The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 25, 1887, Image 2

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Ilio "rnifo-otlotial Nines" nfTodity -I.nnn
Tcinil' YaoliU for Money M'kcr T'i
Kollil Wuys ot Ivromu Year. How
Changed Arc Our Idens.
Thnt thero nro boys of the olden tlmesomo
wbci'e in tiiU country 1 tkire wy, and 1 dnro
wy there irof-nn.'o localilic where sport of
tuo oldon ilmo lira i;i ogtte, but it U cviilutii
to the o.'niuil olyscrwr thnt at tlio boys, hv
which I lads, havo changed in looks, in
strength, in habit', In lusti-s. so have the
sporls of tlio count:- materially and signlll
enntly uiurctt during tho post twenty-five
No iwwlwll then?
Orlauiiy, b.Twhnll. Every boy played bnje
bnlL Vo used to go out in thu field in tho
country, rr Ut ii vacant lot in tho city, or to
the playground back of tho solfi-ol, rot our
l't'i:s ami jih.y our game, and a mighty good
tlino wo hud of it.
lint who plays Lwcball today?
Tho boys?
Oh, no. The professional nln. Hon who
ore puid to .ililhlt their power J, men whom
io fiv KonvMituM as innny n 10,000 or l.OCO
people niiil)le In a vast n-en with prepare i
r-unta inn! nsorvcd chairs, nod nil ilio par
tpbctusiln of a flrit clans race course. Lit
tli 'xtvc still play huoball in tho stroct,
tolio-)! boys p,Iny it on llc.:r grounds, but baas
ball !ia beaoinc n national game, nnil rolunin
r.ftcrochimti tell tlm stoly of this nine, that
nliir, these c;lnntH. tltono Indians, until the
render who linn no Interest in this sort of
th'n,; thrown down 1:1 paper 1:1 disgust, ami
von kv.i it titer win fver such h mania ns
lb.-: t'l.U fccms' lo have taken possession of
tho uli.'i: country.
LAW Teif:a rActtrr..
"hn dil you first hour of l:wn iotinid
Tr. c"oli"irs to h Wire i-ent pi?cu thnt you
d't hr .f it when yo-t were n ly. Per
hejw vo'j iKii t l.niw w'.mt, It is n iv : tint fur
til il'ni ti.eio a.v thousali Is of :it'-:i and
Mosi'Ci. !'. an I girls, nb.t'.rdle drtvtil,
f,rol-.quo); i'iiki.' i'oiied, ditvoviug their ov-'
i i'.e.l i n'ltrflllft'i to throwing b;i!l iuvo r.ilhor
t'm t..(jt n "id having &'l:h ni'-o tJincs nil
O'er t c c n "try.
I...vo .u idea horr many yarhN Ihcre
c i in t"! country, ransliiR from twenty
t .u "j tic ciIKwr of n (.t fill's ocean
Vntnii t I n n Informed that there mv no
ic. ihoi Ct.oiiO. That repii'ienti nu iinnien
rityo luv.Mnicno and vast outlay nnil Indi
cate a heiuthy lv(i of (iea life, which must of
itei'Ltislty hiix-j i'i circct upon tint growth nud
itrinRth .f llnne who" ii ynclitiny.
Old tl'i.c. boy had cnlboiitii, ynwN, sail
loat; no'v. sous of mlllioualrLH huvo yachti
which but u fi yent ago would havo been
roiiMdered imperial, and their father belt
tho rIoIks in ileamers on whoso deck.s n regi
ment might easily nmncuvnr. Tho moineiit
n tnan'ti lieud loom.s nbovo tho oidiunry lovel
he utirulirtsc u yacht.
What fori
Generally llO'r, tarely pleasure.
And this I particularly truo nnd particu
larly Mit'iilllcnut in riishec of Wall atreot,
Btnto street, imd o her monoy center"!.
When brol;oi-s make money at all thoy
ninho it f' "Fast come, t'nt po,'' i n well
O' rule, and broker nhev brol:er has
within tho (inst ten yearn fbuuted nU private
ljii:il from tho must of his prlvuto yacht.
Then ho falls, Homebody elto tr.kc. tlm ync'it
mid n. dilTurcut cignnl Haunts t.ut it ilauuts
ill tlif Kiinii.
I have n bonk In my work library called
''Great Portuuii," printed oear.y tneiity
ycansnso, which tells of tho siims' t 'I'0
r.ieix'hiuits, capltullstn, inveutoi.s, 11 torn ry
men. who havo attained phouoineunl ooil
Ainoiu others I find tho name of Stephen
CJIrntxl, John J. Astor, A. T. Btowart, Ainoa
.ljtwreuco. .Toinm Chickoriut;, (icorgo lVa
lody, Charlts Goodjear. Hlinu Howe, Jr.,
Hlchai'd llowt., Sauiii'd Colt, James Ilu,.,pr,
.laities (ioiNlou Dennett nnd Uobert Ihniuer.
It -will Intei est any roador to study Urn
liven of these, r.u'n.
Not ono of thmn -prans into sliipend 'tis
Iriumph, not one of iliom nlo hla fruit with
out llrst tilllu;; his i mnad, not on.) of them
How his kite until ln iniido it. Thoy worn all
rich men, suit .tnttt men, anil their success,
their triuuipli', nided ilio upbuilding of com
mtitiitlcM, tin ndviineeiiu nt of ience, Ilio il
veliipiiicntof Kient. .ii-ond ideas, the uplifting
of liinuauity nud t le dovelopmenl of nit.
They were nil of souio service in' their day,
nud not ono of thoui over failed for G'M,COO,
Their money wns In tolid, substantial, got
ntablo vih,
Their property wai built upon tho rook of
honor nud integrity,
Is everythhiR chanced!
When tho blood Stirling Int nnd tho hluh
flying ball wei-o trnusformeil into a wand for
makniK monoy and a ("bleu sphow for which
to llRht; when t-allboatu wero trnnsforiueii
iutOknlftktMHslliiKxtiviniers; hen our hoy.
iKciinie iludes, nnd tint smokiux bean wn
chnusod into a elcaretto, did uwiy tiling
Did tho isxla of morals in Wall slreelf DM
tho hablUt and customs born und tested by
tho oxK)i'ioueo of n century in trade cbauo
Wo think nothing now of reading in tho
paper that by deft manipulation Mr. Gould
inadnnu addition to his tromendovu pilo of
f.l.CKO.WX) at u kiulo stroke; It causes no sur
prise, makes very littl talk, when wo read
that Cyrus W. Field dropped In a slush)
transaction $7,0t)0,(XKi. Hio llippaury with
which wo spoak of rums of
money shows bow completely changed nr
our Ideas from the tlino when $1V),000
i-ecnHsl an adtsuato competency. Joo How.
mil in lloston Globe.
Tlio rutiiro of ISiiriiinli.
There can hi no reasonablo doubt that
there is n pi-osjioNhis futui- swnltins that
rich nnd b autliul country. Tlm tnarvelou
chaiiRU that has conic over Maintain;, even
in tho few mouths since annexation, Indicates
what may be lookod for over tho wholo laud.
1Vju, with n Mirfaco of nbout -'7,000 sipinre
miles, Imd In JH.VJ, or II vo yearn nftor its an
nexation, ii population of only about TWl.tXXt;
in 1SSI IhU had Increased to 3:'M,0ilO, Aliout
lOO.UKi nen mv roclnlmrd every year from
tho jaiiRlo nud brought under cultivation,
mid this province I now tli Rnsttest rice
producing country In the cast, nnd th iiichI
jT0grcilve .nd pmvpi-rous oriloii of the
ludiaii empire. Upper ihuineh and the
niltoiilliinto ttntes. with nn nivr. of nearly
200,UX) Hpturo tuilw-that is, u ni.nlry as
laii;o as Franco have n isopulntlon esthnntisl
nt only iMHl,M0. Upju r llunuali Is not, like
Ijwer Uuruinli, i great rlco OoWj but thero
nro lnrge tracts nudor rice cultlvntlen, and
I hero U lianll.vnpHxiuetr.r n ti opl.l or ever
n UiiiHriilo cliumte for nl.ieh scue pntt of
tho country or other inay not Iw t.Oubl.
Imdoit Times.
The ISiMjlUh cavalr? !iMvrn"rben srmnl
villi levtMVtfl. although It Ueowshsl that
hjbui' luii no -iiui'r uuliut.s icyoUer.
Remnrhntdo rrocreM of h i t'.r of
Hon.; Koii; f Cointo II
Iii every iJhineio liottco or pl. of bui'
iioj, o f.n In tlo Mniupan that n en l tlie
ship. Is the .'hi no, or nltar, before which
Joss clicks en I timed; hero co-e teblets nd
hirunaud j-i.tit' and curlousiy o nl orna
Jiionla. Tho Chinese havo a divei-sily f re
lisloiis, ns no i'm. Lot somehow or oilier t'eey
all Kouin a'li-o. I ho Reiieral term for if in
Heron nni'llil; Is'Uti riireon" l. o.. Gor
business. Tlie 7erA 'Jo.'' like mnny others,
is from tho rntucuese, the llrsl. Miiroiieans
Jint cnnie to China, and Is a corruption "f
Dec (God or lli'itj), I believe. J'igeon or
pijun is r.s near it the Chinese .itn set to
"buslnos.'1 And this romicnl ilfiibn-t is ono
of tho slraugo tiling to tin; newcoini'r.
Miss JJinl very in-ntly culls it baby talk. It
is a very singular corruption of Kuglli-li. t!ie
calls it iiltniiifiinhlc, but I like it. The icop!e
all fall futo It casilv, and the grave iner-
olinnlh, ChlnuiO nud English, Ucrnniu or
Ainei-icr.i'. nil cirry on tln-ll I utJnoss n
though thero were no other in tho world.
I like it bec.nn It nuiusis me, trakes
tno Jni;;,-h; and nnyljing '.nnkes
ns :tt foiiow ns niVo I jwign H
ool. Jf tho m.ill as just In, nud
1 wisltl my l-tters, I should f:iy 'o my
rnmjian insif "bam. my xintioti'S' jw. g
towidc, fast Il'-echnng hoinu-, i.n.l tnikeo ho
my won my letter chop-chop1'- ''Sara, I
wish 3 on t? no up to Messis. Unbelt tz Co. s
slid nsl; tliuti. to kouiI me my lutloro. quick."
It Ii nstnti'si '.uf, hotr readily the Cliiiu-so uti-
dcTsUind e-Tythhig you wish. Koiolitn
3Iiiiiiliii.tuio nf C)iainjnig;i'.
"Chninpigno i- n cury cure for the head-
anltn. Tliat tnn.v not bo your oxihtIiuco, bat
it is true t.''Vir:heless." i!innrl:id a promi
nent Califonilr.gtape grower and wine dealer,
as he tiilM-d of th dillVivnt processes for
niiiuu fuel in ieg wines. "When a follow goes
out tc n supper, and gets up next morning
with n big hi nd, 3011 can rent n-sured that ho
didn't driul. pun ehumpaglin. 'It Is not all
gohl that glillei s.' neither is it nil chnmpagno
(tlial sparkles. I will put puro chain, nguo
against nil the medicines of tho in it! as a
remedy for neiirnigia.
"How do tlmy make champagne? Well,
you must remember that a c'd deal of what
labeled chnui tigno isidoctorrd with car
olle acid gn-. iJut the renl stuff is made by
a-inixtuff; of ten or a dozen different wines i
mode front certain vurietiesof foreign grapes.
Tho wines urn fl.nt niado separate, each from
a separate grape, then thoy nro blended to
gether for I a.-- to and bouquet In certain pro-ixn-llons,
well understood by wiiicmnkcrs.
Tho blendnl wines lire then bottled nnd cork
isl, and undergo u procefssof fcrineiitation for
two years. The Uillles nro then, tho
sediment, blown olf, the wine is rcholtlcd nn I
swcetcncl wiih a rock candy sirup in propor
tion ns it is wanted for dry or extra dry. It
is then corked up nnil allowed to sland for
six months, when it Is tendy for use.
"No, they don't make bottles in this country
strong enough to hold chnmpngne. Tho
picssuro In tlm first fcvmcutntioii is from
ninety to 100 pounds on tho square inch of
glass, so you may know ic tnkos a strong
quality of plass to hold tho liquid. Th cork
used in a, chauipngno bottle is brought from
Spain." SI. I'aul Globo.
first Great Itnllroiid Arcldnnt.
The llrst great accident on tin v railroad oc
curred Dec. 'J I, 1811. on tlio Great Western
railway in Kuglniid. That day n train carry
ing tlilrty-oight passengei-s was moving
through a Milel: fog at a high rate of speed.
A mnss of earth hud slipped down from tho
slopo nbovo nud covensl ono of tho rails to
the depth of two or three feet. Tho englno
plunged into this nud was immediately
thrown from the track, and instantly tho
whole rear of tho train was piled up on tho
top of thu llrst carriage, which contained all
tho passenger, eight of whom wero killed
and seventeen wounded. Tho Coroner's jury
returned u verdict of "Accidental death in all
the oases, ami a deodantl of 1,0 JO on tho en
gine, tender and carriages."
This feature of "ileodand'' belongs lo tho
oltl common law, which declared tlint when
ever any personal chnttel was tho occa-lou of
death it should bo forfeited to tho king, lint
only that part which immediately give tho
wounds but all tilings which uiovo with it
nro forfeited. Down to 1H17, when parlia
ment abolished tho practice, coroner's juries
in Kngluml nl ways assessed ndcodaud ncinst
tho locomotive involved in nu accident,
which, of oours.e, tho conipany'had to pay as
a line. Chicago Tribune.
Tlio Swelling of tlm Orstnr.
Oysters, It seems, iniiy bo swollen very con
siderably by allowing them to lio nvi.ilo in
water. Hy this means, l'lofessor Atwater
tells us, "tho body of tho oyster ncqi'ires nieh
a plumpness and rotundity, and its htd- and
weight nro so increased, us to materially in
crenso its selliii'.' value."
Now, tho tniplo oystennan, ns well as iho
unsophiaticnt id cuntoi'r, has supposed that
thU Kwolhnu f.r "fattening" of the oysier rej
icsents mi netunl gain nf llcsh and Int. Hut
tho professor rudely dispels this theory by
tho crushing explanation that tho iuereaso of
volume U Jut what would bo cxieetod from
tho onioso of dialysk Subjected to this ter
rifying prows fivo quarts of oysters grow to
hix, but the oAtra quart is water and not fat
ness, anil tho dealer "olTers his customeis no
mow nutritive material indeed, a trifle less
in the six quarts than ho would have dona in
tho live quarts It he had not floated them."
tavern of plump and juicy saddle rocks p.nd
other "(.elects" will plenso heed this discovery
of the wise man, nud net accordingly. Now
York Commercial Advertiser.
r.if1' Concerning Suicide.
Of the totn! suicides in n year, over SO per
cent, nci i.r lui lug tho hot months of Juno,
July nud August, The melancholy days of
autumn, the saddest of tho year, nro ulrangely
not condemned to self dcktruction, yet ono
would think so. I figure it out that men
drink more in the summer, nnd consequently
they don't sleep well. You w ill not tea that
most suicides occur in tho early morning.
Tho testimony always shows that the act has
lieen preceded by a deopless night, with con
sequent brooding over real or Imaginary
trouble. Irishmen rarely commit suicldo.
Thnt is because they nro brought up In nine
cases out of ten ns Catholics, nud hnva the
fear of tho future beforo them. Americans
commit tiitcldo to nvoitl disgrace, or while
broken up nervously ut tho end of a debauch.
There is no case on record in this olllco of a
negro committing suicide, nor have I ever
hoard or read of ono any wheie, Coroner in
liming it Sunrr Hole.
A man in lown has jicnt fourteen year in
solving the problem of ltorlug n square hole,
nnd ho has uicoocded. A company is orgnn
ited to put hl Invention on tho market. It It
limply nn oscillating bend with chisel edgv
and projetlng bps, which cut out the corners
In iiilvniuti of the rhlsel. The hntunco of tho
machine is nn almost exact counterpart of tho
old styled boring machine. It will cut a two
by four morUwa in from four to live n.lnutei,
and doing it with perfect noouraey, thnt a ot.r
js'iiter oniiiiot .ihly couiplcW lu t& t'ttu
liAlf mi hour.
riinmns Stuvens Tells of Ilread lie IIh
Eaten In Various Countries During Ills
Kninous lllejrln Tour In Asiatic Coun
tries. The fact is there are no two countries in
tho world where tho people make and eat tho
snmo kind of hread. This seems a rather
broad assertion to make, but is nevertheless a
tnio one. Even in such closely kindred coun
tries as England and America thero exists n
decided difference of opinion in regard to tho
consumption of this staple article of food.
The American custom of eating biscuits hot
ns they can 1k handled from the oven Is re
garded by John Dull, E-q., with even n
greater measure of disfavor than that of
swallowing big tumblers of ico wider nt our
meals. Mr. Hull, lie of the ccllnrftil of fine
old crusted port, tho daily round of roast
beef, carrots, mince pie and Gorgouzohi
cheese, thinks the thinness, tho nervousness
and the dysjepsla of his Cousin Jonathan
comes largely from theso twin evils of hot
bread anil Ico cold water.
In France tho ordinnry loaf assumes the
proportions of n roll the slzo of a man's fore
arm, and four feet long, in any French vil
lage, nbout meal Hint's, grown people and
chihl ren may be seen walking sedately along
tho streets with a four foot stick of bread
thrust under each arm. A careless youngster
sometimes forgets himself to tho extent of
letting the hindmost cud of tho stick trail
along the ground.
Not until one gets down to the principali
ties of tho Balkan peninsula does nnv really
noteworthy innovation occur. Here ono
finds tho medium between Asiatic and Euro
pean methods of making broad. Tho me
dium, however, is fur from being a happy
ono; no moro execrable bread is to l.o found
tho whole world round thnn Is served up to a
traveler at the waysido mehnuns of Bulgaria.
Ik-sides being villainously heavy and well
nlgh black, it is coat-so and repulsive almost
as wet saw dust to tho palate; sand, more
over, enters very largely Into its composition
from carelessness in handling and milling the
This style of bread confronts the disgusted
European traveler for tho first SCO miles be
yond the Hosphorus, nntll ono gets pretty well
out of tho Greek and Bulgarian S' ttlements
in western Apatolin, where another decided
change is experienced. Hero wo como sud
denly into the realm of tho slmon pure un
leavened variety of Asia. Bread U now called
rkmek, and takes the form of flat calces or
sheets about two feet in diameter nnd tho
thickness of ordinary blotting paper. Tho
liocessnrs for tho preparation of this ekmek
nro course wheat Hour, water, mixing trough,
rolling pin, a largo thin griddle and a slow
burning substance called tezek for. a fire.
Taking these simplo ingredients outsido the
houso early in tho morning, the Turkish or
Armeninn femalo kindles the fire, mixes tho
dough, rolls it out, bakes it and stacks enoun
of it up to servo her household for tho day.
When fresh and warm this nreatl is tough and
cloggy; a few days late? it loses something of
its clogginess, but retains its toughness, and
as it advances in ago it becomes brittlo nnd
hnrd. It is as indestructible, healthful nud
useful nn nrtlclo of food as tho hard tack
i-sued to tho ancient uiurincr and.tho old man
of tho sea.
In Asia Minor, ns in all other countries,
however, tho luxurious requirements of city
bred people demand some kind of improve
ment on tho ways nnd methods of country
bumpkins, camel drivers nnd goat herds.
Therefore, in gratification of their epicurean
tastes, the ingenious oriental baker has con
ceived nud prepared little hoops or l ings of
bread nbout thesiza of tho rope quoits aboard
nu Atlantic steamer. Theso novel prepara
tions nro made of finer ami whiter flour than
tho ekmok. and nro rentlored light ami aristo
cratic by the addition of sour dough or other
leavening substance
This sort of brood prevails throughout the
cities of Asia Minor, and tho use of ekmek
extends eastward among tho peasantry of
western Persia as far ns Tabreez. Hero tho
staff of life undergoes another transforma
tion, nud in mnny respects a cliango for tho
better. Thonuiioof tho Persian city bnzais
is really very excellent bread, most E iro
penns giving it prefcreneo over overy other
kind they nro acquainted with. Nuno is
turned out for proper consumption nnil ap
proval in tho forms of fiat cakes a foot broad
and thrco to four feet long. The baker takes
a lump of dough of tho proper slzo and rolls
it dexterously into the proper sbaponud thick
ness nu his bare forearm. Ho then flips a
light shower of water over its surface, and
w ith a masterly toss spreads it over u bed
of boated pebbles.
Contact with the almost redhot pebbles
quickly converts it into n enko of nicely
browned indentations and spongy risings,
tlint render it nlmost ns light as It leavened
with yeast. Tho easantry of eastern Persln
und Knornssnu innko a coarso imitation of
this pnino form of bread, which is also very
palatable and wholesoino when eaten fresh.
The cakes are smaller and thicker than thoso
of tho city baker; nnd their baking appara
tus is altogether dilTcreut. Tho oven is a
huge, upright carthenwaie jar. This is
heated to tho proper consistency by inserting
live coals and coveting up tho top. The
dough lieing patted out into n enko by tho
hands, tho woman Fprinkles it with wnter,
dabs it against the inside wall of the jar and
then quickly replaces tho cover; in n few
minutes tho rake is nicely baked. In Af
ghanistan tho people adopt the Persian
methods of bread muking, without possessing
tho same skill or exercising iho same cn round
troublo in its preparation. Thomas Steycns.
I.lfo Suvlng Apparatus of Itelndeei- Hair.
A Norwegian engineer, Herr W. C. Moller,
of Drnmmcn, Norway, having hml his atten
tion drawn to the extreme buoyancy of rein
deer hnir, has meceeded in constructing
various articles of this material for life sav
ing at sen, with which somo interesting ex
ieriment wero recently made. Tho first life
saving object tried vns one which can bo
mod on board ship as u chair, bedstead or
couch, but which in caso of need may lie con
verted into n small lont. This apparatus
was found rapnblo of supjoi ting llnvo full
grown men in the wnter, although only in
tended to U-ar tvyo. Another object tried
was n suit made entirely of reindeer hnir,
nud covering tho entire liody except tho face,
and in which a man floated on tho wnter
without having to mnku tho slightest move
ment. It was found erfeotly impossible to
dive in tho dross. The third object tried was
a doormat made of reindeer hnir, and this
supjiorted n man cosily, although ho was
drvssed in full outdoor clothing. On com
imring life belts made of reindeer hair with
similar ones of cork, It was found that tho
former wero niueli lighter than tho latter, n
very inimrtiut ndvautage to nn e.tlwiis.rtl
drowning person when ho has to put it on lu
tho water. Herr Moller's assertion that rein
dovrliair is capable of supporting weight
Um timiH its own was fully ut out by
tlMo oxpormiMitK It should Ik jf.uila.1 out
that jju'kits, lielts, etc, made of reindeer hair
nro soft and pliable, and that thoy impart 8
good deal of wmiutk. Loudon Iron,
Experiences of 3Ien Who Are J'oreed to
Trvel livery Iy.
Then there is another large group who are
"on the road" nearly every day. These are
tho men whose business, trades or calling nro
in town and whose dwelling houses or fnniily
places of nlHxle for tho tlino being nre out of
town, nt the shore or in the country. On this
class oliservations may lo made. Some of
them make a dreary nnd tiresome Job of
their daily journey to and fro, especially If
the ride tikes an hour or two. They bury
themselves in silence, or they make futile ef
forts to rend profitless and trashy "light liter
ature," or they resort to the smoking nr.
or thoy play cards' all the way : or they nt
once set to work to try to.go to sleep, and nil
"to kill time," nnd so make n wearisome labor
or feverish fret of tho trip. And, in fact, It
is a monotonous, dull nnd very tedious btisl
ness with them ns they work it n profitless
expenditure of time, most'of them getting
very tired of it before tlie summer is over.
There U a "remnant,1 however, who go
"on the rond" to better purpose, who ilnu't get
tired and who don't try to "kill tinio" in nny
of tho ways already mentioned. One of this
group we havo in mind nt this moment. Dur
ing sovcrnl mouths of tho your It liapjs.'iis
thnt he is obliged to bo on the road twice
every day, his workshop and his dwelling
place being In those mouths two hours' travel
npnrt. He makes the trip to the city early ia
the morning und back in tho evening, and
while he is by no moans a youth he never suf
fers ennui on thi. train, never s.' to be
tired and, in fnet, never is tired on tho rond.
When asked how that comes about his an
swer is: "Tired? No. Tlm most a'oohiti' rest l
get, exeej t when 1 am in bod asleep, !s duri'ig
the two horn's of the railroad ridohomo in the
afternoon nnd evening. When I settle down
In tho car chair i throw off ovcrvthlng that
has nn rri-iiit of thought, in it I !.!; nt the
fields and t''eos, tho com nd the clover, the
pencil orchaids und tho potato p'jt"l:e, thi
berry fields and tho vineyards, the gRi'deen,
'.he barnyards and tho cnttl ;.r.stu ;.. the
snug farm homos nnd tho eo.ycU.Hgo 'lomci
along the village roads, the vti dower:
ami the wild birds, tlie pretty r-nwy
stations, their parterres, and th viri d am
curious groups of people of all dcseripti.ns
congregated nt tho stations. I havo i 'pas.,.
ing nctp: tlutanee' with everything on tinit
road, intimate and innnimnte, nnd every day
I see tin-in under some fresh aspect, ftotue
now Intel est is always coming to uoilce. The
restfulue s of it nil h so irtcc- nud a volute
that you must try it beforo you can under
stand it"
Whin asked about tho "time" tnkcu up in
the two daily trips ho snid: "Yes. of course,
thero's a great expense of time. I could not
nfTord to spend four hours out of the working
day thnt way, so I divide them, devoting tlio
two hours to the shore after tho day's won. is
over to erfect rest, and putting tho two
hours coming up in tho morning to work,
nnd I can do three hours' work easily in those
two when fresh i'. the morning. It is won
derftil to find how letters .nnd papers and
memoranda about business alTuIrs that were
puzzles and difficulties to know what to do
wiih during tho busy hours of the dny before
clear themselves up and almost dispose of
themselves when tho mind is fresh and free
and active in tho early morning on the road."
Chicago Times.
How Tliey 1'arm tn Clilll.
Fin niing lit Chill is conducted on the old
feudal system. Tho country is divided into
great estates, owned by people w ho live in tho
cities and seldom visit their haciendas, ns
they nio culled. Tho tenants aro pei niancnt,
and havo retainers in tho form of littlo cot
tages mid gardens, for which they pay no
rent. If tho landlord requires their services
thev are always subject to his call, nnd nre
paid by the day or month for whntevcr Inbor
they iieiTorui, generally in orders upon the
supply store or commissary of tho i.itnte,
where thev can obtnin food, clothing nnd
other articles, nnd rum especial! v rum. They
aro given iinnll credits nt theso stoics, nnd as
the law prohibits a tenant from leaving a
landlord to whom lio is in debt, tho former is
never permitted to settle his account. Tho
peons never get nhead. They live and dio on
ho saino estates and in tlio samocatuns w hero
their fathers nnd grandfathers lived and died,
mil know nothing of the world or tho condi
tions of men around them. Although they
aro badly treated in most cases, they are al
ways loyal to their innsters and tako their
peonage ns n mutter of course
Tho war with Peru hnd a demoralizing ef
fect upon the agricultural populnt ion, from
which the army of Chili was recruited, and it
will require many years to recover from it.
When thev returned from tho war it was
found almost itnpossiblo to get tho men back
to tho estaneins. They wero enamored of mil
itary life, and hnd got n tasto of city dissipa
tion, and u huge proportion of tho army, when
it was mustered out, becanio thieves, beggars
and highwaymen. Thero is notenough labor
in tho country to work tho farms, nnd tho
lack litis not only caused higher wages to be
paid, but has done much to break up tho old
system. Itn ' igrntion is encouraged, labor
saving machinery is being introduced from
tho United Stntes, nnd new conditions aro
promised. But tho estnneieros who adopt la
bor saving mnchinery hnvo to get somo im
migrant to operate it, as tlio native can sel
dom bo induced to do so, nnil when ho does,
usually smashes the implement at the first
trial. Harper s Magnzlno.
nierclKo During Hot Wentlicr.
A wheelman remarked recently that ho did
not believo tho people who abstained alto
gether from nctivo exertion got along ns well
during the intense bent as thoso who kept up
their regular habits of exercise. "My leisure,"
said he, "conies in nlmost tho hottest part of
the day, but I tako a spin of eight iniles or
so nlmost everv dnv nnd get no a glorious
perspiration. When one is dressed for it. a
fow degrees of ndditiounl heat don't mako
much difference, and on n wheel one nearly
always gets n breeze. After a bath in water
just from tho hydrant, a rub down nnd the
assumption of dry clothing, I como down
stairs feeling hko one of tlio neighbors, 50
per cent. U-tter than if I had boon sitting in
the shade fanning myself nil of that time.
It seems to mo my plan is bett;r than that cf
the fehows who choosotho cool of the evening
for their exercises, and then, without n
change of clothing, sit upon n piazza until
they get chilled. Moreover, the plungo Into
cold water is as much fun as tho spin. It is
never too hot to tako mc s dally exercise, in
this climate, nt nny rate." Buffalo Courier.
The Mcht Clerk' Itrsponsllilllty.
Manager Shepherd, of Minnenjwlis, is
Rioted as saying;
"One of the most responsible positions in a
hotel is fiat of night dork, and yet that is
where beginners servo their apprenticeship.
For nl least eight hours tho night clerk has
exclusive control of tint hotel. Ho has no one
to turn to in case of an emergency. It any
thing hapiHMis ho must rely solely upon hi.
own jutlpjneut, for lie 1ms no tune to call
upon any csio. Tlio most serious tiling that
oui Immii, of ootirse, is fire. The safety of
nil the nitrous lu tlte'houo is dondtiiit upon
tho caoliMM und judgment nf tlw night ckrk.
A level liwnlud man who d(ftut ou hU wiu
U invaluable us a night cletk,"
Experience of n Working Girl ITIillo
Hunting for i Hoarding Place Merci
less Qulrzlnc "So ltoom" for ft Well
Dressed Vounir I.ndy.
"I shou'd like to give you an idea of how
wo girls aro treated wherever we go to look
for boarding places in this city," said a young
typewriter to a reporter tho other day.
"You men can obtain bonrd wherever you
please, nnd so long ns you pay your board
bills nnd behave yourselves thero aro no
questions nskeil; but with a girl It is difTor
ent. When I came to New York I wns fresh
from New England, unknown nnd without,
friends hero to givo mo help or hints. Con
sequently I had to hunt up n board. ng place
for myself. After considerable looking
around I found a quiet nppenring house where
the sign stated that n hall room was vacant
and that boarders were wanted.
"In answer to my ring a kindly looking
matron inquired my business. When I told
her that I was looking for a boarding placo n
vislblo change came over her face.
'' 'Who aro you?' was her somewhat abrupt
question. Then she scanned mo ns if I wero
a suspected thief, for whose capture a reward
had been odeied, nnd without giving mo time
to nnswor this pertinent question, she con
"'Aro you married!'
" 'No, 1 am not,' I snid ns pleasantly ns my
mortification would allow.
'"What do you expect to do for n livingT
was her next query.
" 'I am n tyiiewriter.'
" 'A typewriter' This was said with a
sneer that might menu volumes.
" 'Hnvo you a brother in the city or any
male friend who will call on you?'
" 'No, my family nil live in Connecticut.'
" 'Do you keep company with nny young
man!' Really, I was leginning tolosonll pa
tience, but I managed to say, calmly: 'I do
not, but what has thnt to do with thecfues
Hon of my hiring a room nnd paying for it
in advance?'
"'Havo you got any references?'
"I don't sco why I submitted lo so much
quizzing. Thnt woman could bent n reporter
asking questions. 'No,' 1 replied, 'lint if you
wnnt them, I suppose I could get them from
homo in two or three days.'
"'Well, I guess wo haven't nny room now,
nnd, besides, I'd rather have gentlemen,' was
tho worthy matron's decision, ns sho opened
the front door only to shut it quickly behind
me. I think I went to full- a dozen place?,
only to be treated in the samo way. At last
I went to tho Young Woman's Christian as
sociation, where I should havo gono first. I
never was more thankful in my life than
when, after I hnd been nt work for a year
nnd desired to chnngo in)' place, ono of tho
girls in our olllco invited me to shnro her
room until I was able to find another place.
This inn' all sound very funny to you, but it
wns nof a funny experience for mo; nnd my
experience is by no nienns unusual. A man
can get rooms nnd board whero ho chooses,
without references and without questions,
but when a girl tries to get board for herself,
if she is well dressed her character is doubted,
nnd there is 'no room' for her; people wonder
whero she gets her money. If she is poorly
dressed sho is naturally not wanted, becnuso
sho will lower tlio reputation of tin) house.
Sho must, in self defense, marry or at least
become engaged if sho has no male rolntivo
under whose protection sho is. It does seem
ns if something might be done for lite poor
girls who como to the city in this way.
Thero ought to lie somebody willing to tnko
them nud care for them respectablv nud
economically, and do this without sacrificing
the self respect of tho girl. New York
The Klertitor Man's Memory.
"It is not hard to mcmnrizo thosituntion of
the different offices." snid a man who runs tin
elevator in the Field building. "The difficult
thing is to recollect when the different peoplo
get down to work-in tho morning. When n
person fails to find n man in his olllco the
first thing ho does is to nsk mo nt what time
he usually arrives. If I mako n mis'ako or
can't nnswer at nil I am complained of to tho
boss, so to hold my job I must not only lo a
walking directory but an oraclo ns well.
This building is mndo up entirely of small
ofllcoj, nnd many of tho tenants employ no
help. On this account I nm obliged to know
exactly when each man is in the linbit of get
ting down in tho morning. If n iiitin always
comes nt the samo time each day it would bo
n simple matter, but in calculating I havo to
mako nllowaiK'o for n queer fetituio in human
nnturo which you havo probably never heard
of before.
"The average man finds it harder to keep
good resolutions than to mnko them. When
ho sits at homo on Sundny and thinks over
tho past week he feels that ho could havo
done much better thnn ho did do if ho had
got down to tho oflVo much earlier than ho
did. IIo remembered that it wns nlmost time
for luncheon when ho had finished discussing
his morning paper, so lio resolves to turn
ovcrn now leaf for tho coining week. Tho
result is that he gets down hero on Monday
morning before we hnvo tho steam up. Tho
noxtday ho is half nn hour late, nnd on
Wetlnesdny he is nn hour behind. When it
is tinio to turn out on Thursday morning ho
feels discouraged at being unablo to live up
to his resolution, so ho turns over nnd takes
another imp. Py Saturday ho has returned
to bis lazy habits. Thus it goes on year in
nnd year out When I'm asked when n man
will Ixj down in tho morniyg I don't look nt
the clock but nt tho calendar." Now York
Evening Sun.
Gladstone' Vitality nnd Versatility.
Perhaps it is in privatolifo that Mr. Glad
stone's vitality nnd versatility aro most ro
markable. It is a great sight to wntch him
nt dinner with n fow friends. IIo never talks
for tho sake of talking, but listens attentively
to every one else, nnd is engcr to draw out
from ids company nil they can tell him. Hut
they feel tho iufltienco of a master mind in
tho smallest details, Mr. Gladstone asks n
dozen searching questions in a few moments,
and presents tho subject in nn entirely now
light by some exjiosiiion that the listeners
never dreamt of. IIo is full ot reminiscences,
nnd seems to imagine that everybody's mem
ory ought to be ns tenacious ns his own,
Ono night when ho was pi inio minister ho
sat on tho treasury liench with only ono col
league beside him. Ho was apparently asleep,
nud the other mnn thought he might indulge
in a dozu. But presently a Tory speaker
ventured upon somo historical statement
Mr. Gladstone was on the alert nt once.
Turning to his companion, ho snid: "That is
entirely wrong. This fellow is mixing up hii
facts and his dntes. Don't you roniemlierl"
Then he proceeded to explain some oliscuru
pango of ioitioal history of which his un
fortunate colleague w-ns obliged to confers en
tiro ignorance. Mr. Gladstono looked nt him
for n moment in pitying wonder and ns soon
ns lie duie-l the hapless mnn slunk nwny.
Mooting a f'ii-ud, ho sai l: "I'm going homo;
I can't stand tlint fltwiili oh I man any more.
Why. m actually civss examined mo about
something that hamiewed boore I wat iKirul"
London Cor. Philadelphia Timed.
Some of tho Manners nnd Customs of
tlm I.atln Quarter,
nere is tho receipt for n Paris student: A
high hat which costs about 2 and is shabby
in proportion. A bonrd, but not liko tbo
boards we have at home. It must bo cut
very short nt the sides, generally with n ma
chine, and pointed nt tho chin. Tho hair is
dono in ono of three wnys, but rarely with
any part. 1, cut very short and brushed
straight forward a la dynnmiter; 2, brushed
up on end n hi porcupino; 3, allowed to grow
very long nnd thrown" back a la Beethoven.
Theso long Imb ed fellows nro simply disgust
ing. They assumo tho hnlo of nn intellect
which they Jiavo not got You can generally
tell a student, too, by tho black leather cose
which he invariably carries for paper, books,
etc For writing thoy nil havo little square
inkstands which possess most mnrvclous pow
ers of upsetting, and an ordinary pen. A
stylograph, price twelve or fifteen francs,
would bo considered nn indication of fabulous
wealth. The most striking characteristic,
however, of a genuino Paris student, particu
larly ono of the medical persuasion, is his free
and easy manners. Ho frequently finds,
toward 2 or 3 o'clock in tho morning, that bis
brain will not work nny longer unlcsi bo
goes out in tho street nnd howls vigorously, to
the immense edification of the neighboring
sleepers. Then you will often observo hiin
singing down tho Boulevard Saint Michel
in tho o yeniiig, with a femalo compan
ion on either arm, and indulging in
what might bo called, by a Might
disregard of tho truth, a species
of singing. Again you may seo tho young
gentleman of studious propensities on top of n
billiard tablo in ono of the brasseries, rrith ft
cuo in ono hand nnd a plato of -what thoy coll
choucrouto In tho other, haranguing a crowd
of miscellaneous friend upon some important
question of the moment. Yes, on tho wholo
you nro apt to recogulzo tho student by tho
delightful sans gene which ho displays when
ever ho appears in public. You think to
yourself: "Well, these joking, drinking,
jovial, fooling young Frenchmen can't
amount to much at their books. Thoy aro not
serious enough, they waste too much tlino nt
cafes and brasseries, thoy keep too late hours,
etc" Wult a moment, my friend. Paris
students nro not to bo fudged toohnstily. Go
into the lecture rooms und tho laboratories.
Watch theso samo hiirum ssarum follows nt
tho dissecting tablo, or in tho grcnt libraries.
Talk to them. Find out who thoy nre, etc,
nnd tho first thing you know you will dis
cover that these ''young fools," ns you
thought them tho other night when you
watched them gambling in tho Cafe do la
Sourco at 1 o'clock in tho morning, know
enough about medicine, or chemistry, or
something else, to mako your head swim.
You seo they play very hard when they piny,
and iicrhnps it's tho snmo when they work.
They laugh at the English students here ns
being "always serious," for tho excellent rea
son thnt they have not enough esprit to bo
anything else. Paris Cor. Now York Ban.
Toot Loose nt Coney Island.
Again, Coney Island offers superior ad
vantages for tho study of tho pseudo charac
ter which for somo inscrutablo reason it
pleases "Coney's" visitoi-s to assumo thero.
Peoplo havo no sooner settled nt tho Oriental
or tho Manhattan, to confino our attention to
thoso hostelries. thnn they exhibit characters
which ninnzo and amuse. You say to your
self: "Theso people are all right in New York,
courteous, amiable, f elf reliant, with n decent
rcservo nbout their own affairs and n kindly
consideration for tho feelings of others. At
homo they nro tho prosperous, best behaved
people in tho world. But Coney Island is on
tho threshhold of Now York, and why should
thoy appear different hero?" What aro thoy
in tho habit of doing? Nothing very dread
ful, but many things which are ridiculous.
They stare nnil romnrk upon passers by; they
criticiso manners and dress in tho loudest
tones; they eat and drink in public in a wny
thnt would mako n Frenchman wince; they
danco in tho hotel ofllco, flirt on nn inch of
green grass removed by another inch from
tho public promenndo; thoy sing nnd whistlo,
nnd, in a word, tho peoplo who nro pillars of
propriety at Nnrragnnsett Pier und Bnr
Hnrbor, as well as in New York, bohnvo at
Coney Island ns if it wero tho deck of a
Cunti'rder with tho flag of ship bokemianism
floating uloft
Tho result is to divido tho aristocrntio sec
tion of Coney Island into two part. Tho
quiot, solicitudo loving sojourners uncon
sciouslv order their nlTnirs so that, day by
day, they aio in the habit ot seeing less and
less of their fellow boarders; they frequent tho
wild sand dunes, tho unimproved corner ot
tho island, or cross tho marshes nnd tako to
tho inland roads. It must bo rcmeniberod of
Coney Island Hint it has como up from a dis
reputable resort to bo reputable nnd almost
"swell." Indeed, it is "swell" in patches, and
although tho old, bail atmosphere U still
faintly perceptihlo nbout it, demoralizing
thoughtless peoplo a little, yet is tho Island
far forward on tho way to respectability.
Last summer two of our artists, Smillio and
Chase, painted on tho beach, and sinco paint
ers havo recognized it much time will not
elapso beforo poots sing it New York Oor.
Chicago Times.
Tlio Smart Young Man.
A tramp was sleeping sweetly on thostring
pleco of tho French lino docl on Sunday
nf ternoon. A cloud of flies swarmed nbovo
him. Thrco nicely dressed young men ob
served tho scene, and ono determined to end
it. Ho secured a bucket with n ropo atttoched
from a neighboring tug. IIo filled it with
water from tho river nud dashod its contents
into tho tramp's face. Tho startled sleeper
awoke, threw up his arms, nnd rollod into tho
river. Tho crowd rushed to tho stringpiece,
whilo the young man was a picture of despair.
When tho tramp camo to tho burfaco ho
called lustily for help. Tho women on tbo
shore looked nt tho well dressed young mnn
and cried, "Shnniol'' Down went tho untor
tunato ngnln with a mournful appeal to those
on shore. Tho young man who caused all tho
mischief waited no longer. IIo jumped into
tho river. Both ho nnd tho tramp appeared
at tho samo time nbout six yards npnrt The
young man swam for tho tramp, but, strango
to say, tho tramp struck out, too. With littlo
effort ho reached tho tug from which tbo
bucket was secured and easily gained its deck.
Thenco ho climbed to tbo dock. Tho young
man followed him, und thedrippingpairwvsr
tho center of a laughing throng. Tho tramp,
turning to tho young man, said with n dis
dainful nir: "Say, young feller, yo think ye r
smart, don't yer; but who got tho wust o that
Tho young man and his two companions re
treated amid the jeers of the crowd, whllo tho
tramp selected n sunnv spot mid Kit dawn to
dry Ins clothes. New York Sun.
Yankee Ingenuity.
Miss Do Fashion Horrors) It's Sunday
and my writing paper is all gono.
Littlo Brother That new kind!
"PJl mako you some. Jnno got n bar of
toap yosterdny, nud tho paier around it Is
Just what you had, rough and sort o'
"Nonsame, My paper bail red eyes."
"Yos, 1 know. I'll got Jano to cut It tho
right stea and dip tho edges in raspberry
jam." Omaha World.