Thomson k Purscl are agents for the celebrated Cyclone Wind Mill, and as the prices on them haveleeu great ly reduced tlicy are novr within the roMfh of all. Sample mill to he 5ecu at tlioir planer in North Union. Call aud examine it. & -.. ii... . . f aujiheuro, fMf gire ItZer nssiis tk&a a 5209 et S&rsep&ilk. r as ef tie icaJftd Bhzt Pwe&trs nitk vhicb :ic mcitt is glutta! REWARD w,3 ? pi& fer cry ess et Tifc?cuv uiiici Dr. Par&'3 Arwf. prtptf e rmaistunri si'-: ' reiitrt. Nervous Exhaustion. A Few Useful Hints For INVrvous People. "I am -o Mnon" i a err common ex WFe1i. o-l by bM t4d and youn?: and very !w can now be found who are free iron arrToa- troubles We io--res to see that the malady I rapidly inerraing. And ' lrm. what cau?e? There are varioa reas 0tB. It may be lecueof a low condition 4,of. the general health; the ljility of the norvou j.teni l depressed; or from a juant of j-erfect disetion and &."iraiiiation cf fttotl.and the vitltuln- power of pure, rich Wood, the nerve- are not properly .-trenlbened aatl nourshed.and cone!Uent I) Uxtitue weak and dl-cd. Thetewaa time nhen "nervoune'.',", a:l (hat cla- of dleae known a nervous aHeetloaK', ere amarently confined to ladie : but at tbe present day it i an un daabied fact that large a portion of ner HH di! exlt among men as anion; the pin tier e : and their dUtretjinr; aZcct and U:ing and encrratini; reult are a tit'i-atKl fakl more erkv, a they extend 14 poterll and are productive f a weak ened anl cn(eelSel rae. Nervou- and lAyical ! i , ha! by 3 1 mum vi i a frjufct nd 'i.trm?diae, its de ptesMa? inriucn e Curias felt alike oa both sexe and all a?e Araons the firl yta oo of th: atfeetiou are usually a de- r-npeaetof the dtgrtlve orgaa?. A feel ( I laiunir will be expcfietci!. aad a ;rad fa!Unf; of -irennh. with neral weak- tKsani pain in the back. More or Ic ex- hautatiun b eterieiiccd oa wakia; in th the ruomtag. There U eftea a bad tate in lli UHXiih , the vtekm Viora- dies, the xncMMMy U impatrfd, aad the ptUeat u trowbtoil with frofuent duxit. Person tha ecled are ftea depoodaat. and ruCcrfrom rWm aad iUprtJoo of the mind. The Mtra becoae so wfilftx-J that the loaat exi-itemest r hk bnat oa a tretaoror trewbtin. oftea attcsded by palpitation ef the heart. LADIES A 1 partiettlarH neeptlble to acrro& dttM, tMvinj partly t their more delMMl nervtMi orpiniiaiia lad partrr to their wttattary hie and cosvjaeEt rowan ww eat u-dar. Such affccUcs are att4l by retie-ari; aad acroa cache meat, aaxxfy or depcMva of the slnd, hmt intcrt" in MctMy aad the duly af lam of Mc. TWw sis ks ef sleep; the pal tent am rtisj in the ruarsicx. fcei US trci, Uspud and oarefmhed. Pre si Kpbt mttou, attack ut hyiVrrii. (roa tisa pJe "vervoer ' to utter prwtrauoa, there are laaay and vaned f ana of dixcj of the aen ou texa aoae of hich shocki cxt't, aad i ail if whrh -as be cured by ihccMcc Dr. Pardee's Remedy Which am rbSBaUtc tbeUtcr asd Uisry'a to bcakhy 2clOB,rral.lci the dirtsttir cr ?xa. and Um the ni dot bcriaa iu watk ef paniy Utg aa4 Vslkhs; ap the wra- ul yeaa It produce wM aad heiihy tteep. ctuirhe the bioi, aa.d taoaru to the pile ad aaHow cheek the 10 if ef bvakh, hh& Wishtar to the eye aad dxtkity va the iiep. il ore real beatit caa be derived fcvca oe half daiea tottie cf l)r lanktrV Restcdy, thau frcea a burred detUr is voted 1a aaj ether way. Ak joar draixut lor ft aai UXe oo tHber hi 11 V I tJtf Ctmit rWf tie .r Ofy. Frwl NtfttUse. Ilatalitl. ) w -John Nwliise. Peieadant. I To Jons NotnE. the vnv sxa prey .vxt: TN THK NAME or THE XTATK OF .1 Orrcm. y are hereby rri-mrr! to p-prandanwertli- rosn4aint SW r-unt von in the bve mtitkd action. 11 r be fore the fipt tlav of tbe next rrgnlar lenii rf tbe bnse enihled ennn. after ta ek"s puliieation of tbi nmmi in tbe Ontufy .- orr. to wit : on or l?fore J he '.tRh lay o September, A IV 17. awl if yoa fail t an-urr. for want thereof tbe'plaintiS' will judgement acatnt you for the wn of , :!.rv huifirtl sni thirty-is and "it one-hnmlrnlth- kIUr. tK?K.OS) with intent fnm April Sh. lvJ. and tbe farther saw ' 4 three hundred and forty-one and fortv- j four one-hundredth. liutt.-ir-. with inerrt from June lMh. !.-. and tbe fur-' ther ujn if three hundred and ixty-ven ' aad fiftv oce-humlrwith dollar. tVG-0 i with intere-t from June Slili. Isrt. -nl for. -ot and didttrstnent. lWendant will , further take notice that thi -nramon-: is : pahli-hed in the Ok-os .--corr. a weekly : newspaper pubKhcd at Union, in Union 1 OMintr. Orepon. bv order of the Hon. tt. W. j Walker, one ol the jodws of the Sixth Ju dicial Di-triet of ;be Mate of Orepoo. em- I braeioj; I'nion county, made ami dated ' Aerast 3rd. A. D. l.vC. T. H. C KAWFOBD. Atty. f,r riff, j 01 it ON. tXr Cfrrmit Wrt ( WW &mtr if frjon. Ir tU ta f mitt. Mary C. Iiprtt. plain tiT v C. C. Urttt. defendant. To C. C. Larrr. the irrr. ae ie'e- r vr - Itn the name or the state or ! JL Oregon. ou are hereby rtqired to ap ' pes.r al answer theco)laini riled acain: you in the above entitled uit and curt ' Vichin ten day from the date of the .-erriee I of thi Munition; upon you. if errcd within I thi county ; or. u nred in any other coun ty of tht ctate. then within twenty day? .from the date of the rrice ef thi um- mon upon you : or. if rerrtd by publication. I you are hereby required to appear and an swer the rosiploint nlj aeain-t you by the plaintiff ia the above entitled uit. oa or be I tore Monday, the 'Sh. day of September. 1 1:7. the iae Mtttz the firt day of the rej: j nlar term of the Circuit court of" the State of ( Oregon, for the county of I'nion. cowmen I cin next after the expiration of the time of . I ' L 1. t .1.1. . . ) zr 1 fail oto aiHear and anaer or otherwi-e J plead, the ptauirilT will apptv to the court I lor the relief prayed for in the complaint. o W ni: lor a oecree oe airircea-oiruic me I IockI- of atatriawMiv now exi-tin? leiween I piiiatid" and defendant, and for the o-t and dibur-emeat of thi -uil. Thi suraaion i pcbti-bpl by order of ! the Hon. 0. W. Walker.Judeeof said court. Dated at Lnioa. I nica county. Orecon. Juhr i?h. lso7. PirSP. i BURLEIGH. OC-wT. AttyV for Plff. rM3tOtv. :Xr fVrciir tU Snic Orrf. j'er lie 0.v f rt. W. P.V.ohlsbery, PlainJiil.l I-abeUa (iotd-bery. Defendaat. j To Iuttu GoLDsecav, thc above Dr rc.xnT: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP Orepon. Your are hereby required to ap pear and an-wer the complaint SIul araint you in the above entitled suit within ten day from the date of the service of thi unimoni mon yoa. if -erred within this county; or. U .served In auy other county ol this ":atc. then within twenty day i'ront the date of the service of thi -uuunon up on vou: or if served by puhlkralion. then by the th. Minday of Jcpiember, A. I). l.7, that beinj; the first day of shefirt ierm of the aboTe entitled court, nest ucceed sngsii full neck's pablication of this saui rnoo. upon yoa; and if you fail to answer, for want thereof the Plain tiff wilt take jedreaient arint you for the dissolution of tbcbonj ol tsatricaony existing between :h partlc hereto, and suca other rrlief a may be juit In thU suit m whkh W. P UoKl berv i PlfiT and IsaWlla Uoldsberry Is Iefendant. The above sumsaon i publi-hed by an order made at chamber on the Srd" dsy of Jane. at Pendleton Oreson. bv Hon" tl. W. Walker, tnrcult Hdce. that the above sunuivon be pubiihci for lx week in the OKKfiOS Scoct. a weekly newspaer published at Union, I'nioa countr. Ororon. A. MEA(HKN: 7-25-T. PUT Attv. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Ovrici: at Li fliuxrin. Orecon, ) Julr is. is:, f Notice i hereby jnven that the IoUoias- j named t-cttier ha aled notice of hi ;atrn- I Uon to make final proof in suitport of In j claim, and that said rcof will t made be- j fore Register and Ileeviver at La Grande, f Ore-ron. on Aurut ijh . I7. ru HEN RV MAYOTTE. Hd.No...iS3.forthe WS I NWaadNS SW. Sec 10 Tp I S R 4011 j xie narac liir iiwt,w m. mi;rs-es iu ysu aif continuous residence upon, ami culti vation of. vi! O. lea. Peter Goyette, WilKasi Alexander and Ed. Gar gon, all of Talon, Oregon. Hr.vtY RiMwvt:r. 7-V"i Raster. "NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Im Orncr, .it L-v Giumic. Oxjjgo.k.i JeJv 1S57 Kotv I ixrtbx rtrtu, Wilttaa E Mcl hotlas take doe notk-e, that the fotioiar nisi sttkr ha k d Btticc cf hU icta uen to sake fisaJ prccf in appon if his eUim. and that uiJ pr-f ill be taade :- ur taerrfisr aaj reeeirerat Laurano, CWcea. &a Sp- Sih. Tit; LSWI C. XI He najae tin" faiovi-ag t sk to prare hi coaUBcea releB upon, and eohiratiaa of. Mid Uad. lt: W. B BJti.W, O. Oireacr. W. A- Catea a&d J. HiaVVej. all of Tekcixt, Uaiea coeaty. Oregrto, Hon RumzaKT. 7-S F.?iMr. Xati ef Jlfptlcatlaa to Iiirrfc. Tim ber Lb4. U. S, LaaOrrrx, LOsa.nE,OatsOx. 1 Joa j l-7 ) Notice ii hereby pirea that, in coap)ar( with the pron. of the Act of Ci!tjf! appro ed Jcae S. entitled -"Aa Art far the t-ale of Tuaber Laadt in the tau of Cawiforaa. Orvpv.n. Nevada, aad Wahiae tca Temtorr &TKWART SCCLES. ho-e Pit-ic addresa 1 Union, Union court v. Onrroa. hat thu dav died in this otSce fcli application to rurrhate the sW'S section No XI iaToa)tjp No 2 South, Raape No. tl Kt, of the H tKimette merviiaa All perron hoidinj:. any adverse cUira thereto are re-qamd to prrseat the ase at this cfice ithla mtr dya frost the trH pao bcauca cf this souce. IIiN'av KDfsaxKr. o-U-wlft. Register. JOnCETO STOCKMEN. New Bndse. Unioa Co.. Orton, To aU. whom it MiY cxcxa: North of aVr river aad east cf Ear le creek . the II. BASsETT. D. S. Xo rT.C, for tirf SE and "SEH SWV; "VfJJtad X W,4 KE V. asd SEV. Sn fA-aTuiSR- K. W itocxaoen are o is; loue saltpetre is tnetr ; salt oa the range for their horse and cattle, j acJ partir that ar dealui in tock that ! thu u pou-iWJs to, bad Kitcr be careful I -aifwcuity'trtre thdr 1 T0CV5fEK. t mmtim-ni fto tttt pr. crtilitw, Imt tlic kl nian di-nkxl hhM , vehemently tlu. Ik-lutd any Mich in-, tentk! ami claimed thnt he would , pay U hi? indebtedness before I eTir ! took his dcparlttre. As he jeeme! to ; Im lionet in life jwombcf the ix.'Oile at , lenjith lopHn to think they were inLr- 1 taken in regard to hi? intontionf awl ; he w. tiot o cktly watchcti. On Tncxlay nipht of hut nwk lie however . ".-kippe! out" aid a number of eredior 1 are left lamenting. One of them pur-; -ued a far as WocxiwardV, Imt hestnl j that lie liad pa.-ed tliat pkee at S , o clock that morning and was at that tiae-2. 1. 31. no doubt safely across ! tlie Washington Territorj- line. It L ; akl tliat they liave located at some ; place near rrescott, and wewniM -warn the citiaen? of tlwt bce to s'v them , a wide N-rth. j Dieth On Wednesday Auc. 24th. i at 2 o'clock A. 31. of diptherui, after an illnes of IS davr, Charlie, the fix year okl chiki of S. L. and Ella 3lc-! Kenzie. Cliarlie had not been well for : Hme time proceeding the attack of ; diptheria that caused hi? death, and , when tliat terrible disease, K fatal to i tlie young, fastenwl it? relentle? hokl , upon him, all the etforU of human i skill sevintd powerless to prevent du- j solution. In vain did parent and kind friends minister to the wants of i the little sufferer. Charlie must dk". . The fktt had gone forth and the final hour must be faced '. How hard i: wa i to watch, and wait for tbe laeVbrvath, ; tbe breath tliat was the dmding line between the life that was and the life that is to bo-only tltose who have sutT-, cred a similar k; can know. Xo t wonder that a proud father bowed his s head in ancutsh and a kvinc mother ' wept as though the heart was broken. The funeral on W t-dnetday evening ( was: largely attended by hiends of the j atllicted family, wlio sought by this , hvst tribute of respect for the dead, to soften so far as posc-ible the blow that hsd fallen upou the parvnts of the ' dead child. Chariie was a bright boy, beloved by all, on account of his cheer ful, sunnv disposition. Bright temper ed, light of heart a an angel, he won : his way into tlie affection of all with whom he came in contact. Ionesome ; indeed is tlie borne of the stricken fam ily! A link is broken in the family circle, a vacant chair sits in tlie com- er of the room, the childish laurh that 1 gladdened the heart is hushed ! Tbe fond mother no more feels ths arms o: ; her oWet, her rirst Iwn chikl. around her neck. The rather looks in vain to catch a glimpse of tlie boy who was J the sunlight of his liomc. Charlie is gone! The words send a thrill of an-' guih to tlie heart as we reflect that never again in this life caa we hoje to , soe the bright form oi the loved one t now gone. We cannot penetrate the ' curtain of futurity, ihat hide.? him from our gaie, but we mu-t roaliie the fact that at some time in the not far o:T future we too must ass through the Portals that scperate death from life. , Wc know too, tliat not until tliat time luvs come can we liope to meet the loved ones that have pal from our lives, ami be s. wallowed np in the grave. ' Then cau the now stricken family hope to clasp to the heart the boy that now sleeps -o quietly upon the hill where lies the city of the dead of this vicinity. God grant that when that meeting tnke place tliat all may meet. That no face may be missing! But that aH united may stand around the groat white throne of God. ! Frank Bro's Implement Co., of Isl and City, carry tin largs-t stock of standard implements to be found in Eastern Oregon. Their terms and pri ces defy competition. They always ; liave on hand extras and repairs for ; gccds they sell, which is a matter of j great importance to the imrettAser. 5 -V7 TOTI'E Is HEREBY GIVES THAT J 1 ea!rd bids will b recesred by the eoan- ; tv court of Union county. Orecon. np to J sVptewher th at 12 M for the deflTerj of 40cord of rood far foot eori irood. in the eoert houe yard at Union. Orrjroo, par- j aMe in coin 1. T GOOD ALL. j I'oodtT Judfe. j SHK1UK1-S SALE. j 1Y VIRTUE 0FAN EXRCUTION ! Dand order of sale ioed oat W the Or-, eait ourt of the Stite of Ortscoa, for Unioa ' cocatr. to ae directed auddeB'tred. bear- 1 in? date of Arat W. A. D. 17. sp a jQdreaent atd decree of lorx-c sore of a cwchaaic Itin. readertvi In said coart oa ' tae Iib dav c! NoreaKr. A. V. I V. in favor of NeVtoa Parsoa, pialnuiT and apunsl B. F. Ropers, defendant, ret-jairin? me thit oat of the property hereinafter de scribed, and desenhtd In od decree. I sate the rb of efhty.U do'Ur (fi(0i rith interest at the rate of? per cent per aaaass. from March ITth A. U. lirf. to- . pether alth the csis ar.d dibirseot of ! thi suit, taxed at the asa of tety-three ! aad eaht-Befr&e-hundndth dollars 02J. jlaJM wtrexs. hr said deere it vis ordertd that the Wk iag d-enVi prorrtv he soid. to rt Tbe t.idia? aad dvetiiat: fcoce sitsatod oa Sot No. I. la bJori No, 27 in the tora of Nonhrorder.UaianeooBty.rroa. there fore I tll Ml! oa Mo.i4ay. the lih day of epi., A D IS57. at! ' k p ta. of aid day, at pohlK aacaoa, at the ert hoo- dcirin I'pioo. U&iaa caBty, Oreroa. a3 thervht title and iatemt which the said defendaat B- F. Eopnr ha.i. au ar aiier the 1$ h day of March. A. D. ia or to said property. Terras of sale - Cash ta zae ia htad. Dated at shersT ee this lith day f Angtist A. D. Uc7. A.N. HAMILTON. iaer-S of Unio Casty, Orrfea. S--7-i. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OrncE at La G-li-xdi, Ocy. Aur-15. 1567. ( Notice 1 berthy riwa that the Isftwra, cajaed settler ha tied aolaee of Us late tioa to raake final proof la support of hts daitn. ami that tM pivot - Eiaue K- , for the RjrUter nsd Receltrer u La l'iraaie. Oregon. e Srot -Sh. Iss7 ill JOHN W. BAULT. Ha. No. fr the . SMiTlsR 10. E W M. H assae U. ' folVwu-.r. itreH to prove his eeuaBa. I reidcfiei upoa. aad ca tivatua cJ. saii 1 Uad. iu. Robert V. AJeaaadr. T A. I Nelta John Hcatsa aad Ji "K"earee j aJ of Suaitssernlle, Uaioacoaaty Orrjwc ; Horrr RlscjuCi eV.W-5 ntiUf" ! lM)ltl.V. Ikf t r;irvf f - for r (Vwat. Nkh,4a Tarter, ftaintlff. T K. D. Bainl, NeWun SrhtHMwrer. sdm.i traior of tbe estair oi M. R. B . id. . e ceased. Jame MiieliWl. Na- ey J. tih I al David M.chal. Gcorcc Balnt. TV J Haird, L'avW lUird. 4oha lVjirl. It ; 1 Haird. Nacrir Smith. Krart? IfoweH P.ud or i-avtd Howell, KalS H.-aei . Marr A. Lhic. Atewr'La Lrit. Br,; L -n.-. W. S. Iyr.g. A E. Eaton, and Mj: E. Katon. lVMrM laKs. To Naiicy J. MKhab, David Mkbais. Gt .rsx Raird. Thoma J . Kalrd. Jo-hua Haird. Evan HowelL Had or Itorid KoH!. aad Kaieto HweU. above named det'ea dant.': f.V THK NAXE OF THK STATE op 1 On ro. y. and each of you are hereby reuirtd lo appear and aa-vrr the - n plaint hhd asai:.t you in the above e--:.-tied suit and court by the Aft day f the cext term of said court. after pabheatsnn '.f thtf summons sLv west, to wit : cn'.l.t 3 th. day of September. IS7. and if yu fait to asswer. for want thereof tb? pllimlu iil apply to tbecfurt for the relief demn'ii la thi complaint, vix a uWrxe fonc o.iir all of aid defend, at rijrljt- tlt:e a-.d ir ter cet in certain njortgasv-d -rr -t vie- n-d in said cwmplaint. J: 1 S.ii. Bloci No. Ten of the town . f I nka :tj l"n kn coujtr, ?-tc of Ore-ron. a-- rd r, to the plat 'f said P-'wn a- re- o-del -,n tbe clerk otSce of said eouaty and iute. ex cept 3) feet " the west end oi said heretofore deeded to the ettv of Uniun ; also Lots No s. 1. S. T and s of Block No. One .4 Lewi' addition to the town of North Union, in l"nn county. Ore-ron. accorvlicg tw the plat of -aid addition rum on record in tbe e!erk"s oftlce f -a d conr.ty and State: also Lot 4 . 6&o4 7 of B.ockOiu of Mcfullv addition to the town of N-rt.i I'nion In Union -ouBtv.r. acc.irdi:.- to :ht plat of aid addition a reeoriii ir. :h eouaty clerk's oKee of aid .xutiy and State; aio Let Pour of Biock One of t'ie to'vrn of West Union, in Usion county. . pon, according to the of sal i t. w-, x recorded in the lounty clerk" oilice ; -a. county and state, escept anundivi.i-d ha.f interest in the -ou:b it feet o' -.d '. : bert tofore deeded to K. t ". Brainarc. to -at-ify tbe sum of il,0. and intev-t t;ii r n at 10 per cent, per anr.nm. from Ivc S.V.. l.vA. due on a promisary note ma ie .-y i M. B. Bai'd, deceased, in bis lite t:n c, ar.d fur the sum o $1SX'.'J attorney fee in b-. -uit. for tlie judgement appljin- the pr- opeds i-f aid ale' to the sati-faet:.n .f -aid amount and the cost- and-di-bursmtnT-A thi ui:. and that you may be f'-rvr barred and forecio-ed of all risk, titte u: intere.-t in and to said described prrr.i- and rverv part thereuf a- heir- at law of the jld M. B- Biird, decea-ed. 'r . ti,-rw-;e. and for peneral relief, and you i'l futlie take aoiiee that thi- -umrn'm- i pubii-hel bv order of the Hon. G. W. Walker. Jud-v oi the -aid Circuit Court. niad- &t ch m ber at pendleton, Ort-son .n the Sih day of Aejnist, l.N-T. Dated thi- 10A day of An-TU-l, 17. C. H. FINN. ;-13-aT Atty. for PUT. St'JUlON"-:. tkr rtrrmit Court of te .Snfe of fur I'mwh I'mmmty. A. E. Jton, 1 lain tin", ) Thoma- P. Baird Sr. ami f Lydia B. Baird. Hefendants. To Tho is" P. Baird. Sr. Lvna B. Bir. tue above Msin MirtsDixT: TN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF -L Orcein, you and earh of you are hereby rt-quired to appear and atiswer the com plaint of the ptsintitt aUive named, filed trains: you in the alve entitled suit on or before tie Sr-t day of the term of the above entitled court next after the pnSslicatioa of this summon for ii c-:uiiv week. to wit : on Monday, the -rtith day of -efKtat-ber, 17, and if you fail so to appear and anwer or othefwi- plead, the pbiniid -Kill demand judt-taent and dnree a-rain-t yu for the nlief prayd for in h;- com plaint herein, to wi: judgment de fendant T. P. Baird .-r. for uie sum of $jm0i with interest thereon at the rate if 10 percent, ptr annum. fr.-m tbe 23rd day oi srp.eHiber. Is.-!, and fr tLe funnt-r -uui of JTO 0) a reaonab'e attorney fee :n this suit, and fr co-t- and di-bur-ei t-::t-, and for a deeree aeUnst ,:eft ncaa - T P Baud Sr and Ldia K. Baird K r a firec'o. ureof p'a;niitf"s mortra.t upon the Uiio-in-de-erilJ real p'optrry, twit: l'...m mencins at ahe NE corner of Lot No. .-. in Blsf k No. of tbe ti-nt of I'nion. Union cuunly, Ore-jnn. runnins thence Wes" H0 fext; "thence South K feet; thence Ka, M feet ; thence North 10) feet to the pji.e of beiaain?. Thi summon- is published bv order of the Hon. G. W "A alkr. Judge oi -a:d court, ditcd at chambers the VM. day o: Aurust BAKER.SHELTON BAKER J-lS-w7 Attorneys for Plain: in". l"?l)lON. t'f Cimit Comrtof tie SlttU fw, for ti Cumatim or J. K. Harker. llaiBlilf. , Vs f Man Barker, ' T M.var Bvskct. the -.sove svxto D' r.s TNfllE NAME F THE STATE oF XUreiexsn. y are hereby reqnire-i ;i .-p-pmrand aaeer tbe MirCrin: t od sra n-: vou in the above entitied suit on r bert the ar-; day of tbe neat Prgixr J- r . vf the Circait (Vurt of the ate ni Oregon, for the county f I ' ion. to it on or Sefote the h ly septtaher. A. D ls. The drfentl-at wru. take notice that if she fail to a-.-ssr t .e e mpUint herein wi hin the in e a't e .pesned. the plamtiif fill ar-piy t- th atove entitled ootirt for the reh-i d i.n inl in hi emplaiat fcf in. k -nt . :or c: siatsoaoi tbe ma. iare oestraet r.. w exis tmc betTtto piaia'ifi' and dcsTcttdan:, ar-ti the pround tet forth ia cocnpUiat. U- v:t spaa the ctosikI of n-Ufol desert o You further take that thi ur motas I pabksard six c-eeuiive week- prior w said tisse for an'werla? the cuaa-siaiRt her -in. by order of Hon. Luther B. I -on. iadgt of ad cosirt, vhieb order is dsud Aacust 11 tb. Is7. HYDKfc HYDE. e-U-vj Attys for PW. DIjOUTIO.V NOTICE. Notice is hereby nicss that the eproe.--iip heretofore existi: betv tie wusdee sihed. tander Use arm na of Albertoa Givlord. if thi day di"Jvtl my sauroaJ cotsses The baiat -trill be eouti-aatl at tbe pfaure of btaiDes heretofore c-ropard bv the old arm. J. L. AlkerMS ia -eule at bahil ties aad e 4k all otUMandic u drfknt de said arm- CW.faa.0 J-jy LN A. H tiAYUiKl'. 'Ue of Ap(iStl t I'orehae TSm. hr Land. r S. LvX Of ncx. La sxxm- Ou-u .. Jtatte 35, s Nuee i beey rw thai. " apJce wJt the uvnw oi the Ac of Cossgt-ai-. apprv4 Jmssr t IsTa rssntWd A Art fcw tie sale of Tias La to lK uw CaisfiKstaa. Oresron. Nia4a. aad Wuksu toss Territory." AKTHl R Bl'MCK. b tMkst-oSoe iddr s 1U, I a tv. Urrioa. ha ik a aled to tfei. has aMlacatw t psarrba ibe -sKV NMi isotsaoa No 2 to Tostup V 4 -Jacth. Raswre No t H of Wli Uavctte saecidwa All aroa.i bolihssg aav adverse caaba lirrto axe r aired u preeat the ate at tbis ofiee vt urn itj iai s f imb the psibimoVja th aee "2S-ri 1 i m nil W. O. Proprietor. , 1-.. . . v . r Dt . v t I k ' i lilt lint', tn.inufflctured I 't e a: - ' H ' - ' (T K " 1' Best lot of sufhlk'. at hnrrr price than were j ever offered in Eastern Oregon, ! LEAD HARNESS. HORSE BLANKETS, CURRY COMBS, U'caFril VS-OUTMENT of PUUS WH1I'. AXLE fJHEAE, HARNES8 jOIL Kti. F.r- . In UA ever thi ir nuaiiy kept in a First Class Establishment. :yymiyi tOUPOSlTE CENTENXIAL HOTEL.) !j. S- ELLIOTT, X. i 'V.DiLj I iifi iia.-a. ' ,"- ' Buss to and Flora the Depot Making Connection with all Trains. -r-v -1 T 1 ; Daily btage Line to tove, Carrying Fast Freight and Passengers. Laiv U. v. - -t -i'f - - j1 'Cturnlni; in morning, making coiinectieu with :-.:.. Fare " cr:.:-: r -.r 75 tent. ail h m b na ngDniiiiiiiii Union, Oregon, IE. fVllLLER, - - Proprietor. I II r- r ! ar- :. r :-' r-'fittnl tjit- aiT.c. it will be conducted on an en- I :nlv .i:Serv-.! .". 'e', ;-n'I no pjin will Ik; spared to make patrons com J firt-bk! ir. i.- .n--. -: :. t .t h"!o I an elegant I Where the Finest Ur.'.ndi of i Wines. Liquors and stantly The patronaze of the put. lie L -.'lu i;ed. MITCHELL & LEWIS .CO., 'LIMITED.) Factory, Racine. Wisconsin. Branch. Portland, Oregon. Ma'ti'act rc- Carriages, Buggies, Eoad Carts, Spring AYagons, etc-. Ill Fil ii 11 IK CANTON ULIFPEK PLOW,. HARROWS, ETC. GALE CHILLED PLOWS, AND IDEAL FEED MILLS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST, FREE. MITCHELL , CO , Linmei. HOWLAND IBMS d mm SEALERS. JHrlitSslHBHp Keep constantly on hand a K0001 ei?, mMding uesKS, unice uurnuure etc. j UPHOLSTERING Done in the Best Style. ! Laar Vatr,--e. nd all k'nds of FurnHure made to order. Year patronagu J tuacihai. str p-.o- arv taonablo. ( Main Street Union Oregon. ?)? SUMP Jones Bro's. - j NEW SCENERY and ACCESSORIES JUST RECEIVED: Ul lands of photographic work done in a su 1 perior manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. Tim of Residences Taken on Applicafloit aiuiiui q .nam Direct, union, vrejjotl. Pmnripnr nial Hotel Cigars are kept con on hand. E. MILLER, Proprietor. of and Dealer? in Phaetons, Buckboards k), Front St., Portland, Or $c WILSON, laipp supply of Parlor and BgJ f a miiw - Artists. 1 mm 1