The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 23, 1887, Image 1

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'The Oregon Scout.
An independent weekly Journal, lsued ev
ery Saturday morning by
Publlnliers and Proprietors.
A. K. Jonks, t
I B. CiiAscnv,
( roreman.
One copy, one year . . $1.50
" ' Six months . . 1.00
" ' Three niontos "5
Invariably in Advance.
If by chance subscriptions tire not paid till
end of year, iw dollars will be charged.
Rntcs of advertising made known on ap
plication. tSfCorrespondcncc from all parts of the
country solicited.
AdresR nil communications to the OardON
Scout, Union Oregon.
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice special
ties. Office, two doors south of post-ollica.
Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
door south of J. IS. Eaton's store, Union,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, one door south of J. 15. Eaton's
store, Uniou, Oregon.
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public, and Abstractor of Titles.
Office State Land Office buildinj;, corner
Main and A Streets, Union, Oregon.
1 II. DAY, M. I).,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office adjoining Jones Bro's store. Can
, be found nights at the Centennial hotel,
room No. 23.
M. Bakes. J. W. Sheltos. J. F. Baker.
Attorneys at Law.
OFFICES Union and La Orandc, Ore
gon. Special Attention given all business
entrusted to us.
Notary Public.
Ex-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Real and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
Sales of Real and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business .promptly at
tended to.
Office next door south of Post-ofuce. Un
ion, Oregon.
j ...
"fRS' . A. GAliliEK,
Fashionable Dressmaker,
Qentlemon'.s clothing made, and all kinds
of tailoring, cleaning and repairing done to
Centennial block, Main St,. Union, Or.
Geo. WmoiiT, J W. T. WmaiiT,
President. Cashier.
First National Bank,
Does a General Banking Buslnos. Buys
and sells exchange, and discount,! eotnmcr
clal paper.
Collections carefully attended to, ami
promptly reported.
Cr. Main and B Bts. Tnlon. Oregon,
Manufacturers and dealers In Soda Wa
fer. BariapariUa, Ginger Ale, Cream Soda
KefltiiclrLipr Store
I VI fsa '-Still &iA
K m
Kidney Liver Medicine
xcrizn icxo;rx to vail.
CUIIES nil Diseases of tho Kidney,
Ziivcr, IJladdor, find Urlnnry Organs;
Z)miy, Gravel, IM.-.botos, Hrlghfa
Disease, I'ains .-i tlio lisclt,
Loins, or Side; I'ctoiitlouor
Non-ltotentloii of TJrlne,
Nervous I'tca&es, reinrtte
"Wcaltncsncs, i:x:oaes, Jaundice,
BlllousnesR, Ileatlnchc, fjour Stomach
Iyspopsla Const'nstlon, nml Piles.
TAIL, a3 it ao'.s directly and nt onco on tho
Kidneys, I.lvcr and Barrels, rcstoriaj
them to a healthy action. HUNTS REMr.DY la
a e.iio, sure, ami f peehy euro, and liundrods liavo
bcon curod by it when phjjsiiiaria and friend
had sivon thorn up to t!io. Da not delay, try a',
onco I1U:.T'S REMEDY.
m m j$ : -. vc
i;.-ivo:, .-' ' : i. - d by
. c- i.c'c:it:on or Nuii-Ileton-v
. it Vitr.e, r.iir.s h. tho liacjc, Loins, or Side.
''tires, 2'cri'ous DIicacc3. General
:).liliy T "r-'j ' ;':;:cc3, r.nd nxcof:os.
: -t
.IZoidacho, Jaundice, Sour
.- . ; Constipation and PSIos.
. :i tn tho Kidneys, T.iver,
icstorirj thorn to a hoallhy
. CVBES when all other inedlcini
. '. '.avo lioon saved bo havo 14C
i" ' . i'loudj and ihytlviacEi.
yhver WiedSefne
.EVEJl j:o,7 ' TO PAIL.
!.. XlE3ir" ias aavod trow lis-
. . t i ca-ie ar. : Cu:.V. r.ur.dreils who hav
.. i , Ivea u;i jV..ys.o a .3 1 j die
lil'NT'S ItJ2XKDVouro3 allDifcoaaos
f the ;ldntyc, Bteilclor, L'rlnary Or
; aiiH, Dro;-, Gravel, Diabotes nnd
t-.r..n',lBC3ro end UctcntJon cf Uriuo.
.i a':":1 rrstnUY tnturacs sloep,
i u;i a;'Te l, braces np tlio ytem, and
tr.cacd litiiUb Vt tho result.
Ill NT'S ItEMKDV o' res poin in tho
.' l;tKkcr X.oln. C rallobIIIty,
I'cmala D !. ritnrlad Sloop,
I. okSo:AppetUHBd irlghts Dlsoakc.
Ht'KT'U HKMED' r.ulcMy Induces ttw
; lvrtj hoalthy a- tion, ronw. .nj t::o causes
II. t j iv-'.i-u I i!loi'3 Hea-'acho, Uysop-
f- i . juc i, ? cotlvci.c . . '.it!S,
i . .: .1 h, '. ..i .
t ..y, i i... . i ki1 .'.! . irfseHjr punCod.
M:;NT': UKn:iV it purot Mgvtablo,
a viiit iiiTcr t!jrs jralabed to Uw
; uto, and t'io utrsott r.::-.oj Lo pi wad
la it
HUNT'S r.UMEDY is prepared er
prosaly for tho abovo dUcnscs, ond
Iica nevor Iimu Unuwu to fall.
Cno trial will oonvlitoo ou. Voi
u.o !i. stll D.ncista.
i nu.ptlkt to
riUKi'8 REMEDY 00.. ,, j:. i.
Thi 'pare i siven for the ue nnd
benelit of our local writers of ver.e.
and we hopi' to make it a pleasing feature
01 inp paper. I o inai eniieouu iiiuuoux aif
I Mtlieited, but they nnHt jmo-esK undoubted
I literary merit to" obtain place and recogni
tion here. Hi.
i Written for the Hrot'T.l
11HVKU1J5.S (!' simimki:,
Tlie last rose of summer is dead, ,
And the leaves are now dead on the tree,
The hwcet woodland song-birds have lied
To the s-outli, with its wild balmy breeze.
i We havo roamed in the sweet-scented bow
Whe:: the woodlands in glorious array
Were gorgeously covered with tloweis',
But their beauty has all passed away.
And a .silence so painful mi sad
Falls pensive and deep in our heart ;
Not a t-ound, not a voice, that seems glad,
Do the wonders of natine impart.
And no with our summer-time joys.
They are s cut but they soon tias away ;
Some canker worm conies anil destroys
Their beauty or life in a day.
And then all Ik sadiu ss anil gloom,
Kclipscd is our summer of Joy,
And we sigh for a region of bloom,
Where naught can our pleasures destroy.
We cannot trust nature for bliss,
For all is deceptive and vain.
For what wo love best we first miss,
And the (lower never blossoms anain.
The sweet voice in silence is hushed,
Anil tho form almost angel-like lied:
No pleasure on eaith can we trust.
As we weep o'er the graven of our dead.
But when nature's Cod we shall tee,
in the beautiful land faraway,
ICternal our summer shall be,
And our joys never blight or decay.
In that land is no parting or pain.
And a cloud never shadows the kky;
It's the land where the loved meet again
Wc call It tho -sweet bye and bye."
Sophia V. Wnniauit lluMrnncv,
Portland, Oregon.
Eugene City Kots.
Nugent', J)ce. 19, 2S87.
Tho Univoivity will close for tho hol
idays on the S.'inl.
The Uncle Tom Cahin Co' nlai s at
Rinelmrt's hull to-night.
Electric lights have heen put tin at
the U. it U. railroad depot.
The Ahifonie temple ir nearly fin
ished. It is a fine structure.
Burger, one of Union's ox-school
tcucherrf, is stopping in Eugene at
Mr. Frank Close has received the
appointment an janitor of the Stato
Mr. J. 51. Hughes, whopo homo was
for rainc time until recently at North
Powder, is attending the Univerfcity.
The next teacher's iiibtitute for this
judicial district will ho held at Oak-
i land, on the 27th, 28th, and 29th of
ti.u month.
A homo company presented the play
"Nevada," last Monday and Tuesday
nights in such a manner as to merit
high encomiums.
Another hanking house will soon
commence business in Eugene, lo be
known as the "Rank of Oregon." This
makes the third one in this little town.
Eugene's first Kindergarten has been
opened by Mits eastern lady.
Two Missions are held daily, from 9 to
11:30 a. in. and from 1 to .'i:30 p. m.
Terms, $2 a month.
A couple of weeks ago the new $10,
000 residence of ,7. W. Shellon, in this
city, was burned to tho ground. There
had been no lire for a long time on or
about the premii-es. Latd Monday the
now dwi Hing houto of Henry Milton,
near Cresweil, was alto burned under
Iho same conditions. These anarchic
spirits should be quelled. These fiends
of tho,brand should be hunted down !
"Eternal vigilance is the prico of Lib
ortyl" The last spike joining tho O, it C.
and Iho C. it O, railroads was driven at
5 p. m., Saturday, and Sunday even-
I ing at o:,JU o'clock tho excursionists
arrived in Eugene and remained about
an hour. There wcro two tra'ns one
from California and tho other from
Portland. Tho former consisted of
ton Pullman palace cars, drawn by two
engines. During tho stay in Eugene
many speeches wero made. Among
tho speakers wero Crocker, of the
Southern Pacific, F M. Pixloy, of tho
Sun Francisco Argonaut, and J, P.
Irish, of tho Alia. .Eugene gave them
tho largest audience this far on the
road. There seems to be much rejoi
cing. L. Jay.
Frank Bro's. Implement Co., of
Island City, are now prepared to sell
wagons, buggies, hacks, or uuy other
articleof farm implements and machin
ery at lower rates than ever before told
in Eastern Oivgim. They guuranUx)
T1 gtKs rtAly till. Try tWm.
A Spicy Letter t'lom Our Ki'Kulnr
Cm respondent.
Island City, Doc. 20, 1SS7.
Come to the Christmas tree at tho
Moss chapel, on Chrihtmas eve.
Shooting match for turkeys at. (Joo.
Gray's, in the Lower Covr. on the 2;id.
Dr. Wirt, hail quite a lively runaway
in La tiiande, last week by the way,
it wasn't the doctor that ran oil', only
his team.
Miss Katie Thomas and Miss Ahher
ly are home from the Cove Ascension
school,' to spend the holidays.
It is rather late for fall lights, but
two young "Sullivans," J. Parker and
Mr. White gave us an entertainment a
few-days ago. White done tho falling.
Whatchoigivenoitsjap? We know
the Cove boys loo well. .They would'nt.
treat (he direct decondants of the ani
mal that Raalam bestrode with any
thing but. the greatest aU'ection.
The Russell Literary Society have
been called on by the president, Ulys
ses (-L Couch, to appear at their usual
rendezvous on the 21st, lo continue or
show good cause why their labors
should not bo continued for the winter.
A company of live ladies and gentle
men inefat the Center Valley school
house in district 711, on the evening of
the Mth, to organize a literary society.
One young granger got there too late
for the first heswion, but spoke a little
piece for himself, jf you want to learn
more of the particulars, ask of the
winds that far around beheld him sit
ting on the extension bridge in front
of the school house.
Young folks parly at Mr, William
McCall's one night last week. diet.
Bidwoll,our accomodating day miller,
run the mill while Ulysses C. went to
the party, and it was whispered around
the next day that U. ('. hud returned
the compliment by taking "diet's,"
girl. The next time"Ulys" wanted an
accomodation of the same kind, which
was on last Monday night when the
young folks were entertained at Mr.
U.S. Ilalley's. "Chet" was too much
of an obliging turn of mind lo refuse,
but Madam Rumor has it that he
rushed around and hired a cheap boy
to take his girl before Ulvsses got there.
"Luna Tick."
There are in every city some young
men, who, either from lack of moral
training, or ft om lack of brains, make
it a rule Avhen they enter a house
where it is tho privilege of people to
enter, and force their loud motithingu
upon tho unwilling ears of those who
may drop in for a few niinuleB call.
Profanity and often obscene language
ia tho only store they seem to have,
and vie, or seem so at least, with each
other to excel in Ihis their only accom
plishment, with the idea that they will
bo counted sharp. But if they could
see themselves, as others of different
tastes seo them, they would, had they
any respect for themselves or others,
most certainly desist. It might be
well for young men knowing themsel
ves given to tho uso of such detestiblo
language, to refrain hereafter and cul
tivate a better tone.
Every man in town, especially every
business man, should use all due influ
ence toward building up tho town in
which ho lives and does business, no
matter how small that business. Every
man has some inlluence, and if till the
citizens of a place aro united and ac
tive in using their influence for that
place, it is bound to bo felt, Thrift
comes from persistent and earnest ef
forts, and no town, village or city has
ever amounted to anything if thvir
citizens sat with folded hands awaiting
for tho "good timo coming." Now lot
every man in Union strive with all his
might and main to make this placo
still better.
IMward Shepherd, at Ilarrltdnirg. Ill, bays:
"Having received ro much benefit from
F.lectric Bitters, I feel It my duty to let suf
fering humanity know It. Have had a run
ning sore on my leg for eight years; my
doctors told mo I would have to have the
bono scraped or leg amputated. I used, In
stead, three bottles of Klectrlc bittern and
keven boxes Biicklrn's Arnica Halve, and my
leg In now sound and well." Electric Bit
ters are sold at 60 cents a bottle, and Buck
len's Arnica Salve at 25c. per box at Wright's
drug store, Union, Oregon.
Frank Bro's Implement Co., of Isl
and City, carry tho largest stock of
standard implements to be found in
Eastern Oregon. Their terma and pri
ces defy competition. They always J
nave on nunu extras anu repairs lor
goods they bell, which is a mutter of j
gVcat hiptorVarfc t'O ttfe ii'uVcliiAer. 3
Account of Ken-nt llttppi'ttlu.'-r, l'i i:iriHl
l!pU'Kly for the Header
of Tim Scout.
Snow three feet deed at Sanger, and
more falling.
We have (he boss pot-rattler, lie
cnls wood all day, sings all night, and
slings hash for txereise.
The principal business now occupy
ing tho time of the ear conductors on
the Sanger Short Line, is show-shoveling.
Tho Sanger boys have gotten over
their jubilee at Big creek, Nov. 2-lth,
and aro patiently waiting for Christ
mas to roll in.
Saturday tho 10th, was pay day at
the Sanger mine anil mill. The pay
roll now numbers between twenty-live
and thirty nanus.
Wm. K. Alderly, foreman of the
mine here, has left on a visit to his
family in California. His good-natnr-eil
face is missed very much, by all.
Sanger has but three ladies, while
her male population numbers over
thirty. Cannot some of Oregon's fair
daughters take pity on tho jjoor boys.
A number of Rig creek teams loaded
with hay and grain for the Sanger mill
stock, arrived here Monday evening.
They expect to make another trip this
Sunday Dec, -Uli, car No 10 was pre
cipitated over an embankment some
25 feet high. No .verious damage done.
Conductor C. S. Fobaro escaped un
injured. The dry goods and grocery store
hero, run by Mrs. E. T. Amidon,is do
ing a nourishing business. She buys
her goods in Union, and deals in noth
ing but tho best.
The mine here is looking well.
About fourteen men are now at work
in the different tunnels. But little ore
on hand, although plenty in sight, as
there has been no slopeing done lately.
John Basloro, ouo of the first min
ors in tho present Sanger mine, who
has been ill for some timo, left hero
hero Dec. -ith, for tho lower country,
leaving many friends behind who wish
him a speedy recovery.
Tho Sanger mill !h now run under
the direction of Mr. Legett, a Califor
nia gentleman, who seems to bo a gen
ial good fellow, thoroughly understand
ing his business, and is liked by all.
The first sleigh built at the Sanger
mine was finished (he 7lh, and was
conducted from tho mine to tho mill,
under tho auspices of our worth;,
teamster. Wo claim him to be the
boss "ribbon pusher" in Eastern Ore
Son, Friday evening tho ore hauler at tho
Sanger mill being somewhat pushed
and unable to supply tho demand for
rock, filled tho oro bin with horse-flesh
ley driving both his off horses into tho
scuttle hole. Both horses wero badly
injured and may die from the effects.
Lost, slraycd,slolen,orgonolo High
valley. Tho Sanger wash-woman and
barber. Perhaps an elopement has
taken place. Anyone leturniug the
samo to the Sanger initio will ho lib
erally rewarded with canceled postago
Al. Hcytor, it teamster hauling wood
to the Sanger mill, met with a very
painful accident on Monday last,
while unloading wood a heavy stick fell
from the top of the pile, striking on
his foot and badly crushingjt. It will
probably lay him up for some time.
Tho mail over routo from Union to
Cornucopia having been discontinued,
the boys at tho Sanger mill and mine
clubbed'together ami raised enough to
pay for bringing in tho mail onco a
week Superintendent Tonnely gavo
tho sum of 7fic. towards helping the
Would havo went to the danco, but
tho weather was too cold to wash my
feet, Jack. All tho young ladies on
Big creek got mashed on me, (but I
didn't say anything about it.) -C. F.
Sanger well represented at tho dance.
J, C. Yes, in quantity, but can pro
duco a better quality. W. A. I made
tho acquaintance of my motherland
had a splendid time, hut wore out my
shoes. C. I followed my girl to High
valley and then loBt my grip. J. Q. 8.
You have none tho best of mo ; I stayed
two weeks and then did not catch on.
J. M. If yon want to go on Christ
mas, and my old clothes will fU you,
call around. W. JJ, Will yWn
nrb wliVn I iiu ofUf W. N.
XN0. 26.
Xi'H (if (lie Week ns Noted by our Wide
HUiiku Corrnsniiiidcul.
Dee. 21st, 1S87.
Mrs. J. M. Phy has been quito sick,
but, happily, is improving this week.
Mis; Lillio Mitchell has returned
from Ailington where sho has been
visiting friends and relatives.
Win. Russell has finished his job in
tho blacksmith shop, and returned to
his home in Stunmervillo, Monday.
There will be a grand shooting
! match at Geo. Cray's, next Saturday,
for turkeys and beef. All are invited.
A good many wild gceso remain in
the valley an indication that extrcmo
cold weather need not be expected very
The Ascension church has been
nicely decorated with evergreens.
Christmas service will be held next
Sunday eve.
.V dancing party at L. B. llaggarty's
Friday evening was well attended by
young nnd old. Thev all reported a
splendid lime.
Mr. Robinson is handling the rib
bons on the stage this week. Cause,
the junior member of tho firm being
supplied with ti superabundance of Hp.
There will bo a Christmas tree at
Frosty school house Christmas night.
Resides the tree an interesting program,
consisting of music, essays, declama
tions, etc., has been prepared for the
Prof. Fred Dunnigan is conducting
a singing school in Cove. Ho meets
a class every Saturday evening at
day at Frosty. Much interest is man
ifested. Joseph Kelley and wife arrived in
town from Idaho, Tuesday, and will
make an extended visit. Jo's, many
friends are glad to see him hack, espe
cially since lie litis set so worthy an
example and took unto himself a" bet
ter half.
The entertainment to bo given by
the Rami of Hope, Friday evening,
Dec. 25th, promises to be well attend
ed as a number of tickets havo already
been sold. All should go as the pro
ceeds will be devoted to a worthy ob
ject. Messrs. Wm. Holmes and McDaniel
bought a drovo of hogs of Samuel
Booth this week. There were fifty-one
in the drove, weighing about 11,140
pounsd and netted the neat littlo sum
of $ fi;$7. Tho lot will bo baconcd nnd
held for good prices.
Say, Mr. I). said I was n dove. Q.
Nothing like being affectionate when
you attend a party. Toh. For salo,
by the yard, at reasonable rateB lip.
Dave. 1 havo discarded ear rings
for tho present. Miss P. No, thunks,
I never uso linen envciopes. Elmer.
I know an awfully good joko on N, and
1 may inform. Bort. I havo received
my school books and will-enter Ascen
sion Jan. 1st. Miss. N. C. 1 havo
relented ; you can let Ed como over
after water. E. W.
There will undoubtedly bo some im
portant changes in tho intor-state com
merce bill thin congress. Tho super
fluous and ambiguous clauses will like
ly bo stricken out so as to mako tho
bill more clearly and definitely under
stood. t
Congressman Herman, of Oregon,
is determined if possible to obtain &
placo upon tho committee on harbor
ami rivers, and is leaving no stone un
turned in order to get there.
It is reported that M. Hyde a heavy
cattle owner in Idaho, has failed for
SilSfiOOO. It. is hnltHVPil ho will nnm
out all right, however, as ho i'b a stir
ring business man.
let that cold of yours rnn on. You think It
is alight tiling. But it may run into ca
tarrh, Or into pneumonia. Or consump
tion. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia Is dan
guroiu. Consumption Is death itself.
The breathing nparntus must bo kopt
healthy and clear of nil obstructions and
oll'cimlve matter. Otherwise there Is trouble
All the diseases of these parts, head, noe,
throat, brohcblal tubes and lungs, can be
delightfully and entirely cured by the use
of Boscheu's German Syrup, If you don't
kuow this already, thousands and thous
ands of people can tell yon, They have
been cured by It, aud "know how It ia them
selves.'' Bottle only 76 cents. Ak ay
Try the new baking powder at Joat
Bro'n. Only 80 conttj a con. Wtmir
twl aa uogjaa uny iJonIer In W tmtf,
kct, or money roluntlod.