The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 24, 1888, Image 5

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AJI i ,l'i..- - - t:i ft i.;.
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The Oregon Scnvthata large a rime
lalivn a$ any itiree papers . tins nee
Hon. of the State, combined, and ig cor
rosjwnatngiy ventaote as an art vert isina
" ' : - -
-Si. -P..? -7 l. - . i A -I , -v -v . .
x 1 ""'J A 1 oo-
Union ami Vicinity.
Gardon and flower &eds at Jones
Loans negotiated by J. E. Tuttle"
"Union, Oregon,
After the i-t. of March tho Pendleton
. Oreyonian will it-bue a daily. '
A lod-ieof 1. O. O. F. will bo organ
ized in Piii.' valley, on or about"" the
first of April.
.Remember the Hoard of Trade meet
ing at the court house, the first Satur
day in March.
Circuit court will adjourn to-inor-row.
The docket has been pretty
well cleaned up.
A dance will be given at Davis Hull
in this city on March 16th. Look out
for nd. next week.
The Hags of the city were spread to
tho breeze last Wednesday, in honor of
Washington's birthday.
Tho Into cold weather it is said lias
injured a great many of the fruit trees
in tho vicinity of Sumnierville.
Mrs. 1. N. Cromwell, school clerk,
has been taking the census of the
.school children in this district.
Found. A small bunch of keys.
Finder can have the same by calling
at this office and paying for' this no
tice. Money is needed lo pay for now
goods soon to arrive at the Cove drug
store. So call at once and settle your
overdue account.
The county court of Umatilla coun
ty has decided to erect a new court
house on the gtouud known as the col
lego block, to cost ifGO.OOO.
N. 15. Harris was arrested again tho
Joro part of the week, on a warrant
from Mulnomah county. It "was con
cerning the Sunimi-rrillo bank busi
ness, lie gave bonds.
Tho patented non-piekable lock, on
tho "Victor" safe, took tho first prem
ium over nine competitors at a recent
exposition in England. Frank M,
Hlocurn, Agt., Union, Of.
Always patronize a man who adver
tises. You will Jind the liberal adver
tiser the liberal dealer. His enterprise
always draws him a large trade, and
lie can aflord to sell at less profit.
Tho Oregon Alpine Club are taking
tho preliminary step in tho matter of
applying to Congress to have seven
townships of land surrounding and in
cluding Mount Hood, fot apart as a
national park.
Mr. A . Levy received this week, di
rect from the factory, some genuine
Now Orleans plantation sugar. It. is
of excellent quality and somewhat dif
ferent from tho sugar which wo have
been using. Try some of it.
It is a good rule to accept only such
medicines as are known to be worthy
of confidence. It has been the exper
ience of thousands that Ayer's Cheiry
.Pectoral is the best medicine ever used
for throat and lung diseases.
A meeting will bo held at the rooms
of the Union Silver Cornet Band next
Monday evening, at 7 :30 o'clock, lo
consider the advisability of forming a
militia company in Union. All per
sons favoring the movo are requested
to attend.
The attention of our readers is
called to the advertisement of Hub
bard Spencer Bartlett it Co., dealers
in hardware, Chicago, 111., which ap
pears elsewhere in this paper. They
are a responsible firm and know the
value of judicious advertising.
Enquiries by no less than live or six
different parties have been made of us
during (ho lat week, for dwelling
nouses to rent, more seems to ue a
great many new comers wanting to
loeato here, but there is not a vacant
dwelling houso in tho town that wo
know of.
Says the Pendleton Oregonian ;
.Tames Oarred, the lost boy of Milton,
vras found yesterday morning in Gam
mon creek, near Walla Walla. Tho
body was badly decomposed, and had
evidently lain in the water several
weeks. Whether ho drowned himself
Or fell in while demented, is not known.
Martin Scott, a brutal wife murder
er, was hanged Friday at Deer Lodge,
Montana. On the morning of tho ex
ecution he united with the Catholic
church, and so will bo a white robed
u a wiiuu juiiru
imgol with a harp, in the land of the
JioreAftoi'. Tic murdered woman, hav-
ing no spiritual assistance at the last
moment, no doubt went in tho other
direction. E. 0.
Mr. Cios, from Indian valley, says a
Summerville correspondent, reports a
land ilido which struck his barn and
moved it thirty feet. There were sev
eral horses in the barn at tho time
which were, fortunately uninjured, but
hi wheat was catteml on th giound.
Mr. Cross was not at homo at the time
and when he saw the wreck supposed
hia horMJtf were all dead or crippled1
The La Grande Gazette pays us a
neat compliment as follows; "The
btuuitciMi men of Uuion met Monday
ovcuimj for the purjxjse of organixiug
11 Ikoard of trade. When it come down
to an improved method of doing busi
ne, La Grand" iw. J go no further
than Union for instruction. It would
h worth tli" exjienst-, if a few of is.
Gnmde's citiwnn would go to Union
nd gather up a ioint or two. Then
if we can not keep up with onr igb
Ummtotm the valley, we might, at
least, copy f .' h beneficial
meeting of the democratic
j Pursuant to the call of the chairman,
' the Democratic Central Committee of
- I'mon comity met at the court house
- : in Union on 'Wednesday evenintr Feb-
ruary loth.
Tlie roll was called and the following
' members responded: Antelope, W.
IT tf..U ... 1 ,.. ... .
V " " . ' , " ,?.nt"on ;. JiC"
j-iK, ouu. a, iuciut; nig v. reek, d,
l tuner; cove, c. M. Jatnifon: Isl-
and City, Mr. Hunter; North Powder,
ion, A. C. Craig;. On motion Owen
Mathews invited to represent Cor
nucopia; Win. Fine, Indian Valley;
D. A. McAlister, La Grande; S. 8. Ap
ple, Stumptown, and Wm. Woodcll,
Suniincrvillo precinct.
On motion a committee of four, con
sisting of J. W. Shelton, Mr. Hunter,
D, A.' Me.Alister and Geo. E. Owen
was appointed to prepare a basis of an-
..i TIM 1 .1 ...
poruouiMem. i one ine comnnuee
was out, Hon. T. C. Hvde, of Paker
City, gave an able address to tne largo
audience of democrats who were pres
out. Tho committee then returned
and submitted the following report,
which was adopted
"We, your committee on apportion
ment of delegates to the next Demo
cratic County Convention, respectfully
recommend that the representation of
the ilifl'erent precincts shall be based
on the vote cast for the democratic
nominee for Congress in 1SS6, and
that eaeli precinct shall be entitled to
one delegate at large to the next Dem
ocratic County Convention, and one
delegate for each 20 votes east for said
Congressman, at said election, and ono
delegate for each fraction over 10,
which apportionment will entitle the
several precincts to the following rep
resentation : Union, 10; La Grande, U;
Island City, 7 ; Summerville, 8 ; Stump
town. 2; Camp Carson, 2; Starkey, 1;
Indian Valley, 0; Hig Creek, .'5; Cove,
0; Forth Powder, 3; Hed Pock, 2; Ea
gle, :i; Lower Eagle, .'; Pine Valley, -l;
Cornucopia, 7 ; Antelope, 2. We fur
ther recommend that no delegates to
the county 'convention be allowed
more than two proxies, and that no
proxy be allowed to a person who does
not reside in the precinct which he
seeks to represent."
.). W. Suni.TOM, Chairman.
The committee then fixed the time
for holding the precinct primaries on
Saturday, March 21, 18SS, and the
countv convention on Thursdav,
March 29, 1SSS.
After a lengthy discussion as to the
most appropriate action to bo taken
regarding an adjustment of the Legis
lative representation of Union and
Wallowa counties, it was resolved to
advise tho special committee appoin
ted by the Democratic State Central
Committee to confer with ono for a
like purpose oppointed by tho repub
licans, to act in accordance with their
best judgment as to the law in the mat
ter, and to report their proceedings to
the regular Democratic County Con
vention. On motion the secretary was instruc
ted to furnish each of the county pa
pers with an account of the proceed
ings of the meeting, after which tho
committee adjourned.
At Wingville, seven miles northwest
of this city, at her home, on Feb. Kith,
Mrs. Drueilla Osborn, wife of Hiram
Osborn. Mrs. Osborn was born in
Franklin county, Missouri, Aug. 22,
IiiOO, was reared and received her ed
ucation in that state, and Feb. 11, 18IJS
was married to Hiram Osborn, who
survives her, a hale and hearty old
gentleman. In 1S(51 Mr. and Mrs.
Osborn with their family migrated to
Oregon and settled in Powder river
valley, where they have since resided.
To bless their lives and comfort them
in their old age, they have been favor
ed with sons and daughters, grand
children and great grand children, all
of whom with one exception, were
present at the bedside during the lato
illness of grandma Osborn, as she was
always lovingly called. The entire
life of this good old lady has been an
exemplary one and tho example she
has left as a legacy for her children
and tho world is worthy of emulation.
Baker Democrat.
I will sell at public auction, at my
place on Big creek, on March 1st, 1888
at 10 o'clock a. in. tho following per
sonal property: Three large work
horses, ono saddle horse, some brood
mares and colts, cows and yearlings,
ono lumber wagon, ono hack, ono set
harness, plows, harrow, and other far
ming tools, household goods, stoves,
,.,;,. iwwr i , ...l.w, .l,,,..!.. l,
m, t . machine, dishes,
, 1 .... ' '
and many other things too numerous
to mention. Teannsof sale: All sums
under $5.00, cash; $5.00 and over, 0
month's time; sums of $25 and over,
22 month's time. Must bo good, en
dorsed and approved notes, with inter
est. T. G. Cook,
From this time till tho 15th of March
I will sell my stock of winter boots
and shoes at pricos ton per cent, cheap
er than heretofore, in order to mako
room for my spring stock. Give mo a
call. 0. Yinctnt.
If you would have large yield and
plump grain, use the Gale Sulky Spring
Tooth Harrow and Seeder. Hoforenoes
given of some of our beat farmers. For
sale hy II. B. Drake, Union, Or.
J. E. TtiUltf lias money to loan in
urn to suit. CtUl and aee him i
otftoe of City lkconler.
Social Scintillations.
l'nrnsraili IVi-talnlng, l'rlnrlpnlly, to
tho riTcRi lnatlons of Uio
Mr. T. II. Foster is convalescing.
! 3fr. J. A. Tucker called on us
I tordav.
t .... .. , . ,
, f'Ly re,rl lo mcnil,e
Mr. Win. Ecclcs and wife, of Telo
casct, were in. town Wednesday.
Mrs. Pobt Lloyd, of North Powder,
was visiting in Union this week.
Mr. T. 1). Parker, of Baker City, was
111 town tins week attending court.
Mr. Wm. Khiehart, of Summerville,
visited Union tho fore part of the week.
Miss Maggie Bell is lying quite low
with fever at her home in North Un
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Eaton's babv
has been quite sick since they came to
Mr. Hiram Osborne and daughter,
Ohio, of Wingville are in Union, on a
Attorney O. F. Bell, who has beon
quite sick for some time, is ablo to bo
out again.
Mr. Ed. Eckley, editor of tho La
grandc Gazette, was in Union a few
(lays ago.
Mr. Wm. Blize and family, of Ba
ker county, were visiting in Union
this week.
Born. In this city, Wednesday tho
22nd inst., to tho wife of N. Howland,
a daughter.
Mr. Wm. Fine of Elgin and Mr. Ed.
Mulbollan of Ladd canyon called on us
Mrs. Jos. Baker and Miss Carrie Ba
ker, of La Grande, were in Union,
Miss Hannah Fox, of Baker City, is
visiting in Union the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Levy.
Mr. Chas. Herring and wife, and
Mrs. Baldock, of Keating, wero in
town this week.
Mr. J no. Lachner, the jolly landlord
of Baker City, was in Union yesterday,
and called on us.
Malt Johnston, who is how living in
Washington Territory, was in Uuion
the fore part of the weeck.
Mr. Jas. B. Eddv, editor of the Pen
dleton Tribune, made us a pleasant
call the fore part of the week.
Mr. T. A. Marvin has bought tho
Harris ranch, near Pentecost's, and
will mako that his homo in the future.
Mr. Thomas Allen and Mrs. L. E.
Legore were married at tho city hotel
last Wednesday, Kev. Booth officiating.
Mr. Geo. Thompson, tho shoemaker,
has moved onto his ranch in Antelope
Valley, and will try his hand at farm
Attorney Crites contemplates taking
a trip back east soon. It is rumored
that he is not going for his health en
tirely. Miss Clara Childcrs, of Summerville,
met with a severe accident last week,
by falling and dislocating her knee
Licenses to wod wore issued this
week to Hiram Fisher and Emma
Hundall and Thomas Allen and Lillie
E. Legore.
Mr. John Donney and wife, of Pine
Vallev, arc in the city, visiting friends
and relatives. They will remain for
several days.
Tho social party given at the resi
dence of Mr. anil Mrs. Phil. Wilson,
last Friday evening, was highly en
joyed by all present.
Mr. J. II. Baldwin, a prominent at
torney and stenographer of Baker City,
is attending court here. We acknowl
edge a pleasant visit from tho gentle
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Ficklin, of Wing
ville, accompanied by Miss Aldah
Hannah, came down last Sunday and
are visiting relatives and mends 111
this city.
Mr. Andross, a prominent sheep
raiser of Summerville, has rented Mrs.
L. Williamson s residence property
on Main street, and will loeato perma
nently 111 Milton, Another sensible
man added to the list. Milton J'Jaglc,
The ball given by tho Knights of
Pvthiaa in this eitv last Fridav nitrht.
was largely attended, and was tho most
enjoyable event of the season. Not
the least of tho attractions was tho
splendid supper served at the Centen
nial hotel.
Everybody needs a spring medicine.
By using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the blood
is thoroughly cleansed and invigorated,
tho appetito stimulated, and tho sys
tem prepared to resist the diseases pe
culiar to tho summer months. Ask
for Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Take no other.
Tho celebrated Burbank potatoes for
sale by Cowles & McDaniel at Cove,
Oregon. They sell from 35 to 50 cts.
per cental higher in San Francisco
than any other potatoe. Price $2.50
per hundred. f21t.'l
17,500 acres improved and unim
proved lands in Union and Baker coun
ties for sale. 80 acres first class laud
in tho Cove; lfiO acres good land, par
tially improved, in tho Park; 100 acres
good land with improvements, on Iiw
er Powder, and other lands on easy
I terms, Addrossor call on J. E. Tuttle,
, Union, Oregon. Office of T. H. Craw-
Smith's walking gang plow, bonio
thing new and just tiio thing. For
Sale by Frank Brog, Implumont Co.,
lhmd City, 1
To citi- ms of the Pacific Slab s du
ring the past week, and reported ex
pressly for the Scot-T, by C. A. Snow
it Co., patent lawyers, opposite U. S.
Patent Olfice, Washington, D. C :
J. Finck, San Frannisco, Cal., elec
tric gas lighter; E. S. Irvin, Berkeley,
Cal., station indicator; E. H. Knapp.
San Jacinto, Cal., bridle winker attach
ment; M. Laehman, San Francisco,
Cal., sewing machine; D. S. Mackey,
San Francisco, Cal., cable railway grip.
Tou are feeling dcprciscd, your appetite
Ik poor, you are bothered with lle.idneho,
you nre figetty, nervoui, and generally out
of hortf, and want to nii.u'c. up. liraee up,
but not with stimulenti, spring inedielncs,
or bittern, wlileh have for their ba-.N very
cheap, had whiskey, and wliieh stimulate
you for an hour, and then leave you in
worse condition than before. What you
want Is an alternative that will purify your
blood, Mnrt healthy action of Liver anil
Kidneys, reMore your vitality, and give re
newed health and strength. Such a medi
cine you wilt find In Electric Hitters, and
only .'"O cents a bottle at Wright's drug store,
Union, Oregon.
The Milk-ine Baking Powder, full
pound cans, warranted as good as any
in tho market. For sale at Jones Bros.
Try it.
(Xo. 2M7.)
Of Tho Flist National ItmiK. at Tnlon,
In tho Stnto of Oi'i'sn, nt ln Cloto
of ISiinIim-hm, Vt'U. 11, INKS.
Loan and di.-eounts
1. S. Ho.ids to secure circulation
.r0,(! 12.07
L'a.sns ii
1 ..TJi). V2
t.:;7o 17
7.i!0:t L's
;ii2. 7s
L',0 10.1)0
Othcrstoeks, bonds and inortancs
Due mini approved reserve agents
Hue from other National Hanks
Due from State Hanks and bankers
Heal estate, furniture and fixtures
Current expenses and taxes paid
rremiums paid
Hills of other Hanks
Specie;ai tender notes ...
niplion fund with P. S. Treas
urer (-1 per cent of circulation)
f l.l!
Capital stock paid in . .
hurinus Hind
Undivided profits
National Hank notes outstanding
Individual deposits subject to
10, IS0.00
Demand certificates of deposit
Due to other National Hanks . . .
Ktati: or Onroov, I
County ot Union,) '
1. W. T. Wright. Cashier of the above-
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to tho best of mv
knowledge and belief. W. T Wit 1(1 MT, '
( ashler.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
21st day of Feb, 1SSS. .1 vmi:h A. Kki.
.otnrv I'uhlie tor Urcirou.
H. M. WKKillT.- Directors.
W. T. WlMfiHT.)
Strayed or Stolon.- $5.00
The followimr described ninlmal has been
stolen, or has strayed from the ranehe near
Telocaset: One bay veariiiiLr colt, branded
with live dots nil right shoulder, white
mark on left hind foot. We will pay
the above reward to any one re-
turniiiL' tlie animal or L'ivintr information
as to its whereabouts.
L'-L'l-u:! TO.MI.INSON ,fc HltOOKK.
LAND OlTICU AT I. (illAMlU, Olil.liO.N,)
eeiiruarv 21, is.-s.. 1
Notice is hereby triven that the followimr-
named settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion tn make final proof in suppurt of ids
claim, ami that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at l.a liramle
Oregon, nn April Ith, 188.S, viz: GOItWIX
C. COKFINHKItltY. aiidminislrator and
one of the heirs of Crosby C. Cofllnberry,
deceased, nu. jno. IMlil. lor Hie '4
ami NH'A'K See. :i:t Tp. 7 S, it. Hi K, W.
M. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of. said land, viz; George Den-
ney, Thomas Irwin, J. jl. Drake and
I'viigene hiiiuvan, all ot rum alloy, ugn.
2-LM.wfi. Itegi.ster.
liANIl Oll'ICH AT II .NIi:, OlilllON.
February 21. IfisK.
Notice is hereby alven that the lollowiug-
named settler lias filed notice of her inten
tion to make final proof in support of 1 1 it
claim, and that said proof will be made hu-
fore the register and receiver al I. a drande,
Onrmi, on April loth, isss, viz: Fl.OK-
for the SIS1,' of Sec. ill, Tp. (i Si of II i'.O K,
W. Al. She names the lollou nig Witncsso-.
to prove her continuous- resilience upon,
and cultivation of said land' viz: Joseph
,. White. John C. Travlllian. I). W. !.
Nelson and Nathaniel W. Scott, all of North
J'owder, Oregon.
iii:.sitv KiNiaiAiir,
2i'.M-wO. ltegister.
Or Anyone Else AVisliinj?
to lurchase
Thoroughbred Cattle
It is my intention to start soon 10 Ken
tucky after a shipment of Short Horn, Uol-
stine and Jersey cattle, rartlos wishing
ail)' of the same, should address mu at thi
place ueioro i go,
rpjiorontf hbred C( a 1 Hons,
1 Jioroiihbred lallioiiH,
From the River Side Stock
Farm, Dickinson Co, Iuuikus,
The fanners and htoekiuon of Union coun
ty will please take notice thut 1 will arrive
at bit (iraiulu, oil about the 12ih of .March,
with a car-load of liorken, from the above
named place, consiitini; uf full blooded
l'ereberon, Normun and Clyde gtidlloiw,
10 imad of henry drnft talion, from 3 lo 5
yours old, also one i b iinnd haj stallion,
1 yurs obi' 'J'x. o ln-sil lire impo l. d from
Ir-iii' f.
2.1Mnl O. I-. THIsl.Klt.
To the Publie of Union and Vicinity,
for the
1 BOd U
I have on route from the East, West,
North and South, the Largest, Best and
Cheapest line of Clothings dry goods, ladies'
and gents' goods, all of the Latest Styles.
Summer Hats, Boots and Shoes, which will
he sold for the
liil T rPTlHii
i mm i tf i 1111 1
of tho general puhlie, at the very lowest
llsaEa Craa
Solo Agency in Union,
for thcVclebrated
iWiiMiifactured by (!. M
Mcnik'iison it Co.
iIV MO'lTO 1S-
"Best Goods, at the
,1 i w Ka
Must and Will be Sold, the Iinti re Stock of Fruit Trees, Shrub
bery, etc., of IT. J. Geer & Son, Cove, Oregon.
In order to procure money, and clear our nursery of the immense slock now on hand
(7J5.0IK) treoH) lake thin metliod to brills lieforu the public
Our Determination to Sell.
Heretofore we have employed ngoiitrt to canvass tho country for thonalo of our trees,
but have concluded to depart from that custom, Now, wo wo propose to reduco tho
price, no Unit purchasers can have the
Benefit of the Agent's Percentage,
We will reduco our price for the spring Iradeof 18fi8, 2."i lo .'!0 per cent, below our
last year's catalogue prices to paities who receive their frees at the nursery. Tree dealers
and 'nurserymen buying by the thousand, will be allowed ."() per cent, discount on last
season's prices,
Our terms are cash on delivery, except hy
special arrangements.
We are DK l'illi.M IN HI) lo dig and HULL our KNTI III', STOCK, to make room for an
K.NTIUK NKW NUItSHltV, coiiduetod mi a dillerent basis; ami, in tho language of tho
Hebrew peddler, "Vast coins and looks for yourself uud miu vot a shlaughtcr mid der
drees 1 almost givs tein uvay.''
We have been growing fruit trees for over twenty years in the same locality, and
conclude we well know and understand what will most profit the purchaser. Our prac
tical experience in fruit and fruit tree business, is, we conclude, of value to purchasers,
and our guarantee cannot be betlered in this country.
i'arties will invariably find it hotter for them to buy at tho nursery, thus Having extra
handling and unnecessary exposure of roots, as well as cost.
We will exchange trees, shrubbery, etc, for
good young horses or cattle.
Any and all orders entrusted to us will have our best attention. Addross:
H. J. GEE11 & SON.
l-27-tf. Covo, Union County, Oregon.
J- S ELLIOTT, - Proprietor.
Everything First Ulaiw. Tonus Very Itonsonablo.
l)us to anil H10111 tho Dupot Making Connection with all Trains.
for Cash.
Union, Or.
At bottom pricuu. Call and
Exainino them.
Lowest Living Prices.
IT, Union, Oregon.
sTjg. Fino Lino of
imMK. Tin Mi mt TlnM
1 i in iuwu a