The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 06, 1888, Image 6

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JOKES & CH.ANCEY, Publirhers.
uxiox, ORWJOK.
It takes the tUBks of 75,000 ele
phants per year to supply tho world's
piano-keys, billiard-balls and knife
handle). It has boon estimated that in Now
York city about two million five hun
dred thousand balesof hay aro annually
There aro about 2,000,000 hog
raisers in tho country and tho 4G,--000,000
hogs aro estimated to bo worth
' '
Sikok tho great fire, Chicago and
Cook county have had 110,341 mar
riages and 8,132 divorces, a ratio of
one divorce to 13 marriages.
Some people doubt tho poisonous
effect of nutmeg, but several cases of
nutmeg-poifoning have been noted in
tho British Medical Journal during
tho last summer.
New York stato spent Inst year
$13,760,670 on common schools. Out
of 31,318 teachers employed 25,497 aro
vemcn ; and 1,037,812 of tho 1,763,115
children of school ago woro in school
during tho year.
The farmers of Southern Russia
employ tho StepanoiT primary battery
to produco oloctrio light to assist them
in threshing their grain. Thus they
aro enabled to keep tho threshing ma
chinos going night and day.
A Western fruit growor UBod
seventy-five bushels of wood ashes on
hiB strawberry vinos last season, and
tho crop yielded 250 bubhols per aero.
Ho thinks the ashes also counteracted
tho effects of tho drouth to a consider
able extent.
The squawB of tho Navajo tribo
manufacture wonderful blankets with
the aid of shan-pointed sticks. It re
quires from ono to four months' timo
to mako a singlo blanket, which is,
howovor, so firmly mado as to bo
almost impervious to water.
The supiomo court of Michigan has
decided that tho prohibition of tho
salo of liquor? to minors in that Stato
is absolute and unqualified, and can
not bo nullified by giving tho minor
an rder from an adult person to pur
chase such liquor.
DuiiiNO a heavy thunder storm at
"Washington, 1). C, lightning Htruck
tho Sunato wing of tho cupitol, but
apparently did no othor damugo than
to frighten tho occupants and destroy
telegraphic and telephonic communi
cation botweon tho building and tho
outside world.
The barbed wiro is a lawful fonco
in most States, but to avoid damages
for injury to stock it must bo mado
visible eithor by a board or slight bank
of earth thrown against it. Stock
should, on being taken into a pasture
inclosed by a barbed wiro, bo led to
it and their noses touched to tho wire
They will need no furthor lessons to
induco thorn to keep at a respectful
Mitfi. W. M. Hayoock, of San Bue
naventura, Gal., loft homo to visit Loa
Angeles, taking her youngest child
with her and leaving tho oldest at
home with its father. Tho older child
died of membranous croup, and whon
tho sorrowing fathor wont to telograph
tho death to tho absent mothor ho was
met by a telegram informing him of
tho death of tho youngest child from
tho samo disoaso. Both children woro
well whon thoy separated.
The House Committee on Claims
has ordered a favorablo report on tho
bill to pay Gov. Swinoford, of Alaska,
his salary during tho period ho re
mained in this country beforo ho
reached his post of duty in September,
1885, a Bharo of which was disallowed
him by tho treasury department bo
causo ho had not entered upon his
duties as promptly as the law demands,
but claimed immunity from tho rulo
because tho Secretary of tho Interior
had granted him a leave of absence.
The roportof the California Railroad
Commission shows that 133 people
woro injured and 101 killed on rail
roads of that Stato during the year
1887. Of those aggregate numbers
398 were injured and 88 killed on lines
of tho Southern Pacific Company; 2
injured and 0 killed on tho Atlautio it
Pacific ; 24 injured and 1 killed on tho
California Southern ; 1 killed on tho
Northom California road ; 3 killed on
San FrauoUco Jc North Pacific ; 3 in
jured on tho Pacitlo Coast road, and
10 injured and 2 killed on tho South
Pacific Coast road.
Devoted to the Interests of Farmera
and Stockmen.
How to 1'lniit Hop.
Mr. Ezra Meeker give the following
general directions ih to hop planting,
in the Soattlc Post-lnlrlligriuxr. As he
is one of tho oldest and most intelli
gent hop growers in this territory, his
advice is probably as near orthodox as
any that could bo offered, and is wor
thy of publication :
While in New York and England
tho farmers aro plowing up hops and
reducing their acreage, hero tho note
of preparation is heard for planting
more, and no one thinks of destroying
a yard. This is easily accounted for
by tho fact that, while tho Now York
and English growers in many casoc
have met with frightful losecs, and
but few have mado money, hero but
few have actually met with loss, while
many havo mado somo gain. Wo
have received a number of inquiries
about how to plant, how far apart to
set the hills, how many roots to tho
hill, what kind of roots aro best, whon
to plant in fact, questions enough to
properly answer fully would require
writing a book, but short answers
must stifllco.
Prepare tho ground thoroughly be
foro planting; plow it deep if you
want a crop the first year. Wo havo
niibcd nearly a ton to tho acre, plant
ing in March and harvesting in Octo
ber of tho samo year. Wo plowed a
doop furrow, then ran another plow
in that way down deep, and in ono
instance a subsoiler in tho bottom of
tho bocond furrow. Sod ground is tho
best of all for hops when tho sod is
turned under deep, as indicated.
If the land is strong, plant seven
feet apart each way. We have, how
over, adopted tho standard of 1,000
hills to tho acre, six and a half feet
apart each way.
If planting with reference to a par
tial crop tho first year, would say five
to tho lull, and plant in double hills
eighteen inches apart, setting tho polo
botweon thorn tho first year and plow
ing out half of them when tho first
crop iB harvested ; otherwise, if plant
ing solely to seouro a stand, then two
roots to tho hill. Wo gonorally com
promise on three roots to a single hill,
train all tho vines that will grow, and
aro content with, a half crop tho first
Thero scorns to bo a general im
pression that "crown roots," so called,
aro best. This is a mistake. Not that
good results cannot bo obtainod from
good crown rootB, but tho good run
ners aro ifo good and can be obtained
of a moro uniform quality. Take tho
runners and cut them to six or eight
inches in length, and if well matured,
properly kept and decently planted
no fear but there will bo a crop. When
digging the cuttings, care should bo
taken not to store them in a largo
bulk, or bo exposed long to tho sun or
air. Tho proper way is to keop them
covered in thin layors of earth.
J lie time to plant is wtien your
ground is in order and tho roots aro
cannot bo obtained beforo March nor
tho ground prepared before April
Tho earlier a hop yard is planted, tho
more hkoly to got a ciop tho first yoar,
provided alwayB 'that it is well dene
l. o., that tho ground is in ordor, tho
hop roots good and tho planting care
fully done. Wo have, howevor, planted
in May and got fair returns tho same
To tho hop-growors of Washington
Territory, and 1 do not caro if it in
eludes Oregon and California, and for
that matter, while wo aro talking big,
would not caro if it goeH to tho hop
growors of any placo on this globo, J
wish to send out a challenge for a trial
of tho year for tho best hvo acres o
hops in ono body, yiold and quality
to bo considered. 1 propose to con
tribute $10 towards a fund for a prom
ium to tho winner, and that each
porson wishing to contest for the prize
to do tho same, who must do this prior
to tho first of June, with tho agreement
that each person competing must fur
nish a full and comploto account' of
his management for tho year of his
said five acres of ground.
Manitoba has 10,000,000 bushols of
gram for export this year.
In good dairying it is not allowablo
to mix milk of ditleront temperatures,
Cultivate thoroughly and somo of
tho drawbacks of stoiility of toil will
bo removed.
Canada now furnishos more sheep
for tho Boston market than any State
in tho Union.
Tho object in securing a good breed
of hogs should ho to havo them quickly
convert their food into meat.
A Wisconsin apple-grower says ho
mudo his money by reducing his or
chard fifty per cent, and giving the
part which ho reserved the samo
amount of caro formerly spread out
thinly over tho entire held.
A man bought a farm near Canan
daiguo, agreoiug to pay $3,500 for 100
acres. Ho planted 3ft acres to pota
toes and sold his crop, 0,800 bushels,
for onough to pay for his farm and
loavo $000 in the bank. This is hotter
business than raising hops or making
Last season, as tho result of the
Stato Institute, more than 40,000 acres
of especially planted ousilage or fodder
corn was planted in Wisconsin. The
subsequent drouth demonstrated that
such a crop, well tended, will outlast
dry woathor and mako a good yiold ;
so this winter tho crop hero referred
to will take tho plaoo of 250,000 aorcs
of meadow liny. Another good result
is that, according to tho report of an
extensive dealer, the quality of tho
butter products of the whole Stato has
beou improved tit least 10 per cent.
Ad Epitome of the Principal Events Now
Attracting Pablie Interest
Theodore and Herman Dahl, aged
7, were killed by a runaway team at
A cyclone struck Lumber City. Ga.
13. V. Holland and W. B. Whiddon,
both prominent men, were killed.
Henry Hcnning, living in Kingston,
Illinois, shot and killed his wife, and
then cut his own throat, dying almost
A snow plow pushed by four engines
jumped tho track near Sharon, Now
York, and killod tho conductor, en
gineer, brakeman and fireman. Four
others wero seriously hurt.
Kov. Eugeno Peck, pastor of tho
Eastern Presbyterian church of Wash
ington, D. C, was struck by a loco
motive while walking on tho railway
track, and instantly killed.
A train on tho New England rail
road was ditched at Springfield, Mass.
Two locomotives left tho track, and
the steam-pipes burst, fatally scalding
the conductor and brakeman.
Near Greonvillo, MiB8., tho cabin of
a colored man burned down and cre
mated tho bodies of five children from
two to nine years of age. Tho parents
were visiting a neighbor's house.
Matilda Openshaw, whoso husband
was killed on tho Utah & Nevada rail
road, recovered a verdict for $5,000
damages against the company on the
ground of negligence of defendant.
Tho east-bound train on tho Dela
ware, Lackawanna & Western railway,
jumped tho track at Binghampton,
N. Y. Three coaches wero burned and
ono passenger was killod and a num
ber injured.
At Dansvillo, N. Y., Colonel L. B.
Faulkner and L. Kuhn, director and
cashier respectively of the defunct
First National Bank, wero arrested
upon a requisition of tho U. S. court
and taken to Buffalo.
Tho caso of cannibalism ' roported
from Peace River, Manitoba, turns out
not to havo been caused by hunger,
but to havo been tho work of a woman
who has killed and eaten twelve per
sons, members of her family.
Mrs. Wm. Dalton was burned to
death with her 4-year-old daughter in
tho Tromont house, Chicago. About
a dozen othor persons mado their es
capo in a semi nude condition. A
dissoluto tailor who was evicted from'
tho promises for non-payment of rent
is suspected of having set tho place on
iiicnard iiaruer, a larm hand, as
saulted his employer, Richard Mason,
with a poker, at Ithica, N. Y., and then
beat Mrs. Mason to death with tho
samo weapon. Ho then poured oil on
Mrs. Mason and then ignited it. Mrs
Mason's body was consumed with tho
cottago. Mason will probably die.
Neighbors hunted Barber down and
jailed him.
Cyrus Gribblo, Charles Doolittle and
John Johnson wero waylaid, murdered
and robbed of 657 ounces of gold bul-
Uion, tho weokly product of tho Vul
tnro mine in Maricopa county,
Arizona. Mexican outlaws aro sup
jH)sed to havo dono tho deed. In
addition to tho roward of $2,000 of
fered by ex-Gov Tabor, of Denver,
owner of tho Vulture mine, Maricopa
county has offered $d,U00, and tho
Torritory $1,000 for tho apprehension
of tho murdorors.
A special from Houston, Texas,
says: A shocking massacre occurred
at Spanish Camp, sixty miles west of
hero. Tho settlement is composed of
Mexicans, negroes and vhito despern
dooB. A negro cabin was set on fire,
and tho occupants deliberately shot
down as they ran out. Five wero
killed outright, and ono was soverely
injured, whilo two burned to death in
tho cabin. Another negro was caught
and hanged to a tree. Tho butchery
was tho outcomo of a suit for posses
sion of land recently decided in favor
of tho negroes.
Gub Anderson was out hunting on
Dr Crook, near Visalia, Cal., ami
obsorving somo object crawling along
behind tho rocks, thought it was a
lion and fired. What was supposed
to bo another animal close behind tho
object fired at, was soon to move, and
Audorsou fired again. A man thou
held up his hands and cried : "I sur
render." Going to tho placo, ho found
a boy who answered the description
of John Arnold and a man thought to
bo Frank Bolingor, both of tho pris
oners who escaped jail at Visalia.
Bolingor was shot in the head and died
iu a few minutes.
A dicpntch from Oporto, Portugal,
sbvb: Tho bodies of sixtv-bix victims
of tho theatre tiro havo beou oxposed
for identification. Many heart-rending
scenos wero witnessed. Besides thu
bodies there aro also fifty-three heaps
of unreeoenizAblo remains. Several
projects havo been organized for tho
reliof of tho families of the poor vio
tiins. It is roported that some Ameri
cans and Enclishmon were burned.
Electric liehts havo been provided to
enable the searchers to work without
interruption. Tho tiro originated by
tho blowing of an unprotected lias let
auainst the scenorv. Thu sceno-shiftur
saw tho fire, and rushed to lower tho
curtain, but boforo ho could reach it
the hiirnini sennnrv foil nn thn Htucn.
- a -. - - - - - - f
There was a panic immediately. In
the cheaper parts of tho house tho
attendance was principally of the
rough class, including many sailors
and dock portora, who crushed down
the weaker neoulo in thoir rush for
thu dnnrx. uxim? tlitir tint, fthnnti and
. , 0 - r - -
knives, and mercilessly slashing their
way to the front. Girls, children and
women wero litorally butohered. i
Devoted Principally to Washington
Territory and California.
Washington Territory exports seven
times moro than it imports.
Henry Mangles was run over and
fatally injured by a Sutter street cable
car at San Francisco.
Tho total shipments of lumber from
Chehalis county, W. T., during the
month of February, aggregated 7,090,
000 feet.
Jack Clark, mate of tho towboat
Neptune, was drowned at San Fran
cisco whilo attempting to board his
Blanche Lewis, aged five years, fell
over the balusters at the Yosemito
house, San Francisco, and was fatally
During tho paet twelve momths 36
residents of King county, W. T., havo
been adjudged insane by tho probate
It is rumored that three men named
Polkoy, Pendleton and Pipkins wero
murdered at Priest Lake, Idaho, by
Tho Indian school building (Catho
lic) is well under way at Yakima, W.
T. It is a frame structure and will
cost about $2,000.
Thero aro now ovor two hundred
buildings in the course of erection,
and each day others aro commenced,
says a Tacoma paper.
Phillip Smith was run ovor and
killed by tho Park it Ocean railroad
train at San Francisco. His head was
severed from his bodv.
The five-year-old son of Deputy
County Treasurer Carter was struck
on tho head by a "whirligig," at Hel
ena, Montana, and died soon after.
Tho Walla Walla Board of Trade
has instructed a committeo to formu
late a memorial to Congress asking for
tho construction of a $25,000 govern
ment building.
Burglars entered the saloon of Theo.
Blanth at Sacramento, drilled a hole
through the safe door, and took $2000
in cash and $300 worth of beer checks
from tho safe.
Hereafter the Sunday law will be
strictly enforced in La Camas, W. T.,
and all barber shops, butcher shops
and other business houses will remain
closed during the entire day.
A distillery to cost $50,000 and give
employment to fifty men will bo
erected in the vicinity of Walla Walla.
It will take from 500 to 1,000 bushels
of corn per day to supply it.
At Calistoga, Cal., tho doad bodies
of L. Bizzini, aged 30, and his wife
aged 18, were found in their residence
It Is thought tho husband, in a fit cf
jealousy, shot his wife and suicided.
The Presbyterian General Assembly
will meet in Ellonsburg, W. T., on tho
12th of April, and will remain in ses
sion several days. Thero will be about
fifty ministers present from all parts
of tho Territory.
(Jonductor rrank Aunty, who was
injured about a month ago in a col
lision botweon Silver Bow and Butte,
died in Butto. Ho was a member of
tho Conductors' Brotherhood at Pocn
tello, who took charge of tho remains
Aloxander Thorn, employed at Wil
son's mill in Aberdeen, W. T., foil from
tho upper lloor to tho floor below
receiving injuries from which ho died
tho following morning. He was
stranger on the coast, and had been at
work in the null but a fow days.
iMi. Aionroo, troigiit conductor on
tho Montana division of tho Northern
Pacific, in climbing out of tho cabooso
to go on top of tho train, slipped and
fell, at Helena. His leg was broken
and ho is thought to havo sustained
fatal internal injuries.
ininy logging camps aro now m
oporation, or aro ready to begin work
in Chehalis county, W. T., Bays a local
paper. At tholowest estimate thoso
will furnish employment to 500 won.
Tho number of camps will probably bo
considerably increased as the season
Prof. Hillgard, of tho Slato Univer
sity, has located tho agricultural ex
periment station for tho foothill region
four miles east of Jackson, Cal. Fortv
acres in tho sito selected will bo do
natoo! for this purpose by tho owners
1 ho necessary buildings will bo put
up by privato subscription.
While Mrs. Gotchell and her daugh
ter Jenny, aged lb, wero engaged in
fishing near Shclton, Mason county,
W. T., tho plauk on which thev wero
standing gave way, precipitating both
into tho water. Mrs. Gotchell was
with difficulty rescued, butherdaugh
tor Jenny was drowned boforo assist
ance could reach her.
Amos t. norno, a rancher, was
killed by a grizzly bear near Sissons,
Cal. While walking through a ravino
looking aftor cattlo, tho bear jumped
from a high rock, and boforo Homo
could defend himself tho bear pinned
him to tho ground and badly lacerated
ins taco ami body. Jio lived but a
fow hours after the attack.
a collision occurred between a
special freight train bound east and
regular froight train No. 6, bound west
at a point between Cisco and Tama
rack, tjtti. more wore two engines
attached to each train, and all four
onginoa aro badly wrecked. A num
ber of cars wore smashed to atoms,
and snow sheds wero shattered and
foil on tho wrack. When tho wreckage
crow arrivod and cleared away somo
of tho debris, the bodies of Brakemen
Cotigravo and MoMabter and Firemen
Hoops and Molin wero found. Engi
neer TuoxanJ is seriously, perhaps
fatally injured. John Pickens, who
had charge of one of the engines at
tached to train No. 0, waa badly hurt.
B. F. Woolloy, engineer on tho rear
engine of tho samo train, was severely
scalded and other wiso injured.
Everything of General Interest in a
Condensed Form.
A flouring mill is to be built at Oro
The new Methodist church at Spicer
is about completed.
Tree planting is the order of the day
in Rogue River Valley.
McMinnville hns voted a tax of
$10,000 for a schoojhouso.
Roseburg will, in all probability,
havo a woollen mill this summer.
About fifty new buildings are now
in course of construction in Pendleton.
Several parties have been arrested
in Jackson county for killing deer out
of season.
Near Ashland, Jake Kennedy shot
and killed a panther measuring nine
feet from tip to tip.
A postofiice has been established at
Groves, Wasco county, with William
Mercer, postmaster.
Ten thousand pamphlets descript
ive of Rogue River valley have been
printed and circulated.
A postofiice has been established at
Ferry, Curry county, with Sarah E.
Cooley as postmistress.
At tho city election in La Grande,
B. W. Grandy defeated A. It. Mattoon
for Mayor by one majority.
A street railway and water works
aro to bo built soon, and electric lights
are to be put in at Pendleton.
Tho young ladies of Forest Grove
have formed a base ball club. Miss
Zulu Warren has been elected captain.
Tho poptoflico at Little Elk, Benton
Ml 1 .
county, win oe Known nereaiter as
Eddyville, the name having been
Bear Valley, Grant county, has in
creased in settlement to such a degree
mat a postomco is almost an impera
tive necessity.
During tho past eighteen months
twenty seven persons havo been sent
from Lane county to the insane asy
lum at Salem.
John Olsen, while working on the
edger at a North Bend mill, had tho
thumb of his left hand completely sev
ered by coming m contact with a saw
ai me teacners examination m
Umatilla county there were twenty-
nino applicants lor certificates. Of
this number ton were granted second
grade, ten third grade and nine failed
A young man, a eon of Mr. Finn
-i i . . . .
cooper, was uraggeu to deatn by a
runaway horso in tho presenco of his
mother and sister. He was buried in
the Masonic cemetery near the town
of Roseburg.
The idontity of the man who jumped
from tho bridge at Salem still remains
a matter of doubt. No one appears to
be missing from balem, and it is alto
gether likely ho was a stranger. No
effort was made to recover tho body
Tho stockmen of Eastern Oregon
will havo a grand encampment near
Ulex, itock creek, about, twelve miles
south of Arlington, commencing May
1 and continuing five days. The pro
gramme win do characteristic of the
lifo of tho stockman.
iiriiii -t-v
uuani uesuret, a carpenter, was
instantly killed at Albina, whilo cros
sing between a train of cars. He
climbed upon tho coupling all right,
and was just about to jump, when the
engine gave tho cars a sudden jerk
and tho untortunate man was hurled
to the ground, his head falling directly
across tho rail. Several cars passed
over his head, mangling it frightfully
and nearly severing it from tho body.
A stranger went to the ranch of Dan
Colwell on Lost river, and borrowed a
wagon and team, stating that ho
wished to take a sick woman to Link
villo for medical treatment. As he
did not return tho following day it
was ascertained that ho had absconded,
monopolizing tho borrowed property.
A telegram from Yreka, Cal., announ
ced that ho had been arrested at that
Tho work of raising the sunken
Btoamer Bentloy at Salem has been
abandoned, an emergency having
arisen which renders her successful
withdrawal from her position for tho
presont impracticable. The action of
tho current and tho position of tho
boat havo caused tho formation of a
sandbar just below her. Her machin
ery will bo taken out, and next sum
mer when tho water is low an effort
will bo made to raise the boat by
Special Timber Agent Bernhardt
states that whilo inspecting timber
lands in Tillamook county ho saw
many acres of blackened stumps. He
was told by an old settlor that on
account of a quarrel between two men
twenty-fivo years ago, about somo rails
which ono had cut and tho other
claimed wero split too small, the rails
wero set on firo and they set the forest
on fire, and tho outcome was that 144
square miles or four townships of
umocr were destroyed.
Firo broko out at Arlington in Ral
ston'd building, and boforo anvthiiiir
could bo dono tho flames rose boyond
control, ino nro then caught D. S.
Sprinkles &, Co's store building and
burned tho whole block, includine the
Arlington Timts building, a restaurant,
J. L. Adams' vAcant building, tho
building of M. C. Harris, J. E. Has
kiu8' old blacksmith shop and the
county jail. In tho meantime it had
spread to tho opposite side of the street
and nan burned Kirby's hall, J. B.
Woode' furniture and provision ntnr!
a building owned by M. V. Harrison,
and Condon it Cornish's bank. The
latter was brick and was not totnllv
destroyed. Horo the fire was stopped
by Air. Harrison's brick. Tho loss is
estimated at $50,000, and is a severe
blow to that prosperous village.
Legislation Pertaining to the Interest
of the Pacific Coast
Dawes, from tho Committee on In
dian Affairs, reported adversely the
bill authorizing the Secretary of the
Interior to permit miners and corpo
rations organized for mining purposed
to prospect, develop, lease and own
tho mineral portion of any Indian
reservation upon such terms and con
ditions as may be agreed upon by tho
secretary ol the Interior and tho In
dians on the reservations. Tho bill
was opposed by the Secretary of the
Interior and the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, and the former, in a
letter to the committee, Bays the en
actment of such a law would make it
extremely difficult for the government
to preserve peace and quiet among
tho Indians.
Dolph's bill, granting the Washing
ton fe Idaho Railroad Company right
of way through the Cuur d'Alene
Indian reservation wbb passed.
Dolph's bill, granting tho State of
Oregon five townships in Oregon, in
cluding the famous Crater lake, for a,
public park, passed tho Senate.
To provide for a commission on tho
subject of the alcoholic liquor traffic;
House bill appropriating $1,000 to
reward Esquimaux natives of tho
Asiatic coast of the Arctic ocean for
acts of humanity to shipwrecked sea
men ; passed.
To create ports of entry at Tacoma,
and Seattle, W. T. ; passed.
Sawyer reported the bill reducing
postago on seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots,
scions, etc., to 1 cent per four ounces;
Dolph's bill, granting to the King's
Valloy & Newport Railroad Company
right of way through the Siletz Indian
reservation, passed the Senate.
Stanford, from the Committee on
Public Puildings, roported favorably
the bill to erect a public buildiug at
Salem, Oregon. Its appropriation is
cut down from $100,000 to $75,000.
Halo introduced a bill authorizing
the' President to appoint and retire
John C. Fremont as Major-General.
A bill to prevent obstruction of nav
igablo waters, and to protect public
works against trespass or injury;
Hoar presented a petition from
Governor of Magsachupsette, Mayor of
Boston, presidents of colleges and a
large number of other distinguished
person?, representing a mass meeting
held November 12, last, to welcome
the British peace deputation.
Edmunds, from the Judiciary Com
mittee, to which was referred the
investigation into the Jackson, Miss.P
election trouble, reported a resolution
authorizing that committeo to send for
persons and papers inquiring into tho
alleged participation of federal officials
in the suppression of votes of colored
Beck presented a remonstrance from
the Western Union Telegraph Com
pany against the postal telegraph bill.
Sherman, from tho Committee oiii
Foreign Relations, reported back, with
out amendment, the house joint reso
lution relating to the invitation of the
British government to participate in
an international exhibition at Mel
bourne, to celebrate the founding of
New South Wales.
Tho Senate bill!to establish an In-
i dian school at Uarson City, Nevada,,
j was amended by the J louse committee
on Indian affairs by striking out "Car
son City," and leaving the sue to be
hereafter determined. ':
Fancy roll, lb
Inferior grade
California roll
do pickled
Eastern, full cream
Oregon, do
Egos Fresh
Diueu Fruits
Apples, qrs. sks and bxs.. .
do California
Apricots, new crop
Peaches, unneeled. new ...
Pears, machine dried
Pitted cherries
Pitted plums, Oregon
FIrh, Cal., In bgs ami bxs..
Cal. Prunes, French
Oregon prunes
Portland Pat. Roller, bbl 8
Salem , do do
20 25
26 30
V8 35
16 20
14 10
& IS
18 28
121 14
8 (4 10
10 & 12i
4 00
4 00
White Lily IP bbl.
Country brand 3 50 3 75
Siiperflno 2
fcU 2 75
Wheat, Valley, lt 100 lbs,.. 1 22J 1 25
do Walla Walla 1 15 1 20
Barley, whole, p ctl l I2fc
do ground, ton 20 0T 25 00
Oata, choice nillllnR bush 47 60
do feed, Rood tocholco,old 40 (a 47
Rye, 100 lbs i m i 25
Bran, ton 16 00 17 00
anorw. v ton 18 00 10 00
Day, t ton, baled cal8 00
Chop. V ton 23 00 25 00
Oil cake meal $ ton 32 00 (g33 00
Apples, Oregon, ? box 1
Cherries. Oreirou. 1? drni . . .
25 1
00 4
Lemons, California, tfbx.. 4
Limes. t 100
Riverside oranges. t?box...
Los Angeles, do do . . .
Peaches, p box
Dry, over 16 lbs, ? lb
Wet salted, over 65 tba
Murrain hides
Cabbage, V lb
Carrots, $ sack
Cauliflower, doi
Potatoes, new, V 1C0 lbs . .
East Oregon, Spring clip.,
Vallev Oregon, do
7 &
1 CO
1 10
14 a
18 0