The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 17, 1887, Image 3

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Fancy roll, lb
Inferior grade
California roll
do pickled
Eastern,' full cream
Orejron, do
Egos Fresh
Dhied Fittrrrs
Apples, qrs, sks and bxs. . .
do California
Apricots, new crop
Peaches, impeded, new ...
Pears, machine dried
Pitted cherries
Pitted plums, Oregon
Figs, Cal., in bgs and bxs. .
Cat. Prunes, French
Oregon prunes
Flouk -Portland
Pat. Roller, Vbbl ?
Salem do do
12 l
27i 30
18 SO
15 E 20
14 10
18 Cd 2 'J
7 8
18 a 2S
121 U
7 8
8 CJ I"
10 12J
"White Lily t? bbl
Country brand
G u A IN
Wheat, Valley, 100 lbs. . .
do "Walla Walla
Barley, whole, ctl
do groui d, p ton
Oats, choice milling f bush
do feed, good to choice, old
live, f 100 lbs
Bran, ? ton
Shorts, t? ton
Hay. V ton. baled
4 25
a 00
1 10 (3k 1 IS
1 00 1 02J
I 10
20 00 (c2o 00
40 424
48 M 50
1 00 1 10
22 OH 23 00
21 00 25 on
17 00 (cr.18 00
Chop. ? ton 27 10 (5.28 00
Oil cako meal V ton W 00 (aiU UC
FltBhlt Knurrs
Apples, Oregon, box 1 25
Cherries. OreKon. tfdrm...
Lemons, California, fc?bx.
LI n i8, t? 100
Riverside oranges, llox..
Los Angeles, do do . .
Peaches, V box
Dry, over 10 ths, V lb
Wetsalted, over rf tt.s. . . .
4 00 500
1 50
13 14
lHn 7i
. .one-third off.
10 1 00
Murrain hides
Cabbage, lb 2 2J
Carrots I? suck 1 00
Caulillower, doz
1 25
1 Oi
Potatoes, iiv, Ijf bush .... 00
East Oregon, Spring clip.. 18 (aX
Valley Oregon, dr . . 20
It is stated that out of the 27,000
inhabitants f the Sainoaii Islands,
7,000 aro church members, and 3,000
are candidates for membership. There
sire 200 native pastors.
Ono of the earliest collections
for foreign missions to the heathen
was intuit! at Nottingham, Eng., when
13, or JG5, was contributed. Last
year the Protestant churches of Europe
and America gave for tiiis object no
less than 11,000,000. V. Y. Witness.
Boston school-board oflieials have
posted notices in all the school build
ings of that eitv forbidding the chew
ing of tobacco by t ho pupi s. They
have' even posted the notice in the
girls' high-school btiihling.niueh to the
indignation of the young women.
The church of England ollicial
year-book contains these statistics:
Communicants, 1.181,01,0; Sunday
school scholars, 1,707,000; baptisms
infant, 450.791; adult, 12,938; incum
bents, 13.S08; revenues, 5,003.935.
church building, restorations, endow
ment, parsonages etc., 1,415,839.
India napolis Jon rwd.
By the will of the late Oliver
IToyt. of Stamford, Conn., Wcloyan
University receives 25.000 to increase
the permanent endowment funds. This
completes a long series of gifts
nmounting to nearly 100.000, which
Mr. Hoyt lias made to the University.
The total income of Oxford Uni
versity last year was 04,299, against
02.107 in 1885. A balance of 1.004
has been carried forward, as against
333 last year. The University's in
come from its estates dccreaes, but
the increase of fees and dues more than
makes the loss good. Farm, Field ami
315,000 N GOLD
In AVlmt ii Xcwn Correspondent cts
For mi Invcxtiiieiit of si.
As mentioned bi it-fly in our issuo of
last week's Xews, W. S. Locke, some
time poet our correspondent at Mc
Millan, held a one-tenth ticket in Tho
Louisiana State Lottery that drew tho
capital prize $ lf)0,000. A reporter of
the News visited Mr. Locke on Satur
day last and gleaned Iho following
facts : Mr. Locke has invested in this
lottery for the last four months, buying
a one-tenth ticket ec:h time, spending
in all four dollars. It was his inten
tion to try his hick for ono year at
least and see what the result would be.
On Tuesday, l'Jth ult., a rumor reached
him that a ticket at McMillan had
drawn $15,000, hut Mr. Locke would
hardly credit the news until a printed
list containing tho number of the
prize winners was put into his hands,
lie at once telegraphed tho number of
his ticket to tho New Orleans National
Bank, and received in reply that if ho
held that number ho was entitled to
tho money. Tho ticket was immedi
ately placed in the First National
Bank of Marquette for collection, and
in less than a week $15,000 in gold,
minus the exchange, was placed to his
credit. Mr. Locke has been in the
employ of D. L. West, merchant of
McMillan, for a number of years, at
tending to tho raihoad office at tho
eaine time, llo says that ho has
never tent money for tickets otherwiuo
than in a plain onvelopo addressed to
M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., and
has always received his ticket
promptly. That the sehome is run on
tho Hiuaro is without doubt. Our cor
respondent and family will visit their
old home in Cunada for it few-weoks,
where they havo not Ixion for eight
years, after which they will probably
looato on the lino of the now Minne
apolis railroad, and go into tho gen
eral inorchandUo hiwiuo-s.
The many frionds of Mi. Locko ro
jaiQO in his good fortune, anil, whllo
tho ATw liMted a good eorrt'Bponilont,
it uloried alike with the rest. Xtu btrnj
(Miqh.) AVw, Auffvtt .
ty nopal, or n Itrmiirkiililo Lecture De
livered by Dr. II. K. IlnimnuiiU
Itnruro Hie Nntlonnl Scien
tist' Convention.
"We call this an 'age of progress,' and
;o in many respects it is, but I do not
hesitate to declare most emphatically
.1.... i 1.!. . .1....
uiui in iiniuj uiiii) wiui constitute Tin E
happiness weare simplv children. Let
us see: e aro stai tied constantly bv
the sudden death of some man who
seemed tho Picture of health. He
thought ho was well. Occasionally his
appetite was poor, but then in afew"davs
aneiwarii it was ravenous. lie felt
strange pains shooting through his hod v
nut as they did not stay long he forgot
diem. Ilis head pained him periodically,
lie was soinewiiat paler than common.
and u.ts unaccountably tired, but he felt
ompaiatively well and vigorous. And
yet he suddenly died !
n is a siiame to our
boasted civilization."
He. Hammond then
instanced a number of
persons well kimwn to
him who had died in
great agony, although
they hail experienced
tiii: stni)i:.v
"Whv is it
few symptoms and little
pam, and continued :
that so nianv little
children are to-day stunted, and ap
parently blighted for life? Because those
early and inevitable diseact. h,.imc-.
scarlatina, etc., have so v.eaUeiK-.i cer
tain organs that nature cannot on her
work, aiid the child languishes, iit'tliatw
dies. Lock at the list of women who die
in childbirth, and why is it? itnply
because their maternal organs have
been so weakened by the niot terrible
of all diseases that they cannot withstand
tho fearful sudden strain that is l.rouglit
to bear upon them. How many women
escape monthly auomesV And yet
nature never intended that pain or incon
venience should attend ttte operation of
her natural laws. Tho solemn and
terrible fact is that men and women dra '
along, die, and are buried, and their
friends and the doctors say heart disease,
apoplexy, pneumonia, congestion, con
vulsions, when the cauo lay far hack of
these things and was Bright 's disease of
the kidneys. That was tho inward
cause; these are the outward manifes
tations, livery disease must have a root,
just as certainly as every plant. Kidney
disease is the gieat root from which most
modern diseases, no matter what their
sie may be, actually spring.
"But because the kidnevs arc so im
portant, so delicate, and so powerful,
thev require the greatest care m treat
ment. Ever since the day when Dr.
Blight discovered the connection be
tween morbid outward symptoms and
internal decay, physicians, scientists,
and chemists havo sought for a pure
and powerful relief. It has been a
difficult, often a fruit- id
less search. Many V
remedies are now be- 1
fore tho public, but so N
for na f Imvn luimi nK1i '
to learn by chemical"
analysis and actual
testonly one possesses "
absolute merit a n d
power. I have seen a"
number of cases, and
learned from unques
tionable sources o f
many others, where U'OTiiat I'uny child.
preparation Hun t's
lleinedv has boon almost remarkablo in
its results. One case in particular was
that of a prominent banker rc-iding in
Xew York, whose family physicians,
assisted by the best counsel that city
could produce, declined hi- case to le
hopeless, and who was afterward re
Mored to perfect health by tho means I
have named. I have not hesitated to use
it fieely among my patients, and from
tho results I have secured, I shall con
tinue to do st."
The doctor explained how men and
women should live ii. order to meet this
terrible malady, and instanced several
additional cuies which had followed tho
uso ot the remo ly before referred to. In
concluding he said :
"If men and women could only bo
moused to a icali.atiou of their actual
danger; to a sen-o of what is before
them unless thoy take prompt and
proper action, and then by a correct
com se of life and the use of just tho right
means seek to prolong their lives, most
of tho present fluttering and untimely
deaths might and would bo avoided."
Bed-Spring Fire Escapes.
Bod-springs have been utilized to
form a fire-escape, which consists of
four sets of springs seven feet long and
just wide enough when laid together to
sit in a bed frame. Kacli set is attached
to the adjoining ono by a clamp, which
unites iron appendages fastened to the
end of tho springs. These appendages
add to the length of the arrangement
Kt as to make it about thirty feet long
when hanging out of the window. One
side of each set of springs is fitted witli
rungs made of wrought iron, the only
part of tho eontrivanoo not of steel.
These rungs, which aro on the outside
when the springs depend from the
window, and about fifteen inches apart,
form a pretty strong ladder, which may
bo made iuo of for descent. lioxlon
Uudaet. . .
Lady Ihiilcriu is paying tho ex
penses of several persons studying in
America for mission work in India.
A constablo near Cedartown, (la.,
made a levy recently, which read as
follows: "I hav this day lovvied on one
Black cow, this piece Hawing Bin
sowed On by mo with a Needle &
Tho Prince do Boira, flrt-born of
tho Crown Prince of Portugal, will
struggle through life under the name
of Louis Philippe Charles Mario Fer
dinand Victor, with tho additional ti
tles of Duke and Count of Barcolles.
Inter Ocean.
M. Phillippoteaux, tho French
painter, has been engaged for six
years to paint lingo pictures for eyelo
ramio exhibition in tho chief cities of
Europe. Tho llrst will represent Ni
agara Fnlla, and will be shown in Lon
don next fall.
Allen G. Tliurman 1ms the bust as
sortment of chickens in the neighbor
hood, ami takes gol cure of them;
but, with all his ViMlth, he k-ejn no
hoi-M's. Mis. is nfmid to
ride, and In-r husband docs not care
to. lioston Ulobe.
ilk W
I'nlnrotn Srntrlr Who Aro Cnnlilorntelj
l'rovlilinl with Cliulr.
Tho llaytians aro an intensely vain
oeople, and th.- thing they most pride
:hoinselves on is their army. Nothing
will convince them as a ndlitary power
they are not vastly superior to any na
'ion, cither in the Old or New World.
Even those who have lived in European
capitals are addicted to this extremely
ridiculous "balderdash ;" but when
the real facts aru presented, the state
Df affairs disclosed is simply sublime
in its absurdity. The Haytian army
nust present to European beholders n
spectacle of grotestpieiiess, the equal
f which it would bo dilllcult to find
inyw here, either in fact or fiction.
Imagine a battalion on parade con
sisting of thirteen privates, ten
llicers and six drummers!
the rest of the men as
the author quaintly puts it think
ing it unnecessary to present them
selves except on pay day. The stafl"
dlieors are clad in the most gorgeous
uniforms procurable, while the 'men
are habited in a motley array of tat
ters. Some have coals wanting one
arm, tho collar or the tail; the head
gear may consist of a dilapidated
hake, a straw hat. wideawake or in
many caos merely a handkerchief tied
around the head. The ollicers hold
their swords in cither hand as suits
them, and the men march past in ad
mirable confusion, each one carrying
his musket in the position he finds most
convenient. J ho populace look on
with admiring looks and gravely ask if
liner troops can anvwhcie be found.
The Haytian black, however, thorough
ly detests military service, and con-
equently the sentries, le.-t thev should
be over-fatigued, aro considerably pro
vided withclirais! Chambers' Journal.
Gaining on the City.
"Perhaps you'd like to know what
time it is,
remarked a pedestrian .who
slopped before a
;ang of street-cleaners
the other day.
"Well, no, soir," replied ono of the
old men as he slowly and solemnly re
moved the pipe from his mouth.
"But you used to want to know."
"That's so, soir,"
"And what s the matter
Well, soir, the matter is this.
long does it take for one of us to
out the time o' day from you?"'
"About ten seconds."
"Exactly, soir. , Now, how long will
it take me to lay down me hoe, put up
me pipe, get out me watch and look at
the tonne for meselfr"
From four to five minutes."
Certaiu'lv it will, and that's where
we gain on the city, and why we all
carry watches." i-VreiY Free Press.
One of our brilliant college youths
was heard complaining lately in the
presence of the family about how ditli-
oult he found it to behave when in
society witli as much ease and graceful
ness as he could wih. "Whv," he
said at last, with a look of the utmost
self-humiliation on his face, "if you'll
believe me, I get so at times that 1 do
not know what to do with my hands."
Then the youngest member of the fam
ily, who cared little for society and
less for his elders, brought down the
house by remarking1 heartlessly, "Why
don't you wash them?" llarpir
A J any in I'ortsinotitli nas a pair or
rubber shoes which slie wore when a
child, twenty-live years ago, and which
each of her three children have since
worn. Tho shoes are still in good con
dition and no doii'tt ill be good for
the owner's grandchildren. Boston
The more rapidly air is brought into con
tact with cider, the faster I he killer will
be'ehanged into vinegar. Draw out a little
cider daily and return It to the barrel in a
meal! stream, if cidei is to be turned to
There is u curtain cliiss o( nanoi'lcs for con
Rtlpution ahbuhituly useless. uro boluses
anil potions muck) In griMit purl of poilopliy Dili,
aloes, rhutiml), Kiimhuttc, and other worth-
)obS Ingredients. The iliuuago limy do to the-
btotiiatliH of tlioso wlio uso tlium Is inealunlu
tit o. They cvncimto the liowelx, It In trite, hut
uhvays ilo so violt'.illy ami profanely, and he
sides grlpo tlio bowels. 'I lirlr ell'eet Is to
oaken both them imil tho Htomueh. Butter
lar to uce tho ngrotublu and salutary aperient.
Ilobtoiter'n .Stomach liilttiK, the luvutlvo iilt'eet
of which Is never preceded by pain, or uceom
punieil by a conviilhive, violent action of tho
bowels. On the contrary , It Invigorates thoho
orxnns, tho stomach anil tho entire hytitum. As
a means of curing and preventing iiiahirlal
fevers, no ineilielno can coiupuro It, and It
tuiuedicH nervous debility, rheiitualibm. kidney
and bladder inactivity, and otlior Inorganic
AVhy Is 1 cent sugar like a man who
never surrenders UecauRo It is clear grit,
uud nothing else.
Consnnip'Ion, the greatest curse of the
age, the destroyer of thousands of our
brightest and best, Is conquered. I Is no
longer incurable. Dr. Piene's ' Golden
Medical Diseovcy" iH a certain remedy
lor this terrible disease, If taken In time.
Ail scrofulous disease roiihiuiiption Is a
scrofulous ailVciion of tho lungs - can be
cured by it. Its effects In dUeat-os of the
throat and lungs are litte less than ml
ruculoiibt All druggists have It.
is very dttle suf bathing In
Constipation leads to a multitude of
physical troubles. It Is generally tho re
suit i f carelefcsness or Indifference to the
simplest rule of health. Kugeno McKay,
of Brnntford, Cut., writes:
I had for several ye rs been a sufferer
from constipation, had taken n great many
d llerent rt im dio, son e of which did me
good for n time but only for a time, then
my trouble came back worse than ever. I
was indu o1 bv a friend, whom JJiian
nitinn's Piuj had benefitted, to try them.
I did so. taking tvo oo'-h ni ht fora week,
then one every night for alxiui six woek.
sine) that time 1 have not onjtMrlwn cd
tho hllHh'o-t dillW'ty whatever ui d my
bowel move rvtfiilHr y uvery dy. I bo
Hive flrwdy that or h uggixhiuim ft the
Ihm-1 and blUoojuiub HiiANliltinu H
1 iLi.s uro jar . ujerior to any oihur.
The editor wou'd draw tho attention of
hN reader to tne excellent advantages of
fered by the Pacific 1'idvendty (Forest
Grove) to those seeking a thorough uni
versity course of study. Thol'aiillcU I
ve sity oilers this In nil Its brain lies, em
bracing Academy, Colle e, Music, Art
Penmanship and Physical Culture. Those
contenililatimr takinc hucIi a rouran will
do well to notice the ad' e tNeinent of!
University In this paper, and send for
catalogue to J. F. lillls, President, it
Forest Grove, Dr.
A man out in Kentucky ha jusi found
a heavy pot of lold. It is likely that he
lifted it with three jocks.
"The t'rst thing we do. let's kill all the
lawyers." This Is rather a blood-thirsty
proposition, which ve modify y ollerlng
to cure tnw wortny class oi peop'e. Most
of them sutler (in common with nil nther-i I
of sedentary habits) from tho injurious;
ellectH of dyspepsia, Indigestion, piles
loss of appetite, and o' her ailments caused
by a constipated habit of the body. l)r ;
Pierce's Pleasant Portative Pel'ets" '
eradicate all these disorders in promptly,
removing the cause thereof, and induo a
rare degree of e nnfort and health.
A Ptissian has tdept for over a year in
the Walton ( Knglau ) Workhouse.
To Tliri!icr: 1 nave a few of the'
celch'ated Wes' inghnuse Threshers yet, I
and for i lie purpose ot c'oslng out will sel' j
them on next yev'n terms nt bottom I
llgurjs. Also, a few second-hand ma-1
chines of other make. Write forbartrains.
Z. T. Wititiirr. foot of Morrison Sneet.
Portland O egon.
Kvir)' ia nmlomiui j-omiff or oU, on thl Const,
that Iff Rtlltctetl with nay linen, no matter wlmt, that
tlit'lr fmnllv iL)9iclnn dors int undtretnnil. nr uiunnt
curt', slioul.l nti' full lccrlitlon of tlulr tmublo to
l)r i'ordtu, or Ket on Uir ttAla mid Tlalt liiui lb'lsjiro
Tidinl lth enfy instrument of surgery, ami tlio U'ft
medicine to Ih Imil for money ronaultittlous froo. j
lloneRt opinion gUcn; renBoiuilile charKen All corru
rwiulenco otrlctl) coutlih ntlid Hnclone stump. Adiln js I
W. 11. FOItUCN. .M. I ; olticen, 8, and 12, First Ma-
tioual ltank, rortlaml. OreKon. 1
Rupturo Pormanontly Cured. I
No nursery Woik ever)- day Curra (,-uarimteed I
Address Dr.. rollDllN I.ITTHKU, otllcen S, V and 12, I
First National ltnuk, Portland, Orekou. I
Aro Opium in Piso's Cure for Consump-
tion. Cures where othcrremedies fail. 5!?c.
A Williainsport physician says there's
money in his Toughers.
Too well known to need lengthy adver
tisements Dr fc'age's Catarrh Hemedy.
There 1p no use crying over spilled milk.
It may bo three perts water.
6Broii!ti(is.--3uddcti changes of iha
weather cause Drouchlal I roubles, i
"frown's Hronvhiul Troches" will give
relief. Sold only in boxes. Price 2o cts. I
Thy Gkumka for breakfast.
Absolutely Pwr.
TId3jHiwlor never varies. A marvel nf purity,
iirciiiftfi and wliolesomenos'j. Moro economical than
tho dnliimry kinds, uud cannot ho cold In competi
tion with tho inultitudo of low- ted, Khort weight,
nluni, cr di3st!,Ato iowdcrn. Sold only cans.
JUjVAI.I!AKl.(Jl,0'.VDEit Co., 100 Wall Struct, N. Y.
FOR GOOD l'UitP0sE9.
Mrs. M. A. Dauphin, of Philadelphia, is
well known to tho ladlus of that city from
the great good she has done by means of
Lydla U. Pinkhain's Vegetable Coinpound.
She writes Mm. Pinkhani of a recent In
tcrestlng case. 'A young married lady
came to up siifVerlng with a severe case of
Prolapsus "anil Ul oration. She com
menced Ukin'i tho Compound, anil In two
months was jfxCtly restored. In proof of
this she soon found herself in an Interest
ing condition. Influenced by foolish
friends she uttemnteu to evade the respon
sibilities of maturity. After ten or twelve
iia s she cumo to me again and she was in
deed in a most alarming state and suf
fered terribly. I gave her" table-spoonful
of the compound every hour for eight
hours until she f-ll asleen, she awolce
much relieved and evi ently better. Hie
continued taking the Compound, and In
due beason she became the mother of a
lino healthy boy. Hut for the timely use
of the medicine, she bellevesherhfe would
havo been lost.
Your i)nilt has the Compound $1 ler lxitllw
1-3 ALL'S
Cures all Diseases from a
disordered stato of tho BLOOD or
LIVER. Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Boils, Blotches, Pimplen, Scrofula,
Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial
Pains readily yield to its purifying
properties. It leaves tho Blcod pure,
tho Li7er and Kidneys healthy and the
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R. GATES & CO., Proprietors
417 Snnsomo St.. Ban PTimcilr'co.
Mr;.r flor de Madrid i
ChoUeit, rarest and Mot Delicious
SOlO Agont. I AKT.H'U.Or
San Francisco.
1 i
Ml Bf shotgun cartridges
7 HtarU Ht. I'oi tliisif, Or,
rrnMAi hm turn w jrr4 i rr.'jj aiiu
Mrmi mmm .a to
tsmm w -i? r mail
nw (ft iirt-f irv
WQUtQS fun
One bottle taken according to directions
wilt give better results than a gallon of
Sarsaparilla, or any of tho so-called Blood
Purifiers with which tho marrot is glutted.
At Druggists, prico S1.00 per bottle.
will be paid for any case of Rheumatism
which Dr. Pardee's Remedy, properly ad
ministered, fails to relievo.
Opens Octobor O,
Closes Octobor 22, '87.
Btkci w, K VTKrt on nil Transportation Lines.
a:vbb: vkbjj's' si'.jsi.v.t bi v.
Tuconia, Washington Territory.
A Hon riling ami lay Seliool lor ;irln
onil Tliursiluy In fcieptoiuh' I'upilsHro
taken at all iikos and nl any l mo It Is Im
portant, howuvor, to enter early .. .no term.
Kor i-iitiiloKiio and piirtk'tilnrs uihlross tho
1'riMcilud. .MIW. LKM V VA, II. WKI.l.S,
if Tncoinu, Wash. Tor.
.John V. Ohilcl fc Oo.,
1G1 Second St.,
Carry a full lino of
and Sundries.
They maku a specialty
of uttcmllhii to
If Jim nerd uiotldiig
hi their line semi tlic
prleo ultli pontai;e, nud
It will lie returned 1')
'Irst mall
I In Micccful iperatlon since 1BC6, patronized from
n !.' r.i. . ....1 1 1...
buslncis men and leading educators.
Tin: most raii'Km.Y i:(jimM'i:D bciiooii
of its class on the Coant, it cflers private or class
instruction, day and evening throughout the year, hi
Arithmetic, Writing, Correspondence, Hook-kccping
Ilaukiiig.Shorthaml.Type-wrilliiK, llushicss and lf&.l
Forms and all Common School Ilranchcs, StuJentk
of all ages and hnth sexes admitted i any time.
Catalogue lee. Armstrong andW'esco, Proprietors.
invalfds' Hotel and Surgical Institute
KfiitT of I.'lulHCKii i:perlriircil ami Klilll
ful I'IohIi'Iiiiih mill Siiruonii.
ratli'tits tirati'd licroornl Iholr hoinofl. Mirny
1 runted at hoiiu, tlinni(.'h coiti,hh)iiiIciii.,i, na
BuctvHsl'tilly us If horo la ihtmoii. Coiiio aiul
bi-u us, or wnd ten ci-titH In f t 11 111 1 H for nur
" Invalids' Guido-Bonk," which ifivco all purtle
ulara. AiMiths: Woumi'h Dihi'i.NKAitv Mi:iu
UAL As.iooiATION, (Kt .Mailt ht., llittl'alo, N.Y.
For "worn-out," "run-down," dclilllfnfcd
Bthool tcnchciH. inllllnr-iH, waiiiHti-PCfit'S, honfo
ht'opors, mid ovt'rworkrd wotitfii Krncnilly.
J)r. riorco'H Fuvorlli) l'ri'Hcrliillon Is tho lrnt
of nil ri'Rforotlvo tonics. It In not n "Ciirc-all,"
but adiulnilily fnllllls 11 KlnulcncKs of inrpoM
hplnir ti moHt poti'iit Spcclllo for nil thow
Chronlo Wf'iUwwH mid DIhciihcs jicctiHiir tr.
women, Tlio treatment of many thotiHunils
of bikIi wtHi-B, ivtthe Invalldtj' Hotel iindSnrir
leul Instltnlu Ii:h alTordeil a larifo expeiifuce
In adupllii ruinudicH for their cine, and
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
fa tlio result of this vast orperlonco. For
Internal ciiii;chIIoii, tiilliiiniiiiilloii
mill tilcnrntlon, It Ik ii Specific. It
la a powerful irencnil, m well ns tilerine, icnlr
and nervine, mid JmpiirtH vlijor mid -tni'Kli
to tlio wholo hjbK 111, It cured wcnluiin 01
Htoinacli, IndhfCHtlmi, lilintln, wealc ImrU
nervoim proalratlon, cxhiiinllon, deliility am
eleoplemneiis, In either wx. I'nvorlto l'ri Kcrlp
tlon Is boIJ liy drnu'iflKts under our
guarantee. Boo wi-upper around lioltk'.
PRICE 51.00, nm $C.OO.
Bend 10 cents In fitauips for Dr. 1'Jerco'n Inrirc
Treat loo on DIutuwH of Women (100 pntrcH,
paper-oovcred). Addrcwi. Woiii.ii'h Dihpkn
hahy .Mkdioai. Abbociation, C03.MuIu btlfft,
liullulo, N. V.
Wees LIE
riUloiiii JJontluolio,
Illzzl!icn, tionnlpn-
tlOII, IlllllK)HtllMI
una lllliotiMAflncltH,
Iiromptly wintl by Itr.
Moroo'N I'JotiNiint
i'tirKHll vo I'olloin.
euutso vlul, by PnnnjUia.
Oau Too Ourod.
Ask Your Druggist For It I
ItelltTcd In Fire Minuted.
CnroOiiarantccil If Taken In Time.
Curo Warriintctl.
fureit hi Thrro to Sl Month.
Dllililhrrln. Croup, r-iiral
uln, ItmiliM'lic, Sore
'I lirniit
Hrrriui-v Cciu:n.
Invalunbto Rometly I
l'AUntcil A iiril , 183&
Trico of Trentmotit. $5.1X1; (Smoko Ilnll, $3.00;
Doboltntor. tor Intortnd Use, (S.(U.)
G52 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.
" of Hurtful Imitations.
Forest Crovo, Orogon,
()k'1ih tin' new rcIiimiI jiiir iSopt If, nml ciirt'm vxrcllrnt
hliilitr iiiliiiutjih'i'A tii tlio imtli of lioth
m throuRlic.ut tin! 1'iulllc NortliHiRt l"rtHluctlvo
ruiut hut SIOUW hll.nirj-. i.iiTti.tX)oluint'i Ut.
ration, healthful Vxihiimii, llitlit InMueiicv. ChriH'
thin Instruc tion, tho ouuli nml xrliolarly Hltn.itul 25
lulli'H went of IVrtl.inil. on ruilroml, lth two trntim tiKh
liny ilnlly Kor cataloiiUi; or Information, niMii'm
.1 K 1.1.I.1H, 1'ieslJeiit.
Tho Oregon National Bank,
ok ioirri.AM.
ISuccoMon to Metroinlltiui Siilngn Hank )
CAl'IT.M, I'All) IN, - . 31W.000.
Triiitniita 11 (lenenil llniiVmu HiihIihus.
ACCOr.NTK K.iitmliji'it to check
.SKI.I.S i;.Cll.N()l.,,n.s,ui 1'iuiicl-co ami New York.
MA KIM I'lil.M t'l'lMNS un fHtornblo terinii
VAN Ii. lHI.AHlt.MC lT, (IKll. II MAKKI.r, Jli ,
I'uwlilent Vh'e-l'rejiilcnt
1 V HlU'.lt.MAX CanhKT
slaw j(itii"iiMU ! cywLtrr
1 v.. -ti. ffj.t , m..p - - -r-v.
No hot water jitjieii; no heating your rooms. For de
scription, aililrtM,
Z. T. WEIGHT, Foot Morrison st. Portland, Or.
Alan ilenler hi Tlirolihiit ami Oeiitral Machinery, Mi
rlnoWoik Ijiumlry Siiuhhiery, In fact aii)thhiK you
want, (leu Ak'cnt for tho Milninnn Coal Oil l.iigiiio.
ii iiiivi.-.its' nuniK in
lsoiiril Kept, nml Jlurili,
, raclt yenr. 3l lmm,
I luclu-Kovllli over
' 3,500 lllimtrutloiiB n
wliolc Picture Gallery,
filVR.1 WlmlL-anle Irle
illrret In eonsujner oil nil goofta for
IM-rmmiil or fumlly unc. TMIhIjow to
onli r, nml Blvc exact coat of cvrrj--tlilnj;
you uk, cut, ilrluk, iveur, or
luvve fun witli. TIimo INVALVAHIiK
HOOIiS roiititlu liifornintloii f,-t'nc(l
from tlio ninrkrln of the world. W
will innll u coiiy FH15K to miy nd
drc mion rccrlltt of 10 ctn. to drfitiy
ctiii iibc of mntlhiff. It ua heal froiu
you. lUHirct fully,
,V U'ill WiUiiub Avfiiun. (,'blriuro. Ill,
Ilcst Coimh Syron. TiiiIch Rood. Uao
111 iiiiiu. noiu 11V lirilKKlSIH.
Bend for '
Descrlntlon anil
Man of I' t.OUIDAHOtTir.
KUN1L H.I.AND.-I. Four million acres. 1
niltnblo for OinntjcH, I.omoni, Olives, l'lnenpiilcs,
fUuaniiH, titrawherrioH nml otirly vi (jotahlea. Kor
baloon loiiKcrcIlt. (iLZTi tofS.OOiiorncro.
Aildruaa ffi. SOLOMON, Oeii. N. W. A(f'e.
Mi Mo. t iark .St., Clildico, Ills.
O I till rt I , Oablur. Uoeiilshl'funoBUIur
drt Oi'Kuns, bund liistrnmuntH. Lnryost Btock
of Uhi't t Aluala nnd Iluoku. Itmds 8iinltud at
KiwUini prlccH. JI.UltAYCO
Wt I'ont xtrei't, Sa Knim lnco.
run nncM
Von'll Had it kooiI to rcirtilntu
'I'lio orKiuiH of built Hiniill nnd K'reut ;
It flieckn Hick lli'iidnclie, amltliu woo
Tlmt Hiid DyHpepth a ever know.
In TAItlt.WT'H KKl.TZKIt peoplo find
A rciiu-ily and treat combined.
Tim Original nml Only tieniilne.
tUfi) m'l alwiyi ItclluMii. Ili-w.roof wuKhlru IiotUtlool.
Ifdliin.ablu t LADIIiS. Auk uur llrunl.t tut
'liU'lietrrii nuirll.liT,u'l Uli no other, or lutUw lv
fpoiniii.) 10 us r-r ii.rUcular. In Irttrr by return mul
NAME PAPFR. Milchettr flin.iliril t'u.,
" ' lift 1 0 Mu.IN.hi Mquuri', I'lilluda., 1
Bold by llrnci:lt everywhere. Art for "Chtrhea,
Ur j:iiitll.U" I'vunyruyul I'lllt. T.kouuuiL.r.
TWi IIKI.T or r.ej.ncrttorl"
mtu eipr mI tvr tlio 01110 of
d.rA0g9u.,i4 orthciOfrtlr
or;am. 1h9 ci 'itloujus tr.ani
of Dl.nCTUIliTY .crniciD
through tho par! unul rettoro
tbm to ln-alUiy.eiiua. Poti.t
ciutouajihltclib KlMtrto llelu
Jrnliici Is euro i itli trom
licit to too. Illtfor ILo OKU
Vvt clrculin glrlof full Is.
forniatloD, a iic9 Cbf, v.r Klo
tro IW'l Co., 101 Wtiuuijlea
V t'itAVi-ntha I. id liv
I 01 lll.l cU.t of
le. i.ef, onil ha,
" kl ualviwl tauiUo
l'n. Tor
fl hat won ths lavur of
tlm .uiti. snd now rask
tuioi j ths Icadlo Mcdi
cu.s 1 f Ilia olldoro.
HrlJfoi.t. Ft.
Cold br DruirgUu.
The Van Monciscar
Yonnir, udddle-Heil and
old. slnjifu or marrlixl xnea
ur.d lt m w suitor with
N'enoiu Deliility, Hitrm.
tori he, beiulniu Ixuki
lual IVwar, falling Hem
uiy. Weak Y.ft, Lack ot
1 uerny. alto Wood and DtK, HvchlllU
lCruvtloua, Ualr Valllnu
Hone l'lna, H wollluiro
horn Throat, Uloera, fk
feota of Meroury, Kidney
and llltdder Trouble
Weal; Hack, liuri In "fine OenorrUu. Gloet Btiloi-
mo liruupt fB-'Idr and CU for U.
iiutli Noli'x t. oh .mi voiiiinntiiiHtiy
. 4r(' iaa t I0 "WT Mfr
;C3lliC Site
lit) DITT Vl
yi I... . j,Ti). ., -7 i..-g--f ij
Rr"I oDinA
n n n m m -
tFi$oi u2ts?v
JVwVtlbaraatn.d sol 11
6VW Ciu. Blrlotur., w
Cm Vrdoolbrtho
Utmi Chtl:ilcx
N. I'. N. U. No. 1D0-H, t N. U. No. S7U.