The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 18, 1887, Image 1

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IThe Oregon Scout.
An Independent weekly jourilal, issued cv
ury Saturday morning by
Publishers and Proprietors.
A. K. .Tonus, 1 1 15. ClIAXCr.T,
Kdltor. I ( Foreman.
One. copy, one vear . . . ?1.."0
" " Six months .... 1.00
" Three niontos 7o
Invariably Cash In Advance.
If by chance xubxeriptions arc not paid till
tnd of year, two dollars will be chanjttl.
Kates of advertising made known on ap
plication. E3TCorrespondencc from all parts of the
country colicited.
Ailress all communications to the Our.oox
Scol't, Union Oregon.
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice, special
ties. OlUce, two doors south of post-otlice
Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
door south of J. IS. Katon's store, union,
Physician and Surgeos-Sa i
Ollice. one door south of J. 15. Katon's
store, Union, Oregon.
F. 15KLL,
Attorney at Law,
Notarv Public, and Abstractor of Titles.
Oflice fctato Land Oflicc buildiiiK, corner
Main anil A Streets, Union, Oregon.
Q II. DAY, 51. 1).,
Physician ami Surgeon.
Office adjoining Jones Ilro's store. Can
be found nights at the Centenniitl hotel,
room No. 'J:i.
M. Uakkh, .1. W.SmxTON. J. F. IJakiik.
Attorneys at Law.
OFFICES Union and La Grande, Ore
gon. Special Attention given all business
entruptvd to us.
J. M. CAllllOLL, I li. F.WILSON.
Notarv Public. Ex-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Ileal ami Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
Bales of Peal and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Ollice next door south of Post-office. Un
ion, Oregon.
Watchmakers & Jewelers,
Union, - - Oregon.
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale.
Kcpali'liiK at Moderate Hutes.
Cull and examine our goods and prices.
Geo. Wwbht,
W. T. WmuiiT,
Does a Genoral Hanking HusInoSi. Buys
and huJIs exchange, and dlacounu commer
cial paper.
Collections carefully attendod to, and
promptly reported.
Cor. Main and 1J St. - ''nion. Ore"!'.
MnnufiictureiN and doalf r- In txjtla Wa
tur, .Srp4rilU. Ginger Ale, Croniii Sod
mid Chaiuj;igo Culur, Syrups, utc. Or
ders iirunlpdy flllwl.
Firs Mia
KBEtuclcy Liauor Store
Kidney Liver Bedicine
CITRKS all Dlacai-cj of tlio Kidneys,
L!vor, IMatWer, and Urinary Organs;
Dropsy, Gi'avel. iV.r.'ootea, Uright'a
Disease, i'nlns tho Hack,
Loins, or Glde; lZctcntlon or
lJo-Ketcntlia of Urluo,
Nervous I-'-'rasea, Temalo
VioaIncHBCK, Ijcccsscn, JmnulJco,
ItlllousnoR.'i Headache, Sour Stoiuaoh
DysiicpciTo CnH!'jviIou, and I'llos.
cubes when- ali, otheb medicines
FAIL, as it tn'-a .H.-ectly and at onco on tlio
Kiduoyo, I.ivcr Jiowel, restoring
themtoahoaWiynctlon. HUNTS ItEMEDY W
a cafo, rore, and tjicedy, and Imn Jrcda liave
been cured ly it wlvjn j.'.iydclaia and friends
had pivou thr.i xi? t j .'.!c. Do not delay, try at
Bladder, Urinary and U'-er Dhjeases, Dropsy,
Gravel, and Diabetes, aro c-yol by
nun i:hst iiidjikv
euros Brlgbt'a Disease Retention or Non-Retention
of Urine, rains iu tho BacI:, Loins, or Hide.
euros I-itc.v.jc.a.ic, ircivouo D'teaoca, General
Debility, I'ti.v.lo Vfcal.r.csj, and Uxcesscs.
curo3 B;:iout:ic.3, I..!adacbc, Jaundice, Sour
Stomai, Jjj f -.w.sla, Ci.i.'t:patlc)ii and nit's.
sis ; 8
ACT b AT 0:;Cr: on tlio iridnej-o, I-ivor,
nnd So-iTcJs, ros:orin,7 tliora to a healthy
action, rail ClTivES when all other medicine?
fail. Ilandrciis hf.vo bcon pavod who have bee
jivcu up to uio y trv's ai.d physicians.
KidneyLiver Medicine
msvEit jafomf to fate.
HUNT'S KEMEDY has saved from llu
gorinff dlseaso and death lmndredu wlio liavo
bctn fiveu up by physicians to die.
HUNT'S K15MHDY cores all DUoason
of tho Kidneys, Illadrtor, Urinary Or
cans, Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes and
Incontinence- and Itctentlon of Urluo.
HUNT'S KEMEDY encourages sleep,
creates an appetite, braces up tho syktetn, and
renewed health is tho result.
nUNT'S KE5IEDY cores pain In tho
Side, Dock or Loins, Oanoral Debility,
Foinalo Diseases, Disturbed Slceji,
Loss of Appetite and ltright's Dlseaso,
HUNT'S REMEDY quickly Induces tho
IJvor to healthy action, removing the causos
that produce ltlllous Headache, Dyspep
sia, Sour Stomach, Costlvenoss, l'lles,
I)y tho uso of nUNT'S ItEMEDY tfcs
Stuinadi and nowcls will speedily regain their
etrcntth, and Uio blood wiU be perfectly purified.
HUNT'S ItEMEDY is purely vegetable,
and meets a want never before furnished to tlio
public, and tho utmost reliance may bo plice4
In It.
HUNT'S ItEMEDY Is prepared ex
pressly for tho abovo diseases, and
lias uovor been known to fall.
Ono trial will convince yon. Tor
inlo by nil Dragglsta.
Band for l'anipldot to
npvrYv t?mnY ivnvvURRR is.
y r l awfni.
Eagle Valley.
IntrrchtlnB tetter From nlir ot
Jlont I5pantifnl ;niul Productive
VnllejH iif Vnluii Countv.
New Bridgo, Nov. 10, 1SS7.
Mrs. Pcrrv is verv sick, but lit time
of writing we lenrn bhcis on the mend.
Mr. Jiiines llolcoml) a little trirl is
very sick, blie lias lieen unwell lor
some time.
A few (l:vs since Mr. Fred Simonis
Sr., was buried not in the ground as
you nmy bupposv, but in a cloud ot
hnjipincss. Its a boy and weighs
10 lbs. Mother and child doing well.
Twn t)f niiv most, nrominent VOUlltr
ladies, Miss Edith Young and Miss Le
na Evans, are away attending high
school, which showd we must be nn
Droviiic and advancintr education, ev
en here in this isolated place.
Several inunicrants have located in
our pleasant little valley this summer
and have purehiiFcd ranches and think
this the best country they ever saw.
We agree with them, and welcome
them and all who may follow.
Stockmen have commenced to gath
er in their stock. A great amount of
hay has been put up for winter feed
ing, The great mortality of stock last
winter has taught the stockmen that
they cannot winter their stock in the
hills as of yore.
Mr. John Jennings, (L. L. llolcomb's
brother-in-law,) is the latest arrival in
Eagle Valley. Mr. Jennings is an old
and accomnlished school teacher, and
as we feel the need of more good
tfvidipn.'. liri wn welcome him us one
of our fraternity, and wish him success
in his vocation.
On Nov. filh. Mr. Fred Simonis, Jr.
and Miss Anna Evans were joined in
tho holv bonds of matrimony. On the
8th. a grand ball was given by the
bride's parents, iu which ull the youuj
people, and some of the old, participa
ted, and whiled away the hours until
early dawn.
J. L. Ilindinan, county school su
pcrintendent, passed through our val
ley a lew days since, but as no schools
were in session, his stay was short.
Wo were all clad to see him and was
verv sorrv his stav could not have been
prolonged. Ho is a perfect gentleman;
wishes to do what is right anil labors
for tho advancement ot education.
Mr. Herman Swisher has arrived,
having been pardoned out of the peni
ffmtinrv after havinir served 8 months
-- j . 0
Tim netition was circulated and tunned
by nearly every one in this vicinity, to
the etlect tliat tnoso wno signed it ne
lieved him not guilty. It was accepted
and hence his pardon. He is not tho
worst man in tho world, and his pun
ishment miiv teach him "if he was
guilty," as well as many others, to lead
a different life. Wo all wish him a
happy future.
Messrs. Cant. Craiir. L. L. Holcomb
and Mrs. G. W. UennehoiT arrived
from tho East a few days ago. They
rcnort everything lively there, and say
they had a general good time visiting
sniinne their old school mates and
relatives. Yet thev urefer Oregon for
a home and would not begin to trade
their homes hero for any in that part.
We, like thoy, think and believe that
Oregon is to become the banner State,
and all who locate here' now, by atten
iliiiir utrin.tlv tr hnniw3H. will soon bo-
.....t, ,
come, with us, a happy, independent
anil prosperous peopio.
School has beeun in district No. 47,
with A. W. Parker us teacher. Ho has
taught two terms in our vulley with
tinci KiiprPHH. and wo hone this term
will prove as successful im the procee
ding ones. The school is in full at
tnil:iiH'f und that new school house
that tho district did not build, cannot
accomodate all tlio pupils, wen, we
ran use the old one this winter, and if
we all freeze we will sue the district for
damages. Mr. Moody, ono of our di
rectors, says wo must and will have- a
new school hotibo next summer, if ho
lias to resort to a legal process. Wish
wo had several Mr. Moody's here. Mr.
Win. DenncholT will touch in district
No. 2IJ, this winter. Ho is a good
teacher and we wish him a pleasant
and successful term. Mr. C. T. Wise
will teach in Pine Valley. He is also
a good teacher, and liked wherever ho
During tho month of Octohor the
public dubt was reduced $10,833,095;
for tho Btimo time Government receipts
wer $111,808,172, or about two and a
half million dollars more than for .the
cdrrooiUfiilg niontli of la's't jVa'r.
- mgioimnt iwat.iLiiwrfm.iJtiw.m.iii-.J.'l ..
- - -
A Spicy
Letter I'rimi Our
Nov. lo, 1SS7.
Mr. Tucker made Union a business
trip during the week.
Tho fall rains have put the ground
in good fix for plowing.
Archie Vanorder, of the Park, is ser
iously ill with typhoid fever.
Uncle John Vanorder, who has been
seriously ill for the past two weeks,
has recovered.
The Emeln Ditch Coninanv is work
ing 12 men on their ditch, sub-grading
mil making general repairs.
Mr. Eniele recently purchased a
new onran. and presented tho same to
his daughters Eva and Stella.
A good school is now being taught
here. It has an excellent attendance,
mill will iirnlmlilv he a SIX mOlltllS
Travel is keoninir up on the road
through tho Park to Cornucopia. We
have two stages on tlio roau running
regularly every other day.
Mr. Dunham Wright is building an
addition to his hall on Big creek, to
trivn lvinrn innin for bin manv visitors.
Tim medicinal dualities of tho springs
.ire said to ic excellent. A uranu uan
. ... . lilt
will bo given at the hall on Thanksgiv
ing day.
Mr. Joe Vandcrvanter sold 10 cows
nt $20 per head for the want of hay to
winter them. Calves are ready sale at
$9 pur head. Hay in these parts is
very scarce and can hardly no nougut
for any price. Everyone is looking
for a hard winter.
Mr. W. T. Martin, of the Park, while
helping to move a house, a few days
ago, on Powder river, met with a pain
ful accident, l lie nouse caugni one
of his legs and nearly crushed his an
kle. Mr. Martin is in great pain, and
will no doubt be laid up a month, at
Mr. P. H. Miles, of Pig creek, will
comrnenco work on his nunc next
week, with a force of men, and work
nil wintm- Hi' 1iinted one ear load
of ore awhile back, and it netted him
a good profit. He intends to take out
ore during the winter, and ship it in
thet spring,
Washington, Nov. flth, 1887.
To the editor of tlio Oni:ooN Scout.
The chief events of interest of tlio
week arc tho reception of tho British
committee on international controver
sies, by tho President, tho purpose
being to settle such matters in the
calm counsels of peaeo rather thaii in
the stormy and sanguinary strife of
battlo; and tho adverse decibion of tho
United States Supremo Court in the
case of tho Chicago Anarchists for a
new trial.
This city had a cholera scaro the oth
er day that created quite a ripple of
excitement two of the crow of tho
cholera-infected ship that reached
New York City having been traced to
Washington, where they were hunted
down by the metropolitan police and
thoroughly fumigated, It is hoped
that will be an end of tho danger, for
should this deadly disease break out
here it would spread more rapidly
than from almost any other city of the
The quid nuncs declare now that
tho transfer of Secretary Lamar to the
Supreme Uench is a sure thing,, and
that it has been decided to appoint as
his successor in tho Interior Depart
ment Assistant Secretary Muldrow,
who is now in Mississippi placing his
private affairs in proper shape before
enterinir upon the responsible dutieB
of that high position. Tho appoint
ment would certainly bo in tho line of
trim eivil service reform, followed by
the President in tho promotion of Sec-
. .... i i r .I.-
rotary ranciiuu to ine neau ui me
Trimsiirv Denartmcnt.
Although Secretary Whitney is ab-
ufinf. nn n. month's sick leave, mo
irront work of rehabitatinir tho United
States Navy is making steady strides,
under the direction of the Acting Sec
retary Commodore Harmony bids
linvini' been received this week for a
torpedo boat and other naval applian
One night this week tho knights of
v ... .
labor of this city had a grand torcn
lii'htnrocossion. with over threo thous
and men bearing Chinese lautcrns
and transparencies. This was labor's
vnmrnrnilA nrotest aiainst tho decision
of a local court, pronouncing a boycott
a common conspiracy. Tho parade
was a perfect success, and ono of tho
moat boatitilul and nnpri'ssivo bcoucb
that your correspondent over had tho
iit ...rr.A.-r.t.j t i r n
pleasure vi whucijbiihj, .i. w.
- -.
Union' KxOInynr SlakiMn rllRrlinaRoof
the Oohlon State nml (llrei the Iteu
lersof thw Nonuthli KxperU'licu.
Woodland, Cal., Nov. 10, KS87.
Fpitok Scout:
Perhaps a few items from this part
of the country will be of some interest
to your reader. Since writing you
from Siseon, I went north to Ashland,
Or., wheie 1 met my wife and from
there wo went to Los Angeles. We
went there I suppose because tho tide
of travel is flowing that way. Los
Angeles has a genuine boom, and no
mistake, and is the livliest city to-day
in California, with a population of
about fifty thousand. I was told there
were eight hundred licensed real estate
agent and their watch word is"Poom."
First class business properly is held at
three thousand dollani per front foot.
It looks out of all reason yet thero is
considerable property in and around
the city changing hands. They are
selling climate at Los Angles, and 1
think if there is any climate in Cali
fornia worth buvinu it is there. The
soil around tho town is a poor desert
looking soil, but seems to produce,
when irrigated, bevond what its ap
pearance would indicate. Coming
mirth, und nerliaps about thirty miles
from Los Angles, we strike the white
sage country where the bee culture is
quite an industry. There is where
our whito sage honey comes from, and
the appearance of the country in such
tlnit. n. strani'er traveling through it
iiiihl imiii Hu'ler it wholly worthless.
Farther north and boidering on to the
Mniavo desert there is some gold
mininir done and hero was the lirst
place in Cal. where 1 saw honey run
ning out of rocks. The country is
rough and rocky. Cliffs stand up
ulinv.i dm hills and hero tho bees have
housed themselves in crevices ant
holes in tho rocks and stored their
honey until you can see tho white
comb and streaks where tho honey is
minimi' down the rocks, for a half
mile awav. This is a biix ono, nut 1
will swear to it when I get homo if
Leaving this country where the hon
ey runs out ot rocks wo suiko out on
in tin. Mninvii ueseri. Jicro inure is
lmt. verv littles of interest except the
iriant cactus which I will not now do-
Lnirilin for fear vour readers will con-
.iiiln l havn not to be a notorious hai
since I got to calilornia. urossiug una
desert wo reach the Tchachapi moun
tains. This is a rough range of moun
tains, 2(5 miles ii'tosh, with an eleva
tion of fi.OOO feet. Tchachapi, tho
summit town, is whore tho disaster
was a few years ago on the southern
Pacific railroad, where so many iosv incur
lives. Crossing this range wo have a
level plain all tho way to bacremcnto
city, a distance of 350 or 375 miles.
Tho country about jsaiccrHiicm ;u
Kern county and around Tularo in
I'fiimtv in comparatively now
and in my opinion is tho best county
in California to-day to invesi mouuy
in bind or town proneitv. lhe town
of Tulare is a new town on tho lino of
railroad, population about .i,UU.
Lund can bo boutrht near this place
for about $20 per acre and ton miles
away, from $7 to !fiu per acre, ami
thftv urn. workint? for a boom in that
country, say it is a much better coun-
try than Los Angeles, oui i uoiiunmu
they have Los Angeles climate. All of
that country and the San Joaquin and
Sacremonto valleys aro too hot in
summer. 1 think tho long, dry, hot
summer is much more objectionable
than tho cold in winter father north.
This town of Woodland is a nico
little city, weir built, located 23 miles
northwest of Sacramento City, iu Yole.
riniint v. mid said to bo tho richest town
in California of its size. It is perhaps
located in as productive a county as
lluirn in in the state, but it is (lull 1111(1
whilo thero may bo a great deal of
uroiilth linrn llinrn 1H also pletltV of
novertv. It is not a placo that would
unit, it flrnn d Ttonder. Thero is too
much distinction betweon tho rich and
(hit nnnr Ob ves. IhoiO afO POOr
peopio hero. I see men with patches
on tho seat of their breccncs as nig as
flir full ninnn. nr words to that effect.
lam thinking now of going back to
Union and starting a doom, ah you
want is plenty of real eatato Agents.
AflvnrfiHiiiL' makes DCOlllo bOllOVQ II
great deal that is not so. Tell them
tiiev eim make a ifood living on five
neruB of land and trot rich in u few
years on ton acres; that tho peopio are
rurelv sink and novor (lio: Unit the
olimatoiB unsurpassed, pot thorn ox
(Xtfitfitfcd on Jolt Utrje.
NO. 21.
--i -
So rial
Not ett"Improviiin en in Items
IntureKt Uritornlly.
Nov. M, 1887.
Mrs. 13. Ilaer starts on a visit East
in a few days.
O. W. Hamilton found the 11. N. Ol
iver cheek against the Union Milling
Mr Hr-nrv Sterliiifr who has been
visiting relatives in New York and oth
er parts of the, East, returned to ms
old haunts last wefk.
Miss Moore wields the rod of author
ity over tho youth and beauty of Is
land City this winter.
Tho brick buildiiiL' once owned by
Paer k Church, has been recently fit
ted up by tho M. it M..Co. as a hard
waro and furniture store.
Tlio lnnliihitinnists made a bad mis
take in ordering so much of their fa
vorite beverage lor election nay.
Tim Island Citv Mills aro runnuur
night and day, and tho Hour, like tho
Indian's moccasin, "lasts miguiy
soon." Tho mill is tilled witn auoui
25,000 bushels of wheat.
Mr. Shaffer, father of Isaac and Ol
iver Shaffer, is lying sick at the lattcr's
residence on the Sand Uidgo. There
is little hopo of his recovery as ho 13
quite advanced in years.
Peter Miller, of the firm of Cartor k
Miller, Baker City, has been down in
terviewing our fanners on the hog
question. He had a hard timo to get
a car load as fat hogs were scarce.
Price paid -lc. per lb.
There seems to bo a gang of petty
thieves somewhere in this vicinity, by
tho amount of cellars . that have been
visited and robbed 6f their winter's
store. Several old yayers that haven't
seen active servico since an imaginary
foo surrounded and murdered the
peaco and happiness of many good cit
izens in 1878, have been polished and
loaded with responsibility and bird-shot.
And as tho old gun watches for mid
night prowlers, tho song it is expected
to bing sounds something liko this;
"Take notice, but don't take my pre
serves." "Over tho garden wall."
If thero is any thing in tho wander
ings of "Luna" detrimental to tho
best interests of Tub Scout, stab it to
the heart, and a Union County jury
will clear you every time. In defenso
it might be well to remember tho case
of tho Irish policeman. Young Amer
ica, ono night, fixes up a dummy man
and sits lnm in a daiK doorway, men
rotires to a convenient placo to witness
thn r('nlt. A nnliceman Comes alone
and orders "dummy" off homo; finding
eloquence ol no avail no oecomes ex-
nunnriited and cracks him OVCr the
head with his club; dummy rolls down
on tho side walk. Young America
rushes out, rolls him over, "Pat you'vo
murdered tho man" "It's a blarshted
lie" says Paddy "ho dhrawed a razor
on mo furhst." Luna Tick.
ITitfh Valley Happenings.
Windy weather now.
Mr. A. Robinotto is over from Snako
Sinco tlio prohibition defoat tho
barley crop is being haulod oil to
Tho hie rain Wednesday night, tho
9th, infiiBcd new life into John Min-
nick, as it brought mm a oran new
girl, weight 10 pounds.
When you see an old bald headed
bachelor moving and building a
houso for a lady to tako a pre-emption
claim, then young Mr. C. you can
wcop crocodile tears.
Mr Vmnk Ttoss is tearinc down his
old houso and building a now ono on
... i 1 1 l 1 . f
his ranch winch will noip ino iooks ui
thin iimazinirlv. Just what it moaiiB
somebody can't pretty nearly toll.
Why do not some of our enterprising
merchants buy and ship potatoes to
Portland? As thoy aro quoted at
from $1 to $10 per bushel, whilo they
can bo bought for half that price
hero. Certainly a chanco for somo
ono. j
If any idea advanced in my loUera
docs not suit your rcadors, if any indi
vidual is olleudcd by any statomout
mado, let them como in and stato their
case. I)y a multitude- of counsels
there is wisdom. If wo cannot giyo a
reason for our opinion wo will gra
ciously Biibmit. Wo will try to. bo
rational anil generous, and ask aa
muchofevciy ono. This is a many
Bided world and wo get our sharo of
tho good and bad, tho bitter and sweet,
as wo advance. So hold fast to all that
is good and don't weep whero no trou
blois. HoMO-