The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 02, 1887, Image 1

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The Oregon Scout,
An Independent wcek'y journal, IsMieil ev
ery Saturday morning by
Publishers and Propriators.
A. K. Jokes, 1
( 15. Ciiancky,
r. t
One copy, one year $1 CO
Six months 1.00
" Tb:ce moiitoo 75
Invnrlably In Advance.
If by chance subfcriptions are not paid till
end oj yemr, two dollars will be charged.
Kates advertising uiudc known on ap
plication. Correspondence from all parts of the
country solicited.
Adrc-Mi nil communications to theOxnoo.N
Scout, Union Oregon.
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probnte practice spcc'al
Mm. Office, two doors souih of post-otiics
Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
door south of J. 15. Katun's store, Union,
J N . CRO M WELL , M . D . ,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, one door south of J. B. Katon's
tore, Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public, and Abftractor of Titles.
Office State Lund Office buildini:, corner
Main and A Streets, Union, Oregon.
Physician awd Surgeon.
Office adjoining Jones Bro's store. Can
be feund night at the Centennial hotel,
loom No. 23.
M. Bakek. J. W. Suelton. J. F. Baker.
Attorneys at Law.
OFF1CKS Union and La Grande, Ore
gon. Special Attention given all husinoss
entrusted to u.
Noturv Public. Ex-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters
Abstracts to Real and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at rcasonabk
rates. 8lc of Real and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Ollicc next door south of Post-oliice. Un
ion, Oregon.
Watchmakers & Jewelers,
Union, - - Oregon.
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale.
Repairing at Moderate Itates.
Call and examine our goods and prices.
Obo, WniGHT, 1
Firs! Mil
W. T. Wkioiit,
Docs a General Banking Busines.' Buys
and bcIIh exchange, and dlicounU commer
cial paper.
Collections cnrrfully amended to, and
promptly reported.
Cor. Main and B fits. I'nion. Oroon,
r.,,f'n nmi duleri in b'oda Wa
ter, 8,-inupanllrt. Olngar Ale. Cream Boda ,
and ctwflp?nftyuicr, cwi
Kentucky Liauor Store
CUllES r.ll Pico.-inoi of tlio Kidr.ejs,
Liver, IM.-.ildor, and i'rlnary Orgnns:
Drupsy, Oravt'l, Dittiotos, Itrlsht'o
UlGoaso, I'nlus .ti tho llacli,
Z.o2ns, or Ktile;.i:-tentton or '
Kon-ltotcntlon of Urine,
Jfcrvons K'senfccs, JTcmalo
Vcano33cc, Kxccssec, Jauntllco, -lUlSouEucsB,
Ile-idaebe, Gotir Otosiaoh
Dyspepsia. Conct'vatloa, and riles.
mm beieoy
TAIL, rj 15 w's tTJroctly atul at ch.-o on tho
Klilneyr, I.iror a::d Snivels, lcsUrlii;;
tliem to a l.cslthy action. lIU:fT3 REltEDY la
n safe, sure, a::;! -pceiiy euro, ar.d hcndrwla l:avo
heen cuved ly I- u!i:n r'-J" 5-la-"-3 r-" Mend
l.asl s'.x e tV:-i 1 Pilot du'i;-. try a'.
Bbddcr, Urinary and L'"er Diiaisci, Dropy,
Gravel, and Diabctei, aro rvred by
cure Urifjlit'o Disca.;c, retention or Non-Rten-t!on
of Urine, I'alns lu the Back, Loins, or Side.
curc3 Intemperance, Ucrvous Dlicaaci, General
Debility, Female Vca!:nos3, and nxecsscs.
cures Bilijusncco, Headache, Jaunilleo, Sour
Stomacli, Pyspcp:la, Constipation and Pilas.
ACTS AT ONCn on tho Kidneys, tircr,
and Boivela, rcstorirr; them to a liealthy
action, and CUltES when all other medicines
fail. Hundreds h.ivo been faved who have hco
;iven up t- dlo by friends and pliyelclans.
Kidney LivBr Medicine
IiKYF.ll i:hi.7 ' TO SAIL.
HUNT'S KEJirV jas saved trom IIu
fcrlnj dLcaso ar.;t dcatl hiuidreds who tnv..
been civen up by phys'.e a iz to C'.c.
HUNT'S KEJIEDYcurca all Dlacaaea
of tho Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Or
cans, Iropny, Gravel, Dla'aotca cud
Incontlnoaco and Kotcatlcn cf Urine.
IIUKT'S EEMEDV encuurajes deep,
creates a:i appo.IUJ, braces up t.-.o rjstem, and
renewed health Is tho resul'.
HUNT'S KEJIEDV o. rca pain in the
Cldo, Eacl: cr kclna, C noral Mobility,
Tcranlo Diseases, Tiaturbcd Sleep,
Loss orAppotlto and Jrlcht's Disease.
HUNT'S REJinni. p,ule!dy laduees tlx
tlvorto healthy action, remut'Ji; tlie cuc.
that produce I'.illouo Eont'aelio, I)ypop
ela, Sour Stomach, Cosltvonosn, files,
By tha rjo tf nUNT'7 E.".rtll
Stomach an.l Itjwels will -. V.Uy rs.-a:a .
strength, and Co blood will ' i porfoauy pof
HUNT'S RHMEJV '.: r"-e'r recetah.'
and moots a want iiovcr Lofjro I jrn jl;od t j i
public, and tho utmost rtl aaeo uviy l -la
HUNT'S ni:r.IKDV U prepared ex
pressly for tho ftbovo clUer.son, onl
Iis.3 never linon LnoVn to fall.
Or.o trial will, convlnco :. Fo
iaiol atl Ilmcclitt.
Ccs J fur Pamphlet to
fThl fpace is t'lven for the and
1 bcnclit ot our local wiucrs or vcrne.
and vc hope to make it a plcaMiu: feature
! of the paper. To that end cuntrihut tons are
Ko'.ieltcd, but they must pospe. undoubted
! litirary merit to' obtain place and recogni
tion here. Kd.
Written for the Scout. 1
II -r e.vci arc like the blackest jet.
Her hair is like a raven,
Her lii a entreat the kisses yet,
That I'm forever cravin'.
Her walk is like a fairy'N walk,
ller voice is low and ilnging;
It st' p tnv pulse to hear hear hor talk,
My lK-attjumpH when iheV aingiiig.
She's stole the only heart I lmd,
And froli'Td with my sorrow;
But I'll admit that I am glad,
Another heart I'll borrow.
Perhaps she thinks that I'm too good
To quit, because I've kissed her,
But while slit's ilirting with my foo
I'll mako love to her sibter.
A"d when kind fortune given me wealth,
Ha father has consented,
i i, take her sister for mv wife
Her fun will be resented I
But. if thH sl ter abo kirks.
Ami I find out I've mi?scd her
Ala- I my hive is pone, I'll take
Sume other fellow's sister.
-B. W. II.
Cove Culliiigs.
November SO, 1S87,
Fine licef if jiIimUv in thu market.
Six ami seven ccnlB is the cunciit rate
ljiM- quarter.
Kevonil from Cove attended tho
teaeheis' examintition in Lu Grande,
this week, and underwent the trying
ClniH. Doney is erecting a house be
low town on the place which he ex
pects to arrange into a fine nursery
next. Eesiton.
R. J. Cochran, accompanied by his
two daughters, AKio and Nettie, is
down from Coter d' Alene tind will re
main during the winter.
A Cove cirl is talking of learning to
play on the cornet. It is expected
Iter admirers will then speak of her as
the fairest flower that blows.
Mies Iloltby, of New York, u. niece
of Mrs. Conklin of Cove, is iu town.
The lady is a. teacher of experience
and will engage a school in this coun
ty. Thou. De IJorde, while on Big creek,
was suddenly taken very sick and his
life despaired of. Tuesday he was
brought home where he is now under
a physician's care.
W. V. White, one of the folid men
of Wallowa county, is in town this
week. Ho expects to extend his trav
els, soon, to Polk and Marion counties,
to be abcent several weeks.
Frank and Quincy Mitchell have
driven their stock in from Rye valley
and Will winter them in Cove. About
tixty head yet remain to bo brought in.
They are being collected this week.
Letters remaining uncalled for in
Cove post. office, Nov. 29th: Jas. Al
len, .las. Raster (2), W. A. Fuller, A.
N. Hill, J. M. Jones (2), Martin Siers
dorfer and L. W. Smith.
The dime sociable at Mre. Ilender
shott's, Saturday eve, was very well
attended and was a decided success,
socially and financially. It is to be
hoped that is the beginning of a large
number of such pleasant gatherings
during the winter months.
No, thanks, I never indulge in the
mazy waltz. E. I don't think L. B.
will ever solve the great mystery on
account of weak lungs, F. The lan
guage of the Cove correspondent is
correct. B. Thanks. Corr. It is
pleafant to he able to recall ones baby
hood days and ways. A. Two is com
pany; three is none. Q. Will you
give assent to my marriage with your
daughter, tir7 C. Not a cent! Old
man. Marriage is a lottery; lotteries
are illegal; therefore I simply obey tho
law by keeping single. D.
On at eiciuinent has btcn caused in the
vicinity of Paris Tex., by the remarkable
recovery of Mr. J. 15, Corby, who was to
belplers lie could not turn in bed, or raise
his head; everybody raid lie was dying of
Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's
New dlscrvery wa sent him Finding re
lief, he bought a large I ottle and a box of
Dr, King's New Life Pills; by the time he
ha 1 taken two boxes of the Pills and two
hott-'ei f the Discovery, he was well and
had gained iu flesh thirty-six pounds. Tri
al bottlcw of Ih'g (J i cat Divcovcry for Con
sumption free at Wright's drug store.
Do not forget tiiu New York flora
when in Lu Graudti If you wuut bur
yaintf ftfeTd h iiks pfatt) tb tf).
I'oellenl 1'nrnlyners. Sotn Notes. Ncvr
St lo of Ituok-Lerpiuc;.
Nov. 2S, 1SS7.
Yes, Jones is smart we'll nil agree.
But then some men are smarter
In games of chance or misery,
Or in a horse-flesh barter.
But when its millinery goods,
You'll find Jones takes the lead;
He'll tell when Spring hats arc lipe
And when to save the seed.
It was u stroke of genius,
And pretty safo at that,
In winter time to bet with iu
A Mits-es Bummer hat.
J. M. Church, an entei prising mer
chant from Wallowa, visited our town,
Mrs. Edith M. Gekler has been vis
iting her mother at Tacoma, W. T.,
the past threu weeks.
Mrs. Henry and Miss Payne, erf
Cove, paid our town a visit, Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore, accompanied
by Mrs. Shirley, are visiting at tho
Oregon hotel.
Miss Bidwell, tho efficient teacher of
the primary department of our school,
visited her parents in Union, Thanks
giving. The party given Mrs. Eli. Bacr by
the young people, Saturday evening,
was highly onjoved by all who attend
ed. Teachers seem to be rather scarce.
Liberty on the north, anil Russell on
the south of us are both in need of
The concert given by somo of tho
young men after the party was a de
cided success. Plenty of old bourbon
at the end of each play.
The Cove nimmds have improved
considerably in marksmanship during
tho last year, and as the holidays are
approaching, Conley and Carter in the
Big Lake district had better take in
their wash-tubs and prepare a tempo
rary hospital for wounded stock.
The Island mills have been shut
down for repairs for about a week.
Farmers who were unlucky enough to
be out of flour had to content them
selves with such as they could get
from tho other mills.
The irons for a now bridge at tho
Fay crossing are being hammered into
shape at the Wilcox blacksmith shop
on the Sand Ridge. There is tome
complaint in ro.ul district No. 8 be
cause this bridge was to be built and
the old one repaired, in place of a now
one across the state ditch on the la
land City road where the travel is
much greater. The people iu the vi
cin'sy of the Fay crossing have been'
fording the river for some years and
thought that the county might "ford"
to build them a bridge, while the ditch
bridge could be repaired with a small
outlay to make a safe crossing for
somo time. Tho people certainly
have no cause for complaint in regard
to the interest manifested iu roads and
bridges by the present county court.
Book keeping on the Sand Ridge
showing the advantages of tho double
entry system : An old gentleman the
other evening ecttlcd Up with one of
his hands. Their books didn't corres
pond. They were both determined
book-keepers. To overcome a defici
ency the old granger makes a desper
ate charge and insisted on its being
considered as1 'Bills Receivable." The
"hand" got up and said that although
there seemed abundaut evidence that
it was "Bills Receivable," it struck him
more forcible as "Bills Payable" and
he was going to consider it. us such.
Granger resists. Hero charges and
counter-charges became to numerous
that it would bi hard to clearly deli no
them. There was as much scratching
as at n county t lection, and wuh ex
hibited a rccklesu confusion of ledger
lines and leger-de-maiu-strcngth and
awkwardness, Hero a draft was dis
covered which came through an outer
door. This was quickly followed by n
double entry of the two experts. One
of theae gathered the old granger to
his fold and showed him that "the
mhtukes of his life were many," whilo
the other labored with tiio "hand" to
convince him of his miscalculations.
The hired girl was found ciouchcd
under the table and an emigrant boy
behind the wood box. These of court o
went to make up the Cas.h account.
The granger and "hand" were both
able to see with one eye closed that
there was too much of the old primi
tive single entry stylo about their book
keeping to ever prove a success ut this
tidvuneed ago of civilization.
"Luna Tick."
Intori'Hliip; m lultiR Noun, Wrlttim up for
The Si'tmt ly n ltn;;u!nr
November, 2(Hh 1S87.
Mr. L. W. Wilson, who has been in
Portland, returned homu a few days
Mr. J. W. Bobbins is running a new
tunnul that will tap the ledge 100 feel
below the surface. Tbo will work all
The company who have been at
work prospecting for the exto.nison of
tho great "Tom Paine" mine, have dis
continued work for the winter. Thoy
will probably commence early next
Mr. S, B. Bnisley, who has been
foreman on the Pine creek reservoir
for the past six weeks, takes his depart
ure for Chiriton county! Missouri, on a
business trip and will be gono several
Thisfino weather is taken advantage
of by the Oakland and California Co.,
for the building of their reservoir, and
enlarging their dilch. They have fin
ished their large reservoir on the head
waters of Pine creek. It is one of tho
most complete jobs wo have ever seen.
Tho levee is about 15 feet high, and
will overflow about three-fourths of a
mile in length and twelve feet deep.
In answer to an article in The
Scout dated Oct. 22nd and signed
"Climay", written from Wingville Ba
ker countv. I will say that tho portion
alluding to' me II. W, Lee is abso
lutely false. Well, I ffo have enough
business to attend, quite enough to
keep me from trying to attend to other
people's business. The gentleman
above referred to, must bo moon-eyed,
have night mars and walk in his sleep,
and while in that condition concluded
ho would write a letter to Tub Scout.
He is a coward and dare not sign his
name. As for tho articles I have writ
ten, you may depend that thoy are
substantially correct.
The Oakland, Cal. Co., have taken
possession of tho Auburn ditch, and
are making preparations to use the
water in their Salmon creek mines
next season. Tho company paid
$:15,000 for the ditch. It is US miles in
length, and a splended property. The
company are working over fifty men
on the Nelson ditch, and aro crowding
business along in hopes of getting
ihiough before tho winter sets in.
They will finish in about ten days,
The company have purchased tho
right of way across Mr. David Culley's
ranch, b low Wingville. They will,
probably, put on a forco of men at
Once, and cut a canal through to row
dor river, sufficient to run all tho tail
ings into the river. They propose to
take care of their tailings and will
bother no one.
II. W. Lec.
The symptoms of Hiliousncn are unhap
pily but too well known. They dlflrr in
different individuals to somo extent. A
BllliotiH man is seldom a breakfast cater.
Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent ap
petite for liquids but none for solids of a
morning. His tongue will hardly ber In
spection at any time; if it is not white and
furred, it is rough, at all events.
The digestive system is wholly out of or
der and Diarrhea or Constipation may be a
symptom or the two may alternate. There
are often Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood
There may be giddiness and cften headacho
and acidity or flatulence and tenderness iu
the pit of thf stomach. To correct nil this
if not effect a curciry Qretn'i August Flower,
it costs but a Itifle and thousands attest its
WA D. full, druggist, B ppus, Ind., testi
fies: "I can recommend Khciil.' Bitters as
the very best remedy, Kviry bottle eo!A
bits given rcliaf in every case. Onciman
t ick six bottles and was cured of Rheuma
tism of 10 ycurs' stiuid'ng." "The best
selling medit inc I have ever handled In my
20 years' experience, is Kleclile Bitters."
I iiousanus oi otners uavo nuuco iiuir icsiiv
mony, so that the verdict is unanimous
Unit Electric BitUus do cure all diseases of
the Liver, Kidney or Blood, Only a half
dollar a bottle at Wright's drux store.
Frank Bro's Implement Co,, of Isl
and City, carry the largest stock of
standard implements to bo found in
Eastern Oregon. Their terms and pri
ces defy competition. They always
have on hand extras and repairs (or
goods they cell, which is a matter erf
NO. 23.
1 1 1'V-T-T '''wr
t.rttxr iu Vurlnii Topic, Vrom nu old
Pine Valley, Nov., 25th 1SS7.
En. Scout: If 1 do not trespass too
greatly on your valuable space, allow
me to make my few remarks in tho
form of a- letter, as I have few things
I can s.y to hotter advantago in this
manner and right hero lot mo say I
trust both you and your readers will al
low me to drop thu pronoun "I;" hav
ing as you know, Mr. Editor, spent
about four years of my life in tho Hen
Unci olfice, and six months a partner
in the Scopt ollicc. where it is custom
ary in writing an item or an article to
say we and ours, it sounds rather too
egotistical to us, even though correct
when writing individually, to besayiug
, r, I, every few words.
As yon arc aware wo but recently re
turned from a visit to relatives and old
friends, (among whom we number tho
Scopt family,) in Grand Ronde that,
most beautiful of all valleys surpassed
in two respects, however, by our beau
tiful Pino, viz; gran.leur of scenery
and freedom from winds.
To say that wo enjoyed our trip out
sido would be drawing it mild; wo
spent a fuw days the guest of Mrs. J.
A. McWhirter of La Grande, visiting
old friends there took dinner with tho
family of Prof. J. L. Carter of Island
City. With him as our principal, wo'
taught the young idea how to shoot,
some years ago in La Grande; wero
hospitably entertained by Judge Craig
and lady of Depot Hotel, Union, Dr. I.
N. Cromwell and brido and many
Wo left Union by stage, at 5 o'clock
A. M. of the 7th inst., coming over the
new road as far as I). F. Mooro's, aud
being anxious to sec our "Little old log
Cabin in tho Lane," and our better
half, we jumped at a chance to ride on
a hay-rack as far as Mrs. Lloyd's
about u mile from home and from
thence .accompanied beyond the grave
yard (where "spooks" aro generally
supposed to prowl) by Mrd. Lloyd'B
clever daughters, and the other half
mile by a lantern ahd a big club (just
as a walking stick, you know) we land
ed at "Forest Dell' (perhaps "Den"
would be more appropriate) at 8 P. M.,
and thats onco we made tho through
trip in one day.
Mr. Editor, as many horses have
died recently, both hero and in other
localities, from different diseases, and
as wo have just had to pay dearly for
our lack of knowledge in regard to tho
diseases of horses, (though perhaps wo
would have paid all tho same) wo meu
tsou our experience as it may prove of
interest to your readers. A fow duya
ago we had the misfortune to lose a
powerfully built young mare, valuod
at $125. The animal was ailing for
two or throe days, acting as Mr. Dcn
ney expressed it "dumpish," then she
seemed almost well for about three
days, when sho grew worse aud after
an illness of about three days, died.
Those who saw her during the last
stage said "blind staggers," "kidney
disease" etc.; only oneuan, Mr. Allen,
who biiw hor a few minutes before she
died paid she had "botts" and if we
had doctored her for that a day or two
sooner sho might have been Raved.
Tho animal acted very stifl", sore arul
thirsty, would try to cat seemed loso
the uso of her jaws to ft great degree,
acted restless neasy, moving around,
lying down and getting up, although
not rolling over; toward the last trem
bling and jerking spasmodically. Af
tei sho died she was dissected by Messrs.
Denney, Thaysen and Hinkley, in
hopes of learning something useful.
The stomuch was taken out and found
to contain a number (perhaps over 200)
of wormH, exactly resembling Botts a8
pictured in Veterinary works. The in
side coating or mcmbrauo of the stom
ach was one-half eaten away. It
would seem plain enough what causod
her daath, although some claim that
Botts are naturally in the horso and
never killed one in tho world and that
if you give medicine to kill them it will
kill the animal ; that an soon as tho an
mal dies thoy go to eating their stom
ach. Mr, Editor wo aro no Veterinary
furgcon wish we were but it don't
look reasonable to us that those things
are naturally in nn animal; if bo why
do veterinary works go on at Bucb
length to explain how a fly lays the
eggs on the horses limbs, and they
lick them off in order to get thera in
their stomuch, and besides in tho short
space of one-half hour, or lcei time,
could thoe "Botts" eat almost twio
their hulkT Wo woultf like to have
some good reasons for such seeming
"bosh," before wo behove it. Bome
here say that sugo tea and alum given,
and tarn the animal on iu back ustfl