10 Sis -!Ss2'- .ses . -frc,, 7Z rfir-r V?"' i&zgA '".r ittKitOtwt-ro VOL. IV. The Oregon Scout, An independent weekly join nn . I--tit'tl ery Mtturil:iy morning JONES & CIIAISTEY. Publishers mid Prmu- cor A. K. Jonus, I Editor, f 1! "i.wr. . "l Foicin.ui hates or sunser.11 rio: One copv, one vcar . .. i .0 " Six iiumtlio . 1.00 " ' Tliroi' niontos "1 Invariably (nh In Advance. If b! chance subscriptions tire nut jittitl til' end oj year, two dollars will he churtntl. Rates of advertising made knowif on Ap plication. USEPCorrpRpondencc from all parts of t lie country solicited. Adross all communications to the OurJOON Scout, Union Oregon I'ltOUHSSIONAI.. JOIIX H. CI11TES, Attorney at Law. Collecting and probate praetice peeial tie. Office, two doors south of nost-olllce. Union. Oregon. K. 1: AKIX, Attorney at Law AND XOTAltY PIM5LIC. Ollice, ..11 door .-ontli of .1 1!. Eaton' .siorc, Oregon. J X. CROMWELL, M. D. . Physician ami Surgeon. s Office, one dour uth of .1. 15 Kai'iii's store, Union, On co'i Q l' HELL, Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Abstractor of Titles Office State hand Office building, eonier Main and A Street, Union, Oregon. Q II 1) Y M. D , lldMIM'ATIIir Physician ami Surgeon. am. calls i-iinii'TLV vrri:M)i:i in. Oflice adjoining .Iniies l!io' store C'n bo f mn nl nights at tliu Centennial liu e' room No. lili. M. Uakkk, J. ' Sm ijov. ,1. F. I'.AKin: JgAKKIl, SHELToV & I1AKEI1. Attorneys at Law. OFFICES Union and La Cirande. Ore gon. Special Attention given all bui-iness entrusted to ui. J. M. CAUliOLK, Notary l'ublic. ii. F. WILSON. Ex-Co.Cleil QAKHOLL & WILSON, Conveyancers and Abstracters Abstracts to Itcal and Mining properrv furniblicd on Miort nntiuu. at icasuiiulilc rates. Sales of Ileal and Mining property nego tiated. Collection business promptly at tended to, Olilcc next door south of I'ost-olllce. Un ion, Oregon. " M US. E. A. G All HEX, Fashionable Dressmaker, Gentleman's clothing made, and all kinds of tailoring, cleaning and repairing done to order. Centennial block. Main St.. Union, Or. Geo. Wr.ioiiT, President. W. T. WumiiT, I'asliier. First Naiiona -OF- UNION, . oheoox. Dons u Oenenil Ilaukiug Ruiiiie. Ilnys and tuliK e.vcliangci, and dlncounU commur cial paper. Collections carefully attended to, ami promptly icportid Kentucky Liauor Store AND SODA FACTOHY, Cor. Main and It St Union. Oregon, ttllKKUAN ltlM-.V, lip. Manufacturers and dealers in Six In 'a- ter. Snrdparilla. (iinger Ale, Cieuin Soda ajiaCliampagne Cider, Syrups, etc. Or dwr protnytlv till4H. KidneyLivsr Medicine c.v:n- to j'.iil. CUKKS nil Dlse.-.ser. of tho Kiilneys, Silver, lllaildor, ami I'rluary Or;;ans; lroiiKy, Gravel, Dlaboioft, ISrlsht's Disease, I'r.ins tlso llacl:, J.oins, or Mlilu; Hi tetitton or Xo!i-l!cteiiHou of Urine, Nervous li.'seaRea, I'einalo AVeaknesscn, Uxcesnec, Jaundice, IlilloiiBiiess, Headache, !jour Utonjacli Dysiiopsia, Cont.:vaiioa, a'.'.d I'lles. cntES v;nr.NT ma. otiiku medicines FAIL, mi It acta dlroctly and at onco on tho Kidneys, I.iver nr.il lioivol.?, ro?tor!iis theni to a licaltliy action. lHTNT'S liUMUDV U a sate, sure, and tpcedy euro, r.nd hundreds Iiavo Iwcn cured liy it v.hon phys'u taiii and friends liad jiven them up to i'.!e. Do not delay, tiy at once HUNT'S P.UMKDY. Bladder, ITrinary and l -T Ubiascs, Dropsy, Cracl, and Diabetes, aro c. d by iEMEDY THIS JIUST ICIDNKY AND LIVIIR jrEDICIMS. cures Ilrigbt'a Disease, r.ctcntion or Xon-Rctcn-tion of Urine, Tains in tho IJoclc, IjOins, or Side, cures Intemperance, Nervous Disease?, Ueneral Dctiillty, Tcmalo "iVcalcncss, anil Exec scs. HUMFS IEIEUY cures Pilluusnois, Headache, Jaundice, Sour Stomach, Dyspep la, Conctijiatlori and Illes. IHIT'S HEiEPY ACTS AT ONCE on tho Kidneys, Liver, and Bowels, rcstoripff them to a healthy action, and CUKH.'J when nil other mcdicint fall. Hundrods havo been savod ho have luc ;ivcn up ta die hy frlondj and pliyslclans, EJidneyMver Medicine :;sri::i i::,o,t - to imtl. HUXT'B IlK'irV laa savod froin llu fforlnj dl easo cr.d dcatl hundreds who have Veen ;.lvcn up by p'.iyio a..a ta die. HUNT'S KJIJIKDYourcnnll Dlscanos of t'10 Kldneyn, Uladdor, Urinary Or nnns, Dropsy, Oravel, Diabetes and Iucontinonco anil Ilctcallon of Urlno. IIL'N'-T'n KIJJIGDV cnooura;oi tlecp, rrtuti 1 mi apjiC.l.c, lrt up tl.o sj.t'Di, sail rviuucd h.uUli is the renult, HUNT'S IIK3II5DY ci re.i pain in thn Side, i:r.ol; cr Loins, fi noral Debility, Uosnalo Disease, J'ibtiirbed Sleep, Loso;AppoJitoanl Jrlglit'H DlHoase. HUNT'S KJUIEBV quickly Induce the Liver to liotltliy action, rcmuilnj tho cautea ttutpruduco Itllious Hondaoliu, Dytipeji Bla, Bcur Ktomttdi, Costlvonosi, I'lles, ote. 11 l'; 3 cf .IIUNT'T KKMKDV tlv St nai: or. i U jiveli will r t -xlily rojaln tblr ttrtiitfth, aai i-c biuud 111 1 1 perfectly purlflwl. IItNT'3 StlSaiKDY U pur4y vesotablc, ai;U 1:0:3 i wit i.ocrLotr funiUhwl tutho j uU;c, aaJ th utmost reljiuce nwy I plMa la iL HUNT'S niUIKDV lo propareil . prt'Ml for tho abovo dlsen.ci, anil Utti i.ever bewu Known to fall. C-o trial will convlno you. Vai m.o i . nil IS.ucsUto. - rwnr.Mct tu ..UiiTi HEHSOY CO., I'ravlilcjcv. It. 1, UNION. OREGON, FHI DA V, DFCFM BHR OUR POETS. This space is jjiven for the uso and bi'iielit of our local writers of verc. anil we hope to ninke it a pleasing fcutilrc ! thepaper. To that endeoiitrihutlons are solicited, hut they must pov-ess undoubted litirary merit to' obtain place and reeogni tion lierc. En. i;m;x a i.iiti.i: ikiy i.iki: 511:. If 1 blunder, do not wonder; Let ntv errors all go free; 1'erfci t merit, few inherit. Ne'er a little boy like me: 15 ut thiough duty," conies true beauty, And its inundate I'll obey. Measured bv it I will try it in my cllorts now to-day, In npnlylng thought in trying, i-doin may seem lame", uncouth, Hut 'tis lietter"t!ian to fetter Idea in the minds of youth. Hence 'tis prudent in tlie .student That they strive for high degree, With tlx- notion of piomotion Jl'in it liltlr lioif i7v mr. Itoads to glory fame or storv Ne'er was t'n il by sluggard's feet; FieUN of science bid defiance To the stupid souls we meet. Hut the doing and pursuing. Duty's call, what ere it lie, We'll be noted and be quoted I'Tvii n liltlr Inn ', mr. In abusing and ill using Time and rlmnrr we have to-day, ifrings us sorrow on the morrow." Cheeks, retards and blocks our way; ltut by plying constant trving Fame's fair temple we shall see, And with steps bold mvIs its threshold "ci ( littlr I'oij lil.r mr. The brightest gem and diadem That can crown the student, brow is that which leads to noble deeds, With high aims Unit glint and glow; It is such traits that ope's the gates, Anil bids each one enter free Ann claim tin' crown of fames renown, J-"m 11 little Iiuij like mr. The above poem was written bv AY. IT. Minnick. of Oscaloosa. Iowa, for his little I nephew, W A. MinnieU, of High Valley, 1 in this county. KniTOii. Powder Jtfivcr Pohilors. Our district is pcnci'iiblu nt inotenl. Some old feuds lmvo been quioti'd by matrimony it jiront quieter in many can's. j Our school, owing to s'rknoss, is 1101 ; well attended, much to llio sorrow of j our ceitiiieaie "school marm," iSIts. Uhila Clark. ' J am ;latl to know that Mr. Tucker's fiimil.'. ate now convalescent. The Judi;e, and particularly Mrs. Tucker, were most unwearied in their nursing. It was a terrible trial to have five chil dren down at one time with "typhoM.' IJuinor says thai a certain parly is going to give a handsome prizo this Xmas (o tho liesl looking girl on the river no two hit allium business. But docs not every one own tho best looking girl? Ask some people, about huckleberry and trout fishing time. Tlui lane through Mr. Keating' ranehe is not yet opened, mi we are virtually without a crossing, excepting through the courtesy of Mr. K. and Mrs. I'earce. To open tin's road would not cost a hundred dollars, while the tax-payers havo to contribute thous and to petty criminal cases, the crim inals, usually, gettjng free. The winter, so far, has been beauti ful. The boys and girls aro lively, and dances itro to Ihe fore. Last Friday Messsrs, J. I'. and N. L. got up a dance at tho school house, and very successfully. Twenly-nino numbeis were sold at !f2 each. Like admirable young men they will hand over a handsome balance to the (school fund. I suppose you think tho "Cow Hoy', is dead nothing having appeared in The Scout from him for a long time. The fact is a certain young lady said if tshe caught him she would give hin; a pound spanking for writing "trifle light as air." Woll, slio would have much to do, to spank two hundred pounds. Niito. a cirr ion am,. In order to give, ail a chance tw test it, und thus boccnviiicwl of Its wonderful curative powers, Dr. King' New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs mid Colds, will bo, for a limited time, given awav. This ofl'cr is not only liberal, but shows unbounded faith in the merits of their groat remedy.. All ulio suffer from Cough, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any alltctions of Throat, Chet or Lung, aro enpeeially r. questod to call at Wright.s drug store, nml gut u trial bottle free. Largo bottle $1. JSUCKLICN'S AHNIfA SALV1J. Tub 15ct Salve in the world for Cut, Bruisoi. Soros, Ulcer, Salt Ilhciim, Fovur Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and positive ly cures I'iloK. or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box, Vor Bale at Wrlirbt'n uruu Ure. T liLOUASKT. .SjiiDpsls oT the Week's I'ents, Jotted ituwii In erse. j Deeem'ucr M, 1SS7, Well, dour Si'DfT, please don't ignore This letter, full of modern lore; Your correspondents all around ! With dull, dry letters do abound, j And I have chosen this design l To give such knowledge as is mine. ! So, in a quaint old style of verse, I he news ol this place 1 11 rehearse: We have a Utile bit of snow Enough to call it snow, yon know. The weather, like a pretty girl, lias set its eapiieo in a whirl ; First, cold and windy, then 'tis rain O, bless us, joy is all in vain! We try to have a Utile fun, Hut gosh, before it has begun Some circumstance from hill ascends, To 10b us of all fun and friends! Then in a quiet, dotage all To Duty's trust must ever fall! Our people, sheep, and items too, Next spring their spirits must renew; The first, in indolence obscure Are sitting 'lound like thieves immure ; Their conscience is their only foe, It urges them (o work, you know; The second, from the hills so green, Are looking wonderful serene; Perhaps if consciences I hey possessed, Their herders would be free from rest A boon that every man will share, A rest from grief, a rest from care. The latter subject of my verse Scut T items, is a thing accursed ; Not cursed because they claim a place Within that dear old paper's grace, lut cursed because the people hern Don't stir enough to give 1110 cheer; It's like a blind man in the dark When all,.' alike he seeks a spark. Miss Ollie Piescott, bless her soul. Came home from Hig creek, through Ihe cold, To visit many a happy friend And in their jov and hope to blend. Last week there happened something here, That give us just a little cheer: Jo. Yowell. our honest christian neigh bor. I Ins been enjoying healthy labor, Down m the Cove, a-hailing hay; He's sold it all, so people say. The trains in passing in the night Deprive us of their pleasant sight; And so we have the world to tell We're all progressing very well; And so, dt ar Scot'T, with lovo for thee, I sign myself, Yours Tiuly, H, Jlih Valley Happenings. (Juite nn interesting land ease con test will be had during .lanuary next. A jolly good time is icported at Ihe dance recently given at the residence of Mr. Hathaway. r A valuable cow belonging to Mr. H. Taylor was choked to death endeavor ing to eat a raw potato. Mrs. Al. Minnick, who hits been, for tho past two years, visiting relatives and friends in Iowa, has leturned home. The grass is growing greon and the people and stock are not wihout food and water. No danger of anybody starving up in this valley. Theto is no use trying to wu'to any definite prediction of the weather. Wo tried that recently and wrote it very interesting item, ono of which wo justly felt proud; but now wo console ours-ches immensely that its failure is everybody's gain. Several letters from Iowa inform us that the people of Oregon havo shown their good sense in downing prohibi tion and high salaries. Let them stick to this and they will novor know, as Iowa does, tho withering and blight ing ctirso it is, nor the enormous ex pense that would bu heaped upon tho pcoplo through the operation of Mich puritanic laws. Homo. WHAT A .VI I TO UO? The symptoms of IIIIIouhiicss nro uiilinp-! plly but too well known. They dlfl'er In different individuals to soiiid extent. A Hilliou man in milduin a breakfast eator. Too frequently, alas, he hut. an excellent ap petite for liquids hut none for solids of a niorulng. Histoiiguu will hardly bear in spection at any time; If it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. Tho digestive nystem Is wholly out of or dor and Diarrhea or Constipation may bo a symptom or the two may alternate). Thero aro often Hemorrhoids or even 1 03 of blood. There may bo glddlue and often headache and acidity or flatulence and tundcrnovH in the pit of tho stomach. To correct all this if not efl'ecta euro try (Ifren'ulnyutt J'luutr, it costs but a trifle and thoiuands attest its efficacy. ynbtfcribo Uk Thu Outwj? fcYovr. l. lssT ISLAND CITY. Mutter rind T1iIiik i Noted by i Utile Con esHilldelit. Inter e.ttllft Itcni'i. lie-. rVSS AN!) 5OI2TKV Island City. Die. l'. 1837. TlO SIl'l'A 01' Ai!l'i:sl'ION. What means this throng that 1ilN the street With ioud huzuas, and hurrying feet, Young men and old and maidens fair, With banner waving in the air? "La Urande ha got the depot," They marched the street the live-long night Till eastern skyshowul morning light, Then morphea claimed them a his own; llut from the flying banner shone: "La Grande hits got the depot."' PKiJlT.L. The depot on a gravel Hat, Looks 'round to see what folks are lit ; it sees the house 011 Ihe last And on the north and on the west, It sees them coming from the south, Sometimes there' two and thiYeabrcat. Coming to join the anelont bund; The depot thinks 11 I've got La Grande." Wheat -I.'! cents per bushel. Hurley, per ewt. (10c. and upwards The building of the Kay bridge progressing. Fire in Island City last night ev- j erybody had one. Some of tin1 farmers say that if hogs ! doesn't raise to ."c per 11), live weipht, j that home-made bacon will be the re- ' suit. The old Hussel school house lias been sold for .Ji.iiO to Mr. A. (iood. ' Probably never more wilhin its walls ' will he danced the dotible-shiilllo quick step to the tune of a raw-hide. Mr. Frank Hafter, a gentleman late ly from Illinois, teaches the Hussell school this winter, commencing to-day. The new school house is warmed up. Hoys, look out you don't get wanned up too. All those that ever had any experience as to the warming qualities of a shingle, probably have a faint idea how it feels to bo hit by a "rafter." There is to be a Christmas tree the coming Christmas, at the Moss Chapel, On a former occasion of this kind, tho Uev Yokum received one dozen chick ens. The committee of arrangements wants it distinctly understood this time, that persons desirous of present ing their friends with poultry, will have to bring an extra tree along for them to root on. You and Ulysses try and iind out who it is that writes for Tin: Scoi'T, from Island City. MissJi. Hoys, I'm going to be married next Sunday; only three more days to wait, Albert II. Subscribe for Tin: Scour, the best pa per ever published in Union county. Luna. I,ni going to have my pedigree recorded in the clerk's ollice, so that the old folks can'l go back on me if I go to marry the wrong girl. Charley. Knowing yoiirdisposition to be fair with everyone, I would like 11 little space to correct a statement made in your paper last spring in regard to a "Dastardly Assault" made on Cather ine Crick, by my old friend Snow, whose reputation for purity of charac ter is and always has been clearly es tablished. The facts of the ease are that hundreds of years ago Snow and 1 thousand miles from tho post ollice, Catherine Crick wero joined together had occasion recently to visit linker in the holy bonds of live together in , City. While sojourning in that would tho winter and skirmish around on be Cornucopia adjunct, it entirely e other pastures in summer. Hut Snow ; caped her mind that she had a "living in his younger days had a severe sun-! hubby" at home, and she introduced stroke, so that every spring when , herself as an 'Unencumbered Miss, it "Phiebus," the old inather, put on one : being some time before she remein- of her most winning smiles, Snow, with his customary bashfulness, betakes Ids sunstriokeu constitution to higher climes more congenial to hisadectious. s.. 1 : f .. r . !. 1 V.111UC11U11 js a laiiuiiu s louse, nun ev- 1 nri' uiiriiiir nlisne tlw. titt-wt .if StnM.'j I departure, gives birth to numerous I progeny, 'Twax about the time of one 1 of tie4c annual "critical period" that your reporter met the lady Catherine, She had hurried to the city of Union where medical aid would be close at hand. Aheady tw had taken to her bod, and the only trouble was your re porter din not know a "daatardly us caul I" fiom a child-birth. " Luna Tick." ItllMIW.S JIUIt voiun. Mrs. Phuilm Chesley, l'cteixui, ('lav coun ty, Iown, tell Dm following reiiiarkabh) sto ry, (hp truth of which J vouched for by tho resident of the town: "I am ".'I year old, have boon troubled with Kidney complaint luiiUnmonos for many yearn; could not dronH myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and nuroni', tuul am uhlu to do all my own housework. I owe uy thanks to Eleetrle Hitler for having renewed inv youth, und removed completely all disease nudpuhi," Try u bottle, puly f0 ctuU at , WrfglitV ilnti; woi'o, Vidua, OrVgvn. XO. 25. Til 13 rOVK. Nnus of tln W'k us Nolnl liy our Wtilo hui! I'tirrimpondi'iit . ' fove, IV . II, 1SS7. Hi.I:op Morris will leave this place ,.for Poit'and, on Saturday. 1 Uev. CM. Irwin will preach on Sun ' da'- at Morrison chinch at !1 o'clock ; l'.M. j Ammi Hundall ban disposed of his ' horses to Lyman Wright, for $850.00. ' They will be wintered on Hig creek. vMrs. Lou Payne started, Monday, . for California. She will spend the winter in the southern part of the State Hxteiniinating the swine crop is the ! popular passtimo nowadays. A. J. I Foster has killed several weighing over j -100 pounds, cavil. I iMiss X!iu:ii!a Sanborn entertained a I number of her friends at her home, . Saturday evening, with progressive euchre and an excellent lunch. The ! party bioke up before twelve, one and 1 all declaring Miss S. a most pleasing J hostess. . Our best known and most reliable 1 Wiggins, Sam White, announces it as jri 1 his opinion that the coldest weather of tlie winter will be experienced between now and .Ian. 1st, and that the snow fall will not bo unusually heavy this winter. Founder's dnv was observed at As cension hall and at the church, where an address was made hy Hishop Morri. In the evening a pleasant gathering was had at the school and the guests treated to some excellent music, decla mations and a lunch. The Hand of Hope will give nn en tertainment consisting of recitations, dialogues, pantoniines, tableaux, mili tary cadet drill and singing, on Friday evening Dee. 'i.'i, at 7 o'clock P. M. The object is to raise funds for tho purchase of an organ. Leighton Academy and Ascension school will close on tho 17th hist, for vacation of two weeks. Most of the boys and girls are going home to spend the Christinas vacation. Whilst wo regret to have them leave our midst, even for so short a time, we are glad to nolo that they have been deserving students, anil have applied themselves in a scholarly manner. It is only 11 question of time, and that in the near future, when our educational institu tions here will rank among the best in the State. A CJiristmas tree for Ascension Sun day school will be arranged at the As cension school building Dec, '2HIU, ev ening. Kvery iMl'ort is being made hy the superintendent to insure the suc cess of the event. Thanks to the good people of the Cove. A substantial stun has been contributed and we have no doubt the tree will be loaded with toys mid trinkets, which will be pleasing to the eyes of (he young hopefuls. A lunch supper will be prepared in which the parents as well as the children will participate. All in all, those who at tend may bo sure of a general merry time. The most complete case of ubscnt miudness ever heard of in Cove, has just come to light. A popular young married lady living not more than a 1 he red her identity. It isn't learned what course her husband will pursue to play even. One day we hope to again listen to Miss IPs charming rendition of "One Day. .1. u hisners heard 111 the nu- dience: "Hasn't Miss (, M. n splen did voice Wasn't it fun o e I, Dave up a tiee steabng chickens and then turn the dark lantern on him. I'd. My belter half has discovered that thw llncst article of lard can very soon b changed into a good article of soap by the addition of a little concentrated lye. J. H. Passing our worthy citizen J. W's house, Tuesday, 1 witnessed a de plorable hut good-natured conflict be tween a prominent and dignified bach elor and a very comely young lady, who has lately come west. As snow, boil and debris filled the air, I was re minded of my old homo in the Kansas cyoloue belt and it was difllcult to dis cover whoft'e face was getting tho bent of a forced ablution. If 1 was not a t ti-nng disbeliever in telling secret out of school, 1 would be tempted to sy that J. 0. retired from the scene of ac tion completely vanquished, with tint muddiest face ever scon, at last entiro ly conquered by wotnujia chunim -ftn4 uUvngUi. A, "