The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 16, 1888, Image 3

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Two Omaha Men Divide a "Pot" of
Yesterday evening a Ike reporter
had the pleasure of meeting the two
happiest men in Omaha. It was ut
the reeUiurant and paloon of F. Pop
pendick, at tho corner of Howard and
Thirteenth Sts. Mirth and merriment
were the order of the day and on mak
ing inquiry it was ascertained that
William Poppendick, the genial host
of the saloon, and Robert Price, whole
sale butcher, of Tenth Street, were tho
joint winners of a fourth share of the
third capital prize of $50,000 in thu
Louisiana State Lottery. 21,301 was
the lucky number and was one of the
our purchased by tho gentleman
named for $20. On receiving tho list
of winning numbers the ticket was at
onco placed in tbo hands of the First
National Bank and yesterday t'lQ
amount of the prize, less, a small sum
or colleclion, was paid over by the
hank to Mr. Poppendick and the "pot"
duly divided with his "No,"
miid Mr. Poppendick, "tho money was
not here for Christmas, but I ain't kick
ing about that, it was welcome just the
same and will bo a" good start for tho
now year. Ever speculated before
well, not much. 1 have invested $8
in the lottery on previous occasions
but never drew anything." Mr. Po
pendick came to this city from Topcka
some seven months ago and is well
known as a saloon man all over Kansas.
Mr. Price has been in business in
Omaha for a considerable time. Both
gentlemen have received the congrat
ulations of hosts of friends. Omaha
(Neb.) Bee, Deo. 29.
Tho Thistlo is "For Sale."
Itcullar Nuiiips of tlio Natives of the Ce
lestliil Kingdom.
"The namus of Chinamen translated
into English," said a huitidryman the
other day, " sound and look ridiculous,
and afford no idea whatever of their
real meaning. In tho celestial king
dom a family name is can ied around
for thousands of years, through one
hundred generations. It can bu spelled
only phonetically in any other lan
guage. A few of the most common
family names are Fung, Hing, Hop,
Loc, Linn, Mong, Sing, Sang, Tony
and Wall. To these are add- d fur
names equivalent to the English John,
Thomas and so on, but, unlike these
surnames, they are in every instance
descriptive of some trait or custom, or
perpetuate some deed or some even
in the family history. There are in the
Chinese empire not over one thousand
different family names, while in the
United States there are. in a population
not one-tenth a great, forty thousand
distinct family name, and live thou
sand surnames, near y all of them
purely arbitrary.
"Tho family name of a Mongolian
may sometimes convey a ludicrous
moaning. For instance, Fung means
the worshiper of the divine ehopstiek.'
Geo means bandy-legged, ami; there
fore, Fung Gee means 'the bandy
legged worshiper of the divine chop
stick.' Gung means a lover of rats,
and the original meaning of a family
name will not infrequently become
gradually broadened in its implication,
so that Fung Gung means, in popular
estimation, a fat rat-eater. Hing is a
family name that signifies cros-eyed,
and Hing Fung in his own country
would become a cross-eyed woihiper
of the dhiuc ehopstiek. Of course
the original Mr. Hing was afllieted
with strabismus, but tho blow falls
heavily on the descendants who are
not cross-eyed. Hop expresses the
idea of a hold, bad man, a pirate in
bygone days, perhaps, or a money
changer, ami Han means pink-cheeked;
so you havo Hop llan as the pink
cheeked pirate of the Chinese main.
Lee, one of the most common family
liiinips. means a musician, one who
plays on the bazoo, and Sun means a
rough fellow, one untamed. In other
words, Sun-Loo, or Lee Sun, can, with
perfect propriety, bo addressed as the
wild Mongolian bazoo player.
"But the funniest combination 1
ever knew," said the washerman, sink
ing his falsetto voice into a whisper
that his nattner, who was drying shirts
in the other room, might not hear him,
"was YtuiL' Fumr Lung." lung means
cueless bald head. Fung is a nunier
al for three thousand, referring prob-
jiblv to tho date of tho origin of the
Yung family. Lung means one .hav
ing deformed feet covered with corns
or warts, an inlliction quite common
among tho lower classes of Chinamen.
Join the three names together, and
see what a nico thing you have. The
ba'.d-headed one with three thousand
pnrns on his feet, that is tho literal
translation. Lee, as 1 told you, means
musician, and Tong expresses the idea ,
of a .arge mouth, literally big and
ugly-featured, and Tong Leo is thcre
fore more accurately referred to as the
loud-mouthed blower on tho uolU bazoo.
Many Chinese family names ex
press sentiment such as Was, 'gentle
lover;' Foy, 'rice-eater full of joy;'
Lum, 'bravo hunter;' Mon, Mum, Mun
or Mong. 'colestial comforter' (akin to
priest); Wing, "soft-eyed opium guz
zler;' Yik. 'piggie,' and Won, 'man
darin.' Tsi, Kahl ntid Ssoraki are roy
al names." Haiti more American.
At a uiuuer not' long ago one ol
the guests remarked that Bavarian
horses were celebrated for their general
-worthless. He said that a dealer sold
tr. Knnnan ofllcer during the
uuu I
iJi-nssian war. and warranted
him to bo a good Avar horse. The sol
dier camo back afterwarus in a ww ta
in" passion and said ho had been swin
dled. "And how?" said tho dealer.
"Wliv, there is not a bit of 'go' in him.
warranteu nun as a gouu
Yos. I did, and, by
will got no Vounteer to buy her, a9
when she was for sail, she let the
Volunteer go by her. Ne.xtl Folio.
"1 leave Paris to-day; what can I
buy as a memento?" asked a tourist of
a friend. "How would a Paris leave
button do?" was the reply. 7Vxj
Magistrate "If I discharge you
this time, Uncle Rastus, what will you
do?" Uncle Rastus "Well, yo' honar,
ef yo1 discha'ges me, I spectl'll go off.'
Harper's Bazar.
Old man (looking out of tho win
dow) "What is that Noro is shaking
with his teeth?" Daughter "Heavens,
papa, it looks like a piece of young Mr.
Sampson's trousers!" 4V, Sun.
Too Bad, Ain't It?
The mother-in-law and toothache
Are painful In tbo Javc,
Itut Fate has willed ft that you can
Not Dull Vour mother-in-law
Old Lady (coming to New York)
Conductor, there ain't goitig to bo a
collision, I hope?" Conductor "I
hope not." Old Lady "I want you
to bo very keerful. I've got four dozen
eggs in this basket" X. 1'. Age.
A particular old gentleman, pull
ing some thing out of his soup that
should not have been included among
the other ingredients, thus addressed
his cook: "Josephine, I am much
obliged for your thoughtfulness, but
next time kindly give it to me in a
"Once when I was in danger from
a Jersey bull," said he, "I sat down
and stared him full in the face."
"How did it answer?" queried the
breathless bystanders. "Excellent!
The Jersey didn't offer to touch me."
"Very remarkable, very curious. How
do you account for it?" "Well, some
times I've thought it was because I
sat down on the top branch of a very
tall tree," said he.
An artist who has lately roturned
from study hi Paris declares that in
art, as in many other branches of
knowledge, instruction can be obtained
in this country as satisfactorily as
abroad. The Parisian studios are
most unpleasant places for work, much
crowded and tilled with unventilated
air that is almost insupportable. Crit
icism from the best professors is the
same in both countries.
Robinson "How did Dasher get
along with his California land specu
lation?" Jones ''Oh, first rite. He
bought a ranch near Los Angeles for
820,000 and sold it next day for $ 10,
000." Robinson "Well, I don't call
that doing lirst rate." Jones "Oh,
you don't know Dasher. He's a Napo
leon ho is. He bought on thirty days'
credit and sold for cash and got out of
tho country before they got on to his
methods." Detroit Free 1'rcss.
Many persons use. the phrase "In n trice"
who hat e no Idea of lta meaning. A trlco
Is tho sixtieth part of a second of time,
Tho hour lsdlvlded Into sixty minutes,
the minute. Into sixty seconds, and tho
second Into sixty trice or thirds.
The scarcity of potatoes In this country
has forced Eastern merchants to send to
Kuropo for a supply.
"She's the sweetest girl in school"! en
thusiastically exclaimed one ) on tig miss
to another, aa they passed down the atrect
together. "Edith Is so kind, and gentle,
and unsolflsh, every one likes her. And
sho has lovely golden h.tir and pretty
. This budding hope blossom. . f ' n f, ne,r u, P,,ex," '? 80
. mi uu ,.,,.,. ,. I bad: It spoils her looks. And then she has
of cettaluty. if Uio Bitter- ls ,,,,,,, i1Pft,i.PheH " 1 Th rrirls
skipped along, but it happened Edith's
mother had heard what they said. It set
What could be done for
Wretched men and women long condemned
to suffer the torture of dyspepsia, are filled
with new hope after a fow doses of Hostcttcr's
Stomach Bitters.
nin thn f mi I linn
rwmlKtdl In It lirlnm a rrnrleve to all dys
pcpUcs who seek its aid. Flatulence, heart
burn nltil: Inir t im nit nf the stomach bctw ecn
meAls, the nervous tremors wid insomnia of 4 her thinking
which chronic indigestion is tho parent, dis
appear with their hateful progenitor, .nosr.
beneficent of stomachlcsl who can wonder Uiat
la bo many Instances it awakens grateful elo
quence in those who, benefited by it, speak
voluntarily In lta behalf. It requires a graphlo
n to describe the torments oi uyspvusia, oui
those headaches and tho rough, muddy
coinploxion, that was such a trial to her
gent o daughter. She recalled what sho
had read of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, and on the spur of the moment
she slipped into a drug More and bought a
i - - ii.i. A i. r i . i. r . . 1 1 .. ...i.l. , I. ..
IU mull UI li;,lluluumMMv.,v , I SUIIIJIV. r.Ullll WUK 1 L 1U.1 lilt III I V, VV llll U1U
proprietors of tho Hitters, these ittraycd resuIt thftt it ciearet her disordered blood,
lUBXanai iovcre mm . -
" antt fnln n .1 e-na and ttri ului ia it
i VJ niio rt iiu V
in many of the testimonials, received by tho
proprietors or Uio Jllttei
with vivid truthfulness,
ness, muscular debility,
rheujuaUsm are relluved
I by it.
New tins should be set over the fire with
boiling water in them for several hours
before food is put into them.
All the art and last (t the bl ailbli tivtn to hare
bct-n combined in tht luaauinreiil pkie ut Imp xUh1
OlpogTipble and OLroiutIo Cwds which i Ix-iuif i.llcrwl
bj tho well kuo n flnu of Punning llrothef s. of rata-
To procure three ltgant frotl and wtln frltiKeil
CAtiK buy a boi ot Dr. C McLatie- Celebrated Uter
rilbi for ! cent from your diugglKt and mail the out
side wraiH' wl'h your addrea. (iilaluly wilttt u) and
four cent worth of uuiip to Fleming llrothcrii, 1 ltta
buriih, I'a. "You IU be urvrlil and delighted with
the beamy and variety of the card you will receive.
Henry Leget, a barber at lladdonfleld,
X. J., who deserted from the German army
a year ago, has fallen heir to $'.215,000.
Oft obscure the road that leads to health,
Unmarked by board or Bigu;
1 Wisdom avails not, powerless is wcaun
I To booth those aches of thine.
i But do not despair, with life there s hopo,
I The cloud conceals the sun;
1 With Pierce's Favorite Prescription at
I Your life's full course may run. Ihand
ilore truth than poetry m inee noon,
nt thousands of ladies all over the land,
now bl.joniing with health, testify to the
great curative powers of Dr. I ierce'H Fav
orite Prescription, adapted by much re
search and careful study to the happy re
lief of all tluse weaknesses and ailinenta
peculiar to lemales. All druggists.
One pint (heaped) of granulated sugar
I weighs fourteen ounces.
4'niiuiinuif.lnii mid WuNtiilC III Cllll-
en. NfOtt'M KniuiNion ox I'uroiou l.ivur
soft, fair and rosy, and
only tho ''sweetest girl in school," but tho
most oeautuui.
One tablespoonful (well rounded) of soft
butter weighs one ounce.
,nro lor OoiijjliorCcild. Asoon
as there Is the slightest uneasiness of the
Chest, with dilllculty of breathing, or Indi
cation of Cough, tako during tho day a few
"Brotvn'a Bronchial Troches." Vfictsabox.
Many nuggetof gold have been drawn
up from a well at Do Witt. Xeb.
C-H-O-0! C-H-O-0!! C-H-0-0!!!
Don't sneeze, sneeze, hawk, hawk, spit,
blow, and disgust overylwdy with your
olfensivo breath. If you havo acrid, wa
tery discharges from tlio nose a"ti eyes
A Skin Without Blemish
Everywhere a net work of sudorific ducts, cln.i,
and jiorvs, tho skin constantly renews ltclf, and
uot only with Its ccahcIors dosquatnatlon, but with
1U natural functional action, eliminates all waste,
throat disease, causing choking sensations, I ocuinulatlon and dlioaio, Hcnco, a skin without
cough, ringing noises in head, splitting
lieadncno and oilier symptoms oi nasai
catArrh, remember that the manufacturers
of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy oiler. In
good faith, $500 reward fo- a case of ca
tarrh whii h they cannot cure. Tho rem
edy is sold by druggists at only 50 cents.
Two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar
or Hour weigh one ounce.
A medicine that has been a household
remedy for over fifty years. and used in
that time by more than 15,000,00 1 persons,
must have great merit. Such a medicine
is found in Uiiandhutu's Piixs. This fact
Illustrates tho value of tliBsoJpllls better
l.n ,1,1V utnii tiiiiii nf iIih nraurititors. It
with Hyppphobphltes. Is u most valuablo j w,, bc observed that tho dose required to
LlemUh means more than beauty; It means health.
Cuticciu, the kto' kin c"rc, and t'cmt'iiA
SoAr, an cxqulalto skin beautlflcr, irepared from
It, externally, and Cuticvra Uksolmxt, the new
Mood purlQer, Internally, cure every njicclemif tor
turing, disfiguring, Itching, scaly and pimply
dlneaics f thu skin, scalp ami blood, with U
of hair, from pimples to scrofula.
I havo been afflicted fur a groat many years w Ith
hod blood, whlcli has caused me to havu sores on
my body. Sly hands were In a solid scire for over
a year. I had tried almont ever) ining i couiu near
of, but had ghen up all hoies of over being cured,
when 1 saw tho advertisement of tho Curici'KA
Himsdies. 1 used one box of Ccticora, Olio
Ixttlo of Hxxolvxnt, and one cako of Soap, an 1
am now able to do all my own work.
Mrs. KANN1K 8TKWAUT, Stauuton, lud.
food and medicine. It creates an appetite for
1 food, strengthens tho nervous system, aim
builds up the body, l'leaso read: "I tried
Scott's Kmulsion on a young man whom I'liyal
clna at Umca gave tip hope Since hu has I
been using the Kmulsion hU Cough has ceased,
' gained llebh and stroi gtli, luid from all appear- .
i ancva Mi life will bo prolonged many years. - I
J. SULUVA.N, llobpital tatewurd, Morgaimi, Pa.
The wife of Senator lrigalls is said
to be a hard political student, despite
tho cares of a largo and growing
family. I
magagin" in Swedish means in Eng
lish, "The Iron Manufacturing compa-1
ny's sale shop." ,
The Prince of Naples who has just
come of age, has received the order of
the Golden Fleece from tho Emperor j
of Austria and the Black Eagle from
tho German Emperor. It is suggested
that, in view of tho close friendship be
tween Italy and England, ho ought to
bo invested with the Gartr
To tho Editor:
l'leubo inform your readers Uiat I havo a pos
ItJvo remedy for the above named disease, iiy
itri timely use thousand of hopeless casus havo
oven permanently cured. I shall bo glad to
tend two bottles of my remedy kiikk to uuy of
your reudew who havo cohsunvption if Uiey will
ttend mo theiFKxpresH mid l O. addrebs.
. A. SLOCUSI. M. C. 181 Peart St.. New York
Unitarian religious literature sent free on aivlle
Uon to Stlsa I'.. F Davison. 1 O Hnx S20 Portland, Or.
ashingtoo correspondents ada. Ml .M DeVoe, Bimttle
Oamelllne Improves and preserves tho complexion.
elys catarrh
suffered from
catarrh li years.
The droiwinas in
to the throat were
riaiiscatini. Hp
nose bled almost
daily. Sinrc the
first day's use oi
Ely sCream Halm
have had no bleed
iny. the soreness is
entire'y uone. 1).
G. Davidson, with
thcBoston Budget.
A particle Is applied Into each nostril and U agreeable.
Price W cents At drugRists; by mall, registered, CO cUM.
KLV HROTHKRH 235 Oreenwich Street, fiew York
"TOIIVl I'KKSO.VS wishing to engage in a light,
JL pleasant, and, jierhaps, profltahlo air.useiueiit.
can learn tho art of Candy Making at home, audwli le
giving amusement to their friends and themselves, dis
cover whether thi' havo a taste for tho work as a bus!
ness. ani ther by mako a falrllv'ng profit from a very
small investment, ltccelpta, and lull Instructions m ue-
riiro Is mini 1. O o or two pills taken every
nlKht for ton or twenty days will euro dys
pepsia rostlvenesH, rheumatism, liver
complaint, all female complaints iand
Wakelco's Squirrel and Gophor extermi
nator Try it. and prove the best Ih the
cheapest. Wakeiee. & Co.. Snn Krancinco.
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute
HtufT or Eluhtcen Eiiierlcnced nnd Skill
Tnl l'Ujslclims anil Miiraeons.
Patients troated hero or at their homia. Mnny
treated at homo. throiiKh correspondence, us
sueccssCully as If hero in person. Come and
seo us, or send ten cents lu Btami for our
" Invalids' Ouido-Book," whloh gives all purtlo
ulurs. Address: Woiu.u's Pispunhaiiv Medi
CAL ASSOCtATIOH, CU3 SIlllIl bt., UUlIalO, ft.X.
L lUVeBllUCUb. IWWll'W, ti w. -v........ ...
ciiioL.o,. fnr m,inil liiAAnnfl for tho makiuir OI
fwfjiv,. t ifi ill h varle ties, and amply sufHcient for home
Hinueoment. sent for one dollar. Tools iiecessary .may
I... found in anv kitchen. Address. ULO, x.l'fcK
CIVAU 122 Kills Htriet. San Francisco.
H mutual costivenkss cauHCs dcrance
mnnt of the entire system and beirets dis
eases that aro linzardous to life. You will
never bo troubled this way if you use
Hobb's Little Vegetable Pills.
TuyGeumea for breakfast.
See Antise.11 Piano Hdvertiement.
For " worn-out," "run-down," debilitated
geliool teuehers, milliners, seamstresses, house-keepoi-s,
afid overworked women generally.
Dr. I'lerco's Favorlto Prescription Is tho best
of all restorntivo tonics. It In not a " fure-ull,
but admirably f ullllls a singleness of purnosf,
being a most potent 8)ih-IUo for nil those
Chroplo Weaknesses and Discuses peculiar to
i.nmnn. Tlio friyitmnilt of lnnilV tllOUSHIldS
of such cases, at tho Invalids' Hotel and Burif.i
Icul lTiBtltuto bns nfTonled a litrjfo experience
in aduptlnu remedies for their euro, nud
Dr. PiercD's Favorite Prescription
I is tlio rosiut of this vast experience For
internal concent Ion, liiilnmiiiiUloii
imil ulceration. It Ih n Spoclt'lt'. It
i stomach, indigestion, bloat lair, weak Imic-Ic.
, nervous proetratloii, oxliuiistlon, debility nud
, Bleep!css:i('BS,ln cithersex. l'avorlto rncrlp-
tlon Is sold by drwrirists under our ponlflw
I uuaranuc. Beo wrapper around bottle.
on six iioTTi.r.s
i in ,,(h lii Rtninnn for Dr. I'lerco's lnnro
I Treatise on Diseases of Women (100 piuri'B,
i paper-covered). Address. Woiit.i) s Dihi-kn-
, ba tv MuniCAL Association, 003 Mala btreet,
L1 ' -if
And all Throat and Lung Troubles,
i Hold by nil IsimickImIh for KO CVnts.
J. R. CATES & CO.,
i flUll'KIKTOllS,
!417HaiiMonieHt.. KAX FKAX'IHCO
Sold everywhere. Prico, Cuticcra,
2.'c.; llEsoLVitvr, ?1. rrered hy
Diifo aso CinuuiCAL Co., Ilostin, Mass.
iirSend for "How to Cure Skin Disease,1
mgce, 60 illustrntlons, and 100 totlnioidal.
D A DV O Skin, Bcaln nnd hair preserveil anil licau
DAD I O tilled hy tho uo of Cuticcra Soir.
I haio suaurvd all mv lllo with skin diseases of
dlfforcnt kinds, ami liavo ncicr found ermanent
relief, until, by tho adlco of a lady friend, I used
your alnaMo fnui'RA IUuikmm. 1 t--ave them
athorouiih trial, iisin tlx luttleg et Hie Ct'TlcURA.
Hisolvrnt, two boxes of Cvticura, and seven
cakes of CCTici'RA Soap, and tho result was just
what I had liecn told It would ho a comM curt.
r.KI.Li: WADE, llichtnoud, V.
Uefcrcnec, O, W. Ijitlmcr, Drulst, HIchmoiid, V.
Havo just used your Ccticcra IUhuiu on
one of my t;lrls, and found It to bo just what It la
recommended to be. My daughter was all broken
out on her head and body, and tho hair commenced
to coino out. Now tlio U as smooth as ever sho
was, and sho has only mod ono box of Citicura,
one cake of Cuticvra Soap, and ono liottlo of
Ci'Tici ra Hesolvknt. I doctored with cjulto a
nuuilier of doctors, but to no avail. Iain Milling
to make ifUdavIt to the truth of the statement.
MCOUGi: EAST, Macon, Mlclw
Kor tho last yeir 1 navo had a species of Itchlnfr,
scaly and pimply humors on my face to which I
hnvo applied u great many methods of treatment
without huccoss, nud which was sjicedlly and on.
tlrely cmcd by tho Cttiitha Ukmediu.
Mrs. ISAAC 1'Iir.l.IM, itavenna, (X
ynnri.r.S, blackheads, rod, rough, Omppcd ind
rl lYI oily Mn pi-oi ui it wl by Cuticvra Soav. -
Celery and Cocn, tho prominent 1
eredtcntK, aro the liett and mifijit
ls'crve Tonics. It (.tretifrtlichs nnd
quiets tho nervous tytlein, curDig
Nervous Weakness, Hysteria, SIckjh
lesaiets, ic. '
It drives out the tiolsonous humorsof
tho blood purify Fur nnd cnrichlni; It,
and to overcoiuiiiK those dlN;ascs
resulting from impure or Impjjvcr
lshcd blood.
it cures hnbitunl contIpntlon, nnd
prouiotesarcKtilnr lmbit. ItsticriKth
ens the ctoumch, and aids digestion.
In 1U composition tho best and most
activo diureticsof tho Matcria.Mcdica
are combined srlentlllcnllywJth other
ell'cctlvo remedies for dlseaicsof the
kidneys. It rim tie relied on to bIvo
quick relief and speedy cuie.
irnml paiIm nf f ,wt imntifntn hiri, hrtJ n reaeWed
from iienons m ho hnvo iisikI this r mcdr with
remarkshlo lieneSt. beud for circular, ghiac
full psrtlculsis.
rrlcs $1.00. Boll tr Drifislits,
Ily recent extensive purchases wo areenabled to oontlnuo our offerof 6 aero tracts on the nunc liberal terms
as heretofore: u acres, 8W.W), pajahlo SI. IK) per week, jo acres, siuam. payanie yj.iHi nr wecK.
Sid aens, saw.oo, payalilo l.uo er wodk. iius vcrj' inwrai
offer has been token adiautiiKo nf hy several Imntlrct
tho iiast thno weeks, nnd has proven eminently salt
... t! rri,., lit, .Id a.n ln,Hil,l 90 ltllld
1.U Hil lllir llvill-n.
very liberal Crj'
Hired within E'I-
sathf.iclory I
lies west nf E
W -ll w.'ter can bo
rfcit. No lauds in the
T in lamia aro lorateil 'M nines west nl
mo Cnllfornln, all level, with wilier ditches ami artesian welU In close proximity,
nt fmm 15 to 2(1 leet. Itallroad to imw hulldlnif tlmmKli tho land. Title l e
State with equal advantages can ho punha.ed for thu money,
hl'IX'l.lIi Ji'OIItT, TO MltSCltlltl'.US OI'TIIIS
A Jlome Kfciiri-d In 1 yeur. No liiteiest on di'forriil imyineiits. This ('oiniin will li" received us V
tlllipilly lUtllOrilOII OI IirHl IIUJ IIU'IU llll linriu lll"- minm, ii i i. .1 i
nt our iIllee prior to Miireh 17th, lv8. Cut out the Coupon nnd enel. ho ,t
toirethiT with We In Ktniiiis or 1'. O. order, and yon will reielvi; by ri turn
iiiiiII eontrnet with llrHt puyment ofjl.00 rndorKcd thereon. I his notice
will only appear In this piiner ono time. .
Cil.ll'Oft.M I M.Vls.lhSOCIATIO.V, C31 Market HU, H. 1'., Uil.
ITardy Northern Grown
From Minneapolis, Minnesota, are the best, becauso
they are earlier and the most productive. Take no
other until you try them. For pale by all loading
dealers on thu coast throughout the country. Trade
supplied by
Seed Merchants, 400 and 408 Sansonie Street, San
Francisco, Col.
uqJIdk curtJ hy 1LLEV8 IIAM1IM) MtkVK. ltnmer
falls. 11 Msll,fi8o, Mads Ij ). V A I If a. be, Paul, Mian.
nn-n i pnFTAfii ft
rfect dlRCstlou vcom
icd bv tnkinir Ilobb'n
In VoKotnblo 1'IMh.I
I AViindcrf ill Iteineilyj
i-N.SIek lf'nil;irlii!,l)yn-l
i eimln. jiiillctiHtliiii. anil
lull JlUeiiHcs of tlio Liver
I mid St. iiuii'b.
Tbo followinK BymptomBl
rt'8'ilt from dlseafces of the I
Dlirebtlvo Orcium: CmiHtl-l
iintlt ii, lleailiielio, J 1u-h,
lleai'tburii, linil Tasto In I
l?Ioiitli, NniiKcn, Hour I
St mneli, C'onteil XotiKi, I
) ellinvni'HK or hum, I nln I
In llie K lilo. etc. JIhIiIi'hI
Utile Veiritdl. Id I'llls Willi
I 'co too B)'Mcm oi an tnchei
1 ii mi in n ii y other disorders I
Tlieviiroinirelvvfcctiible, I
Nii;nr vonted, very mnnll,
I'tiny to take, only ono
jilll n (lone, but lined with
wonderful results. Try them
i once, nnd forever after youi
will recommend them, l'nco iir Via. at
vlnl, or five for 11.00. Scut by mail or nil I
dri'irglhtB. HOQD'S nnEDICINE UO., rrop s, I
. rEtutimis
o a a awt
U Post St., S. F., CaL
Hhorthaud. Tnw-wrltlnR. rcmnaiuhlii, Hook-keeping
and Tvlegiuphy all for $75.
Mechanical a,nd MlnluK Kn
Klnieilni!, HurvcyhiK Arclil-
itecture, llruwlug ami Asay
hilt IIANCIIOl'TllUlLDl.Mi.
723 Mnrkot St., San Francisco, CaL
t4TBoni '"v-Ni:UNAILLKN. Fre.ldent.
.j. ii.
niCloiia llcatlnolio,
, promptly curjMl by nr.
I k'lorco'a IM o n mi li t
i I'uriratlvo 1'ollolH. Si
oenta a vial, by Hnnmlsts.
Analytical Chemist,
Laboratory, IOO First St., Portland,
u J
V3nwvti i
I rianta llarbara, ual , a place inr curinir juujckp,
I Hint, ItiLpt&ra I!&1 . a tilacfl for curlnir
I Mellltus, Hugar In tho Urine, and all other diseases suh
I i,. in iiniM I,v rhiwi Hnrlnes- such as. atfec.lons of tht
i l.l r. Htomuch. llowels. Luui.'S. eto., on the Carlshad
ni.n i,,i..r ii. dl,Milnn ,f lift. HUIIN'KK. the cele
Lrateil Physician, who has cured thi-so allnienUlnauiost
csi: -
I A It
I stand
by climate.
and yet yon
war horso.
n,.oi-.r,! bo U a L'ooil war hor?e. Ho'tl
sooner die than xxi" -Exchange.
Printers' Supply Home
25,000 in use,
, I. V...I W.u
11KIIOU. ..
Tuning D"
:h our I'uno
not affected
Kowood to unit, break, swell, shrink,
we irurmvo ib.
I 7J.
rl M 11 ft ft If rrtmmuis.
v ice. Hi ui In no other Wu.. y .i'1'
a. - iWl .n rtl (rufill Iiir IUU .
in vu
Tills HKLT r netfneril
inftjt cipiel7 fwr tb cms of
tferQcroiaU of the ttacrsllrs
orcstu. Tbo coullouous atrttia
ofKI.ECTBlClTY i.erofUii
uiroufUtlio psru sntul rtitoio
tLem lobtoUbf octloa. Poaol
onroood this with Eloctrto Ulu
4ertlKl to curs all Ills from
bt3tolt. IDs for tto OKK
for clrculsrs fliloc full la.
fonuotloa, sddreM Cbtc to r Kltf
trlo lllll Co., 101 VrwUojtwj
BUMt, fUcto,HL
I astonishing insnner. I- IIOII Z, SI. I . Physician.
HurKCOuauu Accouciieurtv;or, ovi aim uounuw
Tho Oregon National Bank,
of roirri.AXi.
(Hucooaeortto MotrooolUau HaTlf81ank.l
CAPITAL l'All IN. , , . JlOD.000.
IruuuctflaOonuial IUnkii g IIuiJimsi.
HV.l.Ui liXLlIANdB oa flail 1'nnidsoo and Now York.
MAKK8 OOIJ.KOTIONrt 'a farorahlo terms
Pruddeut. viue-l'iuuouu.
- .. ar (Mir
T.T1 'C?7- S a nufacturirs, Odd Fellows' IUII, Mar-
Ut and Seventh btreet., San Francisco.
Grawala lOWa.tao frduol
ftbtflJ a , of iureon
ttrasrtseus. "V"1?"
ivk.. 1 . ,nm f nnt mnan merelr to sUiti
fori.timiia'hdtheahare them nturn a(tan. .1 l?n a
radical cure. I hf mad thu disease of 1'ITH,
LPHY or rAliunu rm-iivwr-mjoiiiio-iuuiio.M .
Harraut ror reroedr to euro tbo worst cakes. Iletauso
thers hare failed is no reason for not now rewijin a
cure, bend at once for a treatise and s Vim 'J"'"8
in ih lofalhhle remedr. (lire lJsprea and Post '-
U. it. ItUOT, M, C 1 S3 I'eurjht. Ni'W otk.
3rfi.xxxa.w for tE& sr. i Mrs yon i iik i Ltu toil mur
O VIS, Cettonwood.Hauta Coonlr.C'al . fruit Iwlt
f I'pir HajraiueiiUi Valley ; or, tH. OKimN.Tolu.
Jacksun IVHint), (Jr., center f Ibvue Itlnf alley.
1 wild clliuatu and broductueuets.
mm sua V (H T08 OLDEST MEDICINE in tha W0BLDT
I" 1 1 O B I I I Probably Dr. Iiaae Thompion'i U
i merely to tp thera I , .., . T-r- I I
This artl'le la a carefully prepared physician s pi
and has levn in column I use ror uonny
scrlptiou, i
A...,,,,. t.ii.1 ririturitii&Luiiinff ma iiiauv oilier iirir'
tlmu tiut hare ween inuo'iiiceu inwi me uiaian, wi
ulaof this article Is oniulautly Increajliyr If the dl
r ctl as are followed it will never tU. . We fwrtlcu
luly iurlta tin' attention of physicians to Itsmerlu.
John U. Tbonipion, Boni &Co..'l'Hui. N. Y,
Ti HH u Duv. Kamolea worth 81.M. Kill '11
Mima nor neilcr tlm linuia IimiL Write llRI.W.
SIUl'S HAI ITT lUlKliOLDtK CO., Holly. SHcll.
A KALY8K8 made of all auhBtiincf.
JV. fornsHuyliiKKu
for tchtniK nil kin
Over 6.000,000 PEOPLE USE
iro adm ltted to be the
lirKOOt 6eedsmen
In the world,
I K, tlMfrle.
i It tli, kn I'rlua
I, f HoalV W
For 1089
trill bo mailed
applicants, and
La lost reason'a
customers with
out ordering it.
'Invaluable to nil.
Erery person usum
. tzUa IL ad4rSf
O.M. FERRY ACO.Dotrolt,Mloh,
til i8
v cat
Ti out
old or silver. 81.50. IleuneuUi
lulu Of oreH and molulu inunu
..A,.v.tii tiiiil tnf uiiIm.
labiui.ti ...... - . . . ,
Upon tlio ruccllil 01 $1 win luniiHii a recipu
for IIIUKIIIK All KIIIIIH ui ineiuuio imujn, uiou,
rccljM'o for soups, dyes, pcrfuinev, fluid oxtracts,
O.neilt'fH, lllllllionie, Ollilllli'iiin. nmvu", l ift
fonuutlon funilslii'd on all kiniU of chemical
composition. J'uckuKea ecut by mull or cxprosa
proinpiiy luinititm ui.
232 Kearny St., San Francisco
Shirts, Underwear, Suspenders,
Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwear,
Collars, Cuffs, Etc
Illustrated Catalotrue, with Itules
for Self Measurement, Mailed Free.
innn WIIIUldfrebBidry iraln of ppla
0 1 IJ U U onous subsume found hi VV lsdoiu a Ilol ertlni
acknowledKvd the mo A delightful sod only really
harmless toilet article ever piiluced for beautifying
and rnwrtluK the complellon. letuorlutf tan, suuhuru,
freckles ami all tUudshrs and routfbiiees of IU situ,
U.ckI and ludoined hy the ellUi of sodrty and the
sUse. bold by all UrurtfiU at 60 ceuU wr Untie
White, and Flesh. Manufactured by W. M. WISUOU
k (X., (Jhtmlsts Iurtlaad Orevon.
The Van Iffonciscar
Toong, mldllo-agvd and
id, aiatie or inanvd man
sua alksr bo Buffer with
Kerr ous DehlUty. Bpennv
txirrhea, Bemlnal Ixxaci
ual Decay ,raiung Mem
Weak Kit. Lack of
Kncrgy, also Mood land
ffdk naaL Hum vu TJriae. Oq
. J ...U..f ..I M,. 4n St I
Botk Mexesi CounHlt 4eHfldeBttmlly
orx. Weak
bin I ft 1 mm
Hkln tUiiu.
Knntbni Ilalr
lione rains. Swelling:
Born Throat, TJloers, K'
feels of Mercury, Kidneys
nii ntfcjMfw Tfoubla
nonhea. Uieel bb
Tho Must Huooeeafui Ma
chino Made,
3 Gold Medals. I Bllrer Medal, and I
iu f irst rreiuiuoia,
IlulrlirHnll klntl ofCzg.
Muilc Its aimiifs.
Write us for Lance Illustrated Ch
eular Free, deecrlhluir lucubaton
llrooders. Iloulea, Uovr to raise L'lilcaeus, tie, ,
Addrtit, PHAIUMA IHCUBM01 CO., PMu,M,Cal,
SfEINWAY. II A (111.' Gnblerf ' lUvmiebj
llanos; Ilurdelt (raus. ban a Instrument. lAtgei
stock of Sheet Musio and Hooka Hands kuniilled s
Kastern UrUs. ilATPHIAH UltAV OU V I'l
htrect. rUu yrancisoo
f , V, U. No. Kl -a V. N. U. No. W,