6 i 4' VOL. IV. The Oregon Scout, An independent wcck'y jou-na!, issued ev ery Saturday luon.iigby JONES & C1IANCEY, 1 Publishers and Proprietors. A. K. .Ionks, t H. fiiANcnv, Kditor. 1 Foi email. BITES OI' SOUSCKII TIONs One eopv, one ear $1 f0 " '" bix months ... 1.0U " ' Ih.cj luontoH 75 Ininrialily Cash in Advance. by chance subscriptions arc not paid till end of year, tu-u dollar will In- charged. llntcs of ailvcitising made known on ap plication. flSTCorrcspondence from a'l parts of th.' country sol cl;ed. Adre-s nil communications to the OnrGON Scour, Union Or. gon. HSMTCSSinfinjeErSCEyi KOFL'feSIONAL. JOHN It. CIUTES, Attorney at Law. Gill c'ing and proliate practice spcc'ul ticd. Ofliec, two dours sou h of p ist-oHie.'. Union, Oregon. E AIL IN , Attorney at Law AND NOTAUY PUBLIC. Ofllec, one dot r ou h uf J 1). Ka m.'s stoic, Union, Oieg n. J N. GRO.M WKLL, M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Office, one door south of .1. H. Eaton's store, Union, Or. gon. Q F. BELL, Attorney at Lav, Notary Pub ic, and Abst -actor of Ti les. Oflice cjtate L inl till e b il.iliiiK. co.'ner Jluin mm A Ktrceti, Inlou. Oregon. Q H. DAY. M L)., 1IOMKPATIII ' Physician ami Surgeon. ALL CAI.I-3 r::OMl'TLY ATTESUKI) TO. Oftiee ad oinin Joni's I'ro' store, fan bo fU'id i iglits at the Cpntc.inial ho'.nl. room No. 'JH. M. IJAKi:n, J. V. riiin.To.v. J. V. IJakkii. jgAKER, BII ELTON .fc BAKEIl, Attorneys at Law. OFFICES Union and LaGrandn, Ore gon, .pi'ci.il Attention given all business entrus'fl to u. J. M. CAIUfOLL. Notarv Public. 15. F. WILSON. Ex-Co. Clerk. .QARUOLL & WILSON, Conveyancers and Abstracters Abstracts to Keal and Mining property furnished on sliort notice, at reasonable rates. Sale of Real and Mining property nego tiated. Collection business promptly at tended to. Odice next door south of Post-ollke. Un ion, Oregon. Jf. GARDNER & CO. , Watchmakers & Jewelers, Union, Oregon. Clocks and Jewelry For Sale. JtrpnlrlnK nt Moderate l.ntcii. Call and examine our goods and prices. Geo. Wkksiit, President. W. T. WmoiiT, CiisJuer. First Mmi hi -OF UNION, O1UJ0ON. Does n Genoral Hanking Ilusinus. Iluys and mi'IU tx hunge, a ul nKcounti roiuiner clul jiaper. Co lirijons em fully at 'ended to, and pMii.ptly rcj oru d AND SODA FACTORY, Cor. Ma'n an ! I) St. rnlon. tmut, hlimiUAN A U I.I Y, IT . Mmiuf u cr a ili!eir 1 1 i 1 "v.n- I n 11 . . i oto. Or- Kentucky Licmor Store Kidneyliver iedicine xevjsh K.vo:J?r to r.ur CUKKS ail Ulacasei of tlio ICldnoj-R, Xivcr, J'.lailder, aud ITrinary Orjjan: Brojisy, Gravel, Iin!etcs, l'.rlgtit'o Disease, I'nlns i ttio IJacJ:, Loins, or .Side; He tcntiun or Kan-li e t en Ion o f XI rln o, Jfcrvous iJ'sea .es, 1'eajalo Vrea'tncsscs, Kxecsscs, .Taundlco, KitiouEiicss, Headache, Dour Utomach Dyspepsia, Const'yatlon, and riles. cunns wiie:: ai.i, o'mi::t jiuuicines TAIL, a: It !' : I'iror'.Jy ..-..1 ;-.t .ncc on t'.:o Iliilnejc, ' "1 Jio-.icts, rostorlns lltcw to a 1 raltliy aelloii. Ill NTS 11UMKDY U a safe, cure, anJ ;)cci!y niro. r.itil .um'.;cJj liavo brcn cured ly it wlicsi 1 hys! bi-J f irl lriend 1 ad j'.' c i t!if :: 7 1 ' o c'o'.a.'-, Uy a4. oi-.co i-r:rr3 i:r.Mi:rv. Bladder, I'rii.ary a..d I r Diseases, Dropsy, Oravol, and Diabetes, an d by HUMTS REflSEDY tut: v-v.ui t,u;j,v AND LU'Ei: JIKDICIXK. !HTS IE1ES cures Driglit'a Elica e r.e'.ention or Kon-Iletcn-tloa of Tiinc, rlns U. ths Back, Loiru, or Side. HUMPS REMEDY cures lntcnipcrar.ee, irervous Disciacs Cencril Debility, r ma'o '.""a .ncss, sr.d neccsis. in;seEiEiY cures r.iU.msnc;?, Uendachc, Jaundice, Sour S'Dtnacli, Dyspcp la, Constipation and Pile. ACTS AT 0:;CI", on tho ICldncya, T.Ivor, and Bowola, rcstorit'.": tlicm to a healthy action, and CUKES when all other medicines fail. Hundreds have licen raved m ho l.avt lec ven up to (Mo V fr'endi and pliya.'danc. KidneyUver Medicine .v;rri ro;r to sail. IIUVT'fi KF.MI ' jaa caved from lia jerinff dl coso an t dcatl hundreds who han been ,i?en up by pi.ytic a .3 tj die. HUNT'S KEMEDYcureo nil DUoaRoii of tho Kidneys, Illaddor, Urinary Or rjnns, Dropsy, Gravel, Dlatole and Incontinence nr.d Ketentlon cf Urlno. IIUWT'fi rEJfEDV cnCLUrajcs tleop, trca'.cJ oa oppo ! lracoi up t .8 iytem, aitd renewed heal.h 1$ tlio rosuP. IIUST'S ItKMI-'UV c respnlnln tho Side, Vack c r Loins, C ucrnl Doblllty, rcsislo XMseaaeH, r isturbeel Bleep, Loss o.Aipt)lllo arid Jrlsht's Dlseaie, HUNT'S KKSIEDV qalcldy Induces the L,7ver tu healthy action, removing tho causes thatrroduso Klllous Headache, Dyspep blo, Scur fitomacli, Costlvcncsn, I'llea, etc. By f.j v o f nUNT'T ur.Ml'.DY the Et-iroacli tsi.l lwth will r xJlly rcpiln their ttrencth, ami tiio blood will r i perfectly puriCvd, HUNT'U ItUJtllllV ii purely vejeUMe, and inic's a mut never before fuinhiiiod tu tho pucJe, and the utmost rslnea may ho placed la It. HUNT'S KKJinnY l.i iropnred ex promly for tlio nhovo dUnascN, unit has never been Kniixui to fall. Ono trial ivlll convlnco -on. Toi aol, nil Driifrclsts. ' amphltt to u'JHTS HEMEDY CO., UNION, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, iSST. OUR POETS. This space is jdven for the ifc and benelit of our local writers of verse, and we hope to make It a pleasing feature of the paper. To that end contributions are solicited, but they must povsetK undoubted literary merit to ohtiiin place and recogni tion here. Ed.) roK.sr. Ah Poey I like some sweet floivrct newly born, Tiiat dheds its yagrance throng b tho am bient air; Thou b' eatliest thy music through the soul, tin ugii torn With bitter grief, and sublunary care. Thy spirit li t me .share. From tkv nweot fountain sip its dewy balm Soothed by the .strains Castalia'.s Nymphs impai'u Whence nothing comes to mar its holv calm, Or turn astray the kindly feeling heart With sly ensnaring art, Tis time to weave thv hoft, enchanting spoil. Through souls that's tarnished with the world's dark stain ; Teach them to raNc their voices, and to swell , Their songs in harmony with God's own refrain Through Nature's wide domain List to the murmur of the ocean's voice. To hear a' pooivt in the wind's low wail, 'Neath the sweet .strains of I'liilomella's voice. Divine instinctively her former tale, And with her to bewail. And then again, Oh Poesy! 'tis thine To rouse tri'tn out its listless npatuy, The latent tire in the soul divine. To love, to grandeur, and to peace, and inic, And .sweetest melody! Nor is this all ! with ringing voice and strong 'Tis thine to drive dark Error from the earth . Aud with fairTruth to overpower the wrong And to Mclcheedco restore his ancient wortli E'en to the cuds of earth ! Amos K. Jo.nbx. CORRESPONDENCE. Washington, Nov. 12th, 18S7. To the editor of the Oekuon Scout. 1 Iu no citv of the United Stsiteii was there more general and profound in terest in the recent election than in Washington, for here are temporarily domiciled representatives of every State and Territory of the Union, uh u cenerul thinir their tenure of nlacu being in a large measure dependent upon the changing fortunes of politics. Realizing the force of thin truth, your correspondent, on liiht Tuesday night, strolled out ou Pennsylvania avenue, and joined a throng of over one thous and men, who were tolidly ninptfod iu frout of the Daily I'ost building, where the election returns weie displayed in an upper story window by means' of a stereoptieon. The crowd was us good humored as it was largo and was per fectly orderly; as (he news was blazon ed forth there were Republican cheers and Democratic cheers quickly follow ing each other. At the White House, President Cleveland had a special wire, and toon after the New York figures began to flush forth, the Chief Magistrate face .was wreathed in a smile that was child-like and bland, and when lie re tired to rest for the night, he doubtless had bright visions of a second term in the historic mansion. It is lets than a month now till the meeting of Congress, and the popular interest is focused upon the probable course of that lody, in regard to econ omic questions more especially the taiifT which over-shadows all others. I believe there will be a substantial re duction, both in enstom duties ami in ternal revenue taxation, for unless both are reduced, neither is likely to be as fetich legislation will probably bo in the nature of a compromise. That the present tariff should be re-adjusted is the opinion of the brightest states men of both parties the only question being the desiied method. Other important mutter that will en gage the attention of our national law makers, will be the proposition to change the term for which Congress men arc elected, and ulso to change the time of meeting of Congress from the first Monday in December to some time in January. Under the present system of Congressional service that is, members of the House of Represen tativer they are elected thirteen months before taking their seats. Thus a member's encccesor is elected before the incumbent's term in half out. This old-fogy plan aho tends to destroy our theory of popular represen tation, which is the cornei-stone of true republican government, for a Congressman, who reflected the wishes of his constituents thirteen montlm ago, may have drifted away from their views upon vital questions by the pres ent time. Evidently there is need of real reform here, and it is to bo hoped that u result tu greatly desired may bo TELOCARET. V Spicy Letter t'mm Our Ki-Riilnr Correspondent. Weather cold. No sleigh-riding yet. Everybody beginning to "hole up." The water that supplies Kudus & Co's saw mill is causing tome trouble now, by freezing up. Pyle Canyon school is running along nicely at present ; the fair representa tion of thoughtful parent.-, and the choice of an excellent teacher. Mr. James Ilaynes, a resident of Riiino Klat, near this place, moved in to Union a few days ago on account, of Mrs. Ilaynes' health; she is troubled with consumption in a slight form. Well, how lonely it seems here, this winter! Our duneiiig people have all gone ; our old dissipating friends have become too pious to indulge in tho in nocent sport any more, and we have no literary organization yet. What, shall wo do? Miss Emily Ashbey, our over wel come friend, returned from North Pow der a few days ago, where she has been working the past summer. She will attend school in Pylo canyon, until some young fellow, with silvery tongue and pleading accents, happens along to prevent it. Mr. Ashbey and sons returned from Jordan Valley I. T. where they have been hunting and trapping for several months. They report game very scarce, and fur bearing animals not very plenty, Our game is not as a bundant as it u.-ed to be: the game law should bu enforced more strictly. B. W. 11.' THE WAY TO DO IT. If you want your town to improve, improve it. If you want, to make your town lively, make it. Don't go to sleep, but get up and work for it. Puch. Advertise it. Talk about it, and talk favorably. If yon liavu any property, improve it. Paint your houses; clean up your back yard. Make your surroundings pleasant, and you will feel better, and your property will be wortli more dollars in the mar ket. If you are doing reasonably wdl, advise your far-away friends to come and invest near you. Work steadily for your home place and hoine inter ests. Trade at home; help your homo dealers. Keep your money at home as much as possible, and it will bo like ly to help you in return. Public im provement is an investment that pays. Don't waste your time over some dirty neighborhood quarrel, and hold buck your aid fiom some good object through spite, but work for some good, and you will find yourself benefitted. Get at it. Wake up, rustle. There is no time to be lost, and every little helps. Toot your horn and toot it loud. PREHISTORIC RELICS. The mastodon hones now on exhi bition iu one of the cabinets of the Alturus hotel are well worth examina tion. Among them is a portion of a tusk about 18 inches iu length. It is estimated that the entire tuk was eight feet in length. There are two molars or grinding teeth of enormous size, a femur or thigh bono, a kneu cap, and several smaller hones. They wero found in the gravel on Snake river by somo placer miners. Inter-Idaho. GKEATLV KXClTni. Nota few of the citizens of Union have recently Income great'y excited over the astonishing facts, that seviral of Ui -ir friends who had been pronoun. ed by their physicians as incurable aud beyond nil hope suffering with that dreaded monster, Con sumption have been coiuplttely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Coimuinp Hon. the only remedy that does positively cure all throat mid lung tiljcnjcs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma mid Bronchltlv. Trial bot tles free at Wright's drug store. Lurgo bottles f 1. Why buy from imigrivttng agents of whom you know nothing, oithurof their responsibility or tho character of stheir goods, when there lire lespoiibiblu deal ers located near you, who carry full and complete lines of ull farm and mill machinery and implements, and whore success it is for your best interests to support with your patronage? Frank Bro's. Implement Co, of Island City request .your consideration of their vtf6 Jftrvt) ItAl UvuTlifvH ViWi tWin. U The University. lute routine; L.itter 1'rnm tlio ".Villous of Mercou."---A !''ti:rnlilin; StiMo Institution. LOCA.L 13IPUOV3SMEXTS. November 21, lSfVT. 1 Editor Oimmox Scout: A p r.-on visiting Eugene city, jud-j ing Irum the l.irgr number of coniino.li-1 oiiii brick businusH houses in construct- j ion or just being finished, and tho , many elegant, residences throughout tin.- suburbs that have been built during the summer, would certainly receive I lie impression that 'the boom hud at last reached tho Willamette valley. But on investigation ono finds that neatly every new business block lias been erected by men who huvo been engaged in business here for years simplv a growth of business, and a desire to keep abreast of tho times. The University of Oregon has given an impetus and progicss to improve ment that 'is truly wonderful. Fifty thousand doll. tin per annum thrown into circulation by the students alone, is one of the main factors iu the prob lem. Knowing a steady and perma nent giowth is theirs, yet the people of Eugene are anxiously awaiting the completion of ihu 0. it C. railroad, when the professional boomers of Cal ifornia are expected to move, north Everything here is favorable for them, yet it will be a day "big with the fate of Cito and of Rome" when they take possession of Eugene. The University of Oregon was never in a more flourishing condition. The attendance is larger than any former year, and facilities for higher education aie. being rapidly increased. It is gradually being recognized as the leading education I institution on the northwest coast. Its endowments are larger than any other Uuiverity in the nor. Invest and it is fostered and nour bhed by tho Statu whosu euro it is. This institution belongs to tho State, and every tux-payer should feel an in terest in its pivio.-s, every county judge should strive to see that his district is represented to the fullest ex tent of the scholarship privileges. During thu summer the water works have been extended', electric lights have been placed in nearly nil the bminess houses and have taken the place of the old street lamps. Many of the piiucipal streets have been graded. A subordinate lodge of the United Order of Honor has been instituted at this place. Tiie market for wheat and hops is ixliuinuly dull but very little of either has reached market. Tho new Baptist church, costing nearly ifS.OOU, is about cotuplutud. L. Jay. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Iu tho mutter of settlement with thu usscshor; $1.2f0 allowed. In tho matter of private road peti tioned for by Martin utulj made a pub lic road ; dismissed. E. T. Neville road appraisers ap pointed at former term to assess dama ges, reported $800 damages, to bu paid by the petitioners, and tho case con tinued till the next term. Ro.ul petitioned for by E. T. Mer win ft ul; sustained and road ordered opened. Iu iho matter of Union county vs Wallowa county; order issued for &100 as attorney fees. Iu the matter of State of Oregon vs Win. M. Bennett; the county judge oi d red to settle the judgement against him of $1,213.81, with Mrs. Bennett, for a mere nominal sum, Z. Tucker appointed constable for Cornueojiiu precinct. DON'T let that cold of yours run on. You think it U alight thing. But It may run Into ea tnrrh. Or into pneumonia, Or consump tion. Catarrh is disgusting, rncuifionla is dan gerous. Coiuumptioii.U death itself. The breathing aparatus must hs kept healthy aud clear of ull obstructions and ollciiblvc mutter. Oiberwite there is trouble ahead. All thodlscusptiof these parts, heud, nose, tin out, brohehlul tubes and lungs, can bo delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Hoehee's (Jurinnn Syrup. If you don't know ibis ulioady, thuiHiinds and thous- uiiilsof p ople can tell you, They have been cund hv it, and ' kimw how it Is tlieiu r-elvi ' ll 'ttlu only 76 ceuts. Ask uny drugg.st. Bubvoribv for Tub Oabw Bwr. NO. 22. THE COVE. News of tlin Weeli is Noted l).T onr Wltie httiiI.1' i'nrrepniuteiit. Novomlwr 23, 1SS7. James Ilendershott went to. Halora, this week, on business. A number of young peoplo will trip the light fantastic, at Medical springs, Thanksgiving Eve. Miss Alice Ncwby is in town and will remain several weeks at tho resi dence of Dr. McDonald. Tlios. (Jwillim, pot-mntnr of Arca dia, Wallowa county, was in town this week and seems well pleased with hi.s new home. Miss Minnio Welch, of Pendleton, is in town visiting relative. Her sis ter, Miss Grace Welch, is attending Ascension (school. School in district No, !, two milea north of town, is in session and is well attended. Miss Nellie Stevens is em ployed as toachur. Miss Ettie Ilobbs, of Johnson coun ty, Mo , arrived last week from hor homo and is visiting in Lower Cow, at hor sister's, Mrs. Wesley Duncan. The directors of Frosty school dis trict uro preparing for a fall term of school which will comninnco Monday Nov. 28th. Miss Xinienia Sanborn h'as been engaged us teacher. II. J. Geer and Son are busily en gaged delivering trees and nursery products throughout this and Baker count yj Their wagon, this week, re turned from Sparta and Pine valley. The dime sociable at Mrs. I lender shott's residence next Saturday evu promises to bo very interesting. Tho best musical talent of the place is en gaged to render sougs during the festivities. Saturday was a lively day in Cove, turkey shoots, runaways, etc., etc. A large iiuihIht of crack shots with an eye to a fat fowl for Thanksgiving, con tested for the turkeys 2f yards off hand, 22 calibre. The runaway, fortu nately, caused no serious damage, although indulged iu by a four-horse team. Royco fc Lunsing'H Musical Comedy Co., which is billed to appear in Un ion Dec. 2nd, is well known to A. J. Foster and family of Cove. Tho mem bers of tlin troupe were formerly fellow townsmen of Mr. Foster who saya they uro performers of extraordinary ability. A large number from hero will attend, a uuiuImt of tickets having ahi'itdy Iwien purchased. It is hard luck In shoot all day for an old gobbler, at 2f cents a trip and then not cuptnro him. W. M. You ought to Iv a crack shot, like I am then you would carry home thu turks. N. S. Did you hear any one say there is going to ou a show iu Union? S. W. The supplications of thu righteous availeth much. J. K. 8. Funny an operator don't know where to send a telegram when no address in given B. Who was it that smote my Ilery steeds with a cast off boot? F. None of us are (scalped yet, but how thirsty tho girls seem since thu last issue of Till'. Scout. C. Englo FoitthcrH. November 20, lSb'7. Great success to the OftKdON Scout. It is the best paper 1 huvo seen ninco I came here. Mr. A. W. Parker is teaching school in tho middle district, with a good attendance. Mr. Fred Simonis and Miss. A aim Evans were married about two weeka ago, Success to them through life. Wo are having splendid weather for tho timo of year. Had about throe inches of snow election day. Nowhavo colli frosty nights. Miss Elsie Officer, -of Pine Valley, haw been over visiting relatives ajid friends. Wo wero much pleased to ceo her again in our littlu valley. Messrs. 0. ('raig and L. h. Holeomb and Mrc. G. W. Benuehoff liavo re turned from the East. They cxprnw themselves an being highly pleatI with their trip. Health geuurallj good with tbo ex ception of a few. Mr. J. Uolcomb ha a very sick littlogirl. Mre. Porry, who has boou quite sick for fcomu five or nix weeks, is now convalescent. Our little valloy ia settling up very rupidlv with immigrant from Miwoon. Mr. S. Clover's sister aud family are residing on Mr, Govct'h Uwl in a new house which he had built for them. DjJsfY. Ttnv a f'VroTYUiKiilrt-F; U. WiWWtt Xfriib, Vtinni, OAVo.