The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 17, 1887, Image 1

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The Oregon- scout.
An independent weekly journid, i-uod cv- t
crv Satnrdav inornin;' bv I
I'ublMiers. and l'roirietor.
A. 1C. .Tonus, ( 15. Ckaxcky,
J'ditor. f ( Koreinan.
uati:s ov stntscnii'Tiox:
One eopv, one vear Jl.fiO
" Six inontlH ... IM
" " Three nioritos 75
Invariably Cnsli In Ailvnscc,
If (i chance unhscrijtl'imu arc not )tiitl till
end of year, limt itollttrx wilt be rhnryctl.
Rnte of advertising mudo known on ap
plication. JEJTCorrespondenee from all parts of the
country .solicited.
Adre.-s all eomuiunicationsto the OtaiCiON
Scout, Union Ot'Lgon.
Lodge Directory.
No. o(i. A. E. and A. 1. Meet.- on tliu
secon(l multourtli iiuudiivs of om'Ii moiitli.
O. 15KLL, V. M.
K. "V. DAVIS, Seen-Ury.
UNION LODtiK, No. :tf) 1.0.0. V.
Regular meetings oh Friday evenings of
each week at their halt in Union. All breth
ren in good .standing niv invited to attend.
By order oi the lo le.
CHAS. S. MILLER, Secretary.
CHiitcIi llfreetory.
liX Divine -erviee i vet y SiiMiiay at 11 a.
m. and 7 p. m. Sin, day school at p.m.
Prayer meeting verv TIhiv.mImv evening at
0:30. REV. (I. M. IRWIN, Pastor.
lar church services every Saubath morn
ing and evening. Prayer meeting Wednes
day evening of eai h Week. Sa' bath school
every Sabbath at 10 a. in.
REV. C. COX. Pastor.
O Service everv Stiuilav at : oVIouk p. m.
Rl'A'.'W. R POWELL, Rector.
Count )ii:cre.
'State Sunatoi1 . Ilini'liart
RcpcntoUvfcs &1K,V
Judgu. . . 0. I'. Gcoilal!
co....iwiltr. 5,:h:(:lef;!,ri,,,,,,
Sheriff A. N. Hamilton
Clerk A. T. Neill
Tnuinuror .. .E. (V nrulimnl
School Superintendent . . J. L, Hindnian
Surveyor .. , M. Aitin
AssesMtr ... 0. U. 'rhomlitfon
Coroner ... ti. Albcrxou
City )mcrK.
. . . . . . D. 1). lice,
& A. l'wr-ol
J. H. Elliott
A. Levy
J. V. Kennedy
K. W. Davis
fid. Komitiurd
J. il Thomson
M. TIcrituKc
J. D; Carroll
Marshal ...
Treasurer . .
8tre-t Commissioner
L. Kutoti
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and proliato praotieu 'pecial
tieH. Ollice, two doors aoutli of po'&t-olllee,
Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
door south of .1. 15. ttaton'n store, Union,
J N. CHOMWKLL, 31. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Ollice. ono door south of J. H. Knton'
store, Union, Orison.
Attorney at Law,
Re,al estate and pollecting airent. Land
Ottieo Ilusiiies u Specialty. Ollko at Jo
seph, Wallowa county. Oregon.
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public, and Alot-actnr of Tit Ion.
Office State L mil Ulll o buiUUiiK, eornor
Main and A Street, .Union. Oregon.
Q II. DAY, M. D..
Physician ami Surgeon.
OuVc adjoininp Jonm Hro'n store. Can
bo feu rid night at lliu ( i-iitennial hotel,
room No 2)t.
il'lAKEn. J . Sui i.tov. .1. V. Dakf.k
Attorneys at Law.
OFKICKS Union and La GraiulB, Oro
gon. Spcdttl Attention given all bulnes
.1. 51. CARROLL, I 1!. V. WILSON.
Notary Rublic. Kx-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Real and Mining property
furnished on .short notice, at reasonable
Sales of Real and Mining property nego
tiated, ("olleetlon business promptly at
tended to.
Onice next door houtli of l'ost-ofllce. Un
ion, Oregon.
House, Sign and Carriage
Cralning a Specialty.
Shop, Corner Main and A Streets, Union,
ir. 0AltV2tJSR C: CO. ,
"Watchmakers & Jewelers,
Union, - - Oregon.
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale.
Ke;Ui hiK .it .Mmlerntx ItnteH.
Call and examine our goods and prices.
Cor. Main and 1! Sts. - - Union. Oregon,
.SIli:tilfAX .V ItALKV, rriK.
Manufacturers ami dealer in Soda Wa
ter, Sar-ap.trilla. (linger Ale, Cream Soda
and Champagne Cider, Syrups, etc. Or
ders promptly lilk-d.
j M.iin Street. ITninn, Oregon,
Keep constantly on hand
Tonsorial Rooms.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing
done neatly and in the best style.
Hot and Cold Baths.
Oi:o, WittoiiT,
AV. T. WitiMHT,
Does a General Ranking llusiness. Uuys
and sells exchange, and discounts commer
cial paper.
Collections carefully attended to, and
promptly reported.
Cornucopia, Union county, Or.
R. C. WARINNER, Frop'r.
Tlio only first e'a---house in the camp.
N pains -p red to miike guests comt'oita
b.e. Charares Reasonable.
ins is Cove.
Leave Union d lily at 'J p. in, arrive at
Covout 3 :.) ii. in.
Lravwt Cove at S a. m , arrivus at Union
at0:S0a. iu.
Couneoiioiis made with Elliott's ouachorf
ruiiiiliig to tJiu dejKit, carrying iiowengers
for oust and witst bound trafiw.j
It.VTKS for rAHSI'.NfilMlK. i.uooaoi:
mill I'ltlUCIlT, ItKASONAUI.K.
M liiiml Bank.
Our Poets.
This space is given for the use and
benelitt of our local wi iters of verse,
and we hope to make it a pleasing feature,
of the paper. To that end contributions are
solicited, but they HUM posse-. undoubted
literary merit to' obtain place and recogni
tion here. Ku.J
Written for the Scout.
TKin: wonsm:.
There is worship in fashions caprice.
1'or the ones in fashions thrall,
To the nobler type of manhood
This in not worship, at all.
Not this towering chapel,
With paint illumined pcus.
Rut the grander temple of Nature
Is the one I willingly choose.
There the walls resound with knowledge,
And the soul of all Is love.
1 seek assistance around me,
Hut ask for none Irom above.
Why should I ballle my vision
Piercing the unknown skies?
All the aids and In Ips that befriend tt.s,
On a level with mankind lies,
Our heaven is social harmony,
Our hell is anguish and vice,
To heaven, kindness ailures us.
To hell, sin will entice.
Our idol, Is pure morality
Our duty, to help mankind:
Lift the mind to high aspirations,
Keep the heart in virtue enshrined.
11, W. II.
D. C. lollcy appointed a Justice of
tho Peace for La Gnuule (list riot.
Liquor license ranted to 15. T. Pot
ter of Pine Valley, for one year.
Road petitioned for by Dunham
Wriglrt etal ; declared :i pttlilic highway
and onloied ojiened.
Thoti. Shenvcod apj.oinled road su
pervisor of district No. 2. vice F. K.
Allen resigned.
Appropriation of $1,001) for Kay's
I bridge over Grande Hondo river, also
I $200 for wotk on Wallowa hill.
I Did for furnishing -10 cords of wood
for the county ; rejected as too high.
O. Lcvuko was the only bidder.
Judge Goodall was authorized to con
tract with parties for the delivery of -10
cords of wood at a price not exceeding
$!1.7.") per cord.
L. .1. Davis granted a free .scholarship
in the State Unhersily.
L.J. Hoothe awarded tho contract!
for maintaining the county poor at the
rato of $7.S0 per wee!:, and that Ar
niintio Gardner and her child ho coun
ted as l.l- persons.
Contract for medical attendance for
county charges and prisoners; awar
ded to Dr. C. U. Day, of Union, at
$100 per year.
In the matter of settlement with the
estate of A. L. Saunders, deceased; or
dered that the estate he paid $Mi).-i0
and the account balanced.
Several roads were petitioned for,
and a bill for damages on tho Neville
road was filed.
Road petitioned for by Jacob New
man and J. W. Parker; not having
been opened byjthose parties according
to agreement, was vacated.
Portland Stock Yards Report.
Portland, Or., Sept. 11, 1887.
Arrivals of stock for tho past week
have been chiefly for tho Sound trade,
and blooded stock for tho State fair,
there having been several fino lots of
tho latter, as follows: Twenty head of
Short-horn Durhams, imported by
Win. Fugua from Kansas City, Mo:
forty-two liead of Uerefords, brought
out by T. A. Fletcher, of tho Indiana
Illoodcd Stock Co; twenty-eight head
belonging to L. F. W. Quiinby, consist
ing of Short-horn Durhams and Meri
no rams; thirteen head of Merino rains
and lambs owned by V. S. Ladd. Ar
rivals of i-hcep have been ralhe.i light,
and it is thought by many that tho
supply iu the valley is quite limited.
Tho hog market remains firm with an
upward tendency in prices. The horse
trade is increasing fconiewhat.
Reef VM) head ; sheep 722 ; hogs 110 ;
horses 20; blooded stock 101.
Keef 160 head ; sheep 2 J0; horses 10;
blooded stock 10 1.
Quotations. Heef, .1 c. gross;
sheep, 2.V 2J c gross; hogb, i (& -lie.
gross; lambs, $200. each.
Manager Portland Stock Yard.
Stock of all kind Hold on commission.
Stock fed, transferred and rosbippud.
Tf you want a fino pair of ghoos or
boots, etill on Mr. C. Viocont, who Imp
just received a largo assortment of la
test i-tyleij fiom tho oust. I Io will not bo
undcrhold for cash. Try him.
LA lA;i)E.
ii'eu.s or the. AVenl; as Notu liy our Wlito- i
invulto 1)1 VCslKIIUll'llt.
September loth., 1SS7.
Charley Dick keeps a news stand in
the post ollice.
The Baptists dedicated a line church
at Elgin, last Sunday.
Lora Scott has the janitorship of Iho
school house this term.
(Juite a number of Union's best men
have recently passed this way.
School began this week with 170
pupils present at the opening session.
Tu fiord is the boss wood-sawyer, as
ho frequently outs and splits 1 cords a
Shumluugh has a laryo Hock of wild
geese, raised from eggs gathered in the
Fiof. Ferkins' vocal class was reor
ganized, last Saturday night, for anoth
er term.
We hear that the train dispatchers
of lice will soon bo removed from this
place to Umatirui.
With Grand" Rondo Hour, baled
hay, R. H. ties, etc., La Grande is now
loading several ears each day.
Ladd canyon people all turned out.
to church last Sunday, and gave Rev.
Watson a handsome send oil' in U. S.
Miller, the Temperance loot m or, is
advertised again, but if ho dont come
any oetterthan he did before, he wont
boom Prohibition much.
Mr. and Mrs. Worstell now mourn
tho loss of their youngest child, an in
fant of two weeks, which wih sick but
one day, and was buried last Monday.
Fort Raker left his work horses in
the eorall while he look the cars for
Hot Luke. When he returned one of
them was dead, having apparently
broken its neck in its piny.
Our railroad boys got in a hurry
sometimes and make "running switch
es," which resulted in getting a car oil'
the track the other day, causing (hem
quite an amount of extra labor, and
possibly a "lay oli" for sueli runs are
against tho rules of the company
Miss Minnie ( 'randall's friends mot
in large numbers at hor honie, Tues
day evening, lo give her u farewell on
(ho eve of her departure for Philadel
phia where bhe goes to attend pchool
for a few years. Quito a number of
presents were bestowed and a speech of
appreciation was made by her uncle, in
whoso choir gho had for a long timo
acted ns organist.
Miss ICmma Kinney was taken quite
sick, the first of the week, and Tues
day night she apparently ceased, to
breathe and the doctor in attendance
pronounced her dead. With gorrowful
hearts her friends began to prepare
for her burial a d telegrams wore sent
to absent members of tho family an
notinciugjior death, but soon signs uf
life were evident, and now her friends
rejoice that she is alive and almost,
well again, except terribly blistered
feet where hot irons were applied to
restore circulation.
Iu ono of the precincts of thin coun
ty, not far remote from Union, a ease
was tried before the Justice of that
precinct. J I was, wo believe, tho olli
cers maiden effort, and of course it
would not bo expected that ho should
handle tho reins as well as those of
larger experience. Justice , how
ever, he is or has ho m prer-idont of a
leading literary society of that neigh
borhood, and is regarded us u strict
parliamentarian, and no doubt priiloH
himself upon hi sueeeas iu governing
vast assemblages. It so liapK'iied that
during the trial of tho onto, (hut the
pioeeediugs were suspended tempora
rily until ono of tho witne.teH iu tlm
case should arrive. Tho Justice had
other biisiiiesw which was pressing upon
his mind and in order that all should
run harmoniously together thought to
attend to il while waiting for the wit
ness. His business culled him to an
adjoining store room, and iu order
that the court should not he without a
presiding ollicui he said ton gentleman
sitting besido him, "Mr. R. willyou
pleaso tuko the chair while tho court
retires for a few moment to attend to
Homo business ihatters?" Wo did not
learn whether Mr. R comhictod tho
casu after that or not, hut when ho
conic to tho city we ah all interview
him. '
Frank Uro's Implement Co., of 11-1
and City, curry pie largeiit stock of ,
standard implements lo lie found in j
Eastern Oregon, Their tonus and pri
ce! defy competition. They ulwiiy
have on hand extras and rujmiiK for
goods, they tell, which la a matter of
great importance to the purchuMT. t
liileifRtliiir S. mijisls of the l.nicxt XuUs )
I'i'oiii one of our fnst l'rosiei I
oil- lMMilets.
I TK 'MIX. X.iX -.vm S TW W '
September lo, 1SS7.
Harvest hands are very scarce which
is quite a source of annoyance among
The rainy weather put a whip lo far
mers harvesting for a while about
Wingvilb and Pocahontas.
Thejjpntaln crop around' Pocahontas
is extremely largo, and will not bring
a very large price this fall.
Tho crops in this vicinity arc over av
erage. Threshing will continue proJi
ably, till the middle of November.
Mr. Tra South, formerly of Union Co.
who in residing at the lime kiln, Poca
hontas, in visiting friend in Union.
Tho Bteam sawmill owned by Mc
Munson, is kept busy turning logs in
to lumber. Jt averages 10,000 ft. per
The dance given by Mrs. Kelly, last
evening was well attended, and enjoy
ed by all who had the pleasure of being
Ale.v. McCann who was kicked by a
horse several days ago is slowly recov
ering, but will bo confined to his room
for povoral weeks yet.
The speaking on the prohibito
ry amendment at Iho school house at
Pocahontas was well attended and con
siderable excitement, created,
II. W. Lee, a well known oitizen of
Union Co., is tending a ditch for tho
iMarysvillo Co., better known as tho
Auburn Ditch A- Water Co.,
Tho placer miners have been doing
b"tter thin season than for many yours,
on acnount of the water holding out
longer this year than formerly.
Moro hay has boon put up in Hakcr
valley this season, than for many
years. The farmers are pretty well
prepared fur another hard winter.
Mr. O. Hyde, of Faker City, deliv
ered a temperance lecture at Chuin
bros' mill, last Sunday. Singing by
tho choir, after which we had a basket
Four mountain sheep were ueon by
a hunter on tho summit of tho Pino
creek mountains. Ho tried to
follow (hem but the mountains wore to
steep for him.
Chambers it i'laeo, of the lime kiln
aro doing an extensive business. Thev
burn and ship from 75,000 to 100,000
lbs. per week. The lime is pronounc
ed the bert on the Pacific ('oast.
The great Tom Payne mine U still
taking out the precious ore iu Pocahon
tas. They are crushing it iu Iho little
mill on Marble creek. It is rumored
that a ten stamp mill will bo put in as
soon as possible.
The itaisely mining district, situated
on tho noil fork of the head waters of
Pino creek, about Wingvillo is creating
considerable excitement. The Haisley
Pro's are taking out large quantities of
ore and working it iu their urovta.
Mr. Hobbius is also taking out consid
erable ore. The camp is full of pros
pectors, and sonio good locations havo
been made.
That is to say. your lungs. Also all your
breathing machinery, Very Wonderful mii
ohi nery It is. Not only the. larger alr-pass-ugos,
but the thoiiMnitdfi of little tubes anil
cuvities leading from them.
When these are clogged ami choked with
mutter which ought not to b there, your
lungs cannot half do their Work, Ami what
they do, they eunnot do well,
Call It eold, cough, croup, pneumonia, ca
tarrh, coiiMumpliiiu or any of the family of
tlirout and nose and head and lung obstruc
tion, all arc bad. All ought to he got rid
of. There i just ono suro way to got rid of
them. Timlin to lake lloschee's. Oernian
Byrup, which any druggist will sell you at
7ft cents a bottle. Evuu if everything else
has failed you, you may depend upon t)ti ,
for certain.
Why buy from emigrating agents of
whom you know nothing, eitherof their
responsibility or the ehureeter nf their
goods, when there are responsible- deal
ers located near you, who carry full
and complete linos of all farm and mill
machinery and implements, and whose
success it is for your best mtiests t
fcuppoitwith your patronage? Frank
Rro's. Implement (' f 11 md cjt
request your considt i it: n tlu u
claim, and refer you to your neighbor
who h.tvo hud d''.iliiign with them. :j
NO. 12.
Til 15 covi;.
A wiJcy I.itli'f from Our
Coi Vc'Miii!ent.
September 1 fit h," 1 iW.JS
Two Cove sports bagged 2" ducks
and ! goe.o one day this week.
Wilson's machine threshed I'.Klfi
hi!.hols of o.iis one day 1 ist week.
This is said to bo the fastest work,
shelling grain, ever done in Cove.
Mi - t is. HohiiOij Jc Ihbsoll received
a bailer ibis week, and are now bailing
hay for shipment. The demand is
Mich ai to make the hay market lively.
II. J. Goer it Sou have sold nearly
five Ions of of peach plums Ibis season.
They will have a largo amount of
prunes ready for nittrk 't. next week.
We Wire shown a line sample of
mil!.'!, lli;s week, ratn-d by Uncle Jo.
Maitin. tttieoms well suited to this
eliinato and no doubt in time will be
generally town.
Ili.b and Eva MeCinloy, the favorite
variety artists who appeared before
Cove audiences .uvotal years since,
will be here in a short time with addi
tional attractions.
Leigh Km Academy began tho regu
lar fall term lust Monday with an at
tendance of thirteen. An fall work is
not finished, scholars will continue to
arrive for the next, month.
The Cove Jlottring mill is running
full time and shipping Hour as fast as
made, to Idaho. Now wheat is coin
ing in slowly ffr which forty-two cenls,
La Grande price, is being paid.
Porn. To the wife of Chas. If. Van
tress, Sunday, Sept. 11th., a ton. The
lxiyl have thrown llo-ir pipes away
and ntv waiting for Charlie to coino
Into town and .setup a box of Havanas.
About $1100 has been received by tho
school clerk of this district as state
apportionment and delinquent taxes
collected by the sherill'. School will
commence three weeks from next
Melbourn and llosiner Pugh have
returned from Marion county after a
prolonged absence. They have been
working in the lmrve,-t field and report
threshing in the Willamette completed
with a good yield.
Juo. Murphy has invesbd in an ele
gant Mason it Hamlin organ, direct
from Posion, and has presented tho
instrument to his daughter, Miss Lau
ra. Their hillside homo will bo filled
with music hereafter.
Miss IvoRey, of L:i Grande, Miss
Ilalley, of Island City, ami .Miss ICato
Oliver, of SummerviHe, entered Ascen
sion school this week as boarders.
Tho attendance now is larger than at
any time since the school was founded.
Thioshing in full blast in Cove and
on the Sand Uidge and the crops gen
erally are I tu ning out very well. L. R.
Holmes' fields aeraged, oats, 00 bush
els to the acre and barley frO bushels,
a better yield than ever before on tho
same ground.
II. J. Geer anil ton commenced
picking hops this week, assisted by
fifteen Chinamen. His crop is of ex
tra line quality and will yield about
10,000 pounds, Mr. Van Huron, an
experienced hop man, will superintend
the drying ami curing.
At last a Covo speculator has drawn
a cash prizo in the Louisiana Lottery.
Hep. Won't tell anyone, but 1 got
a letter from her this week. J. G.
I never break a convcisation rulo. (f.
E. Did you foo the ring I drew iu a
prizo package? Miss 31. I ftm tho
liapiiioHl girl in the Cove since Wed
nesday. L. M. 1 am tho hippy pos
sessor of a bran now, reliable Water
bury I). C. Of all darling, tasty
rooms, Mrs W. has theiu. 15. F. Oh
ye, I'll call you 1$. Wo consider you
ono of tho family. L. i.
nuAcr. i i1.
Villi are feeling depresM'd, your appetilo
h pour, you mo bothered with Headache,
you am lljfflty, nervous, and gem-rally out
of sui-tit, mid want to im.wi: up. II race up,
bill not with stliiiulciitN, spring medicines,
or bitter., which have for their basis very
ehoap, bud whlxkey, and which stimulate
you for an hour, and then leave you hi
worse condition than before. What you
wain 1 ttn ttlteYmillve that will purify your
hluod, nturt healthy action Ait Liver unit
! Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give re
uewed ln ultli ami tivngtli. Such u medi
cine mi will ilnd hi r.lfitrle Hitters, ami
onlvfliiieutr i bultleat Wright's drug store,
Union, Oregon.
Try the now linking powder nt Jones
RioV. Only lift eonta u can. Wanajv
U i iu. good as iKnvdor hi tliq mat-,
kvl, or mowvy refufidi'd.
I :m br HI e,f'r T .k ? .taie.;, SScorr.