Jill1 iWf"" i"'umn jilllL'J'J.U.MULlMCllTlJJAJ.LfJ.'-ia THE OREGON SCOGJT. Friday, February 24, 1888, EDITORIAL XOTESi Thanks (o Scimtor Dolpli for a copy of his speech delivered in the Senate on the Oregon and Washington Avar claims. Tho report of the Grand Jury Avillbc found in another column. It contains information of general interest and should bo rend by all. Tho IjOWft Calif ornian, a paper re cently eclnblished in ISnecnadii, conies asking to exchange. It in replete with information concerning that favored country. The Business Educator is the name of a monthly paper published by the proprietors of the Portland Business College. It is a neat publication and creditable to that excellent institution. Clark Wood has retired from the ed itorship of tho Weston Leader, which has passed into the hands 6f Kinsley Itidenourand M. A. Hukcr, If these gentlemen make any improvement over Clark's management, they will have to 1 initio around lively. Blaine has written lo B. SF. Jones, chairman of tho National Ecpublioan committee that bin name will not be presented to tho national convention called to assemble in Chicago in June next for the nomination of candidates for president and vice-president of the United .States. If homo inventive gciwus would patent a double-geared hack-action bodkin of tonio kind to bo carried around in your pistol pocket, fo that when one of thoso fellows runs tho foro linger of his right hand through the buttonhole of your .coat and closes down on it, you could reach round and lop oil' his .arm at ono pass, ho would bo considered a great benefactor of the human race. The Grand Jury reports that tho county clerk's method of keeping ac counts and the arrangement of files and records is excellent, and tho office in better condition than at any time hinco the organization of the county, and that on account of the diligenco of Hhcrilf Hamilton the delinquent, tax list is less than over before. Wouldn't, it be well to keep that kind of work going for another two years? Wo think so. W. J. Hnodgrass, of La Grande, pub lishee a card in tho Gazette that he will not bo i'v candidate for tho con gressional nomination. J. G. Blaine, about the same time, announced that he would not bo a candidate for tho presidential nomination. It worries Main) of us because we don't know whether Blaine is apeing SnodgrasH or Snodgrass is apeing Blaine, and whether (hey are "just monkeying around some" or are m dead earnest. Tho politician moves in a mysterious way his windwork to perform. Tho ftnlcm Statesman favors tho movement, which it says is on foot to nsk the legislature to declare the news papers that use the ready-print, "ille gitimate so far as tho publication of legal notices is concerned." Tho is mic of the Statesman containing this brilliant article, is composed princi pally of plate., storotyped patent ad vertisements and nlories clipped fiom the "patent" sidu of its exchanges. Cdinnieiit is unnecessary. The only MiiMhlo way to conduct a newspaper is on the auxiliary plan. When one of our country brethren of the press announces that he is now going to print his paper "all at home" wo pity hw imbecility, but have nothing to say, as it is supposed that every man knows what ho is about. But Avlien tonio crank like tho editor of I ho Statesman jdioots oiriiis mouth, wo feel like ex pressing our opinion lo tho etlect that the dmuplioolb are not all dead. The time is past when Puritanic bigots can hiv.tk u man on tho rack because lie dlllt'is from tliem in religion, make lans to pKMCiibe what a man i-lmll or ilialliinte.il. or drink, and logislato just how newspapers must, bo printed lufuro people can patroni.u them. It would seoni that there is a persis tent elttjit being made by ono or two parties in Cornucopia to retard tho J ilovelomnnnt. (if the, lumin as miioh hh .possible, by circulating falso reports about the O. G, M. Company, and its Mijienuienueni, i roi. JjUco. in ims it is quite evident that they havo tho sympathy of the newspapers of Baker City, tho Democrat in particular; but for what reason, wo cannot imagine, unless it is because tho 'mines aro in Tniun county, and the people there are not disposed to make Baker City their supply point, A few days ago a lung article appeared in the Democrat, written by ttolit, Kelly, of Cornucopia, in which tho manner in which the O. G. M. Company has conducted work under tho superintendence of Prof, Lueo, is severely criticised, The arti cle is evidently promplod by pique and envy on tho part of '.Mr. Kelly bo cause his vast knowledge of mining matters has not been fully appreoia ted. Tluit is tho only mu-on wo can conceive fur his muddling with busi ness licit dot not concern him. Tho parti' r nut out to eXHiniue the work ing "f ll.e mine, report inoi lavorttniy and '( ;l. really pleiised with the Ul loo! It they .uv satisfied, it l'ks us tin Ii '.tit-idt jurtied win have iu fill ... . .1 il l' !' t lould inuiuigi i-'i ii ttl " i . i . ii i A POLITICAL CHAT WITH OUll MEADE IIS. It is tho prevailing idea that our system of government is the best, and thnt our methods of pronoedurc in the sclction. nomination, and election of public ofilcers voiiehfuvn to the pcopje a freer and fuller voice in the matter than is enjoyed by the citizens of other countries, but , to a person in a posi- ion to see and give the subject much ional docs not consider that it is any I attention, nothing would appear morn of the people's business to know I Wo arc informed that parties in dif erroiieous. A condition in which tho : about such things till he is rendy to fcrent parts of the county have so ob niasscs arc so easily dictated to and ; tell them, and it is not his policy to structcd streams of water by mill led by the professional politicians can not well be imagined A few of the manipulators in national politics de cide, among themselves which shall bo the next president and the decision must be accepted by the people. In state affairs it is Ihc'samc A few of the schemers fight and wrangle among themselves until it is decided upon what kind of a doso is needed, and the cathartic is administered lo the people in the shape of a ticket which they, having "had a say in the con ventions," swallow under the sugar coated delusion that they know the ingredients and helped mix tho doo. In county affairs it is the same, and hero tho workings of the system is more clearly discerniblo than in the state manipulation. We have but little doubt that a few or "the pro fessionals," not to exceed a dozen in all, of tho democratic party in this judicial district and county (the re publicans have hardly got to work yet, but it will bo tho same on their side when they do) havo already decided among themselves who are to be the candidates at the coming election, and notwithstanding tho primaries and conventions are yet to bo held, and ' ' tho wishes of the dear people' ' arc lo be consulted, it is safe to say that most, if not all the persons selected by them will "get (hero just the same. ' ' The cause of this is obvious. II is on account of tho apathy and indiffer erence on tho part of the people at large. They take little or no interest in these things Jill the timo for' select ing the ofilcers is at hand, and as they have not given the matter intelligent attention, they find themselves in a sea of uncertainty and are at a loss how to decide. They meet at the pri maries and elect delogatos to tho con vention. There it is the manipulator gets in his work, and tho delegate, if he is not wide awake, and knows what ho is doing, falls a victim, votes straight out for the candidate previous ly selected for him, and goes homo firmly believing that he has done the country great service, that he is a statesman of considerable acumen, and fully determined to vote the party ticket straight if it "busts a hanie string." This is tho way matters have been conducted in tho nasi, ami the way they will be conducted in tho future, unless tho people wako up to the situ ation, ii lid see themselves as they aro seen by tho wire pullers, take to think ing more for themselves and assert (heir independence. Tho ''party lash" is the weapon principally used in keeping refractory members insido the (races , and com pelling their support of candidates se lected, however unlit and objectional they may be. Were it not for this un reasoning fealty to party, right or wrong, there would bo a small oppor tunity for the improvement of things, by voting lor the bot men among tho candidates put. up by the opposing parlies. It is well that all men can not see alike, and that wo have politi cal parties opposed to each other in policy, for thus are things kept straight, and by the constant attrition of ideas, and the discussion of matters pertaining to the public welfare, is the chaff more liable lo be winnowed from i lit: wheal, ami (ruth and order evolved from the chaos tit coiillietiug opinions. In national si flu Irs every man should support the party, the principles of which, he conceives to bo most conducive to the general pros- purity, but in county and lord affairs and the election of judicial ofilcers, no man should deem himself bound by party ties to Vote for an olijeotional candidate, it sueii a person n inrusi upon him it is not only bis right but bis duty as a good citizen to vote for tho opposing candidate, if lie is a bet ter man, and thus robuko tho influ ence that would thrust incompetency forward to thedelrinient of good gov ernment . There is one place that the voice of the people can be heard to some pur pose, and thnt is at tho primary elec tions, mid if they are wise and watch ful, selecting suitable moil (o repre sent them, tho result will bo creditable to them and beneficial to the country. If, on the contrary, thoy. sloop on their opportunity hero, tlmlr interests are at onoe turned over to tho proleis lonal politician and they hnvo nothing more to do but lend their etuinteuitieo !o is iU,l oik timt i:.a 1'C "IK tod. Tint we r.iuv net intt lligenily and Well In th r,U!'ii,!gii n.'W at bund, ev- 1 1 n(i r I olil 1 I ' .1,1. Illicit. :im ae . bitil-eir ..I'm I. 'ill' ill .If as well as he can with the condition of things, and tho names and Qualifica tion of the men that ho will in all probability bo asked to support. Wc believe that u prospective candidate should boas fully discussed before his nomination as afterward on the prin ciple that mi ounce of prcvcnlitivc is belter than a jroiiud of cure. It is : somewhat difficult, to find out just who 1 arc to be candidates, for the profess I do so till the last moment, when lie! ! has his plans well laid. Tho good i j old times when every man that want- j ed to be. was a candidate, and the i best and most popular man carried off the honors is a thing of the past That was altogether loo simple an af fair for the scheming politician. Now the average man is afraid to announce himself through tho newspaper as candidate, "subject to the will of the convention" lest it give offense to some one. The bosses have to be consulted first. It seems to be the idea that a Con gi'os.sman from Eastern Oregon should be elected this time , and it would no doubt bo the proper thing, if a suita ble, man could bo obtained, but such is not likely to be done. There are several would-bo candidates, but rather than t-end one of thein it would bo better to retain our sell respect and send none at all. Among the aspi rants. T. C. Hyde, of Baker City, is tho only one possessing any of the requisite qualifications, and he is de ficient in many things. U will bo hard to find a suitable candidate. Yet wo have many men among us, engaged in tho private avocations of life who would do us honor on the floor of Congress, but they are not schemers und will never bo thought of. Wouldn't it be well for the people at large lo do a little of (heir own think ing and find some of those gentlemen out? For judge of Ibis district thero arc several aspirants all more or less objectionable. among them voting Clifford, the present prosecuting at torney. This gentleman we have nothing to say against as a man, but ho certainly lias made a very poor, record as prosecuting attorney, and what could be expected of him as judge? His self-assurance in aspir ing to nu office ot such dignity, is the only thing colossal about him that we can see. When the years have taught him moderation, and his judgo mentu has been ripened by experi ence, the people will doubtless be ready to accord him duo recognition. Until then Ave opine (hey avBI havo no more use fonhiui. Judge Walker scorns 'o be giving general satisfaction and although he may not have the pro found legal learning possessed bv some, he has tho belter qualifications of sterling good sense and honesty, and it would probably be well to keep him Avhere he is. lie is not a demagogue, a schemer, nor a politi cian. We like him for what he is not. In view of the proposed advance ment of the present prosecuting attor ney, the choice of the peron to take his place Avill bo among two or three, all of them really more objectionable than the present incumbent. Of what earthly use, except to draw his fees, Avmild a prosecuting attorney bo whom the people could not I rust, or whom, on account of his incompetency it avouUI be ncossary to assist by em ploying another attorney to help him. Why not elect the other attorney to the office in the first place? This of fice is a very important ono to tho people and they' should see that a proper person is nominated. In the matter of selecting our rep resentatives to tho legislature, the same impedimenta exist . Our repre MUitiilives in t ho pilot, with few excep tions, have been mere ligure-heads, of which our friend Taylor, of Indian Vallov, is a sample good honest men, to ho sure, but utterly incom petent and without the least partielo of force or influence. Wc would not mention this gentleman's namo in i this connection were it not tluit avo understand ho will be a candidate for j re-election. Lot us send ropresonta- I lives this time that will bo creditablo to us and capable of looking after our i luterosts. If our readers think this is a good idea, avo would suggest that they attend to tho matter ai lite pri maries. If an official has boon found compe tent and faithful, it would perhaps bo well to continue him in otlleo for a reasonable time at least, lust a change for the worse bo made, and It would ho but a proper recognition of his ser vices, In this connection avo will say that County Clerk Nolll and Sheriff Hamilton have both made most excel lent official!), and in the discharge of ifie'n duties during tho past two yoars have pi ven theuu(Jvos ominontly fitted tvr tl.e pn-hiiMis they ooqiiny, l itis being (ho chso wo are lu hopes that th -y ill be uitauimou.ly nomi nated l their iv-pe.-uc .omentum an. I i ! ! I Vir anotl'i r term, lie- m ' itiiitit sorvkc ".id .ii'-. ii- rity for the incompetent is our motto, and it applies to political affairs as to everything else. This chat has been continued too long and wc will stop for tho pres ent. Uy next week other develop ments will be mndo and other phases J of the situation will arise for discuss ion. If 111 l.l t L' .LI UMJ.JJ U I OBSTRUCTED STREAMS. dams, that fish cannot run up tlirj streams to their usual spawning place?, This is a flagrant violation of the law, and though it may be through ignor- iince of the law that it is done, still it is a avcII known principal of law that ignoranUt jura non cxciisal. For the benefit of those who lmc not informed themselves on the law , wo will give below Sec. 1930 of Hill's code of the laws of Oregon : Foe, 1050 700l Any per.-on or corpora tion who .' hall licrcattcr construct anv (lain or other obstruction ticroso any strciun of this State, in which salmon or other migra ting llsli run, sluill provide a ladder or way, so as to permit such lish to pie-H such dam or other Mich obstruction; and any oHelidiliK aaint the prnvMnns of this section shall be deemed Kiiilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction 'thereof shall be punished bv a line of not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars; jnor'i (fori, Unit the provisions of this section shall not be construed to aimlv to anv ncrson or corporation utuy organized lor tno purpose ofj propatritiiis salmon or other li.sli in any of the streams of this State, Migrating fish run in all the streams of this county, and any obstruction placed in any of these streams, that has no ladder or A-ay for fish to pass freely oyer such dam or obstruction, is a violation of the law, and subjects the person so violating the law to a fine of from $50 to $500. It is a very easy and inexpensive matter to maKC a lish ladder for fish to pass freely over any dam for mill or irrigating purposes, and owners of such dams Avill do well to heed the law. uC FALSE RUMOR. The Milton Eatjle alluding to the rumor mentioned in This Scout, re cently, that there would bean effort made to annex a portion of Union county to the proposed county of Lee, says. Kor the information of the Fcout and ene mies of division, vrho probably sta.ted the above report, we wish to sav that there is not the slightest reason or truth in the statement, Wc do not nor will not ask for any territory from Tnion county. Such a thins has never been advocated'ln eastern l niatilla county, ami a knowledge ot tho geographical features of the country would now tiio looiisiiuess ot t no lironosition. The Sroat will do a great favor bv correc ting the report, Union couutv is ntst rijrht is she stand and our people have no desire to act tlie lioe; We aro pleased to note that the ru mor is wiliiout toumtation in truth It was no doubt started by the enemies of division to servo their purpose The area of the proposed county is amply sullicient, and from the o'ci' whelming petition asking for its for niation at tlie last legislature, avo judge it would be a matter of justice to have the new county established. IIUCKI.KN'S AHN1CA SAI.VK. Tun 15i:st Su.vi:in the world for Puts, Minuses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt ltheum, Fever Sore-, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Kruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded Price 25 cents per box. For Sale at Wright's drug store, AVER'S ussSd It tho Liver bo- Q I I O comes torpid, if tho I I Lu L7 bowels aro constipated, or if tho stomach. fails to perform its functions properly, uso Ayer'a Pills. Thoy aro invaluable. For somo years I was a victim to Liver Complaint, in consequence of which I suffered from Gotioral Debility and Indi gestion. A few boxes of Ayer's Pills restored mo to oorfect health. "V. T. llrightnoy, Henderson, W. Va. For yoars I havo relied mora upon Ayer's Pills than auything olso, to Regulate my bowols. Thcso Pills nro mild in no tion, and do thoir work thoroughly. I havo used tliom, with good ollect, in cases of Uhoumatism and Dyspepsia. U. F. Miller, Attloborough, Mass. Ayer's Tills cured mo of Stomach and Liver troubles, from which I had suffered for yoars. I considor them tho best plll3 made, and would not bo without them. Morris Gates, DownsviUo, K. Y. ' was attacked with Bilious Fever, which was followed by Jaundico, and wos so dangerously ill that my friouds despaired of my recovery. I commenced taking Ayer's Pills, and soon regainod my customary strength and vigor. John O, Paulson, Lowell, Nebraska. Last spring I sufforcd groatly from a troublesome, humor on my sldo. In splto of every etTort to euro this eruption, it in creased until tho llesh became, entirely raw. 1 was troubled, nt tho sumo tlmo, with Indigestion, and distresslngpalnaln The Bowels. Uy tho ndvlco of a friend I began taking Ayor's Pills. In a short time I was free from pain, my food digested properly, tho sores on my body commoucod healing, and, in less than ono month, I Avas cured. Samuel D Whito, Atlanta, Ga. I haA'o long used Ayer'a Pills, in my family, and boliovo them to bo tho best pills made. S. U. Dardeu, Dardcn, Miss. My wife and little girl Avero taken with Dysentery n few days ago, and I at onco luigan giving thorn small doses of Ayer's PiUs, thinking I would call a doctor If tho disease beeamo any worse. In a short time tho bloody discharges stopped, all pain went away , and health was restored. -.Theodora Ealing, Ulchiuond, Va. tt Ayer's Pills,-". PniMrl by Dr. J. O Ayvt & Co., Uwll, Ma, hull! by ull Douk'iK lu MoilliJuo. vTOJ-STIES brothers, Dealers In Iota ui Cifu; Mil Books ml Station gOrdcrs from all parts of the country promptly attended to. HO W L AWDWI LSQM, IlilllilllE 111 hillilMI IIIllliEn Keep constantly on hand a large supply of Parlor and Bed Room Sets, Bedding Desks, Office Furniture etc. UPHOLSTERING Done in the Best Style. Lounges, MattresseOuid nil kinds of Furniture made to order. Your patronagu solicited. Our prices are reasonable. O Main Street Union Oregon. Tie Orepn IretMt taw, OF PORTLAND, GJUSGOJf. Has made arrangements for capital to loan on real cst'ttc, oflcred in Eastern Oregon. Rate of interest No expense and no delay Ollh First Tlie Pluix Real Estate Association, OF LA GUAND13, OK EG ON, lias- made arrangements with real estate dealers in the Ka-t, to sell land to Eastern buyers direct, Parties desiring to sell land, will find it to their interest to place same with us for sale. NO EXPENSE C! J AIIGED UNLESS SALE IS MADE. Oflice ith Oregon Investment Company W. O. r3EE!S!LE Etta API, Proprietor. Keeps constant'- on hand a full a .snriment of cvitj thing in his line, manufactured of the best material obtainable. Ho is now oiu tvig lor sale th" Best lot of saddles, at lower prices than were ever offered in Eastern Oregon, LEAD HARNESS, HOUSE BLANKETS, OUKllYr COM BS, Also a FUI.h ASSOllTMEXT ..f SITUS, WHIPS, AXl.E UllEASE, IIAllXKSS OIL, Etc., Eti:., Etc., In fact everything usually kept in a First CI OSyCntl and examine goods. Lls O MITCHELL & LEWIS CO., (LIMITED.) Factory, Racine, Wisconsin. Branch. Portland, Oregon. Marufai hirers Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Buckboards Koad Carts, Spring Wagons, etc. KB III is m HIS CANTON CLIPPER PLOWS. HAPuioWS. iri'( GALE CHILLED PLOWS, AND IDEAL FEED MILLS, SE.ND Fun CATALOGUE AND PIUCE LIST, FKEE. MITCHKLL & CO., Limited. - 'iuWTiaaBiaBiwaT'hiwyffMB.TTWt mom iT. i TNION, All kinds of photographic work done in a su perior maimer, and warranted to give satisfaction. Jones Bross. (it the lowest rates ever 0.3 door oast tif Iligghwm & Powers' dm store. tablishmesii'S:. o Main Street, I'nion, Oregon. of and Pe.i'i rv in 9 iQ-.-mt. Front St.. Portland. Or JWffl ?H mini OKEOON. Artists. i