I rOKTtAM) IMlOOrCK .1IAUKJKT. 10 12 ai 27J 30 IS i;0 is (a so 14 10 13 7 li 23 10 10 11 7 8 8 (c 10 10 12$ 1 75 4 73 4 75 25 1 35 3 00 Butter Fancy roll, t? Hi Oregon Inferior grade Pickled California roll do pickled Cheese Eastern, full cream . Oregon, do " California Eons Fresh llnii-n PntTtT Apples, qrs. sks and bxs. . . do ' California 5 Apricots, new crop O Peaclios, unpeelea. new . . . ' Pears, machine dried Pitted cherries Pitted plums, Oregon Figs, Cal., in bgs and bxs. . CaT. Prunes, French Oregon pruues FEOtm Portland Pat. Roller, tfbbl $ Salem do do White Lily ? bbl Country brand Superfine Grain Wheat, Vallev. W 100 lbs. . . 1 17J 1 20 do Walla Walla 1 00 1 02J Barley, whole, ctl 110 do ground, fcf ton 20 03 (5 25 00 Oats, choice milling bush IS (m f 0 do feed. good tochoice, old 45 (a 48 Rye. V 100 lis 1 00 1 10 Fee n Bran. V ton 22 O) (5.2! 00 Shorts, ton 21 (0 (25 00 Hay, t ton, baled 18 00 (a.10 00 Chop, ton 27 10 tg28 00 Oil cake meal t? ton 32 00 (g33 0C Fresh Fruits Apples, Oregon, V box 1 25 I Cherries, Oregon, t drm... 100 ' Lemons, California, tfbx.. 4 00 5 00 Limes, V 100 1 50 Riverside oranges, t'liox. . . , 4 00 Los Angeles, do do ... 3 00 ' 3 50 Peaches, box 1 00 1 50 Hides Drv. over 10 lbs. b? lb l.'l (51 14 Wutsalted, over f5 lbs O.Wn 7J .murrain macs one-Uiinl on. Pelts 10 1 00 Vkoetaiii.es Cabbage, f 11. . 2 2J Carrot-, p sacK l uu Cauliilower, tt doz 1 00 1 25 Onions l jjg Potatoes, nw, $ bush .... 00 1 0.) Wool- East Oregon. Spring clip. . 14 (2i 18 Valley Oregon, do . . 20 24 LIVE-STOCK riffht Points for tho CoinhlrrrUlon of 1'iirracn nutt Dairymen. Tho owner knows his cows ami can breed them intelligently and by select ing and rearing tho best in tiro most ?areful manner will soon build up a better herd than ho can buy. Ho has a sympathy and ntVection for the ani mals nursed from early calfhood, and If he be a kind and gentle master his ?"Ws have an affection for him which not only renders them doeilo and good- natured but more profitable. At times C'arksville, Georgia, has a novel ''labor disturbance." The proprietors there issued an order forbidding tho girls to wear bustles wliile at work, because it Is dan Kerous to co at out among the machinery with the unnatural protuberances. The girls rebelled, their male friends backed uiem, and the mill Is sliut down. PHYSICIANS HAVE FOUND OUT Thnt n contaminating and foreign clement in the blood, developed by indigestion. Is thu cause of rheumatism. This settles upon thoscnsitlvo sub-cutaneous covering of the muscles and lig aments of tlio joints, causing constant and shlfllng pain, and aggregating as a calcareous chalky deposit which produces stillness and n dairyman or stodunan must not new ! distortion of the joints, No fact which expo Mood into his herd, but tin's is best rioconn8 demonstrated in regard to Hostct- i nni In- iii-n.m- i,n- ., I...1I 1 lers cioumcu Jiiucrs mis sirunKi.i uw...;.... ,-,lf itL U. 't f 1. ".juuK 8Mpport ,!, this, immelv. that this i medicine call is the best to have, as it is reared of comprelieiulvu uses checks tno fonnlilablu wit , ho hem ami becomes acquainted !SKL Wl,S, o J often ueit lu urreel it. Mnce the medicine con- tains only ealutury Ingredlenls. tl is niso a signal remedy lor malarial fevers, constipation, dyspepsia kidney and bladder ailment, debil ity una other disorders. Sec that you h'ut the A Canadian editor describes his contemporary as "that freak against nature's laws sandwiched between a weazen ed-up soul and a diseased imag ination." The British war-ship Raven is re ported to have been saved from de struction in a cyclone in the South Pa cific by a liberal use of oil, which stilled the storm' waters. A seminary for young ladies at Lasell, Mass., has issued a beautifully illustrated catalogue in which an nouncement is made that "Pains is taken to cultivate tho best habits in speaking and writing the English lan guage. Ci net n nutt, Ti mcs. A Philadelphia economist iigures out tho reduction of car fare in that cit' from six to live cents as a positive loss to poor people. lie says that when they walked before they saved six cents, and now they only save live cents. Christian at Work., An Aldernoy cow is now an essen tial appurtenance aboard a well ap pointed pleasure yacht. James Gordon Bennett has one packed into a zinc stall on the Xamotiua, so tho choicest cream can be had at every meal. Tie cowsavs she likes yachting. Only a couple of copper cents and a few pieces of brick wore found in the Mumncit oi an nsinrn recently dis sected at tho Philadelphia Zoo. The dissectors expected to find rings, gold watches, jack-knives, nails, etc., and were accordingly much disappointed. England is the only country in Europe where the military forces aro recruited by voluntary enlistment. Therefore her industries benefit enor mously by tho comparatively small number of young men withdrawn from them and saddled upon tho national earn i ngs. Chicago Times. A woodcutter in tho forests near Bangor, Me., was the victim of a singu lar illness a few days ago. His pro visions ran short and ho was compelled to eat cracked corn to savo himself from starving. He drank a great deal of water and tho corn swelled, and but for tho timely arrival of a doctor ho would have died. A LUCKY MAN. For several days it lias been mooted round, and indeed wo published tho statement, that Mr. John B. Boyd, of this city, had been so fortunate us to draw tho nice little sum of five thou sand dollars in the Juno drawing of The Louisiana. State Lottory, and all his old friends were rejoiced at Mr. Boyd h good luck, always reserving tho usual exclamation, "if it is true." To vindicate ourselves, and to give the public the information, wo have inter viewed Mr. Boyd on tho subject. Did you draw .$5,000 in Tho Louis iana State Lottery, Mr. Boyd I did, on the one-twentieth of ticket No. 21.G58. What was tho amount ? Tho second capital prizo of tho lot tery in that drawing was 1100,001). The twentieth was .f 5,000. Did you get your money ? I did, iu $20 gold pieces, with no delay or bother. Who. acted as your banker ? Wells, Fargo & Co. made tho collec tion, at a cost to mo of $05. Had you other tickets in tho same drawing ? Yes. Ono of them drew a small amount, say $200, but it was n frac tional ticket and did not yield largely. Mr. Boyd placed part of his winning x'n real estate at once, as ho is nn old 'tinier, and in tho abstract business for Woolwino, Sprigg it Nemoy, ho know a? well whoro to place it as thot-o gon ileinen thomselvos. Wo aro only too glad of our old friond's good h.ok, and to hoar that all was done by tho Lot tory people on tho square, promptly and no growling. San Diego (Cul.) San Diegan, July 7. Willi it, so that there is no disturbance or quarreling when the bull is intro duced. 2. In buying new stock beware of the hippodrome or so-called "combina tion sales." Xo man sells off his best stock. The poorest goes to tho sale. Tlno it is boosted by all thu arts of the professional auctioneer, and the bidding of agents who are not buyers, but "teasers," as it were, to lead on the ton-hesitating purchaser". Many a man has rued his "bartrains" thus procured, but to savo appearances ho bears his cross in silence, or makes Ids sail complaints like tho song bird to the silent moon. 3. One can rear calves with much economy. A calf does not need cream; sweet skimmed milk, or whey, with linseed and pea meal to replaco the calcine removed from it, will feed as good calves as one need have. Bone and muscle and a large capacity for digestion arc required for. dairy cows, and. indeed, for beeves if the fattening propensity can bo put on to these. But sweet milk and sweet whey aro indis pensable. Theses may bo secured by a little good management. lA'ep set ting of the milk will secure the ono and heating and carrying from the iactory in closed cans made perfectly clean will secure tho other. 4. Fancy points do not pay. It is the broad backs, deep sides and round hams which mako profitable pigs, and not tho short necks and tiirned-up snouts, which sconi to be running away for want of a body to be rooted upon that make tho prime bacon, pork and ham for market or fainilv. 5. All kinds of stock should havo Mimmcr shelter, blieep sullor exceed ingly from heat, and the loss of milk tells the storv as reirards the cows. A simple roof supported upon posts, if one has not a few shady trees for the piirpo-c, will be a great comfort to our domestic animals. 0. Every young thing about the farm goes to gras naturally, the lir.-a thing. A twu-weeks-old colt is eating grass alongside of its dam; some three weckold calves are nipping the young grass in the orchard, and a brood of ch'eks only three days old aro picking the lender blades hero and i her". Then let farmers provide grass in abundance for young animals. It is the cheapest food. 7. Properly equipped f.ir their work, veterinary surgeons may bo true "helpbearers." It would pay a stock man, dairyman or farmer feeding ten head to give a dollar for each ono to have a competent veterinarian visit his herd oiieo a month and bo within call on emergencies, and for this sum con tract to attend upon and treat all the .sick animals of the herd or farm. If swiuc-breeders anil da'rviuen were to act upon this principle, there would In a sudden end of h-g cholera and "pleuro-piieunionia," for the surgeons, interested in preserving health of their charges, instead of "breathing out slaughter" would put In practici the abundant prccautinnarv methods to avoid and evade theso diseases. 8. hen not horn of their rightful endowments agricultural col logos af ford the best opportunities for young men who have a liking for live-stock, and a desire to learn how to care f r them and treat their ailments, to pur- -uc this purpose to a successful end It is be-t for evorv student to seek out tho college in his own State and dc ina'id that his application bo properly ni"t. This will bo a sharp spur to laggard States to put their agricultural colleges in working order to meet m a sufficient manner the requirements of their citizens. Cor. Ar. Y. Tribune. ity genuine. United States Senator Biddlcberger was committed to jail and lined o Judge Newman for contempt of court. A TERRIBLE FIRE Amuses the apprehensions r f a whole city. And yet the wild havoc of disease startles no one. Sad to relate, women sutler front year to year with chronic diseases and weaknesses peculiar to their sex, knowing thai they aro growing worse with every dav. and sti'l Uike no measures for the'r own relief. Dr. Pierce's " i avorite Pre scription" is tho resu t of life-long ami learned study of female complaints. It Is guaranteed to cure. It is said to taVe sevotity-tlvo experts two months to couut the money in the national vault. COXCENTRATE YOUR VITALITY. Ono of the secrets ol health is the con centration of vitality. The recruiting ol the vital principle is done eilectually by Bkaniiukth's Pii-i s. ' Health llnds hap piness in the mere seime ot existence. BitANimm-it's Piu.s help nature to reas. sert her own when she lias neon torceii ui -n ni. ii,.r Htrnntrholil in the body. lien an enemy attacks a fort all the forces are concentrated at tho point ot attack to re- slst tho onslaught. o wuii uio HKANU1U:tH S lJIU.S concoiunue m ui " itality to throw oil' the encroaching dis ease. Get BKANDiurrii's Lju.ia Be sure to take no other. roiiKli. ONI-ami Throat I)U(rlvi-s, U-e " Jfruicn'tt lironchud Troches," havimr proved their elllcacy by a tebt of many veais. Sold onty in boxts. The President has mado about 48,000 ap pointments i-iiuo his election. DECAY OF THE BONES With some thirty other symptoms, mark tho progress of hat terrible disease known as atarrh. Itadvunces from st ge to stage of fearful annoyances, and If ne glected is certain to end in g-neral de bility, and possibly In consumption or in sanity. I t, Sage's CiUarrh ltemedy will cure it at any static. This medicine has been long before the public, and thousands have been restored to health by its never failing vir ues. A railroad col isl n caused tho loss of S'iUl.OOO by (Ire near Lincoln, Neb. Thy Gkrmka for breakfast. Cuticura a Positive Cure for Vry form, of bKin and blood -DisastST- -5- from jrc - Pimples to Scrofula. 0K IK TOKTUKK3 OK A 0 H Keep But One Kind. No ono but a fancier should keep several breeds of fowls. Let the farm er cIioofo that breed which gives him the most pleasuro to care for, and, as a rule, the money received goes far to ward that ond. Tho breeds that aro exhibited in tho largest iiiini hers and in accordance with tho popular de mands aro Light Brahinns, Wyandottes and Plymouth Books, with an incroasing intorest for Dark lirahmas and White Plymouth Bocks. A farmer makes no mistake if his tasto leads him to select either of the livo kinds named; all lay dark, de sirable egg for the market, and all aro good, ganiiino poultry. Itamombor, in thoso days, the specialists aro tho ones that got a reputation and mako nionoy; hut, in this case, tho grand secret is that with one kind tho breeder soon finds out tho possibilities of tho breed, oon loarns it thoroughlj', tho brood improves in his hands, his strain be comes noted, he derives an added pleasure in handling and his pocket book grows fat. Our Country Home. Tho autographonielor is an instru ineu1 lately devised in Paris for auto niaticiillv recording tho topography ami d fl'.-rnnee of level of all plaoes iver which it passes. It is oarried ibotit on a light vehicle, and has only o ba dragged ovor tho ground of which a plan is iXivoA.SpngJlld Times. OV A MKETI.MK IX- Htuntlv relieved by u warm Imth with I'L'Ti- cuHAi-OAl'. u reul Skin lloautllior. and u blnulu application of Cuticuka. the gieut Skin Cui-o. This repeated daily, with two ortlireo doses of CuTlcuitA llKsoi.VKNT.thoNowHlood l'urillcr, to keep thu blood cool, tho perspirutlon pxro aim unirriiaiing, inu uowcisopcii, uio uvurunu khlnej-H active, will spejiniy cure. Kuzema, totter, ringwoiiii, psoriasis, lichen, pruritus.scall liead.dandrutr, mid every species of torturing, distlgurinvr, itcliing.scaly and pirn ulydlseuHes of Uio skin and Bcaln, wiUi loss of hair, when physicians and all known remedies full. Sold every where. I'rico.CUTlcuiu.SOc.; SoAl", 25c.; Husolvknt, ?1. Prepared by tlio I'ottkh liKUO AND ClIKMIUAI. CO., UOSTON, SlAHfl firSend for "How to Cjiro Skin IIUeiiBCH." Ml'LKS, bTuckheuds, chapped and oily skin prevented by Outicpha Medicated Snap. SELBY SMELTING AND LEAD CO., San Francisco, - r , . i,.,. .... mi n " uj ra7ii.-.cu)ir as ----: w if . , f tt urn f SHOTGUN . CARTRIDGES J BUELL LAMBERSON, Con'l Agont. 7 Stark St.. I'ortlnsd, Or. JL0 J&X'X-.ViN I MECHANICS' FAIR Opens October G, Closes October 22, '87. Special Rati: oh nil Tru'miiurtatlou Linus. The Orogon National Bank, OK I'OltTliAXO. ISuccpssors to Mt-troiKilltan Havings Ilank ) CAPITA i l'All) IN, - $100,000. Truiitact-1 h (it-neral Untitling Ilunlneaa. ArCOl'NTH krlit .ubjtct to clirck. SKI.I.H i:XCIIANf;i. (,n Hun Krmicloeo anil New York. MAKI B COM.rtl'loNH on fatoruble term. VAN 11. 1X1.AHI1.MU1T, (IK(I 11. MAIIKI.K, J., l'iel(lent Vlce-l'iesiiltnt. 1). V HHKUMAN.CoMiler. Day SELF-HEATING Bath Tub. No hot water plpea; no beating your room. For do acriptlon, adurtaa, Z. T. WHIG HT, Foot Morriion t. Portland, Or. Also dealer la TlirwlilnK and Geueral Machinery, Ma rlno Woik, laundry Machinery, In fact aii)tlilng you uaul. lieu AKeni zor me nuiinnaii lmwi uu tugiiio. Z4TAOI.MH WAMKH. tti ""n PORTLAND 'ORfCON. In tuccettful operation since i66, patronlied (rem all sections oi ins norinvtcii, cnuorscu uy business men and leading educators. THE 310ST I'EItmTXT KQl'Il'PKD BCIIOOfi nf lu rlass on tho Coast. It criers private or class instruction, day and evening throughout the year, in Anihmttic, Wrltins, Correspondence, llook-keenlng nd, 1 yitf -wrilinf . lluslness ami lega ,1 IlltlllVVIV. ....n..( lUnkins.Shortham Forms and all Coi i 'smi and all Common .School Dranchcs. otuuents ol all ages anu com sexes aamniea ui any time. Catalogue free, Armstrong and W'crco, Proprietors. New York silk workers have struck against the employment of women. Premature dcc'lne of manly powers, nervous debility and kindred dis eases, radlf ally cu ed. Constil'ation free. Hook 10 cents In s nmp. iV (hires-, contl dentUlly, "World's DisVcnsary Medical As sociation, UulValo, N. V. Queen Victoria still retains a por ion of her wcddtim cake. t 'Vo 'I'lirosliofw: I nave a few of the ' celebrated Wesiiugliouse Threshers yet, , and for the purpose of closing out will sell them on next year's terms nt bottom figures. Also, a few second-hand ma- : (bines of other make. "Write for bariains, ' . T. w ntoiiT, foot of -Morrison Street, Portland Oregon. 'R'lie tlv "sloolf of tvpe. presses and nrintiiiK material will be lound at Palmer & Key's Portland house. READ THIS CAREFULLY. Krerr mail fitul woman roune or nhl. on thl Cuuit. that la atllutcl uith nuy rtieeaf. no matter ulut, tint their faiuilt hjlcl;ui cUh-k ni t undrrMnml, or cannut cure, shouUl writt-n full ilefvrttinn of their trouWc to l)r 1'onlvn, or Kt t nn the train and TlKlt him. lit- Is irn vMoil with -si-ry liitniuunt of nursery, and tho Ie.t nuxllelneA to nt I.imI foi tnoiu-y I'onsulUitlons frtt Honest opinion gln-u; reanona'.-le rharyva All correa iHiuilence strictly contUU ntlnl I.iicIoki' KtHiiui Aildn u V II. rOKDKN M I) ; olhci-e, S.'J and 12, llrst Nu tional Hank, Portland. Oregon. Rtipturo Pormnnontly Curocl. I No sunrery Wuk eren- ,ln Cures iriiarnntH-il Addrem Dm. VOKDKX A l.fTlli:!:. ntll S .'J ami 1" , First National Hank. Portland. (IteKoii. I Mi k 0 Tho best eotmh mcdlcino is I'iso's Cure for Coustiinption. Sold ovcrvwhere. ic. (. . . ,4 LYDIA E. PI NKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND WILL 3IEU ANY WOMAN SutTerlng from Kidney DIs oaso or from troubles po cullnrto her sox. lis frrose is stfc'y fr the Irgitlmate ?t.t!:Mjrt disease .! the rclffcffn ',! .,',, ,:Ws all it c.'aiiiis ta tin, thousands i.uiu s aiv .- testify. 1 1 has stoix! the test of t cnty years in relieving periodi cal pain, promolinj; regularity of easorn, and kir.is'.ung veaknesf , backachu and ionf-cucnt Ticn-ous distre- 1'rob.ibly no' other won-.an in the world rixcics sv. many "letters of thanks" as I.ydi.i 1'.. riukh.ini, ol Lynn, Mass. Mrs. II of Knficld, N. II., ay: "I will simply r-ay that your Vcjctatlc Compound is all you recommend it to k Aat Jone trie U'arUs cj eveti. Another lady writes from Ottawa as follows: "I have just to-day bought the rccnth bottle of your Vege table Compound, hac used two boves of Tills nnd sev eral packages of your Saiativc Wash, and think it but right to tell you how much good 1 dcri ed from your medi cines. They are ,i regular Ged-senJ. All the pains nnd nehes have almost disapjtcareil, my stomach is much ttrongcr too nnd I feel my!f improved vwry way." l'rlce it. bold by nil Jlrutul.tv Absolutely Pwra- Tr.UrcpJern'vei tk1- A nwH tS Jf t-rjr h fcxc holis 'a"ae lti'ro ret oon.lcaj li fa (.--JWvnry VJuiUi. t d caac?t M po.i tn ojc n:t .'on with V taait'tv'a ot low te-t trit f Uuzz or j,' TOinto .i.'m cr-T 'a nis DRUGGISTS 101 Jecond St., PORTLAND. Or Carry n full lino of Cbemicals. Toilet Articles and Sundries. They make a specialty of iltlelldlni,' to MAIL ORDERS. If sou ihhiI anjthlng In their line send the prloe lth iNwtact', and It will lo rttmued by llrvt mall. AASBl BtK.IBT SI-..1IBA SCV, Tacoma, Washington Territory, A ItoitrdliiK mid lay Hcliool lor .Ii-In plIRlST.MAS TKltlt UKOIN9 TIIK 8KC v ond Thnrsdny lu September. Pupils nre tiiken at all mkcu and nt any time. It la lin poi liint. lmwever, to enter early In the term. Tor cuttiloKtiti ninl pnrlleiilnrH nddrei-s tho Priuclpul. JMltS. LKJll'KI, II. WKI.I.S, 'I'lieoina. WiihIi. Tit. .lohii -A. , RSajJ AK1) ft t IMMsW HARNESS ! SIO to S75 por Sot. Collnr. Whip, Hobos and all Rsddlerj- Oools holcsalo arid ltttall. fSr- Send for CtaIotiie. Y. 1.VVIS, IIO nnrlirt .Hlrref. . H.VV I'RA.VCtXtO, t'AI. h pi HI Hsflsl CURfS WHfpr an riei caiic llest t'oush Hymn. TnotrsKnod. TJae in nine. fHllil or lirilggl'W. KOIt Indigestion, Sick Headache, Constipation, Inactive Liver The tnciTlmnt nlnnnlnir littslm-ni orl.onma . riie liieiielierstnnfKlli. thr, tiirh his themes: ue E-iaieiiinri III rtt--l luriiy IIHI1S ; I'he broker llil with puts and calk," I'D cool tlH-.'ltloOil mill lirmvi lln mlml. ill T. Kit ANT'S sr.l,TZi:it safest find. STEINWAY K-.AXM'H A HAVU. J I Ulll IIl I , (Inhlnr. Ho.m.UI, Plgnm- n.,- ilet OrK'niiH, bKiid liiatritiucnt. Ijiruest Btoclc of Sheet Jlnalo and Hooks, llandu aiipjilied at Mnsttcrn prices. JI. (lit AY, 2i"fl lvt street, San Francisco. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." Tlio Original nnd Only Genuine. HALL'S ri mm W . TV O m m m - mm wm m. p.mmmkj Mu msm M H I PfnllwijllrllH. lti'Wirrnf i .irlhlM Tmllftlliin- In Ittta-nstbla to LADIES. AL jnur Itrucil.t M '( hleheater a LltclUU aud Ukc no rthrr.nr lucloe )-w (HamnMto ui f.r Arttotilirq in Utter rT ix-turn umli NAME PAPER. C'lilcbe-trr Chrinlenl (Jo., tl S I U .M11.II...11 -villus I'hllada., I'A Bold hy ' llrainl! cvcrTM hero. Atk for "Chlrhr. Cures all Diseases originating' from a disordered state of tho EL00D or LIVER. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula, Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial Pains readily yield to its purifying properties. It leaves tho Blood pure, the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the Complexion bright and clear. J. R. GATES & CO., Proprietors 417 Snnsonio St.. San irmnclfco. I I Nil in MCV I Hays $v l Send for PoMcrliitlon nnd Man of l'l.olUDA SOITIT. int.VlL lLl.ANDS. rourniltllon.if-rrq. luitnblu for Orniiues, Lcnioiis, Ulttes, i'liiraiiiileg. lHn.nias, Mrawliurricn nnd uarly Vigetablcs. Tor baloon Ion- credit, f 1.25 toSS.(K))erncrc. Addross Wl. SOLOMON. Oen. N. W. AK't. J t.Vi Ho. InrK SI., l lili-iiKo, ma. K3IOKK n HD rJ RflAnDini thu rLun utJ mrtuniu i ChoiaeH, Purest nnd Most Delicious KEY WEST HAVANA CIGAR IN THE WORLD. ti3' 1'or Bale ut nil Ii-iuIIiik pmct-H 'ti L. K. G. SMITH, (V ' -: Wd.i.v Wsl.l.( W T Solo Agont. r made ciprrMtj for tbo cme or drKOg"uionu or the geotrktlTtt Tlie cnntlnuou itrrani of KI.KCTIilClTY pemifatlust thTonih the pnrU muat rcitort Item to health rRftlon. Oonol flo&roQmULIiwltb i:i-ctrlo Helu ftdverttfl to cur alt lilt from hthi to toe. It Ji fur tho ONH ioclQorurpcic. For clreutari Rlrlnc full lo- ino Pelt Co., 103 WuMogtoH B(rct, Chicago, 111. O h taVen thr UA la tlic -ic of tlut cUts or ieinniet and has nircn iin.st unlvcml fcituUc- UU, MURniV DROT. Writ. Ter Qbatwon the favor uf th public and now ranVa iiiun the leatlinf Modi due i f the oihlora. A. U SMITH. Uradfon!, Tt, SoM hr Drurr-itu like il.OO Van Monciscar DYSPEWSARY. POHTLAND, OR. Young, middle-aged and old. uliigln or uiarn-d mea ami all who slitter with LOST MANHOOD I Jferou loblllty, Hiiernia. torrhea. Somlnal Losces QS Hi'Xuiill)eoay,KalliniMfm nry, ,t-nK r.rrn, .Men or -.! I.' . . 1 in I .. r?? HkUl DIsommm, Hjiihlllla l."rn,.tl,i,. II. Ir Vullln.. Tt?l I lone ruins, 8 weUlnira aR-Vft H.iro Throat, Ulcers, lit kiil fueta of Mercury, Kidneys and Iliad, l.r Trnnliltn Weak Hack, lluniliig I) Hue. Oouorrhea, (Ueet, Htrlot uro oriuuiit nillef and oure for life. Ilotli Mexi-H CoiikuU t'oullilontlnlly Otr-irKlWlsa A IHrt THIUn ST. N. V. N. V. No. 101 S. K. N. U. No. 271. RMuaruiltl not E.w taus.StrUturf. p9 MrioMytjlha racj Ct)i!:il Co. Tlio followlnir words, In prnlso of l)it. I'ir.itCK's Favouiti: l'ltroritiiTioN ns n remedy for tlinso dellcnto dlsonsea nnd wenk ncfisea poeulliir to ivoiuen, must bo of intercut to every suireier from Kiieli miilmlles. Tlioy nni fnlr Biuniili-a of tlio pnontnnvoua oxiirpHi oris with w i oh lliniisands irlvo litternneo to their senBO of unit tuuo lor llio lncbliiimuio Dooa oi iicuun -wuieu rubcorvu to t-iiem uy tno uso or mis woriu-inmeu ineuicuiv. hits beeu .Tohn V.. Skoah, of MiUenhccli, Va., writes: "Jlywlfo lmd been Billt'eriiiff for two or tliti-o years Willi lumiiio weuiineKS, niiii nun imm t.. ..... i. . B "t ono liundred dollnm to liybleliins wllli I HRRWH AlVAV 1 out rellol. Blio took llr. I'lerc-o's l-'uvorlto irw,erj,,t(,n Mnd it did her inuro (rood tlinn nil tho medic-Inn irlven to her bv tlio DlilHl- cluns duritiir tho thrco yemu they had been practlelmr upon her." Mrs. Gnoiinn Hkikikii, of Wcettictd, Jr. V., Vr rtnPIrn writes: "I was n irreiUKtiircrcrlrom leucor- fit UllhAltoi I rlicii, benrlnir-down pahm, and linln eoiithi- uiiiiy aeron- my inn-is. -rinx-u iiuini-n in juni ' l-'nvorlto Prescription' n-stoicd mo to per fect health. 1 treated with Dr. , for nlno months, without recelvlnif any benellt. Tho M'nvorlto I'rrflcrlptlon' la tho Breutest t-urthly boon to us poor BUlIcrliiir women." Earthly Threw Away! Her Supporter. Mrs. Sophia F. Uosweix, irWfc CMaot.O., writes: "I took cloven bottles of your 'Fa vorite Pn-Kcriptlon ' and ono bottfo of your ' Pellets.' I am dolnic my work, mid liavo been for somo time 1 havo hud lo employ help for about sixteen years beforu I commenced tuk liitf your inedlclne. 1 havo had to wear u supporter most ol tlio tlmo: tuu i liavo liuu aside, and feel as well na I overdid." Mrs. May Oi.kason, of A'tiiiffd, Otta.ea Co. Mich., writes: "Your Favorlto Prescription ' bus worked wonders in my cane. Airaln sho writes: " Iliivfnir talien sovernl bot- i tics or tno t iivonio t-iesei-iimon i navo ro- lriilni-il rnv henlth wondcrfullr. to tho astonish ment of myself and filends. 1 can now bo ou my l'ect all daVj uttcudintr to tho duties of my household. It Works TOEATiSS THE WRONG DBSEASE. Many times women call on their family physicians, suiTcrlnir, ns they lumlne. ono from dyspepsia, miotlier from lieart disenso, Bnothcr from liver or kidney disease, another Horn nervous exhaustion or prostration, another with pain hero or there, and In tins waytucyiui present ailKo to inemseivcs aim ineir eiisy-mnnir nun iimiuin-ni, m um-impj uuw ,i uiu for which ho prescribes hi pills nnd potions, (issiimliiir them to bo sii'-h, when. In rcnllty, they nro all on y nymplomn caiiK'd b soinu womb disorder, 'i'ho physician, lirnorant of thu causo of Biill'i'iinif, cnoouimres his praetlco until ltinro bills aro mado. lho sulrcrlim- piiucnr. kcis no octicr, nut prouauiy worso oy reason oi mo ueiuy, wrontf nuiuin-ui uuu .iiiib.-hiii. ih, iniiiimi"iio. . i-. .... Ilko Dr. Pierre's Favorite Pn-Hcrfntloii. tltrieted lit the mute, would have entirely removed tho disease, thereby dlspelllmr ull those dlbtressini,' symptoms, and iiistitutiii(j eomfoit instead" of prolonged misery. n Mrs. H. F. Moiioan, of i"o. 71 hcrtuuton St.. E3 PliVSIRIiriS I 'w' J-iMtoii, Mas., snys: "Five years inro 1 ! i "ioiuihuo I wa9 mirciultul suirerer from uterine troubles. FAILED I HnvliK exhausted tho skill of three phy I ""L-w I siclnns. I was comnletelv dibcourau'ed. and so wenk f con !il with dlllleultv croKs tho room rtluno. I beirnn tnklnir Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pri-seriptlon and tislnir tho local treatment n,'comiuendi-d in his 'Common Fcumj Medical Adviser.' I commenced to Improve at once. In thrco montlis I was prreeUu cured, and have had no troublo Elnco. I wrom it letter to my family paper, briclly mcntionlinr how my health had been restored, and oircrlnir to send the full particulars U tiny ono writing mo for them, and enclmlng a Mtimvctl-tii-veUie for rcvlu. I hnvo received over four hundred letters. In reply, I havo described my coso and the treatment used, and havo earnestly udvisi-d them to 'do Ulcowlso.' From u (rreut muny I havo received Becond U tters of tliuriks, statiii(r that they had commenced tho uso of ' Favorlto Prescription,' had sent tho Sli0 renulred for tho 'Medical Adviser, and bad applied tho local treatment so fully and plainly laid down therein, uud wuro uiucu ueiter nireuoy. . ... 1 ... "1 - .. 1 1 i ft T.- CJi.ti 1 r... . Hi. ITlUrVeillllM Viliru iIIU. u. I, urilAUUL, .IITlinilO R nf fruytitl. l.li.. wrltr-s: "1 was troubled with I female wt-akncbs, leucorrheti and falllii(f or tho nnPTfine I womb for bo vi n years, so 1 had to keep my bed UUUIUIlO. a fr ,, ir00, ,mrt of tho tlmo. I doctored with an urmv of different physicians, and spent lanro Minis of money, but received no lustliifr iK-mllt. At last my husband persuaded ino to try your medicines, which X was lonth to dp, liecauMj I was iiiejudlccd at'amst them, und tho doctors Bald they would do mo no (rood. 1 finally told my husband that If ho would rct ,no some or your luedlclnca, I would try them wraliiBt the ailvjeo of my physician. Jlo (jot mo sir bottus of tlio Favorlto Prescription nleo six bottles of tho 'Discovery,' for ten dollars. I took three bottles or 'Discovery ' und four or ' Favorite Prescription,' and 1 have been a sound woman for four years. 1 tJien tmvo the balance of tho mcdlclno to my sister, who was troubled In tho wimu way, und eho cured hersclt in n sliort tlmo. I hnvo not had to take uuy incdleiuo uow for almost lour years." THE OUTGROWTH OF A VAST Tho treatment of many thousands of cases of tlioboelironlo wcaknehsesaiid distressing ailments peculiar to k-innk-s, at tho InvaliiU' Hotel and Kunrlcal Institute, llutrulo, N. V bus ulforded a vust exiierienco In nicely aduptini; and thoroughly testlnif remedies for tho euro of woman's peculiar maladies. Hr. IMorco') ravorUo I'roaicrlplloii Is tho outgrowth, or result, of this irreat nnd valuablo exjx'rienoe. Thousands of Uistlmonlals, received from patients and from physicians who hnvo tested It In tho more mrirravated und obatlnuto cases which hud bullied t!iir skill, provo It to lio tho most wonderful remedy over devised for tho relief and euro of sufferinir women. It Is not recommended 115 it "ciire-ull," but as a most perfect Siocl(lo for woman's rxioiillar ailments. Am 11 pixvcrfnl, liivluorjilliitr tonic, it Imimrts strenirth to tho whole system, and to tho uterus, or womb and its tHJtnlnifos, lit jinrtlciilar. For overworked, ''woruHiut," "ruiwlown.")lebIhiateJ teueh-r-rs, mllliiiPiu, dn-sxmakerH, se-aiiutresBes, "shoiHflrls," housekeepers, nurslnir moth fin, and feoblo women ireuenilly, Dr. Pluroo's Favorlto Presort ptlon Is tho ifTeat ct eiirthly boon. Man uneouulled us nn upiHstlzltiif oonltul und restorative tonlo. It jiromous uikokiiuu uuu nmiiniuiuon or rooi, cures nausea, weakness of stotuaeli, indl ir.-Mtlnn tiliiiitlmr null l-l-lll-tntlolia Of ITIIH. Ah a hoolhliiK iiidI htreimllieiilnir nervine," Favorite Prfserlptlon ' is tui- eouaiieii una is iiivaiuiiui" uuuihk ,'"" subduliiir nenous excitability, irritability, oxhuustion, prostnitlon, hysleriu, bpiikiiis und other dlstressliiK, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and owanlo dlseoso of tho womb. It Induces refresblnj,' sleep und relieves jneniat mu letv and despondency. Ir. I'lerce'si 1'nvorIJo Prcucrlptloii Im it leulliiuuto medicine, can fully compounded by an experienced und Blilllful pliybleiiui, und uibipted to woman's dellcnto orifaulrJitlon. It Is purely veKCtablo lu its composition nnd perfectly harmless In Its elfeets lu nuy condition of the system. ruvorllo lro.crlpl(in I" losI llvo euro for tlio most complicated and obstinate cases of loucorrlieu, or "whites," excessive tlowlnrr at monthly periods, pain fill menstruation, unnatural tuppreis.loiiH, prolatMtm or falllnir of tho womb, wenlc back, "femulo wenkness," untevcnilon, nv troverslon, beurIniflown wnsnlloin, ehron I eonirestlon, liiilainmatlon und uloorutlon of the womb, inllammatlon, iiuiirsnd ten-ilerni-BS In ovarlod, uooomi'ttuled with "lu teniai ncuc.- 1 11 pD'cinmcj', "Favorlto Prescription" Is it "mothtr'H eordlul," rellevlnir nausea, weakness of stomuch und other dlstressimr sympUims common to that condition. It its uso is kept up lu tho hitter months of ircsuitlon, It so prepares tho system for de livery as to Kreatly lessen, und many times utmost entirely do uwuy with tho sufferings of that trylnir ordeal. "Ir'jivorlto Irencrlptloii,' when taken lu connection with tho uso of Dr. Pierce's (loldcu Medical Discovery, and small laxa tive doses of Dr. Pierce's Purcrutlvo Pellets (I.lttlo Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and llludder dlM-uses. Their combined uso also removes blood taints, mid abolishes can cerous and ucrotulous humors from tho system. riivoruo .-resi(-ri'mFn jh 1110 only medlciuo for women sold, by druirtrlsts, under a positive tfuurantee, from tho liinniifiictiii-i-m. that It Will Irlvo Katlnfiie tlon In every case, or money will bo re funded. This iiiurontco has been jirlnted on tho bottle-wmpper, und fulthfully ear- nut fop niiinv vinrx. I.ursrn Iiitlil.m (lixi doses) $1.00, or blx. botileat fur na.dii. til" Send ten oenta In etampa for Dr. Plcrco's larfre, lllusfratod Treatlso (1(10 putres) on mucuses or vi omcn. Address, WOULD'S UlSPIONS AltV ITIKIHOAr. ASSO CIATION, No, COS Jllnla Slrtot, HUIlALiO, N. X.