roitxiiANo ritonrci: makkkt. BCTTEIl Fancy roll, ? ft Oregon Inferior grade Pickled California roll do pickled Ciieesk Eastern, full cream Oregon, do California Eoos Fresh . . . .' Ditii.u Fiiuits Apples, qrs. tska and bxs. . . do California Apricots, new crop Peaches, impeded, new ... Pears, machine dried Pitted chcrrioH v Pitted plums, Oregon Figs, Cal., in bgs and bxs. . CaT. Prunes, French Oregon prunes Flocii -Portland Pat. Roller, fcMibl 3 Salem do do "White Lily I? bbl Country brand Superfine Chain Wheat, Valley, lOOlbi... do Wal.a Walla 3) 0 12 O) lit 10 So i'i 15 OJ 20 14 2 10 1U 15 (El 23 7 8 5 18 23 12j4) 14 10 40 11 7 (a S 8 to 10 10 U'l 4 01 4 tO 4 7o 25 4 : 2 7o 1 10 Sl 1 15 1 UO 1 02J I 10 20 01 52o U0 40 C 4.'1 48 (in 50 1 00 1 10 18 5 I ftf.22 00 2(J 50 y,22 50 (18 00 25 fO e?U7 50 32 00 (s33 0C Barley, whole, V ell do grou- d, ton Oats, choice milling ? bush do fced.Kood tochoico.old live. J 100 lbs Feed Bran, C ton Shorts. V ton Hay, I) ton, baled Chop. I? ton Oil cake meal ? ton Fuksh Knurrs Apples, Oregon, If box Cherries, Oregon, I drm . . . Lemons, California, l?bx.. Limes, 100 lliverside oranges, Vbox. . . Los Anceles. do do ... 1 25 4 00 00 50 Peaches, V box 1 00 to 1 iT HIDES Dry, over 10 it's, fcTft Wctsalted, overio tlis Murrain hides Pel Us Vkhktahi.ks Cabbage, p It. Carrots, fc sack Cauliilowcr, tt doz Onions Potatoes, nw, p bush .... WOOL- EastOreiron, Spring clip.. Valley Oregon, do 1:1 04u U one-third oil'. 10 (at 1 00 2 2J 1 00 1 90 to 1 0 18 to 20 20 21 WHEN TO WEAR JEWELS. Tho Absurd fashion ir IJlsplnylni; Ihi lilonils itt All Timet mill in All 1'Iucim. Since the sale of the crown jewels of France, many of which :uo destined to adorn American beauty, conversation has leaned in the direction of precious stones. A few words may therefore not be out of place in regard to the proper time and manner of wearing them. It is an unfortunate custom in the United States for women to wear jewels at all times; at breakfast, in go ing to market, for visiting, for every possible occasion, in fact. I know one lady, the happy possessor of an exquis ite pair of solitaire diamond ear-rings, who never takes them out of her ears. This is not only foolish, but in execra ble taste. In Europe that it, on the Continent ladies wear jewels all day long. Hut then, these fair foreign dames are not housekeepers. They never go to market, the kitchen in a fine establishment is an unknown quan tity, milady docs not tramp about the streets looking for bargains and ar rayed in an ugly lailor-niado costume, or a still uglier thing called an ulster. The ways of lhing abroad diller essen tially from our own. I do not say that they are bettor, but that they are ilirt'er ent. In America women walk a great deal, and to the pronicnaders especial ly, I would say, leave your jewels, if you have any, at horns. Nothing is more ridiculous than to see a woman in a coarse serge gown, even made by the best tailor, stout walking boots per haps covered by muddy overshoes, and with diamonds blazing in her ears. For paying visits in tho afternoon, if one go in a carriage, a few jewels miry appropriately bo worn with a silk or velvet costume. In any event, never put on such abominations as imitation precious stones. No woman of real re ' linement is ever seen in them. They are only fit for the rabble who seek to apo their betters. If you can noUiflbrd to purchase the "real thing" go with out Clara Lanza, in N. Y. Mail and Express. rnon tnero are lazy ways of breath ing, and one-sided ways of breathing, and tho particularly bad habit ol breathing through tho mouth Now. nose was meant to breathe through, and it is marvelou-dy arranged for til. tering tho impurities out of tho air ami for changing it to a suitable tempera ture for entering the lungs. Tho mouth has no such apparatus, -and when tin air is swallowed through tho mouth in stead of breathed through tho noso i lists an injurious effect upon the lungs Chicago Herald. LUCKY CAIROITES. Tho St. Louis and Tenneeco rivor packet W. II. Chorry was hero to-day, and her commander and clerk wore in better spirits than usual, for a very good rous-on. They drew out of tho City National Bank $2000 the bank bad collected for thorn on ono-tenth of ticket No. 15,322 in tho drawing of the 12th iiirt. of Tho Louisiana Suite Lot tery. Tho ticket drew $20,000, making their share as stated. Cupt. Lorn Hill, a Cairoito from 'way back, is tho com mander of tho Cherry, and Harry Crane, son of Capt. John Crane of tho T. B. Sims, tho clerk. They arc two as clovor and popular gentlemen as run on tho Western rivers, and their many Cairo friends will bo happy over any good fortuno that falls to their lot. Capt. Hill and Mr. Crano havo never invested heavily in tho lottery, but oc casionally havo bought a ticket or two in partnership, moro for tho little fun or excitement attending ventures on chance, however small, than from ex pectation of drawinganythingof much importance, honco when their ticket, or fraction of a tickot, in tho drawing of tho 12th turned up worth $2,000, thoy wcro moro surprieod than any- bod v. Cairo (111.) Araus, July v.i. THE PICNIC GUSHER. toinethlnr; About a llritr Drltctitrul Maiden Whom All of L" llnvr Met. Sho is usually a spinster of from thirty -five to forty years. Of course there are more youthful pusher, but the gushiest and most interesting gush comes from the spinster with juvenile manners. 1 danced attendance on one at the first picnic of the season, which occur red one day. recently. It was a Sunday- school picnic, and if there is any thing on this earth more blissful than a Sun day school picnic 1 have not reveled in ils delights. The instant I was intro duced to my gusher she said: "Isn't it a perfectly lovely day for our picnic? And what a perfectly love ly time wo are all having! Don't you love a picnic?" I dou t, but I didn't say so. "I just think they are too perfectly delightful for any thing! I'm so fond of nature! And how joyously happy the dear little ones arc! l our or lire of the "joyously happy dear littl? ones" were having a hand- to-hand light over a swing within ten feet of us, but I didn't sav any thing about it. and the lover of nature said: "Aren't you passionately fond of the trees and tho birds and the llowers? They make me so happy! I could dwell forever and ever mercy on us! What's that horrid black thing? Only a bug! Oli, I'm so afraid of bugs. I know it's awfully foolish of me. but I just can't help it. And I just i-rreum real hard when T see a worm. Papa says I'm a silly little thing." Papa was evidently correct, but I re frained from saying so. and she went on with all the innocence anil freedom of her thirty-nine years. "There are tmw boys fishing in the brook. I think it's horrid to hook the dear, cunning little lishes so. Do ou know 1 tried it once, and I fainted dead away when papa put the poor, inno cent little worm on the hook? I couldn't help it. It seemed so dread fully, awfully cruel. I'apa called me a foolish little girl, and 1 really sui pose I am.' A dirty-faced boy came along and held out a bunch of wilted dandelion bWnsonis. saying briefly: "Want 'em?" "Oh, Uiank you ever and ever so much, Bertie, dear. How kind and thoughtful of you! And I do so love the dear little dandelion blossoms! Do you know, Mr. D , that I really think that s;oine llowers speak to us? I know it's foolish of me, but I can't help thinking so. May be it's only because I am so fond of the doarlittle blossoms. Papa laughs at mo because I rave so about the dear, merry laughing little brooks, the beautiful skies, all white and azure, the buds and blos soms and the gentle little lambs. You don't think it's so very, very foolish and childish in me? 1 often wish I wasn't quite so childish!" Her friends probably wished so, too. but for two hours she rambled on, and when at last she became "quitw weary" and sat down gracefully in a rhubarb pie I stole away and took the first train for home Ze nas Dane, in Tid-Bils. GOVEKNMENT WHITEWASH. I'hi; ltrlllhtut .MUtunt Sulil to bo f.tcd on ths White Uuiki-. The following is the recipe for mak ing the brilliant whitewash said to bo used on the east side of the Executive Mansion, at Washinjj'on. It is recom mended for cither inside or outside walls. Take a half bushol of unslaked lime, sh-ke it with boiling water, cov erinjr it during the process to keep in the steam, strain the liquid through a tine sirsvo or strainer, find add to it a peck of clean -alt prcvio'usly well dis solved in warm water; three por.uls of ground rico boiled to a thin ) , ste and stirred in boili.g hot; one-half pound Spanish whiting and one pound of clean gtue, mvltod over hot. witer. Add livu gallons of vator to this, mixture and let it stand Sir a few days, covered from dust. It should be put on tho wall quitu hot, so it i well to keep tho wliiteish in a kettle over a )ortable furnace. One pint of this mixture will ever a square yard of wall. This is s id t be tho best and most brilliant whitewash made, and tho quantity mixed can be graduated by the meas ure given for ooverinir the square 3-an I of tho wall. For coloring whitewash avoid green, which makes tho limo crack and pool t(C tho walls. You can get a beautiful red or vink by adding Spanish brown in small or larger quantity, as you judge by the depth of color made, riuolr pulverized com mon clay, mixed well with the Span ish brown before it is stirred into tho mixture, makes a good lilac. Lamp black and Spanish brown, stirred to gether, make n reddish stonu color; chrome yellow in the wash" makes a sunshiny wall. It is best to ex periment with tho color on a board h d leave it to dry be'orti laying it on the wall. When th wall has been smoked and is to be made clear white a plentiful sprinkling of indigo, squeezed through a bag into tho white wash, will give it the purest, cleanest color. Farm, Field and Stockman. An old gentleman remarked tho other evening, when he saw a lady and gentleman going down Government street, tho litter having tho former's arm, that things had awfully changed since ho was a youngster; it used to bo tho fashion for tho lady to take tho gentleman's arm. Tho chango wai explained to him bya by-standor to tho cl ect that, when ho (tho old gentle man) was young, tho girls wore afraid tho boys would got away from them if they did not hold on fathom, but now tho hrs entertained the four that the girls would "ekip" if not held. Veil' taoola Commercial. Little bov "Pa whit does 'nhenoni enal' meanf" Father "It Is a word used by the citizens of Illinois, Iowa, Kanas nnd Nebraska when they icfer to the growth of their respective towns. It doesn't mean much. USEFUL AND HUKTFUL MEDICINES. There is a certain class of remedies for con stinatlon absolutely useless. These are boluses and potions mndc in great prut of podophyllin, aloes, rhubutb, gamboge "nil other worth less ingredients. The dumnge they do to the stomachs of thoo who use them Is Incalcula ble. They evacuate Ihu bowels, it Is true, but nlunjsdo do violently anil profusely, ami be sides Kfipe tho bauds. Their eti'eet Is to ttenken both them and the stomach. Duller fur to use the iitfreeiihloutul salutary aperient. Hoilctter'8 Stomach Hitters, the laxative oiled of lilch Is nover preceded by pain, or accom panied by a convulsive, toteot action of the bouls. On the contrary. It Invigorates tliofe organs, tho stoniHCh and the entire sjBtehi. As a nu'ans of curim; anil preventing malarial fevers, no medicine can compare with it, and it remedies nervous deb. lily, rheumatism, kidney and bladder lnactlwty. und other iuorKiinlc ailmcnts. The AVesleyan Mistdouary So.icty has been in existence f r 100 jejrs. A WOMAN'S AGE. A woman, it is said is it" (.liter than she looks. Many women, however, look double their actual hjjo by renson of thoio func tional disorders which wear upon tho ne ves and vitality, and which, if un checked, are liable to change the nust robu-t woman to a weak, brokcti-dou n in valid Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescrip tion" wil1 positively i lire every irregu larity mid weakness peculiar to the sex mid require but a sing e trial to proo its surpassii'H merit. Price reduced to one dollar. Py Orumrists. VwuhiiiRton 1). (, was made the capital of tho United States July 8, lJlKi. IMITATORS AND IMPOSTORS. The unequalled success of Ai.i.cock's Toitous 1 i.astkiis as an external remedy has stimuUted unsirupulom pa tio to put forth imitations, which they endeavor to sell ou the reputation of Allco ks. It is an ab urdlty to speak of tliom in tho same -ateKory as the nouulne and oriniial pomtis pl.-stefi. Their pretensions are un founded, their vaunted merit unsupported by facts, th ir allcircd superiority to or equality with Al'cocK sa false pretence. The iblei-t mcdhu uractitiooerrt and i heinists ami thousands of izrateful i n tients luiita in (icclariiiK A u.cock s I oitous Pi.asti:iis. tits best uxtcrual rem etiy known. When you ko tT P . t'nnd if you reed anything In the drt'ir line ca.l o i John A t hild & Co., corn-r Morrison and Sei ond streets, as they keep tho best of every till ii r and their prices are reasonable. Ur soi d in your or lers by inui , us thoy make a hpeciaity ol spnuing poods iy mall und express. John A. i mi. i) : to., DriicrKists. Cor. Morrison 'id Sta.. Portland, Or. Jersey city h s an accumulation of un paid taxes amount inir to l!,0l)0,0U0. The, XinKeenlh Century Club is an or Kanization that will roiibist of an equal nuniuerof men and women U Is liurdly to be txnected that thev will aurce on all suljectn; but it au niirpiiso no ono to leain mat ur. 1'ier u s Uoliiuu iMetlical Discovery is utiMiiuiouhly pronounced tie most Mieeubslut teniedy extant, for puiniDiia'y c nsii 1 n nt ion, as has been d uionstrated in hitiidi oils of cases; itpos ltively arr sis this di ea-o and restores health nnd sttcniUh, if administered in its early stagei Uy drtunists. John Parry, an Fnglish deserter, was killed by the cars at ban Pedro, Cal. If adllcted Willi Soro Eyes, uso Dr. Isaac Thompsons Kyo Water. Drutftflsta sell it- 2sc. it months' treatment for 50c. Piao's Remedy for Catarrh. Sold by druggists Thy Okkmka for breakfast. H?w to Cure ni r 1 1 1 (xuuui Diseases with the SCUTICURA A- I Remedies.. rnoitTUitiNQ. diskiouhino. itchino, 1 scaly and pimply diseases of tho skin.sculp, und blood with loss of hulr, from infancy to old hko, are cured by tho Uuticuha Kkmkimus. UUTict'rtA Hksoi.vknt.Uio new blood purliler, cleanseH the blood and porHpiiutton of disease sustalniui; elemunu, and thua removes U10 CAUBK. Cuticuiia, tho ifreat Skin Cure, Instantly allays itching and inflammation, clears thcslcin and scalp of crusts, scales und sores, und re stores 1 11 u iiuir, CincuitA SoAi'.an oxnulslte Skin Ileiuilltlor. Is Indifponsablo in treating skin ulseascs, huby humors, skin blonds) cs, chapped und oily skin. CUTICL'UA JlKJlKIIIliS beaut tilers, Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticuiia, S0o.; Soai", 2fle.; kkboi.vkt 91. Prenured by tho I'orriciiDituo ANl)CilKMiCAl,Co.,Ilo8ton,JIusa. iSTSond for "How to CuroSkin Diseases." rpilITKi) with thulovoliuht delicacy iath"o"skiu 1 ill bullied with Cuticuiia Mkdioatkd Soai-. LYDIA E. PIMKHAM'S VEGETABLE & n W e COfdPOUNSJ OITEOBTIIE SUREST REMEDY FOB TIIE PAINFUL ILLS AND DISORDERS SUF- FERED BY WOMEN EVERYWHERE. , It relieves pain, promotes a regular and healthy rccnrrcncc of period nnd Is a great help to young girls and to women past maturity, it strengthens tho back and tho pelvic organs, bringing relief and comfort to tired women who etuudullday lu home, khop und factory. Lcucorrha'a, Inflammation, Ulceration and Dis placements of the Uterus havo been cured by It, os women everywhoro grntofully testify. Itegular physlclaus often proscribe It, Sold l)y nil Druggists. TrIcoSl.00. Mm, PInkham's "Guide to Health" mailed to any lady tending stamp to the Laboratory, Lynn, Muse. SARSAPARILLA Cures all Diseases originating from a disordered stato of tho BLOOD or LIVER. Eheumati8m, Neuralgia, Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula, Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial Pains readily yield to its purifying properties. It leaves tho Blood pure, the Liver and Kidneys healthy and tho Complexion bright and clear, J. R. GATES & CO., Proprietors. 417 Snnsomo St- San Pronolsoo. Ul M M !;' i Tailor m.m-m uf lrn 1 5i CutUus. U00QV & CO., C.Jua.U. a nDIHtl Habit Cured UrlUm IV.C t. X. 1UUTOJ, lilk tt.r4,CI..I.U,a Tho who'c letiKth of null routes in oro ation in tho United States aitiounU to ao.ivo miles. Young or m'ddl" aced men, RiifTerini; irom nervous uenuity or kindred allec t ons, should address, with 10 cents lu stamps for lario treat'sc, world s Mis pensary Medical Association, 00J Main ..... . V "V- A yonnptnan in Georgii killed his father ami his oilier tneinuers of the family. To Threlior: I have a few of tho celebrated es'liighoiiso Threshers yet, and for ihe purpose ol c'ostng out will sell them on next yev's terms at bottom lltrnr-s. Also, a few see Mid-hand ma bines of other uinkc. Write for bn renins. t. T. WiuutiT foot of Morrison Street, i'ortianil 0 egon. READ THIS CAREFULLY. Krerr mn and h Oman runiiir or nlil. nu thlii Ottiut. If atllicttil nltli niijr ilWac. no nutter lut. Hint tlieir f.tmllr iiliyAirtati iIik not uniU'ranl( ur rnnmtt cult-, Ikui1,1 vrit full lUwrlptli'ti i.f their trouble to l)r rnrtlrn, r crt ok tlie tinni and Timt linn Hi' t tiriv tided Mlth every Invnitiuut .if unruly, and the U it meilU'lne t lv hul fur runner l'iniiU.ith'U9 free. Iluuett oi'inioim clt cm , reBniil'li' Ail rorrej lvmleuee trtctlv cnnHiletitlnl Kucl.e stamp Ail lrtw " wi.,M..,, .11 , Uliuiv, O, 7 I. I irBb t.,- tiouai Hunk, ivruauii. iireirou Rupture Pormnnontly Curod. No urc-iT W..ik erery day Cures ini a rant eed rUMretw Ore HiliDKN & Ll'TllEll. ottlcen S. 1) anil li rinti taiiutiai iiank. roiiiaun. fawn I'.iK'li veiir'liuds " Hrown'.i Uroti chial Troches" in new localities, in varii us Darts of the world. For relievim: Coimhs Colds and Tin oat Di eases, th'v havt teen proved ic iable. S ld only in bore', Kidney Liver ivlsdicine xkvi:k icxoirx to j'.i- HUNT'S 1:K.1U31)V ha! snved from lin gerlnp disease nnd death lmnilrvds who have been clven up by nhysleians to die. JU'NT'S KK.UKDVcuros nil Ilsc.iso- of tho Kldnnys, ItUntdor, Urinary Or cniis, Drojtsy, flrnvpl, Dlnboles nnt Incontliioiico nnd Itotuntlon of Urluo. HUNT'S lti:.1IIUV eiutiiirages bleep, creates an npixitlto, braces up tho system, nnd renewed health Is tho ro&ult. HUNT'S ltUMKDY currs In tho Side, Hack or Loins, General Debility, l'enialo l.lseases, Dlstnrbril Sleep, I. ons of Apjiot lloiiml ltrijht'u DIsohho. HUNT'S IttiMKDV ijuickly Indurtd tho I.licr U healthy action, removing tho causes tint produce ltlllous Iliuiilrn lic, Dj Hpt'p sln, Sour Stomncli, Costlvvnuss. files, otc. Ily tho uso of HUNT'S KIMIKIIY U10 Stomacli and llowcls will tpecdily rejraln their btrtiiifrth, und tho blood will Ikj perfectly purllled. HUNT'S ltliaiKDY is jmrely teBotablo, and meets 11 want novcr lieforo furnished to tho public, and tho utmost reliance may bo placed In It HUNT'S ItKMKDY Is prepnred ex pressly for tho nliovc '' census, anil lins novcr been Imown a Iitll. Ono trial will convince you. l'or Hfilo by nil DruKfjlHts. Send for 1'amp (dot to HUNT'S REMEDY CO., l'rovlili'iire, It. I. THE LATEST AND BEST! Europ3in.Mnohino Undo BREECH LOADING SHOTGUNS 3Iuiilinttnii ArniH "o. No loSido Snap, Twist Hiu rel 'JO 00 Nu. flO Ton Simii. Twist HaiTL-1 . i!J 00 No 51 Top hnup, Tit 1st llurrel, extension rib. ... 21 00 No. A Top Simp, TwiBt llurrel, eomploto Kim . 'JS 00 No. 11 T011 Simp, Finest TwiBt, com- pleto Klin ... . 3-2 00 No. C Toil Simp. Ijimluntcd Steel, com. nlete L'un . . . 32 00 No. 1) Top Himp, Diunuscus Steel, coin- plelu KUU . 30 00 Every Gun Warranted. Went O. I. on Iteecipt of Prlee. II T ui,n5nN0FniHTHTKKOT rl. I. nUUOUIl, Pohtijinu. On. Wo do not caro to boom tho price, but to movo laryu quantities of (roods wo ha to to make low fl;;. urea. Aro offur'iug icx White I I mi r at Sl.f.0, Holler at $1.72, and liltflicst grades of llxtr.i 1'amily at $4.00 to $2.00 per barrel. Feud and Grain of all kinds lower, except Com. Wo tatu pains to 1111 orders with tho very bct. Thcao cool mornlii's your jioul. try need u littio Japauesu i'ff,' I'ikkJ, ut tl.10 ier 100 pounds, or llono Meal at same price. And as a tonic glto a spoonful of Hed I'cpjicr occasionally. Wo su'.l It 6 pounds for $1. Wo are ready to till orders for Winter Supplies promptly. Now 1,1st U out and will lu) mailed free by SMITH'S CASH STUUU, 11S and 117 Clay Street, Ban Francisco, Cal. In successful operation since iE(fi, patronized Irom all sections ol ins nwuiwci, enuorseu uy business men and leading educators, THK MOST I'KM'KCThV EQUIPPED SCHOOli of its class on the Coast, it cfTers prlvats or class instruction, day and erciilng througliout the year, in Arithmetic. Wrilins, Correspondence, Book keeping. lijiikin,Shortliana,Typewritin;, Ituslness nd LeKal Forms and all Common School liranches. StuJents of all a lies and both sexes admitted -i any time. Catalogue Iree. Armstrong ana wesco, i'roprieiors. Day SELF-HEATING Bath Tub. i. w i. n lio Lot water flpci; no hettlnc your rooms. For do- cilitlon, address, Z. T WRIGHT, Foot Morrison it. Portland, Or. Also (tester In Thrnddmr snd Ofnt-rAl Mschlnerr. Ala rtno Wink, ljMmlrt .MacTili.irr, lu fact njtlilii you unit. Utu. Agent uT Hie Mill.lrun ikai Ull VMtUut. SSTMn.NTH WAN TKI. M I'Iso's lU'nfly for Cntnrrh is tho T, . .. ... 1,. . 1 .11 ... Bold by ilmqsUta or wnt ly nmll. ic. li. T. JlaMltlno, V'ueu, Pu. HUNTS' I Boom Boom m Pi Cj R0YAU ISS'.IJ fl AbsoksteSy Pws-e. This tviwiler never varies. A marvel of purify, Morn ( than strength and win leMuncnesi. tho ordinary kind, nnd cannot bo sold in coinpctl. tioiiwltlitho inultlttido of low test, short weight, n'uni, or plnvplmlo jiowiters. So'd only in enna. JutAi,JUKlMll-Otti)ril lo., 100 vuil M.eet, N, V. WILLIAM BECK & SON, Wholesale and lletatl lVulcm lu Cuns and Sporting Goods. FINE FISHING TACKLE, .Miiniifiicturvm' A cents for r. Sniitlrs, Colts, lteniiiiKton. Olmf nunti lthieu. I'lirkei Hiiiid .Muuluittun ullUl llllllS. Winchester, -Mnrlln. Kulhird, Colt's Rifles. l.fKhtniiiK .MiiKivzlno Colt's und Smith & Wesson Revolvers. Kend for Catalogue Xo, 5. III.-; A 1U7 Nceoiid Nt.. I'oi t liuid. r IIIUM'M MTU RI1S Uiternl.lo At , BiKikune Falls, W T M Htate St .Kulcm.Or Trtcoina, WiishlnKlon Territory V llonrillut; nnil Day School loe Hi'1n OlIIMSTMAS TKK.M HKOINH Til 15 SliC V ' ond Thursday in Sonteiiili". l'linlls mi luken ut nil ukos nnd m any t mo It Is iin portHiit, hottever, toentereaily ihe term. j'or eiiuuoguo nun parueuiars nitilrciH the l'lihoipai. iii us. i,I';.ml;ki, ii. wki.i.s, raeoma, t asli. Per. PACIFIC UNIViERSITY, Forost Crovo, Oregon, Owns tlm new school year Meet 19. anil otfers eirollt tit lilsluT iihientloiial iiilvantimes to tlm roiitli of lmtli Keitn uiruiiKiiout i no I'.iilllc iMortnueHt rrmtiictlte Fluids liter SldO.lXX) l.tliraiy. liter (I.IKK) tolunies. Ui. oiitlon, healthful. Pipeline, llt'lit liitluenre. I'lirln- t l.t.11 limtriicttiiii. tlioioiiKh mid rcliolnrly Httuateil limes went or rortluno, on rallroail, ulth twotralns each ttay uauy. l or cutiilonueor Inroruiiiliou, alilrei.n J r KI.I.IH, PreHltlnit, The Oregon National Bank, 4r INUCTI.AXII. I HtloueARors to MetroiMiltlan Kavlni's llimli.1 CAPITAL 1'All) IN, . - $100,000. i niiiKiicin a nenenu iiiuikinx iniHiness ACCOUNTS Kt lit Kiililect to check HFMJJ KXl'IIANIIIi on Hnu Franclwo nnd New York aiAM-.M UOI.l.l.L'I IHNS on hitorali u terms VAN II. liKl.AHII.MinT, (li:i) II. MAHKhi:, Jli i-auineiii vice I'lexhlcnt 1). F HIIKH.MAN CaMilei xoj.rri.visTi MECHANICS' FASR Opens October C, Closes October 22, '87. Hl'KCIAl, Hai rji on all Transportation bines, OB'SSsM Map of KbOltlliA KOUTII. KIIN'IL It. LANDS. Four inillionacres. sultablo for Oranges. Lemons, Olives, I'lucannlca. tlananas. Strawberries and oarly v iretablea. Tor taloon limp: credit. S1.2A to $3.00 pur aero. a. . ss cm M i xr w . ..' Mo. lurl'MI., hliiiro, Ills. niton.: n nn Riinnnin t txii: TLUn Uti IVlHUniU! Choiaot, Purest and JUot Delicious KEY WEST HAVANA CIGAR IN THE WORLD. iiT 1 or sale at all lending p aces Ifi 1'oiiTI.ANH, Or. HKATTI.K, W T Wa, i . VV. , f A V T l. n. u. oiv n. HKAi-riK. w t Solo Agont. 1 Hl'OKANK FaI.IJI,W.T t Antoiua, Or SELBY SMELTING AND LEAD CO.. Bun FrmiclBco, BUELL LAMBERSON, Con'l Agont. 7 Stui lt Ht IMrtluStl. Or. YOVU CATARRH Oau Too Oitrocl. Is INFALLIULK I Ask Your Druggist For It I AHTIMIA. lielletwl lu l'lro tlinuUs. IIAVi-'KVKK. Curofluaraiitcoil If Tttkau hi Time. UltOXCIIITIM, uuru tvarrauttu. ii:a1kxi:h Cured lu Three to HU Jllouths. Diphtheria, Crniip.Vriirul. Itlu, lleiiiliii'hi-, Muro Tli runt HrtEMiY Cunrn. Invaluablo Romodyl Patented April, 183fi. frico of Trontmcnt, SIOO (Smoko H')1. ?2.0Q ueueuaior, rorinicrnai use, yi.ou.) CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL CO, C52 Market 8L, San Francisco, Cal. Jsf""Bcmaro of Hurtful Imitations. One Airent (Uerrnant otilylwntwj In every town fol Kvervbcilv wnnU ' TuiixlU'ri Piinrli" S elfirnoiv: tlioy wro a'vvayH iroil liutol Into tliov Imvu inijir veil. I li ur J y np nrovn of irur wny of ilolnir Iui-Iiih-h un uro mir lio'il mill inrrraHo viir tnuli A. Alt' N ', J'MifKlHf, riimi;o. Ill Addrcis, ItAV.TAXHItil. A CO..tJilent;ii I, . Jf IB Tin' mti mm; ma V "t JJ kv i H. K Catiea-, .'itm. I Vs IJV' " " One bottle taken atcortlmg to directions will give better results than a gallon of Sarsaparilla, or any of tho so-called Blood Purifiers with which the market is glutted. At Druggists, prico $1.00 per bottle. $500 REWARD vill be paid for any caso of Rheumatism which Dr. Pardee's Remedy, properly ad ministered, faih to relieve. CURl'.S AI.I, IIUIHOIILH. from u common Elloleli, or l'.ruptlon, to tho worst Serortila. Salt-rliouiii, " rovor.sores," Nenly or UoiikU Sliln, In short, ull (llsonwB eniiFcd by bud blood uro eoiuiuei-eil by this powerful, jmrl fvlnir, und lniu;onitln(r medicine. Sroat l.iitliiir Ulcors niplilly Iti-itl under its be nhrn Inlliieneo. llupcoliilly bus it nmull'estcil Its potcnev In eurlnir Toller, ltowo ICunIi, IIoIIn, C'nrlMiiM'lcH. Soro IIj'ch, Serr uIoiih Soi-CM and SwvIUiikn, IIlp jolnt DUciiHO, A'lilto MvollliiBU. Collr, or Thick Neck, nud IMtlnrfrctl Claud. Send ten ccuIh In (.lumps for n Inrjfo treutlne, with colou-d plnlen, on Skin niHciiHcs, or tho same miiouut lor n treatlso on SerofnloiiH AlVnetlons. "Tin: iii.oon is Tin: i.iit:.' Tlioroiiirlilvclninio It by nslnif Hr. IMorco'n (ioltlou .llcillcal llUco very, nnd Rood dlKCHlioii, a I'nlrhklii, liiioyant iilr 1111,1111(1 vital HteoMKlli, will lie established. CONSUMPTION, wlileh Is Scrofula or tlio I.iiiirh, la ar rested und cured by llils remedy, if tukeu be fore tho hint HtntrcH of Hie dlsciise ni-o miehcd. I'lom Its marvelous power over this leirlbly futnl disease, when llir.t otrerlutr tlila notr eelobnitcd remedy to I ho public, l)r. I'u'iicn thoUKht seriously of ciilliiiif it his "Coii Niiiupllou 'iirc," but abandoned that mime us too limited Jor n iiKdlcine which, fiom lis wonilei l'ul eomliliinti'iit of tonic, or btrcmrthcnlnir, ulteintive, or hlimd.clcnnsliiK. iiutl-bilious, pectornl, mid iiulrlllvo pioper tles. Is uneqiiiileil, not only ns n remedy for consumption, but I'm- ull Chronic Wis. ouhon of the Liver, Blood, and Limgs. If you feel dull, diowsv. debilllnted, hnvo sallow color of skin, or jt (lotvlsli. brown rpota on I'ueo or body, Irequdit luiuliiche or dlzzl ncHM, bad tiusto in inoiilli, Inlernul bent or chills, ultcrimliiiir wltli iiol Hushes, low spirits ami Kloomy voiebodliiKH, IitckuIui- nppi tlto, and coated toii(riie, j ou mo sullciinu; frniu Iiili;oulloii, Iyi.cpi.Iii, nud Torpid 1,1 vor, or ' nliioiikiiei n. In ninny discs only part of hymploins tiro expo rleiiccd. As u remedy lor nil such ensca. Dr. IMorco'n Golden ,"T3cIlcul Il8 covery Is iinsiirpus.s;il. I'oi- Weak I.uncu, NpittillR' ol Illood, SliorlncHN or ISrcalli, Itron eliltlN, AhIIiuiu. Severe Coiik'in, aiwl kindred nileetlons, it is mi elllclent leuiedy. 8oi.i nv I)iu;noiSTs, ut $1.00, or SIX IIOTTlii: iar $S.OO. Bend ten cents In stumps for Dr. Picrco'a book on Consumption, ilddress, tVorld'n IlHieiiMury HBedlcnl Anno elation, tKl .Main btrect, lluii Ai.o, N. Y. REWARD is offeml by tho proprietors of Dr. Satro's Cntnrrh Itemcdjr lor u ciiso of catarrh which thoy cunnot cure. If you hnvo n dlschnriro from tbo niri,,.li.A r linpwlct nnrllnl Inna rt smell, tuste, or henrlinr, ikenk eyes, dull pain m. nrrisaiirn III lieitll. vnil k'lVn Plltfirrll. TltOU. sands of eases teriuluiilu In consumption. Dr.NiKa HiiATAitiui humi:i)V cures mo worse cases of Cularrh, "Cold In tlio Ilond," tiiul Cntorrlial Jlluaduclio. K) cents. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH.". 'J'lio Orijrliiul nuil Only Oenulnc. rtto aadslws;i K!!akt0. niwsrsof wortlih-MlinluUonc. to LADIES. Ask jour llrurelst M ''li.-strr's r.ui:llsirsuj Use do ottuT.or futloM 44. (rumfwiui us fur punlcutu-i in letter by nlurn mall NAME PAPER. C'lilcliestcr Chrmli-nl Co., Sold by llrnirirl.t. oyerywhere. Ailt 'or "t'hlrhea. f'm KiiKlliU" l'bUiirojiU 1'llls. TsssiwoUMii Tnis 11KLT or Iterrnerslorl rusds for Us euis or dsrtDf emDU of lbs gc neratlr . orrsoi. Tlio coaUnuous strssia I or je I. su rujeiT x rrnirsUi. Itirouil. tho psrls inu.1 rciiom Ibeio ColiesUhrscUou. Da nut r sooromid tuts xllli KI.etrlo Dolls s-JTeituca to euro sit ills from i hesd to toe. Ills for tbo ONU for olrculsrs olrltie fall In. foinMtlon, sdifrei. Chfrvr Kloo trio licit Co.. 19 UsiblDltoa Blreol.Cliles(o,ill. r asuken Ihe lead la I' 1'iui tl.4i rUi.s of re tte.Uct, snil hss civea si" tt ualteiul sauiUc. tlwll, :LT.niv nRoS;, l4iu. Tor Cl hat won the favor ut the. luibllc and now ranks Liuoui the leadioiMcUl. a cluo. vl the oililora. A, L. SMITH. Uradfonl, Ft, Sold by DnvtritU. I'.kooM.OU. '-CillB " or Itei-lul JiHi-ue, I'llCM. OVJ FIniuii-cn, KihiiiIiim ami Iterlal Iflcei-H treuted HuecewHrullj-, tvltliout Nit of It n lie, ttillilu puHt two jeurs. VIhIih Hevernl Interior totviiH. Nciid foi clreiiliirH. J. II. llklulou,.lt. !., .Vo.2 llfkitnrMjiiilldliiir. I'oi-lliiud.Or. The Van ?Monciscar DYSPENSARY, POBXttAND, OB, Younf. mUdJo-ied and old. slnglo or mxrijd men wid all who turfur with IX)ST MANHOOD I Nerroua DcbllUr, Hpuno. tonrhtMt, Seminal Losen Sexual thx&j. ITalUiM Mow. i Kuorgy, . also Mood and Eruptions, Kalr Vtdlis liiinc I'ului, H n-elUiua Hero Throat, llioors, Jfc Atsrltittk. Ilnrnlng Urinu lionnriht, ttt Mro4. e prouipt relief and cur fur lira ttoth Nitxim Con-tBilt roitriiloiitlully 'im,'i v .inji- t't-t ""tTrftr trip Tmiimi CjJb!TtsiChii:aCa. N, f. N. U. Nu. 1U7-U. N, U, Na.