Tllli; "WHITE WOMAN." THIS ILL OMENED SPECTER HOVER ING AROUND THE GERMAN COURT. legandary Kecorda of the Vnterlnnd. The Itnnshee of Ireland Superstition In Belgium Unlucky Thirteen Silence Kegardlng Misfortunes, I read lately iti a German newspaper that much alarm Is felt at tho Berlin court over the rejiort that tho "white woman" has been Wgi hoveling mysteriously around tho en virons of tho royal jialaco. Several of tho 1 1. : . in 1 . , 1 1 1 1 . t i . . fa. Fri-sent nnrwirniiooa itrn Mdntt. It H .. r i... . . .... no ukwi emiwrur is losincr uav iv nnv tho ILLIH SLI fill! LI1 LUIll. I PIT. MIT11 QIIII B rilAltlYII . 1 i r i . i , .. . . niivr hltuiiislj iit.uin. iiiKiuni'iiif, n u-nmi.ii-r t, mul. inn iiiiifi-si.v in i mvn vnrv nuiti innoa.1 ii kiii-itii mil ill Liu inHvimn n I nn i,tvt. prince, his son, is also alleged to bo on tho brink of tho abyss: whilo Bismarck, who has tiot a drop of inierial blood in his veins, will, It is said, bo shortl compelled to pay Charon bis obolus trip acioss tho gloomy Styx. luo white wouinn pinvs a prominent part Goetho alludeil to her. if I mistuko not. as "a moving, living, starlit stntuo of snow, whoso nco bore tho message of doom to those who wpi-n immiipil Tr il im ' norninn rppnnlo that shu starts to life on tho evo of a national isnstpp. In thn ilnrlr mul uliii-hjirli)irnii tires, aim listened to ner piteous wnil, would don at otico their coats of mail, mid with rsword in hand would muster toctithor to avert impending dancers from their haarths And homes. JiMnnv of your readers are, doubtless, nwnro .that a somewhat similar superstition pro- xxueu in lirmnu iur i-viiiiu its. xiiem iu white woman was known as the banshee. Ull luu UMl vl 1.111 jjiiuii a umiii ab viuu- torf tho upparition was seen eliding nrouud r i tri.. Ti..:,..,i .1 l. .. nt.,. CT.I., r,ln..r. ... I. hi -nfn H i..nnif a urn liiiim. niLii u mini unless. Lilt; iiuuiiLiHii 1:011111. il is ecorded, bo observed raising its gaunt arms illUMIHM lll"i LU LUU SUIL'H 111 L11U TYLHH1S 171 Hulile iiitcfrlii tin. mtiiui u-lwtt-rt f lin tnf-mtit nv " . " ( . - J . 41 UUi VI II 11 1. L 1 1 V. I ViiU 1119U Will, lb AJ II1U UU1 Hero in Belgium supei-stition is an nrticlo -aininraiiL fiiassi?s. imc niso nv nmiiv iiilhic-piil n ii rr nvn tiv ivn cuinii-iriw ruipciinu ir iah instuneo. nt a breakfast or dinner nartv a Baltceller gets upset, fanw of tho guests throw -u few m-airta of tho snillod salt over their loft itnouiuers, tuo otijoct ot tins pautomimo tw i ing to savo them trom tho ill luck that would be sure te attend them if they had forgotten : going through such a ceremony. I saw on '.more occasions than one several ladies und gentlemen vory much troubled and ovon in dignant on discovering that there was no salt loft them wit h which to operato. Tho old Fronch superstition relativo to thirteen as an unlucky number although each n superstition is in flagrant contradic tion with a verso of an Irish song which lias it that thcro is luck in odd numbers, said Rory O'Mooro finds a host of beliovors or ad herents in this city. Thirteen persons never tit down to tablo. If thore aro only thirteen present the host hurries out into tho street, .And, hailing tho first Bohemian he meets, in vites him enthusiastically to join in tho repast. iKobody over undertakes anything important or proceeds on a long journey on tho ISth of 'stho month. A family of thirteen Ij said to Wherever thirteen persons tit down to gether death stands among them, and must have ono or another of them as his proy bo- loro a tweivonuwicu is up. ur mo uays or tho week Friday is by far the unlueklest. On that day buses, tram ears and ruilway car riages are comparatively deserted, for rumor saith that so sure as ono travels on that day so 6uro will ho be brought home on a stretcher. Another superstition may bo negatively de fined as n perpetual silence on the subjoct of -catastrophes and other misfortunes. M. Paul Gviesty refors to a distinguished French writer who among his friends turns aside tha conversation into (mother channel onco it happens to bonier on fee-faw-fum or mnko-jour-hair-stand-on-un-end stories and anec doles. Others who have not tho fincsso of tha eutAn- alluded to, will interrupt tho conver sation without tho least apology wheu it touches such dnngorous ground. And thoro are pcoplo who will tell you that tho lato con flagration of tho Opera Comiquo of Paris would never havo taken place if a dobate had not been held fifteen days previously in par liament on the possibility of such u disaster. It is only the merest ot truisms to add that a belief in these, and other suporstitions often plays tho grimmost tricks with tho boliovors. In April, 1870, for instance, tho ex-Empress Eugenie sent a telegram to her dear sjwuse, Napoleon III, in which she said that sho had actually found a four leaved shamrock a tilnnt the discovery of which is. accordiiiL' to popular tradition, tho harbinger of somo great and lucky ovent. Sedau's fight and tho fall of tho empire followed shortly after ward, to the horror and amazemont of tho empress, who had pinned her faith ontirely and exclusively to tho little four leaved sham rock. And still, even today, Eugenie belie es In signs and omensl James Stephens' Brus sels Letter in Chicago Times, Tho Natives of Long Ilranch. The utter lack of cnterpriso on tho part of the natives of Long Branch has always had and probably will for somo timo to como havo a retarding inlluenco on tho growth of tho place. Tho nativo Long Brancher never improves his property. If ho had his way, tho vision which I saw 11 few moments ago would rapidly become a living reality. Tho fences, bai ns mid houses would crumblo and all and tho unromantic wild turnip would grow up in tho roads. Tho wholo tenor of feeling in Long Branch has for years run into ono idea: "Wait for tho Now Yorker." Every farmer who has been his barns grow rickety has said to himself: "Nover mind; I'll get just ns much for my place as if I had .good ones, liecauso tho city man who buys will put up now buildings." On this principlo old and broken down fences havo been permitted to stand along Ocean avenuo. Tho blurt", which suitors every winter from tho tremendous beating of tho winter surf, tho roadways and tho police force all havo been allowed to go in o con dition of unrepair that is simply disgraceful Tho police force U quite comical, it is so utterly short of tho jx-quiromonta of tho Resort. Whatover is dono for tho advance ment of Long Branch is done by tho city people who havo property there and who realize that tho natives, earning their broad and butter out of tho existence of tho Branch as a watering place, will nover movo band or foot to Incrcaso its attractiveness or to pre erve its natural advantages. W. ?. Hen derson in Outing. Careful Preparation ami Training Prac tice of the Cotlego Trmm. The gamo Is as safe as any outdoor game can well be, provided it is played with the careful preparation mid training which are tho rule in tho larger colleges; it is a danger ous and unfit gamo when men undertake to play it without such preparation and train ing. In tho Reason of lost year two fatal ac cidents wens reported. Both occurred in col leges wliich were attempting to play tho game as it is played by the leading teams without any of the preparation which they find an essential. The writer, who has lieen in the habit of attending the regular games of the collego with which ho is connected, has felt under obligations to Imj equally consistent in attending the daily practice games of tho mwi, in order to watch tho preliminary tralu InR, and ho must confess to n great respect for the good scne and good management of tho undergraduates who havo the matter in charge. Tho "university team" is selected pro visionally; it is pitted against a second or "scrub" team of somewhat larger numbers; both teams are kept under careful training and dupervUion; the playing is made short and as gentle us possible at llrt, until the men begin to liecomo ''hard;" the playing is then gradually lengthened nnd made more severe, us the men become able to endure it, and, by the time tho season comes to its last game, the players are able to endure with im punity treatment which would bo dangerous to men nhoaro "soft," or outof condition. After the first few weeks nro over, nnd serious play ing has begun, men who have not yet played are not encouraged, or, in extreme cases, even allowed, to play on the "scrub" team; the managers think it iuadvisablo to run any ridks. The players are not only brought to a point of physical condition which makes it n pleasure to watch them; they nro taught how to fall, when a fall is inevitable, in such a way as to retain i ontrol of the ball without hazarding a broken bono or a dislocation. When the closing games come on tho player can take what seems to tho Kectntora fright ful fall, nut only without a bruise, but so skillfully that it is regularly necessary for his opponent to "hold him down" lest he rebound nnd take to his heels again. Tho preliminary practico games can hardly bo more severe elsewhere than at Princeton; nnd yet the writer 1ms never seen a serious accident oc cur there. An accident may occur, of course, nnd will give no warning of its coining, but its coming has been put ns fnr as jiossilile out of tho range of probability. But if men in other colleges wished to play football, as should le tho case, thoy must not ignore the systematic course of preparation, take the final playing of it well trained team as a model, and attempt to imitate it. It is from such fully that the recurring accidents in football como. With good physical condition in tho players, tho requisite training, and suitable grounds, the game is not only one of tho best of outdoor sports, but ono of the safest. Alexander Johnston in Tho Century. Maximilian' Cliitngo of front. What was tliesecret of Maximilian's i-liango of front on reaching Mexico To explain this one must go back a bit. At home in Austria he had posed as a Liberal, animated by a pui'osu to reach if possible the imperial throne of that country, the proudest )Ksition among the princes of the Catholic faith. Tho Mexican project, carried through by tho en ergy of Carlottu, took him here, to tho great relief of his reigning kinsman, who was glad to got this amiable and scheming prince across tho ocean, liut even in Mexico (and this I havo, as all of these facts, from the best possible authority) this ambition to bo- come emperor of Austria did not desert him Ho was continually thinking of it, and ho reasoned that to pluy tho part of a liberally inclined monarch in Mexico, and to issue do crees which would anger the reactionary clericals, would make his name resound throughout Austria, and that, by and by, he would bo recalled to his native land by a rev olutionary party and be made emperor. Hu talked of this plan with his closer friends; it was his dream by day and by night. Throned in Mexico, ho sighed for Vienna strange and fatal fascination. He becumo cold to his early Mexican friends conspicuously bo to tho chief mover in the imperial movement in tho country. His eye was on tho Liberals, meditating an alliance with thorn. Ho angered tho pop;, he euraged his early friends, ho finally fell between two stools, but his death was tragic and noblo, the death of n soldier and befitting a monarch. On that last act of courage his famo may well rest. That seems to bo about all that is left this unfortuuato archduke, who, us a scholar, u patron nf the arts, an elegant princo, might have livod a Hereuo life uuchrouiclod by his tory. City of Mexico Cor. Boston Herald. A Choloo Montana Steak. Ho was a cowboy minus the legging! and sombrero, and he said to a reporter: "I have been east for two months, and in Philadelphia a mouth, and have eaten at tha best hotels, but I havo uuver eaten anything as flue as a steak a la Montana. "You see out thero we havo plenty of meat, and this is the way wo cook a steak in a ranch. Wo first cut three large steaks, one of them a trifle smaller than tho other two. A fire ii then built in u hole dug in tha ground for the purpose, and wheu this llro is reduced to n bod of coals tho small steak, properly seasoned, is placed between the two and skewered. "They aro' then placed on tho fire, and an other fire is kindled on top of them. When tho top firs is well burnt it is covered with earth and allowed to smolder. "After a given timo the steak is removed, and a succulent morsel it is, absolutely per meated with the juices of tho two enveloping steaks and with the seasoning. "Oh I you may beat us in some wuys in the effeto east, but wo can cook steaks against tho world." Philadelphia News. American Products Abroad. A Michigan man, who has traveled abroad, nnd more especially in Holland, was heard to say in conversation the other day that Ameri cans had but littlo idea to what extent their products and inventions wcru in use there. "Do you know," hu remarked, "that when I was admitted to tho apartments of tho king in tho royal palace at Amsterdam I passed through a door hung on brass hinges and secured by a brass lock coming from a Mas sachusetts manufactory? Near by was a very comfortable looking and neat uphol stered Grand Hapids chair, with a cuspidor nt tho left, the product of u Baltimore fac tory. Over the mantel, designed by an American, hung a laudscajio by Thomas Morun, of Philadelphia, and on it, among other ornaments, a Colorado stag vaso and a box of Michigan toothpicks." Chicago News. Proteit Agalmt Overwork, Tho London Lancet lifts a prophetic voice against overwore in tho house of commons. Its conditions of servico are becoming too hard for any but tho most robust of men. If these conditions continue to be imposed, it says the service of a large class of men who are best qualified to act as lawmakers will be lost to tho country. Many valuablo lives ar being ruthlessly worn out by Ihe worry of a Miysteni for which there is no excuse. Chicago nTiiues. OUR GIRLS ABROAD. AN APOLOGY FOR THE ENGLISH MAIDEN'S TOTAL ECLIPSE. Lndlro Abroad rinding Thcnmclvc Out linnc by the fllrln or Ainorlcii A Hint to Kncllfth Mnudn nnd ltcntrlces Kinan clptttlon from Cant. Tho Lady Mauds and Lady Beatrices nro soro at finding themselves outshono in tho highest circles by American chita who, lieforo coining abroad, wcro just ordlnnry misses in small provincial towns in (lib United States. It is n hard cat-o to bo thrust into tho shade by theso fair invaders. But soreness about it will only spoil good looks. Why not rather learn tho art of war from tho invading belles, who were not reared, in hothouses, but in public freo schools. In n great tlegroo they have conquered liocauso they nro in the habit of thinking themselves as good as no matter whom, nnd of not being shnmfnced in tho presence of mortals of uppermost rank. I don't think it occurs to tho Mauds and Beatrices that very few uppermost person ages, in no matter whnt country, have, or can have, much conversation. Having had allowances from their cradlos upward thero is no strenuous eirart in their lives. Anil so that intensity of thought, feeling nnd will which makes a man n man, and sublimntes a woman, is wanting in them. Etiquette throws on them tho onus of startling sub jects of conversation. Having to talk do haut en bus, but there is no quick interchange of ideas. As it was ,'kX) years ago, so it; is now. Their lives being fiat they must fall back on bulloonery a reason why Schnei der's dressing room nt Les Vnriotes was "Lo Passage ties Princes." License of speech is sure to lo granted to nny ono whoso talk tickles or is droll. Thero nro fow rosebuds in etiquette ridden courts who can so con verse. But tho United States freo schools produco them in thousands. Originnlily in America is not confined to the unornameutal sox. Tho conditions of life nro so dilTercnt thero from what thoy are in England, and there is such emancipation from cant in most of tho forms in which it tyrannizes us that tho Iwauty from Ohio, Illinois or Dela ware is stnrtiugly novel, nnd whatover piquancy thero is in her talk comes homo with a double force. lin.VUTlKS 1TIOM AMCIUCA. There nro such heaps of Miss Jonnio Cham berlains in tho United States that hardly nny ono notices their points. Americans are astounded at tho ellcct they pnxlueo on Eng lish noblemen when they como out at the Hiviera or in London. At to tho etiquette invented by lords chamberlain those (lowers from over tho Atlantic nro in happy ignor ance. So thoy start topics in colbxiuies with royal jiersoniiges instead of waiting for them to bo started, and when they find they please they go abend. "Sir," or "madamo," or "your roynl highness," used its commas, nro in tho conversation of ordinary persons. Then the young and fair Americans neglect no advantage which is derived from atten tion to iiersonal npenrunco. They know how to dress, and they grudge no money Hint they can give to tho best dentists. Being in tho habit of dancing from infnncy, their gestures nro easy and not angular, and thoy always talk distinctly, and, if Muuetimo ivith a slight twang, in nn audible voice. Our girls often mumble or run on in n chir ruping jabber that really is not speech. They, too, often ileal in set phrases wliich get mxiii exhausted. I think when n British girl is nice shu's the nicest of any; nnd many moro than thero nro could bo charming if they could only learn how to speak, nnd to movo about in an easy, graceful way. The Ameri can girl has neat features, a lien to skin nnd a flno nervous system. But in tho rest of tho organization nature has boon wanting in generosity. The western woman or girl is a finer human being than tho eastern. In tho southern states womanhood is nearest to per fection. Women thero aro reposeful not precisely amusing, but intelligent, sweet and interesting. Labouchero in Loudon Truth. The A Inns unil tho Keltpso. An interesting glimpso 'into tho thought processes of unenlightened peoples is fur nished by tho following observations of tho Aiuos, a degenerate Japanese tribo, distin guished for their long growth of hair, during tho recent eclipse. Tho Aino is said not to bo imaginative, but on being shown tho eclipso through a smoked glass bo cried out that tho sun was fainting away nnd dying. A sileneo ensued, broken by an oxclnmation of feari that tho sun would dry up. Thoy brought water nnd sprinkled it upward to ward tho sun, crying: "Oh, god, wo revive theo! Oh, god, wo revive theo!" Somo squirted tho water upward with their mouths, somo throw it up witli their hands. A group of wpmcn and girls sat down with thoir heads lietween their knees, us if expecting some calamity. Their tradition with regard to tho ccllpso saya that "when my father was a child ho heard his old grandfather say that his grand father saw a total eclipso of tho sun. Tho earth becamu quito dark, and shadows could not be seen; tho birds went to roost mid tho dogs legau to howl. Tho black, dead sun shone out tongues of firo and lightning from its sides, and tho stars shone brightly. Then tho sun began to return to lifo, and tho faces of tho people wore nn nsject of death, and as tho sun gradually camo to lifu theso men began to live again." Otherwise thoy havo no theory of tho eclipso, but their jierhonillca tion of tho phenomenon is evident. Science, Dnvlcn of Aninrlcnn Truvelers. A story is going tho rounds to the effect thnt a party of American travelers in Ger many, whoso literary studies had not pro pared them for tho emergency of conversing fluently upon customs duties, conquered tho Teutonic officials by Iwld device. After de livering long nml polished harangues in tho purest English without provoking any efToct upon tho officers, they all exclaimed sudden ly, "Long livo King William!" Tho olllciuls understood tho name, roverently took oft their lints, and guvu tho Americans no moro trouble. Boston Transcript. A Curious AVeddlnc Custom. Among tho Lolos of western China it is customary for tho bride on the wedding morning to perch herself on tho highest branch of n largo tree, whilo tho elder femalo members of her family cluster on tho lower limbs, armed with sticks. When nil nro duly stationed tho bridegroom clauilicrs up tho tree, nssnikd ou all ii(Ws by blowj, pushes and pinches from dowagers, nnd it is not un til ho has broken through their fence nnd captured the bride that ho' is ullowod to carry her oI7. Blackwood's Magazine, Artesian Water Power. Many nrtesiun wells spout water undor a heavy pressure, Just as many gas wells find the gas under a pressure of boveral hundred jwunds to tho square incli. This water jwwci is used in many places in Franco by means of turbine wheels, and it is probable that even tho gas prchsuro might in some cases also be utilized. In very deep artenlau wells the beat of tho water is also utilized. Public Oplnlcyv THE FIRST FATAL STEP. The Result of Committing nn Indlncrr tlon In the Way of Klccnnt Attlrv. A friemf. of mino who is rather violently disturbed over tho matter of his iersonal ap pearance, in discussing tho matter tho other day, placidly remarked: "Frank H. Stockton onco wrote a story about n man who knight u Queen Anno grato, and was then lured on from oftn purclioso to another under tho spell of the deeorntivo crnzo until ho was obliged to build a Queen Anno cottage to match his belongings. Tho man who falls n victim to clothes does it a good deal in tho samo way, nnd Stockton ought to lo nblo to write n corking good story about n poor wretch who goo o!T In a sudden flight of vnnity nnd extravngnncv and purchases a pair of overgaitors, from which ho is led on to bo n monumental and stupendous fop. "It is when man commits his first indiscre tion in tho way of tho elegancies of nttlro that his downfall Iveglus. If you nro dressed In rough clothes nnd heavy loots you will look as well, as long nsyonr nttiro is in har mony, but tho very instant you buy a jxiir of overgniters you obsorvo that your trousers look a bit frayed at tho liottom. You buy new ones. Then you find that you want to havo them ironed to lie in tho stylo. They aro ironed. After this tho conviction is slowly but surely forced uio:i you that tho shoes aro not quito up to tho standard of gaiters. You buy now shoes, and patent leather ones, of course, as thero is no use going half way. By this timo thcro is uo shadow of doubt that tho eout looks rusty, and after you have bought a now coat and vest, you find thnt n fancy wniscotl. Is almost as necessary ns food. You buy tho waist coat. Then after n short struggle, you r.! obliged to admit that siaooth Wisomcd shirts aro by no means in hnnuony v Ith i.o rest of your attire. Hence, piquo and ibbeil fronts, huso cuffs, high collars. Aitei this, expensive- cravats, and, finally, if you nro not very careful, a fierce and ungovernable yearning for a single glass. "This is tho place to draw tho lino, though it is not nlways drawn by the well dressed men of New York. Then you want n rose in your buttonhole, nnd finally sally forth with tho latest lioaver hat nnd tho reddest of gloves, nnd fool yourself completely dressed. Then tho troublo is that by tho timo all this iu accomplished, you suddenly discover that tho over gaiters look a littlo bit frayed. Then tho boots need rovnrnishing and thoro is a wrinklo in tho back of tho coat, but worst of nil, tho trousers bag n littlo nt tho knees, nnd it is the unwritten law of swelldom that by his trousers shall ye know htm. From that timo on alwut one-third of your lifo must bo given up to considerations of drwy, or you will miss accomplishing what has bo romo a cherished and over mastering ambi tion. My advico to mankind is to bownre of tho first step for fear you bocomo a fop." Blakcly Hull In Lincoln (Nob.) State Journal. Prlnro lliHiunrrk nt Home. Everybody knows thnt tho prince hardly ever gets up lieforo noon, unless ho bos to at tend an important parliamentary meeting. But It must lw remembered that ho only goos to bod after working till 'J a. m. ovory night. In tho chancellor's liedroom a light is kept burning all tho night, numbers of messages, often requiring his jicrsoiinl attention, lioing brought in during tho night. In considera tion of tho late hours kept by tho princo, sup per is served Into in the evening nnd seldom finished lieforo midnight. Besides tho Prin cess Bismarck Count and Countess llautznu partake of almost ovory meal, regularly leaving tho palaco at 10:45 p. m., when a second class cab always takes them homo. Bismarck's birthday Is nlways a great feast and holiday for tho serv ants of tho houso. In tho kitchen a barrel of wino is provided by Princess Bismarck, two bands nro in attendance, nnd tho servants' families apioar on tho scene Tho prince comes down, talks with tho guests and dis tributes svreets among tho children. Tho pleasant clntions lietween master and sorvnut nro also evident from tho fact that tho princess always gives six Easter eggs to each of thf. servants. Tho domestic polico of tho princo consist of n sergeant nnd eight constables. If the princo 1p away from homo four constables go with him and four remain at tho houso, and all of them nro entitled to arrest nny suspi cious person, 1k it nt Berlin, ut Friodrichs rulio or at Varzin. It was at Vnrzln whom Bismnrck'.i lurgo dog Sultan was poisoned. Tho prineftss declared nt tho timo that she would provision for lifo for anyone who could point out tho poisoner. Sultan was moro intelligent than Tyros, but Tyras ,3 tho moro faithful of tho two, nnd will take food out of tho hand of nny memlicr of Princo IU.marck's family, but never from a scrvniit, as ono of tho footmen has learned to his regret German Paper. Cimm for tho Voice. "What )vas that you drank last night after your first song f asked u reporter tho other day of n well known concert singer who had taken juirt in a musical entertainment tho previous evening. "How did you know I drank nnythingr "I saw you tako a drink of something from my neat in the box." "It was a cup of cocoa," "What effect does it havo on tho voicof "It rests it nml soothes tho vocal cords. I always hrivo a small spirit lamp stovo in my dressing nooin and lieforo I go on tho stage I havo my maid prepare n small pot of thin cocoa. Tho moment I finish my selection I drink n cup of it warm not hot, mind you nnd as n consoquenco my voice is seldom tired and nover is hoanjo." "How dot-s tea nnd coffee act?" "Tea is better than coffee, but neither com pares with cocoa. Tea must bo warm, nnd it must not bo drawn too long lieforo it is drank. If it stands for n certain timo it lie comes ucid and does moro harm than good. Tea should lw drank without sugar. Coffeo makes ono too nervous to Ik of much lieno fit." Now York Mull and Express. ot u (jood Juror. A man whoso nolo duty in lifo is to olxiy orders does not make a good nor a fair juror. Ho docs not know how to weigh ovldenco at tho mechanic, or tho blacksmith, or tho skilled laborer does. Ho Is not accustomed to oxensHing his own judgment. Somebody else has lieen doing tho most of his thinking. And if ho entertains a doubt nliout unything ho naturally looki to tho man in power to bet him right. That comes to lw Instinctive In him as result 01 hn business education. Of course tho stati-'.) attorney or his representa tive is looked ii;o.i by a man Ilka this as the agent of all thut i i cool Just- Tho law yer for the jioor ccuinp who has gotten into troublo is nn enemy of society. Tho troublo with many of our juries is that thoy are not impartial, bocauso thoy full into a way of re garding themselves as a corps of assistants to tho prosecutor and tho state. Chicago Her ald. Treumseh and tho MlnttreU. Gen. Sherman is very fond of a minstrel thow. Ho listens earnestly to tho jokes mul laughs heartily at tho points made by Bene and Sambo. Usually be Is in a box with uime of his family, with whom he chats between the acts. Now York Craning Bun, SOME PLIES THAT BITE. THE WINGED PESTS OF AMERICAN WOODS AND FARMS. Their ltnttut and Sennons of Pernlcloui Activity Tho lllack Fly and tho "No See 'ltiim" Forest Fly, Munqulto and et-nblo Fly. Every season ha Its peculiar winged pests, tho victims of which nro ready to declare It moro unendurable, if possible, than thnt which preceded it. From early June till lato September there is no month without its blood sucking Insttct. Whilo It will prove small comfort to the fly bitten victim of tho forest to know tho name and habits of each littlo torment thnt did IU best to make his cutictllo resemble tho lid ot ft Jiepper box, perhaps n description of tho most annoying of these esU may enable some health or plrosuro seeker to adopt means thnt will In part protect him from their exasperating at tentions. THE VICIOUS BLACK KLV. Tho earliest of theso winged torments to npioar on the sceno Is tho black fly or midge of the winds of Canndn, Now England, Now York and northern Pennsylvania. It appears in groat clouds about tho first of Juno, just when tho ascending sap has loosened tho bark of tho hemlock and oak and Invited tho liark jwlers to their work. In npoaranco it is black, with transparent wings, nnd nbout one-tenth of nn inch in length. If one is caught lieforo it is gorged nnd rolled lietween tho fingers its Inxly, wings, bond, proboscis, legs and all will make n littlo ball no larger than tho head of n pin. Unlike the mti'-qulto it does not mnko much nois-o. Lighting gently upon tho cheek, forehead, or prefer ably upon the back of tho neck of its victim, it dexterously inserts its sucking prolmseis, causing no inconvenience until it has gorged itself, nnd its wicked work is done. Then tho poisonous saliva which has entered tho wound produces a sharp Itching or stinging sensation, causing tho victim involuntarily to slap at tho bitten place. If tho tly hasn't gone it will bo crushed in n dot of Its victim's (tore, as large as a five cent piece, AMD MUSQUITOES ALSO, They think thoy havo musquitoes along tho Jersey coast, and most sojourners by Ihe son, from Capo May to Long Branch, can testify both to tho numbers and biting capacity of tho Jersey galliniper. But Michigan Is the favorite haunt of the musquito. Its multi tudinous small lakes and cat tail marshes brood thorn In clouds, nnd tho winds distrib ute them over tho gently rolling country as impartially as tho Michigan farmer used to broadcast his wheat boforo tho days of grain drills. No hill is too high to lw free from their presence, nnd no valley so low that thoy won't find it. It was in Michigan where tho luckless traveler is said to havo hail his neck girdled by tho musqultoes whilo sleoi iug, waking up to find his hair turned white in tho morning, THE LAST OK THE KLIK8. Tho last to appear and most widely diffused of tho biting flies Is tho ordlnnry stnblo fly. Il is nbout tho sizo ot and very nearly resem bles tho houso fly. It Is most nbundnnt in August and September, and most annoying anil pertinacious after tho nights begin to get cool. On ft bright day, after a cool night, it attacks horses and cattle in great iiumliors and seems to ncquiro ut thnt timo n (ticking projiensity nover manifested by any other fly. It can scarcely bo brushed off. Its bite isbo savage as to render sensitive, highbred horses nearly frantic. It does not hesitate to fasten op tho hand or nock of tho luckless man or woman that comes in Its way, and its bito is forceful and cmphntlo enough to lw reiuoin liered. Tho bite of tho stable fly, like that of tho forest fly, is apt to cause the blood to fol low. This fly is generally distributed through out tho cattlo roaring portions of tho older settled htatcs, and unlike the forest fly does not caro anything for tho neighborhood of forests or wooded lnnds. Philadelphia Times. For a Month' Juunt. "Give mo somo Idea of tho outfit required for a month's jaunt in tho mountains or by tho seashore ?" "Well, in the first plnce, you would want a. Limine! shirt a good one which would cost (3. Then, perhaps, if you wore knickerbock ers, 1 could sell you a pair of boots or a pair of canvas shoes. Tho first would cost $7 icr pair and tho last (2. A p'jlo cap, at $1, would complete the wenrablo outfit; of course, taking into consideration that you had clothes. A big canvas tent cnu bo purchased for C'15 and will stand tho wear and tear of two or throo sonsons. Tlion you would want, in case you wcru going to the mountains, a canoe. Medium sized ones can bo bought cheap, somo selling nn low ni f2. Flailing tacklo, guns, shade umbrellas and hammocks como all prices. In hammocks many novel ties nro shown. Hero Is ono which cuu bp carried easily in one side of a medium sized hand bag. It Is very compact und folds up liko an umbrella In tho past hammocks caused complaint, owing to their bulk. Give mo $.00, and with thut sum I would guarantee to hrivo a glorious m onth's fun." Brooklyn Eoglo. A Now Trlok In Theft. Iho lining thief Is, I bcllovo, iiosltivcly tho latest exploiter in tho realm of crime. Tills Is tho man who trades hats with you in tho barber shop, In tho sleejwr car, and outside tho hotel dining room. Tho moro net of ex change is a trick old enough in itself, but with tho oldest adroitness of the lining thlof it becomes a very tantalizing sort of moan noss. Tho lining thief carries about him ono or moro linings wliich ho has pulled out of old und rusty huts, and by a clever Jugglo slips them, as occasion offers, Into the prop erty of others, who havo no means of idoutlty so suro as tho look of tho inside. In this way, though you may seem to think you know your hat by Its general appearanco or color, you nro nonplused by tho changed character of tho lining. I hear of tho recent detection of this sort of thievery ou n sleeping car by a passongor who saw tho legerdemain connected with it through n clumsy perform ance. Syracuse Standard. lloothlncki and Lilies. Ono of tho principal articles of trnfilo at Lako Miimetoiika nbout this season is that beautiful species of tho white water lily, wliich grows in such profusion thoro, and is fa id to rcscmblo tho famous lotus blossom of tho Nile. These lilies are not vended by pretty country glrli with blushing faces nnd twinkling bare feet, such as the story books tell of, but by tho bootblacks. "Hlilno ycr tliocs nnd water lilies," theso nrabs will shout, und it looks strangely inconsistent when with their grimy littlo paws thoy hmid out tho immaculate blossoms. Pioneer Press. Tho Kind Ho Wanted. "Mr. DopjKJiihelmer, I wnnt to introduco a burglar alarm Into your houso. It will indi cate nt which door or window" "I don' want iinno of doso tings. I don' bodder mo mit burglars." "Onco you haw tried them, Mr. Doppcn licliuer" "Look hero, mw-stor, If you wash got a condr'vanco what keeps mino wlfo from gom' ilru inlne pockets when I wash asleep, don I talks mit you a loedlo bi" Harpw's Bazar. TEA TABLE TALK. Tho Scotch plaid trousers affected hy Lra ngfnary golden youth almost give them tha Glasgow dialect. White waistcoats with evening drcst ar not worn to tho extent that makes thorn gen orally fashionable. Newest oyster plates aro only mado for four oysters. This Is whero tho sorrow ot tha greedy diner liegins. "Picturesque" is a great "society" word now. It Is used to describoulmost everything except griddle cakes. Tho signal Is up to call In nil those wire bird cages and steel chicken coops that have been called "bustles." Trijiod hat racks are now and unique. Thoy originated with tho moro or less artis tic Harvard students. Fire screens In stained and opaline tinted glass set In nntlquo wrought Iron frames aro tho latest fad of artistic furnishers. Among now mechanical toys of American make is u "Buffalo Hunt," with Buffalo BUI on horseback shooting nt two monster bulls. Tho latest art screens are of open work caned mahogany, with curtnlm of China silk, yellow, blue, rose color, or bluish greeu. Blocks for tho children nro now made ot real bricks, granite nnd rough hewn stono, nnd, of course, add to the liolso in tho nur sery. A too shiny silk hat Is not npproved by gentlemen who do not wish to bo identified with politicians and "our butcher on Sun day." Teakettlo Inkstands of bronzo nnd brass are exhibited among holiday goods, and it is, of course, intended you should put your pen, in the spout. Tiny china individual teapots, holding- a thimbleful of Oolong, nro Introduced for tho "5 o'clocks," nnd tho report goes with then tlint thoy aro mado to order. Pino cones nro used for decorattvo article of many kinds, nlso dried ears of corn anil horso chestnuts. Not much that can be utilized has been left in tho country. SPORTING AND ATHLETIC. Tho American Trotting association num bers li71 members. Not bad for tho first year. Tommy Warren has commenced training for bin fight with Pntsv O'Lonrv for n. mi ran of $1,0C0. Jnn. !'.. Domi'sov clnlms to havo mndn lmfe smnn of his fight with Ueagan. No wonder ho is tired of lighting to n finish. Mnud S. has lieen taken to Now York city and is lielntr driven do!lllln with Plnknnl hv Mr. Bonner. Thero is talk of tho pair trying to ncnt tno team record noxt season. Mr. J. I. Case, tho owner of Jny-Eyo-Seo-, says that tho talk nlwut tho littlo black geld ing Iwing broken down was nonsense. "Ho is now being jogged nt Hacluo by Ed. Bithor," said Mr. Caso, yesterday, "and is showing up well. I cxpoct him to bo greater horso than over noxt j-oar." Tho dates for tho coming spring runnir meetings havo Iwon nrrnnged ns follows: Now Orleans Six days, beginning Monday, April 3, and ending with Saturday, tho 7th Memphis Saturday, April 11, and enda Saturday, April, 21, unless extra days follow tho regular meeting. Nashville Saturday, April US, to Saturday, May 5. Loxington Monday, May 7, to Saturday, May 12. Louisville Monday, May 14, to May !M. Uengan wants nnothcr go nt Dompsoy. IIo claims thnt ho had novor boforo seen a Dgh under tho London prizo ring rules, and that Denqisey defeated him at wrestling instead of with his fists. Ho Jwltoves ho would have won had tho ring not lieon changed, or it, thoy had fought under the Queonsbcrry rules. Bengali will shortly jxxt a forfeit of $1,000, challenging Dompsoy to another fight to finish. BRIGHT SAYINGS OF CHILDREN. 1 A littlo boy bolug reproved on Sunday Sunday morning for having a dirty face, re torted: "Woll, I wored dls fucotoSunfey 'cool, anyhow." Babyhood. A bright littlo lady, whoso confidence is enjoyed by tho editor discovered tho day after Thanksgiving that "cranberry sauce has seven different kinds ot bad tastes." Buffalo Express. Littlo Stuart had spent his first day at school, "Whnt did you learn?" was his nuntio's question. "Didn't lciirn niiything."' "Well, what did you do!" "Didn't do any thing. Thcro was n woman wanting to know how to siwll 'cat' and I told her." Alton Telegraph. Thoro wcro visitors at tho Skinner school tho other day, and a class was put on exhibi tion. "Now," said the toucher, "can yoti tell mo anything about lien 1 1" A small boy held up his hnnd. "Well, slrr said tb teacher. "Heat expands; cold contrast." "Very good; now glvo an onimr.e." "In. summer tho days aro long; in winter th days at o short." Great applause by the vis itors, nnd tho small boy takes his seat, CmV cago Tribune, Master Freddy thinks himself by no mean, tho least imjKirtant member of, tho house hold. Ono evening, after ho and his sister hnd gono to bod in tho nursery, a violent thunder shower camo up. Tho children' mother, thinking they might bo frightened by tho storm, wont upstairs ( sassuro them. Pausing Just outsldo tho nursery door, she heard Fred say to his sister, who? was crying, "Don't oo bo 'frnid, baby; me an' Dod's hero." Hurjier's Young People. POLITICAL PICKINGS. Sunset Cox nnd Speaker Carllslo aro to be asked to address tho Boston public on tha subjoct of tariff reform. The Atlanta Constitution wants to see per sonal abuso and scandals left out of tho cam iaign next year, und tho contest waged on high ground. Ex- Governor Puckard, of Louisiana, who is now a resident ot Iown, is proposed as a. camlldato for tho scat of Senator "Wilson, whoso term expires in 18S9, Tho majority against division in North. Dakota was oxnetly 10,000, whilo that in ' favor of it in South Dakota was BI.OSS, leav ing tho majority in tho wholo territory it.tCd for division. Senator Ingalls might havo his widely ad vertised novel published hi Tho Congressional Record. A iioet who got to congress a fow yfars ngo inflicted a long and peculiarly inano Hem ou tho country in that manner. Chicago Nows. Tho Prohibition national oommittco has de cided to base representation in tho national convention of noxt year on the vote tho party polled in 1BS0. This will make tho number of delegates 1,048, of whom ninety will bo from Pennsylvania. Philadelphia Press. According to tho Hon. William I. Bow, diteh, ono-tenth of oil tho taxes In Maaa, chiwott nro jiald by tho women. In Rock ford, Ills., tho women jay two-thirds, of th taxes. In boiuo towns tho iiercenUgo j Is largo, but for all of that these very wonwa are not by law citizens, and havo no voice ha, the udmiulitrutiou ot puUia aCairs. r,. '