The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 02, 1887, Image 8

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the medicine can etriku the upper part
of tho Rtomnch, where thoy work, will them to cenpo their attacks; that
linsoctl oil will kill theni, etc. As this
is a subject that interest all farmers
anil etockmon, perhaps somebody will
enlighten us and give tin f omo Kunsiblc
rcafon?. At present to sec is to bo
convinced And we have no doubt tho
botls do kill.
County Supt. J. L. liimliimn recent
ly jnifecii through our valley, and, if
we are rightfully informed, ul the res
idenco of Mr. Ieiiiicj Lloyd, where he
stopped, he made the insertion in tho
presence of Mr. Lloyd and others that
the "Teachera in district No. 30, 1'ino
valley, never had any ccrtiticatcu."
As tlioro has never been but two teach
ers in Ihia ditdrict much it was orgnn
ized as a nehool district, nnd as I (have
to fall back to tho pronoun I for a
time) happen to bo one of thone teach
ers, I feel it unjiibt, to Kiibmil without
a word, to such a ttutemcnt. My cer
tificate upon which I taught in dist
rict No. HO, one year ago, is a. lirtt
grade certificate', granted by F. 13. Col
lins Co. Supt. to my maiden name of
Alliu McCoinaK, with a general average
of 92 (only c.0 is required) and re
newed by Btipt. Hindman, and held
good until May 22nd J8S7, since which
time I have not taught. The directors
oral least Hie ono who liiicd mo to
teach taw my certificate, and any
other parties wishing to be convinced
may do to by calling at my homo, and
may ulto see others granted by Itov. O.
Hampton Co. Sunt, of .lohntou county
Iowa; l'rof. l'nmii, of Iowa State Uni
versity ; others in Oregon granted by
White, L. .1. House, Terry Tuttle,
J. T. Outhouse and Frank Collins, and
two from tome of them, and only ono
second class in the whole bunch that
given me when I was only sixteen and
had never taught, and it was not cus
tomary, so the Mipcrintendont said, to
give a fiist class to one to young. Up
on that certificate I did not teach.
Mr. Hindman must have a very thoi t
memory, to forget, to easily what cer
tificates ho grants or renews and by
the way in all my teaching, and I have
taught in Iowa, all over (hand Hondo
valley, in La Grande, Oro Dell and
Union, 1 never had but one other cer
tificate renewed. If our Co. Hupt.
would visit the schools in Pine a
thing ho has never done although the
law requires it ho would know more
about them. Mr. Sturgill being the
other teacher alluded to, can speak for
himself, which, as he is not lacking in
tho ttao of either tongue or pen, he h
competent to do. Wo doubt not he
has a good certificate. Mr. McKinnell
who taught here before tho district
was organized, does not, perhaps, come
under the Co. Kupt's indictment, but if
he dooB ho iB abundantly' able to an
swer it, being a line scholar, hh you
Mr. Editor, being in receipt of com
munications from him, can testify.
And now having already taken up
moro space than wo anticipated, we
bog your forbcaranco while wo touch
on ono more subject and we have done.
There seems to be a mistaken idea
innong some seemingly privilcdged
characters here, viz; Tliat a man can
not fence up his farm if he happens to
fence up an old cow trail, that was
EOinotimoH used by wagons, running
across his land. Acting. on this idea
tome party or parties have made free
to cut down and lay down fences, this
summer, wherever they saw lit. As it
happened to bo an unused pasture
nothing was said, but when those fen
ces are replaced in the spring' parties
so trespassing will be promptly attend
ed to. One would think that tho law
of common sense was sulTicicnt to
teach them onto icfpect for the rights
of other people, but it fccius miiiio
thing is lacking. More anon,
Mhs. Alice M. I)i:.nky.
flj-JiS.'x. A. Q Ali HEN,
Fashionable' Dressmaker,
Opiitlcnii'ti's clothing made, and all Kinds
of 'tulloring, utciiiiiiig and rnpait lug done to
Centennial lilock, Main Kt.. Union, Or.
Truiua arrive and depart from Union
daily, as follows.
nST hoi'np,
Passenger No. (1, L've
at t :' 2 a in
Freight. No. 1(1, L'vi
at 2 ( I a. in.
Passenger, No. 5, L've
at 11 23 p m.
Freight, No. lb, L've
at 7 1ft a. in.
Tirk'rr'0 and from principal points
1 1V.JVL. 1 O h t))0 ,jllu,a )nU.a Canada
mid liuropr.
Elegant PiVi"" Cars.
Emigrant Sleeping Cars Uun Through
on Express Trains to
and ST. PAUL
Free of Charge and Without Change.
Clou vouuectious at Portland for Ban Fran
cisco and Pugvt Bound points.
For further particulars inquire of uny
Agentof the Company orof A. L. Maxwell,
. P. tT. A., Portland, Oregon.
1110 W l'OHTI.ANli.
Leaving at 12Mldn't.
as follows:
riiou sn nAcll.
L'v'ng Bpcar st. wli'
at 10a. m. as follows:
( "oliunbla. Hi.t.Nov.l'.T
diegon. Frl. Nov. 11
Orecon. Wed. .. 1
rftate, Tutmlay 1ft
I'oluinbia, Bat. .. Ill
Htatc. Bnnday It v
(.luinbla. Tliur.. 2!
Oregon. Wed. ,. 2:t
ilate. Bnnday ,. 27
Oregon. Monday , Si
Male, i-nuay ucc. ;
.t..i.....i.i.. it... a.. .
Col'u.. Thurs. Dec. 1
ijimiuiiMii, iiiii. ,,
Oregon, Mou. ,. fi
The compMiiy rfervc.s the right to change
HicHiiiurn ur r.iiniiu uun.
Ovn'l MMiuiiier. l 0. P. it T. A,
IJ. L, IVUXOy, Afc-crif. I'nRin.
fVUIMMWWlllllilil.illll II H HI """Ill
In the County fouit of Union County,
InStho matter of the 1'rnliae of the lint
will and testament of Jishua Weaver, do-
To Rachel C. Hault, Frank T. Walker.
Ida Walker, I.cnatd Walker. Ray Walker
and Joshua Walkert
Whereas, Joel Weaver bai hied in the
County Court of Cnion county, Oregon, lit 4
petition pravlng for tins probate of an In
strument In writing, purporting to bo the
last will and testament of Joshua Weaver,
deceased, and
Whereas, the said eoiirt ha :et the next
regular term oi saiu coire. m wi.; mi: ,m ,
day of .I.muiiry. A, I). l.'8. for the hearing
of tile ame. .ow. luereiore, tu wiu numi:
of the State of Oregon,
You and each of you are commanded to
appear at the next recular term of said
County ('our' of Union county, Oregon,
to wit: on the .".rd dny of January, A. I),
l&ffl, and show cause. If any the c.hs. why
said instrument slml! not he admitted to
probate on the lan will mid testament of
Joshua Weaver, deceased, and lctteis of
administration listied to Joel Weaver the
executor therein named.
And, such of you ax are under the age of
twentv-one years, will ti k- notice that if
you fail to apply to said court and have ap
pointed for you n gnaidfmi ad litum, to ap
pear for vou Mt siiid hearing, the said court
will appoint such guardian to so appear for
And, vou will further tak'! notice that if
yon so fail to appear and show rmic, an
order will he made arlnf till g "aid Instil
meat to p-ohnte lis the last vr.ll ol s.ild
Joshua Weaver, deceased
Wi.ncs tho Hon O. P. Oocdall, county
judge of Union county. Oregon, with the
si al of said county court affixed this 30.h
davof November, A. I). 1337.
Attest: (sea i.)
A. T. NHIbL,
County Clerk.
This citation I published hv order of the
llon.O. 1'. (lond.ill, county judg-of I'nlon
county, Oregon, made this 20th dav rt No
vember, 1837. A. T. N I'M Lb,
12-2-wS County Clerk.
Timber Lmi.l. Act .fun3, 1878.
I'i,r Publication,
Nut liii
S. Land OmcE. La CJitAHnr. Ortr.ooN.I
Ndveuiiurau. kb, i
Notiee Is hereby given that in coinp.iapce
wiih the provisions of the act of CougiCH
t .lone 3. 187'lleiititlcd "An act t r the sale
of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon. N( v ida and Washington Territo
ry.' ONNSI.ME LKSAOK of Union, Conn
tv of Union. State ef Or'gon, Inn this day
filed in this olllee his sworn statement No.
1(1, for the pur. base of the NWtf NRJf of
Section No. It), in Township No. 1 .South,
Range No. 41 Kast, and will offer proof to
show that the hind nought is ni'irc valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultu
ral purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Hecilver
of this olllee at Li Grande, Oregon, on
Monday the 13th day of February, 1S88.
lie names as witnesses: Louts Leniere,
Potter. Henry Mayott. aud Knierv
Mayott, all of Union. Oregon Any and all
persons claiming adverse y the above-described
Iniids are n quested to llle their
claims in this i.flli'c on or before said 13th
dav of February, 1188.
12-2 wlO ltegittcr.
under and by virtue of an execution
and order of sale bulled out of the Circuit
court of thii State of Oregon, for Union
rounty, to me direeted and delivered, bear
ing date of November 17, 1S87, upon a judge
ment an' decree of foreclosure rendered in
said eoiirtonthc27th.davof December, 188J
in favor of Florindu Chandler, PIIL mid
against Daniel Chandler and J. W. Kennedy
Defts., requiring me that out of the proper
ty hereinafter described and deeiibinl in
said dicvee, I make tho sum of $8I7.j0 with
interest thereon since December 27th, 18S(i.
at 10 per cent, per annum., and the further
sum of $30,0!) cost, and accruing ciMi.
And, whereas, by s.ild execution and de
cree it was ordered that I e'l the follow
ing deM'ilhcd propcrt v to wit : The Whlf,
ofrtieNWqr. and the N W qr. of the HW qr.
of Bee. 10, Tf 1 N, K. 10 K. W. M.. in Union
eountv, Oregon. Therefore 1 will sell, on
Tuesday, (he 27th day of December, 1 887,
at 2 o'clock P. M. of said ilay, at public
auction, at the court limine door in said Un
ion county, all thcright, tith and interest
which the said Daniel Chandler and . I. W.
Kennedy had in or lo snld premises on or
after the 27th day of December, 188(1,
Terms of sale, cash to me in hand,
Dated at 8herlir olllee tub 2M day of
Nov., 1887.- A. N. HAMILTON,
Hherlfl'of Union county, Oregon.
By J. T. Willinm-on, Deputy. 11 2ft.
Liu OrricK at La CliiANnic, Orfoik.
CliiANnic, Oaro in. 1
October 2fl. 18.7. J
J-i the following-nuimd setthr his Hied
notice of hN intention to make limit proof
In Nuppori of his claim, aiu that said proof
will be made before the register and rieei
verat La (Iraiidc. Oregon, on Dec. 8, 1817,
viz: LUTHKH LOYD, lid. No. 2078, lor
theS HWSec, 11 and N NW Sic. 14.
Tp. 8 B, It W K, W. .M. lie names the fol
lowing witiussrs to iirove his continuous
residence upnn, and eultivattdiu of, said
lnnd.vh: Wildain McKinnell. Cleorge W.
Brown. Charles Fee. and Job I'mlii. all
I of Pine Valley, Oregou.
10-28-w(i. Belster,
Land Onicc at I.a GitANnn, Ouraoj,(
October 25, 1W. I
the foUownic-naniM Jeit'er ha-i filed
' Unties of his intention to make dual proi f
1 In supiiort ot his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the register and rorel-
verat La Grande, Oregon, on Pee. 8, 18-t7,
No. 1M2I. for the SVj NW and N4 BW Bee.
33. Tp. 7, B. K -1(1 li, W. M. IK namei the
following wltiiuies to prove hlsc.'iit lnu us
reddence upon, and cultivation of, hi. Id
land, vit: William .M( Kmnell George W.
Brown, Loul b'loiry, and Jacob Diake, all
of Pine Valley. Oregon.
10-2S-W6. Ueglsttr.
Cornucojjla, Union county, Or.
1$. C. WAIUNNKH, Frop'r.
The oidy.tlrst class hniihfl in the eninp.
No pains spared to make guestM coinfoi ta
ble. Charges Reasonable.
Orirans ..w,, M'-ittTi !Vkj
FR0M $50 TO $100 5AVBD
On the puivhthc of an Iiistrument, by
Inn-ljrg rtuvu-h W T. WKHUIT.
A.Vnt, UrihJil. OAVun.
Application for n U. S. Patent, fcurvcy
Mi 12. Claim No. -50 A. and 40 B. M.n-
cral upplicatiou No. HI.
U. ti. Lam) Omit, La Grande, Oncno.s.l
Nov. 23. 1887.
Notice is hereby given that C. M. Banger,
xthuw post-ollleo address Is Bparta, Union
eountv, Oi egcn, this day filed Ids ap
plication for a patent for the ''Nellie Grant"
quaitz lode, and the "C. T. B.adey Mill
bite." sdiiialtd in the l'ouith mineral dis
trict in J ownchip 7 South, Bange43 East,
W. M.. the quarts lode being described by
the oUieial p. tits and field uotej ou Ilia in
this otllcc, a i follows, to wic:
Beginning at a post from which the eir.
totces. 2, 3, 10, 11, T. 7 B, It. 43 E; bins
B.W deg. 22 mill. W. 112SJ feet diat., post
being marked "t or. No 1 N O M (J Bur No
12;" thence N 73 deg. 12 mill, K. 1S65 feet to
a post marke l "Cor No2 N G M C Bur No
12;' thence N 8 Ocg, li (.00 feet to a post
marked "Cor No 3 NO Ml Bur No 12;"
thence B 73 deg. 12 min. W. 135ft feet to a
postmarked "Cor No 4 N G M C Bur No
12;" thence B. 8 deg. W. OX) feet to the
place of beginning, containing 21.99 acres.
Location I refolded in Vol, D, page
9J. rtcord-j of quint, locallom. Unio.i
coiintv, Ongon. Adjoining claims are the
"Buffalo'' quuitz lode on the west and the
"Apex" and "Augusta" quartz lodes on
thf north.
The mill site being described by the offi
cial pl.tts aud lit 1.1 notes on tile in this
ofllc.'. as follows, to wit: Beginning at a
post from whl h Cor. No. 1 of the "Nellie
Grant' lode, bears N. 73 deg. 31 min. li.
3170 leit ilist., po.i being marked "Cor No
1 II.M B Bur No 12;'' running W.3S0
Ice! to ii post marked "Cor No 2 B M B Sur
No 12;" uicnee B. IKJ0 feet to a post marked
"Cor No 3 B M B Bur No 12;' thence li.
350 feet to a po,t marked "Cor No 4 B M B
hur No 12;'' thence N. i'fi feet to place of
beginning, and containing five aerc Ad
joining Ciaims arc ihe "Hull'alo Mid Site"
on the ca-t,
Any and nil persons claiming adversely
anv poitioii of said 'Nellie Grant" quartz
lode, or theC T. Uradley Mill Hue. above de
scribed, ale required to tile thuir advere
claim with the regUttr of the U. B. Land
CillKeat I.a Granue. Union county. Oregon,
during the sixty day.s period of publication
hereof, or ihey will ue barred by virtue of
the piovi.iioiiii of the statute.
IlEMCY Ri.ncuaut.
It is hereby ordered that thj foregoing
iioucj of appl. cation lor a U.B, patent be
published lor a period of CO days (ten con
secutive weeks) in Tin: Ouluon scout, a
weekly ncwpajcr published at Unicn, in
U nil iii couutv, Oregon, ,
Ilr.NRY HiNriiAirr.
Application for a U. B. Patent. Survey
Su. 13. Claim No.41. A. and 41 B. Min
eral application No. 1)0.
U. is. Land Office, La Grande, Or
t Nov. 23, 1887.
Notice Is he-rebv given that C. M. Ban
ger. whose post olllee address is
Buarta. Union county, Uregon, has this
day liin.l his application for a patent for
the "Jiurialo" quartz lone, ami tne liuuaio
Mill Bite, Minuted in the i'ourth mineral
district, in Tp. 7 B. Kange 43 K Willamette
meridian, the quartz lode being described by
the ullieiai piats aud field notes on tile in
this olllee,' as follows, to wit;
Beginning at a peft from which, the cor.
to sections 2,3, 10 and 11 T 7 B It 43 12. biars
B Hi deg 21 min W 1321 feet distant;
post being marked "Cor No 1 B M C Bur No
13;" thence., running Kast K6 feet to a
not marked "Cor No 2 B M C Bur No 13:"
thence north 8 deg li 1350 feet to a po.t
narked "Cor iNuii is.Mi. hur .No l.J; tnence lift fctt to a post marked 'Cor
No 4 B M U Bur No 1.1;" thence S 8 deg
W 13M feet to the place of beginning, and
containing 4.45 Location being re
corded in V"ol I), page 400 recordR of quartz
locations, Union county, Oregon. Adjoin
ing claims are the "Nellie Grant" atid
"Apex" lodes on the cast, the "Bummit" on
west and th.-'Mtob Boy" lode on the north.
The in, II site described by the otll
eiat plats and lielil notes on Wile in this
lUce as follows, to wit: Beginning at a
point f i out which the cornel' No. lot the
"Bullalo'' lode claim, bears N 70 deg. 43
min. li 27l;l leet dist; running thence Went
3J0 feet; thence B iiith 0 JO feet; thence Kast
3i0 feet: thence North (iGO feet to the place
of beginning, and containing five acres.
Adjoining ciaims are Ihe C. T. Bradley
Mill Bite tin ihe Woit,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
nuv portion of said ''Buffalo" quartz
lode or the Buffalo Mill Bite above
described, are required to tile their
udvirso claim with the register of the U. B.
laud olllee at Li Grande, Union eountv,
Oregon, during t lie. sixty day.s period of pub
lieu Ion hereoi, or they will be barred by
virtue of the piovislousof the itatute.
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice ot application for a U. B. Patent be
published lor a period of six.y d.iys (ten
eoiihecuthc weeks) in the Okkoon Bcout, a
weekly newspaper pubdshed at Union, in
Union county, Oregon.
12-2-wlO ltegittcr.
Tlntbur l.anil, ,Wu .Itino II 1878. Notice
l'ur publication.
U.B, LANnOrncu, La GitAN-m:, Okkoon. 1
November 20 1887.
Notice is hciehy given that in compliance
with the provisions of ihe act of Congress
of June 3, 1.178, entitled "An act for the hale
of timber lauos in ihuBtutei of California,
Oiigon Nevada, and Washington Territo
ry," JOHN iSiODDAHD, of North Pow
der, County of Union, State of Oregon, has
tuis thed in this office his fcworn state
ment No. 1 1, for the puiehasc of the NW!h
aw' Jib1s's N Wi and Lot 4, of Btctlon
No.' J, in Township No. "South, HangcNo.
3 i Kast, and wid oiler proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, aud to cstaiulsh his claim to taid
land before the Begister and Receiver of
thisotlleeat LaGrandeOr. on Saturday th
4th dav of Fehiuary, 1888. He names as
witmV'tK-. Chanes Bidedhour. Stewart wU
liams, William Maliarry and John Hen
derson, all of Noith Powder, Oregon, Any
and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauiH aio requested to tile
their c alms in this office on or before said
lib day of February lfS8.
Hk.skv Binsiiart,
12-2 w-10 Register.
Timber I.umt, Act June 3, 1H7H.-N.itict
lor I'tiiillvntluu.
U B. l.ANitOmci:, La Gkaniu:. Oiieoon.)
November 0, lt87. (
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
wilh thf nrovisloiiK of the act of Congress
of June 3. IS78, entitled "an act for the tale
of timber lauds in the Btates of Uaiiioruia,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territo
ry.'rCHRlSUAN HliCHGAARDof North
Powder. Count v ol Union. Btatc of Oregon
has this dav tiled in this otllce his sworn
statement No. Hi. for the purchase of tho
BV, NKV and lots l and 2 of Bee 6. Tp. ti
South, auitsK1, BK4if Bcc. No. 32. in Tp.
No, 0 S. R. No. as li, W. M, and will offer
proof to show that the land bougut is more
v.u.iaoie lor It", iiiuuer oraiouo man lor a
ricultund purposes, and to establish his
chum to said land before the Register and
Rtce.ver ol this olllee at La Grunde,
uon, on Saturday the 4th day of Feb. 188.
llcnuiiics as vituttes: James R. fli ki
mn, Btewurt Wdliutns, William Mahurry,
ami John Henderson, all ofNoith Powder,
Ongon, Any and all ptrons claiming ad
vene.)' the abtivu iUoer.bed lands are ic
quoktcd to lilcthelr claims in this office on
or IVfoio ttuid Bhlav of Fobruury, 1888.
Hwiirv KiNiatift
r.'-V'W Pufeh-fir.
siirmrr-H sai.h.
under and by vi tuc of an executinn
and order of salo isiuedoiitof thcCiicuIt
,t nt .1. ., Utntu nt DriM-nn. for l.'lll ill
county, to me directed and delivered, bear
log date of October h, iea, upon. juoge
mcnt and order of sale, rindercd in said
court on the 28th dav of B 'ptemb.-r, BS7.
In f.vnr nl VrKll Vl.ltinp. I 'I ft". 1111(1 IieTalllS;
John Nodine, Deft, requiring me that out
of tne niopeny nercii'n-u'r ii(.ncriiieu no
difccribed in said e.tecutlo.i. I make the
sum of $:'3!.0J with interest from April C.b,
1.VG at ihe rat ' of 8 ntr ce t. p r aniU 'i,
and tht furlht r sum of '311.44 wl h inter
est from June 18ih. 18 6 at 8 percent, per
annum., and ibffur'hersum of 07 .:0wi'h
lntereU froth the 2tth. day of June, 1830
at 8 percent, per annum, and the tU'ther
sum of $31.02 costs iiiurdldjurscinDnts mid
acvruelng coit. Aud, whereas, by laid
judgement and execution it was ordered
that the following described j ropcrty he
sold, to wit: The BWK of Bee. 0. Tp. 4 B.
B. OK. W.M, in Union county, Oregon;
therefore. I will sell, on Monday, the fith.
dav of Dee. 18S7, at2o'clock P. M. of said
day. at public Auction, at the court house
door in Union eountv, all the right, title
utidinterest which the taid De't, John No
dine, had on or after the 10:h day cf June,
1887, in or to taid property
Terms of sale.c ish to tne in hnnd.
Dated at BheriiPt office this 22nd. day of
October, 1S87.
11-4 A. N. HAMILTON,
Sheriff of Union county, Oregon.
To whom It may concern.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of sale made and entered by tho
County court of the 8tate of Oregon, for
Union county, on the 0th day ol November,
1887. the undersigned, admlniitrato- of the
estate of HHrvcy Mvem, will on the 12th
div of December. "1887, at the hour of 2
o'clock, P. M. at the court house door in
the town of Union, Union eountv. Oregon,
sell to the highest bidder at publ'c outcry,
thefollowingdcicribed real estate of the es
tate of Harvev Myers, deceutcd, to be sold
in the fel owing 'parcels, viz: The of
theBWof Bee 10, Tp. 1 Booth ot Range
33 li. W. M. lo b 4 acres and (0 rods in the
soutbe ist co iter thereof, 10 rods east and
and west and 70 rodi nnrdi and tooth, in
one pared; and the WX f the BW' of
said Bee. 10, In one parcel; and the EJ4 of
Ihe NWV. of ni.& suction 10, in ooupatcel.
Teims of tale, 85 per cent, cash in hand,
and balance on six months time, with in
terest at 10 per cent, per annum, to be se
cured by mortgage on the premises.
Union, Ongon, Nov 0th, 1887.
l.M 1 A Q t-ITIIV
Lakd Office at La Grasdb, Oreoox,!
November 15, lf87. f
Notice Is hreby given that th following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and le.-elver at La Grande,
Oregon, on January 5th 1888. viz: II UN BY
BAUER, Hd. No. 1773. for the B hlf, BW
Bcc. 11 and W hlf. NW Sec 11, Tp. 6. S.
R. 33 E, W. M. He names the following
witnesses to prove hit continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz:
John N. Nice, Thomas O'Bryant, John Bi
monis.aud J. W. Kimbrell, all of North
Powder, Oregou. Hlnky Rikkiiaht.
11-13-wO. Begister.
Lakd Ovpice at La Gm.voF, Oreoon,)
November 4, 18S7. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will bo made be
fore the regiitcr end receiver at L-i G'ande.
Oregon, on Dee. 21, 1887, viz. HANNAH
M. RICHARDSON, Hd. No. 31 1(1, for tho
WX 8K, and SK BW Bee. 23 and NK NW
Bee. 27 Tp. (, 8, B. 33 E, W. M. He names
the following vl. losses to prove his contin
uous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz: John IJager, John Davis,
Miles Lee, and James FilUinson, all of
North Powder, Oregon.
Henry Rinehakt,
ll-ll-w6 Register.
Lakd Orncc at La Grande, Okf.c.on,)
October 25, 1887. I
the following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to mako final proof
in support of his claim, and thatsaid proof
will be made before the repi?tcr and recei
ver at La Grande, Oregon, on Dec. 7. 1387,
viz: GEORGE W. BROWN. Hd. No.
2490, for the NENW. WJNE. NW BE
Bee, 31, Tp. 7 8, R 46 E, W M. He nnmes
the following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon, a-id cultivation of,
sa'd land. v: Freeman Btecle. Willi uu
McKinnell. James B. Scott, and Ezra Cana
dy, all of Pine Valley, Oregon.
IIrnby RlNEnARI,
10-23-wG. Register.
Lakd Otkick at La Grande Orf.oon,!
October 2). 1SS7. I
the following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final proof
In support of his c'aiin, and that said proof
will be made before the regi-terond recei
ver at La Grande, Oregon, on Dec. 7. HS7,
3KJ9, for the BW NE. BE NW, NK SW and
N W BE Bcc. 8. Tp. 8 B, B 40 E, W. M. II i
names the following witiUKS.'s to prove his
continuous re-idence upon, and cul.ivatioii
of, said land, viz: F ee Steele. Junes
R. Bcott, George W. Brown, and Luther
Uyd, all of Pino Valb-v, Oregon.
10-23-wG. ' Register.
All psrvms hiving claims against the es
tate ot Bimon Miller, dcc eaed. are h 'reby
notified to presedt the same wilh the propjr
Vouchers, dulv verlfl !, to the undersigned
executors of said e-.u:a, or either of them,
at Union. Union county, Oregon, within
si.T months from the date of thlsnotioe.
Dated at Union, Oregon, thl 9th dny of
November. 18S7. Cuaruh S. Miixkr,
Baraii Auk Wilson,
and Nklbok Bchoonovkk,
IMl-wS Execu'ors.
Guanllan Sola of Itcal Clat.
NoUre Is hereby given tint In pursuance
of an order of tho County court of Union
eountv, Bute of Oregon, sitting in probate,
made on the 10th day of October, 1687. in
the matter of the estate and guardianship
of the persons and estate of Ada M. Sall
burv and Valentine BaUsbury. minors, the
undersigned, guardian of said estate and
mluors, will sell nt public auction, to tho
highest bidder, for ensh, and subj.'ct to
continuation bv al I County court, on Sat
urday, ths 10th day oi December, IW, at
2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at
the Trout door of tho court house iu tho city
of Union In said Union county, State of
Oregon, all therlnht, title an I Interest and
estate of tho sail Ada M. Ballsbury a-id
Valentine Balisbury. m nors that they now
have in snd to all that certain real tstav
described as follows, to wit. The Bfc of
8ec 31, Tp. 2 S, R. iO K, W. M, in Union
ttAtint... lllfl'Aflf rkff.tin.
Terms of sale: Cash iu hand on day of
fate; need mi expense oi p.ircu-iicr.
Dated at Union. Oregon, this lOUi day of
li- w3 onrdfOTk
Lsd OFru-r. at Lv unviir., Onrroy.t
Octob r 2,. H7. i
Notice in birc' y elvc i ih a the fol -win-named
c tier I a liltd no i e ot his in en
tloti to ra.ike fina pr f i i u 'port i f liiJ
c laim, mid u.t -aid p oof wil. u.- made be
fore the r. gis er mid nc iver nt Li O-aml-,
Oregon on uc-, l", i.". viz; hi-..iami '
F. LATHB )V, D. B. No. 7-M. f-r the Lot
No. 1 Bi c 2. and Lot 3 nd 4 a w
sw i I n f,N 1! 1 1 K. W M IT n.iuitM
ihe fo.l "I i es es t p: o hi "ontm
uou lC'ihiee upon, mid 'u iv it"n i'.
sail land viz: A. Co 'rd. G. W. ft m
mo'i". ra. Muir iy. e. d L a R'-birtsj i,
all of Hi li Vahci. O'og n.
11-i-wO. ltejiliter.
Timber Ljn.l, Act June 3, 187S.--N(.tlci
' for l'tilillcatloii.
U. B. Land Office, I.k Git kde. OnroiN,l
November 12, 18 7.
Notice i hereby given that in eomp'ianie
with the provisions of tiieactof Concre-is
of June 3, 1,7S, entitled "An act f-n the sa'e
of timber hmd in tho Btatis of Ca ifurnia.
Oroion, Nevada, and Wadi ng Ttrn.o
rv," ADAM NEI I.BON, of Nor, h P.iwd.-r,
('ountvol Union, .Mate of Oregon, ha" this
dav filed in this olllee li s sworn statement
No". 11, for the puichae of the S hlf. NW
or. Sec. 8. and ICh:f. NE qr. of BcUion No.
7, in Towndrp No. 0 Bouth, Range No. 38
East, and will offer protf to show that the
landsoughtis more vahieble for its timber
or stone than for agriculiu al pirpocs. and
to establish his claitn to said and before the
rcglstor and receiver of this i fli e at La
Grande, Oregon, on Baturdav. the 2'th day
of Janua-v. 1888. He names as witncssis :
Win. Eecles. Jacob S ietibaugh, Win. L.
Burrows, and John Stoddard, all of Telo
easet, Oregon. Anv and all persons claim
ing adversely Ihe noovc-dcerlbed lands are
requested to file thmr eluims In thin olllee
on or bi-forj said 28th day of Jai.u iry. 18t8.
Uenky Rinehakt,
11-18-wlO Regijter.
Timber Lnnit, Act .lunt- .'I, 15". 8--Jiollcti
r.,r l'lU'Uc.itKu.
U.S. Land OrriiE. La(
La Grandk, Or.nfioN, )
November 7, 1337.
Notice is licreby given thai in c imp i nice
with the providons of .heact ol Conguts of
June 8, 1878, entitled "An act fur tne sale
of thnbtr lam's in ti.e fcta e of Cdifornin,
Oregou. Nevada, and Washington Territo
ry," BTEWAR f WILLIAMS of North
Powder, Coui ty of Union, Btatc of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his sworn
statement 'No 8, for the purchase of the
NJ4 NWJ4 Bee. 8. and til BV'4 of Section
No. 5, in Township No, ti B, Range No. 33
Kast. and will oiler p:o .f to show that the
land sought is more v.i uablc for its timber
or stone than for agrieul ural purposes,
and to his claim to Kid land be
fore the Register an 1 Receiver of lU otllce
at La Grande. Oregon, on Batuidny, the
14th day of January, 1833. He names a
witneAL's: C. A. Bell, 1). II. Btairbsird.
Charles Edwards, an'd Adam Nelson, all of
North Powder. Ongon. Any and all pr
isons claiming adversely the above-described
lands are requested to file ihair claiiui in
this office on or before tal.l 1 1th day of Jan
uary, 1888.
Uenky Rinehaut.
11-11 wlO ' Relder.
Timber Land, Act Junn 3, 1878. Nutlcn
Tor Pulilicntluii.
U. S. Land Okkick, Lv GnNnn, Orcgon,)
November 12, 187. I
Notice is hereby given that In eon pi ance
with the proi hioiis of tho nc; of dngres
of June 3, 187,', entit ed. "An act f r the sale
of timber lauds in the Btates of California.
Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territo
ry," WILL AM ECCLEB, of Tcloeaset
Coun'y of Union. Bta;e i f O cgon, has ih's
dav filed in this otllce his sworn siateinent
Nei. 10, for the purchase of the BE N W Khlf
SW and SE of ftcetion No. 7. iu Towioh p
No, 0B. Range No. 38 E, W. M. and will
oficr proof to show that the laud t-ought 1
nunc valuable for its timber or st"iie than
foragricultti al purpos. s, and to estalll h
his claim to s.ild la id belore the regi-t-. r
and receiver of tliis ollice at La Grande,
Oregon, on Baiurday, the2Sthday of Janu
ary, 1888. lie nami s as witnesses: Adam
Nelson, Jacob Stanb.iugh, Win. L. Bnr
rows, and John Btodartl, all of Telocset,
Oregon, Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely, the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office on
or belore said 28th day of January, 1S8S.
., Henry Rinehaut,
11-18-wlO. Register.
.rt" WaM
11 rubes,
1 anion;,
Stiff Join ti,
Hoof Ail,
Saddlo Galls,
accomf llslico for everybody exactly what U claimed
rorlt. Oao of Uio reasons for tho groat popularity of
tho Mustang I.tutmcnt Is found In Its universal
nvidlca blllty. Everybody npMli uch a mtdlctnc.
Tio I.unibcrmnn needs It In ense ot accident.
Tlio ITiniROwlfo needs It for generalfamtly uie.
The Cannier needs It for his teams and his men.
TUo Jlechaulo uccda It always on his work
Tho Sllnernpettslttncasoof ernrBney.
The I'l o n eel needs It cant get along without 1 1.
Tlio rnrmcr needs It In his house, his sUblr,
iut lils itoclt yard.
Tito Btentubuat man or Ihe nontnmn needs
m liberal tupply afloatando&bore.
Tho ITovsc-faiiclcr netds U It Is bts bes
I'riindaixl safct reliance.
1'lm btocU-crower needs It It frltl avo bla
.Aiiutamls of dutlara and a world ot troubla.
Tlio tlultrnud mau needs It and will need It so
...: as his Kfo Is a round of accidents and dancers.
The IJiicUwoodKiuuii noedslt. There Ucotb It as an antldoto for the dancers to life,
.ioiu and comfort uhtch surround the pioneer.
The 3Ierctiaut needs it about his store among
iu emiOuyrci. Accidents will happen, and when
.heto oomo the Mustang Liniment U wanted at once.
Keopu Ilotllulu tho House. Tlstho bottot
Keep a Ilutllolu thoFnclarr llslmmedUte
m la (taw oi (eldent savoi pain and lost of wait.
(.ecu, v. lljttlo Alwru)-ln lira tiHtWe (at
au TlTen rsut;iL
Thonison &. l'ur.-ul nro ncnt for
Ihe celebrated Cyclone Windilill, and
ns the prices on them have been tfreat
ly letlticetl they me now within the
reach of nil. Sample mill to bo seen
nt their pbincr in North Union. Cull
mid examine it.
rt' ir-e-il. n . J oa w
0;o bcttlo tsken according fa directions
yill give better rcsuttc than a galon ol
Sarsaparilla. or any of the so-called Etooa
Purifiers with which i!w market is jiutled
At Druggists, price $1.00 per bolih.
will La paid for ar.y cast cf'Mn
which Dr. Pardee's Remtdy, property ad
"ninistcrcd. fait- to relieve.
Nervous Exhaustion.
A Few Useful ninta For
Nervous People.
"l am so nervous" Is a Tery common ex
pression, uso 1 by both old and yaung: anel
very few can now be found who arc froo
from nervutif. troubles. We regret to nee
that the malady i i.ipidly Increasing. And
from what cause? There are various reas
ons. It may be because of a low condition
of the general health; the vltillty of the
nervous system is depressed; or from &
want of perfect digestion and atsimlliation
of food, and the vitllhing power of pure,
rich blnod. the nerves arc not properly
strenthened and nour.ihed,and consequent
I' become weak and diseased
There win a time when "nervousness,''
and that class of disease known in nervous
affections, were apparently confined to
ladies; but at the present day it is an un
doubted fact that as large a portion of ner
vous diseases exist among men as among
the geutler fex ; and their di-trt'ssing affects
and lasting and enervating resulte arc a
thousand fold more series, ns they eixtend
to posterity and are productive of a weak
ened and enfeebled race. Nervous and
physical debility, earned by
is a freqbent and distressing disease, Its de
pressing influence being felt alike on botb
sexes and all age. Among the first Sym
plons of this affection are usually a de
rangement of the digestive organs. A feel
of languor will be experienced, and a grad
ual fating of strength, with general weak
ness and pain in the back. More or less ex
biitistation is experienced on waking in the
theuioriiMig. There is often a bad taste in
the mouth; the vision becomes dim, tho .
memoiy Is impaired, and the patient is
troubled with frequent dizziness. Persons
thus affected are often despnndaut. and
nifferfrom gloom and depression of the
mind. The ueivcs btconiei-o wcjkcned
l hat the least excitement or sh ck brings on
a IremiTor trembling, ofttu attended by
I alpatation ef the heart.
Are particularly susceptihlo to nervous
disorders, owing partly to their more
delicate nervous organization and partly
to their sedentary life and consequent
confinement in-doors. Such affections are
attended by rcstlcesuess and nervous excite
mint, anxiety or depression of the mind,
loss of interest in society and the daily af
fairs of life. There Is also loss of sleep;
(he patient on rising in the iporninj-, feel
ing tired, languid and unrefreshed. From .
slight nervous uttacks to hysteria, from situ- 3
pie 'nervousness' to utter prostration,
there are many and varied forms of diseases
of the nervous system none of which should
exist, aud of all of which can be aired by
the use of
Br. MeG's Meily
Which first stimulates thellvcrand kidney'
to he ilthy action, regulatei the d gestiveor
gans, and from the first dose begins IU
work of purif.v ing and building up the worn
out system It produces sweet and healthy
sleep, enriches the blood, and imtmrU tei
the J ale and sallow clucks the glow of
bcslth, brings brlgbtnc?s to tho eye and
elasticity to the tep. More ronl benlfit can
I e derived from one hnlf doxen bottles of
Dr Pardee's Remedy, than from a hnudred
dolluts lave3ted In any other way.
Ask your drungitt for It, aud tabs;
stAncr, i