TftE OREGON SCOUT. AMOS IC JONES. ED1TOU. The Oregon Scout has as large a circu lation as any tlree papers in this sec tion of the State, combined, and is cor respondingly valuable as an advertising medium. Friday, December 23, 18S7. Union and Vicinitv. We're .1 minute longer to-dav. The anow has about all disappeared. "Git onto" Jo. Wright's 5c. handker chiefs. Fresh milch cows for sale. Annlv to W. T. Wright. Ladies and gent's high top monitor over shoes at A. Levy's. Remember the ball at Wright's hall to-night. A good time expected. A few more men's Alaska fur over coats, just received by express, at A. Levy's mammoth store. School will close Friday until Mon day, Jan. 2nd. Only one week vaca tion, "too bad" say the little folks. While Eastern Oregon has been having fine weather, though somewhat breezy, the Willamette Valley has been drenched with rain. A Baker city exchange says that cailct fever is quite prevalent in that city, and suggests that the schools bo closed for a time. i Dr. Clements, who whs granted a new trial by the Supreme court, was discharged by Judge Ison, the prose cuting witness not being available, The cold nights of the past few days have frozen ice thick enough for the boys to skate, and every little seven by nine pond is occupied by the juvenile skaters. The county has purchased from the State the large safe formerly used by the State land office in this city. It now adorns a corner in tho county clerk's office. The East Orcgonian says it is ru mored that Bob. Beatie, of Pendleton, a prospective son-in-law of the new U. S. Marshal, is to have a position as one of the deputies. Time of the west bound passenger train waB again changed Sunday in order to meet tho demands of the trav eling public for fast time. The pres ent time is 3 :30 o'clock p. m. Go to tho Cove drug store and get your girl a nice book of poems. She will, then propose to you immediately after 12 o'clock Dec. 31st, when leap year grants her the privilege. No tax levy yet received from tho State authorities. This will make it very unpleasant for the sheriffs of Eastern Oregon counties, as it throws the time of collectiong tho taxes in the precincts way into the winter. We have not heard of any prepara tion being made this year for a Christ mas tree. Heretofore there has been a Christmas tree, and the wee folks looked forward to that event as one of tho happiest periods of their little lives. At Pendleton's city election, Mon day, the following officers were elected : Mayor, W. F. Matlock ; marshal, C. O. French; recorder, W. E. Crews: treas urer, Lee Morehouse, councilmcn, J. Murphy, R. Sargent and J. T. Slaugh ter. J The I. 0. O. F. dedication ball at Baker City on January 3rd, 1888 prom ises to be the grandest of the season. The dedication ceremonies will take place at 2 p. m. All persons attend ing will be cordially and royally enter tained. Remember the time and don't fail to attend. A crank waited on Secretary Lamar recently and demanded a million acres of Western land on which, as he said, "to establish the millennium and pro vide for the unborn lamb." The crank's demands were reasonable! As much as one million acres were given to corporations why not to a crank? they are just as deserving. E. O. A wager of $25,000 has been made by the San Francisco Chronicle and Examiner as to whose press can print the greatest number of papers in a giv en time. Tho money will bo given to charitable purposes by the winner. 'j Those sheets might have informed The Scout of their intentions and let it into the bet, and made tho "pot" $37, 500. Next week will bo the time when many of our peoplo will set themselves to work preparing a new programme for the incoming year. These pro grammes arc always made out on tho finest tinted, gilt-edge paper, with per fumed corners turned down, and tho "whereases" and the "thcrefores" and "be it resolved," copied after the most approved stylo of modem obituary literature. It seems that the editor of tho Ccn tervillian has been surprised. "Man's inhumanity to man," is the cause, to wit: One of the stockholders in tho paper sold the plant without tho knowledgo of the editor, and left tho Ed. in a somewhat surprised and un Jifc, expected position. Editors, though, are generally equal to any emergency, except the sheriff's, and ho imme diately ordered a new plant, and will continue the business. A gentleman says tho cars run so fast between hero and La Grande that tho brakemen now call out the La Grande station before the train leaves A the Union depot, and by the time the J passenger understands he is landed in 1 La Grande. Wo don't know how fast j the cars run now, but wo do know that v.rman could travel tho world around, servo out a life sentence in Siboria, take in the nextcontcnuial exposition, and still ho trving to got through his brain what an O. R. t N. Co.s brake man says when ho calls tho name of a s'&tlori. UNION TO CORNUCOPIA Washingtan Doc. 13 o ne tun I since, upon recotn mi un cf thr j Oregon delegation and the personal I representations of Senator Dolph, then j in Washington, the second assistant I postmaster-general advertised for bids for mail service irom l nion to Cornu copia, Oregon. It was pmjKisfxl, how ever, by the department, if such service was established, to discontinue a part of the present service. To-day Sena tors Dolph and Mitchell personally presented tho matter to the second assistant postmaster-general and se cured an order for immediate service from Union to Cornucopia, and a promise that there would he no dis continuance of any present route or diminution of the present service. AGENCI ES DISCONTINUED. In order to simplify matters and for a more economical adiuinii-tration of business, thu state board of school-land commissioners has decided to discon tinue its local agencies in every county in the state. It has been customary heretofore for the hoard to have depos ited with these agents, usually the county treasurers, a fund of money, and when a loan was granted by the board the money could be paid to the borrowor by the agent. It has been found, however, that this method in volves a great amount of correspond ence and delay which can be dispensed with by tho method just adopted. It must not be imagined that the board has also discontinued tho services of its attorney, of whom it has one in every county in the state but three. To these attorneys application can bo made for loans, and the money will be loaned directly from tho state treas urer. Statesman. Quite a number of strangers have been in town during the week, and all pronounce it one of the most hand somely located cities of any place they have seen in Oregon. Pat-sengers over the N. P. arriving at Portland in the night have to walk 'to the hotels from the depot. The coach es, it would seem, do not meet the night trains. Pleasant, isn't it? Work on the Malheur division of the Oregon Pacific has been suspended for the winter. Work will again be resumed in tho spring and pushed with energy. The 0. R. fc N. Co. will build one hundred box cars soon, as the number now on the road is totally inadequate for the demands, and a large number of flat cars are used in shipping grain. The. great tunnel on the N. P. rail road in the cascade mountains is com pleted for a distance of 7,300 feet, 2,(500 feet yet remaining. It is expected that it will bo finished some limn in May next. The stock books of the Union wool en mill are open and can be found at the mortgage bank of F. F. Baker. Everything is progressing lively and after while we shall use Union mill fabrics. If you want to buy goods cheap and get a good article for your money, come to Union, where you can get them 25 per cent, cheaper than any place in Eastern Oregon this side of the Blue mountains. Bob. Cavanna, tho young man who stole some horses from a Baker county man, was sentenced by Judge Ison, to the penitentiary for ten years. He has served a term of one year before this for horse stealing. Stock of all kinds are looking ex tremely well for this time of the year, and unless tho weather clerk takes a snap judgement on us, it is thought stock will come out in the spring in fine condition. A party of three masked men stopped a passenger train on tho St. Louis, Ar kansas and Texas road, recently and took the express containing $10,000 and relieved the passengers of all their money. The postal clerk stood them oir, firing several shots, hence the mail was not rifled. S. O. Swackhamcr, J. II. Ilendcr ehott, J. A. Jones, John T. Wright, O. P. Goodall and several others wont down and appraised the damage in tho tules by the late tire, on Fred Nodinc's ranch, They placed tho damage at $15,200 but thought it was damaged even more than that amount. It is stated upon good authority that Jules Ferry, the celebrated French statesman was fired at three times a few days ago. He was only slightly hurt. Union has been fired at several times, but sho is still alive and her merchants aro selling goods cheaper than auy town within a hundred miles of her. If you don't believe it, try anil seo. Tho proprietors of tho skating rink havo decided to make a change in tho management. Hereafter an admission feo of 25c. will bo charged all gentle men who wish to attend, but they will be entitled to skates. Ladies free. Skates 25c. This change is made for tho benefit of skaters. The rink will be open Saturday evening. Owing to the death of stenographer Richardson, the reports of the wagon road frauds which were taken down in shorthand will have to be gone over. Richardson used many individual characters in making up tho reorU, and which in tho absence of explana tion makes tho testimony tnkon illegi ble to other shorthand readers. KUCKLKN'S AKNICA SAI.VK. The Best Salvk in the world for CuU, HruUm, Sores, Ulcer, Salt Itheum. fever bores, Tetter, Chappod Hands, CMIbluuu. Corns, anil all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly euro Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect fMtihfcttlun or moimy refunded. Prtoa 36 tuu pir box. For tfaio at Wrib'bc's thuu mwa. Social Scintillations. I'd agmi It IV-mm, in-. Prt-icii'nlljr. to tho i' it in .it ui is or tiic I OJISlllU'l". "THE WORLD 110 MOVE." Mr. J. W. Sills' of the Core, visited Union Friday. J. Q. Shirley returned from a trip to Portland, Thursday. Mis Mollie Ijvwig spent Saturday and Sunday in Union. Mr. II. D. Morwin made a flying trip to Baker City this week. Mr. John McFdden,of Pine Valley, was in town this week. Mr. James llendershott, of Cove, was in the oily Tuesday. Mr. James Gilkison, of North der, called on us Monday. Mr. George Miller, of Island row. City. came over a few days ago. Mr. Jos. P. Wilson, of New Bridge, visited Union last Monday. Mr. Abraham Validevnnter, of tho Park, callwl on us Tuesday, Mrs. Saunders. Mrs. Steele and Mrs. Morwin are visiting in Baker City. Mr. Barnes, of the Cove, made us a pleasant call on Wednesday last. Mr. Wesley Duncan, of Cove, was in the oily the fore part of the week. Attorney J. W. Slulton left, Satur day night for Portland, on legal busi ness. Mr. Caleb Weaver, of Elgin, visited Union and Tuk Scorr office, last Wed nesday. Quite a number of Coveites were up to "tip tho light fantastic," last. Friday evening. Lon Davis went over to Ileppner, I Wednesday, on a visit to relatives and menus. There will be a Sunday school con cert at tho M. E. church next Sunday evening. Mr. Thos. Bucktnan, of Summor ville, made us a pleasant and substan tial visit this week. Mr. and Mrs. Murray, of Vale, Mal heur county, were visiting in this city during the week. The Presbyterians have been hold ing night services at their church for several nights past. C. W. .James, a solid young demo cratic man, has been appointed post master at Baker City. Mr. Quincy Mitchell, formerly of Ex press ranch, but now of tho Cove, called on us this week. ProfT'sSmith and Blanehet.of Leigh ton Academy, Cove, made this office a pleasant call, Wednesday. Mr. J. W. Chandler, of the Cove, called on us Monday and added his name to our list of subscribers. W. II. Lee, of Lower Powder, was in town, yesterday, lie reports every thing quiet in that section of country. Napoleon Davis, clerk of tho Stato school board, was in t he city on oil'i cial business, the fore part of the wcok, We learn that Mr. A. J. Helling was taken suddenly ill Wednesday night. Wo have not heard what the trouble was. Senator Rinehart and family are vis iting friends and relatives in Malheur county. They will be gone about two wevks. Johnnie Nodine look his departure last Saturday night for tlis Willamette Valley' to tend the Portland 'Business College. Attoruoy John R. Crites went over to La Grande, Tuesday, to aet as ref eree in the case of A. .1. Curtis vs. the La Grande Hydraulic Water Co. Rev. Gunn, of Walla Walla, Moder ator of the Presbyterian church for tho Walla Walla district, has been in the city for several days on church busi ness. Marriage lienneos were issued this week to G. M. Evens and Malissa J. Hartley; M. T. Wyalt and Pearl Miekelson; Caleb L. Weaver and Miss IL'leii May Waddell. Married. At the residence of tho bride's parents, in Pine valley, Union countv, Oregon, Dec. 0. 1887, by C. T. Wise, J. P.. William T. Spencer and Miss Ethel Ollicor. Major llondorahott, the Raphan noek drummer hoy, will be in Union before long and give one of his ontor tainments. Major llendershott is a cousin of Hon. Jos. II. llendershott, of Cove. John Dobbins left, Wednesday, for California in hopes that his failing health may be restored. Mr. Dobbins has been failing in health for homo time past and thought a change of cli mate would benefit him. Mit Mollie, daughter of II. D. Mer win of this city, has been visiting friends in Union this week. Sho will spend tho remainder of her valuation among relatives and friends in Bukor City and on Powder river, after which she will resume her studios at the As cension school in tho Cove. GOOD KKSUr.TS IN KVKKV CASE. V. A. Urtriiord. wholesale naixir doalur of I Chattanooga, Twin., writ ok that ho wh so- rioimly ttrrllcleU with a uevero cold that tet : tied on hU lung: luul tried many remedies I without benefit. Ueing Induced to try Dr. 1 King' New Discovery for Coiuuinptlon, ' did to and wiut entirely cured by use of a i few bottles. Since wuiclrtime be bsi uwsd It lu bin family for all Cough and Cold with the best reiulU. This I the experience of thotuaiuU who live hare been saved by thl Wonderful Diseovery. Trial ISoUles free at Wright' drug store. Smith's walking gang plow, some thing new and Just we thing. For Sla by Frank Bros. Implement Co., ItjtemI Q'Ufjf, . , M. -i 1. nil r. h . f-, S?l 50 p(r i !ui in- lv'ul iy goods i: .1 ,n Ii.; h. r-. J Yr r Wiatlior va inner sivn at this time i i year m Eastern Oregon. Wanted. A cirl to wait on (lie table at- tho Centennial hotel. References j required. i rrt vi v l. oi .f t r....l. ! 111(1 ill-iv l nrK omrv, in IM VlliUIUl, outstrips all competitors in the way of goal goods and low prices. Try it. Good for this week only. Every pur chaser of $1 worth or over, at Jos. Wright's, will he presented with a nick el plated lid lifter. Everyone purchasing $10 worth of goods or over at Jos. Wright' store this week will bo presented with a framed chromo. Great reduction at Wright's drug store in plush soods, toilet articles, etc. this week. Secure your Christinas present before it is too late. Wo have now two day trains one passenger at 8 :"0 and one freight at 3 p. m, ho!h west bound, Wo can't hardly sunn-limes tell what we'll have next. NEW THIS WK1SK. TAKE NOT! CE. On and after Jan. 11., 1SSS, we will discontinue the credit svstem, and sell for CASH ONLY. All accounts due us must bo settled by the first of the coming year, or costs will be added. We mean business. BENSON BROS. Proprietors City Meat Market. Strayed or Stolen.---So.00 Reward. One black marr-coli. one-year-old past, one hind foot while, branded 71 on left shoulder. KTi:riIEN OAKDNKli. 12-118 Union, Oregon. Sl'vnyed or Stolii.--$2b.ob Reward. One bnekkiu colored horp, 7 years old, branded AC on left shoulder; Also, one liny hone, 1 years old past, two hind fret white, branded three bars on right shoulder. .1. M. KKMlAUDf ON, Cornucopia, Union countv. Oregon. Notice uf. SlookliiildcrS Meeting. The annual nicotine of tho stockholders of the Fir-t Nntionul Bank of Union, will bo hold at the banking house of said asso ciation, on Tacidnv, .Tan. 10th, ISS, he tween the.houiH of 10 A.M. and 3 V. M , Union, Oregon, Dlc. 10th, 1.SS7. W. T. WKIGUT, Cashier. GRAND AT Wright's Hall, - flood Mtt.-ii- has lieen Secured. Tickets. Including Supper, $2.50 An Hiinpcr will he served at the Centennial hotel. EVERYBODY INVITED. JSr. UA lil)2rEIl ifc CO. , "Watchmakers & Jewelers, Anil dealers in Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Gold Pens, Watches Clocks, Jewelry, etc. Main Street, - - - - Union, Oregon. Herman Waldeck, Siitninervilk', - - Oregon. SANTACLAUS Has arrived ; this time with an assort ment of Chiifctinas gifts, unequalled in variety. Christmas and New Year's Cards, PLUSH ALBUMS, I'LUrfH and Leather Toilet Cases, PICTURE FHAMES, VASES, WORK BOXES, SHELL (5UKIOSITIHS. etc. Fino :ifnortmentof Toys, Dolls, Blocks, Horseti, Sleighw, TrunipetH, Tops. Wagons, etc., etc., too numur otiB to mention. Christmas Confection ary in Abundant V ariety . Finet Ctgara Constantly on hand. II. WALDECK, Summcrville. CHRISTMAS. CIIllISTMAS. GRAND laspemle Ball! At Occidental Hall, MunrnerviUe, Or, No pain will be opared to make thin a grand all'uir, and thu event of the euton. Tickets, ,$2.50. All aro cordially invitcdt CfflSTMAS BILL ! - union, P jftgn ffii af! j ; Friday hi 11 1. i To Close Out r FROM NOW UNTIL JAN. 1st, 1887, II I LEVY'S MMOII STQRL Gall Early to U ho Benefit of tlirtffer. Parties indebted to me will costs. My books must bo closed up by h no further ti GREAT REDUCTION IN DRESS GOODS Pine Cassimerelfl. J 1 Worsted Goods, ssa'as, ID caul uw. r1 w Winter Flannels, WM at 20c. a yard Fine Line of Gloves just in MY MY ENTIRE IS ALL NEW AND FBESH, WILL BE SOLD AT The Best Selected Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, Rubber Boots, ARCTICS & OVERSHOES, To ho found in tho city, Jiihl arrived' direct from tho Enft. ' j I (1 11 lii Crockery, rate-iron, wooflea, Mow m The finest stock of shelf hardware in town. Call and Examine my Goods and Prices. Jos. Wright. - - -. - Union, Or. MITCHELL & LEWIS CO., (LIMITED.) Factory, Racine, Wisconsin. Branch. Portland, Oregon. Manufacturers Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Buckboards Eoad Carts, Spring Wagons, etc. mm m m ma ik CANTON CLIPPER PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC, GALE CHILLED PLOWS, AND IDEAL FEED MILLS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST, FREE. M W5fJJ3M & W iJtmitod-. r 1 94, Front 9t Ptfrtlaml, Or Winter pleaso settle at once, to save trouble and the end of thu year. A. LEVY. STOCK OK FALL and WINTER Parlor and Heating ItOOuS Is the Finest Ever Brought to Union County. Call and Examine Them. STOCK" OF I BOUGHT FOR CASH, AND BOTTOM Pit ICES. of and Dealers in Sb irm TV&k rtvZ rsi vA m r.i 01 nt ki n ku vi in kj i j ri Ms