The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 30, 1887, Image 4

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    THE OREGON SCQ$iTJ 11,011 l'Miibute the stirpItiR for tbo
z . -r -j--. rr , production of new wealth through the
AMOS K. JOKES KDITOK, ' ctnyloy tnonl of idle labor. Senator
- - - , . . . Dolpl' jiniclically seek to apply this
Citv and Countv Official Paper. t" ii""p;y i.iii-iosition to spend
1 the Hindus ill pi-orm-m" common nd-
FridtiyDoecniDor 1 887, j yaMav f"!' tlVhf!Z
' l venrs n'o Mr. I'owiicrlv sSowod that
Mm.ujl.iliuiM 'aj im.wirjnujiiJl'i.-.i"i'ut turn i "
- tV() mijoi,, (,f muu were out of work
SEXATOR DOr.PII AXl) nil: , b(.nlllsc fiey mil nothlnfr t ,lo. It ia
' ' ' ' argued Hint tlio surplus revenue tlis-
, , , , ... . trihutcd in an v Icind or work, so that
benntor Dolpl.', proposition to , f u llR,io), of
MendthcM..plusn3veuuo in w woik, bc n, harbor nnd ..aviation ...- , illvellleIllof th(! IIOOI,0.S mon-
pi U lilllUIll? If- IKH lllll l
scheme ln t is favored hy a number of
able men like John Sherman. Sena
tors Frvo and iujralls and Win. Jvcl
lcy. Sherman's views are substan
tially in lino with those of .Mr. Dolph,
while Mr. Kclley really tavois the
Nnmc principal when he proposes to
repeal the federal whiskey tax and
remit, the iii'po'-ition and eollcction of
whiskey taxes to the states. Win. M.
GroMciior, In tho Xorlh American
Review for January. 1887, impurcs
"What would the surplus be worth to
the people if left in their hands';"'
Railroad capital uvcnic'es about I pm
cent.: eapil:tl invested in farms docs
not return 1 per cunt, to owners. )
The increase in all wealth from 1870 j
to UV-'O was about i! 1-2 per cent, j
yearly. From these fuels .Mr. (Jrus
veiior argues (has the American people
would be better oft to invest tho sur
plus revenue in the industrial educa
tion of the people through establish
ment of technical trades schools like
those supported by the municipal and
state governments of continental
Europe than to keep their money at
!U-2 per cent . lie also argues that
tlie remission of taxes would not do as
much good as a wise u.-o of the money
raised. The nation now pays about
100 ,000,000 yearly for the school?, at
nn average cost of .?lo.fU per scholar,
and the return would be far greater
if every scholar were taught tho rudi
menl.t of useful trades ami employ
ments. Industrial training, Ures
veuor arguoi-, Would give- each boy a
cliiince to find out wlr.U faculties he
lias, for what work he is best ftialfled,
and thus lessen tho awful wiifde of
power and loss of opportunity which
conic from mistaken choice of work.
Gronvcnor stales the simple truth
when ho says that tho schools now
send too many boys into trading,
teaching or living by their wits, ln
dustiial training would win a larger
share- to productive labor, show how
to put brains into it and make it more
highly esteemed. Ho would provide
industrial training for the girls,
too; would instruct them in sewing
and all household arts ami economies.
It costs ihe French people l.'i cents per
day lor food for each inhabitant ; costs
our people fully jiti cents per day . A
third of this difference, or ft cunts per
day, is due to houseoold waste ami
ignorance in cooking, (.irosvenor
would expend Hit; surplus in providing
industrial I raining free to all children,
m additionto the public school syMum,
and have it expended by the general
government or stale or local boards.
Thilr government and municipal
trade schools have done wonders for
the common people of continental
F.urope. Our government has not
hesitated to vote money in the shape
ev; that at. least in hard times it would
help to empty pool-houses and start
the wheels of mnto industries. This
philosophy of the collection and redis
tribution of taxes, spending the sur
plus, after necessary expenses are
paid, in various ways, at! suggested by
.Senator Dolph, is held by n good
many able and thoughttul men both
in F.urope and America. Oregonian,
The United States Postal Improve
ment Association is tho name of an
organization that has boon formed to
promote the rc-issue of fractional cur
rency, and also to secure a reduction
in the postage on seeds and plants.
Every planter now has to pay a tax of
liie per pound on .eeds. bulbs and
cions, and that is the poMagc on this
class of mail matter. It is desired to
have seeds and plants classed as third
class mail matter, and subject to a
rale of postage of one cent for each
two ounces, or eight coins per pound.
The rate in Canada is only four cents
per pound. Any plan that will
facilitate tho dissemination of plants
and seed is for the universal good of
the nation, and will be supported by
nine-tenths of the population. Inci
dentally it is desired to abolish tho
present postal note system and substi
tute therefor money orders for f?o or
less at a charge of thine- cents. The
value and importance of this great
facility to Ihv tuail business of the
counlry will bc generally recognized.
We liearlilv endorse this movement
to increase our postal facilities. We
urge all of our readers lo immediately
write lo their representatives in both
branches of congress to give this mat
ter their earnest and cordial support.
Tho value of fhese personal letters to
congressmen from their constituents
cannot be over-estimated. If this is
followed up by tho general circulation
of petitions in behalf of thee measures
Miecess will be assured. The nation
al grange in session at Lansing,
Mich., unanimously voted on Monday
lo help this work for postal improve
ment in every possible and legitimate
way. Success i$ certain, it every one
in favor or these ideas will tako hold
in earnest .
There is continually an increasing
evidence thai the people desire tlie re
issue of a fractional currency. At
present a large majority of our citi
zens are hindered in making remit
tances in sums less than $1. very
much lo their discomfort and di-satis-faciion.
Hither postage stamps or
postal notes must; be used. In most
cases, distance from Ihe nearest
money-order post-ollice renders it
dillleult to secure the postal note,
maintains that the treaty with the Ha
waiian Islands was not n mere recip
rocity treatv. but was in substance a
.commercial contract, by virtue of
1 which Hawaii pays a valuable consid-
oration for the admission of certain
merchandise to the ports of the United
' Slates.
Counsel for tho importer .av that if
the United Slates should be 'defeated
in this case, San Domingo might be
come the Honolulu of the Atlantic
coast, while if Ihe United States
should succeed, Denmark.
Central America, Peru, Persia and
other foreign governments would bc
at liberty lo shut out other manufac
turers and products from their ports,
without giving ns ativ cause for com
plaint , for violation of existing treat
ies, pledging Ihe United States an c
qnality there wilh all other nations.
This, they say, would upset nearly
all our existing commercial treaties
with foreign powers. Astorian.
There is due to the state of Oregon
from the general government a sum of
money , now stated at ?;.G'J,4fl, prin
cipal and interest, for services render
ed dining the first year of the war of
tho rebellion. The claim upon this
accouui has been hanging lire in the
War Depart mejit for years, and
doubtless would have kept on hang
ing there till '"the crack of doom."
had not Governor I'ennoycr, on his
recent vi-jt to the National Capitol,
given the initterhis personal atten
tion. He found out whern tho claims
were lying. They were in the War
Department whereas they should have
been placed in the Treasury Depart
ment for auditing. They were fol
lowed up and kept before the minds
of the Department until it now seems
there is a prospect for the speedy ad
justment of the matter, so long de
layed. A recent communication from
the Treasury Department to Governor
I'ennoycr informs him that ''the claim
will be taken up and adjusted during
the present sos-ion of Congress in time
for an appropriation for its payment
should a balance be found due the
It is said to bo tho intention of the
Governor, in case an appropriation
is made, to recommend to tho next
Legislature that it bc expended in
building a portage road between Tho
Dalles and Celilo, by the State. Do
can arrange il so as lo make it a god
send for Kastern Oregon, and at the
same lime do no injury to the balance
of the State. If he can do so, so
much more to his credit, and thanks
lo the careful and zealous efforts of
Governor I'ennoycr on behalf of this
com mon wealth. Ex.
iirt.'iii,i:.v'S .i:n:ca
Tin: IJrsr SvLvcin the world for rut",
l!niitn, Soros, 1 'leers, Salt liheiim. Fever
Sores, Totlur, Chapped Hands, Cliilblaiim.
Corns, mi l all Skin F.rnpiions, and positive
ly cine" Piles, or no pay required. It is
piarnnUi'.l to riw i "ifect "-ati-d'ai ton or
money refunded. I'.'ic ' cents JU r box.
1'or Sid."at V'tijdit's dnijt store.
Watchmakers & Jewelers,
And dealers m
Spectacles, Eve Glasses, Gold
Pens, Watches Clocks,
Jewelry, etc.
Main .Street, - - - - Tnion, Oregon.
onsonai hooms,
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Hair cutthiL.', shaving and shampooing
done neatly and in the best style.
Hot and CoSd Baths
House, Sign and Carriage
luJ S
Q'anng a Specialty.
Shop, Corner Main and A Street.?, Union,
i I .N
$500,000.00 to Loan on
First CSass Security,
From One to Five Yc;irs Time, .'it u Low
Jtate of Interest, Also Ituys, Sells
and l'onts I'mpcrtv for
To bc Inviited on Guraiitccd Security.
All Collections Promptly
Attended to Without Delay.
F. 1. BAKER,
General Manager, Union, Or,
ICyMlIlylM Mil
m in in n
s City
(orposrrr. centennial hotel.)
L Sc ELLIOTT, - Proprietor.
KvcrythiiiK First Class. Terms Very Iteasonablc.
Buss to and Fiom the Uejiot MakingXonncction with aH Trains.
On rami lands in Umatilla. Hafcer, Union,
(iilliam ami Wallowa comities, at S. 0, 10
and 11 per ecnt. on liw vtar s lime,
i (.'ad -n. I. IT. ItlNUIl'AllT, at the Farm
' crs' ilortKnuo anil Savings 15ank, Glimmer
i villi". Orujion, if you want money on farm
i lyaiis.
! Tlio 8 percent N on improved farm land
' near the railroad In Grande Itnnde Valley.
lO-Ul-mri, J. II. ni.VKlIAHT.
Cornucopia, Union county, Or.
11. C. WAIUNNEK, I'rop'r.
Tbf only first c'ass house in the camp.
No p.iin sp.ued to ntal.'c uusts comforta-b.e.
jChareres Reasonable.
or lunils to nitiinlnin iiHrirnltnral col- j v.ll-,0 ,)0stl(, stamps urn not inloniled
in uio Mini's; tniiiisiriai iriiinui.' ns ., ,.i 1-u i i
In tlie trail id
nu'iliiiiii anil are not
!W nidlllll'llllll'y lis ,1I,11i!1l1. Mnrenvoi' lHislnl noil's.
KllOWll'lljJll of lltfrictlltliro II WOlllll I U.U.- lcn..,l ;il mih- 'il.oot l l nor .-mil
waifif ; of thu iiostolliccs in the connlry, aiv
bo no nioro socialism than
work, laddie park, lilirark's anil
Illinium' liietitiilions; no morn social-i-ui
limn the common school sysloni.
trosi-nor iiiijiilrps: ''fan wo ivn
to tho poor inniiy way morn wl-oly
than ly I'llncatluc anil training thcin
In tlio niiHiiiiints- of protlni'tivo labor,
o thai by honest inlntry thoy may
lnvoiin' less poor, anil thcreforo hiss
'1'Ii'h argument i ilaiislhl( to this
( Nti'iit that such industrial instrnelion
lias lin'ii of lnimciisc prnctinil butiolll
dillii'iilt to oblain
They arc no safer than a fractional
ciir'i'iicy bill, while tbo-o who have
i'NaMiciiiTil tho delay necessary in
ourlarup towns and cities to secure
oni' of these notes-, as well as to col-lo-t
the payment o:i It, will he in
sympathy with the pri'seut movement
tit secure from Confrri! an early ro
issiii) of fractional currency. Hx.
An important eso invulvinjr the
treatv relations, of thu United Stntc
Main Strce;. Union. On-run.
Keep oonclr.ntly on hand
sr,s.ViiE, II VA1S, LAUD. Eiv.
! 'I
Keep constantly on hand a large supply of Parlor and Bed
Room Sets, Bedding Desks, Office Furniture etc.
UPHOLSTERING Done in the Best Style.
I...unpis. Matlre-e-", nnd all kinds of Ui.ndturc mado to order. Your pat runnge
solicited. Our prices are ivasoimhle. O Main Strco: Union Oregon.
Tlie Orepn fivesiieiil OoiBaiiyT
in Europe, but il is a fact, wo believe. I wj,i,' jinVaii and Snn Domingo was
that lew raiiu.ilos id ayriciiiiural col- ; arxxet ast Wedncday in tbo United
loci's adopt fanning. "d fanners' i states siipromo oourt. The ease stands
bos areas a rule the tlrst to desert j 0M ,,0 aokot a lliis'li Kelly, plaintiff
the fuiiu for iiiui-produetiye and pro- ?nw apilnH Kdward 1.. Iledden, '
carious employ ivenl. Many taruis of I yollertor. Tlie ipicstiou piwntctl U
m w iMiliiiul Have been tli?$nrtuil by i .,11.(1 exemption from ilnlv un-
V.ui: . nd di p . i
r .i i..l,tw
frm Union
Aui' iieaii farmers on the plea that
'tlie were stai'viii,'," and yet IbW
s.iiue fainii have l-mi taken by Ii ish
Ami t'icaus who make them pay baud
soiiie b bard work and saving. It
is not unlikely that if Industrial Iruin
It were made a pail of thu bchool
stciu il would raise productive labor
lit tbo estimation of thu -jrowiii'' "jn-
der tlie existing tariff of produclh of
the Sandwich islands, nduillted free
from duly under the reciprocity trimly
and Ihe special net of eonjire. ap
proved A UK"! It's l!Tii. About twen
ty ears ayo the I'liiled States entered
Into a treaty with thu dominion re
public, by which each country agreed
not toeliarjso higher import duties on
eration and a laryer number or persons ,, pnut,icth of the other than wore
would be willing to work steadily j imposed upon like products from, any
with their trained hands limn to starve ; other counirv.
trying all to live by their shallow
ilut there are other II. inkers who
jtutify the upending of the surplus foi
the )tibiie weal on the brtmd pbilo-
Tho Importer olnlins the exompliou
frmu duty of certain ugur and other
products Imported by liim from uit
IJniidnyo, upon the fruuitit that the
arllules wero of hiicIi ilutmeter lliMt,
j i si ii'-i mi. v 1 s r i -1 1 p.
' Is-ciifrer. No. ii, l.' e I'acn.'-'cr. N. .', e
i at I J a. in. at II :-." p. in.
Frrijrht, No, lu, I.'ve Kreicht, No. la, l.'ve
I at i! :4'.i a. m. at 7 :t.pi a. in.
" ('k 1 S1" !""' principal p-.iiiu
in tin Ut.itcil Stales, Canada
and rin'i'p.".
nicoant Pi'K'" Cars.
Kini'ioil S!i I'ns It nn TbrotiKh
mi 1 . v i uv - Traui") lo
and ST. PAUL
Trt'O of Chai-pV mul Without l 'hutw.
Cloo I'Onni'ctioii.siit l'orlland for..m Ur.ui
elsfo and l'uttcl Sound wiiii-
For turlhcr jmrtiiiilio-. i-iepiir." --t n"v
Arcui im' the U 'inpunv or f A. 1.. Ma .m I!
U. 1'. eVT. A.. I'tnllaiid.l'rt'
utoM ioiii.iNi. I Ktiuji iv.N riuxi'iM'o
U'ttstii'tit 12 .Midn't. lJ. v'nn tipiitr m. wli'
ns. fiillous- m 10 h in, ui follow:
t Has made nrrunpcimuti ior capital to loun d:i roal e-fi'c. nt the iowoit rates ever
I'fl'iiTil in Ka-tirn Oickjii.
jate of interest, 89 99 10 per cema
i No cxiHii-e and no delay Otlio-: I'iit door taM of Hiin-on V Kojr. ;V dmc store.
Tlie Flieiiis Real Estate AssQGiation,
1 1. , s niatle an antieiuents w ith n-al estate dealer.- in the Ka't, to te land to Hnstern
Imyer-tlireei, l'ariic- disiriuirto sell hind, will Had it lo their interest t-i pluce same
Ottitv with I'rciton lini-tnient i in 1 any
tines eelli'il
$50 TO $100
On tlie purchiNo of an Instrument, by
buying tluougli W T. WMJOIIT,
Afrent, Union. Oregon.
orse tsreaKing
I desire to inform the public that I have
perfected a
Xcw System of Horsebreaking,
Which 1 bclicu" to lie the be.-t now prae-tii-ed.andl
will ial;e hoises or any either
kind of animals to break, on
Sniisfaetion guaranteed in every instance.
Will visit the farms when desired, and
break the animals without taking them
awi.y, (live me a trial.
Line to ki
Miphienl tfrmmil llint tMXntloii should m,i t,oV been liuportod from IlttwnH,
ilefrny MimuthliiK more than the nee- j njy WuUll Imvo been tulnilttuil free of
,i,Mtry exponsen uf Kovernnieut ; tlmt duty under thu trwty hotwoan the
Kientille tiixntimi Khould tifccoittu a . United Stute miri lluwull, hihI the
jicop)uK cxMct ri;ht anil f-bare in the ! net i( Auyiui 1A, 1870, enforcing thai
wealth of t)i iwiuiitrv, eollort it, pay j tronty.
till Icjiltiiintc Cxik.,i?v' uift ol Ft, Mini' The Vultcvl fjtatey ,'irvwnrnent
Culeiiii-iu Tlie liec - 1 mri'ii. Xiiiii. le. 5
iHf'fltiu. it. ., listat", IM. ., 0
HUte. Wed. H;. olitinbia, Tues ,. IS
t'liiiuiibln mii ,, lt-R)rct;uii. Swt. IT
ore -a. To..-. ,. 'JSWiitf. Weil. ,. 81
Sta'e. Mi. ml iv, I'eJnuibU. Jlon
i i.'iiuiii' i. , U'QififlMi. Th.ur"
'ii , i i tie ri)it tv clmiig
kiemiii'm or kiiilimr eUy.
W. II. HOl.i OXlH. ' A. LJlAXWRkU
l.Vn: Man.i.'er. 1 l! IV Jc r. A,
ii. U 1UAV.VX. Awt, I'niva.
ximm m mm
Leaves Union diily at 'J p. m, arrives at
Cove at .'t:.'5o p. in.
Leaves Cove at S a. in , arrives at Union
iit!i:.tna. in.
Connections inudo with Elliott's coaches
riiimii! to thu depot, currying passenger
for cast and vel bound tram.
Keep re'i-tjum tut b.ind a Mill :-- -rt nio-i s o. i . t' Ii" In l.i ii.ii", in.niufui lured
of tlio U"Nt obuilllllii'e. He H n. i" ul'.'. i. .5 .O" -.ue the
Best Jot of saddles, at lower prices than oere
ever offered, in Eastern Oregon,
Al&oa FUll. ASSOUTMKNT of spt'tts, Willi's, AX Lit OKEA&'E, UAllX
01 1 Ktv.. Evk.. lire., lu fuel everything usuuhy kept iu a
First Glass Establishment.
fcJTOsn trml uawmlw Msta tMiviwi, Umwh Otmm-
xunl iMtWClIT, ttU.VSONAltLU.
KOI1IXSON tt LAYNK. Proprietors.
Obtained, and nil Patent Unxiness attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
Our office U oppoit the U. S. Patent
Office, and we can obtain l'Htenis In less
time than t!t--i rem- te i'miii WasoiiiKton.
Send MoUHborDlt UVIO. We adviso
a to puntvntattihlv free of chnrpe;and wo
We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the
Jsupt. of Ji one v Order Div., and to otllcials
ot ih U. 1'uieiit Office For cireular,
uduiv, trruisund rcttrm'iiiM. to actual ell
tints In your own State or (untv. write to
C. A. SNOW & Co.,
Vjn4n.' ilsiS1.' QHtcv V'a&ijtVnt v. c.