler, a son.
CON'LKV SJIITII. At the Union City
hotel, April 12, 1888. I'd. H. Conley and
Minn Itosu Kmith, Rev. b. J. Hootho olli
ciuting. Frank Bro's Implement Co., of IsV
and City, carry tho largest stock of
standard implements to bo found in
Eastern Oregon. Their terms and pri
ces defy competition. Thoy always
have on hand extriiH anil repairs for
good thoy toll, which iH a matter of
great importance to the purchaser. 5
Subscribe for Tiik Ojikoon Scout, j
Latest Announcement to tho Public:
Having just received a largo and finely selected stock of General Merchandise
from Eastern-Market, bought for cash, wo can ard will give our customers
The Public is Respectfully Invited to Inspect our Splendid Line of
Gent's Furnishing Goods, Huts and caps,
Fine Boots and SI iocs, etc.
A Magnificent line of all shades and qualities. Latest styles of
And an
Endless Variety of BEADED TRIMMINGS,
Also a Complete Stock of
and a full line of
1 111 i Ull I
Groceries, Cutlery and Notions.
g3WE WANT IT UNDERSTOOD that no other store in Union county
can undersell us, and a visit to our establishment will convince any ono of tho
fact. All are invited to come and seo us and wo promise to do you good.
Latest Styles.
.lust Received, Direct from the Haul, a Largo Invoice of LADIES' anil
MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, the Best Ever brought to this Market.
Also a Fine Assortment of
.My Prices will suit the times. Drop in and sou me.
C. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or.
To the Public of Union and Yicinity,
for the
I have en route from tho East, West,
North and South, the Largest, Best and
Cheapest line of Clothing, diy goods, ladies'
and gents' goods, all of the Latest Styles.
Summer Hats, Boots and Shoes, which will
be sold for the
of the general public, at the very lowest
Prices, for Cash.
Main St., Union, Or.
All Kinds.
Union, Or,