THE OREGON SCOUT. AMOS K. JONES. KDITOlt. The Oregon Scout has as large a eircu lation as any three papers in this sre tton of the State, eomtiined, and is cor respondinghj valuable as an advertising medium. Friday, March Dili., 1SS8. 2j j !J-r i Union and Vicinity. Additional locals on last page. County court in session this week. The "beautiful" cumo softly down last Monday. Rend the statement of I. X. Laugh lin, on first page. It is to be. hoped that the city will get out of debt soon. Remember the social dance to-night, at Davis' hall in tikis city. Considerable improvement, will bo . made in Union this summer. The prospects for good crops through out the- State are quite fluttering. Wanted. 500 persons to buy "land and town property of J. E. Tuttle. April-fools' day will soon arrive and bo ushered in with appropriate tricks. Just, received at Mrs. J.C. .Summers' n fine line of ladies' hats. Call and see i them. Past tunc again on the O. R. X- N. road, and trains will get here sometime during the day. The county division question in Uma tilla county is getting interesting to the citizens in that section. To-morrow is Saturday. Take your weasel skin in hand and pay your over due Cove drug store account. A matrimonial elopement occurred near Weston a few days ago. Cause, lack of the girl's father to sign article of agreement. The ladies of Union, in connection with the board of school directors, are taking measures to make some more improvements to the cenietary. Tho militia company has not, as yet, been organized. It is understood that the State cannot furnish tho equip ments until auother appropriation is made. There will be a good sale for lumber hero this year, and sawmill men will have all they can do to supply the va rious demands of our county. Officer Merrill, of Raker City, was Bhot in tho leg below tho knee, by a ruffian whom he was trying to arrest, last 'Saturday. The fellow was endea voring to effect an entrance into a jew elry store. The sheriff of Pierce county, W. T. wants to place his paw on the shoul ders of Stevens, an ex-conductor on the N. P. railroad, and to that end of fers to punglo out 10,000 cents for his capture. Portland's novel feature of booming herself by means of a brass band, to travel throughout California, and tho eastern stales, will cost about $20,000. Might just as well send some organ grinder and his monkey. It is pretty safe to say that our min ing interests will receive a boom this summer that will make tho hearts of our citizens leap with joy and replete their pockets with filthy lucre, if prop erly taken care of. At a teacher's examination held in Umatilla county last week, out of twenty-nine applicants for certificates to teach, 10 received second grade, 10 third grade certificates, and 9 failed. Wo can do better than that in this county. i There is considerable hay on hands, left over from tho winter. It was gen erally believed last fall that hay. would bo worth from Jj?17 to if 20 per ton before spring. One cannot most always sometimes hardly tell just how the fu ture is going to conduct itself. A. Mitchell, tho man who was arres ted for purloining county warrants from tho county clerk's ollice, had his preliminary examination last Friday and was bound over in tho sum of $000.00 to await the action of the grand jury. Q'lio board of trado met last Saturday evening, but owing to the absence of several members of tho committee, ow ing to business pressure and sickness, the committee on organization and bylaws, asked until March 17th to com plete its work, which was granted. Take Ayer's Snrsapnrilla, in the spring of the year, to purify the blood, invigorate the system, excite the liver to action, and restores healthy tone and vigor to tho whole plivsical mech anism. Remember that quality, not j quantity, constitute tho value of medi cine. It now looks very much as is Mr. U. W. Hunt may conclude to swing his O. & W. T. railroad around to Walla Walla. That city is struggling for it, and !f 100,000 is hardly to bo sneezed at by Mr. Hunt, which it is behoved could be raised by tho citizens. Mil ton Eagle, At the school meoting on Monday, for district No. 5, in Union, J. E. Tut tlo was elected school director to sorvo for thrco years, in place of H. B. Drake whoso time expired. Geo. Boidleman was elected clerk for one year. The financial condition of tho district is good, and tho probabilities are that it will soon bo out of debt. G. W. Hunt has sued tlftr Oregon Pacific Railway Co. for if 100,000 .fSO, 000 for work performed under con tract and $S0;000 as damages on ac count of having to throw wp his con tract on account of tho O. P. railroad not complying with their contract. On tho othor hand tho O. P. railroad lias sued G. W. Hunt for not doing as per .contraot, for tho sum of ? 150,000. .No light weight litigants about that. Tho Union boys are somewhat dis- eournged on account of their numer- I ous defeats during the two proceeding j seasons, but will come forth this year with an improved nine, and hope, by j practice and perseverenee, to regain j the enviable reputation they once had the champions of Eastern Oiogon. I The first nine will meet in the near i future and effect n permanent organi- j zation for the summer The second ; nine was organized lin-t Saturday, and come to tho front with a strong team, consisting of the following members: Fred. Davis, captain; ('has. Cochran, secretary; Geo. Irwin, president and treasurer; James Huffman, Geo. Miller, S. Blacker, .Ino. Haynes, James Green and Nolan Skill'. Tlmv ..trie them- UeJwwM htrltowTTCr-hnsrbrtlr-rht hoi first nine will be, composed of first class material, and we see no reason why Union should not once more come to the front and carry oil' the laurels of the season. We.dlu'i pcliuiuhig, lliciu 1 wilLhiJ---trm4ieMjH tmrrtrrP 'k Kill lUi 5 In-low tnvvairn.t-HH4HV-ta.l :lli,p,m. CLEVELAND CLUB. On last Monday evening there was no speaking before tho club as Mr. Hyde, who had been selected, by the committee, to address the club on that occasion, failed to come on account of sickness. On motion of Turner Oliver, a general programme committee of throe was appointed by the chair. I The committee consUtcd of Turner i Oliver, O. P. Goodall and Geo. 10. Owen. It is the duty of the committee to select a speaker and arrange a .pro gram for eaeli evening of tho club. For the near future the following speakers have been selected by tho committee: Hon. Luther B. I .-on for Mondav evening. March l'.Hh; Hon. T. II. Crawford,' April 2nd; Hon. J. H. Slater, April Kith; Hon. J. W. Shelton, April 30th; Hon. T. C. Hyde, May 7th. It is hoped that each of tho speakers selected will favor the club and that theie will be an interesting program at each meeting of the club in the future. AN AGED INDIAN. Indian John, one of tho last mints of the Multnomahs, visits rein East Portland occasionally. This remarka ble specimen of the aborigine was hero long .before any white man ever saw Oregon. He has seen tho progress of civilization from the first day that the old Hudson bay company first moored its pioneer vessel upon the bosom of tho Columbia. Ho knew Dr. Mc Laughlin and saw the caravan of Lewis and Clarke as it came from the far away east to explore tho then great unknown region of the west. He has seen what no other living mortal ever saw the progress of the grandest por tion of tho world as it bloomed from the wilderness to its present growth. He is tho oldest man or moital in the northwest 112 years of age. Astori an. RUEEIMIERDER KILLED. A rancher near Heppner killed a sheep-herder named John Barrett one day last week, stabbing him to death. It seems that Barrett, who was herding sheep for a Mr. Kelley, had on several occasions let the sheep run onto or across a patch of swamp grass owned by Crump. This angered Crump who sent Barrett word that unless he kept his slice) oil' bis ranch he would sue him, and afterwards threatened to kill him, Barrett, hearing of tho threats, went down to see Crump, who came to where Barrett was. Barrett, seeing that Crump had a knife, attempted to retreat, but Crump followed, stabbing him until he fell dead. It appears Barrett was not armed. CARD OF THANKS. The kind friends who have rendered their untiring assistance during tho prolonged illness of Albert Yowoll, and who have sympathized with tho bereaved relations in their sorrow, have the sincero thanks of tho family. Words aro not sufficient to exptess gratitude of this kind; only time can nourish the heartfelt recollections. JOHKI'H E. Yowt'j-i.. Emma Yomitu CA 111) OF THANKS. Wo hereby extend our heartfelt thanks to the peoplo of Big creek who rendered us assistance during tho. ill ness of our son, and more especially to Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Wilson. Their kind ness will long be remembered. P. H. Mn.Krt, M.utY A. REDUCTION IN SHOES. From this time till the 15th of March I will sell my stock of winter boots and shops at pricos ten per cent, cheap er 'than! horotofore, in order to ninko ropin for mv spring stock. Givo mo a Ci11. O. Vincknt. FARMEHS, ATTENTION I If you would have largo yield and plump gniin, uso tho Galo ,Sulky Spring Tooth Harrow and Seeder. given of some of our best farmers. For sale by II. B. Drako, Union, Or. NEW BOOKS. A largo assortment of now books have just boon received by Jones Bros., consisting of tho Pa.xton and Lovoll soriw of novels, School Speakers, Red Lino Roots, etc. Prices lower than e ver known before. 4J Social Scintillations. 1'hrnRrnj-ln lVrtnliiln-C, l'rlnclrmltjr, to tlio lVro;rliinlloii4 of llio roUilm r. "T3IE WOULD 10 MOVE." iJAJ mL C. Goodspeed ,is improving dowjiy. Vf. F. Martin, of Elgin, was in town ye ti'itlav. J city hn Catos, of Telocasot, was in the this wee!;. r. A. K. Jones returned from Port , yesterday. lanfl Mr. J. E. Faucet, of tho Cove, called on Jus yesterday. Dan Moore left for his home in Pine valley, yesterday. Kr. Saulisbury, of Moscow, Idaho T, is in the city. Mr. S. T. Uhn will soon move his nlmily back to town. Attorney Shelton returned from ortland, '1 uesdav. y'M. Baker, of La Grande, came over csieruay on ousiness. W. 1. Snodgrass was in Union the fore part of the week. C. B. Vanhousen, of Camp Carson, was in the city on business. Mr. A. J. Goodbrod has been quite unwell for several days past. Mr. C. M. Jones will move to his residence property in a few days. Mr. A. J. Brown, of Sparta, was in our city tho fore part of tho week. Mr. J. B. Thompson is still com pelled to limp around on his lame leg. Mr. W. S. Ezell, of Elk Flat, was in town a few days ago and called on us. Mr. D. A. Miles and T. B. Martin, of Big creek, were in town during the week. Rev. G. r. Irwin has moved into tho T. P. Baird dwelling in South Union. J. W. Shelton informs us that N. B. Harris will bo tried in this county, having secured a, change of venue. Tho M. E, social given at tho resi dence of Mrs. J. E. Davis, last Friday evening, was quite an enjoyable one. Mr. D. B. Roes left, Sunday, for an extended trip to the Sound country, to look after his property over near Taco ma. Mr. J. N. Moore and family, of Un ion, intend making a trip east, soon, visiting friends and relatives, to be gone about four months. Gen. T. H. Tannat, of Farmington, W. T., general agent for the O. R. &. N. (Jo's, land in Oregon and Washington Ty., arrived in the city t6-day. Mr. T. G. Cook, of Big creek, called on us a few days ago. Ho has sold his effects on Big creek, and will move in a few days to Pino valley. Mr. Ofvingc Gaylord, of Pino valley, was in this week on business. He reports everything in si prosperous condition in that section. Mr. Robt. May has been in town this week, accompanied by his chil dren. He is getting sonic better and thinks in time he will regain tho use of his limbs again. Quite a number of people from Sum merville and vicinity were in town this week on business. Among tlioni we noticed S. L. MeKenzie, E. B. More lock, .Jesse. Imbler and Geo. Kucknian. Mr. John Spray and his sister ar rived in Union, yesterday, from Cottage Grove. They will remain here for sometime. J t is tho intention of Miss Spray to attend tho school at this place. Mr. F. L. Moore, of Malheur county, is sojourning in Union, llo is a brother of Mi.-s Susie Mooro, who taught in tho intermediate department in our school last year. Tho young ladies of Union are lct- tint; valuable time slip away. . Several do young gentlemen witli few scads in their pockets, but plenty of timo on their hands, are patiently awaiting proposals. :mai:iui:i. ItKiGS CItOSS. At Siumncrville. March th, by Jacob Collins .J. P., Mr. James JI . Itiggs ami Miss L. L. Cross, Dir.i). MILES, At IHg creek, March f!th., 1888. Robert K., sou of Mr. and Mrs. P. II, Miles, aged 1 years, 4 nimitlis and 1 1 days. YOWELL. In Pyle's canyon, Saturday, March ii, of liing fever, Albort (!., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Yowell, aged 11 years and '23 days, Whore the roses bloom tho fairest, Ami the silent lillles weep, And the gentle zephyr's ripple There, wo lay our loved to sleep. Folded in tho arms of Xaturc, Dust to dust. We lay him low; How the heart is yearn'iiig, longing, As our sorrows el'ib and (low. Weep not, he U sleeping softly, Caros anil sorrows now have lied; Canst thou see his face so brightly Beaming with the (.tars o'erhead? Ah, that wo could lift the, curtain Swinging softly o'er the grave, Jlowour hearts would swell with gladness, With the power to live, aniLsave. N -1J. W, II Itanoid butter is bought by tho hun dreds of pounds in Portland, heated in immense boilers and worked over and sold ns tho fresh product of tho dairy. Names of wholesalo firms on Front street taking part in this fraud upon tho consumers would not bo difficult to find. )emocuatio Times, Guess somo of it must get into thisj county, or perhaps somo of our cows givo ran cid milk; anyhow Vo can easily get butter that hasn't been heated over by Portland or any other ilrms. Fnmk Dro's. Implement Co., of Island City, nro now propurod to sell wagons, bugging, hocks, or any other articloof farm implements nnd machin ery nt lower rates than over before sold in Eastern (Jrotfon. Thy guarantee all goods they soil. Try thorn. 0 r IilITTKK LIST. I'lniaiiiini: tinralli'd feat tho Vnton post- ollu-o, UiPinontn immmu; ihi. :v, isns. ('liriminii IV rr (auii.beli T '.' Jiiiron Chnrliw (inloway II S Lawder Jnnir Mctxwiro (5 L Morton Mr Ada Hii hnnNoii .lohn Styphiml W Duvi" Jimies 11 Mill Fannie W Mny Charles I Milton, Charles Nitcc Mr. Kichardsou Ooo Smith K 1! mum J i Will .lltllH'S Persons (-nlliiti: fur nnv uf th nliovi' will plen-e suv 'advertised. (!ki. V. llu.i,. V. M.. Union, Or, Lost. A copy of (Sage's Elements of Phvsics. 1 will nav liberally for the i return of the above. It is bound in j green cloth and has my name written I on the lly leaf. M anion F. Puis. 1 iTOTwmr Day and Slight During an acute nttaek ot llronehitis, a ceaseless tickling in tho throat, and an exhausting, hacking cough, alllict tho sufferer. Sleep is banished, and great prostration follows. This disease is also ottemled witli Hoarseness, ami somo times Loss of Voice. It is liable to be come, chronic, involvo tho lungs, and terminate fatally. Ayer's Cherry Pecto ral affords speedy relief and euro in eases of lirouchitis. It controls tho disposition to cough, and induces refreshing sleep. I have been n practising physician for twenty-four years, and, for tho past twclvo, have sulTered from annual at tacks of ltronchitis. After exhausting all tho usunl remedies Without Relief, r tried Ayor's Cherry Pectoral. It effected a speedv euro. (5. Stoveall, M. J)., Oarrollton, Mis. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral i decidedly tho best remedy, within my knowledge, for chronio lirouchitis. nnd all lung diseases. M. A. Rust, M. D., South Paris, Me. I was attacked, last winter, with n sovoro Colli, which grew worso and settled on my Lungs, lty night sweats I was reduced almost to a skeleton. My Cough was incessant, and I frequently suit blood. My physician told mo to givo up business, or'l would not live a month. After taking various rumedius without roliuf, I was finally Cured By Using two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I am now in perfect health, and able to resume business, after hnving been pro nounced incurable with Consumption. S. P. llonderson, Saulsburgh, Penn. For years I was in a decline I had weak lungs, and suffered from lirou chitis and Catarrh. Ayor's Cherry Pec toral restored mo to health, and 1 have been for a long timo comparatively vig orous. In case of a sudden cold I always resort to tho Pectoral, and find speedy relief. Edward K. Curtis, Rutland, Vt. Twovearsago I suffered from a severe lirouchitis. Tho physicinn attending mo becamo fearful that the disease would terminate in Pneumonia. After, trying various medicines, without benotlt, ho prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved ino at once I continued to tako this medicine, and was cured. Ernest Colton, Logansport, Ind. tt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Miiks. Sold by ull Druggist. Price $ 1 : aix botlluH, $5. notioi:. ATOTU'K IS IIMIKIJY (ilVHN to all i concerned, that the undersigned has re ceived fiQin the County court of I'liion I county, Oregon, letters te.stallng upon the estate of Joshua Weaver, deceased. All , persons having claims against said estate, arc hereby notified to present the same, ' properly verilied, to the undor-Jgned at .his 1 residence near Nlgin. I'nion county, Orc , gon, within six months from this date, i Dated this March !)th. IS8S. .lOt: I. WHATKU. ;!-!)-v." Executor. J. E. TUTTLH, Real Estate Apt, I'nion, Oregon, lias for sale on cay terias, lS,r,00 :wrc of good laud in Union and l!al;cr iDuntlci, al to .some choice town propcaty. Money to Loj:ii. Collections Mario. Agent for the 0. R. & N. Com pany's Land. Office, one door . smith of Centennial hotel. rjy II. CIIAWFOKD, Attorney at Law, Union, Oregon. Ollieo, one door south of Centennial ho tel. J. M. OAKIIOUi, Notary Public. 11. F. WILSON. Ex-Co. Clerk. QAUUOLL & WILSON, Conveyancers and Abstracters. Abstracts to Ileal and Mining property furnished on short notice, at reasonable rates. Sales of Peal nnd Mining property nego tiated. Collection htiaiuens promptly at tended to. Office next door south of Post-olllue. Un ion, Oregon. WILL ARRIVE, horoiitflibreri lioroutflibreri Cinllions, tsilIioiiH, From the Kivcr Side Stock Farm, PickiilMiu Co, Kansas. The farmoM and stockmen of Union ciiin ty will plcuxo take notice that I will arrive at La Oraiidc, ou about the 1'Jih of March, with a car-load of horses, from the above named place, consisting of full blooded J'crclicron, Norman and Clyde stallions, 10 head of heavy draft stallions, from .'I to 5 years old, also one Cleveland bay stallion, 1 years old' Two head aro impeded from France. L'.17-inl O, L. TIILSLFIt. Or Anyone Else Wishing to JiircIiJiHc Thoroughbred Cattle It I -J 1 1 1 y iiitontlon to start soon to Ken tucky after a shipment of tiliorJ Horn, llol htiuu and Jeney cattle. Parties wishing any of the mine, should adiirwu inv at iliU place LufQiu 1 go, 2-17- K, U. HILL. TO FARMERS i 888 PROCLAMATION! 1888 To the Public of Union and Vicinity, for the it ' ptov ran n I Itoilllllili I Imvo on route from the East, West, North and South, Hie Largest, Best and Cheapest line of Clothing", dry goods, ladies' and gents' goods, all of the Latest Styles. Summer Hats, Boots and Shoes, which will he sold for the Piiy T Eii I ! Or i of the general public, Prices, A. LEVY, i i i -ny.iiiMiiMi, DFALKll IX ' GROCERIES BOOTS and SHOES, Sok' Agency in I'nion, fur tlii'Yoh'bralod TTf) fifl III I I i Ii ft n rt i !U ami fnc tn ml by ('. M. llendi'min it (Jo. imnr k minis Shoes, Oier-Slioss -JIY MOTTO IB- aBest Goods, at the Lowest Living Prices." JOS. WHIG 1 IT, Union, Oregon. E3 GREAT SACRIFICE, Must and Will be Sold, the Hntire Stock of Fruit Trees, Shrub bcry etc., of II. J. Geer & Son, Cove, Oregon. In order (o procure inoncv, and clear our nurncry of the innnuiiHu .slock now on hand ("fi.OOO trees) take this method to hriiif; before the public Our Determination to Sell. Heretofore we have employed agents to canvass tho country for the sale of our trees, hut have concluded to depart 'from that custom, Now, wo wo to reduce, tho price, m Unit purclunor.s can have tho Benefit of the Agent's Percentage, Wo will reduce our pricos for the sjirin trade oMSPS, i't to ,'i0 per ct-nt. below our last year's cat alocuo prices to parties wlio rcedvo their trees at the nursery. Treo dealers and nurserymen miyiin; by the. thousand, will be allowed M per tout, discount on last season's prices, Our terms are cash on delivery, except by special arrangements . Wo aro DFriJUJIINKI) to diand NKI,I, our HXTIItH KTOC'IC, to make, room for an KNTIKK NKW NUIWKItY, couductod on a illll'erent basis; and, in tho huiKUiigo of tho Hebrew peddler, "Yust coins and looks for yourself nnd soo vot a shlaushtcr mid dor drees I almost givs tern avay.'' WE EARNESTLY ASIC ALL WHO INTEND TO OKI) Kit Tit E ICS FItOM US, TO COME PERSONALLY AND SELECT FOR THEMSELVES. IT IS FAR MORE SATISFACTORY TO ALL CONCERNED. We have been growing fruit trees for over twenty years in tho saino locality, and conclude we well know and understand what will most prolit tho purchaser, Uur prac tical experience in fruit and fruit treo business, is, wo conclude, of valuo to purchasers, ami our Kuamntco cannot bu bettered in this country. Parties will Invariably liiid it better for them to buy at tho nursery, thus saving extra handliiii; and unnecessary exposures of roots, tiswellas cost. We will exchange trees, shrubbery, etc, for good young horses or cattle. Any and all orders entrusted to us will bavo our best attention. Address:' H. J. GEE11 & SON. l-27-tf. Cove, Union County, Oregon. iCIH LIVERT d FEED STABLE (OITOSITE CENTENNIAL HOTEL.) J. S. ELLIOTT, KvcrythliiK First Chins. Buss to and Fiom the DGpot Making Connection with all Trains. at lite very lowest If for Cash. Union, Or. J''ino Lino of 1 At hottoni prices. Call and Examine thcni. Torina Very ItuaHonnblo, "it. ry-am v.. . i -'.-.. -n .?v I ill ri n fin i n nTn A V V ft,