The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 17, 1887, Image 8

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ii i at La (iiiv.Nnr.. ()iieo; )
Sept. 7, 1S7. (
c !ereliy a! vcn tha' tlio lollowhifr-
U-flinK Wed notice of hitinten-I'l.-ikr
flnnl nroof in support of hi
mi Hint said proof will bo made bc
r . crister and receiver at La Uratido.
i ai
ri;ii 11
!! r ' i
(in '
1.1.1 "
.S ,
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wo ii
c. w.
.l.ll ..
orm ..
imi Oct. IH. I.!. Viz:
Ild. No. li'icll. for the SK'i HWJ,
Stci! null
JJWH .Sec 7 Tii.
, W. M.
Hominies the followin
to prove his continuous residence
n l cultivation of. said lnnil viz:
Jlavnle, T. X. l'rolllt, .la. Wester
,,, 'Mhy Keep, nil of l'ine Valley,
Lajsi Okhck at La (luisim, Oi:'i.;n.,
Sept. 7, JN.S7. I
Notice it lit rel.y given that the rollowing
iinmed settler has Med notice of his inten
tion to inula- final proof in support of his
claim, nnil that said proof will he made be
fore the register and receiver at I.a (irande.
Oregon, on Oct. Ill, li7. a: (.'If AKL1CH
AV. If AYNIK. Mil. Xo. yiMl, for tin XK fir,
SItqr. M-c7. WKXWk anil XW'M SWV,
HecMTp. His lt4U K, V. l. lie mimes the
following witncei to prove his eontinnon
residence upon' and ciltivation of, said
Inurl. viit: T. N. l'rolllt. K . A. Lecp, .Ino.
Ctirrv. nml .Int. Weslerdnle, all of l'ine Val
ley, Oregon.
!-10-Wo Register.
Land OrncK at L (linxm:, Oitr.tio.v,)
is'ept. 7, 18S7. f
Kotiep in hereby given that the foll-wing-nanied
eettler has liled notice of his inten
tion to iniike final proof in .support of his
iihilin .'anil that mild uruof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at l.n (irande,
regon, on Oetolier IK. IS-.-, viz: T. .
IMtOFKlT. 1). ii, Xo. (UOIl. fortlieXKSWK
U l(. 1';, and Si.'A
SKU Kir 1 Ti'NS U 1') K, VOL Hominies
tlio 'ollowing witnesses to prove hw con
tinuous rclumcc upon, anil eiillivatlon of,
said land, viz ('. W. llayilie, Sclhy i.eep,
Ian. Wcsterd-ile, a'ld K. A. I.eep, all of
l'ine Valley, Oregon.
Hr.xuv HiNniiAtiT,
iMO-wtl ltcgister.
Lank Omer. at La (Ikaniik. OitruoN,)
. Sept. 7, 1SH7. f
Xotieo ik hereby jdven that the followiiif;
iuiiihhI Hottler has Hied notice of his inten
tion to niakp llnal proof in mipport ol his
elalin, und that caiil in oof will he made he
fore the reyl.-der und receiver at l.n (irande.
Oreuon mi l!, 1H87, viz: JAM KM
WIWTKI5DALH, lid. Xo. !W, for the NW
See ITp H K ! H. V. M. lie names
the follovi!iR witiiesseH to prove his eon-tinnon-.
rffldeneenpon, and cultivation of,
unlil hoid. viz: U. A. I.een. T. X. l'rolllt.
ChiiH, V. llaynle, and John S. ('liny, all of
l'ine Valley, megon.
Hknuv KixnitAitT,
!).(Mvfl Koj,'iHtur.
Lanh Orner. at I.a Oiianih:, Onroo.v.l
Hcpt. !l, 1SS7. )
Xotice in lierebv 1,'lven that the followini,'
nanieil Hettler lias tiled noticii of his
intention to malm Until nroof in sup
port of his claim, and that said nroof
will he made before the Itcglxtc r and lieeei
vor nt l.a (irande, Oregon, on Oct, 17th.,
1SS7. viz.: JOIIX W. l'YI.10. 1). S. Xo.
(ia7, fortbe SKK XNV (. .oe !i Tp. MS, It III
H. VM. Heiinmes tlio following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon, and
I'ultlviititm of, said land, viz: Louis (ioph,
AiiHiiu It, Cnrrv, A, 1', (ireener, and Thud.
Leep, all of l'ine Vallov. Union county,
!i0-vti. I!ej;ister.
Lanh Oi th i:, at La Oiianiu:, Oiti:oo.N,(
Sept. '2, 1S7. I
Kotice i hereby L'ivcn that the following
named settler has flluri notice of his inten
tion to iiiaUe final proof in support of his
elnlm.und thai Mild proof will be made be
foro the renNtor and receiver at La (irande,
OreKon.onOet. I7ih, 1S7, viz; F.I'IIKAIN
TAYLOlt. Mil. Xo..U'to,forthoNVl,'XK'4.
Wk SL1., and .sK'4 SKy (Scc.'tJ Tp It K It
10 J, lie names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon, and
eultlvation of, siild hind, viz: () Lesae,
William AlcMindt'i'. Huucno Sellier, anil J.
AVilkliiM'n, all of I'nion, I'nion county,
IIi:miv Kinkii mst,
0-iO-wil . KeKister.
laxt) OKf'tlK, AT Ll (ilUM'i:, OllKlloN,)
August I, 17. f
Xotieo in hereby plven that the bdlowiiiK
named nettler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to nirtke llnal proof hi support of his
iilnlni. and that stiltl prool will lie lnatlo be.
fore the register anil receiver at La Oriimle.
Orugon. 011 Oct. n, 1M7, viz: (iKOKCSK
YV. VHKiIlT. lid. Xo. I7(, for the XV
U fcU-e t Tith S 11 II li, Y,M Ho names
the followin witneshes to proe his eon
tiiiumiN rchidnncn upon, and cultivation of
bald laud, vix: Samuel lliiumaii, Seial
Coffniim, NV. I). Minnie, and X, L. l'arker,
all of Ivontiuif, Oregon.
N0Tl C K KOK riJ iilil CAT I ON.
Land Orrtci: at La Chandk. Ons.)
Auk. 15, J8S7. S
Notice is hcrebj tiven that the followiuK
lmiiitxt t-cttlcr has tiled uotlcu of his inten
tion to mukc Dual proof in Mipport of his
diimi, anil tliul sunt pioot will tie iuhuo no
foro the itepister and Itecelverat Ln (Irntiile.
Oregon, on Sent. '.'ith. 1SS7, viz: JOHN
AN'. ltAl'l.T. lid. No. 'JS81. for the SNVU.
See tl T 1 S H 10. K NV l. lie naiuis tlio
followini: wltursses to prove his continuous
rublduueo uwnu, sail cultivation of, said
land, U. Itobert V. AlcMinder, T. A.
Nulsutr lohn lliiffuiiin, and Joel Weaver,
Ull .ifKiimiueiMiie, l nfoii county, Oregon
L.vm Omen at la (iiiAMii:,Otti:iiO., )
Aug l, 1S87.
Notice in hereby given that the following
mimed nettlrr bun lileil notice of hU inten
linn tu make llnal nroof in Mimiort of his
claim, and that aid proof will be made Ik
foro lieirl-tcr and lloceiver at La (irande.
Orutoii. on Oct. 10th.. I'LISKS
K. Hit ITT A I N. to isjiiimute lid. Xo. !ITW.
f Or t he NV W X NV ' , a ml X NV H s NV ( , See 1 1
and HK. NK'.. See 10. Tn II S K ;W Iv
llo imines the followiiijj witno-en to pnive
his continuous nwiileneo unou. and culti
vation of. Miid laud, vie Uavid Lee, llar
Ijion Wicks. Miles Lee. and Perry ChuppeJI,
till i .Norm nmiicr. vjivkoii.
fXVwd. KeBlster.
ilbSt(M"Ht.N XOTIfK.
K,.tl.... i lmr.-liv oivon that theco-iwirtnor
liil Iw-iettif.treiaistluB Iwtween the umlor
hiebi d. umlt r llm linn inline of AlborMjii t
ovi.,n.i U ihi. .lav dihsolvml bv mutual
Coiim nu Tha UliilnoiW will bu coiitlnueil at
the place of IhuIiuyss heretofore occupied
by the .Jd timi, J. L. AllKirsou will m-UIo
allliui .'iiitwaml uolleetiUI outAtamlliiK in
UcbUdiowiilu wiWrtrm.
Tlio Ornplilo Aecoimt r ?lost VnBt!
fill tleiirrelir)..
IKIi:j.ston Corrciixniilolic Uoiion (llftlie 1
An ovont hp ttiitrn plnco ir. tlii i'j'y "
rcn'arkiibleinllHiiatiim Hint I voni'ire i
(Icecrilitt it in full. Tin rWnei'-rJ i i th
nfrair is .Mr. Jere S-rniMi, kon " M
Cornelius IJ. Sinitli, of tii .SMte. hmv
anto Depiirtment at Aluinr, wlio m u-!i
known. htanilH very liirh and in in ever
way reliable. I liavo imil a lotij: n:t :
most introHtinji intcrvicv with liini.
wiiicli traiiHcnbed and Htntl you in hi
own wohIh, tnwtinvr it iuy provo v i! lia
ble to vour readers:
"Dnriiiu last renr," lie said. "I nr 1
not undi'intiind mw the trunhl.;;tl.
me. I bad alvivn felt ntn-ir and lie.uty,
but 1 uradiinllyliieanieniVMre that hoiii.i
tiling wniumdcrmini:!" :ne. fltvt i'c.' i.
to feel drowsv ami I ben in a de.y or t.v I
would bo unualiimliy wile aw.:k
Htrange painn would eonie in -''Sn-ru',
)a-t-i 01 'II IrnlV
i'-Ir htu i li'l i'"
aeho n;:ie!i ?rit i.
ltrtttillvu'.l b "i. v.
I ww noni'-.m:-.-btltMry
u a .1 :'.i'M
times I liat.14'
fno-il, wbi'o my
pIwii wn wrv
1 I f t. VlflUMt'
6 ) v; in;
PIOTIMli: oi." iii:ai,tii. n 'I. 1 .'
liov.' 1 could lliivo bee') " bjiad, ) '
Hiif'poe I whs like 1110-1 pjojMi " h .1
troubled in tlio hiiui - v.iy. mi I rb "
it notliin ilaiiKeioii. Alter a win'.'
noticed a peculiar color rn'il odor sib
tbellnidsl v.i8 p'lsMrv: : that t!;-'-v v. r
dark at times ami v-:y lifbt l "!!::
Kiuallv I l)ujanto."ii!t iMi, but I 1. -i -'
it v.'iin'unmil'iial a-nl Hut I w:s!1. aln-.
TliSrt l-ilitu'-.ed me, an 1 1 on-n to
pliVHie'utm'., who were very kind in t!i '
att'enlionH, but did not help ni in 'J
least. Mvfatlier than wont with nv 1
New York, and vec.on.'v.i!:ed tbeeininei.
Hr. Keve:, who trv.ted in- fo1' '-"V.t.i'
weekH.' At that time my eo-iditi'in w.i
bori'ibla. I was Mf:nd from be..d tr
foot, it was a!m't impoi'ile tobra'be
and I could not nl-ep. in fievral place
on 1:1 v body the fkin burnt ohm, Hojjren'
was the pretsare irom within. Thoiiipinv
I endured w.i ' indet'tribable. Tlion tin
doctor told me mv eiims wan hnnle'n.
that i bad Hnjilit's disease in its worn!
form, and tliat I had only a few day to
"Fortunately I hud a friend who
coiimunied nus and
would not hco 1110
die- without a
Hlrmjirle. He did
not. urge, he in
Histod on my niak
inu one more ef
fort, and 1 did ml
notaced an im
provement at
', ... si
wholly eent-od. 1
continued to im
prove, ami am a wcrntt: oi'mimkky.
well man to-ihu, and owe my llfo to tlio
marvelous elleciH oi mat womieriui
lireimration. IIunt'H lieiiieilv. 1 boliovo
thin is tlio f-reatest medicin.aliat wane ver
diKiioverod bv man, and I only winh the
whole world mitit know what it lias
done for me."
"I know there are thousand ot people
troubled an I was and in just as Kroa
danger, hut thoy do mil realize it.
liriU'iit'H diseiiMi 18 tlio mo . i necepuve,
tlio most horrible malady the world ha
ever known. It has no settled cyniptouis,
jiut iiHSunieM everv imauinaido form. 1
bad no idea it was Ilrilu s disease that
was iiniierniininjt me until I Iwin to
bloat, and now that 1 am well u-'id en-
Joyuu' lite, t .e. i iiko leiun everyoo iy
about mv niiraetuoiis escape. i ii any
v.iuuler tliiu town is moused ovor my
Such is 1 1 nt account of probably a tinr
rowan from death as wax ovor
known. 'I lie tint sytnptouis wbkb ir.
Mnith t!t wcro mic'i it many of lu r-i
feel but do :ut emis.dfr wc'rili iK-'.iv iii
It is pl-iin, bivAi'Ver, that tn. e.ii y io
dic it ion of ii il.mi'onnis ili-i in.'
lfotr'tl"d -.villi, but r.'M-t be met oroiiit!-
Iy, mid
proven to
l.ll !! a
hi iti-ifi
, . i mm ' h is n,en
. I ,. v
l in 'i: ic o:
V'i-:r,::. e.
S. H. Ayles, inanufaclurer of but
ter barrels niid kojis, has always on
hand a uood supply of (ho best iualily
aud will sell them at reasonable prices.
Ciivu him a call at his shop, south of
the school house, Union.
Smith'a wnlkim; ganir plow, sonie-
thinir new and iust the Ihinir. For
Sale by Frank Rros. Implement Co.,
Island City.
The Milk-ino Nuking Powder, full
pound cans, warranted as good as any
in tho market. For saleiit J ones Nros.
Try it.
Hoard of Kmiulization for I nion
county will meet in the ollice of the county
clork.'in the court house nt Union. Union
county, Oregon, on Monday, October !td,
18.S7. t 1 o'clock A. M. and continue in
session six days, to examine the assess
ment roll for tlie year 1SS7. as returned by
the assessor, ami correct all mistake, there
in; '11111 all persons who are dissatisfied
willi tbnlr asMvssmeiit as made bv the as
sessor, or wlio wish any corrections nmde
In the same, are hereby untitled to appear
at tho time and place almvo named, and
show cause why Mich cometloim nhoiild
be made, or in lulling to so appear, they
will be reo,utrod to pay tax by tlio nesv
mcnt as made.
Union, Oregon, SoptemlicrO. 1KS7.
O. 11, TllOMl.lXSOX,
County A-eor.
M'tui Ciiimtv eonrt of VTnhiU iilUlltV de-
sit-.-s tn mid to the above, a notice to all
pereons knowinj: thiiiiMlvei not being
assessed for the year ISK7, to appear Utore
tixM Hoaril of Hipuutsiilion ami ni.iKe un
usoHMiient of their property, or send a list
of their taxable nropcrty lo the Heeor nt
said time, and save cxpenc of shorlll nuk
ing oiiul ubsoMiiicnt.uiul wcwUh it distinct
v rinivl hv nil iiriiiis inturetod
thnt no cancolltttlona of asoMucnt will to
nmdu on the nfcsossmont roll alter the wiup
Ur4-f irroijiilar. !
p j-rja t.(,t)ffi ,. ,m,,,,.
,r.,,.Ii!.V.'-:iiUi what i
b ) ;r; Ur.i u d.
once; in lour nays 5-:. 'JW-'iJv
1 1. o h w e 1 1 i i. r:HXK?-f4U
La-eat y det rea- e.l t! " $&,
and tlio n a i n H .;! ',.'
Jll . .fr-.i
U passed upon by the Hoard or lion aura
tlou. 0. P. OOOPALL.
t'ouiAy judge.
Ir the Ctrmlt (hurt of the Stnte af Orraon, !
tM 1 """ZTlL Iturkcr. I'iaintifr, I
vs f I
Mnrv llarker, Oefeiidant. )
To Mai:y IVu:Ki:r, uu: ahovi: kamkd df.fen-
xN'niK or tiik statu of
(In. i. mi vnu are herebv rcouired to an-
penranii answer the eotiiplriiit tiled npiinst
vou ii: the above entitled Milton or before
tlio duv of the next reeular term
of the Circuit Court of the Mate i
of Orojrou, for the county of L'n- 1
Ion. to wit: on or beforr t lie I'li.n nay oi ,
Hepteinber. A. I). ix7. I be defendant will
take nonce inai u sue ian io aosir un
eoniplaint herein wiililn the time above
specified, the jilalntitl' will apply to the
above entitled court for the relief demanded
in his complaint herein, to wit: forailis-
nliilion ol the man insre contract now cms-
titiK between plaintill "ami defendant, upon
the ground het forth in complaint, to wit:
upon the ground of wilful ihertlon. You
will further take notice that this summons
Is miblislied six consecutive weeks jirior to
said time for answering the complaint here
in, bv order of Hon. Luther H. Hon. Judire
of said court, which older is dated August
11th, 17,
II 1 1M-. ,v Hi ir,,
8-in-w7 Atty's for I'lfl.
)ntd order of sale issued out of the Cir
cuit com t of the State of Oregon, fori nion
count v, to me directed and delivered, bear
ing dale of August 10, A. I). 1HR7. upon n
judgement and dr. ree of foreclosure of a
j i . . , i , , i.i ........ ....
llieciliillie s lein. reiioereo nir-aiu nnni uu
the lath dav of November. A. I). ML', in
favor of Newton I'nn-nns, plaintill ami
nfc-amM (. K. Jjopcrs, defendant, requiriiif,'
me tliat out oi llie properly neiciiiancr oe-
Serihed. and described in said decree. I
make the Mini of eighty-six (loiiuriMftti.uu)
with intcrebt atthr rate of 8 per cent, per
annum, from March 17lh. A. I). to
gether w ith tiie costs and disbursements of
this .suit, taxed at the sum of twenty-three
and eight v-tiveone-hundredths dollars
KMand accrueiiigco-ts. and, whereas, by
said decree it was ordered that the follow
ing described properly be sold, to wit :
The building and dwelling house situated
on lot No. 1. in block Xo. 7 in the town of
North Powder, I' nion county, Oregon, there
fore 1 v ill sell on Monday, the L'llth day of
Sept., A. 1). l!-n7, at'-' o'clock p. in. of said
dav, at public auction, at the court house
doiirin t'nion, Union county, Oregon, all
the right, title and interest, which the said
defendant U. F. Hogeis had, on. or after
the i:iih day of March, A. I). 1882, in or to
said property.
Terms of Mile: Cash to me m hand.
Dated at sheriffs olliee this loth day of
Ailglift. A. I). 18o7.
Sheriff of Union County, Oregon.
ill the Ciren'it. Court of the Mute, of Oinjoii,
for the Coontii ot I num.
W.'l'.'Uold-bery, Plaintiff,
11n (inldsherv. Defendant.
To Iss.wu'.i.i.a (ioi.iisiii'.iiY, tiii: ahovi: ui
1 Oregon, Your are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint liled against
you in the above entitled suit within ten
ilavs from the date of the service ot this
summons ujion you, if served within this
count v; or, if served in any other county of
this S'tate, then within twenty days from
the date of the service of this summons up
on vou; or if served by publication, then
bv the Ith. Monday of September, A. 1).
1887, that being the hrstday ot tlieiirsi lerm
of the above entitled court, next stice.ccil-
ing six full week's publication ot this sum
mons upon vou; and if you fail so to
answer, for" want thereof the l'lain-
Hir will lake iiiducllieilt ngullist you
&a,n,:sl t t
v , 'n"Zu?M Jm:
for the
hereto, and Mien other relief as may
be iit-t in this suit in which NV. P. Golds- i
berv is 1111'. and IsMiliella (ioldsherry is
Defendant. ,,,,,,
The above summons is published by an
order made at chambers on the .ml oay
of June. 1S.S7 at Pendleton. Oregon, by lion.
O. NV. NValker, Circuit;.! udge, that the above
summons be published for six weeks in
the Oiti:o(N Scout, a weekly newspaper
published at Union, Union cottntv. Oregon.
7-i!-w7. Phi's Atty.
In the Circuit (trt of the State of Oregon,
for the ( m 111 of C'nion.
Mary C. l.igett. plaintill'
C. C. Ligett, defendant, I
Iiant :
i Oregon, you are hereby required to ap
pcur and answer the complaint tiled against
you in the above entitled suit and court
within ten days from the date of the service
of thU summons upon you, if served within
thin county ; or, if served in any other coun
ty of this' state, theu within twenty days
from the date of tho servile of this sum
mons upon you ; or, if served by publication,
vou are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint tiled against you by the
plaintill' in the above entitled suit, on or be
fore .Monday, the JUth. day of September,
1SS7, the same being the first day ot the reg
ular term of the Circuit court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of Union, commen
cing next after the expiration of the time of
the publication ef this summons; and if you
fail so to iinoear and answer or otherwise
plead, the plaintiff will apply to the court
lor the relief praved for in the complaint,
to wit : lor a deirec of divorce dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing netweeti
plaintiff and defendant, and for the costs
ami disbursements of this suit.
This Munitions is published by order of
the Hon. 0. NV. NValker, J udge of said court.
Dated at Union, Union county, Oregon,
.Inly 'JOth. ISS7.
7-.IO-W7. Atty's. for Pin".
1h Ikf Circuit (hurt of the Slat of Orrjon,
fur tin Cuiiitly of Union.
ffixtl Xodiue, Plaintill, )
Vs f
John Xodine, Dufendant. t
To John, tiik ahovi: namuh di:i k.v-
I Oregon, vou are hereby required to ap
pearand answer tho coni'ilaint liled against
vou in uie aotivc cimucu uu, uu m in-
rbe -
fore the first day of tho next regular term i
tiut mIiovh entliled court, after six week
iiiililli-ntiiin of this summons in the Oiaoos
Scoit, to wit: on or before the -Mill day of
September, A. D. ISS7. and if you fall mi to
answer, for want thereof the plaintitl will
take judgement against you for the sum of
three hundred and thirty-six and s x ono
hnndredths dollars, (fcKVl.Od) with interest
from April itth. ISMI, and the further- stun
of three hundred and forty-one and forty
four oue-hundrtslths dollars, (f!M 1.41) with
interest from June LSth. ISSil, and the fur
ther sum of thro hundred and sixty-seven
k,I ilftv mwUitimlredths dollars. ($17 . VJ)
with intertwt from June -Nth. lee?, and for
costs and dlsbursinentx. Defendant will
further take notice that this suuiiuun; U
published in the Outmost SooeT, a wvcUy i
I h ....l.ll.l..ul .it 1 1 ii trill 111 I lllilll '
...luiitv Oreeon. bv ortler of the Hon. (i. NV.
Wnlkiir miHiifthu ludsrosof the Sixth Ju-
ilicial District ot uio eiaie ii wrugtin
: : : ... . . . - . . ?
bracing Union county, inane
mil datctt
AiiliikI .Inl A. n. 1SS7
MrwT. Att. forl'llV
ijszj uu 'nyiL. i1 J .' ii f a
In the Crrmt fuvrt of the huile. (hiynt,
Xichoia.Ta.ter. lh.tlff.
V. I). P.idrd. Nelson Selioonovcr. ndlll nls-
tratoroi the estate of M. 11. 11 nl, de-
rea eu.. Tunics .Mttcliell. .Nat ey .1. .11 iciiain.
David M.iebals. (Jcoitc Ilalrd. Thomas .1
Haird, David Iliiird..loshual!..l:n. Da .i i
llaird, Maugie Smith. Kvarts Howell.
It ml or David llowcll, Kulcb Unwell,
Mary A. Long, Alewclhi Long, llcli Ijunir,
NV. S. Long, A. K. Katon, and Mnry L.
I'aton. Detitidants.
To Xancv J. MichalS, David Mlelml". (Jeorgc
Haird,' Thomas J. Itahd. Jo-htta Uaird,
Hvarts Howell, Hud or David llowelr,
and Knleb Howell, above nanied defen
diints :
1 Ongi'ii, you and each ot jon are he.eb .
rcijuirid to apneitr and answer the coin- 1
plaint hh d against you in the above enti-I
tied suit ami court by the first day ol the!
next term of said court, alter publication oi
thissummons six weeks, to wit : on the '2 :tb.
day of September. 1887, and if you fail to
answer, for want thereof the plaintill will
apply to the o.iiirt for the relief deni.nuled
hi this coiniihiint. viz : a decn e fori e oMiig
ail of said defend. .nts right-title and inter
est in certain mortgaged prun.scMlc-i Wind
in said complaint, to wit: Lot Xo. One,
Hlock Xo.Ten of the town of Union in Un
ion eou.ity, State of Oregon, according to
the plat of said town as recorded hi the
clerk's office of said county and State, ex
cept '20 feet off the vet end of said lot,
heretofore deeded to the citv of Union; also
Lots No's. I. ', 7 and H of Plod; Xo. One of
Lewis' addition to the town of North.
Union, in Union comity, Oregon, according
to the plat of said audition now on record
lu the clerk's ofllce of said county and
State; also Lots l. fi, (! and 7 of Hlock One
of McCullv's addition to the town of North
Union In Onion countv.Or, according to the
plat of said addition as recorded in the
county clerk's otlice of said county and
State; a'so Lot J-'our of Hlock One of the
town of NVet Union, lu Union county. Ore
gon,' according to the plat of said town as
recorded in the county clerk's ollice of said
count v and State, except an undivided one
half interest in the smith 'M feet of said let
heretofore deeded to K. C. Hrainard, to sat
isfy the sum of $1,000 and interest thereon
at '10 percent, per annum, from Dec 271 h.
IWtf. due on n promisary note made by said
M. H. Haird, deceased, m his life time, and
for the sum os $i:0.00 attorney fee In this
suit, for the judgement applying tin pro
ceeds of said sale to the satisfaction of said
amounts and the costs and disbursi ineiits
ol this suit, and tliat vou may be forever
barred nnil foreelo-ed of all right, title or
interest in and to said described premises
and everv part thereof as heirs at law of the
said M. P.. Hand, deceased, or otherwise,
and for general relief, and you will fiuther
take notice that this summons is imblished
by order of llie Hon. G. NV. NV.dker, Judge
of the said Circuit Court, made at clum
bers at pendleton, Oregon on the ilth day
of August, 18S7.
Dated this luth day of August, 1SS7.
C. 11. FINN.
8-l.'l-w7 Atty. for Plfl'.
In the Circuit Court of the .-'lute of tl.-eyun.
fur t'nivn Count).
A.K. Paton.l'lainliir,)
Thomas P. Haird Sr. and
Lvdia 11. Haird, Defendants.
To Tuous 1". Haihd. Sit. sn Lyiu
l!.ii:i. tiik vuovi: nami-.o nKrnM.xTs:
1 Oregon, you and each of you are hereby
rc(iiircd to appear and answer the com
plaint of the plaintill above name I, I'd (!
against vou in the above entitled suit on or
before the first dav of the term of the above
entitled court nex't after the publication "f
this Minimum for six consecutive weeks,
to wit: on Monday, the '.'(ith day of Septem
ber, 1887, and if you fail so to appear and
answer or otherwise plead, the 1' dntifl
v. ill (U maud judgement and decree ag.iinst
W whh iuteVesl'lrcou ,U Ihe'mte
vmi or uu re ei nraven ioi in it i-um-
$!KkU with interest thereon at the rate ol
10 percent, per annum, irom uie ..ini oay
of September, 185(1, and fr the further Mini
of $.." 00 as a reasonable attorney fee in
this suit, and for com.s and disbursement--,
and for a decree again t defendants T P.
Haird Sr. and Lydia H. Haird for a foreclos
ure of plaintiffs mortgage upon die follow
ing de-cribed real property, to wit: Com
mencing at alio NIC corner of Lot No. s,
In Hlock Xo. 10 of the town of Uiiion. Union
county, Oregon, running thence NVest so
feet; 'thence South 100 feet; theme Fast
Ml feet; thence North 100 feet to the place
of beginning.
This summons Is published by ordor of
tho lion. li. NV. NValkor, Judge of said
court, dated at chambers tho !Jth. day of
August 18S7.
f-13-v7 Attorncysfor 1'luintitV.
Nutlet) of Administrator's Sn.ltv
In the Matter of the FMnle. of
ir;; .'
JJinade and entered by the County Court
within and for Union county, Oregon on
the l.rith day of August. I.s,s7, ordering and
dLe.cti ig the undersigned, ndmiui-trators
of the estate of AN illls Skill', deceased, to
sell the ical estate hereinafter described,
to wit: Heginiilng at a point .TJo and uue
third feet west of the smith-west corner of
block No. 5, Hannah's addition to the town
of West Union, Union county, Oregon:
thence north :iT:i feet thence west 110 ami
four-lift lis feet; thence South 'M" feet;
thence east IKi and four-llftbs feet to the
place of beginning; and the north half ot
block No. '2 in said Hannah's addition to
said town of NVest Union, Union county,
Oregon, in satisfaction of a mortgage of
A. L.
' tobcr,
i door i
Kilt on, we win. on uie w oay oi no
ISVT, in front of the court house
iutho town of Union, l nion county,
Oregon, sell said above described laud at
nubile outcry to the hiuhest bidder, The
terms of sale are one-half cash and one
half on a credit of six months, llie purchas
er giving his note for the deferred payment
with inortgHgo on said lam's to secure tho
payment thereof.
Dated at Union, August 18th, ifi.
D. A. Me.Nl.lSTKU.
Administrator of the Kstate of Willis
Skill", Deceased. S-AVwC.
Nutlet! or Aiifllleatlon to l'urchasu
Iter l.nml.
U.S. l.ANi' Okficb, La Ciiiasde. Okkoox,)
June 3S, JSS7. I
Notice is hereby given that, in eoui)liaiico
with the jiri'vUions of the Act of Congress
approved J urn :. LSTS entitled An Act for
tlixfiln nl' 'I'iiulier Lands ill the States of
i California, Oregon. Xevadu. and NN asliln
! ton Territory ," AUTIIUK HI SICK, wluwa
inist-oillco address is Union, Union conn-
... Mr.,,.., ii ltl thlM ll:lV tiled ill till
o'Uice his application to purchaic the Stoi
XKl; Sivtion Xo. a) In Towm-lnp No.
I South, Kaim6 No. 10 K. of the NNU
lamotte inoridiun. All ieroii holding
anv iidverso claim thereto are requirtjil to
present the same at this ollice within uixty
days from the tlrst publication of this notice.
7-"J3-wiO Hexishr.
A ranch of "itOui ns in tho best prt t
(irande Hondo Valle- the g.inlen ot
Eastern Ort-iion. Ninety -u:es well et t .
tiiiioihv; 10 acres khmI i.iriubiK land. Mi
balance toJ
IKisture, wen wiuerwi mi i
ven desirable pUiee. and
mar timbi'r
i win lie mi u cnenit mr ckh. . iww...."
I offer refused. Call on or afWnjjV., . ,
J. .. ut'r i-i
or .1. W. Un.u . , Cove, or,
Drawer 17. Portland, Orr?on.
:l..u..i.'.i. . r
At R. C. Greic's
And ull the V adlnjf
1)1 KD SEED.
Or gaii s ffai&Mtv -ksMM
m.-Jk.: '.TDS?A
ano VKPUSr , - - '.-ttcn
, jy-- --- --- ...'r.i.t ..'ij
tfnoxee lleil.
$50 TO
On the of an Instrument,
buving thiough NV T. WlU OUT,
Agent, T'nion, Ortyon
Fashionable Dressmaker,
(Icntlenu'ii's clothing made, and all kinds
of tailoring, cleaning and repairing done to
o rder.
Centennial block, Main St.. Union, Or.
I de-ire io i.iiorm ,hc piuni ibat I am
! the .sole agent for tin' tel. iiratid LKTKK
I I'lllSK NVIND MILLS, in Union eotin
! ty, and invite iiit 'iuling purchasers to
conic and examine tin' on now on exhibi
tion at mv place in NVest Union. 1 am
, convinced you will pronounce it the best
I mill now nianui'ai Ui.eo The extrene'ly
1 low pi lees place them within the reach of
I all. Circular-' of inti mills and pumps
hunt on application. A..i. tviii.f..
Stiff Joints,
Hoof Ail,
Saddle Galls,
Meor.i lltlic for everybody exactly what Is claimed
-r.t. Oa0ot the rMuoiu for tlio pout ixipularlty of
0 Huatans Liniment In foumllnlts utilvcrmil
",lici blllt?. Kvorybody need ucli a nu-Jloliie.
- tio l.umfcermau uoeda It In ciue of ficclilcnt.
':( lli.uoowifo iioeds It tor scueral family u.e.
. " t'H.nnler needs 1c for his leauuainl lils nu n.
.IicUanie nds it ahvyn oa hli work
" ' 1 1 Her ne4 It In oe of emergency.
( ribueecneedkU can'tKOtalonswltliout It.
: .u-uier neods It lu lit house, bU stable,
ck ysrd
i f-letmibimt iiiitii or llio Itontuinn nreds
i .ia si nipjily Uoat and ashore.
uu Xio -I'linolcv uccdi It It li UU best
. .udand ft rallanee.
I'lit 4tocJc-rownr ued It It will tare him
janli of dollar! uul a world of trouble.
1 Ui ltallrndiaauneediltaudvllliiredtt to
; i. . 10 llfo U ft nxiod ot ftccldeuw aud dangeri.
.ic liuckvraatiiiiiait needs It. There Is not h.
1 cs an euUitote for tho dangers to llfo,
' r.irt wtitob eurromul the nloucfr.
, 'uu need It about his Mora among
I . a- cldeuu will happen, and when
v u i Ualmeat Is wanted at ouco.
u lailio House. 'Tt the best of
. .t !i i:tl'nc'lory. ItslmmedUU
! t ivm and loss of vasts.
I ... !iil.- AlWttVblu the Stable for
. j irtiM vairtl.
I cS fa & fi &" KK i: t r- ff V. 11 M
! tSiiy U2 Wis VSS" 'f.t a w tH
r-m y-rrrrvjc vw. .mw, a
Thoiuson & rttr.sel nro azryits for
the folchratcd Cyclone Wind -Mill, and
a the prices on them have been rroat
ly reduced thev ate now within the
reach of all. Sample mill to be seen
at their pinner in North Union. Call'
and cxiiiiiine it.
Ono bcttfo taken according to directlom
will give better results than a gallon ol
Sarsaparilla, or any of tho so-calied Blooa
Purifiers with which the market is gkitled
At Druggists, price $1.00 per bottle.
mil bo paid for any case of Rhoumcu m
which Dr. Pardee's Remedy, proper! ca
ministered, fails, to relieve.
Nervous Exhaustion.
Few Useful Hints
Nervous People.
" am so nervous" is a very common ex
pression, used by both old and young: and
very fo.v can now be found who are free
from nervous troubles. AVc tegret to see
that the malady is rapidly increasing. And
from what cause? There a'c various reas
ons. It may be because of a low condition
of the general health; the vitility of the
nervous system U depressed; or from a
want of perfect digestion and assimiliatioii
of rood, and the power f pure,
rich blood, the nerves are not properly
.strcnthencd and nourshed, and consequent
ly become weak and diseased
There was u time when "',,,
and that class of disease known as nervous
affection', were apparently confined to
ladiei; but at the present day it is an un
doubted fact that as large a portion of ner
vous diseases exist among men as among
the gentler sex; and their distressing affects
and lasting and enervating result are a
thoui-aud fold more series, as they extend
to posterity and are productive of a weak
ened and enfeebled race. Nervous and
physical debility, caused by
is a frequent and distressing disease, its de
pressing intluciice icing felt alike on both and all ages. .Among the first Sym
plons of this alfcction are usually a de
rangement of tho digestive organs. A feel-
of languor will be experienced, and a grad
ual failing of strength, with general weak
ness and pain in the back. Jloro or less cx
haustation Is experienced on waking in the
the mornsng. There is often a bad taste in
tlif mouth; the vision becomes dim, tho
meiuoiv is impaired, and tho patient in
troubled with frequent dizziness. Persons
thus affected are often despondant. and
rnffcr from gloom and depression of ,the
mind. Tho nerves become so weakened
that the least excitement or shock brings on
a tremor or trembling, often attended by
palpatation ef the heart.
Are particularly susceptible to nervous
disorders, owing partly to their morn
delicate nervona organization and partly
to their sedentary life and consequent
confinement in-doors. Such affections are
attended by restlessness and nervous excite
ment, anxiety or depression of tho mind,
loss of interest in society and the daily af
fairs of life, There is also loss of sleep;
the patient on rising in the morning, feel
ing tired, languid and unrofreslied. Fron-Hr
slight nervous attacks to hysteria, from sim
ple 'nervousness" to utter prostration,
there arc many and varied forms of diseases
of the nervous system none of which should
exist, and of all of which can be cured by
tlio use of
Dr. Purlieu's Banuidy
Which first stimulates theliverand kidney's
to healthy action, regulatos tho digestivoor
guns, and from the llrst dose begins it
work of purifying and building up the werii
out fjystcni it produces sweet and healmy
sleep, enriches the blood, and imnarU to
the pale and willow checks ihe K'urt' '
i cubit, br ngK bilghtiios to the eye and
lastlcity to the step. More red beniilttan
' e durlvcd from one hulf Uoren bottles of
Ilr I'ardie'ii Heniudy, than from a hundred
dollars invested In any other way.
Ask your druggist for It, nnd tako nov
mm Mi