The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 17, 1887, Image 4

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City and County Official Paper.
Saturday, Sept. 17ih., J 887,
j man i'ii:i,irs diccisiox.
Says (lie Chicago Inter-Ocean :
'There may be sonic honest, nnd se
vere deiiunriationa of .Jtidfre Field's
decision in the. matter of Senator Stan
ford and (lie I'aeille Kaihvny Coininis- i
sion. hnl those, who think will per
ceive at. once, nnd (hose who think
lazily and honestly will perceive on i
second or third cogitation, that the
nation again ha reason to congratu
late it self on tho existence of a Su
preme (,'oiirt .
Kor what the decision of Mr. Justice
Field .cttlcs- i no more, or lest, than
this, that the I'liilcd States jtcivorn
mcnl, or n co-ordinnlo branch thereof ,
shall not he to any vitizeu of tho
rnitcd-Stntes what an inquisitor of
Spain once was to Spaniards filial the
force of congress shall be checked by
the force of the common law; tint no
man h ill be compolled to furnish
proof for the prosecution of u crime or
misdemeanor whereof he is suspected.
There is a prejudice against the I'aeille
lhiihvay just now, whether well or ill
founded it mutters not, and therefore
it has been asserted that SeuatorStan
ford and others should lie "compell
ed " to answer any and all questions
propounded by the congressional com
mittee. To this the supreme court
replies, l S rout is a rongrcss-i'innl com
niitlee, but greater is the law of the
I'nited States.
My the very term of its creation the
committee is lusi I Iiuii the law, for it
is instructed to call upon 'any of the
circuit, or district courts of the United
Slates" to punish for contempt any
and all persons who may refuse to
bring books and papers for its inspec
tion or to answer any questions pro
pounded by it. In ( it is plain that
the courts cannot do for tho commis
sion that which they could not do tor
themselves, and eourts canuot compel
persons to lay a foundation for their
own prosecution , either by the dis
closure of books or papers or by nn
wers to questions. That is the old,
barbarous, cruel and obsolete method;
U is the inquisitorial , as opposed by
tho judicial, way of procedure; it sur
vives in no English speaking country ,
and only in iho Austrian provinces of
of (!erma:iic speech.
In some sort the duties of the com
mission are akin to (hose of the grand
jury, it is a body of iuqtiirv as to the
alleged or possible infractions of the
law. Now, no prosecuting attorney
Would be foolish enough to insist that
a suspected person should be compell
ed to supply a grand jurv with materi
al for his own imlicimcul. And this
is exactly what the committed has as
sumed that i. is empowered to do.
The doctrine is monstrous.
Tho answer of tho receiver of tho O.
V.. railroad to the the State railway
commission, in relation to tho charges
on wheat from Talent to Albany, is
an inturcs(lu:' contribution to public
i ..i.wi.... ,,f H,,. .,,, ,iiit, ,,c ,..,:i
luiuili-ili;vwi uiu iifiiiuii,ui.-i ii Mill-..
. . ,, , ... ill iwuivu iiuuuus in i ii i v iiei., iiiv
way tianxporlntlou in (ho statu. re ! 1U)t im,K)1.S r ,,1,1 were itU, 1!)U,
have already puhlishcd the reply or j deduction; 4000,(100, which eanie he
t ho commission to tho receivers state- ' t ween the 2:ird and .'Hst of .Inly we
1 1... ..... 4..... I JHl A!W ,..t.I
liienl. The reccivoi1 lir.-.ont.i various I
... ! ....
examples oi raios 011111011 ny otner 1
roads lor like servico (transportation
over short dlMauecs) mostly in states
where railway coinmlsslous laivo been j
(slahllshcd hy law for a ''ood nianv 1
years. To these statements our com
mission nial.os no reply; and likewise
il ignores the fact that tho roads with
which oomparison is mado make, gross
caruins three to four times as laro
tis those of (his Oregon road; and
moreover it' passeuyor rucolpl; wuto
elliniiiatud f'-otn ross receipts in each
ciiso tho disparity would ho still great
er. Xor does (ho comiuii.Mnii jjlvo
considcrstioii to hcavhu1 expunsu of
operation railway. In Oreyou on mv
count of higher wayes, cost ol fuel,
material and supplies, nor to Hid fact
that with us tho cars seldom havu re
turn loads.
It Is In nvory way dofcirahlo that our
producer should ho ahlo to jcl tho
lowest possible rates for trniikporln
tion of their products. Wo conrot,
however, lo. sonic surprise ai tliticom
paratlvu statements mado hy the re
culver of the (). & l, hiuco wo had
supposed that the rates 011 this road
were far higher than on those of utlicr
sttitcs with which he make-i a compar
ison. Tho cm'cus is much loos than
wo had stippotod, and (ho genora!
line of 1I10 recolvors slatomunt is well
wnilhy nt fair consideration.
It Is shown by the conuuUsiou that
rates charged on thi road are le !.,
t wren ci tniii points whuru competi
tion prevails than hetwoen Tni.nit
and Alhany, even thoiiyh thndUlauce
Is creator. ThU hringti up the ipies
tloti wluitlierii niilrond which is ob
Hjfcd hv competition t- nil Its u,, - at
rri lain points h mid he for d ti nt
its rates at nil points to this level, or
nearly fo it, or bo open to tho charge
of maintaining nt certain points un
reason 1c rates. On tho one side, it
is claimed (hut a railroad euinpnny is
entitled to collect rales which will
give a fair return on its capital; on
the oilier it is asscrtod (hat this prin
ciple can be accepted only when the
I tru'ltc is of such volume as when eon
j ducted on reasonable rates will pro
vince that result. The real question
ilics between these statements. On
J the one hand the inquiry ns to what is
a reasonable rate cannot fairly be sep
eratcd from (ho imieirv as to the cost
of the service, and this cost must .al
ways include a reasonable return on
tho capital invested; on the other it
cannot justly be claimed by a railroad
that when it is forced by competition
to reduce its charges at certain points
below pajiug rates it tuny indeavor to
make up this loss' by increasing its
charge at points where there is no
Tho answer of the rcciver is neces
sary to an adequate understanding of
the reply of the commission heretofore
published. Controversies of this kind
musl gravitate for settlement to tho
basis of what is just and reasonable;
and to right comprehension of this
prooiem run liuorinnuon as to an n
conditions i nuspensab lc. urr'ju
iaii. TheO. Tt. & X. company have filed
a statement willi, the slate railrohd
commission as required by law in
which il appears that, tin;, liabilities of
i no coic pauy amount 10 .-juiu.i.uw,
and that tho capital stock paid up is
$24. 001 LOW). Tue cost of all property
of tho company is placed at the uiu of
5it;,G"l,:ill.7!J. The total length of
the main lines and branches is 7.V
miles. fiYinount of through freight
carried during tho past year. 221,
:i:5 tons and load freight -1:15,7s!) tons.
The amount of clan ges per ton, per
mile, hi stated at .02. 21. This seems
a vorv moderate charge per ton per
mile, and many will l ave an inclina
tion to doubt the truOi of this part of
I statement. i'Vcight earnirtys amount
In Ij-.'i, O.V.), o,SS. ;) 1 , and passenger earn
ing. ;?!tt2.101.0(i. Total earnings.
$!1,!)81 .C02.7, while the total expen
ses are staled, $1 ,8J7,77!).;S0, placing
the net earnings at the snug sum of
!?2. 104,91:1.01.
Sill: manufacture is becoming an in
dusiry of growing importance in the
United States. Tho most improved
machinery for winding silk from the
cocoon has recently been set up in
Washington, (rreatdemands for silk
worm eggs are made, and tins luillel
ino of the Department of Agriculture
litis already run through eight edi
tlbiis. SeverAl publications of the
same kind have also been issued in
this Stale. There tiro at tlus time :!."
silk lactones- in tho United States,
with .'10,000 employes and upward of
20,01)0,000 of capital, using annual
ly 2,000,000 worth of raw material
of foreign production. There is good
reason to believe Unit tho sillj indus
try will soon become- one of tho lead
ing industries of the country.
The New York i'ost of August 30th.
says about $1,600, 000 worth of gold
was shipped from New York to San
Francisco lact week. The lust report
of the I'ure-tn of Statistics shows that
....I . r..l.. l . .1.,
! lu' Wl,w' ul
imported 111 the lat thirtei u months.
tM ,l!si ,, ,
auuiuit product ot
about -Mi 1.000,(100 of yohl In the
United ytates, makinjfa total addition
or 3:0,000,000 to thu circulating me
dium of tho country in one year.
The return of Henry Villard (o pow
er in railroad u Hair in an event in 1
which honest people may well rejoice, i
Me achieved reputation and wa in
pinspeel of great wealth hy tho exor- ,
cise nl' sitr wdnesti which wan untaint-,
ed hy trickery, and hie ;
wan for the huieht u tho juihhc as
well as htuisulf. Tlu-i-o is nothing of
the'wjteker" in Villnrd'a make, up; 1
hln jHilicy is eonstruetive. When he '
tailed it was ns Jay Cooke failed. 1.1 in
return is the result of unintpiiirtd ran-tidi-iieo
in hi honor uud uuweakened
itH-eet for his huaines ability on the
part nf tlame who weiv Ilia tinanciul
haokem, and who havu ivmnim d his
steadfast uupporlers.rhiertgo Inter
Occam. , (iuu ial Ajicnts for Onvou and Washiui-'ton Territory for the
"The O. IL t N. Company will ou!.-5 v,?t VTl?! ! V I '''AKM
Sept. the Ut, tomnionco running two V liviii 1 KA I Vj 1 J lVll 1'AUM AUUH,
daily imtu.enner train hotwwn Hunt- Til Ii lil'KPALO 1MTTS Til UKSlIKKS and KNtllNES,
iliK uud I'ortlajul, 01m to ho an expreiw Til Ii 15 UMNK Sl'KlNO WAUONS, HACKS ami Ill'dtUES,
train with a runniuir time of ovtnlon Till: COLl MIU'S lll'Wt 11 KS. liOAD CAKTS and llUCKUOAHDS.
hours U( ween those points, and the,'
i til US ll-UMli l.l!tlll ItltiL'lIlt tlirt UUI1IJ i llttlAt 1
)therlixl Uaiu luukiug the twnie timu '
. the n,out tain, A;
ItnuiK car will 00 run on Uu exiavsn. ' ,
ilimtiir car will w run on tiie exiav.
The uUtve in taken from the tshonhone
Journal. No nuch trt.ins are runuiug j
a yet. but ax it hud invn inUinuioci t
that such would lie tlw eaae, we give it
lor what it is worth.
The th. nn- I." v.-.l, in London, ww 1
buiti. d a exx d..,t .iiio, and 130 cr-
"i-. 1 .1 .d 11 1 i ..dly; roaatwl
d, .1.1.1! il-. . 1 int'M.
in. i : . 1!'. , 1 -ii 1 , i j
Damans nie t.jiid u.m railway and
other tr.insii.rlinj eonipniiieN and
in iiiuf tciiii 1 -s tin- luss nf me or limb,
limn n tii 1 ! nr e .1 e! --in-. lix nt't
"si i u" 1 1 ' 1 ..11 .!' ! ,,11
'1111. li mi '1 e 1
J. J. Atl.iM", I !ii'f "t I'lillr-, Kikn i'.h',
Tiui wri'.es: "M.x f.un.l mid I an- bem-tici-.rit
e of yvir ni't "xri-lleiit in'aHcliie,
Dr. KiiiK"' New Dw .x ry inreonmniptli'ii:
Ukw found it to lwMilltlmt you claim for
lit. .'irp in testify tolti virtue. My friends
to whom 1 linvofvcominmricdlt, pnd"e it nt
oxery opportunity." Dr. Klns Vw D's
mvrry for Cottftiimptlon I puarrnteed to
rnr Cotifrh-, Colds, llrnnchitls, Atluiin,
Croup nnd cxrry nffcetion of the Throat,
f'liwt nnd bungs. Trial bottle freo nt
rh.'ht,s dniK tore. I.arpc size $1.00.
Only bargains you find
blue ftont.
Tun UtT Raiat. ill Hie world for Cut,
l!ruic-, .Sores, I'leer., Halt ltheiini. Kcver
Soren, Tetter, ('hupped Hanl, Chilblain',
Corn, nnd h11 Skin Eruptions, nnd positive,
ly etirn i Piles, or no pay required. It Is
fftinmtitecd to jdxc perfect satisfaction or
inonv refunded. Price 25 cents per liox.
For Hale at Wright's drug store,
Astonishing? Reduction
In order to dispose of their largo as -
scrtnient of School Books, 'the Jones
J5roV. linve minced the price, as fol-
; j0W8
prai Headers
Hecond liondcrd. . . .
Third lieadeis
Fourth Keador
Fifth Reader Hpe)kr
Complete puller. .
'ouths' Speller. . . .
Primary Arithmetic
. . .0e.
. . .Toe.
. ...".0c.
. . . 2")c.
. . .-10c.
... .50c.
. . . 7fc.
. .?1.5U
. .J.00
. . . oc.
r,.nt..i Aviilimoiw.
j Elementary Arithmetic
' Written Arithmetic. . .
Elementary Owgraphy
Comprehiiniive Ceogrupliy. .
S ill's (3 ram mar
Popular Science
Da men' U. H. History
Copy Hooks
(Jailer's Ink
SlatoH, writing paper, envelopes and
other utationery in proportion. Tliete
prices will stand until further notice.
: $500,000.00 to Loan on
' First Class Security,
I From One to 1'iv- Years Time, at a how
I Hate of Interest, .lo ltu, cjlls
I and Peiit.s ProjiiM-ty lor
Si Noa-re. Ideuts, , "V"
, tVioxKY itioci;i VKD on nuposi t
I To be Invested on (luaranteed Security.
! AH Collections I'rnuaptJv
i AUoiKled to Without Delay.
1 l:. HAKhR.
1 Gene';;!! Mana;iT, l iiion Or,
Preparatory to taking my annual inven
I toiy , I
1 -I
Jill .1
1 1,1
M ill 41: te'fft
30 For Tik M il no Loser.
In order to close out balance of my Sew
iug Macliine Baking Powder, I will sell it
a; 5() C S a )
, w , v 1
Ot CTS. Ullly
a few
p 1 1 ' 1 i llrt.l)l,-v, Cll,,, Pnun-
Several kinds of Hay Kakes, bulky, bano
. -' -
and Walking nows,
Buckeye Iron Turbin Wjiul Engines,
r n m' 1 T i m n
DuTDBu Bfffl ifi ml
All our j-'..(s in- Pouatlil lr l akh ami
(iiH)Ds I AX JJK M)LH. tiivc
rsM'.it'ite. fne. IB-Kull
M.. Inn rx 1 inw,
Hrandi I louse,
Ai' .ilMli i.AIO :.'S SAl.K.
To WHOM IT MAY cirXi i UN :
i.y liv virtue of nn order of sale, made and
nnor-d l the County court f the state of
(in ron, fin t'nion county, on tli" Cih day
of Sep., 1SS7. the midcrsipu d, iidniinist'-n-torol
tlu1 estnU of Harvy Myers, deceased,
will, on Hie lMh diy of October, 15S", at
the-liour of oni1 o'cpM 1; P. M. nt tlm rourt
houe door ietbo town f 1'nfon, In t'nlon
county, OrcKini, sell to the biu'hesc bidder
at public outcry, the following ducr'bcl
real estate, of tbo estate of Jlrfrvy Myers,
deceased, viz: The SV qr. anil the H hlf.
of the NW'qr. of Sec. 10 m Tp. 1 .South of
ItniiKcTH Knst of the Willninettc. meridian,
and situated In I'nion comity, Oregon,
(less -1 acre and CO rods thereof situated
in the Soiitli-cafct comer of the KV (jr. of
said See. in. viz: 10 rods cast and west and
70 rods north nnd south.) Terms of .side,
$1'0 cash in hand, and balancoi of the pur
chase price due in ! month, with Interest
nt 1(1 per cent, per annum., secured "by
ntortttflge on the premises.
I nion, Oregon, I HIJAS KUHX,
Sept. 10, 1W7. f Administrator.
In tin" Otxinly I hurt of Union (hunty,
In the matter of the estate nnd (.'imrdinn
. slilpof Ada M. and Vnleuthie Salisbury,
On rendliip and liliiiR the petit ion of Wal
ter Salisbury, the puardi.ili of tic per.-ons
and ei.tnte of Ada Id, snd Valentine Salis
bury, minor, praying for an order of sale of
certain real estate ticlonliir to his said
Wards, for the il'es and purposes therein
sit forth. It is herein ordered that
: the next of kin of the said wards, and
nil nersoiM interested in "aid estate, annear
before this court mi the loihday of October,
1S.S7, at 11 o'clock A. M., being' a day of the
resulur term of this court, at the court
room of this court, at the court house in
the city of I'nion, I'nion county, State of
Oregon, then and there to show cause why
an order should not be granted Tor the sale
of such e-tate. Audit is further ordered
that a copy of this order be published at
least once ii week for three successive weeks
before the said day of healing, ill the Olin
(lox Scorr a weekly newspaper printed and
published at the city of Union, I nion coun
iv. State ol Oregon",
l-latcd Sept. 0, 1837.
County .Indite of t'nlon Coutity. Or.
Treasurer's Notice.
All orders jirescnted, and not redeemed,
will be paid to No. fll(i. class S. .lanttary 21,
1SS1. Interest ceases Septunber 1", 1887.
H. (.'. HRA1X Utl),
'''rea'-ui-T t'n'on Coimtv. Oregon.
Ascension School.
Cove, Union county, - - Oregon.
A Colledatc School for Girls.
Fourth year begins September ."itii 1 SS7.
Thorough' course, Tonus low. For pros,
pectus, address:
UKV. WM, 11. POWKLb,
7-!l-ni2. , Princijial.
Lsighton Academy.
Cove, Union county, J - - Oregon.
For You no- Men and loys.
I'ull Academical Course, with board and
washing, for half scholastic year, $H5.(M).
Third year begins (September L'SUh., 1SS7.
For prospietiis, addresw:
7 i'-tii'-'.
prices on
reguicr factory price is
Uniosl. a:n
IV sv -s
& COT Portland , Or.
f I E
laer Twine a sny
xiill lie Sold s low s Klhsl (T.AS.
i a chII or write for ltluar.itcil
st.M-k ot Ufuxirs fm nil
alwuyii in uck.
Island City, 0r
WASHS5(Q P3ACHai2H and WR2HGE5?.
Chas. Cc Coffinberry, Manufacturer,
Union, Union County, Oregon.
Union, Ore ton, Jlav 11. 15W7.
Tbi U to certify tb it Mr. Charles C. Coll
inberry, on May 10, washed with an Acme
washing machine at my hotel, in one hour
and forty-live niinutcs, the following named
articles; Fatailv wa Idng, 4 Hue sh rts, '
p dr drawe s, 'J undershi ts, 2 ais's. i
up on, 2 towels, s pair socks, 12 handker
chiefs, i collars and. 1 p'lir cuffs. Hotel
goods, IS talile c'oths, '8 -hrcts, ;!U p llow
cases, and 7U towels, 17(i p'eees in all. The
above washing gave pel fee satisfaction.
U. II. Mtbl.t'lt,
Proprietor hotel.
Union. Oregon. May 12. 1387.
This is to certify that f hae used the Ac
me washing machine and wringer, and
thoroughly tested it. and am now --atHied
that it is the best washiinr machine now in
use, and unhesitatingly recnmmi ud it to
any person wishing a washing ma- h ne I
am atisiii'd that it wdl do all or nio'c than
is claimed for it bv Mr. Clllubc it.
Factory, Racine. Wisconsin. Branch. Portland, Oregon.
V Mm
MwmmwM A
Manufac turers
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Buckboards
lload Carts, Spring Wagons, etc.
hnriij rnnm
canton CLirricit plows. iiAur.tnvri, ktc.
MITCHliLL & CO., Limitc
11 u
is iiiiii
ou , iiig aim
W. D. SglDLEMAK, Proprietor
Keeps consttint'y on hand a fall assnrtmcn ' ex - ryti iiif? :u his line, manufactured
of the le.t material oltainali!e. He is imxv i it", r. i or ale ,he
Bed Jot of saddles at tower prices than were
ever offered in Eastern Oregon,
OIL. Lie. L11:., Lvc. In fact everything usually kept in a
First Class Establishinentn
Jt"('all and examine puiip
m 9i ,xt .1 ia t1, i xi -Lr1 :i .1 h
m eun hn 1 rj v a fi i) a h
D UGlilOllllld IIUIU
E. IVsILLEK, - - Proprietor.
,. , ":'vil,f-' '- ' ,' "' '.I Ml". ! :!,,. i1 v e, ,i an en
tirely -tiMi :.. , In t ..-.a . , uiiiil.i,.;,.. lV. patrons com
lorialle. '
j iin ,t:..ii 1 - t ; , , . 1
ibuiiiuwuui mm i
lerytlihig Firnt ITo. Twain Very Kaouable.
Huss to and Fium the Depot Making Coanectiun with all Trains"
m sr U
V C7'
I Tit's is to certify that I have ttocl the Ac-
me washing uittcbine and wringer to do
' two large "fttinily washings, an"! it gave
. me perfect sa i-f ctlon, and 1 think it will
, do all tlmt it is recommended to do.
Union. Or. Mav 11. 187.
Unio-i Citv Ilo'e'. Mavllth., 1?S7.
This! -tote tlfythit the Acme washing
inach ne has done two wa-hings at my ho
tel and It lias givtu perfect satisfaction,
and I think it will do all that Mr. Cotlinbcr-
ry leprescuts I. to do
I...I. H00TI1H.
Union, Oregon, May 10, 1S.87.
This i to ceitity that wu hnve tested the,
Acme washing machine and wringer on
several occasions, in 1 h ive no lies. fancy in
saying that it is the best machine we have
seen. M PS. KM M A JON FS,
of and Dealers in
nmn n i iV
i()2--io;, Front St., Portland, Or.
fi s suss SI
yiiiii ii
Main Street. I'nion, Oregon.
- j ;ri li -u yi m a- ciy. ,
n h a n 19 m t&a 1 n t-i u a
i: M - . : P.oprietor.
at ffl K
ait tm a r iV ui
1 A