The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 09, 1887, Image 8

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LAjmjLxjen 1 inHimann
Additional Locals.
IVorl: on the Oregon Pacific in Mal
heur comity i being iuIietl wi'tvnt(l
ns rapidly i tlio weather will icrinit. .
There hH been to many peoplo in
town this woei; that it wan utterly hn- .
rtoisible lo yive jii'rs.onitl mention to ',
all. ( :
The entertainment gavon hy Royco !
k Lansing whk very pood. An usual
Union made her record and gave them
a $300 house.
There arc S2.21I) rhildrnn of school :
age in Oregon, an u vera go incirace. of '
3,133 :i year for tho last ten year. i
when there wrro 50,87.
Wo have reeeiveil Vol.1, No. 2 of
the Eastern Oregon Herald, a very
neatly and mil gotten up paper, pub
lished at llurn?, (Irani, county, Or., hy
D. L. tirace. ;
Mr. JulitiH Litclis, an elderly gonlle- '
man of linker City, wan quito badly
injured at North .Powder, 'Monday, by
falling from the depot platform mi to
the railroad track.
Circuit court for linker county con
vened at linker City lm-l Monday, with
Hon. Judge L. Ii. Iron, at the helm,
anil Prosecuting Attorney M. I). Clif
fcrd fint mate.
J. Q. Shirley, of the firm of Nodinc
t Shirley, wa.- here l.t&t week pureha.'!
mg beef entile for tlm purpose of driv
ing them to (I'raudi; Konde valley
where they will feed them during ihe
w.nt r. Daily J'rville.
There war not one particle of truth
in the rumor. at La (irande, that a
Focial danrc was broken up in Union,
the other night, by a K-t of drunken
rowdies. Home of the boys felt happy
but did not interfere with the dance at
7 ii till n-tcn tt Vfkffk j s!lpiw?n ttil
Thunnan, in Malheur county, the jury i
after being out onlv liftocn mmtitcM
returned si verdict of not guiltv. It '
was thought in the fon; part of the
trial that disagreement would
brought in.
On Tucm1.iv, Jan. o. 1S8S, tho 1
0. F. temple of Maker City will be ded
icated with appropriate ceremonies.
The dedication ectvmonier and oration
will take place at '2 o'clock, p. in. In
the evening a grand ball will be given j
on the Hnor, which is expected will J
ho tho grandest ullair over had in I
Eastern Oregon. The Mippcr will ho !
served under tho miperviMon of the
Jtchc kalis.
More Miiishribcrt! to tho Scout thin
wrtk than over. Honm for a few
more. Now don't 1om this golden op
portunity, gentleman, but come right
along and give uh your nub. before tlnV
grand old year nhall have jiaed away.
It jh dangerourt to troernHtiuat(.
Don't try to quiet your cohmmimicc any
longer. You cau't do without the
Scour don't try to. It nuiy be tho
means oi your going to evei bn-ting i
rum and bring vour hair down into a I
gray grave. O, tiont the
ings of your coiiHcienco longer.
The La Grande Journal of hint wtck
paid Union' men n hand
eoine conijiliiuent, when it mid thev
hud KUbseiilict! .f'jtXl.OtK) for a woolen
mill. Notqnito ho gooil uh that how
ever n 8 $1 25,000 is sullicient, though
tho other amount would have been
raided if nccej-sarv. You see Mr. Jour
nals? 1 25,000, aud.iwfi.OOU more for oth
er i iid ust new that aro under itdvho
xnent, make $20),000; only n trifle out
of tin; way after all. Thanks for the
Just think of it, yo juvenile broncho
utraddlero. President Cleveland, the
great prosident of tho United HtatcH,
has purchased a moniber.-hip ticket
nntl is going to the n.Uives nt
the Cnpitol, by learning to actually
ride upon a hrM This is one of the
most tlariiig foaiM of his life, and no
uouiit alter lie Juim stit t u tled, we hhnll
otl fee llaming postfix throughout
tile coiintiy
Wonderful I'catu!" i
"l'rcsKlcnt (irover Cleveland, ihe wild
hueharoo of Now York will perform his
woim-renotuic.j ac ol gentle hoirie
btu-K riding, t''
r,-"?!Sfts??1r-. ir1?';i ,rrrm
Horse Breaking!
1 iUmiV IC Infyru! tb'- public that I h
perfect, cl a
New System of Ilorscbrcakiiig,
riiiob I belli vo to bo the 1hM unw prtic-
iiceti, auu i wi
bill 1 of anitn.ili
SalUfiictloti gmintntccil
Will VIKll
brink thu
away, (DviMiiea trial.
U 18-1 blUN.Ndff ,SMALL.
Leaves Union d.iily at 2 i
rt-Mil n. in.
heaves Cove t b a. ni , arrives at Union j
nt 0 'JO a. tu. ,
Connct thin mime with lauuifJ ,
riumliiK to the U po' carrying pacnger-s .
for east nd wvst bCr.d inun .
1U1 lis inv t,.ssKNC.v:.!,;.yiN .r..V,,
itiul 1-UlUliUT,
ItolUNKON t LAY Sh. PivprktOr-
OhtainiHl. and all Pn'ent Ilislues utlcndisi
to i'roni).tlvaitd for Moderate ''ees.
Our utile; in osisitc tin I . S. Patent
Oinee.niid we cull obtain Pal. nit III less
litin- than those leuii'te I mm WuMilngUui.
ScmlMODUburlJltXWIO. We .1Lm.
u- lopiiniuiuabiHlv freci f charge: mid we
Wo rrfur, here, to ilm l'titiuaier tb
Hupt. of Money Order Div.. and to ('ttle uls
of the U.S. Paient Olllee. Per rlreubir.
advice, tcrnmand n tl'ereiiriii lo iuiul ell
cntti In your own KtHto or County, write to
C.A.SNOW&Oo,, t t
OpPoviW Poicbt Ullleo. Waiihfuirfon, I.V
ii tahc noise . or anv otuer i ', , ; i-- ca"--
1 to break on ' ""''tn. "d that said proof will be made be-
.iMnui,,! ,,.., lore i lie register nun nciver at i t vi auue.
.ASO.NAIILE I HUMS. Oregon. on Dec. "I, 1M7, viz. HANNAH
itio iiirius when itcsired. ami ,v '- K ' .;.-T."",.,.',r' 4,
iiii!ni!i! iviiiimit i.n.,.. ii,,..,, tec. 27 I n. ( S. It. JH K. . M. He names
' 'IT-' I I I i i i
m, nrrivc at
Main Strict. Union. Ongon.
p.ensox nnos. - puopiuetoks.
Keep constantly on hand
mvi? umim. 'I.T MflTTnV
.h.V, JOKK- UL, MUl 1U,
Tonsorial Rooms.
Main Street, I'nion, Oregon.
Hair rnttlnp, shavins and Khanijiooiiig
done neatly ami in tlir best ttvle.
Hot and Cold Baths.
On farm lnnilc in l iiiatill t 1J tki r, Un'on,
, (iilliam and Wallowa enmities. at t. 0, 10
' ami 11 percent, on live vcar'.t time.
! Call on J. II. HINIMIAltT, at the l'anii
' er' Mortgage and avillgs Hank, .vuiiitner
ville, OriToii, if you want money on faim
' lu.ilir1.
,' The .S per cent i on imprnvrd f.-ir'ii land
ne.T" the rnilroad in (5r;indi' I'on.le Va'lev.
I0-Jl-inl. J. II UINKHAKT."
The piihlie are hereliv iirormrij that I
have oimda (iL'N.Mfni NllOl' in No
dim l!l;u kiinl h .bin p. I'ipoii, opposite
lt ii .'iii's hvery stable, where I am prepared
All Work in 3Iy Lino
In a neat
me a call.
:i'id Milj.-tuntiul mauncr. (live
f .
House, Sign and Carriage
Graining- a Specialty.
Shop, Corner Main and A Streets, Union.
Not'ce is hereby civni that 'he city taxes
of Union city, Oieon, for the year IssT,
are now due and payable to the C tv . Mar
shal and if unpaid' they will become tl -llminent
in Ibiity days'froin the 11th of
November. 17, after which cists will le
added for their colhvt'on. P.uties desii-
inu' to pay their taxes w 11
l'itv rei order'M olllce. M.
Ihid me nt the
Citv Mardial.
1 moil, tregon.i
Nv, n, iK7.f
U(vn ''nici: at I.A Oka.vw, Oio:(ioN,i
Dee. 2, 1SS7. i
Notice is hereby given tha- the folltming-
i nanicn sci'ie.-lets meii iioticeot ls liiten
j Hon to make final proof in Minim t of hi-i '
I claim, ami that said proof will he made lie- I
' fore ihe register ttud receiver nt hi (irande, I
i Ore .tin, on Jan. 25. 18, viz: SAMi'KL I
, T. I I), n. No. 017H, fur Mi.- NW'i Sec.
, ti Tp. A, S. It, II IJ. lie names the fol.ow
; big witneM'H to jirove ids continuous resi
i deuce upon, and cu'tix ation of, said land
i.: Chas. . Uobins, C. V. Kolilns. It.
, Stoker and IJ. Draper, all of Union, Or,
Hlnkv Kini'.ii iu.
12-U-wG. Ugii-ar.
I.axs Ol n. r. AT I.a Ouamk, Oiumo:;.)
November l.'i, l$. (
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to iniike limil proof in support of his
claim, ai d that said proof wi'l be m:i lv be
fore the register and ic .elver .if I.n fir.oub,.
Oregon, on. lauuary full ISM, via: 11IC.NKY
lA t UK, Hd, No.'l77:i. for the S hlf,' sW
see. ll and W hit. NW See. II. Ti. (1 S
i K..'H IJ, W. M. He names tho following
w itnesses to prove Ids continuous residence
I upon, ami cultivation of, said land, viz:
; John N. Nice, Thomas O'llrvant, John Si
; mollis, nnd J. W. Kiinhrell, all of North
Powder, Oregon. Ui.nky Ki.Kit.itr.
, ll-H-Hli. lleL'ifter.
Lami Onict: at la OitAxnr, Oi:i:oo.,l
November t, 1M7. I
Noti'-c is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his ititcu-
the following wl ti'-sses to prove his contin
mills rviduicc upon, and cultivation af
said mud, viz: John linger, jnnu
Miles and Jaiuo. IMkiliMm. .
2,ft li Poi-dcr, Oregon, ''l '
I 11-11
hl?W H0TEL,
O,rmitv'ophi. Union county, Or.
It. C. WKijj.vuii PropY.
el... . .
N. v .("';,. ..a ...ut, ,ic
w p.mll ti inaki nc
, onlv llrst c'ass iimise In the coup.
sts eomlo.ia-
i,? - '
fA't(d 1 t;i.:i
lrm ' .i.-'wi- -
1 w... .
I t'liekrelle!,
$50 TO $100
On the lurchveo of an Insiruiii-nt, by
buyuiK throuah W T. WUlnIlT,
Alil, Vtilou. Oneoii.
. fltii, In ,.i !. Illi.'il lir.nll (ti .lll'liiirt. tit hi.
inevervinMniico M. Kit'll AKDaON. Hd. No. : 111 111. for the
. . . . . I ,.- CJI. I .' I."' .w, 1 V' 1.S V.,1,
Apnliralioi fir n I . S. Patent. Survey
. l. Ci l.nK: ,0A. .n.140 1). M.n
; end a p.i o. :il
1 l . .S. i.A.. OrMw., I.a U ha Mil:. Oal:o i.n I
I No.. '..I. I.7. I
Notice in hereby given tlut C M. r-anger,
I whoM- pnt-olhe" iiddrt h KpartM. L'liion
ciiiiniy. urpg.'ii, nai (ins iiny uu-i in ap
' plleatnm for it patent for the -'NellieOrant''
i J,llirtz tHj,. j, T. H ad ey Mill
hlie." .-tiusi-itl in Mte Tomtit mineral (lis
j irict in louushp 7 t-otiih, 1 lunge 13 lvtist,
i V. !.. th-.- ipiar.z bu!e K l'-.--rlbed !..
tin: oIllciMl p.a - and ti IJ note on lile in
' this ulti e, uslo:lis, to wi'.:
I licgiumiig at ii iui. from which tb" o r.
! to sec. 2. 3. HI. 11. T. 7 . It. 43 K; bra
1 r. M deg. 'Zl li, in. V. llitl feet dit., post
; being marked "i or. No 1 N (5 M (' lur No
j IL';" tlum-i- N 7.1 :eg; 12 mill. K 135 l'eet to
a ot iiinrke I -Cur No:! N (I M C Mir No
I VI:" thence N S Uc'tr. K Vi fe-t to a not
..marked ' (.'or No. 'I XUMttiir No I'J;"
; theiiee S 7!l leir- 1- min. V. I3jo ftet to a
' t-ot llKirxt'.i -Tor mh 1 u m u Mir .o
I h';" tlit iue S. H iUn. W. IW feet to the
place of l:c:iiiiiiii, c ontul tiiu' 'Jl.VJ acre.-.
lai.atlun iieoide.l in ol, o, piige
M.l. ncords of qua.t. :oea;lons. t!mo t
county. Origoit. Adjoining claims are tlie
"Hi ffalo ' im.iitz lodeon toe west anil the
"Api-x" ami Auguta'' puru luilfa on
the noitli
Th' mill ..itc ItcliiK decriln d by the ofli
cinl pl.iti and li.l l miici on lile in tlm
lilies. loiiow.-, to wit: Uc-i;iiiiini at u
post from n hi h I'or. No. 1 of the "
lirnni' iode, bears N. 7.1 nejj. Jll min. K.
'1170 let t oist., )ioi being marked "for No
1 II.M H Sur No 111;' running W.aso
leet to a post mat ked ( or No S II ji 8 Sur !
No 12;"' liienee S. ISVJ ftet to a p.ift marked
lor.No .5 I. M h Mir No 12; tlu-m-e h.
d" i. i i. ;i iifui, uiuirieo uji ., t u .u o
Mir No 12;" theme X. t.0 feet to place of
beginning and e;nta.uiiiK live aurei Ad
j. .1 1 ii i iC e.aim. aie tit j 't'.utl'.ilo .Mi.l Kite'1
on the a t,
Any and ..II person claiming adversely
any portion i. f aid 'Nellie" ipiurtz
lode, or the C I". Ifrmbey .Mill. Sue. iiIkivo tli-M-rilcd.
are rtipiire lt. tile their advert
claim with the ivjrl-tir of ihe V. ti. band
Otliccai I.a Ci ramie. Union eoimty. Oregon,
duriiiK the sixty days period of publication
hereof, or ihey will ne Ijarretl by virtue of
the pioYisloiit! of thetatiitc.
IIu.nky Ui.m:iiai:t.
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice of ainilicitiiu lorn L'.S. patent be
ptlblishe I for a pcr.r.d of (i0 days (ten con- j
scciiiivc weeks) in Tin: Om-.tiiiN mo it, a
weekly new-paper ptihliMicu at Lnlen, in
Union county. Oregon,
1Ii:m:v Hi.neiiakt,
12-2-wlO. Iteirifter.
Application for a U. H. Patent. Purvey
.No. I.. ( .ami ;o. 11. A. ami 11 1.
era) aplicaiioli No. W.
U. S. Land Oki ici:, L.v Cirande, Oit.
Nov. 23, 1SS7. (
Notice is hcivbj jiiven that C M. San
ger, whose iiotolllie address is
Hpartn, Ui io:i eo'. nly, Orepni, has this
day tile I his application for a ))aleiit for
the lUiff.i'o'' oiiarlr. hide, and the Itull'alo
!Ist: ict . in Tp. 7 S. linage -lUK Willamette
meridian, the n, ia: i7.1odi biiuj; dcseribctl by
the oil eial pin's ; n l ti"lu notes on the in
this oflhe, a fob. w. to wit:
lleginnimi.itapo.. from which, the cor.
to sections 10 11 T 7 S It l.'l H, bia's
ts -t'i (let 'Jl mill V III21 feet iIlMlant-
I post being nuii kul "(.'or No 1 H M ('furNo i
135- thence miming 1 .', feet to a
! po t marked "Cor No 2 15 M C .-'nr No 13;''
I ihe. .orlh X tbg H IXD feel to a poU '
muik.'d" ..rN.-.l liMi'Sur No l.'i; ' Iheme '
Wet I I.'. fe t t" a post inarktd -Cor '
No 4 li M C Sur No U.i ' the tee ts 8 iIck ;
W ,:.M) ieet to the i.h.c'H of i.. ..!,. ,., l
..hi r . I .i i j. l ...... .... i. .in.. .... I.'l
......... .11. i .-t.. v-. I. I ip.-niii:"
co -ded in Vol U, page lOO of quartis
location, Ui.loii i ouniv, Oregon. Ai.i un
nig cla.tiis are th. "Nelbo Oraia" and
"Apex" lodes on ist, :lu "Muninii'' on
wesi and h '"It j! l!o.-" lod.' on the north.
The null site (leiih.d hy the tilth
eial plats- mid iicl.l notes on tile m this
i. (live as io!low-, to wit: lleginniitg at a
point from which the corner No, 1 of tho
It.iir.iU'' lode e i in, bears N 70 (leg. -l.'i
min. U27(d .ct (list; rumiing Dunce West
il!0 feet; tlielic'.'s ,u;i(io fitt; theme Uast
.K0 feet: then e North (W) feet t- the place
I ol beginning, and containing live acne.
; Adjoining c ainn are ihe C. T. Kradley
' Mill Site on the We t.
Any and a I pc-sun. adversely
any portion of siml "Hulbilo ' quartz
above '
lone or me ut.llilo .iltii Nile
tlescnbcd. arc reipiired t i lile
their i
mlMi'seelabii with ihe register of the U. S. I
bind -lli.e at Li (irande, Union countv. I
Oregon, during the 'xt days polled of pub- i
lien Ion herein, or the will b K-'a l.v 1
..r .i... .. ...... i .. -
. iiii-j. ...:t,. U1-lt tU. h,atuU.
.... . . Kegistrr.
notice of ani.'io ti m for ' S" K 5
i.i,,'.i V,1,. .. ....!.... '.' .: .' Mt.. .1
il nt'K iiv in in: I'll iii'i: iii 1 1 ri('ii ii rw i
elms imihe iV.,e OoxVV '
uieklv ii. uv... .ii ,i.ii. !.i....i .., ii.. .
. i i iiiv.i, in
Utiiuii county, Oregon.
Hl'V"- I,sr., .
''1,X 111. I'll I . J ,
12 2 WJQ wKv
' Tliubei-l.'itnl, Acl .lime tt HUH. NotlcC
l ee i'lllllll'lUllill.
Iaxn Oitj. i:, L
A Oiaxiu:. Olirnox-. )
Novemlier LN! 1SW7. I
Notice ishe.ehv iriven 1 1 tit t in complin" .'
Willi Ihe of the act of Cy ...
of June II. Is76. eiuitled "An act for .i.'.'l.
of tinihei-laiiiis in iheSlulci yX , ii,,.;, i"
O.-t gou Nevada, and Washp- uXS '
y,'' JOHN SIODDAKD. 'v ,i p ,
dcr.Countv of I niun.S of, 'ltU 1 m'
this d.v ibed in this . '' 'JV'1 Jriou. Las
ment No. II, f,. j,V Mvorn statu-
MVM and s, ,V purjliase of the N
No. I in Towi 'land hot I, of Seotlou
: Kast an.' -hip No. liSouth, KiingeNo.
the limil will oiler proof to show that
tlilllw songb i nnw viduiible for its
Ol ftli'O lllliu i"i ..i . iiiini.'i "i-
and to establish his claim to said
.ml before the Kegister and Kuviver of
thisollle. at I.a liraude.'Or. on Saiuiday thv
tth day ol t en miry, l.-vv-. lie naiitcs as
witiHs-rs: Charles i-sidedliotir. Stewart i wil-
mi, 14 v iintiiii .iiiinnri'v 111111 jiiiiii nri
dcison, all of No th Powder. Oregon. Any
j ami till persons claiming adversely the
I ribovc-dooribtil laiiil aiu iepiestel to lile
their e aims in mis oill e onur b fore said
' lib tlav of lVbitiury bM.
1 JIunkv Ki.NriiAitr,
; 12-2 w in K gihter.
Timber Jaunl, A til luii 3. tS7."Nutice
I'm- I'ltiillt-atloii.
U. S. I.AXUOl l li'E,
l.. (im.siu:. Oukoon.i
Nnvcmoer '.11, Ui.
Ntitieo Is hereby gi en ihiil ill eumpliamv !
wi.h the pril loiis til the act of C.'iigress ,
ol .liuie.T ts7.s. ciitiihsl -an m l lor tho sale 1
of lliiib.- hul ls in th.' Sliilcs of California,
Oreitoi', Ni'vada and ashingtnit lurriio
ry.' CHiilMl.VN HHCHOAAKDof North
Powder. Countv ot Union, Stale 01 Ottyn
has till- da lil t in ili.s ollicc ids sworu
sluteniei.l No. Pi. for the put chase of the
sSW', N I'.'., and lo I and 2 of Stc h. To. 0
null, a ulsKt., si:'.,of Sec. No. X'. in Tp.
No. A s. U N.i.i'K W. M. and wdl ollir
prtttf tti show lliut th - bind sought is mo e lo.' its t'luber or.-ione than for ag
reilltttal pun uses, uml to elallisli his
cluuii i.'vnid In 1 il In for.- the It.gitlur and er oi (Ms ttlhce itt Irii (irantte, Uro-
?on S.iturtliiv th f t It iiny of I'ib. I's-tj.
le 11.111 i s ,,s itiks: .luitiei K. Oi ki-
ftm. M. wart Wdluini". AVulinm Mabnrry.
and loiin Hi ii'H .-sHHi. all of No tli Powder.
on !u
, .nv .,1 d .ill persons oJuinilng au
ibt iiU'i .u-s riUtl lands arc ic-
v r-i
que- r d t 1. u
vr t'c -...l
IV'-lJ-w fo
li l 1, mo in this otliro ou
Hi bi f Pn 'riwy. l-sss-H.
I and ( rrtcE. L 0:t.Nnr, orr.os.
t Nt.veiniM r tu l8,. i
Nftirc hen hy Riven that in comp iancc
wi.h tin p ml o'ni of the act of Congies
i f J ii tie 3 ISiSentitlcd "An art torihesale
of timber land-in the States of California,
Or . Niv nlii and Waihington Territo
r'.' ONMIMK LEAUK of Union. Coun
tv of t'l.ion.'tatc of Oregon, ha thiiday
(Tied in this otficc his sworn .statement No.
10', fur the pur haeof the NWj, NE'-i of
Section No. It), in To'vnsiiin No. 4 South,
Itniifce No. 41 l ast, an I will ' lb r proof t
show that the 1. ml mg'it is in r: v;i lu.-.ljlc
for its tin her or stone than for rgriniiltu
ral purpo-cs, and to establish his cln'm to
sniil laud before the P.ocistcr and Itcc.ivcr
of this oilice at Ln Orund, Oregon, on
Monday the 13'h day of Fcbruarv, HS.
lie names at. witnesses: ljtiis Leiuere,
P tter. Henry Mayott. and Kmerv
Jlayott, all of I'nion, Orcion Ally and all
peroiis claiming adverve'y the above-de-e-ibed
lamh arc retmested to lile their
claims in this oftii e on or before haid 13tb
day of February,
X 12-2 wlO Register.
under and by virtue of an execution
and order of sale bMicd out of the Circuit
court of the State of Orciron. for Union
county, to niu directed and delivered, bear
inn dale of November 17, KS7. upon a judge
ment am' dei rce of foreclosure rendered in
said court otitlic27th.d.ivof Dpceml e-, IW,
in favor of Morinda ChamPer. PHI', and
atrain.-t Daniel riinudlernud .?. V. Kennedy
Defts.. requiring me that out of the protier-
it ncremattir ilesenDetl an. I ile-cibcd in
Haiti die ee, I make the Mim of fSI7.nO with
interot thereon since Dccemlicr 27tli. lfsS-i.
at 10 per cent, per annum., ami the further
sum (if flTi.'Jtl cost, ami aeeruing cots.
And, whereas, by Hiid execution and de
cree it was orderctl that I c!l the follow-
I inp tlt'serlbed properly to wit : The Whlf.
! of theNVt-. ami the'NW ir. of the SWqr.
of Sc.-. li), Tp. 1 N, It. 10 IJ. W. M.. in ;Hiim
I countv. Oregon. Therefore I will sell, on
j Tuesday, the 27th day of December, LS'sT,
; at 2 o'clock P. M. ofi-uid dav. at public
auction, at the court bouse door in said Un
ion county, all the ribt, title ;uul interest
which the -aid Daniel Chandler ami .1. W.
Kenncdv had in or to said preinDes on or
alter the 27th day of D.c mber, IsWI.
TcrniH of sale, cah to nm in hand.
Dated at ShcriH's oillie this 21st dav of
Nov. 1SS7. A. N. HAMILTON,'
ShcriU'of Union Countv, Ore? ih.
Hy.I T. Williams in. Deputy. ll-2.",
All persons h iving claims against the es
tate oi Simon Milhr. dei cased. nrv' h -rebv
notilied to presedt the s.iiue with tho proper
' I -!.!..! ... .1.- I....! ...I
. ,'iiieiiejs. uiii,v vt i in 'i, ii, i iiu iionei sineo
I executors of snid e ta e, or cither of them.
at Union. Union county, Orcitou, within
.-ix montli.s f . out the da'e of this m tiu.
Dattdat Union', Or. gon, this !) h t-iy of
November. 1HS7. S. Mii.ia:i:,
Sak.mi Ami: Wiixin,
11-11 w.'i Kecii!or.
In the County Cou:t of Union C'untv,
I Oregon.
In thf In ittcr of the Prol a'e of the last
will ami tes'am 'lit of J b'aia W.avc -, de-
i", , i,i . ,. n ,
,u?l1i,t,,cl ,C' n!,1U!!.' fra"k , T' i
, , !l ker, l.ennid Walker. Uay W
'"' '"bna alker:-
,. l,,or';:"'' ';' .ver has hied in
i (-""r!,of lT'"'V c,)Un,fv- "'P0'
-'"(lu 1 P,"a-U " .f,,r tbe I,rt,b ite ol a
in the
County Court of Union countv, Oregon, Li
p.-litlu l p-a,i g for the probite ol an i i-
r,n'"'Vl 1 111 . writing, purporting to be the
tst wid and testament of Jo.-hu i Weaver.
nici aseo, ami
Whereas, tlusnld court has set the next
! regular tc'-in. of said coirt. to wit: the .'Ird
I day of .1 iimarv. A. D. 1-Sv for the hearin.'
I of the sain.'. Now. Ilu'refo.-e, In the name
I of the State f dr -g jii,
j You and ouch of you are co.iun in J"d to
, appear at Ihe next regular tu-m of said
Couir.y Com', of Union coun'y, Oregon,
i to wii: on the .Ird day of J nia'ary, A. I).
, IHfR, and sho.v eicisL'.'if anv the e'lu. why
I said instrument shall not be adinit'ed t'o
p obate on the la t will and testament of
! Joshua Wt aver, deceased, and letter of
ail niulstratio.i Issued to Joul Weaver the
j executor tin rein mimed.
I And, such of you as are umh r the age of
i twentv-oue war, will tnk notice tint if
v"!1 filil to "I'P'y tosalileouftand h.iveiti-
' .i n.iiiini i (ia iiiitii, to ap-
lor'nl at Hearing, the said court
wlU al'P"l't ucl' f'i'rdiaii to s.j appear for
v"i': , ...... ,
And. you will further t:'lo. UVtiCe thilt il
JUII.-.! Hill l I ,l'Jl"l .11111 n.l'Jll i .lltsc, .114
order will lie made ndni'.ttiug said instru
inent to n -ybuf: i'tj tllV h'.st will ol said.
lomua weaver. iieeea -oil
tit- t x t .
V""; "' 1 ' "W"V' ruuty
Jl.Kepf I'nion county, OhU. with the
"'? " ormntr, i. L' l?-o.
I t vnih
t s K V L)
i.niir .
This cU.tiof,i4 published bv order of tht
Hoh.O, P 'I0(j l countv ju'dg ot Pulou
xwihty, ,rCm)ni mmit. this Wih dav of No-
l'.r, IS37. A. T. Millil.,
-2-w.'j County Clerk.
To whom it may concern.
Notice is hereby given that bv virtue of
an order of sale mtiiU and entered hy the
Countv court of the State of Oreg 111, for
Union' county, on tht):h day ot Nov-fuiSer,
1M7, thu uti lersigne I, admiai,tra'.o of the
estate of Harvey Myers, will on thu 12th
dtv of Dtiicmbcr. 1W, at the hour of 2
o'clock, P. M. at the court hosC door in
the town of Union, Union cou itv. Oregon,
sell to the highest hid ler at pubi c outcry,
thefollowiugdrscribed real estate of the es
tate of Harvey Myers, deceiised, to Ihj sold
in the fel.owinir nareeN. via: The U1-. of
I theSW'4of Sec 10, Tp. 1 Sou'h of Kange
.vs I-., w. .11, 10 h t acre anu n iuin in tut;
Mimjl c st ro ,H.r thereof. K
UTI( W1!, ttl( 70 rod nonh
10 rods eiist ami
ind south, 111
one pare "I; and Ihe t f tlie bV of
said Sec. 10, In one parcel; and the UH of
the N Wl of sa d soetion 10, in oiu paiod.
Terms of sale, si per cent, cash in hand,
ami h dunce en six months time, w th in
terest at 10 per cent, per annum, to ho se
cured by mortgage on the premises.
Unioii, Orrgon, Nov tlth. 1M7.
v. VS! i.-
(itianlltwi S.ilc of Ileal Kttat-.
No'lee l here
of an order ot t
county, M ite of
No'lee i hereby gift n th it in pursuance
. inecouiiiy court 01 tnuou
of Oregon, si ting in p-o'iate.
mnle'on the 10th dav of October. IStj" in
ihe niatterof th" estate and guurdia isbip
of the perstms and estate of Ad 1 M. rfa'i
burv and Vidcntinc Sa isbu y. minors, 'he
under igiictl, guard an ( uiij etate ant
inhvirs, will sell at puMl- aue hm t ) ilu
li ghest biddei-. for c -uh. and -ub ct to
camlrnuitiou bv ai I Coii.ttv coiut, on Sat
urday, lb 10th d.y 11 lHcenilK-r, llS7 a:
2 o'i-bk'k in the afternoon 1 f ,-niil da,-, at
the roni do ir ot the i-our boustj in tlie city
of Unl u ti sail Uuin 1 ro'inty, Sta'i
Oregon. .VI theiUht.utl an I one
St :UI I
c ate of Ibe sail Ada M. Mali hi-y a "I
Valentine .Ntlisbnrj , iirnorx. Unit thev now
have in ami to all "that ct du re.V staj
descrilMtl as follows, to wit. Tho
S .if
day of
fee 31. Tp. 2 H. II. SSI U, W. M, in
count VT StS'HOf 1'et!(Jn
Ter ins of sale; Cash hi baud on
saletdifsl at oxnense of nun h irr.
DatMl atUnmn. Oregon, this 10th day of
ll-ll-wl (a.mffjil.
Timber Lnmt. Act .7 lire 3. 1HT8.
Vur I'ubllrntloii,
Land Orncn at bt (irair Or-ot,i
O -(oh r 2; 's-T. f
Not'-r '- h-rc'iv gi c 1 11 he i 'i "Wins
mitutd e :!er in 1. (1 110 i . in- man
lion 10 111 ike rina pr f u -po. t ' f hi -claim,
and said p .' w;i mafic e
fore the rtgis cr -'lid ee, :ver nt i O .unl-.
Oregon. on Dec. II. .vs7. viz: 11 K.V.I A M I v
F. KATII K'P, D. S. No. 7.'(. f'-rtlie l ot
No. 1. .ice 2. and Lots.'! and 1 ami "VV NW
S'cc. l.Tp. osj. K 41 13, W. M. 11? nnnies
the 'oil iv ng i ni.'scs V pio.'c lu colli 'i
iioii rcidei,co upon, and cu' iv tion ',
sal I land, viz: A. Cod re l. O. W. si m
mo'is. Win. Mu-nv. ni'd L A K bcrtson,
till of Hi.h Valley." Oreg .11.
ll-i-wO. Kejiiuer.
Timber Land. Act June 3. 1 878.--Nitt,e
for ritlilie.'ition.
U. b. L.xn OrncL', L (in (Nor.. Onroo.v I
November 12, 187.
Notice ii hereby given that in comp iancc
with Ihe provisions of the act of Concrcss
of June a, l7s entitled "An act for the sale
of timber hinds in the sStnti of Ca'ifornia.
Oregon, Nevada, ami Wash'ngton Territo
rv," ADAM NEILSON, of Norih Powder,
('otintv of Union, State of Oregon, has this
dav tiled in this ollirc Ins sworn .statement
No". 11, for the pnrchaie of the S hlf. NW
or. fc-re. 8, and Uhlf. NH qr. of Section No.
7, in Township No. ( South. Ktn.'e No. 3$
Uast, and will oiler proof 10 show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to .said land before the
register and receiver of tlii.s oilice at La
Orande, Oregon, on Siturday. the 2-th day
of Janna-v. ISss. H n-iines n witne.ssth:
Win. Kcclcs. .lacoh S-ienbau ;h. Win. b.
Knrrows. and John Stoddard, all of Telo
enset, Oregon. Anv and all persons ebiini
ini adversely Ihe afjovc-dieribed lands are
requested to" lile their claims in this oilice
on or beforv' Miid 2ath day of .lami try. 1SJ.S
IIknuv Hin'khaut,
ll-18-wltl legi.stcr.
Timber Lanil, Act June :i, tii-S-'-Nolice
f,.r l'iililic,ili..ii.
U. S. I.amiOi fk i:. b Okamii:, Or.F.oox,
November 7. 1 v7.
Notice is hereby given that in e iinp!iance
with the provisions of I he net of Coilgt'css of
June 3, s"S, entitled "An act for the sale
of timber lands in the Stales of California.
Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territo
ry, .STliWAltr WILLIAMS of North
Powder, County of Union, State of Oregon,
has this day tiled in this oilice his sworn
statement No S, for the purchase of the
S4 NW'U- Sec s. and SVi -SW'.; of Section
No. f, in Township No, (! S. Kange No. il
Kast, and will oiler jeo if to show that the
land sought is more va nnble for its timber
or stone than for agrieul oral purpo-is,
and to iMta' his claim to said land be
fore the Kegister an I Receiver of Mil- otllcu
;it U (irande. 0:e'nii. on Sa'urd iy, the
I lib day of January, 18's, He names a,
witne.-s'.'s: C. A. Kell, D. II. Stahbaird.
Cliarlcs Edwards, and Adiiiu NeNon. all of
North Powder, (Jrtgon. Any and all ptr
sons claiming ad vcr-ndy Ibe alVive-ilescribe I
lands tire rctjtn st-d to lile their claims in
this oflii'c 01 or before s-ai ! 1 1th day of Jan
uary, lSii.
Hr.Nnv HiNEiiAnT,
11-llwlO Ke-hter.
Timber Land, Act June a, :78 --Notice
1 or ru'-ueati n,
V. S. Laxii Orncn, L tlr. i.vM:, nisr.r.os.l
Novtin te I'.'. 1Hn7. i
N I'ice is he ( bv g'.ve'i thai in co.i pl.ance
with the pro i .ioi-i "f th ne m ('.,ii,its.s
of June D, is7 , en -it i-d. "An act I r .he salt
of tiinb i-:au'M ill h: S'a.estf (Jinifoiiiia
Oreg n. Ncvad 1 ;t..d W i-'hiii,; o 1 Tenito
rv," Will. M KCCL K.-. or Teloeaset
(. otin'y ol Unio i, Sra.e . f O egou, has ih s
dav li.e.l in iIih odiee h.s sworn statement
No. 10, f iv h- puichase of the SU N U' Mdf
iSW mid SU "f ,-s cion No. 7. in Towmh p
No. US. Kan re No. :w W. M, and wil'
oiler proof to show that the land sought i
moi ii valuable lor its tiuibe-or st lie thai
foragrieultit a' jvirnos , and to e-tal'lib
his claim to s.Id !a d beiorc ihe re:n-t r
and receiver of tbii oihec at La Cruii le,
Oregon. 011 SaMirday, thc2Sthday 1 f Janit
icy, Ksji. lie nam s 111 ,..'t .-sses; Adam
Nelson, Jacob Sia ib..ugh. Wm. L. L'tir
rows. arU mo laid, a'l if TCoo e
Oregon. Any 111 d all pu- i n elaiinii.g ad
ver.sfly, ihe above -(Ui bonis ; re re-
qnes e l to lile their churns in Ih.s 1 tlii i
o.' beior.'sai I 2rtl: .by u' J ji-i.u-y,
ii.:::r.v juisT.u.u.t,
11-lS-wlO. Kegi.-'er
Stiff Joints,
Hoof Ail,
Saddlo Galls,
arromt llnhivt for rvrrvliodv ciaetlr what IsclailUfd
torit- Oaoot Uiorc.-i-.oas for tlto great poimlartty of
Ibo Mustans Uulmrnt li foumt lulls uiilvcrsal
nptdlcaliilitr Kvorybodj-nMslssuchamrdtclni'. ,
Tlio I.uutbcriiiiiiiiiceIUbieiucof ncclJont.
The llmisewti'oueodanforKUiieralfamllyuw. j
i lie c namicr necis it turins ttsinuuu ma hu-ii.
Tho .llcctiaulc ueoJ3 U always on bl work
Tho Tlllncr nrtsts It tncaoof 'tii,rEncy.
fbo I'loucei-niHsUlt can't utftolouswlthont It.
TUo rnrutci- nccsl It In bis liouse, Uts stablo,
mi Ills ituc- j aiit.
Tlio man or tho Itontiurui nstJsj
:t In liberal tjp?lycltuatamto4iorr.
The Iloinc-fnncler uisxls It-it t fcti htrl
friend ami KCtYtt reliance
The yiocU.jrowcr uectls It It vrltl soto Uliu
i.if iusauiIs of tlt'llarti aud a world oX trouble
T!ip ttt-.llrond inun mssJsIt amt will ncctt It o
l .o.t a4 hU lifu It a round of accidents aud dangers.
The IJactiwociUtiinu ncodolt, Ttcro Is uotu
a;lo It an an aattdoto for the dancers to life,
limb ami comfort lilch t urrouud Uie pioneer.
Tho Me rebuilt ueeds ttabout bt storo anion j
sa. cipla7Ms. AcrtdtutU will happen, and wnrn
ai&oooaio tts Stuctane Untmtnt Is wanted at oiurr,
Kro.iu Hot tic In tho lloube. TIs tbo best of
II rep n Hattle In tbo l'uctory. KsttntrctUatt
zte tu ot MWidest sarc pain and lo&a at vrocva,
lVei. Uatilo -Vlwnyulu Xrc HHlf) fUr
ano ttllen wunttd.
Wjw mm,, md
Tlionison & Pur el art' iitfents for
1 bo ccli'bnilcil Cyclone Wind Mill, anil
1 us 1 lie piiccs 011 tbciii liavebci'ii rretit-
ly ri'diiecd thev 1110 now within tlm
i t'iicli of nil. Sample mill to bo seo i
at llicir pbint'i' in North Union. Call
and cxiini'iii' it.
S CiTSk Ct-f toff-f-irvrt
1 n uy
One boitlo taken according to directions
will givo better rssuta than a gallon ot
Sarsaparilla, or any of tho so-calsd Blooo
Purifiers with which ihe market h glutted
Af Druggists, price 51.00 per bcti.'o.
will be paid for any cacs cf9F
tvhich Dr. Pardee's Remedy, .ivh
"ninisicrod. faiL t.t relieve.
Nervous Exhaustion.
Few Useful Hints For
Nervous People.
" am ii nervous" is a Verv cnunnon ex
pression, use I by both old and young: and
very few can now be found who are free
from nervous trouble. Ve regret to see
that the malady I lapidly increasing. And
Iront what cause? There ,vc various
It may be bet-itise of a low con lition
if the general health; the ifility of thi
ne, v us systini is dcpr'ssel; or fr nn a
w..nt of 1 er cct digestion and asiinili: tion
of fo' d, and Ibe vitilui g p iwnr of pure,
rich blood, ih- nerves are not propeily
strenthencd and nour.shed.and conse't icnt
ly hi coin.' weak and diseased
ThetCrtasa lime when "ncrviuis'iess,''
and ihai class of d.scas.- known a i nervou
affect'ons, were appaivntly conli ic to
ladies; but at the p:e,:nt day it is au tin
tloubtcd fact ill "t a-I-.itJjca poitbm of ncr
Votis d sc.hc.s exist among m.n as among
ih- giiitkr ft x ; and th. b distn s-ing i.ff c h
and 1 istitig and iii.-rvating results are a
thovsand fold more st ri, s, they extend
to poster! y and a -e prudiietho ( f a wi 'tk
eind and cn,'ctb!ed ra-c. NciVotis and
physical dibilitt , cnu'ci by
's a frtipiint and d'siivs'ii.g dise.-iM', its de
pressing inlliKiH e be ng ielt alike on botht
sext s and all nges. Among the Ih-Mt sym
p'ons of tliis ninction aie usually a de
rangemcntof the digestive orgius. A foel-
f hm. mil' will he experienced, an.l a grad--ua'f.ii
ing of strength, with gen ral weak
ness and pain in the back. More or Ics ex
h testation is ext'orieuced on waking in tho'
the nioriisiig. There is often a bad ta-tc in
tin niou'.h; the visiun Ik comes dint, the
nien.oiy, is impaired, and the patient is
troubled with frcipient di7.!i!i's IVrfons
thus affected are often di'.sp.indaut. and
uffor from g'ootn and d presion of thc
iidtid. Tlie neives hieuneso we Uonod
hat Ihe least excitement or sh ek bringnoni
a truimror trembling, often at tended by
palpatatiou if the heiurt.
Are part:cu'nr'y nisecp:ib'e to nervous
disordo s, oau gp rty 10 their more
tielicate ncrvom nig urzn ion and partly
to llicir s tlentary life aid rtmenutiU
eonl' lii'iuent in-do irs. f-1.1 h i.ffee Ion are
a.tomlen by resthssiies and noi'votis excite
no ir, anx 1 ly o.- depresK u. of the mind,,
lossi f in!cre-t in si.ciety and the d.iily nf
airs of life. There is r.lso loss of sleep;:
ihe 1 a lent 011 ilsing 1 1 the m irning, faci
ng tired, hr.guid a id uurefreshod. Fromi
slight 11. i-i oiiMitt.icks lohysic i 1. from .sim
ple "iicivousiieh" t-i utter ) i- s ration,
tin re a e 111 ny and varied form of dikcjsei
if the 1 ervoi.s syst, 111 mine of wh'ch MiO'thl
isist.aii I o alU.f tan Lenircd by
the tic of
Dr. Pardee's Hsieflf
Whi b first Ktiim hi ts t ielb eraml kidmy's
10 1 e tin action, r g il. te lln-d gestiveor
gins, i'i d ion tht tlr-i do e h gins iu
wo 1 o' p i if . ing 111 1 bid ding iptbe worn-
011 1 ss em I p . tluo s sy ot .ind h aUhy
hep. nrl li's tie Iimm1,.!!!! an nrtu to
th 1 ale tUfl ,s. 1) w 0 celts ih- g'o v of
it. I b, br ngs l.ilhiiie m tho tyc and
ehiniblty in the step. Slore rod Iwiiifitcan
1 edi-rixctl fr, in .a hlf duz-11 bitibs of
I). I'.ii(b' Km y hti-v (rum a Iniudrcil
lo Im nM-, 1 1' a ,y tbiT w v.
A'kjw. ;nig t toi b. .til wko uo-trtlh'r