f3 TRICKS ON THE STAGE. A Thrilling Life nni. Death Struggle. Bomo time ngo there was on exhili tion, in New York, wlmt was called tho ,; wonderful electrical man I " That "wonder" now pays that he wat- always secretly connected with a battery so arranged as to defeat dUcovery ! Many "freaks of nature" are onl) freaks of clever deceptive skill. Bishop, the mind-reader, socalletl was shown to be only a shrewd student of human nature, whose reading ol thought was not phenomenal. Even so intelligent a man as Robert Dale Owen was lor many years full persuaded that certain alleged spiritual mauifefctations wero genuine, but, in the Katie King case, he eventually found that he had been remoraelessh deceived. When to natural credulity is added n somewhat easily-fired imagination!?, spectres becomes facts, and clever trick realities. "That man," remarked a prominent physician the other day to our reporter, " thinks he is auk. He is a 'hypo.' He comes here regularly three times n week for treatment. There is absoitfet nothing tlie matter with him, but of course " every time he conies I lix him up something." " And ho pays for it ? " " Yes, $3.00 a visit. But what I give him has no remedial power whatever. I have to cater to his imaginary ills. He is one of my best friends, and I dare not disappoint his fears." An even more striking case of pro fessional delusion is relate! by W. II. Winton, business manager of the King ston (N. Y.) Freeman: "In 1S83, Mr. It. 11., of New York, ( a relative of a l ite vice-president of the United States) was seriously ill of a very fatal disorder. The best physi cians attended him, but titjtil the last one was tried, he constantly grew worse. This doctor gave him some medicine in a two-ounce bottle. Im proving, he got another bottle, paying $2 for each. He was getting relief after using several of tln.se mysterious small bottles. One day he laid one on his desk in his New York oflice. In the same of lieu a friend was using a remedy put up in a large bottle. By pure acci dent it was found out tnat these two bottles contained exactly the same medicine, the two-ounce vial costing the doctor's patient $2, while his Irientl paid but $1.25 for a bottle holding over sixteen ounces of Warner's safe cure. The doctor's services were stopned at once, the man continued treating him self with what his do tor secretly pre scribed Warner's siife cure, whivh finally rectored him to health from an t tack of what his doctors called bnght's disease." If the leading physicians in the land, through fear of tho code, will secretly prescribe Warner's safe cure in all cases of kidney, liver and general disorder, do they not thereby confess their own inability to cure it, and, by the strong est sort of endorsement, commend that preparation to the public ? We hear it warmly spoken nf in every direction, and we have no doubt whatever, that it is, all things consid ered, the very bet article of the kind ever known. QUALITIES OF CORK. The Methods Ktnployoil In tho Muuufitct uru of Corks tor llottlus. The density of cork varies with its quality and aire. Thin corks aro usually heavier than thoso of tho sanio voluino that havo grown more rapidly, and, in corks of llio same class, tho density iucronsos with tho age. M. Brisson gives 0.210 as an average max imum, and the ordinary density of a tcn-yenr-old cork may bo taken at 0.2. With extreme lightness aro associated other valuablo qualities; that of being1 a poor conductor of heat and sound; impormoability to liquids; imperfect combustibility, and non-liability to de cay, by reason of which it is susceptible- of very numerous applications in industry. Tho most important use of tho substance is for bottle-corks. Tho bark which is intended to bo used in this form is kept in a damp cellar. When taken to the shop, it is cut by tho first workman into strips, tho width of which corresponds with tho length of tho future cork. A second workman cuts these strips into squares suited in size to its dianioter. Tho squares, strung, aro plunged into boiling water to mako them swoll out. They aro then stored in a cool place, and kept constantly moist by sprinkling, till they pass into tho hands of tho cork-maker. Ho ap plios them in succession, giving them a rotary motion, to tho edgo of a widc-bladcd knife, drawing thorn at tho samo tiiuo slowly along its length, and by skillful manipulation trans forms tho square into a round cork. This is tho mothod usually practiced in Franco. Workmen in other coun tries handle- tho knlfo in different man ners. It is essential, to. obtain a good and solid cork, to tako euro that its axis, as it is cut from tho bark, bo parallel with tho axis of tho troo on which tho bark grow;, but the broad, flat corks havo to bo cut porpondieu lar to tho axis of tho tree. Only tho finest corks aro now mado by hand. A good workman can turn out, in tho method described, about ono thousand corks a day. Popular Science Month- iy- -- xno maKingot glass is said to have been taught the Egyptians by Hermes. P.'iny credits its discovery to Syria. It was in use among the Honians in tho timo of Tiberius, and excavations at Pompeii show that windows wero formed of it prior to A. D. 70. It is said to have been introduced Into Eng land by Benedict Blscop, Abbot of WoTiuoulh. iu A D. C7C. . HOME-MADE BUTTER. rie Kxpcrlence nml Mctltnd of a Success Tul Hutter-.Mukrr. My experience in butter-making is hat of twenty-live years, and when I nforin tho reader that my butter for hat length of tinre has always com nanded at least two cents a pound more than that usually sent to the narkets, it may not appear egotistical hi me to speak of my success. I have Tied keeping milk in cellars add pring-houses; the former I did not like lecause of the liability of milk and Hitter to take on the odors of theii mrroiindings, and it is next to impos sible to prevent an accumulation of various unsavory articles in a cellar not entirely devoted to dairy purposes. A spring-house I found almost equally objectionable, owing to the irregularity of temperature, which causes the place to become almost useless iu the middle of the warm days, thus rendering the cream difficult to churn and the butter often without flavor. For all purposes of milk setting I have a room excavated about four feet below the surface of the ground; it is nine by twelve" feet, and the walls are built of square timbers nine inches through and six feet above the ground; the roof is of planks, two thicknesses. On two sides of the bot tom 1 have a ditch ten inches wide and a covered drain to carry oil' the water with which the floors and drain are covered every morning. 1 always let the milk stand about twenty minutes before straining, and then put it into common one-irallou llarinir stone crocks. What is milked ono day is all skimmed the evening of the next, and tho cream thrown together, a teaspoon ful of s;ilt being added to each gallon of cream. Next niorninir it is churned, before sunrise if possible. I use no thermometer, as I can tell by tho ap pearance and taste of the cream if it is too cold or too warm. If too cold. 1 add warm (not hot) water and let stand a half hour; if too warm, be very sure and add enouirh cold water before churning is commenced. If 1 hate trouble in getting the butter to come oi to gather it after it has come, I throw into the churn an ounce or so ot salted butter and the trouble is quickly reme died. I wash the butter with only one water, handle carefully with a wooden ladle, give one ounce of salt to one ami a-half pound of butter, make into one pound squares or pyramids, have some white cloths dipped in strong salt and water (with a very little sugar added), and dried; wrap each pound separately and lay them in a keg or jar, and set in a cool place until wanted for market. I havo never had occasion to ue any of the various butter colors. 1 believe butter carefully handled, will keep bet ter and be more delicious to the taste without the addition of articles that I have known to be deleterious. If my butter is not colored enough when it comes from the churn, 1 set it away for twelve or twenty-lour hours, then han dle it as if just churned,. and it is all rhjlit iu color. Living iu a grass re gion, we seldom feed our cows during slimmer and early fall; when the grass begins to fail we feed them a little corn in tho ear, with occasionally a feed of sheaf oats, and give salt once a week; in summer we give salt once every two .lays. Our cows are natives, mostly. I lind the grades give larger quantities of milk, but it does not average any more butter to the cow than the natives. If I make one and a-half pound a day from each cow, it is doing pretty well I think, and that is what I average the tear round. Some of my cows come in in .January, but most of theur in May and .June. J dry them oil' about a month before coming iu, o there is not much time lost. I have had no experience with creameries, but judg ing from the butter that is here called "creamery," I am not favorably im pressed with them. It has (to me) an insipid taste, as though too much milk was somehow retained in it; and real ly, for a moderate-sized dairy. I think a creamery entirely superfluous. I write (I think) from tho stand-point of a majority of American housewives. Many of us aro limited in means and limited iu help, and wo all know that butter which is faultless is rarely to be found; but when tried and found per fect it is a source of no mean income, and I advise all farmers' wives to try and make a perfect article. Leave creameries ami butter colors alone. If you manage your milk properly, your butter will be better than if made iu a creamery, and if the color i sometimes not so golden as von might wish, if the quality is all right it will never fail to amply remunerate you for all your work. Aunt Phoebe, in lturul Sew Yorker. Landlord "How many in your family?" House Hunter "My wife, daughter and myself." Landlord "How old is your daughter? I am not asking for idle curiosity." House Hunter "She is seventeen." Land lord "Seventeen, eh? Well, you can havo the house and I will keep it in re pair. Hut mind this: You look out for the gate hinges yourself." Omaha Herald. m "Never fear, my dear," remarked the wife of an impecunious husband; "nover fear, I still love you." "I know Miat." ho replied; "but that doesn't help matters much." "I'll trust you ilway1," she exclaimed. "Yes, m loar," ho exclaimed with a sigh which ramo from his heart, "that is very line, lut unfortunately you aro not the srocor." Detective "Confess ami you will save your life." Prisoner Hut my jonfejision woulil lmn all-three of us." Detcctlvo "Well, what of that? You ivlll always have the coiisuiousnesa'of .ironing that you told tho truth." ' 1'ruieo rcrtlinaiul, whom the mis- guided Bulgarians chose for their lead J er, wears a bracelet on either artu and I parts his hair iu the middle. j Jenny Lind Goldschmidt lives in ! an attractive suburb of London, and, though she is sixty-six years old. she feels young and is intensely interested I in every musical event. Duko Charles Theodore, of Ha vana, the physician brother of the Em- ' press of Austria, during a recent stay , at Moran, made no less than two hun dred and twenty successful operations at tho eye ir.lirinarv ol that town. THE WESTERN SETTLER'S CHOSEN SPECIFIC. With every advance of emigration Into tho far West, a new demand Is created for Hostel tcr's Stomach Hitters. Nottly peopled reruns uro frequently less salubttuus thnn older set- tied localities, on account ot tho inlusma tt Inch 1 rises from recently cleared land, particularly ; uIouk tho banks of rivers that aro subject to fresh., ts. Tho agricultural or mining emigrant soon learns, tthen ho does not already know, I that tho Hitters allurd tho only sure urotcctlun against ninlaitti, mul thoo disorders of tho stomach, liver and bowels, tn which climate ehunges, exiosure, and unaccustomed or un- I healthy water or diet subject him. Consi- queiitly, ho places an estimate upon this great household 8pcclt!c and preventive comtnensu- I rate with its intrinsic met its and is careful to keen on hand n restorative and promoter of health so implicitly Tbo rehed uVou la Umo of need. Tho discovery llint thousands of school chl dren in Vienna are Hturviup; has caused a bcusaliun. THE SPECIAL OFFER Of Tuk Youth's Companion, which we have publis' ed, includes iho adiulrnb'e Double Holiday Numbers forTliank-givinn and Christinas, wiili colored coters ami full-page pictures, twenty pages each. These, with the otherweekivissties to Jan uary I, 18-o, will he fent freo to all new subscrib' rs who bend 1.7 font venr's sub script on to January ISM'. Tun Com v MON has been greatly en arged, is linely il Ubtraled. nnd no other wee-ly litTary paper gives so much for so Iowa "price. The prettiest girl iu Chicago weighs TOO pound-and has a hair lip. She is woitli 532,0t0.tHJ0. j no'r VliTT YKDVJ . . , .i . ,11) V .'Vv ? to neglect that ra- Uurhf 1 on t you Inow that it may lead to consumption, to insanity, to deutht D n't vou know that it can beeasily r-uroo i font you Know mat while llio thou-and and one i nostrums you have tried have tit- terly failed that Dr. Sag" 8 Catarrh Item- edy is a certain curef It ha stood 'lie list of .tears, and tliero are hundied f thou sands of grateful men and women in all parts of the conntr who tan testify to its elllcacy. All dru g'sts. Ind'ann has sued Kentucky for posses sion of Green River Island. OUR LITTLE WORRIES AND ILLS It is the litt'o things of life, tho worries of to-day and to-morrow, that make the crow's-feet around our eyeH. So the little pains of an hour or a minute break dott n tho constitution. Look after the 111 tie ills. BitANUitUTii's I'ili s euro dyspepsia, or In digestion, headache, pain iu tlio hlioulders, coiiKle tightness of the f host. dizlneH, sour stom- ch had taslo in the mouth, bil ious attacks, palpitation of the heart, in Humiliation of the Iuiiks. fain in the re glon of the kidneys, and a hun Ted o her painful symptoms nro ilieollsprlngof dy-' pepsia. One or two pills every night is sulllcient. IF SUFFERERS FROM ICONtUMPl ION, Scrofula. Uronchills. and Gemjrul Debility, ttill try M-ottN Ilniulnioii of Cod Liver Oil with llypophosphites. ilu-y tt 111 lind immcdiuto re lief and purinimito benellt. The J'l-dliul I'io lesslon unltersally declare It a icnuiiy of the greatest vuluu and very palatable. Itead: "I havo u-ed Scott's Kiimlslon In boveral cases of Scrofula and Dehllltv in children. Uesults niostgiutifjing. My lllllu pallenU take it ttith i Pleasuie." W. A. liUiHKitr, JI. I).. S-ullsbury, ' 111. Sundnyscho Is were founded In Fngland ' about the year 1780, by a printer ot Glou- 1 cester named John liuduH THEY WILL NOT DO IT. Th"ewlio once take Dr. rierce'a "Pleas ant I'urgatite PelletH" will never consent to use a' y olliercallinrtic. They are pleas nut tn takft antl ini'd in their opera Ion. Smaller than nrilinarv pills ami inclosed in gluts vials; virtues unimpaired. Uydiun Kists. No th Cnrollna eretl by forests. Jiati IS.OCOOOacreHcov- CONSUMPTION BURELY CURED. To the Kdltor: 1'leabo inform your readers that I huve a pos itive remedy forthe above nniiied ditease. Uy its timely uso thousands of hopple s casus have bi en perniHiiently cun d. I tliull ho Kind to tend two bottles of my remedy ntKi: to uny of your reuders tt ho have coiiKiimptlon if they tt ill send mo their Kxpress Mid I'. O. uddross. Uespectfully. T. A. SI.OCUM. M. C. 181 IVarl St., Now YorK Cainclllne Improves and prmems Iho coiiipleiloii. How to Cure Skin & Scalp Diseases with the CUTICUr Remedies. mOUTUUINO, IJISKIOUUINO. ITCIIINO, 1 scaly uud pimply dlseasesof t lie skin.scalp, and blood with loss of hair, fiom Infancy to old axe, aro cured by the (Jutiouha Ukmkoikb. Cuticcha UKhoi.vKNT.thonow blood purlilur, cleanses the blood and perspiration of disease sustaining elements, and thua rvuiovcs the OAUUK. ..T -,z:.iz:. --..i .i i i.i' ' Cuticuiia, uio (treat HKin uure, inBtantiy Snd'Jr'JS aTcruHtl 3 udw. f.S ti,f llaff ' 8 COT.cmtAHoA...anexaulslteSkln Ucautlfler. jBlndbpcnsahloln trratU skin. leases, baby humnrs. bkln blemlsl ea. cliutiued and oily skin Cuticuiia Hkmkuiks art tho ureal akin beuutlllors. Bold overywhere. Price, Cuticuiia, fiOc. Soap, 25c.j IlKSOLVKf-T 91. Prepared by tho PuTTKitUitua ANlClliiMlCAl.C(.,lfc)aton,Ma8s. Ctf"Send for "How to (Uiro Hkln IllHi-ases." mniTKl) with tho lovellost delicacy is the skin I ll bathed with U'UTlcuitA aikuicatkd uai Vou will nave Money, Time, I'nln, Trouble, AND WILL CUK. CATARRH Jly L'bIiik ELY'S WE CREAM BALM, AY-FEVER . U.SJLI A I'trtid. I appllrd luto oacb nortril andlaajirtablB. I'rlcaCOcfi t UilkUU; 17 mall, rreiatctnl, 0) KLY lilloTUKltU, Uiarwm.kliBt.hew York. ctn I 1 i vv "2" OIVINO Til KM AWAY. Tho grandest oiler .vet In out adrertIUiR columns vtllbotuund a tery liberal offer of llcwrs. J. 1L Bright & Co., tho Ileal KUto Apcnta f S4 Keamy street, San Krancico. Thev Deed Kreo and uncondi tionally; ono tot 25x95 In tlio beautiful town-elto of Lako View, Tularo Countv, to every pcrooii thai calls or sends tholr iiamo by letter to their office, they scud along with tho Deed a Man of tho town-slta with number of lot marked thereon. Doubtless they cxn.ct each person wilt return and buy mora lots, but thcie U nothing obligatory In this respect. Of course, tho purchaser pat a for tl. a I deed, but tho land Is a freo and unincumbered cllt ! Uttcn unconditionally; this oner is being take aJantagootby hundreds in tho Immediate vicinity of tho town-slto.as they hate great faith In Uio luiuro line Cairo of tho Golden West, and otH-t era i 1'ing to reaiizo handsomely on tho Ititrstineut. ' Tho-w desiring lots should not delay but tako uu, uuuwu oi uus ousr at onco. Wnkelo 's Squlrr I and (Jopher Kxtcrtut ! nator Try t . nnd pro -e tho best it the I cheapest. Wakelee & Co., Sn Francis, o. Ill-IMVIl's Itl-Ollollilll'I'l-Ol-lK'N" are simple and convenient for Bron hlal A licet ions and Coughs. Best, easiest to use and cheapest. I'Iso'h Remedy for Catarrh. By tlrujfHists. f.Oc If altltctfd ttlth Sore Kyes, uso Dr. Isaac Thompson's Kye Water. Druggists sell it. 2Sc. A innn who tried to h'acknnil "Hrs, Mnckny has been sent to pri. on for two years. All snlTerers with such chronic ailments as ilver disea-e, ilyspeps'a. blood dKcasett. couh, consu-nnlion (scrofula nf the luns , I ami kindred di ea-.es Hliould know tha "r. l'ierci-8 unlecn -Iueal Discovery '.s their best friend hi such deep nlllictlon. It comes to soothe, alleviate and cure. Don't forgot that you can always purchase type, pris-esaiut material rum I'ahner & Key, Portland, lower than from 1 any oilier home. Secretary Hatard and Miss Siphlo Mar kie wilt be married early iu the winier. ThvOkhmk f'r hnaktnt cheap anus -A. Tob Lot. rpHK KOLI.OWINU 01)1)8 AND KNDS 1 .4. desire to e oso out to make room fur now siock. Urder quick and get a barKttlu: ,:,Xo. SJ Monm 1Jaiml Ulnu8 15 m cnl.. rtoublo trigger, octagon barrel, 12 lolulbs . $1S 00 , :t 40. 11 Sporting IlallHrd. round burril. 40-C3 cat., :w inch, 1) lbs 12 00 i ahsrp's Hide "Old lteliahU-," IVloOcal., octagon, double trigger, II to 18 lbs . i 3 50 s no Spilnglltld Army Utiles, 15-70 cal Wilto for further particulars. H. T. HUDSON, 03 First btrtHit. I'rrtland, Oiegon One Atfent (Meirlmiit onlv v.npl In mvitv town fi I'FFJ-.R Nu. 170. FltR! To MuiiciiANTs Only: Ono W illinms' ' Perfecliou" H eotro idaguctie Hattery. Address at once, H. t . J an sii.i. & Co. ( lil"njo. Tho Orogon National Bank, i OF I'OJtTI.AXO. IHucoommrs to MetroiKilltan fc'atlugl Ilauk.) I CAPITAL PAID IN, - $100,000. innritlvro-L ...,, , . i i, I HxSttJ&aA and New York. 1 MAKKH OOU.KCTHPNS ou favurublu leni.s I I VAN II. Dk.I.AHHMUIT, QKO. II. MAItlCLK, Jk I I'resldi-ut. Vlce-l'iealdent. I D V HI1KUMAN. Cannier. 1 rntirifictH a lleneral itankll s lliulnesa. K00,000 Ladles Wiint'd to uso our " Aliiirnelio llulriiiiiH." 'I hey ' Itelluve ,N rvoiis lu-anaclie mid tlio illbcoiinort ' often causud by all other hairpins. Sample Box I Or. i Addri'" (J. K. 51. Co., Vlneland, New Jersey 7,KAD CO., SELBY SMELTING AND San Francisco, ioGio a i3 sL ?Ai7'- SHOTGUN QUELL LAMBERSON, Con'l Agont. 7 Ntnik Nt.. I'ortliiail. Or. PENSION FOR UNION VETERANS, WIDOWS, AND CHILDREN. tfftQ B StOVCllS & Co., Washingtim, Clovolaml, Dotroit, Chicago. I'Olt .11.1.. $30 a week and eilicnsi-s pnlil. VkIuhIjIo outfit and particulars free P. O. YK'KLltV, Ausmta, ile. S" Fl P.DI AV'NG MUSICAL LLT rLil INSTRUMENT. Plays CU&sicul, Kacr-d, Dance ami all ponnlar miislo correctly. Priro fli to i75. W Itu KWUIXU .V t'lJ.lSi:, San I'riiurlsco, for catalojuo Hie UUYKItS' fiUIDU la Usurd Hept. nml SInrili, encli j rnr, Mj- 3M P"K-", Sxliyi lnclic, Willi ovrr 3,0OO IIlutrntlon wlioie i-icium t.uucrj, UIVKS "Wholeanle I'rlin direct tn ranumrr on nil (jooiU foi pergonal or fumlly ite. Trlls liow to order, nnd given exnet coat of eTrry tlilni; you t, rat, drink, tvrnr, ot have fun with. Tlirne INVAI.'JAIIMS 1IOOICS coiitnlii Infornintloii uli-Mieil from the markets of the world, AVe will mull n copy VIIH1S to nny nil drc upon receipt of lOcU. to defruy expenae of mullliiK. lirt ut "ett,: 'rou you, Itmpeclfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ft Si 22l Wuniuli Axiuun. Cblniuru. Hi. Msg B lIUNlui RieA, Send for Description a t of KI.01UDA HOUTII. lmItaolu tur Onus. Lemon., Olive.. 1'h.eapples, Ulanamw, BtrawlwrriJs and early v. KeUble.fc Por . "XaL MOU "gcTuNW At. , AUoroasM. SOLOMON. - tm u. ii. i..t.-iji. r our minion acres. Tbli UKLT or rtecrucr.tor I. tDVlt iprrul fur tb our of draDmcnu of too f eoflratlr orgiDf. Thi Cbutlnuouf ilrtim of JCLKCTBIC1TY ptntallii tbroutilbo part nml rtiiuit taera la bcallbf aelloo. OodoI , eoDfoODl aiiwllti Kl.clrlo iialu .ri,.,ud In ..la .11 III. rM bttdtatM, Ilia fur Ikt DHL fpcelfloparpoaa. Ior oueulara kvId( fall la frratloa,adrlrraa Cb.artr Klaa Irlo Hall Co., 1CJ WuUito BtreaL Ctlcao, 111. lrrtmnt. Ir; rrr inm brinri Ittlrra Irom crtUAil trua CUUKU H. h. 141 lKHH4(ll III., Krk h, J. U N.4. I CURE FITS ! When 1 aar cur. I do ut mean uiorvly to t"P tucru forat.iuandlli'nlia Ilium rrturn attain. Iinaana ,H,.'l r,.rm I lnH tnailll tliM (llkumM, til f'lTS. I'Pll.' i:iMY or I'Al.I.INd HICKNKhfl a Ufa long ttudf 1 warrant my rfioMly to euro ttw wurat cawa, llacauxi utUfraliaTB failixl la no rvaaun fur uut uow rooitliit , cuns. h.nrlatonc. lur a trMtlaaaua a I'm. Iiulll. if mr lulal iiiiu rxniMir, mv. i.iunu ana i-oi imom, 11. (J. UOOT, 31 1 C.,lUd Peurl 2l. New VorU. cartridges or nV"lIX GATARR Lauderbach'i German Catarrh Remedj fill 1I Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of parity, strength and w holosomcncss. Jtoro economical tliac tho ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In compctl tion with tho multitudo of low tot, short weight, alum, or phosnhato powder So'd only in cans. lloviuBAiiLNorowDKii Co., 100 Wull Struct, X. Y. YOVU CATARRH Oau Too Ourod. -TIIK- liiimlii; S!iiiil;i! Is INFALLIBLE I Ask Your Druggist For It I AHTiniA KclicTcU tit Flto Mlnutva. I1AY I'KVKU. CurtiUuaranteollf Taken lu Tltua i llKOXOllITIM, Cure Warrautcd. Cured Iu Threo to 81x Jlunlliv lHplitlirrln.4'riiup, curnl. Klu, HeiiiliirlH-, hole Th rout SrEKDILV CUUEI). Invaluable Romcdy f fateiited April, ISSi frlco of Tt-nttmcnt, $t00 (Smoke II 11. $2.00 Dtibolhitur, for Internal L'se, $1.00.) GARBOLfiC SMOKE BALL GO. G52 Market SI, San Francisco, Cal. &Bowaro of Hurtful Imitations, in tiicccstfid operation since i86fi, patronlted Iroin all keciiont ol Ilia roriliest, endorsed by business men and leading educators. TIIK 3I0ST rKKKKCTLY EQUIrTr.D SCHOOL of its cI.im on the Coast, it offers private or class instruction, day and evu.ing throughout the year, iu vl:.:... . . i " tt i. i' r.... Jim uncut, , (null;, ui I iiiugiii,c, tuK kcc-iikik I!nkinB,Shor;h.l.Vyp Ulng ll,,', . -nd Lcl '" "ul a" Common bcliool I ranches StUoentt ' alt aKe. a,lJ uolh dmiltrl . any time. Catalogue tree. ArmttioiijC .nu n.esco, l'roprlelora v TOWN LOTS Given Away. Wo aro BMthorlred to rrlro each ntmltrunt frits nml uncumlltimmlly, uno lot ItfxW in tho U-uutliul town. H tonflwiko View, Tularo Cmnty, nppllcant U nay for tlio ikud and nouiry'a fii-s thu sum of two dollars; map nt luwn sltn showing tlitilocatlon of lots edit with riich deod, purcliartT to bato tho liri vil icu of bujlnt thaadjoliiliii: lot for $10. or comer lots fur $75; Dewln suit mi rcct'lpt of Postal Ordrr, or wo will si nd tln-m by Kipnuis V. O. D. Tltlo lwrfvct to every ;ot anld. Wu havo .tloptud this inc-tlio.I of oxcltlnB un latortst iu thociiinlnu hlciiKOof tho DiiiiU-n 1. J 11, itniour & Co., 31 Kearny t , fan l-'ianc'sco. QTFIMWflY khan it'll a iiAtut 3 I UIIMVYM I , Oablor. Uoenlsh I'lanos; llur del UrKans, bund liibtrtmieata. UirKOst stuck nf jjhuet Muulo and Hooks, Hands iiiippllnd H 1 KftHtorn prions. At. UltAY CO fifJE?TOLE?!LLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." The Original nml Only Genuine. Br iai slwsys llrllilil. Pr-wiruof wnrtlilrlir.lutlon. loJI.m-nnMo la LADIES, Auk jour l)ruirirlt M t'hlchntrr' I.riBlli'ie'""' noinliw.or fuclonoly riunipnito ui lur I'ltrocuiira in i.iier reiui-ii iiiiu. N JAME PAPrin. t;iileficer nrmipni t o., Bold by IrucBl"t rvrrrwbery. i lex's lliitflUu" i'cunyroyul I'UIi A .k fhr Clilrhrs. ULLkN'S IKON TOUIC BITTEPfS 'Hie icrvst Ttmii illnorl Piiritivr. Api-lliiT nml l.lvoi jDvlrursi'ir, Orniiiur tnmiH iv j I' Allm SI Paul M-nn l'iso's lU-uiily for Catarrh Is tlio Host, linwiosv to Use, tutu L noa)osu Sold liv (IniuuiRta or sont by mall. Wo. K. T. Hnzi'ltlne, Warron, Pa. ' tnVrn tlie l'tl n te.nr lie-, i"l h. tr'-o """.LT.riiY nrtrrv, r.in-. f Ch-i. woa til 8 vnr tit tit- utt iirt liow rnki iihi - tlio leading Mcdi uuoai I iho oildnm. A. U bMlTll. Iliidfur-I. riu EoMhjf Diurirl.U. 1'iKeit.OO. The Van Monciscar DYSPENSARY, POUTtiAND, OR. Younr, mlddJ-agd mi old. alDglo or tnarrld xntt and all who autter with LOHT MANHOOD I n.rtoiu nvbiutr, Hjwnna Meiual tleca: lorruea. oeunnai lauti war.lalUnif Mem. orjr, Weak Kjoa, Lak ot KueraT. aUa lllood an Hkln DUaaM, Hn.hr.lli Kruptloua, Hair Vallln, Hon. Pains, H w.lllajp Bor. Throat, Uloora, El feet, nf Meroutf, Kldner and HUdder Trouklel Wrak Daok, Ilurnlof Ufioa. UononbM, Oleet butol lire prompt lUef aud cur. for I la. Hoth Hnzru CouMHlt C'enHdeHtlnlly OKKIOtt-lBa a. 184 TUIUD BY. y W BALL 1 ptayx to 6 niw.'H A'O0utrft0t..4 doi tut J eauic 3lrlcluf . u KatTim ChcslcilCa. Cioclnnatl.KiTSa SPOT CASH Will secure tho best goods at tho lowest market valuo. Wo effjratpre-tent: Kino Holier Hju-; suit any one. .. 1 OJ Kancy Ilrtnds Holler Flour 1 2i)t3 4 3) Ilrcakfastltus'i, 12 kinds, all dl.Terent 2 o; White or Yellow Corn Meal, for tablo uso; Oi) pounds for i , Huckuheat Flour, rc.jared for use; to pounds '" 2 2". FoUtocs, tiost kinds; keep all winter ..51 00 to 1 1( Fotatos, good tablo tarUtles; pr. ICO pounds root,, 31 Mutter, finest graJci for tthlo u o; per roll 05 flutter, fair quality for tabic uj; per roll.fiOc to 6J We havo many good buys In choice Dried Fruit, Canned Coixl, Hams, Uchi, Lard, Crockery, liar -' ware, Dry Ojod, W.dl Fajior, Woodomvaro, Drui," and Medicines, lit urt thin; at I.owct 1'omIIiIo I'rlcws. Wo aim t uio cicrjlxxly the name at though they tveio I Kkiii? on. Send for fitlllutas a guide, w hi thcr .t on i.atronUo us or not. MlflTlI'M f'.ttlll utii - i i 1 17 l iny Ntret-t, Nan Ki uiicImoo, 4'nl. (D C ,T S8 " 1l,y- srnplcs worth S1.S0. KUEP. Tn Lines not under tho li(imef.-,.f Wrli ti.iu- "kter's Sal ktt ltr.is Hoi. urn Co., Holly, HI Ich. Tho Best aro tho Cheapest. Tho market is nt tho priwent timo flooded with poor coal oil baniora GRAFF'S DIAMOND BURNER lino f., (1 . II ...t rr in i,t.u.i "u,r "P.""1"'1" ris IllK lll-.Sl'in llti,n,tM...iu . nnd snfety. Tho Humor con be littod to any lamp. A. H. MltAFP .t CO. 7 Hocond Street, Bsn Frnncisco, Ca BUSINESS COLLEGE, M Tost St., S. P., CaL Shoithaud, Ty)o-wrItlu(t. IVnnianshlii, Ilook-kocpins unil Teleeiaphy nil for Z7 OP l'HACTICAt., CIVIL. SIechnnic.il and Mltilni; Kn clnecrliiK, Hum-) Ink Archi tecture, DraHlng andAiuax h.e. llANCHOFT liL'lI.Dl.Nd. 723 Mnrkct St., San Francisco, CaL I XiTSeud for circular. A. VANDEIt NAILLIlff, President. WILLIAM BECK & SON, Wholesale and lUtall Dealers In Cuns and Sporting Goods. FINE FISHING TACKLE. Manufacturers' Agents for I.. C. Hinith'B. Colt's, UotniiiRton, nu.t Prnin lthlcn. larker'Hiiid Jlanhattun UllUl Ullllui Winchester. Marlln. Uallanl, Colt's Diflno UKlitnliiK MaKaziiio Ullluui Colt's and Smith & Wesson RCYOlYGrS. Kctul for Cutalouuo No, S. 105 A 17 N ml Ht.. 1'ortluiul, Or. I1IIANCII NTOItKR: lMHrldAT .HpokannKalU.WT !MHUtRtRalein.0r CUItlCS AH-I. HUMOUS, from n common CJIolch, or I.riiiitlon, to tho worst Scrolula. Suit-i-Iiettm, rovcr-doros," fcenly or IIoiikU Mcliia In short, nil tllsenws cntiwd by bail blood nro comniervd by this powerful, pnrl fvlmr. and InvlKoratliur ini'dlcliio. H.rent Ilatliilf IIlecrH niplilly heal under its bc nlttn inlliieiiee. HHpeeliilly bus it mitnlfi'stcil its potnev In enrlnu' Teller, Koo IEnsli, ICoIIh, Ciu-buncloH, Soro MyeH, crof lilotiH Sort's uud SivcllliiKN, Hip joint IIIhoohc, Will to SWtllllllR (i oil re, or Thick Neek, and Ilitlnrued l.luiidN. St ud tin cents In (.tamps for n IlirifO IIVIIIIIO', Willi i-inun-n imui-n, fiiiia Dlsensi'S. or the wiine aiiiimnl lor a tieatiso I on tJfroliiloiis AlTtH'tlons. ' ii ....... in nmi nl TJIP' ru r ! Tlioriuiiflilt'clciiiiBO It by tidier r. I'lr i-co'n lioldou niodleal Ilsroviry,nnd kooiI dlireHlloii, u 1'ulr Hkln, buoyant riplr Ita, mid vital hli oiiKlh, will beclabllbhcd. which Is Sei-ofultt of tlir S.tltiKH, Is nr- rcsti'il and cinvd b.t ibis i-' ineily, If taken lio foru the lust ktauis r.f flit- ili-uiM- me iiiichcl. Prom Its marvelous power nter tills ttnlbly fiitnl dlseiise, when Iht i.fl' rlinr this now cclebrnted remedy to Um public. Ilr. Pnaicu thoiiKlir seriniislv i.r I'lilluuv It his 4,,on Ntiiiitloii Cure." bid iibnlidrmcd that iiamu as too limited for n inidlclue tvMeh, fiuiii lis wondcrliil ((iiiibliuilion of tonle, or sttvntrtlicnluir, nlterntlte, or lilot.d-cleiiiihlm?, nntl-bllliMis, pcctnnil, and iinlritlve proper ties, Is imc'iuiilcd, nut i 1 'is a rcintilv for cniisumptlou, but for all throttle Jilt. oiinuw of thu Liver, Blood, and Lungs. Tf yc a feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have Hallow color of bl.in, or ji Ilowlidt-browii (.iiottj on btu or liodj, lrcjiu lit headache or dizzi ness, nml liif-io in moulli, InUriiiil heat or chills, iilK-i imt Inir with hut lliishcs, low -plrlia and uloouiy luri-bodiiiKS, Un Kiilui' ni pitlte, nml coated toiupie. you inv suiri-ilnir from Iiitllpeiit Ion. I rxpi-prsln, nnd 'J'oi-plrl I.lver, or ICIllom.tii'." In ninny cases only part of thisc trymptnniB tat) txpu riuueed. As a remedy for all such mmh, Ilr. I'lereo'H Co I den Sfcillcnl 1I cowry Is unsiirimsaeil. I'm' Weak IaiiiKf, Splltlni: ol Blood, tSIiorlncMH of llri nth, ZJron eliltlN, Aiilliiiin, Severe "oiikIir, unci kindred alfoctlons, It Is an elllcli nt lemidy. Soi.ti nv UnuaaisTH, nt $1.00, or ItUTTI,i:M for $5.00. Bend ten wilts In fcttitiins for I)r. Picrco'S boolv on Consumption. Addnw, Worltl'H IJInpeimtiry fllodlenl Ao- clution, UXi Main bticct, HuKfAi-o, N. Y. Is offereil by tho proprietors lor a cuso of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you luti'n t, .llcrtinirr,. fr.-,m ttlft nose, offcnslvo or otiierwiie, partial jobs o mnell, ta6te, or hoarlnir, -trade eyes, dull i jialq or oreasuro In heitil, you Ktyo Catarrh. Tlaou Hiniia of cases terminate lit consumption. Dr.BaKo'riOATAiinii IttaiKUV cureaflioworst cases or Outuri-li, "Cold III tho II end," and Cutorrlial Xleudneho, to cents. E'uoiiii's iisie;a.saky AkD Acme Electric Belt Agency 171 Fourth St.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Portland, OrcBon", ADVICE AND MEDICINE 8I.OO. All DUeaat .ncoeMfully trtated. Oliroul. and Nor vou Truubli-a a ajieclalty, ItlieuiuatUin. NiiurmlgU, (leuvral aud Ntrroua )cli lit, tltmlual WeaknuM and Iot Manhood uccnaafulljr Ueateal with tho aid of the Cklkuhatkii Acmk Klkitiiiu IlkLT and other elcctrlo ai'pllauaM. Hvxual HUeaar. taken by th. can. at uiot reaaonatlo ratea. A comintent Pliyilclau and Klin. triclan la attendatico dally, Uountry jiatleutiwUlplwu. tat. trmpUimt a. accurate a poMible. CoriKLOixl. aollcltod. Ti-rum atilctlr caali. 300 raNex or Iter tul DlHeuHe, PlIeM, DlrerM treated MUcreHMtrullv. wltkaut r innurrn, a- iMiuiaM aim JKrriiti mho or kill re, wllhlu puMt two urn. VIhUh Heverul Ulterior tttwMti. Hm ror rlrrularn. J, II. riiklHtcteH.M. M No.se JleUutH'N bulldluic. I'ertlaHd.Or. A P. nTX No. aW-8. V, N. U, No, m mm w BiS$500