The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 10, 1887, Image 1

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The Oregon scout.
An Independent weekly Journal, hsiied ev
ery .Saturday morning by
Publishers iind Proprietors.
1 Foreman.
Editor, i
One copy, one year . . $1.00
" Six months 1.00
" Three niontos 7."
Invarlulily Cash In Aflvaure.
If bit chaiicf subscriptions are not paid till
end of year, two dollars will br churgeil.
Kates at advertising made known on tri
plication, EB'-Correspoiidciice from all parts of the
country solicited.
Adrc-K nil communications to the OniHio.v
Bcout, Union Oregon.
Lodge Directory.
Xo. 50. A. F.andA. M. .Meets on the
second and fourth Hiiturduvs of cadi month.
O. F'HKLL, W. M.
E. W. DAVIS, Secretary.
UNION I-ODOK, No. X) I. O. O. F.
Regular meetings on Kridny evenings of
ouch week at their hall in Union. All breth
ren in good standing are invited to attend.
By rder of the lodge.
01IAS. S. M ILLKU, Secretary.
Cliurrli Directory.
Divine service every Sunday at 11 u.
m. and 7 p. in. Suinlay .school at It p. in.
l'rayer meeting c-vory '1 hur.-dav evening at
0:30. UUV. C. M. IltWiX, Pastor.
hir church .services every Sabbath morn
ing and evening. Prayer meeting Wednes
day evening of each week. Sabbath school
every Sabbath at 10 a. in.
UUY. C. COX, Pastor.
O .Service everv Sundav at H o'clock p. in.
KEV.'W. R POWELL, Rector.
County OiltccrN.
rUate Senator
Representatives J
Judge... .
Cimnibsioiicrs 1
. . L. B. Rineb.irt
K E.Taylor
F. D. .MeCullv
. ..O. P'. Geodall
John (.'hrismun
E. Leep
A. X. Hamilton
A. T. Xeill
..K. C. Bralnard
Sheriff . .
School .Superintendent
Surveyor .. .
Asseor . .
.J. L, Hindnun
M. Austin
O. I). Thondlnson
S. Allieriion
City OlUcers.
D. I!. Rcc.s
S. A. Pursel
J. S. Elliott
A. Levy
J. XV. Kennedy
K. W. Davis
Ed. Rcinillard
J. 11 Thomson
, . M. Heritage
Street Commissioner
J. I). Carroll
L. Katon
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice special
ties. Olliec, two doors .south of post-otllee,
Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
door south of J. It. Eaton's store, Union,
Physician ami Surgeon.
Otlice. one door south of J. B. Eaton's
store, Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law,
Real estate and collecting agent.. Land
Otliro Business n Specialty. Otlice at Jo
seph, Wallowa county. Oregon.
Attorney at Law,
Noturv Public, and Abstractor of Titles.
Oflicc State lmd Oltice building, corner
Main and A Streets, Union, Oregon.
p II. DAY, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Oluee adjoining Jones Bro's store. Can
bo fniind nights at tho Centennial hotel,
room No. '-'y.
M.1UKCK. J. W.iillKLTO.V. J.F. B.iKKll.
Attorneys at Law.
OFFICES Union and Lafirando, Ore
gon, SpciJaJ Attention givcnall huMtn-ss
t'lllrlifled (0 UK.
jy 11. HEES,
Notary Public and Conveyancer.
Otlice State Land Otticc building, Union,
Union county. Oregon.
Notary Public.
' Ex-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Real and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
Sales of Real and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Olliec next door south of Past-oflice. Un
ion, Oregon.
L. COBBS, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Having permanently located at Alder, Un
ion county Oregon, will be found ready to
attend to calls in all the various towns 'and
kcttlenients- of the Wallowa valley.
b-chronk; diseases a specialty.
My m.Ato is-: "Live and Let live,"
House, Sign and Carriage
Graining a Specialty.
Shop, Corner Main and A Streets, Union,
y. GAllDNER A CO. ,
Watchmakers & Jewelers,
Union, - - Oregon.
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale.
Repairing nt Madcrnto Kates.
Call and examine nur goods and prices.
Cor. Main and B Sts. - Union. Oregon,
Manufacturers and dealers in Soda Wa
ter, Sarsaparilla, (linger Ale, Cream Soda
and Champagne Cider, Syrups, etc. Or
ders promptly tilled.
City -Meat-Market.
Main Street, Union, Oregon,
Keep constantly on hand
Tonsorial Rooms.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing
done neatly and in the best style.
Hot and Cold Bathe.
Geo. WitnatT, ) W. T. Wright,
President. (' Cashier.
Does a General Banking Business Buys
anil Nells exebuuge, and discounts commer
cial paper.
Collections carefully attended to, and
promptly reported.
Cornucopia, Union county, Or.
R. C. WARINNER, Prop'r.
The only first class house In the camp.
No pains spared to make guests comforta
ble. Chancres Kezfomrtfte.
Kentucky LiQuor Store
First National Bank.
Our Poets.
This space i given for the nse and
benelitt of our local writers of vcre.
and we hope to make it a pleasing feature
of the paper. To that end contributions are
elicited, but they must poess undoubted
literary ineril to" obtain place and recogni
tion here. Eu.
A fair lady and fair morning
How mggcstive to the mind!
Spied n flower sleeping, yearning,
Bocked by gentlest summer wind.
'It is yearning for my kisses,"
Said the Indy to the morn.
'And I'll till its heart with blisses
Just as true as love was born!"
With a gentle shake she woke it
From Us yearnsng summer rest,
From its branches then site broke it
And she clasped it to her breast.
How she loved ttiat beauty yearning
In the garden! How she kbt-ed
From its leaves the dews of morning
While her blue eyes lilled with mint!
Thus the love that in God' morning
Plucks the Howcr for which you live
Snatches up your dear one, yearning
For the love earth cannot give!
Touches it with angel kisses
In the everlastinc mom,
Aye 1 and fills it full of blisseo
Just as sure as Love is born!
1'ktt.u Tin: Pout.
La Grande Laconics.
Rev. Ellin is in the Wallowa.
D. S. Kinney is again at homo.
A traveling photographer linn a tent
on our street.
No one killed at Ladtl canyon since
our last report.
The bridge at Oro Dell is now being
repaired in good tihnpu.
The biggest jam of the season was at
the last Methodist concert.
The email boy enjoys himself look
ing at the new show bills.
Thoy say wo will surely have an
elevator here in the near future.
A bright fire illuminated tho highest
peak of Mt. Emily Tuesday night.
Murray Wathon received a new
drum for his speech Sunday night.
Martin will start next week with his
family for a home in the Willamette.
Several of our young ladies of board
ing school age have gone to tho Cove
to attend school.
Crandall, the jeweler, who was so
suddenly prostrated, last week, is
again able to be out.
Hassett'fl new building is now ready
for use. Newton fc Palmer with Cran
dall, the jeweler, have the corner room.
The morning freight from tho west
fell into a bridge the other side of
Ililgard, Saturday, which delayed all
the trains until night.
Several excursionists from tho east
passed through in a special car, the
first of tho week, looking for a good
placo to enjoy themselves.
Miss Bessie Murray opens school,
the 12th, at Ladd Canyon where she
taught last winter. Don't get shot
through the heart, Bessie.
It is ruid that the Principal of one
of Union county's best pchools, at the
recent teachers' examination, defined
the BarbadocH as mountains of Spain.
Rev. Canny's cow which was a
borrowed one got tired of furnishing
a preacher's family milk for nothing,
and went ofT about a month ago, since
which time she has not been found.
Tho city school begins nejtt Monday,
with Prof. J. H. Mclntyre us Princi
pal, Mrs. Nellie Watson in chargo of
tho Grammar department, Mrs. Dora
Scott the Intermediate and Mrs. Well
man over the Primary.
R. D. Hamilton is about closing a
contract to furnish 20,000 more rail
road ties, for which he will havo to
ercts mill in his pinery and employ
a large number of men. Hamilton is
one of La Grande's live men and don't
sit arouud waiting for something to
turn up.
t Nine teachers were present at the
examination last week, three of whom
received first grade certificates, two
second grade, and four third grade.
The first grade are good for two years,
the second grado for one year and
third grade for six months. Tho next
examination will bo held tho last of
Norember, probably in the Cove.
About 8 o'clock Saturday night tho
residents of tho obi town were startled
by a roaring sound as of a Kansas cy
clone coming from tho west, which
proved to bu the water from the reser
voir which some malicious perron had
let out. We arc informed that suffi
cient water was stored there to havo
supplied the town whilo the injunction
lusted. Now what is to bo dono in
cane of h fire .
News of tin1 AVeek ns Noted by our AVIite
:iwi! ('ori'i'spoiiilfiit.
The rain is over and the headeis i
and threshers are in full blast.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Collins are visi
ting their daughter in tho Lower Wal
lowa this week.
A. .1. Patten and E. B. Morelock
took in Barret's circus at Walla Walla
last Thursday. They pronounce it
first class.
Miss Lulu Hinehart took her depar
ture for Portland on Friday's train and
will attend the Portland Public school
the coming winter.
John Gardner has bought up a
largo lot of cattle for Miller it Lux of
San Francisco "vt understand and will
soon drive across to tho Malheur range
to winter.
The. quarantine has been raised ami
public gatherings once more hold the
sway in Suiiiinerville. Tho diptheria
has almost entirely disappeared and
anxious mothers are begining to
breathe easier.
Mr. F. B. Collins has engaged his
services in the interest of The Ameri
can Investment Co. and will work Ore
gon for what there may bo in the Mort
gage business. Those desiring loans
will do well to call on him as ho can
oiler superior inducements to those
who may wish to borrow money, lie
can furnish money inside of f to 8
days to those who may be pressed for
The rascal that was mentioned in
my items of last week as having elud
ed the olficers at. this place stole a
horse, saddle and bridle from John
llugg on Wednesday Highland made
across the mountains. Officers Patten
and Morelock started in pursuit on
Wednesday morning and found the
horse near the Walla Walla river but
the thief had secreted tho saddle and
himself and could not lie found. The
officers think however. that ho will be
taken as they gave the olficers of that
county a complete description of the
J. H. Oliver lias been engaged as
principal in the Suninierville school
this winter and Miss Edna Gillham
as assistant. With such teachers Suni
nierville ought to havo a good term of
school. CitAN'k.
Following is tho list of jurors drawn
to serve at the September term of Cir
cuit court, LS87 :
William Noys, lumberman, La Grande.
J. L. Caviness, farmer, Island City.
Jay Baooks, merchant, La Grande.
Isaac Shafer, farmer, Island City.
Tlios. Sherwood, stockman, La Grande.
Geo. Horscpool, butcher, La Grande.
John Carr' farmer, Island City.
Henry Gorhain, merchant, N. Powder.
George Gcklor, farmer, La Grando.
A. J. Foster, merchant, Cove.
J. P. Clark, variety storo, La Grande.
(J. (J. Gray, farmer, Cove.
J. II. Shambough, farmer, La Grande.
I. N. Chrisman, farmer, Covo.
R. B. Bridges, farmer, Indian Valloy.
A. F. Benson, liveryman, Union.
Andy Wilkinson, farmer Union.
Louis Ferguson stockman, L'r. Eagle,
M. L. Carter, farmer, Cove.
C. Goodnough, Jr., farmer, Isl'd. City.
John Poach, fanner, Island City.
R. E. Bryan, clerk, La Grande.
W. A. Gates, farmer, Antelope.
W. Hathiway' farmer, Union.
J. E. Carroll, blacksmith, N. Powder.
James Standloy,
Georgo Ackles,
J. W. Boyles,
W. E. Kineharl,
Rudolph Hugg, ,
Samuel Cowles, farmer, Cove.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver
is misery. Indigestion is a foo to good na
ture. The human digestive apparatus is ana of
tho most complicated and wonderful things
in existence. It is easily put out of order.
(Ireasy food, tougk fowl, sloppy food,
bad cookery, mental worry, lato hours, Ir
regular habits, and many other things which
ought not to he, havo made tho American
people a nation of dyspeptics,
But Green's August Flower has done a
wonderful work In reforming this sad busi
ness and making tho American people so
healthy that they can enjoy their meals and
bo happy.
Remember: No happiness without health
But (1 recti's August Flower brings health
and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask your
druggist for a bottle. Boventy-fivo cento.
Tho New York Storo at La Grando.
Good goods autf Jdw )Ir!een in t"h'e inbtfo.
10, 1 887.
Tin- Latest from t'uliiii County' Mining
3letri'iolm--Wiir! I'l'iiKresiInu Nlee
Iv I ml lent I n in of Winter.
A HANDSOME SIlOAVlN(J.!(HMh"-VMK 11 ''respondent from this
place, to your valued paper. Every
September '1th, 1SS7.
Items very scaiee.
C. Nounor, of Louisville, ICy., is iu
the city.
Henry Bust and wife, of Baker City,
are. at the Alpine hotel.
It has been raining in town and
snowing on tho mountains for tho past
ten days.
Our term of school closes next week
for want of funds. Mr. A. W. Parker,
of Kaglo, has taught a good school and
we cheerfully recommend him as a
first class teacher.
E. A. Warriner.of Portland, is visit
ing his brother, H. ('. Warrinerof the
Alpine hotel. Mr. Warriner is on a
health and pleasure trip and as he has
a double barreled breach loading Gor
don setter dog, and a thoroughbred
Parker gun, wo predict for him a lino
time in K. ().
The O. G. M. Co. expect to have
their mill running by tho 1st. of Oc
tober. Thoy havo -l,(KK) tons of very
rich ore in sight in the Whitman and
about the same amount iu the Alta.
A train running from tho mines to the
mill will convey this ore to tlie. ore
house. Everything in connection
with the mill will be run by automatic
action which greatly reduces tho cost
ot working the ores.
Every thing is quiet in camp. A
rich strike is reported in tho Itobert
Em melt and it must bo something
"big" judging from tho way John
Wright got outof camp tho other night
to report this strike lo tho owners of
this valuable mine in Union. Wo aro
glad that Union capitalists havo a good
thing in our camp for they havo stuck
to us through evil and good report.
The party of excursionists consisting
of Bert Gay lord, Mrs. and Miss Bea,
Miss Cooley, Mr. Clingan and Mr. Duf
fey, who went lo toe Wallowa lake
Home ten days ago, report having had
a most enjoyable time at tho lake and
speak in tho highest terms of the peo
ple in particular, and of the country
iu general. On their return homo,
however, thoy were overtaken with
snow and rain and on their first night
out from the lake they oaiunod in six
inches of the "beautiful."
Tlie Last Chance is showing up as well
as any ledgo in cam p. Here is a capital
chance for some of tho same kind of
men that own tho Einniett. There aro
thousands in sight iu tho Last Chance
and yet it can be bought for u trifle in
comparison to its real value. One of
tho owners is putting in his time with
a hand mortar and making ton dollars
a day and plenty of this kind of quartz
in sight. For furthur information re
garding this property, address P. O.
Box No. .02, Cornucopia.
Hope mill is still running night and
day with most Haltering results. This
mill has already shipped 200 pounds of
bullion from the settlors alone. They
still have concentrates on hand. Al
lowing that this bullion is worth but
$2 per ounce, it leaves tho nice little
sum of $f,'100 as gross valuo of bullion
as tho result of !H) days run. Tho
company havo on hand some !1 or 4
tons of concentrates iu addition to tho
free gold amalgamated at tho battery
which ranges in value from .f 120 to
$000 per ton. Who says our ores can
not be treated and profitably too.
S. B. Aylcs, manufacturer of but
ter barrels and kegs, lias alwuys on
hand a good supply of the best quality
and will sell tlieni at reasonable prices.
Give him u call at his shop, riouth of
the hchool house, Union.
Remaining uncalled for at tho Union post-
otlice, the month ending Aug. ui,
Bcoslcy J W
Camel Mrs A
Crnwshaw .lames C
Cantrcl Thomas
Cross H M
(lull W M
Hall B
JIardcsty Jesse
Stilson N V (3)
Smith Mrs John P
Fay John
(iraham Jennie
Haley P
MrwlnoJohn II
.lellrey J K
Smith Jas
Turner Uco
Worley J il
Williams Nathanlul
Persons calling for any of tho abovo,' mtIU
please say
.ase say "advertised. '
P. Haij-,P. M., Union, Or,
Try tho now baking powder at Jones
Bro'H, Only 35 cents a cau. Warran
ted ns good us any lewder in the mar
kv't, or irionVy" refunded.
Knplil rii'iiwtti of YVnlloun Cuuntyls New
Tu u 'I hn I.Htust Ns.
September -1th, 1SS7.
En. Scour: I will try once more to
thing at this lively town is progressing
nicely. I wo new dwellings were
raised during the past week.
School is progressing splendidly
under the able management of Prof.
Newell with a prospect of its being one
of the leading schools iu the valley.
Gocdmen's hotel building is1 rapidly
moving to a finish, although it will be
some time before the house will Ihi
ready for occupancy. It will bo ono
of the. best wooden structures in town,
when completed.
The walls of the M v M brick storo
aro going up. It is to he 110x10 with
18 foot walls, snow roof and front.
Wo citizens of Wallowa City can truth
fully say that we are tho first to wit
ness the rasing of tho walls of a brick
building in Wallowa valley. The
finest brick ever burnt in this county
are being used in its construction, with
no danger of their melting tho first
time rain touches them. The build
ing will bo completed as soon as men
and money can do it.
Frank Stubblelield and family re
turned, Friday, from a trip to tho
Lower Imnaha.
Frank Shclton is quite sick with
fever, brought on by exposure.
J. M. Church, our merchant, re
turned from Grande Hondo this week.
Many strangers aro to bo seen on
our streets everv tlav. nomo looking
for locations and tbers on business.
The teachers' institute held at Jo
seph, last week, passed ofT pleasantly.
Wonder what has become of Joseph
mining "boom? " Wo have not heard
much about it lately,
The rain during the past week has
ruined many tons of excellent hay and
some grain.
A meeting of tho citizens of our
town was held at the M it M store,
last evening, to decide on a permanent
name for the town, and by a majority
vote it was named Enterprise and will
be recorded and known by that name
iu tho future.
Aaron Wado is erecting a neat resi
dence in our town.
Mr. Martin has his new house partly
"Bknnktt FliAT."
Portland Stock Yards Report.
Portland, Or. Scpt.-i, 1887.
Arrivals of stock for our local trado
havo been comparatively light during
the last week, iu consequence of which
wo find the supply somewhat limited
at present. Shipments to tho Sound
still continue, however, as will bo seen
in our exports. Tho demand for sheep
remains firm, with a possibility of an
incruaso in prices. The market lor
hogs is quito lively, there Iwing nu
merous purchasers for prime lots.
There is but little stir in tho horsti mar
ket just now.
Beef, 005 head; hogs 275J; sheep COO;
lambs 7f); horses 29.
Bulls 2 ; race horses, 1C.
uxroirra ron the week.
Beef, to Sonnd country, 300 head ;
stock cattle, to W. T., 70; hogs, to
Tacoma, 88 ; sheep, to Tacoma, 120 ;
horses, emigrants to W. T., 17 ; horses,
to work on railroad, Albany, 30; hors
es, race, for Stato fair, 16.
Quotations. Beef, 3 3J c. gross;
sheep, 2 2J c gross; hogs, 4 4Jc.
gross ; lambs, if 200. each.
Manager Portland Stock Yards.
Stock of all kinds sold on commission.
Stock fed, transferred and reshipped.
W. D. Hull, Druggist, Blppm.Ind., tei
titles: "I can recommend Electric Bitters
as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold
lias given relief In every case. One man
took six bottles, and wus cured of Itheuwa
tism uf 10 yeur.B hndlng," Abraham
Hare, druggist, Bellvile, Ohio, afflrmst
"Tho best selling medince I have ever han
dled in my 20 year's experience, Is Electric
Bitters,'' Thousandsof tliera have addI
their testimony, to that the terdlctls uian
imous that Electric Bitters do care J1 dis
eases of tho Liver, Kidney or Blood, Only
half a dollar a bottle at Wright's drug store.
If you want a ftue pair of ehocH .or.
boots, call on Mr. 0. Vinccut, wbp hsu
just received a large assortment of la
test Bttflea fromtlKJeauL He will not be