The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 07, 1887, Image 5

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li.U IOIJ.
Tir Orcyoii Scout has a large a. circu
lation as any three papers in this sec
tion of the State, combined, ami is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
- - -
Friday, October 7, 1SS7.
i i ..
Union and Vicinity.
Sec Lovy's new ad.
County court next week.
La Grande wants a flouring mill.
Portland is to have a glass- factory.
Considerable wind and some rain
this week.
What's the matter with the Union
Social Club?
The genuine original school shoe for
sale at Levy's.
Centerville, Umatilla county, has a
Board of Trade.
The Cornucopia stage makes the
trip in ten hours.
The Board of Equalization has been
in session this week.
The Grand Lodge, K. of 1., meets in
Pendleton next Tuesday.
Sherih" Hamilton has reduced the
dcliuquant taxes to less than $5,000.
The DeMoss family are giving mu
sical entertainments in Wallowa coun
ty. Bead B. C. Greig's new ad. He is
selling drugs, toilet articles, cutlery,
etc., at cost.
Our thanks aicduo to Mr. .los. Yow
ell for some excellent tomatoes, grown
on his place in Pyle canyon.
Save yourself repented dunnings by
calling at the Cove drug storo at once
and paying your overdue account.
The Acme washing machine takes
the lead of all others. A large num
ber of them are now in use in this city.
Circuit court will continue for some
time yet, as it is the desire of the
Judge to clear the docket this term if
Large stock of cook and heating
stoves soon to arrive at Jos. Wright's,
for the fall and winter trade. They
will be sold at bottom prices.
Howland & Wilson are selling fur
niture cheaper than it was ever offered
before in this city. A visit to their es
tablishment will convince vou of this
W. D. Reidleman, our harness
maker, is constantly busy. The reason
of this is his work is first class in every
respect, and his charges always reason
Some freight teams were in from
Harney Valley this week, loading with
Hour and supplies. They find that
they can do better at Union than any
where else.
Some business houses always retain
the lead of all competitor;, because of
their excellent goods and low prices.
The Now York Store at La Grande is a
notable example.
The Gazelle says a car load of Chi
namen from Portland passed through
La Grande, Tuesday, to Ontario, where
the' will be put to work on the long
delayed Cascades wagon road.
Judge Goot'all received a telegram
from Salem, 'as Friday, stating
. Mrs. Hill, the old lady that was sent to
the asylum from this county, a short
time ago, had died that morning.
A grand opening of millinery goods
will take place at Mrs. Corbin's storo
to-morrow, and continue one week.
Bo sure and read Mrs. Corbin's ad. of
presents to be given away.
The Baker City Tribune says that
blackleg is prevalent in some of the
cattle hords in that valley. A eolution
of saltpetre underneath the skin, if ap
plied in time, is said to bo a sure cure
for it.'
The C. F. Bradley mining company
of Sanger, have about got their mill in
running order, and it is expected that
they will commence crushing ore in a
short time. About 70 men are- now at
work in this mine.
Lewistou paper : It his been dem
onstr..ted by recent damp weather,
that Little Club wheat is the truck to
raise in this country, as it is not affec
ted by long periods of hot or rainy
weather. The farmers who have raised
this variety will suffer slight losses only.
Although court is in session here,
this has been the dullest week wo ,
have experienced for months that is, :
m the way of news items. Everybody
seems to bo perfectly quiet and order-
ly, and persistently refuse to do any-
' thing that we can write up. j
The directors of the Blue Mountain
Universitv held a meeting last week,
and elected a new board of officials.
It was decided to mako a special effort
in the direction of reopening the in
stitution, in which efiort it is hoped
thoy will succeed.
N. Newby reports to the Chiejlain
that he raised 558 bushels of oats on a
tcn-acro field, and that from 10 acres
of barley 640 bushels were throshed.
This is only an average yield. Mr.
Ncwhy's farm is about two miles west
of Joseph.
The Bakor City Tribune says: Ty
phoid fever is prevailing to some ex
tent in this vicinity, and "it is hut a
question of time when it will become
epidemic hero, urtlees measures are
taken to provido 'the city with puro
water and good sewerage.
Thoro was rather an interesting row
nt Goldendalo tho other day between
tho modicul fraternity. One ot tho
doctors knocked his conteniiwrary
dowu with a cane, sowwl up his
wounds, and then added insult to In
jury by having tin victim fined, pay
costs of justice's trial, and jmy for
iWAlitxil survives.
A conefpondint writing to the East
Portland Packet, from Alaska, says:
"In all Ala.ka them are found no
snnkes, no fleiu, no bed bugs, no ants,
no honra flies and no contented people,
except the original inhabitants. Con
siderable ore is beinj? packed from the
ledges in the surrounding country and
shipjHHl Mow to reduction works. It
comes from the small ledges which
are of high grade. New ledges are so
frequently struck that they cease to
excite comment. The laborers seem
to be all employed. Wages, however,
aro not huh. They range I think
from .J,;30.00 per month to $2.50 ier day
ami bonid. Indians are principally
employed. Most of the vegetables
shipped here come from California. 1
often eee familiar brands of Hour in the
market. My last supply came from
the Union millr-, of Union, Oregon! my
wife pionounced it excellent."
uonfKieranie innieuitv was exneri- i
j enced in obtaining jurors, this week,
in the case ot State against Lemon,
charged with the killing of "Curly 1
Hill" near La Grande, a few weeks ago.
Among others examined as to their
qualifications for jurors, was a mer-
chant of LngGraudc who stated that ho
didn't know anything about the oc- j
! currence, hadn't heard of it and con
j i-eqiicntly couldn't have any opinion i
about it. As the killing occurred !
u. as l ie ki uinir occurred
I within a few miles ot La Grande, and
I the coroner's inquest was held there,!
I and as the local papers contained full
accounts of it, and as according to
their statement, the town was "in a
fever of excitement," it seem lemark
ably strange. It is quite evident, how
ever, that the aforesaid "fever" was
not catching.
Yesterday a prominent young man
of Union brought us a poem for publi
cation. He said it was his first attempt
and he had written just as he felt, but
did not know whether it would strike
a responsive chord in tlie hearts of our
readeisor not. It is descriptive of the
passion of love, and starts oll'l.ko this:
l.ove. what a curious, 'oiuical thing it U;
I'leainu, anil tuuHmji, uml vexing us so!
.lut likeabee, with its honey ami s,i Iiijr, it is
Here and 'tis there, and wherever we go!
Ami then of a night, how it sets us a dream
ing, oh!
Misses and kKscs Hit over the brain !
IS ay ilresMs bright tresses caresses, all
seeming so
Ileal and true that we waken with onin!
There are
poem, in all.
thirtv-two verse of this
If we find that many of
our readers have experienced the "soi
ter kinder curious" sensation descri
bed, we will publish it in full, n the
installment plan.
An editor died and slowly wended
his way down to where he supposed a
warm reception awaited him. The
devil met him and said: "For many
years thou hast hoi no the blame for
errors that the printer made in the
papers. The paper has gone, alas!
for 2, but the 2 has often failed to
come in. The printers have bedeviled
thee for wages when thou did not
have a cent to thy name. Men have
taken the paper without paying for it,
and cursed thee for not getting up a
better paper. Thou hast been called a
dead beat by the conductors when
thou hast shown thy annual pass to
their envious gaze. All these things
thou hast borne in silence.
Thou i
canst not enter heie." And he fired
him. As he did he murmured to him
self: "Heaven's his homo, and be
sides, if Ave let him come in here ho
would have been continually dunning
his delinquent subscribers, and thus
create discord in my kingdom.-Mon-
onuneo River Laborer.
Evory farmer who has any surplus
fruit will do well to dry it for the local
market. The prico of all dried fruits
lias irrentlv advanced in tlu hist, fmv
days and a partial failure of the crop
below will render the supply scarce
and prices high until .next season
price in Portland has advanced from i
two to seven cents per pound on dried i
fruits, and this with the freight, rates
of a cent and a half will leave a good
margin of profit to t ho home producer
Prime dried apples are quoted in Port'
land at 11 cents and peaches, prunes, 1
and apricots in proportion, wholesalo ,
lots, so it is evident that retail rates j
will be sufficiently high to make fruit i
drying a profitable business. Tho lo-
cU market ought to bo supplied by
J' products on general principles,
mit V)1 fce"b0 I'ents a specially fa
1 1 . i .
That otfr money lenders are offering
better inducements to borrowers than
thoae of any other place, is evidenced
by the faet'tlmt applications are being
received from every section of tho
county. Not less limn a dozen appli
cations for loans have been made by
parties living in and uround the vi
cinity ol La Graudi, during the past
week. The time for exacting exorbi
tant interest i pat, uud Uioeu finding
it necMjary to horiow, should come to
Union for their money.
To give ttvvTTit 1111 Bros, 250 of
the clobrHl?UW"Retl LeUer" ho oi
gurs. Odll.oMrlybofuro all tho sample opportunity, ami pernaps w nen Mr ,k.liry waikcr nf nivcr luilc.
anew method of business in this lino tion near ,0Wll City IoW)l im.;V0l ia
is once inaugurated there will bo no Ullion on HatuniVy on a visit to
necessity of depending on the outsido his rtiialives i,er0 Mr, Wulkor is a
for supplies. At any rate it is certain j,iuw of Mrs. Jauetta McComns,
that home fruit raisers wil run no risk of our tow hjs (jecoaged wif0, Harri
this season m drying all their surp us I cU A Walker, having been tho eldest
products for home demands. Gazette- , dlil(, of John McComas, deceased, and
' Janetta McComas. lie has not seen
Social Scintillations.
I'nrnjrrnrli rcttnluliiir, Principally, to
tint IVrcici lnntlmis of tho
Mr. S. W. Kogcr, of the Cove, called
on us Thursday."
Mrs. Mary T. Lathrap, the great
temperance worker, delivered a lecture
on prohibition at the M. E. church in
this city, last Wednesday evening, to
an appreciative audience. Mrs. La
thrap is an excellent speaker.
The inclement weather of the past
week has interfered seriously with the
Union county fair.
Drummers have ncen numerous this
W. T. Wright invested in a fine
.Jersey bull, yesterday. The price
paid was .f 1.75.
Judgo Craig presented us with some
tomatoes, yesterday. He is getting
short of wnions, and thought tomatoes
would serve to keep us going just as
Dr. Deering came up from the Wil
lamette to attend the fair. He visited
Union, Tuesday
A Chautauqua Heading Circle was
organized this week, Hew Irwin as
president, Miss Crissie Beidleman, sec
retary and Miss .Maggie Smith, treas
urer. i at- r... c t..i.., r c
jn (j10 cjtv ji0ndav.
, V,' n " r n i ,.
Louls "'"y"0". of Baker City, was
fty nif L'Ti-anu' Miit uwr I no ienn
VII VU CLU V li- VIllllU l I lJ ft VUIV
Mr. H .M.Tomlinson.of Lincolnshire,
England, brother of Charley Tomlin
son, of Telocaset, arrived here last
Mr. Budolph Hugg, of Suminerville,
is Here attending court, lie aoiteil
himself to our list of subscribers
Mr. Jap. Stevens and sister, of Covo,
made Union a visit Monday.
Ben. Despain,an old resident of Pen
dleton, visited our town this week. Ho
expresses himself as very favorably
impressed with the appearance of cv
Mrs. Elliott returned a few days ago
from her visit to a sister in Washing
ton Territory.
Mr- Lewis Furgason, of New Bridge,
called on us this weel
Mr. L. J. Cole and family, of Lower
Wallowa, passed tnrougli tins place a
few days ago en route to Harney Val
ley, which they will make their future
1 Jlu,S LUchenthaler ,s now in Ba-
our. nunc hnutli and wilo and Mm,
Dave Beard, of Powder Biver, were vis
iting here this week,
Mrs. Jas. Bloom and her sister, Miss
Sarah Chrisman, of the Cove, were in
Union, Monday.
Mr. .1. isewiuan, ol l,ali canyon,
called on us this week and placed his
name on our subscription books.
A .sister of Mrs. James Johnson, of
this citv, arrived from Missouri, last
Mr. B. C. Greig, our druggist, took
a flying trip to Wallowa this week
Mr. J. H. Eaton dispensed the drugs
during Ins absence
Mr. L. B. Haggerty and daughter,
of the Cove, visited Union, lucxlay.
Mrs. Ed. Beidleman, .Mrs. A. O. Por
ter, and Hiram Porter, of La Grande,
aro on a visit to Los Angels, Cal.
Jas. McCoy has been appointed dep
uty sheep inspector for the Starkey
prairie neighborhood.
j The danco hall at the fair grounds
! is under the management of Dune,
j McLain, this year.
j Mrs. D. B. Hilts and her daughter,
i Mrs. A. 1C. .lones, of this citv, aro visit
ing friends and relatives in Portland,
ftU, Ulkjngin thc Mechanics fair
At r i
left in
this oflico a sample of radishes raised
on his place o;i Powder river. It is
nearly a foot and a half long and
weighs three and a half pounds.
Mr. McClellan, of Island, was in
town, Tuesday.
Mr. Fred T. Merrill and Mr. J. J.
Smith, of Cornucopia, canio down on
the stage, Tuesday. Mr. Smith is on
Wll' ei,st lo Jllltk(i il vifc to frionties
illHl relatives.
The many friends of Mr. Simon Mil-
ler aro pleased to seo him out on the
streets again.
A. T, Neil and O. F. Bell, of this
city, will attend tho Grand Lodge, K.
of P., at Pendleton next week.
Mrs. O. F. Boll left, Wednesday, for
Portland to attend the Mechanics fair.
Mrs. Moroland, of Portland, who has
been hero on a visit for some, time,
returned home Wednesday.
his rolatives here for over fifteen years.
Mrs, McComas being in Pine Valley,
visiting her daughter, on Monday Mr.
Purtel and Mr. Walker started for Pino
, Valley. Hear Little Eagle, they were
1 met by Mr. W. F. Davis and wife, Mrs.
McComas and Mrs Denney. Tho
meeting was a joyful and yet a sad
one, to those who had not met sinco
the death of one dear to them all. Af- '
ter a short consultation, tho party set j
their faces toward Union, whero they
arrived Wednesday. Mr. Walker has
greatly enjoyed tho visit to tho scene
of his youth; but having many inter-
osts in Iowa to look after, will, after
taking in our county fair, proceed on
hi a wav boinownul
Local Lines.
Bead our advertisements.
liny a Victor safe of F. M. Slocum.
Fur coats and caps just received at
The Portland Mechanic's Fair com-
j menced yesterday.
' Astracaus, plushes and velvets of
all styles anil shades at Levy's, cheap.
The McGinley company failed to
show up here last Fridavj as adver
tised. Goto Hall Pro's and buy their cele
brated "Hcd Letter" 5c. cigar, the
best in the market.
New arrival of hoots and shoes, also
a fine assortment of gloves, at Jos.
Hall Bro's have the agency for the
celebrated "Hcd , Letter" 5c cigar.
Call and try them. "
Marriage licenses were issued this
week to Win. Sion and Ella Shafcr.
and Stephen Wallace and Maggie L.
Shaw. .
I must have money, and all those
indebted to nie are earnestly requested
to settle at once, or their accounts will
be placed in the hands of a collector.
F. S. Johnson.
If yoy want a tine pair of shoes or
boots, call on Mr. C. Vincent, who has
ju'st received a large assortment of la
test styles from the east. 1 le will not be
undersold for cash. Try him.
Al. Gardner, the jeweler, received a
largo assortment of spectacles, eye
glasses, watches, jewelry, etc., this
week. 1 lis stock of spectacles and eye
glasses are very line, and he can "tit
your eye without any trouble.
The Union City Hotel, opposite the
court house has lately been refitted
with new rooms, and the genial land
lord' Mr. Uoothe. will be nrcnarcd to
entertain his customers in better shape
than ever, during court week, Board
and lodging at reasonable rates. Sin
gle meals 25c.
The case of the State of Oregon
against N. B. Harris charged with the
embezzlement of the funds of the Far
mers' Mortgage and Savings Bank of
Sunimcrville, in this county, was given
to thc jury last Saturday evening about
10 o'clock, and after being out less
than half an hour the jury returned a
verdict of not guilty.
foolish it is to make fun of the homo
made bustle. There is not a girl who
makes her own bustle but is backed by
some of the most influential newspapers
of the time. St. Paul Herald.
MILK. On and after Oct. 1st. the
following prico will bo charged for milk :
One quart, $2 per month; by single
gallon, 25 cts. N. F. Kjckli.v.
Is selling' his largo
stock of drugs, pat
ent medicines and
toilet articles at cost
and in many cases
less than cost. A
large line of pocket
cutlery , b r u s h e s,
spectacles, perfum
ery, &c, will be sold
at greatly reduced
Fire! Fire! Fire!
Drake's Cash Store.
Full lino of
Tin & Hardware
Just received, at low
er prices than ev
er in Union.
Down to Bed-rock!
I Still Lead the town
New stock of mens'
lnnf K nml Wlinc-' clinOH
UUUlbdllU IcllllUb bllULS,
1M1lVLm. hnn a nnrl omni a
i now iji
My immense stock of General Merchandise,
of the latest styles and qualities.
Times are hard and I wil!
M iSie fori in Low Prices, For Gash,
Will Not Ouote Baits, but Invite the
People to Come and Inspect
my Goods and Prices.
a Positive
i in
To reduce my crowded store.
IvOTK. Those who 1 have in tho past accomodated and Mild on time, I ask
to come and pay up without delay, and save expenses.
Adolph Levy,
Stages Leave Union Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY
Mornings. Leave Cornucopia, on return trips everv TUES
Carrying Passengers and Fast Freight.
Charges for passengers, - 6.00
Hound trip, - - - - 810.00
Magnificent Scenic Route.
What? Why, Jo. Wright's immense stock
of Eoots and shoes, direct from the manu
factory at Chicago, and they are "daisies,"
and will bo sold at almost Invoice Price.
have the solo agency in
C. M. Hender
son & Co.
IS. '-C' w" l..mi rr m im IIT7T" 1 11 f
. Thoy are made of tho Rest Selected Stock, Solid Solo Leather UottoniH,
and will Outwear Tlirco pair of ordinary shoes. Evory hoy and girl should
havo 11 pair of theso shoes.
My stock of Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishing
Goods, Groceries, Stoves, Tin and Hard
ware, is full and complete,
They will be sold at way down prices
Jos, Wright, - - - Union, or.
SelliM Off Sale,
From Union to Cor
nucopia. No Delays, No Alkali, No Dust.
Ladies' Shoes, $1. and upward,
Misses Pino Shoes, .fLiiO, .f 15.01),
Hiiby Shoes, .10 and 7o cents,
Mens' Fine Calf Shoos, $2.00,
Mens1 Roots, good qualify, only $2.1)0.
Our $2.50 Shoe
Cannot be beat. -
(See Cut.)
All the rest of my stock of Moot and
shoes will bo hold ut proportion
ately Low Prices,
Union for the Celebrated
13 UX" C;M. HENDERKOfjni;
. '
3 -
Gomo !
w m m mil