y VOL. IV. the Oregon scout. An independent weekly journal, issued ev ery Saturday morning by JONES & CIIANCEY, Publishers iind Proprietors. A. K. Jos us, I Kditor. ( It. ClIAXCUY, ( Foreman. KATES Or Si; ISSCKll'TION: One copv, one vear . 1..0 " " Six- mouth". . . . 1.00 " ' Three inunto" Invnrliiltly Cnsli in Atlvnitcc. If thante nulscrijitiuns arr not paid till mi( oj year, nvo aoiiiirs will tic cnaryia. Kates- of adtci tteinj; made known on an plication. SST'Correvpondence from nil parts of tbc country solicited. Adrc.s nil communications to the Oki'.con hcuct, Union Oregon. I.nilRf Directory. 1 KAN DK HONOR V A LI, ICY LODGE 2TNo. A. F. and A. M. Meets on the second and tourtli Saturdavs of each uiontb O. F'l'.KLL, W. M. II. W. DAVIS, Secretary. TTNION LOIXiK. No. :S9 I. O. O. F vJ JlJesular meetings on 1'rhlav evenings of each week at t heir hah in I'nion. All breth ren in good t n 1 1 c I i 1 1 lt are in ited to attend Uv xder of the lodge. W. A. THOMPSON, N. U. CHAS. S. HILLHK, Secretary. Church Directory. TvrmionisT episcopal ciii'iirn iYI Diriue scrviiv evejy Sunday at 11 a hi. and 7 p. in. Sunday school at !l p. tn Prayer meeting even- I liur.-diiv evening at 0:110. RHV. (J. M. IKW1.V, Pastor. 1) HJSSBYTKKIAN (.'liUliCII. KK(i l'- X lurchurch services every Sabbatn morn iug and cTcning. I'ravcr meeting Wednes dT evening of each Wiek. Sabbath school everv tjabbath at 10 a.m. Ki:V. C. COX, Pastor. CT. JOHN'S episcopal curum. O .Service everv Sundav at .'1 o'clock p. in KKV.'W. U POWKLL, Rector. County fitutf. Senator Representatives Oitlcci-H. . . L. 11. Uinehart : K. Tavlor F. 1). .Mel ullv Judge . . . iVmimissioncrs .0. 1'. Geodall John Chrisntan E. Leu. 1 1 Sheriff A. N. Hamilton Clerk Treasurer 'hool Superintendent Hurreyor Asseor Coroner. A. T. Neid .10. Ilrainiud I. L, 111)1(1111.111 M. Austin O. 1. 'I'lioinliiison S. Albcrson City Ottieors. lfjor. I). 15. Rock S. A. Pursel J. S. Elliott A. Levy J. V. Kennedy E. V. Dais Ed. liemillard C'ouncilmen Kecorder. J. II Thomson llnrshnl Treasurer Htretl Commissioner . . .M. Heritage .1. 1). Carroll L. Eaton 'ItOI'K.SSIOXAL. JOHN It. CRITES, Attorney at Law. Collecting and probate practice special' tie. Ofliec, two doors .south of post-oflice, Uaion, Oreyou. J EAKIN, Attorney at Law AND NOTARY I'L'HLIC. Oflice, one door south of J. 15. Eaton's store, Union, Orcgou. J N. CROMWELL, 31. D., Physician and Surgeon. OfHco, one door south of .1. 15, Eaton's store, Union, Oregon. jj p. burling h, Attorney at Law, Real estate mid collecting agent. Land Ottlce IIii1iics a Specialty. Olllcc at Jo seph, Wallowa county. Oregon. Q F. 15KLL, Attorney at Law, Notary Public, and Abrtroctfir of Titlos. OfUee State Laud Otll e btilldinu, corner Main and A Street, I'nion, Oregon. Q 11. DAY, M. I)., iio.MKPATinr Physician and Surgeon. Al.1. CAI.LH IMIOMI'TI.Y ATTKMIRI) TO, Olllee adjoining Jones Urn' store. Can 1)0 fnuud nights at the Cnitcunial hoiej. riHiiu No. 'l. M. Kakkk. J. V. Siti LTox. J. F. ItAKirit. B VKKK, SllKLTON & KAKBK, Attorneys at Law. OFFICKS Union anil La raudo, Or fn. SpoclaJ-AtNutluu jrtveu all bUbJDt!S cntruftfi-! to VV UN I OX. Alleautlrul City Wltli Cnparaletlecl Nat unit Aili untapes. A' brief description of this city may not be uniutercstinn to our numerous readers in other states, many of whom, no doubt, are looking about for a more favorable lo cality than where they are, in which to build up homes for themselves and families. I'nion is situated in the southern portion of the beautiful tirande Konde Valley, in the exact center of one of the most popu lous and prosperous counties of the (jreat Inland Knipire, It is tui: corxTY si:t, and the county buildings a commodious court houe and jail, constructed of brick, are located here. It is the sriTi.Y roixr for thereat mining d strictsof Pine creek, Sanger, and ICagle, A tine line of staerf now run reu'arly to Cornucopia, on Pint; TCfU. touchi:iK at all the mining camps of importance on the route. The trip is made in less than leu hour, entirely by daylUht, thus enabling the traveler to feast h's Jeye upon a series of natural landscapes, that for variety and sublimity are rarely sur passed. ijooi) uo.Mis also lead to Union from every other section of the enmity. The 0. K. it N. Co., in con structing their line through this valley sev eral years ago, ran along the foothills about a mile and a half to the west of the town. This, instead of being an injury, has proved to be a benelit to the place. It escaped the ephemeral boom that generally attends the building of a railroad, which so many towns have found to bo a curse, ;uid hard to re cover from, and has grown on its own mer its alone. In time a magnificent turnpike, shaded with ornamental trees, will lead to the depot, and be a most delightful eight or ten minute's drive. Tin: l'orri.ATiov of Union is about MX) and steadily increas ing. A more prosperous and contented people cannot be found anywhere. ont r.ptrcATinxAi, r.rtLiTii:s are the best in the county. We have u p!tn.lid brick school houe, in which A tiUAlllU) SI'UOOI, is taught by four competent teachers, at least nine months in each year. The reli gious welfare of the people is looked after by the Presbyterians, Methodists and Epis copalians, and several sn;sTxTi.u. ciifitcu nntin ns adorn the town. Among other places of amusement is ;i ooMMoniors thkatkp with excellent stage appliance, and a ca pacity for seating at least WW people. VAUIorS SKCHKT OlUi XI. VTIOXS are represented heire, the Odd Fellows and Masons having superb lodge rooms of their own. The town is, uoted for its many i:t.i:iXT iiKsnnNn:s. beautiful and well watered streets, and the itiiMAKK mii.i: ii:i.Tiin'i.Nis of its climate. An abundance of pure, cold water is obtained by sinking wells, or from rtTiiuMNi: cui:i:k, a large stream rushing down from thn mountains, through the center of the city The stream is siitliciently large tn furnish l'NMMITi:it WATT.ll I'OWIIK for a hundred nianufacturics. The water is clear as crystal, and chemically pure. T1JU II.NION KI.OritINO MII.I.H am the largest and best in Ka-tern Oregon, and are constantly shipping flour to foreign markets. The town boasts of VI VK HKNKHAI. MKIiC'llANDItiE STOHKH, besides numerous grocery and variety stores, all other branches of business lniing represented proportionately. TUB VIKST NATIONAL HANK OF UNION, and .scvcaal prlv.ite banks do an immense business, making Union THK FINANCIAL CKNTKU as well us the biuiuess center of the coun try. Such is a brief description of UNION AH IT IS. We see no reason why It should not. but many reasonsvliy itfdioutri, in a very few years become the principal city of Kasteru Oregon. It certainly possesses numerous natural advantages that other towns do not. A field is open here for CAPITALISTS AND MKN OF MKANri, and opportunities for various investments that cannot but yield large dividends. We invite their attention to tl is.and can assure them that our I.IIIKItAL AND PltOOltKSHrVK I'KOPLK will ofler every inducement and aid to worthy enterprise. Any information de sired, concerning Union or Union cdnnty, will be ftirni.-hcd up in upplicat.on to this olllce. IJUOKI.HN'S A UNI CM HALVE. Tub IIiW1'8ai.vk in the world for Cuts, llruUej, Sorca, Uleor, halt Jtlieuin, Fever Soron, Tvttur, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Kruptious, ami positive ly cure i'ilus, or no pay required. It is guujrantoed id give perfect satisfaction or mousy refunded. J'riw i' cents per Ixu. Tnt V'rMu'f; itvr rp. UNION, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Ol TR POETS. This sjaee is given for the use and i benelitt of our local writers of vere. and we hope o make it a pleasing feature of the paper. To that end contributions are solicited, but they must possess undoubted j literary merit to" obtain place and recogni tion here Kit Written for the Scovr. NATiri! H'S LKSSON. Listen to the wild winds blowing; Watch the dainty llowers growing; Note the beauty that surrounds us; S"o the grandeur that astounds us; Hear tin; willow's plantivc sighing; See. the leaves around us lying. Then, 0 man! thy meekness hide thee! On this glorious world abide thee! Seek not for some higher power Than the fragrant, perfumed (lower! Drink of earth's congenial spirit, Ituild thy life upon her merit I Listen to her truer teaching; heed not fancy's empty preaching; Find within earth's glo'rious temples. Truth, that falsehood ne'er dissembles ! Let the calm wind, gently weeping-, Speak t" thee, while thou art reaping I routine ileitis ol servile toil, I All the products of the soil, ! Vainlvstr.ving to conceal ! .1... I..1...H ...111 1 rutins, mill, liiimi Mill it'H'ill, -15. AV. CIRCUIT COU kt DOCKET. H LAW. Jan. Wilson vs R. ,1 Rakur it Raker ami R, John R. Critcrt for tlft. Honors ct nl; Eakin for pill"; J. .J. McDonald vs W. 15. Hamilton; Raker k Raker for dft. O. Ralston, assignee, vs A. L. Saun dors; J. R. Ciilcs for pill"; Uukcr it Ra ker for dft. Nancy Siniins vh A. L. Fauti(ler; .1. R.Crites for pill'; Rakor tfe Rakor for dft. W. II. AVintors vk R. C. Sugettc; Eakin for pltf; Critt's for dft. S. R. .Mcl'lieeters vs R. 1). Hamilton ; Raker Shelton it Raker for pltf. W. H. Griggs vs M. M. McKenzic; Raker Khollon it Raker for pltf. John Fnraell vs S. Wallace. A. O. Porter vs F. S. Wood ; Raker,' Shelton it Raker for dft. Thos. Smith vs Lucy J. Martin; Ra ker Shelton it Raker for dft. K. D. Finn vs M. S. Felton; ct al; Raker .-slielton it Raker for dft. Oscar Jaeobson ct al.s vs Jas. Welch; Crites for pill". Fred Nodine vs John Nodine. Jolin A. TtieAer vs Wm Constable ct als; linker Shelton it Raker for pltf; R. Eakin for dft. Chas. Herring vs Samantha John son ; Raker Shelton it Raker for pltf. Chas. Herring vs II. C. Glasgow; Raker Shelton it Raker for pltf. JnlitiWynn vs Chris. Winn; Raker Shelton it Raker for pltf. County of Wullowiv vs County of Union. T. J. Sieberling vs O. I'. Rarnes ot al ; R. Eiikiu for pltf. J. M. Church vs G. A. MahalVy; R. Eakin for pltf. Rufus I'erkins vs David Gohlo ctal; Crites for pill'. O. LeSage vs Alex DaRufr; Crites for pill'. John MeCIoud vs F. A. Foster; 0. F. Rell for pill'. John York vs Thos. Hull et nls; R. Eakin for pill'. First National Rank of Union vs D. F. Moore; R. Eakin for plfr. S. O, Swackhamer vs J. F. Ferguson; R. Eakin for plfl'. T T. Gooch vs J. Ferguson Crites for pill. M. D. Clifford, dint. utty. vs John Curr and John Wuldtoj). W. A. Couglmnour vs J. A. Here ford. W. R. Jasper executor vs Win Martin and W. E. Rinehart. A. Ganglofl' vs Roht Deal and R Deal. KQUITY. Assignment of A. C. Nownmn, R. Campbell, assignee. P. W, W. Jas. Welch vs C. F. Casebcar ct als. Assignment of Sims Jiros, O. Ralston j assignee. Gus. Hutchinson vs Mary E. Simp son. Union county vs D.P. McDaniclB ot als; Shelton for plfl'; Crites and Raker it Raker for dft. David Henry vs W. R. Holmes ct als; Raker Shelton it Raker for pill"; Eakin for dft. T. R. H. Green vs Fcrd Rloch ot uls J. R. 'Crites for dft. W. F. Haines vs T. F. Hall; Eakin for pllf; Ruker Shelton fe Raker for dft. John Cameron vs Owen Mathews; O. F. Roll for plfr. F. H. Cliudburn it Co. vh A. McKen nie ct als. Nicholai Rro's vs J. C. Claylmrn et als; Ruker Shelton it JJakur for plfl'; Crites for dft. Arrival of Home Spckprs-Xrw Ptistolltce Itiislness Openings. Wallowa Co., Sept. 12th. 18S7. The mining panic still prevails, witli ) good prospects. j The health of the valley is good, j with the exception of some lingering chronic cases. Numbers of stock buyers are seen frequently buying up our rolling fat cattle and horses. The weather of late has been showery and quite cool, but as yet no frost, to injure, vegetables and late sowed grain. Farmers have been damaged sonic by the recent heavy rains, although stock m'n are very jubilant, at; the fall feed is greatly benefited. A constant roar of hammers, and the din of saws, plains and the musical ring of the brick trowell can be heard all hours of the day at Enterprise. A postollice has been established at Lost Prairie and Mr. Rion Racon ap pointed P. M., to bo supplied from Tecpy Spring until a regular line of mail shall be established. The new city, formerly called Wal lowa city and Rennet Flat, is now named Enterprise and a petition for the establishment of a postolHco of that name at that place has been circulated. Anyone desiring to embark in the lumber business would do well to lo cate on the betid of Whiskey creek, as there is the finest lumber to justify, and down-grade to market. 1 will venture that all the lumber that a No. 1 saw mill could make could bo sold at fair figures and good pay, so come on you mill men. Doubtless many readers of the Scout have had the pleasure of seeing a copy of the irnZot'u Sitnut, a paper pub lished weekly at our new town. So you see there is a paper published at each county seat, opposition being the lifoof trade. My motto is, "Let 'em llutter." Of lute T have seen a number of emigrants- looking after homes in our new county, and learn that several have succeeded. Rut this county is unite dilleieiit from many counties as the first rabble haven't all concluded to sell out yet and give speculators and east ern buyers (heir homes for n trivial compensation. Rkady, Enterprise; Items. Enterprse, Wallowa Co. Sept. 10, Jacobs Rro's. have their becond kiln of brick ready to lire. The brick work on the M it M Co's. building will be finished in about ten days. ;wrs. .). tnvino ten last week on an extended trip to Miss-Otiri, to visit rela tives. Mr. Ritrleigh, a former resident of Joseph, has leased tho Gardner hotel in this town. Two new buildings were raised tho past week, which added, considerable to our town. Wm. Russell is gathering up his horses hero and will take thcMi to Grande Rondo to sell. Tho Literary circle meets every, Fri day evening. A. largo crowd was out at the last meeting and all report having a uood time We understand that Mr. Chas. Meek has almost recovered from tho effects ol his accident. We are glad to hear this, as lie is one of our leading saw mill men as well as a solid citizen. Mr. Wm. Stubblelield, of Iower Im- nitha, met withli serious accident by tho premature explosion of a shot gun cartridge which he was holding in his hand. We have not been ablo to learn the extent of tho injury. At tho request of your former corres pondent here, I have accepted tho duties ol news gatherer from this new and busy town. You must not oxpect too much from mo for a while, but 1 shall try and send you a letter regular ly every week. Wo learn from the "out side" papers that a circus is doing the country. We would liko to havo a peop at tho dog faced man if they would bring their museum this way, but wo sup pose tho condition of tho Wallowa hill and canyon road will not permit. To begin with wo had a wedding, tho llrst in our town, on Sunday, Hopt. 8th,atUio residence of C. W. Whit acre, by (J. W. Wliitacro, J. P., Mr. Wm. McCurt to Miss Lizzie Hender son, all of Wallowa county. The hap py couple dopurtcd on their wedding trip to Oakland, Cal., where, wo aro inforniud, they will rcsido awhile. LThuy havo tho best wishes of a largo r.t rt' , i ... cirow oi im'oue aua rvuuvc?. ItJo-TMrtihi. 24, I8S7. THE COVE. farm Items iiiitut; . A (iotxl Yield i.r Outs. I'Uri Mat r Ilium la t Out 1 1, oil. Society Nntes, riSOIIf LllTIOX LECTITKE. ! September) 21. 1S87. 1 Wesley Duncan bad the champion field of oats. Ten acres produced 11(10 bushels-. Who can make a hotter showing? Ed. Churchill and family, of Para dise, are in town. They tire well pleased with (heir new home and will return this fall. Mr. T. T. Geer, of Marion county, made Cove friends an unexpected call, Wednesday. The gentleman was on his way to tho eastern states. The Roes party have returned from Long valley. They do not appear to be burning up witli enthusiasm over the grunduer of thai, country. The MeGi'tley Co will be in Cove, Thursday the 2'Jth. It isn't often Coveiles have an opportunity of at tending a theatre right tit home. Rlooni'e champion baler, sizo 17 bv 22, baled 100 bales Tuesday. The boys expect to put up 120 bales daily, when they getMieir hands fairly in. Horn. To (he wife of Geo. Hess, Sept. 20th, a son. George is happy but somewhat disappointed. Ho hud made arrangements for, and fully ex pected twins. Wesley Duncan purchased u fine breech-loading shot gun at the drug store (his week. He has loaded his cartridges for hen-hawks and tramps, and will give both a tropical reception. Prof. Anlguiro delivered tlireo lect ures, last week, at the Morrison church. They were very well attended and seemed to be appreciated by tho audi ence. T(. is supposed his teachings will produce a boom in tho matrimo nial market (his winter. Dave Layno's smiling countenance is seen no more in Cove. He has for saken (lie Cove stage and is driving over the Cornucopia and Union route. Dave is an expert with the ribbons and will make tho required sixty miles per day if any one can. Prof. G. M. .Miller, president of the State Temperance Alliance, lectured in Cove, Wednesday, to a fair audi ence. A prominent man of this place predicts the prohibitory amendment will be lost by nut more than four thousand votes. i F. C says A. said that please ask J inform Ptof. go to High that J. S. told him that J. X. S. requested him to S. to tell F. C. to kindly S. C. that she could not valley with him because she had company lever of the baler -Miss Dora S. The knocked nie so far out of time that I was docked for lost time beforo I could get back. R. D. C. I have graduated at tho baler and now rido gentlo bronchos for a living. Jake C Jr. Prof. Anlguiro said that I was supplied with nioro cheek than 2i government mules. J. W. F. lie pronounced nie next on the list. Rcrt. Rut he said we were tho best looking couple. Sam and Minnie Wo wore his favorites though. M.and J. Portland Stock Yards Report. Portland, Or. Sept. IS, 1887. Arrivals of beef for the past week have been fully up to tho standard, both in quantity and in quality, there having been a drove of 200 head brought over the mountains and ar riving in fine order. Tho arrivals of sheep havo been rather light, leaving the supply scarcely eqnal to tho de maud. Tho hog market is quite good, there being anxious purchasers for all shipments, Tho trado in horses is im proving. AJUUVALS OF STOCK FOR THK WEKK, KN IJINd TO-DAY. Reef ,'M0 head; bheon 18.r: hogs 120; horses 80. F.XI'OKTK VOtt THK WKKIC. Reef 180 head; sheep 210; hogs 05; horses -12. Quotations. Reef, ',1 .11 o. gross ; sheep, 2A 2f o gross; hogs, -1 -Ic, gross ; lambB, if 200. each. J. H. RATIIRUN, Manager Portland Stock Yards, Stock of all kinds sold on conmiitisiou, Stock fed, transferred and reshipped. Frank Rro's Implement Co., of Isl and City, curry tho largest stock ol standard implements to ho found in Eastern Oregon. Their terms and pri cck defy competition. Thoy ulways bavo ou hand extras and renuira for gooda they tell, which ia a mutter of NO. 13. TELOCASET. I.umlier Ynril KstuhtiolK'ct--Pointer", Prtnv ntul Poetical. September 21, lHl. A I fope may wither and fade away ; A Love may perish within a day; Flowers may bloom, trees may weep, The range be overstocked with sheep, An ignorant, man play a winning curd, Hut Telocaset lias, a lumber vard! Times lively. Range very dry. Smoky and cool. Crops good, and ready for threshing. A dance at Rlakesleo's Friday night. Our first car load of lumber was shipped Friday morning, Sept., Kith. J. R. Eaton. Jr., and Atty. J. R. Crites, of Union, paid us a visit a few days ago, and while hero were looking around suspiciously like they contem plated erecting a store. Mr. Smith, the Votetinary surgeon of Illinois, and n brother to -Mrs. John Reeves of this place, is fencing his ranch on Clover creek and we are in formed he intend locating permanent ly in (his county. Miss Emma Ridwell, oi Union, bi gun a two month's term of school at this place, Monday. She taught a term of two or three months in the fore part of tho season. That speaks well of her as a teacher. She deserves tho esteem of all. Such young ladies are the kind wo need in those advanced times. The long winter evenings are close at hand, and no move has been made by our people to organize a society of some kind that would all'ord amuse ment and sociability, as well as being instructive and profitable. Why not organize a Literary society, an Agri cultural society or some other kind of a society where all can go? Our ora torical talent will wither if it is not cultivated. B. H. Lit Grande Laconics. September 21, 18S7. Oh how dry we aro! Water pipes. Webber, of Tho Dalles, was hero this week. Another house rolled down from the Id town, yesterday. Rev. Wood, of Wallowa, preached in tho University, Sunday. Minnio Crandall left for Philadelphia last Sunday, via tho Union Pacific. Tom Ilitt has gono to tho Silver district to find another good mine. Tho Jewish New Year was observed by tho closing of stores, Monday. Another opposition stago line is now running between hero and the Wal lowa. Vigor of Life concerts havo been tho attraction sevoral evenings of tlu past week. Tho Methodist preacher started for Conference yesterday. Wonder who will take his place. James Henry has a now stock well forty feet deep, over which he expects to havo a wind pump. L, J. Sims, of t Sims Rro's., has re cently disposed 'of his home and will shortly return oast. Tlonan, Raker, ITadJoy and others who havo been rusticating iu Portland, returned to our city, Saturday. e Judging from tho great number of heating stoves Ericson is gotting, tho coming winter will be a cold one. Tho grain elevator to bo erected by Frank Rro's., ib well under way. It is being built at tho west end of their warehouse Sommcrs it Blum say thoy will givo . tho churches of La Grando a, hundred dollars if tho stores can bo closed up ou Sundays. Bishop Foster, of tho M. E. church, passed through hero, Tuesday, on his way to prosido over tho Idaho Con ference which is now in session at Baker City. Ico cream was in demand tho other night, and tho St John church realized somothing over Jf-iO at their supper,! so now perhaps wo can havo ecmu front etcptj Mr. "Ward, who has been in Portland during tho past six weeks, doctoring with ono of those electricians, was on our streots last week, doing very well with canes iuetcad of crutches. John Snyder, who for some timo pant has been conducting a meat shop on vast AdamB street, dMd at the L Grande houo the 18th, aud wA bur- ied the day foUowiruj, Mr. 8ny4w UhiI won In poor 1kuUi fctj with cocHVwptiflii,