The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 09, 1887, Image 5

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, AM is K JilM S.
IMl ioi:.
The, Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation as any three papers in this sec
tton of the State, combined, and is cor
rcspondinghj valuable as an advertising
Friday, December 1, 1SS7.
Union and Vicinity.
"And aimed it at his mui."
In Union there is strength.
"Let's quit, and call it u draw."
City election passed oil" without, a
The Centennial hotel opened last
Saturday, in good style.
Prof. Owen, arrested for whipping
Harry Henson, was acquitted.
Eakin Hios. have heen refitting their
law ojliee in a tasteful manner.
The east bound passenger was sev
eral hours late, Wednesday morning.
The X. P. Express Co. have with
drawn their business on the Alaskan
II does not take long for the travel
ling public to find out there is a first
ulass hotel in Union.
"Those are just too awfully lovely
for anything!" say the gills, as they
gaze upon Jones Bro's doll show.
Buy your holiday goods of Jones
Uros., while a good as.-ortinent is on
hand. The g ods are goin, rapidly.
It is feared that Kobt. Clarrett, the
flftv mill.onai!", ex-President of the
Ohio it Baltimore jailroad, is going
Statements will be sent to all those
indebted to the Cove drug store, and
full settlement will be expected by Jan
uary lfct 1S8S.
All eommunieaiiiins in regard to the
Inland Empire Woolen .Manufactur
ing Co.. should be addressed to F. F.
IJaker, Union, Or.
The New York Store at La Grande
has everything needed by the farmer
and mechanic. All goods will be told
sit living prices.
The eases against .Mr fr'oulu and S.
F. Kichanbon, of this county, in the
U. S. Ciicuit Court at Portland, wire
decided against them.
For every dollar's worth of goods
bought of Jones Bro's., you are enti
tled to a ticket in the grand gift dis
tribution, (let in and try your luck.
The Mage between Union and Cor
nucopia has been hauled'ofl' the ionic
for 'tlie present. Probabh in a few :
days, arrangements, will be made by a !
joint Mock company to put on a per-,
nianent line.
We have had an unusual amount of
Grand llonde zephyrs, for the past ten
days. We think iMr. Wind might
hold his breath for awhile now, and let
us straighten up.
Quite a number of new enterprises
are needed in La Grande, and we pie
suine as time rolls by, that one after
another of them will be added to her
list of public enterprises'.
G. W. Curtis, a conductor on the
N. P. road has been discharged on ac
count of not being able to segregate the
company's money from his own. lie
had to whack up $250 however, and
step oir.
A young man challenged another to
light a duel or retract what he had said ;
his spelling was s.o bad that the chal
lenged young man accepted imme
diately and chose orthography as the
deadly weapons.
The; Inland Empire Woolen Manu
facturing Co., of Union, incorporated
with a capital stock of sfl 25,000, with
W. T. Wright, A. K. Katun and F. F.
IJaker, as incorporators, intend erect
ing a mill, costing from $75,000 to
.fSO.OOO, with enough additional capi
tal to run the mill for the first year.
This industry is a long-felt want in
Uastern Oregon and its success is
assured. linker Daily Democrat.
While they are having blizards up
in Dakota, blinding storms over in
Wyoming and heavy snow banks out
in Montana, the employees of this
oflico are working in their summer
luds while great diops of perspiration
uro rolling down their lead begrimed
visages, with the mercury in the ther
mometer standing on end reaching up
and grasping after thermal rays of
The La Grande Journal n very anx
ious that La Grande should have a
first clafrH flouring mill, al.-oa first flats
hotel, and to that end lceeps its readers
in that place, urged up to that neces
sity. They certainly med them, the
Lord knows. Wo of Union, who have
both a flouring mill, and one of the
best hotels in Eastern Oregon, can
truthfully say that these things are a
great help to any town that is fortu
nate enough to o.-fces them. It is
well known that although Union does
not have thu bustle sopic other places 1
claim to have, yet when it comes right
down to substantial enterprise, Union
leads all the towns in the county.
It will not he three vears from the
1st of January lbbS, till the O. K. & N.
Co. will be running their road directly
through the- valley, on the survey
made at first, and after pacing through
Union will go through Pyle canyon on
the opposite tide fiom whero it
runs at present, thus obviat'iig much
of the expense now attending it, and
will bo always clearof winter blockade.
Oh, my dear sir, jurt kevpyour breath!
Wo ha'vo not been tilting idly, anil as
we know about a thing or two ihat lias
quietly happened of late, we are tati
ticd that such will be thu yuo, and
that nothing but the sudden Urtniuu
tion of this liUlo mundaM pburo w.ll
pruyunt it. Just remember this j-Kmsv.
a i j ix 1 1 1 pjcjv vj ai muw
Kind H. W..M.1.V new ad.
See ad. nd ball. Sinnmerville. j
Note the change in A. N. Gardner's
adv jtifcnient,
Eggs served in every stylo at the
Centenninl hotel.
Turkey dinner at ' the Centennial
hotel next Sunday.
Head the e-tray notice's to be found
in another column.
Car load of coal oil and a carload of
salt just reci ived at Jo. Wright's.
Then is quite u practical joke going
around concerning Mr. Weill's locum
Nearly everybody is enjoying u se
vere cold, derived fiom the variety act
of the weather.
Montana is catching it now. Snow
thirty inches deep the tii.-t of this
There has been very heavy rains on
the other title of the mountains the
past several days.
Next Saturday evening the council
will meet to count the vote of last
Monday's election.
Fine line of jewelry, gold pens etc.,
suitable fur Cliritmas piesents, just re
ceived at A. X. Gardner it Co's jewelry
There will be some opposition to the
admission of Idaho to Statehood, by
the people in some parts of the terri
tory. The newly elected city o Hirers will
as'sume the duties of their respective
ofhVcs the liiwt Monday in January
Skating rink at
nrdav evening Dec.
Wright's hall Sat
10th. Admission
Conic one, conic
Skates 25c.
Lost A G. A. P. watch charm.
Finder will be liberally rewarded by re
turning same to A. J. Guodbrod, at the
Centennial hoti 1.
Head Mrs. Summer's holiday an
ni.unccment in this issue. She has an
elegant assortment of goods, direct
from Chicago.
We understand that many of those
who in the fore part of the fall told oil'
so much hay, are thinking now that
tliev have not acted wiselv.
Noith I'owder coniplains of severe
' .
weather. Better come down to Union
where wo go around in our shirt sleeves
and enjoy gt.od sailing breezes.
All kinds of predictions as to what
the winter will be, are indulged in;
but the gein ral b. lief is that it will be
tevere enough to suit any of us.
The non arrival of our paperon time
this week, is the reason the paper is
not i.-sued on time. We trust a like
occurence will not again happn.
Dr. D. Y. K. Dceiing has moved his
ofliee to the residence forineily occu
pied by Mr. Homy Strieker, west of
brewery. Treatment by electricity
when preferred.
The O. S. L. is having considerable
trouble in making connections, since
the fafL time schedule, The O. Ii. it
K. Company's fat time is exceedingly
slow tonietiines.
The Shoshone Journal says: Hon. .1.
'. Coston, of Boi-e valley, this season
product il nO.OUO lbs. of' marketable on
ions on inrce-qiiariers 01 an acre oi
land. Manv of them weighed a pound.
'-New is tlie accepted time said a I
Union voting lady to her much-often f
young man. "Y-e-s," he said as he i
gazed at the clock, felt for his hat, and !
.-talked out into the darkness, wonder
ing what the meant.
It will pay you to spend a half hour
inspecting the goods in Jones Bro's.
store, whether you buy anything or
not. Never before in the history of
Union has such a magnificent assort
ment of holiday goods been od'ered for
Not till this itsue, have wo mentioned
the fact, that a woman tramp has tram
ped all the way from Canada to and
thiough Oregon, and was finally arrest
ed and decided to be, by competent
judges who claim to know, non, com
pas mentis.
Stock is being rapidly subscribed to
the Union woolen mill enterprise, and
work will be commenced on the building
as mioii as practicable. The building
of this manufactory will result in great
benelit to Union and surrounding
country. La Grande Gazette.
From a Corvallis paper we learn that
John Wyatt, who lives near Corvallis
Benton county, thinks he has struck a
bonanza in the shapoof a coal bed, and
possibly a natural gas reservoir. If it
should prove thus, it would indeed be
......I ....I ....i.. f. ,.. i.:... I.... r. ..
the town of Corvallis which is
only about a mile.
u neu tne saie, mat wan iifceu on tne i
steamer Telephone recently burned
iear Astoria, was opened, the contents
f j ,' . . i. ..ii.. i .i ,.
we i-o
dition. Tlie coin was: reduced to bul- I
lion and the currency burned to a '
crisp. Had they have used a "Victor"
.-afo this would not have occured. !
Profit by the experiencu of others and
secure one immediately. Sold on easy
terms. F. M.Slocuni, Agt., Union, Or.
We notice a marked improve men
in the gener..l makeup and tone of the
La Grande Journal muoo its change of
proprietorship. Last week it gave this .
place something like a recognition, and
cud it iianiifcomeiy. 1 lie Journal may
rest atured that to long at it is dis
posed to treat us with friendliness, wo
ahull he glad to return it. Wo .iesiro
to be frien.lly with all, and hope that a
friendly feeling may exist between the
two place.
Mi M.Kit. In Antelope valley. Uuu. '.'nd.
17, 10 U.o uliouf UuiM. V. Miliur, u ton.
MITfHKIJ. - 1 1 AnttJono vlly. Doe Ut.
l-7. t.i tlu tt.fc oi J. N. Mltohvll, n
uiui jojt "ia l.-. uif.muum ii.rin.uiu? iwuga
Social Scintillations.
rninKtnpliA IVi tnlnlnc. rrlncli-Mly, to
the I't-rrRi lnatliiiiN nf the
Everybody has been in town thN
A. J. Ilaekctt now dwellcth in Smo
ky, Idaho.
Mrs. T. II. Foster, of North Union,
i dan.'jetotisly ill.
J. K. Crites returned from the me
tropolis Monday.
Hon. C. M. Jamison, of the Cove,
called on us Monday.
Mr. S. M. Bloom, of the Cove, made
this otliee a visit, Monday.
Several pleasant callers to the Scot.'T
ollice Wednesday evening.
Mr. D. P. McDaniel, of the Cove,
was on our streets Wednesday.
Mr. Geo. W. Ames has been out on
the range looking after nis stock.
Attorney O. F. Hell has so far recov
ered as to be at his ollice again.
Mr. T. G. Cook, sold his 220 acre
ranch near Pig creek, last week, to N.
Parker for .f 1,100.
I larvey Moi eland will leave Sunday
night for Portland, to spend the holi
day's. A sociable will be given this evening,
by the M. K. church, at the residence
of Mr. Thomas Wrignt.
N. I?. Harris, of the Oregon Invest
ment Co. of La Grande, paid Union a
flying business trip, Tuesday.
Thomas J. Chandler, of Indian val
ley, was in Union Thursday, on his
way homo from Baker county.
A social dance will be given at the
club hall on Friday, Dee. Kith 1S87.
Everybody cord. ally invited to attend.
Mr. James Galloway is at present
acting as night, eleik at the Centennial
hotel. Travelers will find Jim much
of a gentleman.
Amos K. Jones the ofl'-duty editor
of this papir, was elected as one of the
city dads. He will make an eflicient
Miss Hettie Stevenson, who is at
! I"'1''111 "ttt-ntling school in Union,
I 11 . i.i .i. .mi... :.i. i
will spend the holidays with her par
ents, at Elgin.
John A- Myers, a pioininent. demo
cratic politician of Clackamas county,
has been appointed U. S. narshal for
Oregon, b; President Cleveland.
Dr. Clements, formerly of Summer
villi, in this county, is now in jail at
linker City, having been brought back
from the penetentiary to have a new
Mrs. O.'F. Ilell had the misfortune
to sprain her ankle quite badly, incon
sequence of which she has been con
fined to her loom for several days past.
Married. At La Grande, Mr. .John
T. Williamson, of Union, and Miss
Winnie Wilkinson, of La Grande, last
Thursday morning; Rev. W. Ii. Tow-
ell ofliieiating.
Luther Lloyd, Wm. MeKiunell and
Gto. Brown, of I'ine valley, were in Un-
I ion, i UPtiiiiy, on uieir way 10 ia
I Grande to make tinal proof on their
! land claims. They reported it snow.
. . ., . f. ,,.
m1 UU' ' 1U-'
I Mr. Met.lei and familv arrived lionl
northern California. They eamje over
land with teams, prepared to stay
wherever the country suited them.
They will remain in Union county for
the present. Mr. Met.ler is a brother-
in-law of I). B. Rees, of tiiis city.
Mr. J. W. Kennedy, who was elected
mayor of the City of Union, at the re
cent city election, is ably qualified to
perform the duties of that jniportant
ollice. Although it is not a very re
munerative position, it requires a man
of good sound sense and one alive to
the inerests of our town. In Mr.
Kennedy we have a man of this kind.
Eleven box cars ran into a caboose
car at the depot Saturday evening,
making quite. -i wreck. W. H. McCoy,
brakeinan was caught under a carload
of wheat, ahd bystanders and eye wit
nesses at first thought he was dead.
He was dug out and found to be uniu
juied with the exception of a bruised
foot. His escape from instant death
was miraculous. Kant Oregon'tan.
Frank Bro's. .Implement Co., of
Island City, are now prepared to sell
wagons, buggies, hacks, or any other
articloof farm implements and machin
ery at lower rates than ever before sold
in Eastern Oregon. They guarantee
all goods they sell. Try them. 11
Tug Bust Stivuiu tbe world for Cuts,
Hniif-Cf, fcores, Ulcers, Salt Kbuiua. Kcvcr
Sorts, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cliilblains.
c.,...,.. ..n ii.:.. I.--. ..,.!.... i.
i , . ,, ' . ,
'1.V cured 1'iles, or no pay required. It is
guarantee.! lo give pcncci suiistattion or
mowy refunded. Prlc-a 'J5 cents pi r box.
For Sale at V'riglit's drugstore.
.,., r,
At Occ itlcntnl Hall, Summcrville, Or,
Friday lies, 23, '07.
No jiaiu-i will be j-jmrod to make this
a grand u flair, and thu event of the
; 'Relets, $2.50.
All arc cordiully iiivitedt '
MorOLL-BROS, - Propriotoftf.
N'SW Tills; lil.k.
Strayed or Stolen.--!? 10.00
j He ward.
One brown hure, four jcar old. pist,
i branded K7B 1 will pay the" aboe r.-ward
I for tlic623 delivery of t behove, oil lir to
' an at t'oiiiucopia, or tn NeU Murray. Pino
taller, i.i'i i. in;iu l i.i. r,u,
j "('orinieopia, Piiinii i iniiity, (irocon. ,
'.Strayed or Stoten.--'30.00 1
i Reward. j
One bueloMn col red liorM 7 year old.
sE-jFROM NOW UNTIL JAN. 1st, 1887,
ripht 'boulder. .
Take Notice. A WfiVi y IMffllUili ulUiUjR
The cliool tn. for dbtric! No. 5 ii nuw , t
!gl'?iIIE!(lall Early to Get tlie Benefit of tins Offer.
Itc. Sth. 1S7.
Ork I
1 Mrs. Summers has just received ill
reet from Chicago, a large invoice of
Lsueh as 1JOLLS. LADIlvS' and CII1L
DKH.VS KU US, etc.
q Iilcgant Prizes to lie o 1
O "(iiven Away. O
I tling him to n chance to draw one or '
S'mirrv ltl 'I'.i Kr -1 1 I iiin
Drawing to take place Decenibe
at o clock p. m.
10 tataii
A. J. GOODBROD, 1'rop.
i The Leading Hotel of
Eastern Oregon.
Everytliiiijr New am! First
Class Throughout.
The table always supplied With
the best ahe market affords.
! tions for Commer-
Charges RsaspnabSe.
,t .V. U.UtDXL'Jl CO.,
AVaichmakoi's & Jcvclors,
And dealer In
Spectacles, 1-ye Glasses, Gold
1'ens, Watches Clocks,
Jewelry, etc.
Main Street, .... I'nion. Oregon.
Herman Waldeck,
Sunimerville, - - Oregon.
Has arrived; this time with an assort
ment of Christmas gifts, unequalled
in variety.
Christmas and New
Year's Cards,
PLUSH and Leather Toilet Cites,
Fine afsortrnent of Toys, Dolls, Blocks,
Horses, Sleighs, Trumpets, Tops.
Wagons, etc., etc., too numer
ous to mention.
Christmas Confection
ary in Abundant
Finest Ctgara Constantly on hand.
II. WALDECK, Sunimerville.
$509,000.00 to Loan on
First Class Security,
From One to Five Ye irs Time, at a law
Hutu of Interest, A No lluyn, Sella
mid Itciis Prop -rty for
MNon-rold.-nK t
To lc Invtstodon Guaranteed Security.
All Collections Promptly
Attended to Without Delay.
F. F. BAKkR,
To Close Out
ffjfiT" Parties indebted to me will
' costs. My books must be closed up
- !
- , yyyUa
Knn rnc:ciniPrf
Winter Flannels,
Fine Lino of
..-c--jiv MY
JvMvSlt fimm
The Best Selected Stock of
f X VI tJ 'J V lUUW
AitCTlCS & OVliKfiilOJiS
To he J(1hiu in the city,
Just arrived' direct from the East
Crockery, (iiiite-iron, Fooflen,
The finest stock of shelf hardware in town.
Call ad Examine my Goods and Priees.
Jos. Wright - - - - Union, Or.
Factory, Racine, Wisconsin. Branch. Portland, Oregon.
Carriages, Buggies,
Eoad Carts, Spring Wagons, etc.
mm mm m
ill Kail
Winter M,
ple.iee .ettle at once, to save trouble and
by the nd of the year.
ai nu uis u
Worsted Goods,
of all Descrin-
3B Hons.
f at 20c. a yard
Gloves just in
MM IMrlor 0
mi m
H eat i ne
Is the Kinoht Ever Brought to
Union County.
Call and Examine Them.
or and Dculerh in
Phaetons, Buckboards