. A' - VOL. IV The Oregon Scout, An Independent weekly journal, Issued ev ery Friday morning bv JOKES & CIEANCEY, Publishers and Proprietors. A. K. .Tonus, Kdltor. ( 15. ClIANCr.Y, 1 Foreman. KATES OP SUltSCKIl'TIOX:. One copy, one year " Six months. ' ' Three nionto .. S-1.50 1.00 i liivnrlnbly C'nsli In AiIviiihm-. , If chance rubcrlititnit hit )t jmid till Olid of year, tivo thllnr c!ll he chm-ijcil. Bates of advertising made known on np- j plication. UQTCorrpspondeiice from all parts or the country solicited. Adresf. all communications to the Om:oox Scout, Union Oregon. l'KOKKSSIONWl.. It. Kakix, J. A. Kakix, Notary Public. J EAKIN, Ss BBOTHEU, Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. JEf Prompt Attention Paid to Collect. ons. TOIIX B. CJLITES, Attorney at Law. Collecting and probate practice special tics. Otllce, two doors south of post-otllce. Union, Oregon. J N. OBOMWELL, M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Office, one door south of J. B. Eaton's store, Union, Oregon. O. K. BKLL, Attorney at Lew, Notary Public, and Abstractor of Titles. Office State Land Office lniildinir, corner Main and A Streets, Union, Oregon. . Q 11. DAY, M. D., IIOMKPATIIIC Physician amiSurgeon. ALL CALLS lMlOMI'TI.Y ATTi:.N'lli:il TO, Ollice adjoining Jones Pro's store. Can be found nights at the Centennial hotel, room No. LW. 31. Kakkk. J. Siillto.v. j. P. Baklu. JgAKKH, SIIKLTON & B.UCKB, Attorneys at Law. OFFICIOS Union and La Grande, Ore gon, Special Attention given all business entrusted to u. rji H. CltAWFOItD, Attorney at Law, Union, Oregon. Ollice, one door south of Centennial ho tel. J. M. CABItOLL, I P. P. WILSON. Notary Public. Kx-Co. Clerk. QAIiBOLL & WILSON, Conveyancers and Abstracters. Abstracts to Ileal and Mining property furnished on short notice, at reasonable rates. Sales of Ileal and Mining property nego tiated. Collection business promptly at tended to. Oillce next door south of Post-olllce. Un ion, Oregon. J. 33. TUTTLE, Seal Estate Aptj Union, Oregon, Has for sale on easy terms. 18,000 acres of good land in Union and Baker counties, al to some choice town propenty. Money to Loan. v Collections Made. Agent for the 0. R. & N. Com pany's Land. Otllce, one door south of Centennial hotel. FASHIONABLE DRESS -MAKING! Miss Linda Mathieus, Late of Paris, France.) Jlas opened a dross-making establishment in the building one door north of Johnson's blacksmith shop. All Work Warranted to Give Satisfaction. QHABGES BEASONABLK. jj X. GAliDXEllik CO., "Watchmakers & Jewelers, And dealers in Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Gold Pens, Watches Clocks, Jewelry, etc. Main Street, .... I'liion, Oregon. On farmlands in Umatilla. Baker, Union, Gilliam and Wallowa counties, at S, 0, 10 and 11 percent, on live year's time. Call on. I. II. MNHIfABT, at the Farm ers' Mortgage and Savings Bank, Summer ville, Oregon, if you want money onwfann loans. The 8 per rent is on improved farm land near the railroad in Grande Hondo Vallcv. lU-lM-mfi, J. II. KIXK11AUT. t-laitet. Main Street, Union, Oregon, BENSON BROS. - PBOPB1ETOBS. Keep constantly on hand BEEF, POBK- VEAL, MUTTON, SAUSAGE, HAMS, LABI). Etc. Gko. AVmiiiiT, ) AV. T. Wkioiit, President. J Cashier. -01'- UNION, OBEGON. Docs a General Banking Business. Buys and sells exchange, and discounts commer cial paper. Collections carefully attended to, and promptly reported. ntennial Mi A. J. GOODBBOD, Prop. OPENED ANE W. The Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon. Everything Is'ew and First Class Throughout. The table always supplied With the best ahe market affords. Excellent Accomoda tions for Commer cial Men. Charges Reasonable. UNION, OBEGON. $500,000.00 to Loan on First Class Security, From One to Five Years Time, at a Low Bute of Interest, Also Buys, Sells and Bents Property for fion-residents. "T" O I ON'KY BKCKIVKI) ON DEPOSI I To bo Invested on Guaranteed Security. All Collections Promptly Attended to Without De-lay. Ik to Cove. Leaves Union daily at 2 p. in, arrives at Cove at 3:30 p. in. Leaves Cove at 8 a. m., arrives at Union atl):U0 a. in. Connections mado with Elliott's couches running to the depot, carrying passenger for east and west bound trains. KATKS for JMSKKNGKUH.I.U(HIAOK un.l I'ltllKiHT, JCHAHONAIILK. KOWXSON A LA Y.N K, Proprietors. City lea Mortgage Hank, UNION, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL !;, OUR POETS. This sj)ace is given for the u-c and benelit ot our local writers of verse, and we hope to make It a pleasing feature of the paper. To that end contributions are solicited, but they must possess undoubted literary merit to obtain place and recogni tion here. F.n. Written for the Scoirr.l tuk avii.i.ows suenrr. You scarcely saw the lowly mound, With mos and blossom strewn around, But there beneath the cooling shade Long years ago the grave was made A little grave, a lonely grave, A dreary, melancholy grave. No marble marked its head or feet, But waving flowers, doubly sweet Grew 'round and each In silence fell, The melancholy tale, to tell Of this small grave, neglected grave, The willow's own, forgotten grave, The grass is nowhere else so green. As 'round this hallowed spot, 1 ween, The flowers are brighter, fairer too, And sweeter Is the fallen dew ground this silent, slcided grave, This doubly dear, and solemn grave. The world knew not the grave was there," As did one mother, full of care A mother's hope, a mother's fear Aro slumbering, aye, forever here AVithin this lowly little grave, This calm, moss-covered littlegravo. The birds are silent in the trees, Low whispers hero, the passing breeze. And e'en the leaves so brown and sear. Drop softly, and so silent here A round this unforgotten grave, This mother's shiine, this little grave. In foreign land the mother dwells. But here the sighing zeplier tells That far across the desert drear Her dcart's desire is clustered here Around this sacred little grave, This hallowed, sad, neglected grave. -B. W, II. High Valley Happenings. Bom. To tho wife of Mr. J. U. Do BonI, April (5t. a son. Mr. J. Q. Shirley has been buying horses in our valley. Mr. Sam McMastcr and family liavo arrived from Marion county, Iowa. Mr. McMastcr is a brother of Mrs. A. Min nick. How can any rational being buy and consume eastern bacon, after reading the sworn testimony of an old St. Louis packer who testified, in the re fined lard case in Washington, that the packers in the first named city had for years been engaged in killing and packing diseased hogs that have been sold indiscriminately everywhere. Homo. North PoAvder Notes. Spring run of politicians aro return ing to the old channel. People, generally, seem to bo well pleased with the nominations of botli Democrats and Republicans. Dave Boveralgo is having a new sign made at Union for his saloon in North Powder. Col. A. L. (Jaylor, M. D., has organ ized a militia at North Powder, with fifty members. J. A White has closed his saloon and is now engaged selling books, llo has a fine assortment. Look out for him, ho is coming. Mr. Ed. Gardner has been improv ing very fast in tho last two months. Mr. Gardner is a county chargo and will bo taken to Union to-day. Dr. A. L. Saylor has gained for himself a wide reputation as a skillful and successful physician. He took Mr. Gardner's case after two or thrco other physi cians had given him up. Tho election of Co. K 0. N. G was held and the following persons wero elected: Commissioned, Cap tain, Miles L,co; 1st Lieutenant, J. A. White; 2nd Lieutenant, C..T. Jrvin. Non-commissioned, Orderly Sergeant, J. B. Hardin; 1st Duty Kerg., Burntim Nefl"; 2nd Duty Kerg., Van Plummer; 3rd Duty Serg., J. Bradford; -1th Du ty Scrg., Brack Utz; il. M. Herg., W. Charnes; 1st Corporal, I. B. Miller; 2nd Corp'l., Win. Sanders; .'ird Corp'l., John Stout; -ltli Corp'l., Gus. Weisner. The commissioned oflicers received their commission with the seal of tho State of Oregon stamped upon it. 15. JI. IIIJNKWB IIUK YOUTH. Jlrs. Phu?he Cuedcy, Peterson, t'lav coun ty, Iowa, tell tho following remarkable sto ry, the truth of which In vouched forbytho resident of the town; "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with Kidney complaint and Ittincnets for uiuny yean; could not drew my.flf without help. Now 1 am free from all pain mid surewbx, and ntn able to do all my own houswwork. I owe uy thanks to L'lcctric Hitter for having rrnuwtd my youth, and removed completely till dUeaxe audpuln." Try a bottle, only M eonts at Wrliflit' drug More, Union, Oregon. Cove Cullinjvs. April 12th., LSSS. Goodwin Cowles has gone to Wal lowa on a visit among relatives. Miss Mabel Carter, of Island City, is visiting at Dr. McDonald's this week. Edward Stearns has gone to Hockv Bar, Idaho, where a position in a store ' hits been ollcicd him. i Chas. Vantrcss purchased, this week, 1 of Hill tho stockman, two finely bred! bulls, a Jersey and Shorthorn. Moll Campbell and family arc mov ing into the Jayrox dwelling, their furniture having arrived from the east this week. Miss Sarah Chiisman went to Indi an valley, Monday, where she will teach the district shool for a term of four months. Dave Laync has obtained employ ment at Sanger. Ho has secured a position as engineer and conductor of an oro car. Measles are having a successful run in Cove among the small boys. Tho complaint has not been above assail ing the fair sex. Alex Cochran has gone to Sanger looking after business prospects. It is likely he will work at his trade in that ! place or at linker city this summer. Dent Churchill succeeded in captur ing a line swan on the bottom, Wed nesday. Jts weight was nineteen pounds and was shot on the wing witli a ritle. S. nuiToughs while working at a shingle machine, Wednesday, met with a painful accident by getting his hand caught and losing part of a nail and linger. Chas. Dickinson and family are gel ting ready to move to Arizona. They expect to travel overland by way of Sacramento, their destination being near I'rescott. Cowlcs it McDaniel sold and shipped to parties in lVndloto.n, this week, a car load of potatoes. Price reeeixod, 7o cents per hundred, sacks being fur nished by purchasers. G. P. White and family started for Kentucky last Monday." Mrs. White has relatives living in that state, and they also hope a change of climate will improve Mr. White's health. Leighton Academy will close May 15th, and Ascension school Juno 1st. Each institution has had a prosper ous year and the instructors feel en couraged at the progress made by the students. Tho many friends of Mark Ells worth will bo pleased to hear that he is rapidly atlvancing'in his studies at the Scott Military Academy. His name appears in the published list of niclitorious students. The Cove Dairy Co. received from Chicago, last week, an engine, separa tor, vats, churns, etc., which aro being placed in position. Milk will betaken next Monday and cheese inantifaetuifo commenced. The company have ii nally secured tho services" of Prank Newall as superintendent of the facto ry this year. Jump mi up for sap heads will ye! E. II. I am champion with a score of 117. Lii. 1 am in need of more pa tience than Job ever was. E. C. K. Ho assisted me a little inoro gracefully into a buggy some three months ago. A. D. Beware of a woman who dont talk. Let her use red hot exple tives until her lips aro scorched, then wlieii tho eruption has ceased and she oilers to bo your friend, accept it and rely upon it. Eugene City Notes. April 8th, 1888. An unusual immigration is moving this way. Tho liremon's tournoinont will tako place Juno 20th. Circuit court will convene in this city on tho ICtli iust. Whooping cough has closed (ho pub lic school at Jasper, The Prohibitionists will put a coun ty ticket in the in the field, Tho recent heavy rains havo some what interfered with farm work. Company C.,0. N. 0., was inspected by Col. T. C. Smith, of Salem, last Sat uaday night. Last week a child of Mr. Knox, nunr Crc8wc)l, wan drowned by falling into u tub of water. Election of city ofiicors wa hold lust Monday. Nearly all tho former ofll cors wore re-elootod. Several lino cabs are constantly in sorvivo on tho streets carrying pat-Hungers to any part of tho city for 25 cents. LSSS. The narrow gauge road ha changed time so that the trains now remain in Colnug over Sunday. TJie Electric Light Co. is preparing to use steam power instead of water to run their dynamo. The Lane County Agricultural So ciety is coining into prominence. Tho directors met yesterday. County Treasurer Walton has paid to the state the tax due from Lane county, amounting to $21,11)7 .1)8. As a speciman of the price of real estate in Eugene, a lot with forty feet front was told a few davs since for Harry Harper hud his shoulder blade bioken, by a horse rearing and striking him, last Monday in Nelson's blacksmith shop. Quito a severe wind storm passed over Cohurg last Sattuday morning, tearing the roof oil' tho south end of the large ware house. There is a strong probability that a light house, costing about .$75,000, will soon be erected at tho mouth of the Sieuslaw river in this county. The Water Company is rapidly ex pending its mains to all parts of tho city. 'lYey are, just at present, laying a four inch pipe to the" University. Last Tuesday morning a special train carrying Huntington, Crocker, and other Southern Pacific olllcials, passed over the O. it C. inspecting the road. The annual election of tho Eugene H. it L. Co, was held last Monday. Among the officers elected was Geo. A. Dot ris, president, and J. L. Page, fore man. Eugene is rapidly picking up city pointers. Stone walls havo just been completed in front of tho new Dunn building, also in front of tho Baker house. Alice Hoover, a halfbreed living in town, was arrested last week by V. S. ollicials, for selling liquor without a license. She was taken to Portland and lined $100. Not being possessed of tho wherewith she was sent to jail. A new course of study has just been established in the in the State Univer sity. It will require four years to com plete it. It includes no foreign lang uage, but is a practical business cotirjo and will lill il long felt want. Miss Ella (!. Sabin, of Portland, has been appointed instructor of elocution at the State University to lill the va cancy occasioned by tho resignation of Prof. Spiller. The latter lady will con tinue to hold her position until tho close of the present hession. L. Jay. Telocaset Tattlin ' Oh, the beautiful spring. Windy? Just a little. Seeding about over, and everybody happy, Grass is excellent. Wo wish to call special attention to this fact. School running along nicely, after such a time as we hayo had. Our young ladies are very scarce this spring. Wo value tho few we havo very highly, in consequence, Eceles' saw mill is doing lino work 11, -172 feet one day last week. We'll got there just the same. Oh, politics, politics, p. litics! All tho go, and not gone very far either. It will toon bo tiino for sheep ticks, and one will go further than n whole campaign of politics. Wonder if Telocaset has got com bined talent and pluck enough to try and orgauizo a board of trade? Bill Eceles will furnish the board, and all wo lack is tho trade, We're up to such tricks. How green some people can bo. Your correspondent was passing along Main street, in Telocaset a few days since, after a short sojourn ontof town, i and his blood ran cold as ho came face to face with n concern towering into tho air, with an evil appearance-, for the !irs t thought was that one of our extra school teaehors was going to bo hung, for the machine resembled an old fauhiouud gallows; but he was re lieved, immediately by nn accomoda ting pon-ou who informed him that it was nothing more than a rack to catch mail on tho lly by tho train. B. W. II. iu!0i:i.i:n'.s aunioa hai.vi:. Tiik BiaiT B,i.vr. In tho world for Cuts, DruUox, fcioro, Ulcers, Halt ltheitm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Uhappod Hands, Chilblains Corns, ami all Skin Kruptlons, and positive ly euros Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prle ;n cents pur box. j For Sale at V'rluht'K (Iruf store, NO. 42. Washington Letter. April .1th, 1888. Eli'.TOit OuiKio.v Scoi'r: This is "woman's week" in Wash ington, and a Washington letter of this date with the International Coun cil of Women left out would be an an omaly. Still wiih the space allowed me even, the merest epitome of pro ceedings would be an impossibility. The council has been in full sail for live days; there have been three ses sions each day, with half a dozen spea kers on the programme of each session, so that you see 1 could not even men tion tho names of tlio delegates to this convention with the subjects discussed by each without giving a list of such a character as would prove to bo very monotonous reading. But really the women are having a good time and an interesting time in Albaugli's opera house. The city is full of distinguished women from ev erywhere, and this is by far the most important gathering of women the wvi Id has ever seen. They come from the farthest limits of America, and from across the ocean, from England, from Franco, tho Scandinavian Penin sula and from far away Finland. The object of tho conference is to improve the. condition of women in the church, the state and the home. And tho wide scope of the topics un der discussion gives unusual interest to the proceedings. The improvement of their political condition is only ono of the matters to bo considered, and the attention given to their notable ad vances in other lines of development has drawn to the city certain represen tative women and lias added to the audiences a number' of hearers who would not be attracted if the crusade had but a single end in view. Nothing that pertains to woman is foreign to the business of the confer ence, and this comprehensiveness of plan, involving a review of what has boon accomplished in all lines of development, gives to tho gathering ii cheerful and congratulatory tone, which might he wanting if political conditions alono wero considered. It was on Tuesday that Philanthro pies; were discussed. The subject of temperance, coming under this head, brought upon the stage many womon noted for their work in this cause, Miss. Francis Willanl, tho prcnidont of ono of the most wonderful organizations that ever sprang into existence, lead ing with a strain of eloquence which held her audience in chains, broken only by applause. She mentioned that there were now forty district depart ments and ten thousand unions. Said sho: "Wo have tharpened our wea pons in sight of the enemy, and they are about ground to uu edge. Wo want a national prohibition amend ment against the liquor tin Hie, the Esau and Ishmaclito, tho cncial pariah of this land." Hannah Whitehall Smith, another woman known throughout the coun try for her share in gospel temperance work, diplomatically inveigled her au dience into indorsing en r.iaasr a reso lution calling tho governments of tho civilized world to protect tho Congo Free State from the Hood of poisonous gin which is being poured in upon tho unsuspecting and bibulous natives. This resolution was adopted unani mously, tho good lady refraining from calling a negative vote, on tho ground Mint it would bo an insult to supposo that any one present would veto no. Tho public buildiiiL's all over tho city are again draped with cmbloms of mourning, this time for Justice Waito, tho late Chief Justice of the United States. The Waite obsequies, which were simple but imposing, took plnco on Wednesday at noon, in tho hull of. House of Beprcsontutives. Thoy wero attended by both Houses of Congress and tho higher government ofllcials who occupied tho Hour of tho House, white tho galleries were filled with tho families of i-onatorsaiid representatives two tickets of admission having been issued to each senator and member of congress for distribution. The re served galleries, such as the president's the press and tho diplomatic, wero oc cupied by those for whom they aro sot aside. In tho senate, on Monday, a bill ap propriating $5,000 to defray tho funer al expenses of the late chief justice waa passed without a debate. His. roniains were sent to Toledo, accompanied by six of the Associate Justices, a Con gressional committee and part of the Ohio delegation in Congress, , It is probable the Hotu-o will begin debate on the Mill's tarill' bill to-day and Miat the discussion will last until tho last of May, when tho measure will either be defeated or passed by that body, Fiom prexont Indications it would not bo safe or wise to venturo & a inoro encouraging prediction.