The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 03, 1887, Image 1

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    VOL. IV.
The Oregon Scout,
An independent weekly jouriul, iMied ev
ery .Saturday morning ly
Publishers and Proprietors.
A. K. Jonkp, I
Editor. I
I 15. Ciianct.v,
1 Foreman.
One copy, one year . .$l.r0
" Six month!) .... 1.00
" ' Throe montos 70
Invnrlulily Cash hi Alvani'o.
If by chance subscriptions arc not paid till
end of year, two dalliirt will be cluiryal.
Kates of adverting made known on ap
plication. jfflrCorrcspondencc from all part?, of the
country solicited. ,
Adrcss all communication to tlie OittfiON
HcotT, Union Oregon.
Lodge IMreetory.
No. r6. A. F. and A. M. Meets on the
ficcond and fourth Saturdays of eaeli month
O. P"l5ELL. W. M.
E. W. DAVIS, Secretary.
UNION LODGE, No. 39 I. O. O. I
Regular meetings on Friday evening". oi
each week atthuir liali in Union. All hreth
ren in good standing are invited to attend.
By rdcr of the lodge.
. A. THOMPSON, N. fi.
CHAS. S. MILLER, fc'ei rctaty.
Church VMructory.
Divine service cvoy Sunday at 11 a
ja. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at :i p. m.
Prayer meeting every Tlmr.Mlav evening at
:30. REV. G. M. IRWIN, I'astor.
larchurch services every Sabbat u morn
ing and evening. Prayer meeting Wednes
day evening of each week. t-aobath school
erery Sabbath at 10 a. m.
rev. c. cox, Pastor.
8ervice cverv Sundav at P. o'clock p. m.
REV.'W. K l'OWLLL, Rector.
County OlItcui'M.
SUte Senator . ...h. 15. Rinehart
Representatives j y
Csnnnissioners (
.0. I'. Gcodall
John Chrisnian
E. lyecp
tjhcrlfi. .
. A. N. riamilton
Shool Superintendent
Surveyor . ....
JLsscaiior. .
Coroner .
A. T. Ncill
..E. C. lirainard
. .J. L, llinduian
M. Austin
O. I). Thomlinson
S. All)crson
City Oltlceis.
. 1). 15. Rees
S. A. I'ursel
J. S. Elliott
A. Levy
J. W. Kennedy
E. W. Davis
Ed. Rcmillard
.1. 15 Thomson
. . M. Heritage
J. J). Carroll
L. Eaton
Btreat Commissioner
Attorney at Lav.
Collecting and probate practice speeial
iin. Ofttee, two doors south of post-oilico.
Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Lavv
AND NOTARY l'UHLIC. Otlleo, one
4oor ftouth of J. B. Eaton's store, Union,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, one door south of, J. b. Eaton's
store, Union, Oregon,
Attorney at Law,
Real estate and collecting agent. Land
OHee Business a Specialty. Ollhc at Jo
aeyb, Wallowa county. Oregon.
Q f. BELL,
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public, and Abstractor of Titles.
Ofice State Land Ofli' C bulldinu. corner
Main and A Streets, Union, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon.
Ofl&ce adjoining Jouos Bro's store. Can
be found nights at the Centennial hotel,
room No. 'J3.
M. Baker. J. W.Sheltox. .1. F. Bakeb.
Attorneys at Law.
OFFICE-? Union and LaGrnndo, Ore
gap, tfpecial Attention given nil tmaliicw
3fcT3Wfd tofS.
jy IJ. J EES,
Notary Public and Conveyancer.
OHlee State Land Oilieo building, Union,
Union county. Oregon.
Notary Public. Ex-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters
Abstracts to Real and Mining property
furnished on i-hoit notice, at reasonable
Sales of Heal and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Office next door south of Post-ollicc. Un
ion. Oregon.
L. UOBI5S, Jl. I). ,
Physician and Surgeon.
Having pennani'iitlv located at Alder, Un
ion cumin O eg in. will befou id ready to
attend to calls in all ill'' variou tnwns and
hcttlcincntK of the Wall. .wa valley.
Mv m. tto is: "Live and Lit live,"
House, Sign and Carriage
Graining a Specialty.
Shop, Corner Main and A Streets, Union,
X. GA RDNEli CO. ,
Watchmakers & Jewelers,
Union, - - Oregon.
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale.
K2air!iig; at JIixltT.ito Kates.
Call and examine our goods and pric es.
iiiGky Litmor S
Cor. Main and I! Sts. - Union. Oregon,
.SHKKAtAN & It ALKY, Props.
Manufacturers and dealers in Soda Wa
ter, Harnp:inlla. (linger Ale, Cream Soda
and Chainpairne Cuk-r, Syrups, etc. Or
ders promptly liiK d.
Main Street, Union, Oregon,
Keep constantly on hand
Tonsorial Rooms.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Hair cuttim.', Miaving and shampooing
done neatly ami in tho best style.
Hot and Cold Baths?-
Gr.o. Witif.iiT,
W. T. WltKillT,
X)oe a General Banking Buslne. Buy
ami sells exchange, and diitcounU couuncr
clat papur.
Colleotion carefully attended to, and
promptly reported.
Cornucopia, Union county, Or.
Ji. C. WAHINNKR, Prop'r.
T o nl v Hrt v as houie in tho cam p.
Noli'- r. dio miUe guosin omfo.tii
b.o. Cfrareres Rxsrarerunatfte.
m Mm hi
Our Poets.
This ".pare is udven for the uc ami
benefnt of our local writeis of veie.
and wo hope to make it a pleasine; feature
of the paper. To that end contributions are
solicited, but they must pos?es undoubted
literary merit to obtain place and recogni
tion here. Ei.
Written for the Scout.
O tliat wc had language sublime to describe
And not with our meaningless words to
That some fabled nymph in her wild haunts
could hide thee,
And wreathe thee in beauty and grandeur
Here nestled on earth like a pearl in the
With sunbeams to play o'er thy crystaline
And winds from the foret-t to stir thee to
And frolicking songsters tosoothu thee to
Ho, tranquilly sparkling, upturned to the
Thy bosom once welcomed the red man's
And oft, in the unbroken silence of mid
night, With lingering glances, he bade thee adieu,
And hied to the Mounttius witli thee far be
hind him.
To war with the foe that encroached on his
soil, o
And often the women would wail when
they found him
Pierced down whilo engaged in his favorite
Where one time the smoke from a wigwam
was curling,
And a chieftain m silence enjoyed his feast,
Tho banners of Progress ami Art are un
furling, Proclaiming to all that his kingdom lias
Do outspreading willows seem silently
Do the (lowers that bloom on thy carpeted
And the humbler vines that around thee
arc weeping,
Seem but to remind of the happier yore?
Though civilization thy land hath invaded.
Altd changed the wild beauty that 'round
thee was cast,
Where one o' thy exquisite beauties hath
A hundred will blossom to pay for tho
-H. W. II.
Eagle Valley Etchings.
Wcrthor fine.
Row Boyles preached to uh last Sun
day. He is u welcome visitor among
its, and he is always interesting.
C. H. Craig, Eli Chandler, Chas.
Natesberry, W.m. Ewing and N. Kily
rcport finding some viry rieh pros
peetB. Charley nays (hat maybe his best
girl will stand by him better now, ow
ing to tho iind. We are pleased to
learn that he has hopes.
Our Sunday School is progressing
finely under the superintendence of
Mr. Wise. Wo hope it will he the
means of doing much good.
Several parties from this beautiful
valley have been out to tho Pino ereek
lakes. They report having a very
pleasant time, though the fishing was
not as good as they expected.
Miss C. E. Craig and a number of
her friends spent last week gathering
huckleberries. They returned bring
ing with them twenty gallons of ber
ries. The party all report having a
splendid time. While on their trip
they visited the mine owned by Mr.
Council and cxpiessed themselves
highly pleased with its development.
Other parties have been out gathering
tho delicious berries and report a good
I looked for him down, but ho went
to tho mills. C. I think E. will lose
10 per cent on that little speculation of
his. E. 1 feel bad since my bett girl
went back on me. li. But J like him,
if ho only know it. C. I will give you
a chromo for it. M. M. We could
not think why E. M. looked so bud ;
I guess we know now. E. He can
haul posts, for all I care, now. I.
C. & E.
woxnisitrtJL cuklk.
W. I). Iloyt & Co., Wholesale and Retail
DrugguU of Borne, Oa., says: Wo have
been felling Dr. King's Now Discovery,
Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnha Salvo
for two years. Have never handled reme
dies that soli as well, or give such universal
satic faction. There havo been some won
derful euros effected by those medicines in
this city. Several cane of pronounced Con
sumption have been entirely cured by a few
bottlen of Dr. King, New DUcovury, tuken
in connection with Electric Hitters. Wu
guarantee them alway. Hold nt Wright's
drug store, Union. Oregon.
Smith's WHlking gang plow, some
thing' now and just tho thing. For
Sulo by Frank Bros, hnplouient Co.,
IVJinrti City. 4
A "splry Letter I'lom Our
Co rvr spoiitl rut.
September 1st. 1S87.
Over coats are in order these morn
ings. None of the Sutnmerville diphtheria
canie this way.
Clark Newman left the doctor's care
this morning.
Mt. Emily had a light mantle of
snow yesterday morning.
La Grande will soon havo streets
she wont, he ashamed of.
Our water works are under an in
junction, but the water holds out.
Our city marshal now draws a sala
ry and can live if business is slim.
Put mm, the Liheralist, passed us by,
doubtless thinking wewcre bad enough
Kcw Oanny's mine in tho neighbor
hood of the Silver King is said to be a
good claim.
A fire in tho woods south of town
burned quite a lot of cord wood the
first of the week.
We are glad by writing for the
Scout, to bo able to furnish an item
each week for the Journal.
Dr. Hunan's new brick residence is
now enclosed and is a very tine u flair,
erected under the Dr's. personal super
vision. Tho Kinsey mine did not make a
transfer, as it was found that the man
to whom it was bonded was not worth
a cent.
We frequently havo music with our
meals at tho "Commercial" since the
new piano came good meals and
good music.
A largs delegation from Fairview
mining district have been doing our
town this week. The most of them
look rosy and rugged.
A mild and refreshing rain fell in
our part of the valley the first part of
tho week, which laid the dust and
rested the harvest hands.
A good many seem to think we aro
to have another wedding, soon, because
a certain house over the way has been
furnished altogether too fine for a
bachelor's house.
Prof. Ilindman is here holding a
teachers' examination in the High
school building. Several candidates
for certificates aro present, including
Geo. E. Owen and wife of Union.
Mac Tfichoy returned from Raker
cotintv. last brulay, and started out
the next morning for a general "round
up' ol uuntingtoirs noises, live oi
which had gone no one knew where.
Tho last Union Temperance meeting
was a good one. Hon. M. Raker and
Rev. Geo. Ellis each gave us a good
speech, after which a vote was taken
for Prohibition and almost every man
voted Aye.
It was reported last week that one
of our best young men hud run away,
but the next day ho returned, having
only made si trip to Baker. Some
people are entirely too careless with
their tongues.
The school teachers from this sect
ion who attended the Institute at Jo
seph, returned Monday evening.
They report quite a. large number in
attendance and a good time, which in
cluded an excursion on the lake.
Tho body of Win, Caldwell was
brought heie for a Coroner's inquest,
Monday. Tho jury returned a verdict
of death at the hands of Thomas Lem
on. On Tuesday morning tho corpse
was interred in the old cemetery, by
his neighbors of Ladd canyon, no rela
tive being present to shed- a tear at
his grave.
That is to say. your lungs. Also all your
breathing machinery, Very Wonderful ma
chinery it is. Not only the larger air-passages,
but the thousands of little tubes and
cavities leading frofn them.
When these arc clogged and choked with
matter which ought not to bo there, your
lungs cannot half do their work, And what
they do, they cunnotdo well,
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, ca
tarrh, consumption 05 any of tho family of
throat and nose and head and lung obstruc
tions, all are bad. All ought to bo got rid
of. Thcro is just one sure way to get rid of
them. That is to take Howheo's German
Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at
76ccnttia bottle. Kvnn If everything else
bus failed you, you may dupcml upon this
for certain.
If you want a lino pair of shoos or
boots, call on Mr. O. Vincent, who hat;
liibt received a lurgo assort ment of I
test styles from tho oatt. Ho will not bo
undi'rVold for t'atfj. Try him.
3, 1887.
Tlic Iiilitliii-ia on thr Wntit'M Litlo 1 it)
IH'oVfiiU'iit h ltinl Mllttri
Surliity ltrniN.
Plums aro selling at two cents per
lb. hore.
Farmers report
hands verv scarce
this seaeon.
F. B. Collins bus
moved into his
new house.
T. S. Paul is in Walla Walla the
present week, on a business trip.
II. Waldeck paid La Grande a visit
on Friday, returning Saturday morn
ing. J. L. McKTinnis' house is looming
up under the supervision of S. (!. John
son. New wheat is coming int. o the mills
hero and the millers pronounce tho
quality A. I.
Geo. Patten attended the dance at
Elgin on last Saturday evening. Re
ports a good time.
R. J. McWilliam, of Elgin, was in
town on Monday, shaking hands with
his many friends.
Many threshers are compelled to
wait until heading is over before they
will be able to start up.
F. II. Collins received a fine lot of
peaches from W. B. IlamiHon's ranehe
on Snake river, Saturday.
Judge Lasiker, of Walla Walla, was
here last week buying up young cattle
to take to his farm in Washington
Rev. J. V. Willert and wife returned
after a three months visit to friends
and relatives in tho Eastern states and
Jacob Groth finished plastering F.
B. Collins' house last week and Mr.
and Mrs. Collins will move in their
new home this week.
Fires aro very comfortable. Many
stoves have been put up this week
with llio usual amount of profanity
on tho part of the males.
Diphtheria ecare is almost over. No
new cases anil it is thought that the
wet weather will prevent the further
spread of this most malignant disease.
F. B. Collins has petitioned the
county court to bo released as admin
istrator of the estate of R. A. Nance,
deceased, having become satisfied that
it is useless to administer.
J. H. White, of Union, passed
through our town, Thursday, on his
way to tho Wallowa. Jun seemed to
be looking for somebody while here,
but went away looking a trifle disap
rhere iB some talk of a new hotel
being built soon. Tho old hotel will
change hands on October 1st. Mrs.
M. Austin will take charge of it at that
date, Mr. Truesdalo concluding to re
tiro, "Bill" Fine returned from Denver
not long since as fat and "sassy" aH a
bear. Ho disposed of his two car loads
of horses at a good profit and that
accounts for his fat appearance we
Eniina Slack, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. F. Slack, died on Wednesday of
laBtweek and was buried on Thursday.
This makes three deaths in that family
of late. The family have tho sympa
thy of all our citizens.
II. C. Rinohort will accept tho offer
made to him by the correspondent
from the Cove, to give a free exhibition
of his riding tho "wheel" at that place.
It is to bo hoped that he may have u
largo audience in attendance.
B. 1), 1 1 libers has become quite an
expert in tho management of horses.
Not long since ho had determined to
drive nothing in future but oxen, and
now ho drives tho most vicious of
horses without tho least apparent trou
ble. Lost by W. L. Smith, ono note dated
August 2.'!d, duo Jan. Int., 1S8H, draw
ing interest at 10 per cent and signed
by Rudolph Hug. Any ono finding
the same please return it to Mr. Hug,
as the same was paid and 11 receipt
taken therefor on August tho 25th.
What wero Ned and Harvey smiling
about last Monday? Dr. C. 1), They
did not have any allusion to your
horse hack riding. C. Oh, 1 am a
dandy when it comes to riding a wild
llroucho. Dr. 1). Yes, 1 should say
so, You ride frstcr than tho horso
occasionally, sometimes, now and then.
Reporter. Guess I wont say any
thing about Waldeok's little racket at
La Grande last weok, Crank.
Cvhtlntttd tit Mj'C pdyc.
iT0. 10.
NiWH of tin- M"Mk n Nnti'il ly our TVtd
Hnlu CfirrcNpuiult'iit.
Scptemlnjr 1st. 1887.
Horn. To the wife of J. 11. Horton,
on the (1th. tilt., a girl.
.Mrs. J. C. Doney and two children
have returned from Illinois after an
extruded visit among relatives in that
Adverted letters remaining in
Cove post oilieo, August 'iflth: Thos.
Clark, E. .1. Cameron, J. C. Johnson
and F. S. Vaughn (two).
Chas. Xewland and Wm, Aldrich,
Cove settlers in Long valley, Idaho,
returned this week. They are well
pleased with their new home.
Born. August the 2.rth, to the wifo
of James Russell, a daughter. All
concerned in the joyful event doing
well. Jim is able to leave his room
Mark Ellsworth started for Willam
ette valley, Monday. AfUr paying a
short visit to .Eugene he will return to
Portland and enter tho Scott Military
Wilson,H machine made a little sport
at Warren Chandler's last week.
Aaron Thomas was driving the horso
power and 1(12 bushels of wheat were
threshed in -llPminutes.
Mrs. Mark Stevens and daughter,
Miss Nellie, and .Master Karl, will start
oust next week, on a visit to friends
ami relatives. They will be absent
probably several niontlm.
J. Wagner, J. Russell and S. Bloom
have sold their surplus hop crop,
amounting to about 2f)0 tons, to La
Grando parties. Ten dollars per ton
is paid, delivered baled at the Union
M. H. Roes and family, also L. B.
Forrester and Dr. E. .r. Thomas, start
ed, Thursday, for a two weeks trip to
Long valley, Idaho. They go on a
pleasure trip, also to look at tho coun
try and bvwomo familiar witli its ad
vantages. Miss Mary H. Douglass, teacher of
language and literature in Ascension
school, has arrived from the east. Hho
is a toucher of experience and comes
very highly recommended. Tho first
session of the fourth year will com
mence next Monday, Kept. Hli.
Died. At the residence of the de
ceased's daughter, Mrs. Jas. Russell,
August, a 1st, Mrs. F. M. Whittemore.
Mrs. Crockett, of Milton, another
daughter, wan at the bed-side during
the last hours and did much to lessen
the final sull'eritigs of her loved mother.
The remains weie hiken to Pendleton
for burial, Thurrday.
Wallowa CountyJ is a very pleaaant
place, even if the people havo their
! breakfast hour, in the dead hours f
the night. Prof. S. It is a mistake.
I wasn't one of the procession of dusky
maidens coming up tho street, Satur
day. Gop. Stern necessity tcarfl
asunder the best of friends. Mark.
Don't feel ho bad. I don't think it to
bad, E, R. H. My occupation? I
give it up. A mini. My W. W. girl
is about to enter tho placid bonds of
padlock C. Cf. O.
Portland Stock Yards Report.
Portland, Or., Aug. 2S, 1887.
A nivalis of beef for the paBt week
have been fully up to standard, both
in quantity and quality. Tho steady
domain! from various points in tho
Sound country and Victoria in con
nection with our local market, (wliich
is of 110 little amount) has given quite
a lively tone to the market. The sheep
and lamb tradehas far exceeded that
of former weeks. The hog market al
so lias an upward tendency. The trade
in horses and mules is quite lively.
Auk. 2:j Beef 20 head; lauiba CI;
ltogs 70.
Aug. 21 Beef 10; sheup 120.
Aug. 25 Horses .'M; beef 10.
Aug. 2(5 Sheep 100; horses 10; bcci
Aug. 27 Beef (10; hog 80; sheopCS.
Aug. 2S Ueer 20 ; horses 14 ; lambs
Aug. 20 Beef 210.
Quotations. Beef, ;l O !1'J 0. grosa;
sheep, 2. 02 v gross; hogs, -1 ( -ljc.
gross ; lambs, 200. each.
Market generally, stronger.
Manager Portland Stock YuruV.
Stock of nil kinds sold on commission.
Stock fed, transferred and rcshipiMHl,
Try tho new bilking powder al.Jonei
Bro's. Only 115 cents a can. "Warra
Uvl m good i! uu' jKrwdor In llio mar
ket, Or immVy rc.'midvd.