I 1 c -A VOL. IV. The Oregon scout. An Independent weekly Journal, iued ev ery Friday inotniii;c lv JONES & CHANCE Y, Publishers and Proprietors. A. K. .Tonus, 1 Editor. t B. ClIANCUY, 1 Foreman. BATIS Or SUl'.SCItll'TION: One copy, out; year ?l f0 " ' Six months. 1.00 " Three monies lo Invariably Cash in Ailvnnoc. by chance subscriptions arc not paid till tiul oj year, tut) dollars will be churned. Botes of advertising made known on ap plication. ESfCorrespondenco from all parts of thu country solicited. Adrcj-K all communications to theOr.EUON Scout, Union Origon. 11 1 11 -,..vjacjrgT,Tmmnn jit .;.:xvLoxssoraKgsai3g l'UOFICSsjlONAI... JOHN 11. CRITES, Attorney at Law. Collecting anil probate praolice spce'al tici. OHIce, two doors south of post-oilier. Union, Oregon. J EAKIN, Attorney at Law AND NOTAUY PUBLIC. Olliee, one ioor south of J. B. Eaton's store, Union, Oregon. J N. CROMWELL, M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Oilice. one door south of J. B. Katon's store, union, Cmgon. I O. F. BULL, Attorney at Law, Notary Public, and Abft'-actor of Titles. Oflice State Land OlhVc buildinir. corner Main anil A Streets, Union. Oregon. Q II. DAY, M. D., t HOMEPATIIIf Physician and Surgeon. ALL CALLS IMlOMPTLY ATTHN DED TO. Office adjoining Jones Bro'.s store. Can be found nights at the Centennial hotel, room No. 1 M. Bakcr. J, W. Siiri.TON. J. F. Bakkk. jgAKER, SIIELTON& BAKEIt, Attorneys at Law. OFFICES Union and LaOrnnde, Ore gon, t-'pecial Attention given all business entrusted to us. J.M. CAItnOLL. Notary Public. B. F. WILSON. Ex-Co. Clerk. JAKKOLL & WILSON, Conveyancers and Abstracters. Abstracts to Itcal and Mining property furnished on short notice, at reasonable rates. Sales of Beal and Mining property nego tiated. Collection business promptly at tended to. Office next door south of Post-office. Un ion, Oregon. JltS. E. A. G A REEK, Fashionable Dressmaker, Gentleman's clothing made, and all kinds of tailoring, cleaning and lepaitingdoue to order. Centennial block, Main St.. Union, Or. Geo. Wkiout, President. W. T. Wkiout, , Cashier. -OF- TJNION, OREGON. Docs a General Banking Businww. Buys and sells exchange, ami tlW'OunU commer cial paper. Collections carefully attended to, anil promptly reported. ii VTmn 10 AND SODA FACTORY, Cor. Main and B Bts. I'nlon. Oregon, snniurAN ualkv, rrupi, Manufacturers and dealer In Soda Wa ter. Sanup.irilla. Ginger Ale, Cream Bcxla c;tlje Ckdirj 8ynnH, cto. Or- wy mrvu. First National Bank, KentncKY Lmuor Store KidneyLiver Medicine xurnii 700 ? to r.ijs. CURES all Dlr.eaops of tho Kiiltys, Liver, Itladdcr, anil Urinary Orcan; Dropsy, Oravel, Dlabeteh, l!rir;lit'j Disease, Pains In tho Uriel:, Loins, or Side; Itctont hisi or No:-Kotentiu:i of I'rlne, Nervous Ii'scnscs, IViuat VeahncB5cn, Excesses, JsmuHee, Biliousness, He.iclaclio, flour oiaaeli Dysiiepsia Coust'""Uou and I'Hes. ITS REMEDY cunns when all othur iiedicises FAIL, as it acts directly and r.t onco cn tho Itltlnej-o, Liver and Dowels, i-cjtorlii',: thom to a healthy action. Ill' NT S UnMI'.DY U 1 tale, Euro, and rpi cdy cur--, and hundreds l.avo been cured by 1'. v.: en pl.-i.'avs aii t fiienda had civc:i the: 1 up 1 die. Do t.ot d jUy, trj- ut once HUXT'3 KFMUDY. Bladder, Urin.'jy and U-er Diseases, Dropsy, Oravcl, ami Diabetes, aro r I by THE liEST KIDNEY AND XTVEIl JTEDICIXE. 3 cures Brigbt's Disease, Retention or Non-Iletcn-tion of Urine, Tains in tho Back, Ixins, or Bide. IUMTS re cures Intemperance, Nervous Dlscarcs, General Debility, Temalo Weakness, and Excesses. curca Biliousness, Headache, Jaundice, Sour Stomach, Dytpepila, Constipation and Piles. ACTS AT ONCE on tho Kidneys, XJvor, and BotvcIr, restorics thciu to, a healthy action, nnd CUKES when all other medicine fail. Hundreds havo been raved who have bcc yiven up to dio by friends nnd physicians. EMEDY i Kidney Livsr Medicine xcrim Zizori ' to IIUN'T'B RK3ir"V las uved from lin gering disease anst death r.undrodi who bavv been civun up by pliye.c a.is to dio. IIUNT'G lti:MEIVcnreor.U IJUcauos of tho Kldnoys, Illaddor, Urinary Or r,aun, Dropsy, Gravel, Dlatoto-nnd lucoutlnoneo ami Itotcatloa cf Ux-lno. HUNT'S KUaiEDY cn?v.utase kioep, creates aa Rnpe:l:o, braces up t'.o rysteia, and renewed health U tho ro.ult, IIUNT'fl ITESinDY 01 roa pain la tho Side, Each cr I.olna, O norr.I Dohlllty, I'-emclo Dlneaso. ristnrbutl Sleep, I.us8orAppotltem Jright'a Uiseaie. 1IUNT'.4 Ri:SIEDY qulcUy Induces tM Liver to healthy action, ruroov;nj t:.o cauci Uiat produce Itllloiis IIonc!noho, Dyspcp In, Bour Btonmoh, Cost Ivcacon, X llei, oto. Uy the u-3 cf ni!J.T1 UEMi:T. J v c Stumacli an.l II ircU nlil - Oily r ,. . t t'.c.. ttrcogtb, and Cu Ulod u i'.l ijcu i; IIUNT'8 XKXF.DY It purdy vcjetallc. and moots a want iievtr bef-rc f :i.s:.t.4 tao jKibtle, cod ttw utmott r.la:.c 1 1 UccJ la It. HUNT'S XtE?IEDY is j rpral -prculy Tor thu Mbovo iIUmih, and has never luu hnovrn to fall. Ono trial vrlll convlno yoa. Tot lalo by all Di-ncaltts. ."cud tur l"anipMct to HUHTO nEHEpy.Q0,VA , I'rtivltlw'-ii K. I. UNION, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER OUR POETS. (TiiN 'a''e is given for the use and benefit nf our local vi iters of vcr-'e. and we hope to niiike it a plcasintr feature of the paper. To that end contributions aro vo'ieited, but they limit pos-t"- tiudonbted literary merit, to' obtain place and recogni tion here. Eli. J Written for tlie Fcout.) S1Y MOUNTAIN HOME. Tlion kingdom of hnppinc, love and eon- tenttUi'll', That breathed to my toul tlicse endear- nients of thine; Let 1110 bathe in the dew, that in bathing thy bo-oni And drink in thy blessed inspiration divine. Is there a fond heart that is peeking n refuse From the grief, pain and sorrow, that cur ses the world ? Here sparkling in Minshino, and rippling in showers, Tho banner of Peace is forever unfurled. The-fragrance of summer, the mild winds of autumn The low moaning echoes that winter brings 'round. Each one w.t'i affection is ever o'erflowjng; Each rue w'.th true friendship small ever re- HOtllld. The flowers of thy hills, and thy soft smiling meadows The cool sparkling water that nature diet ill1 , The bii.'ht 1 uighing school-boys, and still bright! r maidens The voice of eacli one with thy melody tlirili.il Blithe, bonnie and fair, arc tho forms that adorn thee, Fresh. ui en, full of beauty, the flowers of thy breast. Pure, crystal and limpid, thy blight spark ling waters, Oh. hotii in thy boom forever 1,11 rest! Here the oisenco of truest, affection is glow ing, Bear frien Is of this Paradise, here you slia 1 dwell: Where the blushes cf Rummer environ the. row. The low sighs of winter all sorrows expel I Oh where in the. wide world, the world of deception Is a home tor nil people, all creeds, and all kinds? Ah, here roaming pilgrim your wand'ring give over, Here, bb omlng in peace is the dear land ciuhriui'd! Untrammelled by art, or philosophy's c'am er, Undisturbed by 110 clijuent, save that of mace: Here wo live undcflled, by the world's wilder paiions, The lull of i'tir conscience, our only release: Dear land of the Occident, Mulling so tran quil, Now turning to uitiBie your rapturous voice I In wintir I'.l s gii while thou Kittlyait sigh ing In Mtmmcr with blossom-j and birds, I'll rejoice 1 So tuning my spirit to thy inspiration, Facli f oason my pasion"with theo, I'il re new ! Each hour will I praise tlioo! Oh, home! pleasant p.i a v I I never I no newr, .shall bid thee ndi u! B. W. H. IT PAYS TO I'KAY. Besides being an expert ''worker" of politics, Don M. Dickenson, nominated for postmaster general, has a. further and peculiar claim upon the president. It is 1 elated that when the Michigan democratic state convention met in 1S8G, proceedings were opened by pinyjr, in which divine blessings were invoked on all democrats known in per son or by name to tho reverend peti tioner, with tho single exception of Giover Cleveland. When the prayer was concluded Dickeinon arose in his pl.ica intln convention and expressed his deep regret that no mention had been made of tho name of the chief magistrate, and then, with uplifted hands and closed eyes, ho said : '"Oh, God, bless with the richest blessings of thy grace, the grandest of men, that purest of politicians, noblest of demo crats. G rover Cleveland." The prayer got as far aa tho Whito House and Dickenson is to have a seat in tho cab inet. Palotiso Gazette WHAT AM I TO DO? The symptoms of Biliousness are unhap pily but too well known. They differ in different Individuals to some extent. A Blllious man is seldom a breakfast cater. Too frequently, alas be hat an excellent ap petite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. Illstonguo will hardly bear in spection at any time; If it is not white and furred, it In rough, at all events. The digcttivc eystrm in wholly put of or dir and Diarrhea or CiiiiutipatiiuOiiay boa symptom or the two may alternate. There are often Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddlne.is and often headache and Mcidity or fla uleiu e and tendurneea in the pit of 1 Ik- utomach. To correct all thi if not elfecta curetry Orten'i Amjutt Flower, it costs but a trifle and thousands attest It 'efficacy. Try tho now baking powder nt Jones Bio's. Only 35 cents a can. Warran ted nts good ua utiy jiowdcr in tho war lA. ur fclcrrfty refunded. TKLOCJASET. IntiTi'Rllne; N'i'ns nf I lie V.'eilc, TuM in 1'iomi mill Vrrn'i Pcccml'er 27, 1SS7. Bright shone thu stars in the tlrmaninl high. Cold was the wind that went whist'ing by; Hard was the squeeze she received by hi arm. F.'ifi. iliil lw lirnml.e t.i Tiinnl lmr frnm lmrm Quick was the ieik of the IjcfjJ 'inted sled; I Nc.t thing hi1 Knew he was netted in bill; I Warm, tender and sott woie his biuises all bound, He liter.e l-lle looked very quickly around .lumps up on the floor, in 11 horrible flight, "Did I niah darling al when I fell out last nielil?" Cliristinns paBFod oil' quietly. Mrs. C. F. Miller is improving slowly- Who knows; what slonn nitty bo in his path, to wreck his craft, uL thu most prosperous stage of life's journey. Mr. George Thompson, ono of our many energetic young "Antoliipians," returned from Idaho, a few days "go, where he lias been working all sum mer, 'rimes are very jjood there he in forms us. John Ihooke, our genial sheepman, we are informed, will pu.-s the winlei i in Malhuer county, with one band of hits sheep. Wo regret, to have him ab sent; "The more there is to cheer the crowd, the menier all will be." Winter's charms, unlike those of hUtniuer, seem to freeze up tho foun tain head of tho poet's versatility ; snow crystals may possess its much poetic beauty as flowers, but it is not quite so agreeable to a sensitive consti tution to examine them, at it is (low ers. Baseball is "all the go" now willi our hchool boys. It. is viry comical tp witness a winter game uf this kind; sore knees, bruised heads, sprained ankles and wrists, and a few "bail words" from s.ome thoughtless youth, who lias third base within his grasp, and then receives u fall that lays him up for a few days, are very common. Kccles it do's lumber is being hauled down half way from the mill on I hleds.and on to the station by wagons, j The roads in the mountains now I aflord good tk'igliing, but down in the i vallev, snow is rather scarce. No feed ing has been done yet, to outside stock, and the prospects for an open winter aro very favorable. 15. W. II. W ANNAS! A K ER'S SUCCESS. John Wannainaker, the Philadelphia merchant, says the Times of that city recently spoke as follows about adver tising: "I never in my life used such a thing as a poster, dodger or handbill. My plan for fifteen years has been to buy so much space in a newspaper and fill it up with what 1 wanted. I would not give an advertisement in a nwwepa por of 400 circulation, for fi.000 hand bills or posteis. If 1 wauled to sell cheap jewelry, or run a lottery scheme, I might use posters, but would not iu- i suit a decent reading public with hand bills. The class of people who read such things aro poor material to look to for support in mercantile allairs. I deal directly with the publisher. I say to him : How long will you let 1110 run a column of matter in your paper, for $100 or $200 as the case may lie? 1 let him do the figuring, and if I think ho is not trying lo make more than his share I give him tho copy. 1 lay aside the profits of a particular lino of goods for advertising purposes. The first year I laid aside and spent $-1,000; last year I laid aside and spent $11 ,000. I havo dono better this year, and will increase that sum as the profits war ran I it. I owe my success to newspa pers, and to them I shall freely Kivo a certain profit of my yearly business." SKIPPED IN RIIOAI) DAYLIGHT. Jarvis Stone, heretofore considered an honest and trustworthy granger, has proven to ho 1111 entirely difierent sort of a human being, than was supposed. In a very mysterious and sudden man ner, he has glided into unfathomable obscurity, and efforts to trace him by anxious'creditors, havo proven unavail ing. Tho last heard of liim was from Pendleton, where lie sold his team ut auction. Ho left lor parts extremely unknown, Ho owes several of our sol id farmers and citizens, who trusted him in various ways under tho im pression that lie was perfectly honest. If Mr. Slono hud been un ordinary in dividual, the mere fact of his "skip ping" would not occasion so much sur prise, but, when wo considor ho was "sancliliied," and therefore presumably incapable of committing such a vulgar Fin, wo lose some of our childlike coufl tlcWc fu rfnman rfftfurtl tiddit. IS ISLAND CITY. l.iuiu Tlrli' Thltign Wi'etily llixlgpt of (looit fur tho ItraitoiK of 'I lie Kutit, C LI It I S T M A S C IT F F S. Island City, Dec. 27, 1SS7. Oh, I wonder what the thunder l tho matter with my body! Took santonin, sot me groanin', Wanted come of papa's toddy ; Had a doctor: badly shocked her When he told ma, learnedly, Worms in numbers disturbs slumbers In a little boy liko inu. Both my pockets full of lockolti, Waiting I'or.luly to come; In December, 1 remember Christinas time there's lots of fun; Pa's a dandy, bringing candy Every lime bo's on a sptvo: In his revels says tho devil'u In a little boy like me. I Parents fighting, ma wont kiting hen pa ml her in the eye; Baby squalling, mother sprawling. Wash-tub caughl her "on the lly;" Do not, parley 'botil tho barlov When another chance you see; In contrition Prohibition Suits a little boy like me. George Miller is building an im mense granary, Oh D. look hero, in tho paper. V. That's fine, go and show it to tho mil ler. D. Civile Pennington and family have gone on a, visit to friends and relatives in the Willamette Valley. Samuel lloothu is hauling out, tim bers and lumber and intends to erect a house and barn next summer. While out skating on tho river last week Mr. C. Biihwll skated into an air hole. I liu air was wet anil so was 1 "Chet." I A school meeting is to bo held on j the 31st, in district 73, for tho purpose of electing a new director, C. W, ,11am- j ilton having moved out, of the district, j A. 11. Conley an energetic farmer on the south-eastern portion of tho Sand Ridge, is enclosing with wire fence tho last piece of outlying Oregon Improve ment Co. land in thai vicinity Now, if they had 11 few more actual settlers and a grave yard started, it would look a little more liko living. Time passed pleasantly at (ho Christ mas tree at Moss Chapel. Tho brass band from Island Ci(y and thoMcGin nis orchestra furnished music, for (ho occasion. Tho main point tho com mittee of arrangements seemed lo havo 111 view was to keep tho small uoy n view was 10 Keep no sma. o ,y from wiping his nosoouluscoat-sleove. Island City had a Christmas fight. Though interesting it was rendered harmless by both participants being full of "() bo joyful for Christmas is at hand." Uncle 15. says ho whipped, al though ho believes tho oilier fellow did got a little the best of him toward the last. "Luna Tick." DROWNED IN THE RIVER. At 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, as the steamer William M, Iloag was com ing down tho river, opposite Kotu island David Harner, a deck hand, whoso homo is in Corvallis, was knocked into tho river and drowned. Tho men were win liing tho forward deck, and some of them wero holding up the gang plank, ono end of which touched the water. Just then tho steamer La tona passed, and tho swell from her might the plank, tearing it from the hands of those who wero holding it, carrying it into tho river and knocking Harner overboard. The steamer im mediately lowered a boat, but Harner, who could not swim, sunk just before tho boat reached him. Men aro now grappling for tho body. AVONDKUPUI. CllllliS. W. D. Hoytit Co., wholesale and retail druggists of Borne, da., ay : Wo have been belling Br. King's Now Discovery, Electric Bitters and Bucklcn's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled reme dies that ncll us well, or give such univer sal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful euros effected by tjicjo medi cines In this city. Several cases of pro nounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Br. King's New discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bittern, We guarantee them al wuyn. Bold at Wrlght'i drug utore. Smith's walking gang p)pw, some thing new and juat tho thing. For Salo by Frank Brow. Implement Co., Island Citv. 1 NO. 27 THIi COVF3. N'imi. of tin-Wepli as Noteil liyonr Vlil iiwn l 'ri'ipiiiili iil. Cove. Dec. i!7, 1-SS7. Mel. Campbell, of !ticky Bar, is in Cove on his way to Wisconsin to join his wife. They expect to return west in the spring. A very pleasant party was given in honor of Miss Iloltby tit tho rosidenco of Mrs. Conklin, Tuesday evening. Dancing, cards and a nice lunch passed tho time away rapidly. Major Hendcrshott, tho drummer boy oltbe Rappahannock, accompanied by his son, has been visiting his cousin, Jus. llendershott, during the week. Tho two gao an exhibition on drum and fife, Monday eve, at the. residence of Mr. llendershott, which was highly enjoyed by a largo audience. Tho teachers and pupils of Ascen sion school and Leightou Academy aro preparing to give, at an early date, "The Court of Serano," an opera-tragedy, with Prof. Smith in the title role; Prof, illanchct as the captain; Misa Meachain, soprano and Mr. Warfel, tenor. The music will bo of a high order. The loading parts will bo taken by Mr. Warfel 'h vocal class. Dunham Wright is in (own making preparations to give, at his Covo hall, a Now Year's ball, Friday eve next, Dec. 30th. No pains will be spared to make it the most pleasant event of tho season. Thu best music obtain able has been engaged. Mrs. llender shott will prepare an elegant supper which will lie served in tho lower rooms of the hall building. Tickets $2.f0. At the shooting match, last Friday, at George Gray's, some soventy-tivo at tended, and many turkeys, beef etc. were contested for. Geo. Gray and Laz. Wright made tho most accurate shooting, hut tho Cove delegation, A. Thomas, Sam and Frank Bloom and Lewis Child, brought homo a fair am ount of tho spoils, anil did not altogeth er lose their reputation of crack shots. The Christmas tree at the Ascension school, for tho Episcopal Sunday school, Wednesday evening, was at tended by about !2fi0 people. Tho tree was beautifully arranged and well load til with presents. Tho addresses by Prof. Smith and Kov. Powell wero very interesting. Much credit is due tho superintendent, Prof. Blahchet, for tho outiro success of tho occasion, also to those who lent their assistance. I will waylay Hob if ho over buyn my boys any more whistles. Alex. I expect to moot my destiny about tho last of the week. Jo. You pay for repairs on demoralized Harness ann we'll call it sutiaro. L. 11. I hko him , , , lvli;.ctionato.- , . .,. . . . . Christmiw A. Did you hear of tho Christmas present that 1 had at tho breakfast table? Jas. H. You just ought to seo tho remembrances wo recoivied on Christmas. A. it N. I am weary of high society. A. C. Tho Band of Hopo, numbering fifty six scholars, gavo a very satisfactory entertainment on Friday evening last. Tho piogrtimmo was of a temperance character throughout, everything en tirely now and well rendered. Tho dialogue "Sonso versus License" was just to tho point, and tho boys showed they had been thoroughly drilled, or tho natural stylo of delivery would not havo been so noticeable. They entered into tho subject as if they meant busi ness. The old lady's address to tho "Little People" deserves particular mention. Tho littlo Miss dressed bo nearly to represent an old lady, and her neat, quiet stylo of expression was good. The pantomino shows were very lino, the first scone bringing very viv- idly to our mind tho effect of tobacco on tho system in our youthful days. Wo pitied tho littlo fellow, but it whb not in our power to assist him, so he, liko tho rest of us, must live aiid learn. Strange how tobacco can mako us am (;( 1 1) Tho children sang with a will, and tho songs wero very pleasing to tho ear, "Ring tho bells" and "tho wind mill" being among tho boat, Tho stago wus very bright and attractive, and thu beaming faces of tho many children helped to mako it oven bright er. Tho cry iB, "repeat it or givo us a similar ono ore long," but wo think the next in. order will boa "Pio Sociable." Sovonteou dollura is tho sum realized clear of all expenses. Frank Bro's. Implement Co., of Isl and City, carry thu largest stock 0!. standard 'implements to lxj fouad ia. Eastern Oregon. Thc.(r terms and pri ces defy compotltiou, They alwaj havo 6n baud extras ami repairs for foods thoy sol), which is mutter ot great Imporlthieo to tlio pttroHaiSef. 5