r ii k.i .tit mji'j. i." u ! IjOci:! Lines. Tho largest ami bct,t assortment of Hoots and shoe to be found in tho county, at Jo. Wright's. Smith's walking gang plow, some thing now and' just the thing. For Sale by Frank Uros. Implement Co., Island City. 4 Money jewelry and valuables, deeds, mortgage!! and other valuable pnpors when placed within a "Viotou" pale are absolufcly pecuro from fire, burg lars and thiovcH. V. M. Slocum, Agt., Union, Oregon. Ahnoflt miraculous arc koitic of the cures accomplished by tho use of Ayor's Sarsapniilla. In tho eaee of It. L. King, l.iehniond, Va., who Kiiffcrcd for 47 years with an aggravated form of scrofula, Ayor's Sarsaparilla oflucted astonishing reatilU. School meeting next Monday for tho purpose of electing ouo Director for throe years and a clerk for one year. There phoiild bo more interest taken in school mutters by our citizens and sec if tho rtandnrd of our school can not be considerably elevated. There is plenty of room for improve ment. 17,000 aeres improved and unim proved lands in Union and linker coun ties for wile. 80 acres first class land in the Cove; 100 acres good land, par tially improved, in the Park; 1(10 acres good land with improvements, on Low or Powder, and other lands on easy terms. Address or call on J. E.Tuttle, Union, Oiegon. Ollico of T. II. Craw ford. Mr. S. F. Ncwhard returned from a trip to California, yesterday, llo in forms us that ho bought 100 aeres of good land, containing .'!00 fruit trees, four miles west of lied lilnfl", paying therefor !?1 2 per acre. lie thinks he lias a big bargain, and will probably move down by next winter. Tho Hot Lako property is for salo on reasona ble and easy terms. "Wo aro informed by Mr. Brown of tho Urown-liOe ferry on Snake river, who was in town recently, that tho ferry is now in good condition and will bo kept co. While the road is not in the best condition for wagon travel, this route is much tho cheapest and best for ttockmon driving to Idado or tho Long valley country and they should make a note of it. NARROW ESCAPE. Wo are iermitlcd to publish tho fol lowing interesting letter', concerning the Sidney, Nob., railroad accident, written by MicsMaud Summers, daugh ter of Mr. and Mm. J. C. Summers, of this city, who was on her way to Illi nois with her grandparents, and was on the wrecked passenger train : Sidney, Nob., Fob. 25. 188S. JJKAK J'AltUNTtf : YVo were in a ter rible wreck this morning at I o'clock, threo miles tho other side of Sidney. Tho wreck happened by our train run ning into a freight train loaded with coal oil. Tho freight train switched oil', but tho switch was not long enough, and two ears wero left standing on tho main track, and our train ran into them, scattering tho oil in every direc tion. Tho iiro started, and in a min ute most of tho ears woro in a blazo. Tho ear that wo wero in was a total wreck, too. Tho side that wo were on did not quite go to tho ground, and I and grandma climbed out of tho window. If it had not boon for a man who broke tho glass anil helped us out, wo would have probably burned to death. Crandpa was sleeping on tho outside of tho bunk, on tho side next to tho liisle, and was thrown about twenty foot by tho jar of tho car, and Avas caught under tome broken pieces tif timber. lie received quite a num ber of sc.utehes and bruises, tho worst being on tho left siilo of his backbone, Jrom his nhuulder to,his hip. llo has been suft'oring ever since. The doo toiri examined him and think there jiro no ribs broken, llo can stand'on his feet this morning, but cannot walk alone. Grandma and I got out without a scratch. Wo wero unable to save any thing at all except ourselves and wnat wo had on our backs. All of our bIiocs, cloaks, hats and everything wu had in tho car was burned, also our trunks in the baggage car. There wero two cars on tho back part of tho train that wero not binned, und tlie passengers wero all put in tliomwul taken to tho hotel at Sid ney, whom wo aro being well cared for. Tho engineor was burned to death. Ho was the only ono killed that wo know of. Just as toon as grandpa gets able to travel, wo aro going to start for homo in Grot'iiviow. Your loving daughter, Maud Summuks. J.M. CARHOM,. I H. P. WI I.SOX, Notary Public Hx-Co.yiork. QA11UOLL & WILSON, Conveyancers and Abstracters. Abstracts to and Mining property furuttiliul on nhiirt jiotico, at reasonable rates. Halo of Renl and Mining property nego tiated. Cihucllau biiKiiiuM promptly nt tended to, Oltleu m t door noutli of Post-otUco, Un ion, Orc,;oii. , AND SODA FACTORY, Cor. Main anil It Sts. - Union. Oregon, Ill!lt.M.VN UAM'.Y, l'ropn. ManufnoturcM ami iloulors In Soila Wa ter, Bamtparillti. GhitftM" Alo, Oriwm Soda anil t'lia-iini uo CuUt, Syrupy, ulo. Or derd pp' i pHy alUsl. KeiitUGKy Liauor Store jr. oAiwmm & co. Watchmakers & Jewelers, And dealers :ii Spectacles, Bye Glasses, Gold Pens, Watches Clocks, Jewelry, etc. Mitin Street, - - - - Union, Oregon. Ctty - lai - Matt! Main Street, Union, Oregon, BENSON BROS. - PKOPltlKTOIIS. Keep constantly on hand BEEF, PORK- VEAL, MUTTON, SAUSAGE, HAMS, LARD. Etc. J A. BELL, House, Sign and Carriage PAINTER Graining a Specialty. Shop, Corner Main and A Streets, Union, Oregon. MASON II AM I Orafiuis gife'-o-'T r ';rq and Pianos aro (JnoxcoIIcd FROM $50 TO $100 SAVED On tlio liurelm.so of an Instrumont, by buying through W. T. WUIUIIT, Agent, Union. Oregon. ALPINE HOTELS Cornucopia, Union county, Or. Jt. C. WAJtlNNEIt; Prop'r. The only iirst class liousc in tho camp. No pains spared to make guests comforta ble. Charges Reasonabfle. Ucratsbcs. Uf.raiaB, Strains, Stilclxos, Stiff Joints, Itftoliacho, CJr.Us, Seres, Crncka. Ccutractod Muscles, Eruptions, Koof Ail, Screw Yornw, Swiauoy, SatldloGalla. Piles. T.cntiaxo, lUit'tnratLssi. .'Snra.it o-i, lJuaitr.o,, COiUf, THTO GOOD OLD STAND-BY re oi i fUliouforrwyliOily cxnctl)MIiatl!iclaliiicl ' 1 1 v. Oaof Uiorciiimifortluici-oRtpoinilarltyof no .ViAtuie Llulmvnt U fouuillnltJ uulrermil i.l'l'Hor.tiJUty. HToryhodynodlsBUch n ninilclne. 'i''ju iJmilH-l'iiiiin tu'uils It la cu of ccdilont. ' ':; UinsewHVineila It for goneralfamlly ub. ' "ic :!:. tcr ool It for It! Uwul uil lilt men. ..o :ttuL-liiiulu iiuoUs It alwain on lilii Vitxb '.. i.'U, nilavrnoMtaUlnowoor cmmioy. ' tc 1'ioHiier niUlt cutititlaiiwltheut It. .(. L-'iuiuiiv need it lu taU hout", hit Itftblr, ;.. : Uliittook jant. V!io Stcnmliont limn or llio lloiitiiiun ncoili 'i ii lilawlMiiiilynlloatamln!iorc. ';m lIoiMo-fnucUT needs U-K la lib liwt '. ! kaft rellnneo. Tlio HlneU-crower needs It-It 1H nvo Wm i ..iwvimd of dollnr and r. world of txmiblo. '.:.o Knilrimil rnuuiiewlsttniul wUIiiwhIUbo ... s LU lift U n round of RCCttlimUiutd dauguin. fin.. ItnokwnailHinnn ncedatt. There U notli r. liVo tt tM an aiitldoio for tho dAngera to life, i and comfort which aiirroiuid tha donor. ''ho Mi'ioliuu: nitr.lH ttatwtit hit ttore anuHiR is ,;J.v(fl. AocWtaw will hnpixui. mul whuu . v cuj tha iluataiif Unlment U vrauteit at oneo. .. iu Uottlu JutUo Moute. TU tua bout of i' i y. Iw-.linnntlle In ittu l-'nctory. ltatmmedlata in ,ik of accident savou ptln aud Iom of wages, .-.i u ilutilo Ahruyula tho Smulo for m lieu wuu: ed. D9.Y0U INTEND BUILD? PRACTICAL LOW- 0 BUILD C0DT H0U8E3. A Irr Atl. llliw dnnHmt;, 1 0r rli; IbulUlKC. ill Ul"l ' "ll4'"k ' " I""" l"0 ..Uu to. 1 11,000 n-l'lo'o., r' lil. iHt r;u. idi'tr, UMd uitly irul.l brntk i.i"i- li JviW irnqn u wui l Imin '"- I Mil. jui4.14.0Url. Hil " A"" - "OltlUJON StMH'T." rnUm. Orosun,' A. SVaWiatiSSiB Gnu. Wnmur, W.l , Piv.-ldent. -fH now V. Trai:i.s i nii'l (! i it fniii Luton d.iiiv, n follow s: - M1.ST Mil'NIi. Passenger, N'o. o, L'vc nt 11 :r j. in. Freight, No. 15, L'vo nt 7:ir n. in. nt 2: -to a. in. TlPk' b'TQ to und troin principal points 1 iLRL,iO mlll0 I-,,!!,.,! states, Canada anil J'.uropc. dill I alace Ocllo. Emigrant .Sleeping Curs Hun Through I Mil JjAJIil."r J. I ill 113 11 j OS3AKA, OOraCBL BLUFFS and ST. PAUL Free of Charge and Without Change. Close connections nt Portland forSan Fran cisco and Paget Sound points. For further particulars inquire of any Agent of the Company or of A. L. Maxwell, Ci. P. AT. A., Portland. Oregon. 'SAN" FItANClSCO LINE. 1IIO.M rOKTI.ANI). heaving at 1'JMidn't., us follows: KIloM HAN WANCIMO. L'v'ng Spear st.wh'f at 10 a.m. us follows: Columbia, Sun. .Ian lStatc, .Sat. Jan'y iStatc, Tiiurs. ,, ll'iUregon. eel. Oregon, jlon ,, it. Columbia, Sun Columbia. Fri. aoLState. Tliurs. Statu, Tuts. 11 I Oregon, Jlon. Oreiron. Sut. .. lis i I ( Ol n iiilifii, ri. Columbia. Wed Fell l I State. Tuesday HI Tho company reserves I he right to change steamers or ailhi!,' davs. W. If. JIOI.COMI!, I A. L.MAXWF.hL, (ltn'i Malinger. (i. P. fcT. A, II. L. DHACON. Agent. Union. On farmlands in Umatilla. Maker, Union, Oilllam and Wallowa counties, at H, 'J, 10 and 11 percent, on live year's time. Call on J. 11. IMNJOIIAILT, at the Farm ers' Mortgage and Savings Hank, i:iimiuei' ville, Oregon, if you want money on larm loans. The 3 per cent is on improved farm land near the railroad in Orande IJoiule Valley. 10-21-mi;, J. II. KINK1IAHT. Ill heaves Union diiily at Cove at :i:."0 p. 111. heaves Cove at 8 a. in at!):::0a. m. '2 p. m, arrives at , arrives at Union Connections made with Klliott's conches running to the depot, carrying p;tf.oiigcr.s 'or east and west bound trams. ItATKS for IMSSKNOKItS. r.VROAOE anil I'lJUlC.HT, UliAsOKAlILK. 1SOHIXSON it LAYKK, Proprietors. Horse Breaking! I desire to Inform thepublio that I have perfected :v New System of Horsebreaking, Whlcfi 1 believe to be th.t best now prac ticed, ami I will take li'irscs or any other kind of animals to break, m" 1LEASONAHLH TEKMS. Satisfaction guaranteed in wry instance. Will visit tlie farms when desired, and break tho animals without linking them awiy, (live me a trial. 11-lS-tr SHANNON lAllSITALL. Wkuuit, Cashier. UNION, 015EGON. lines a General Hanking Uusiness. lluys and sells exchango, and discounts commer cial paper. Collection eirefully attended to, and pruiiipt'.v leporud. Tho West Shoro Is tho only lllnetratnl rancn :Ino imhlwluil on tho Pacific coast, and asldo from its excellent literary feature, Its ohject Is to convey Information, hy hoth iwn and incll, if tho creat resources of thin region, and tho progrons of their ilcvelopmcnt, Seclal illustrated articles appear In each Issue. ; also, eeveral paj.'es of notes of th? pro gresa being inado lu vwry pectlon. Oregon, WnMilngton, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, Utah, California, llrltlsh Columbia, and tho Pacific T'ortlnvet In general, aro being illustrated. The subscription prlco Is only 2.f0. It Is not only the cheapest illustrated magazine In tho Vmted States, but contain articles and en gmvliiir of givat Interest to every resident of this re.-ion, which can not bo found in any other publication. Subscriber for rccelvo a Lirgo supple ment every month. Tho first ono Is a beauti ful oleograph of tho " Untrance to tho Colom bia Hlver." printed In nlno colors, and each of tho other represents somo feature of our fuhlimo feecnery. Tho supplements are alone worth more, thsu tho prlco of tho magazine. Try It for Kvs, and after reading, send It to your friends elsowhero. You will find It both cutcrtolulu,und Instructive, L. SAMUEL, Publisher, Second SL, I'ortland, Orceon. PATENTS (.Uitaiiied. and all l'atent llusines.s attended to I'romptlyand for Molerate Uees. (Hirotlico Is oppoite the U. S. l'atent OilU e, and wo can obtain 1'atenin hi less time tlimi thove remote from Wasoinuton. Scud MDDKhorDISAWItl. Wo adviyeo as topanU'iiUliililv fntof chariro; and w miiko NO CIlAHOKUXl.a I'ATKXTIS Kl.Vl'KKt. We rvtcr, hen, to the lVsdmnster, the Sujt. of Miun'v tinier Uiv., and to ollh inl.s ol llio U. S. Patent Oltke. Kor circular, mlvKv, trriutand roU'ervneei. to actual ell cnu In ymu own Stut or iuntv. writo to C. A. Co., Opi.Mle l'.ittlU tllli.C. WulliStH. I.C Elejr OF Ba THE West Shore k libit! lii A. J. COODIIKOD, Prop. OPENED ANEW. The Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon. fa Everythiiicr "Now niitl First Olttss Throughout. Tlie table always supplied With the best ahc market affords. Excellent Accomoda tions for Commer cial Men. Charges Reasonable. E3ZIEE3 ORTGAGE UNION, OREGON. $500?000.00to Loan on First OJass Security, From Ono to Five Years Time, at n how llato of Interest, ANo lluys, Scl!. and Kents Property lor Mm-reMdent.s. O ONKY JIKCKIVKD ON DEl'OSl To bo Invc-tcdon Ounrnntecd Security. All Collections .Promptly Attended to Without Delay. TAKEN VV. Hy tlio undcrjijined, living in Indinu Val ley "precinct. Union county, Htnte of ore pon, und duly posted on the Oth day of .laiiuiirv. lsS"S: OneliKht liny horye, lishthind footwliitc, Hinall white .spot in forehead, braudtid on left hip, 15 hands high, supposed to ho i years old in the spring. One brown mure, branded W J on loft .shoulder and left hip, no other brands or marks visible. 15 hands high, supposed to be 10 years old. F. IJ. IlAI'JilS. , The above described hordes were apprais ed by mo this 4th day of Feb. 1S88. as fol lows: The bay horse at $00.00 and brown mure at 50.00. .1. II. COWAN, 1M7 Justice of the I'enco. USTltAY XOTJCi:. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed, residing four miles vet of North Powder, Cnion county, Oregon, on Wolf creek, did, on the Kith day of January, 18SS, take, up and post, and on the fitb. 'day of January, caused to be apprai.-ed as by law required, the following described es' trays, to wit. One bay mare and colt; mare 5 orfl years old, white spot in forbead. 15 bands high, branded W A on left shoulder, One dark bav mare, 15 bands hlnh, slopes on hips, branded on left .shoulder V ago not known. One buckskin mare, black nianoand tail, .'I years old. 15 hands high, branded on left shoulder with an andiron. Ono light gray hor-e colt, two or throe years old, 15 hands high, white face, right hind leg white up to gambol joint, brand not known. IIAHIMSON WICKS. NOTICE FOR PUI3 LI CATION. Land OiTU'K at La (ikaxhe, OartioN,) Jan. .".0. Kss. j" Notice is hereby given that the lullowing nanied settler has tiled notice if his inten tion to make Until proof in support of bis claim, aud that said proof will bu made be fore tho register and receiver at I.a Orande, Oregon, on the 11th dav or March, ISSS. viz: 1IANKU W. LKIJ, lid. No. IS'.'L', for the SIJ (r. of SUcr. Sec. 1, Tp. S S, IS. 11 K, W, M, and S hlf. of SW ip-. See li, and NIJ or. of N W p-, See, 7, Tp. S S, It, l'J K, W, M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivu thin of, said land, viz: Wm. T. Martin, of Medical Springs: Ira South, ISalph Jame son and David Kniole. of Ki ating. Oregon. IIlISllV ItlNKICAIIT, 2-:t-w0 ISegister. NOTICE 1-X)lt l'UULI CATION. I.ANn Officii at La Gieamu:. Oukuon,) Jan. ;!0, 1.S.SS. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made be fore the register and receiver at La Orande, Oregon, on the 13th day of March, ISSS, viz. WILLIS A. C1IAKN1JS, D. S. No. 70!W, for the S hlf. of SK qr. See. 10. and N hlf. of NUqr. Sec 15, Tp. (i S, IS. :is K. Ho names tho folb wing witnesses to prove his continuous ronideneo upon, and cultiva tion of, saiil land, viz: James IS. Gilkisiin, 1. W. Mahary, John Henderson, and C. Hanson, all of North Powder. Oregon. IlUNISY ISlKKIlAUT, 2-3-wfl llegister. NOTICE POlt PUBLICATION. Lan n Offick at La Git..UE, Oi:Koo.v,t Jan. 23, 18Si. Notice is herehy given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make Until proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made lie fore the register and receiver at Ln Grande, Oregon, on March Jl. 1. vht: CY1SCS 11. P1SKSCOTT, Hil. No. 2ti22. for the NK'4 Ni:i4' Sec. ;tt, and N1 . .WW, and SW'4 NWV,' Sec. Tp. a S, It. 10 U, W. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residence, upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Wallace llinkley. T. 11. Johnson, Irwin Frasier, and William Frus ier, all of Toloeasvtt, Oregon. UlLNltV Ut.VRItAHX. 1-27-wO. lSegistor, Ij.xi Okficb at La GiUN-me, Obkoox.I Jan. Hi, lvs. i Notice is hereby kivcii that ihe following-' named settlor has (lied notice of his intwi-1 tion to make Until proof in support of bis , claim, and that said proof will lie made bo-! fore the register and receiver at li Grande, ; Oregon. on March a, 1SRX, vU. DANIKL ; F. MOOUK, 1). S. No. i7S, for tin S NF 1 cpr, SUqr. NW qr Sw 2, and SW qr. NW qr. Sec. 21, Tii. 7 S. IS. Ifl K, W. M. lie names the following wltneewes Ui ptvw'hu. continuous residence uihiii. and cultiv.tiiou of.saidland. vl: Columbus Goodit.', of Pine Valley, Oregon, Wilbur F. 1..m- i Union, Oregon, Goorire Sonner, of Cortm eopia, Oregon, iulJiMiiiT. Wrmht. f Un ion, Oretiou. Husky Uinkuaiit, 127-0 lie. il. r. Rank, 1 l r. in !- ib-d iiiiitn::! i i.i) I me. ai.d f!nly potc.l nccordiiv,' to lew: One 1 nv hont'.h venr Old, bratidel J ) on left xtille. The Jionti wris tipprni'd In O. A. 'ihtinii win, J. P. of rniouprielnet, nt S25. H. L. HUSTI5R, Urlon, Oregon , Jan,?!-;, l"eW. TAKEN UP. By Bi.sbop .Johns i Co. of lndfnn Valley precinct, Union county, Ovwiii,tiK' foll w Ing dc'icriticct h.orsc?, on'i tln'y po'tctl ac cjordinsto law: One nnctekln colored ma-p. brnndwl W on right h p ami 'hrhi h uM-T, abnnt 15 hands M?ii,an:l yiippowUobo vonmuld. One .roan howe. branded W on r'jjht hip iil ri-tht shoulder, about 1 yearn old and about 1 1 bands hlb. One hay mare, branch d 8 onla.'f nip and V on rieht hip, about 11 hands high, 7 or 8 years old. One finirej hr-e, hmt'ih-tl K ofi rijfht shouldf r, H lifltid binh.O or 10 year old. Or.e bronrn liii y, 3 vcurs i'd. ho brand tlmt ouii tic soon, right hind foot white up to nocture Joint and white trip down fee. The alMve ilcfcribed horses wero apprais ed bvme. tbi itith d -.y of Jan. 1'1S, as fol lows': i;nVkin, fl-.; roun,$15; bay, $15; -orreJ, CSU; brown, ". .T. tt. COWAN. Ju'-tx-c of the Vmco. Indian Valley P'ct, Tlnilior I.anl. Act Tone a. 1378. Pollen i"i.r i'ulilltutiaii, ' U. S, L.'.xn Office. La OaASnr, Ortr.aov.) February 2. 18, I Notice is hrr"l),v given that in compliance with the provision of the act of Congress of June :i, 187H, entitled -An net lor the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada and Waxhinaton Territory-'p m::!tY I.. ClIANI)M2Ii.of Union. t'ounty of Union. State of Oregon, has this lav filed in th: oillce his sworn statement No. Li', fi.rtlK'iiindiasoof thcBWof NE'( Section No. in Township No. ( South, I'ange No. !5 i:a-t, an.l will .'if r proof to show that the land m ng'it it m .ru valunble for its timber or slime than fur agricultu ral nifjio.-es, .and to c.'ti.l.Hsh liis elailn ti Kiiict land luforo the 11,'ginter and Iteceiver of this I'flii e nt La (iratide, flre.wn, on 3Iouday tho Kith day of April, ln8. He name'iV.s witnesses: T. O. Wilson, P. 1. rilson, W. T. Carroll and T. II, Cooper, all of Union, Oroson Any ana all per son"! claiming adversely the above-described landB nre rccjuested to file their claims in thiMi flico on or before said 10th day of April, lsfi8. IiENBY ItlXEIfAHT. 2-10-wlO llegistcv. Tlmbor Land, Acit -Juao 8, 187X Kotlee Xur I'allloall..ii. V. S. I,kd Of:ick, La Clr.XoE. OnKOox ) January IT), ISSS. Notice iiliTchy given haf in compiiancc with the provisio'us of the net of Congress of June f!, 187S, entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oiegon, Nevada, and Washington Territo ry," WILLI A Si EO'LKS. i if Tcloe.isft, ( oitnly of I'nioii. Stuteof Oregon, has this dav tiled m Ibis office bis sworn statement No", 10,for tho pureha-e of tlie hENW K &SW SK of Section No. 7, In TownU'p No. OS, ISange No. :;8 10, W. M, und will oli'or proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for i:s timber or toue than for ag ricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to mh'iI land before the ngi-ter and receiver of this oflice at I.a Cr.mde. Ore gon, on llonduy the Dlh day t' April, 1SSK. Ho names as witnes.-os: Ailuni Nel-on, dacoh Staubnugh, Win. L. llurrow.s aud John Stodard, all of Teloca-ut, Oiegon. Any end nil peron claiming adversely the al.o've-de-.crili'jil lands are rnpicted to file their claims in this otlioe on or before said 0th day of April, ISM. IlESRY PtlXEUAI'.T, 2-:;-wl0 Register. r.'OTlCK Of yojtKKlTVMU. County of Union, State Of Oregon, Feb, rua:-y .Li, 1S5. To Z. It. Johnson: Tou are licroby no tified ;har v.".' h.ivo expended one hundred dollars (V10O.) in labor und improvements upon the "Dominion" lodo, (this claim is fdtiiatvd about ) three i.-uarteis of a mile from the mouth ol Lostiloise creek,' and () one half mile southwest of Allentown, and 13 on tho soittli side of Lost Horse creek, in tho Granite Mining District, coun ty of Uni.in and State of Oregon,) as will appear lu- certificate) tiled Fe'iruary Oih. Is in the oflice of the District ISecorder of said di-tric;, i'i orik r tn bold said i eiiiis es, under ihe provisions of .cction 2321, re vised 'tatiites of the United States, btinr the amount reipured ;o hold the same for the year ending December 81, 1SM7, and If within ftinety days after this notice, you fuil or refuse 'to eontributo-your proportion of uch expenditure as a co-owner, your interost in t-aid claim will become the prop erty of tho subscribers, under said section 2121, K. V. JULilS, 2-17-W13. E. CAN-ADA Y, HUTICE OK fOKFElTCJItE. Countv of Union, state of Oregon, Feb ruary Oth, 1S8. To E. P. Howard, W. .1. Comyn-'s and Hugh Webb: You are hereby notified that 1 have expended one huudrcil and .-eventy-live tloll.u'. ($l7."i.u) ill labor upon the "Poorman"' mine, as will appear bv ecrtill ente tiled February S.h. l-s. in the nfll e of the county clerk' of said county, in order to bold snid'preinlsis, under the provisions of section 2821, revised statutes, being the amount re pilred to hold the same for the year ending DcoomhcrSl. l.vli ami tho year ending December ."I. 1SM7. And if within ninotv tlavH after mitice by publication, you full or rufu-ii to contribute your pro jioriiou of such expentjiture n eo-owners, your intere-t In .-aid elntui will liee-ome the property of tlio subseriBbr, undef said bee tiou 2.W1. 2-lO-wlS JOHN CAISKY. NtfTIOR OK FOKFKlTUlttS. Cornucopia, Union County Oregon,! Jan. 21, 1XSK. f To Mr. Charles By water: You are here by notified that we, your co-owners in the claim or mine known as the l,Slate'' claim, situated ono and one-halt miles north-east from Cornucopia, hovo expended one hun dred dollars m assessment work for the year 1SS", on said claim, as required bylaw, aud If you fall to contribute vour portion of said amount within ninety duy from date of sen-lee by publication ot this notice, your interest lu said claim will licooine the prop erty of the undersigned eo-owners, as pro vided by section revised statute, I . S, M. It. BROWN, S. K. SKNOU. 2--wl3 J. T. BOLLKS. JiOTlCJS OV POBFKlTt'KU. County of i'nion, State uf Oregou, Jan uary 4th, KSS. To Benjamin Metier, John S. Klllott, Jame-sA. l'enuell, and K. J, Wilbur: You and inch of you arc hereby notified that I have e.Npviided one hundred dollar In Iain r andimprovemeiit-i upou the "Sum iult''quari7. lode, situ.tted ill i'nion county, Oregon, al oiit 35 miles eiiht of Uulou, cin the divide between the north fork of the Im nulla and the lake fork of ihe Wallowa riv ers, as w ill appear by a certificate filed Jan uary 4th, 1MS.S, in the office of the clerk of Union county, Oregon, In order t hold s. tid prtnrs.'s mui r the pr i-iou-of se tion 2U1 revised statute- of the I'nlud MuUw. iKlnx the amount ruire l to hold tiie saute tor the i-ear eudiiiti DeteiuUrai, and if within ninety days after this i 'oti , by publkation, y.u or either ol you u.l i refuse to coniiibuU' your proportw.. o( -iu-h i xpendlturi- a io.inn-i, yoar in ii i t in -aid clfliui will Ikioiuc the propt-r m : th uhsrlU.r uiuler s iitScetion 2J, i O-urlS, . F. UOLBitUOJC ".Vli.-. T!itiir.-.in it Pin cl am iitrents for the cclchratcd Cyclone Wind Mill, mul n the prices on them hitvchccu great ly reduced thny are now within tho rcneli of all. Sample mill to bo seen nt ihcii' planer in North Union. Call aud examine it. O.ie botth taken according to directions r.'i'' give better results than a gallon of Scrzapariiia, or a:iy of tho so-called Dlooo Furifien vHh ivliich ilw market is glutted, f.i Eruzgists, price $1.00 per bottlo. EOO REWARD :'' ,1.1. c? for any case of Pihsumax.'xm . hixh L'r. Pardee's Homed, propsrl ad' r.:i:iiit:'(0('. fciL to relieve. Nervous Exhaustion. Few Use! ill Hints For" Nervous People. "l am so nervous" is a very common ex pression, uod by both old and young: and very few can now be found who are free from nervous trouble. Wc regret to sco that the malady Is rapidly increasing. And from what cause? There are various reas ons. It may be because of a low condition of tho general health; the vltility of the norvous system Is depressed; or from a want of perfect digestion and assimiliatlon of food, and the vitilizing power of pure, rich blood, the nerves arc not properly strenthencd and noitrshed, and consequent ly become weak and diseased. There was a time when "nervousness,'' and that class of disease known as norvous affections, were apparently confined to ladies; but at the present day it is an un doubted fact that as largo a portion of nor votts diseases exist among men as among the gentler sex; and their distressing affccU and lusting and enervating results arc a thousand fold more serins, as they extend to posterity and arc productive of a weak ened and enfeebled race. Nervous and pin-Meal dibility, caused by is a frcipient and distressing disease its de pressing influence being felt alike on both sexes and all nges. Among tho first Sym plons of this affection are usually a de rangementof the digestive organs. A feel of languor will be experienced, aud'a grad uaifailing of strength, with general weak ness and pnin in tho back. More or less ex luustation is experienced on waking in tho themoriisng. There is often a bad tasto in tht mouth; tho vision becomes dim, tho niemoty is impaired, and the patient is troubled with frequent dizziness. Persons thus affected aro often Jdospondant. and liiffor from gloom and depression of tho mind. Tlio nerves become so weakened that the least excitement or shock brings;on a trcmor;or trembling, often attended hy pnlpatation cf the heart. LADIES Are particularly susceptible to nervous disordors, owing partly to their nioro clicate nervous organization and p urtly to their sedentary life and consequent confinement in-doors. Such affections aro at tended hy rostlcssttess and nervous excite ment, anxiety or depression of tho mind, loss of interest in society and tho daily af fairs of life. Thero is also loss of sleep; the patient on rising In the morning, feel ing tired, languid aud unrefreshed. From slight nervous attacks to hysteria, from sim ple 'nervousness" to utter prostration, there are many and varied forms of diseases of the nervous system none of which should exist, and of all of which4 can bokcurcd by the use of Dr. Pardee's Remedy Which first stimulates thellvcrand kidney's to healthy action, regulatoi tlie digestiveor gans, and from the first dose begins its work of purify inj; and building up the worn out system It produces sweet aud healthy lccp, enriches tho blood, and imparts ,to the pale and xallnw cheeks the glow of vealtb, brings brightness to tho eye and i l.i-ticity to the tep. Moro real henlfltcau i dented from one half dozon bottles of Dr Pardee' Remedy, than from a hundred lo.l.ir inesti-.l m any othor way. O Aslvju.u- liruggi-t lor It. and take no . ib. Miiiiiiii flimsy